• https://www.shareapuzzle.com/play/18358/TheSelfAndThePuzzledPeople_theSRNEWSProjectJune6th2024.htm
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  • Fauci knew the Chinese military was involved in all research at Wuhan laboratories, including that China’s military ran a bioweapons program at the Wuhan Institute of Virology labs. Yet, Dr. Fauci continued to use taxpayer money to fund the research projects in Wuhan, China.
    Fauci knew the Chinese military was involved in all research at Wuhan laboratories, including that China’s military ran a bioweapons program at the Wuhan Institute of Virology labs. Yet, Dr. Fauci continued to use taxpayer money to fund the research projects in Wuhan, China. https://www.theepochtimes.com/opinion/under-oath-fauci-must-answer-these-questions-5660314?utm_source=partner&utm_campaign=ZeroHedge
    Under Oath, Fauci Must Answer These Questions
    We must demand answers for the numerous unresolved issues related to Dr. Fauci’s potential role in the origins of COVID-19, and the subsequent cover-up.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 137 Views
  • Donner Lake: The Perfect Place for A Family & Friends Dinner
    More information BELOW THE VIDEO on the Channel

    In 1846, a group of families set out for California in search of a better life. However, their journey took a tragic turn as they encountered brutal weather conditions, dwindling supplies, and forced to resort to extreme measures for survival, including cannibalism. The Donner Party's ordeal became a symbol of resilience and desperation in the face of adversity.

    Despite the grim circumstances, this wild, western tale has captivated generations, serving as both a cautionary tale and a reminder of the enduring human will to survive -- no matter what.

    Join us as we explore the untold details and lasting legacy of this unforgettable chapter in American frontier history.

    This is the REAL story of the Donner Party.

    I'm no expert on precious metals, but I think it would be a good idea to invest in some of these BEFORE the proverbial #SHTF

    Mead Industries
    PO Box 402
    411 Walnut Street
    (308) 583-2875
    Wood River, Nebraska 68883
    Donner Lake: The Perfect Place for A Family & Friends Dinner More information BELOW THE VIDEO on the Channel In 1846, a group of families set out for California in search of a better life. However, their journey took a tragic turn as they encountered brutal weather conditions, dwindling supplies, and forced to resort to extreme measures for survival, including cannibalism. The Donner Party's ordeal became a symbol of resilience and desperation in the face of adversity. Despite the grim circumstances, this wild, western tale has captivated generations, serving as both a cautionary tale and a reminder of the enduring human will to survive -- no matter what. Join us as we explore the untold details and lasting legacy of this unforgettable chapter in American frontier history. This is the REAL story of the Donner Party. I'm no expert on precious metals, but I think it would be a good idea to invest in some of these BEFORE the proverbial #SHTF https://meadammo.com/projectile/ Mead Industries PO Box 402 411 Walnut Street (308) 583-2875 Wood River, Nebraska 68883 https://meadammo.com/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 234 Views
  • I'm no expert in precious metals, but I think it would be a good idea to invest in some of these BEFORE the proverbial #SHTF

    Mead Industries
    PO Box 402
    411 Walnut Street
    Wood River, Nebraska 68883
    I'm no expert in precious metals, but I think it would be a good idea to invest in some of these BEFORE the proverbial #SHTF https://meadammo.com/projectile/ Mead Industries PO Box 402 411 Walnut Street Wood River, Nebraska 68883 https://meadammo.com/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 94 Views
  • On your Mark ...
    On your Mark ... https://www.shareapuzzle.com/play/18358/ACross-WordSearchThatsEqual-oppositeOrMarked_theSRNEWSProject6012024.htm
    0 Comments 0 Shares 75 Views

  • Musk and Trump have begun speaking several times a month since privately meeting in March at the home of billionaire investor Nelson Peltz, The Wall Street Journal revealed yesterday.

    The two men reportedly have discussed an advisory role for Musk if Trump wins back the White House in November — potentially giving the Tesla CEO influence over economic and border policies.
    Musk, in turn, briefed Trump in March about his plans to invest in a data-driven project devoted to preventing voter fraud, according to the Journal.
    Musk and Trump have begun speaking several times a month since privately meeting in March at the home of billionaire investor Nelson Peltz, The Wall Street Journal revealed yesterday. The two men reportedly have discussed an advisory role for Musk if Trump wins back the White House in November — potentially giving the Tesla CEO influence over economic and border policies. Musk, in turn, briefed Trump in March about his plans to invest in a data-driven project devoted to preventing voter fraud, according to the Journal.
    0 Comments 3 Shares 278 Views
  • 1 Thessalonians 5:18
    "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."

    A friend of mine was the Rig Administrator on this project for over a year before this happened.

    "Before the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, Deepwater Horizon, I was the Rig Administrator on the project for over a year. A better job offer came along and I bid them farewell. Perhaps the Good Lord had my Six."

    Deepwater Horizon: The World's Biggest Oil Spill Disaster | ENDEVR Documentary
    570,798 views Mar 15, 2023 #ENDEVR #FreeDocumentary #deepwaterhorizon

    Narrated by Matt Damon and in time for the ten year anniversary in April 2020, this two-part special investigates the the environmental health of the Gulf of Mexico in the years since the Deepwater Horizon blowout in April 2010: that's when the world's ninth largest body of water became a place where thousands of communities and millions of citizens were put in jeopardy by a single incident – the biggest oil spill in U.S. history.

    Today, a global team of scientists is working together to protect and restore one of our planet's most valuable natural resources. Their ultimate goal is to learn how to cope with the challenges of future oil spills.

    1 Thessalonians 5:18 "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." A friend of mine was the Rig Administrator on this project for over a year before this happened. "Before the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, Deepwater Horizon, I was the Rig Administrator on the project for over a year. A better job offer came along and I bid them farewell. Perhaps the Good Lord had my Six." Deepwater Horizon: The World's Biggest Oil Spill Disaster | ENDEVR Documentary 570,798 views Mar 15, 2023 #ENDEVR #FreeDocumentary #deepwaterhorizon Narrated by Matt Damon and in time for the ten year anniversary in April 2020, this two-part special investigates the the environmental health of the Gulf of Mexico in the years since the Deepwater Horizon blowout in April 2010: that's when the world's ninth largest body of water became a place where thousands of communities and millions of citizens were put in jeopardy by a single incident – the biggest oil spill in U.S. history. Today, a global team of scientists is working together to protect and restore one of our planet's most valuable natural resources. Their ultimate goal is to learn how to cope with the challenges of future oil spills. https://youtu.be/pLqwtK297kM?si=s9fp6LOwbqE23mFV
    0 Comments 0 Shares 498 Views
  • Musk is a partner in Germany’s mRNA project, since Tesla has a partnership with the German mRNA company CureVac to produce so-called ‘RNA printers’: an automated system for manufacturing mRNA and mRNA-based drugs. CureVac is Germany’s ‘other’ mRNA company. Like BioNTech, whose COVID-19 vaccine has been marketed by Pfizer in most of the world, and the two German companies’ American rival Moderna, CureVac was also in the running to produce a COVID-19 vaccine.
    Musk is a partner in Germany’s mRNA project, since Tesla has a partnership with the German mRNA company CureVac to produce so-called ‘RNA printers’: an automated system for manufacturing mRNA and mRNA-based drugs. CureVac is Germany’s ‘other’ mRNA company. Like BioNTech, whose COVID-19 vaccine has been marketed by Pfizer in most of the world, and the two German companies’ American rival Moderna, CureVac was also in the running to produce a COVID-19 vaccine. https://principia-scientific.com/elon-musks-love-affair-with-mrna/
    Elon Musk’s Love Affair With mRNA
    Another ringing endorsement of mRNA technology by Elon Musk has again left some of his fans dismayed and perplexed.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 416 Views
  • Blinken and the politicians talk about our categorical imperative in Ukraine, how the world relies on America to “defend democracy” and “protect the rules-based order.” But their words ring hollow. The cynical truth is that what Russia breaks, America will take—using confiscated money to fund a massive rebuilding project that will be poorly managed, but lucrative for the chosen few involved.
    Blinken and the politicians talk about our categorical imperative in Ukraine, how the world relies on America to “defend democracy” and “protect the rules-based order.” But their words ring hollow. The cynical truth is that what Russia breaks, America will take—using confiscated money to fund a massive rebuilding project that will be poorly managed, but lucrative for the chosen few involved. https://realclearwire.com/articles/2024/05/23/you_break_it_we_take_it_1033431.html
    You Break It, We Take It
    All Aboard! Here comes the latest Postwar Gravy Train, laden with massive government spending, lax oversight and other goodies for cunning contractors and economic opportunists seeking to benefit from
    0 Comments 0 Shares 206 Views

    “In our dream we have limitless resources, and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hand. The present educational conventions fade from our minds; and, unhampered by tradition, we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive rural folk. We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning or of science. We are not to raise up among them authors, orators, poets, or men of letters. We shall not search for embryo great artists, painters, musicians. Nor will we cherish even the humbler ambition to raise up from among them lawyers, doctors, preachers, statesmen, of whom we now have ample supply.”

    - Rev. Frederick T. Gates, Business Advisor to John D. Rockefeller Sr., 1913 [1]

    The current American school system took root around the turn of the century. In 1903, John D. Rockefeller founded the General Education Board, which provided major funding for schools across the country and was especially active in promoting the State-controlled public school movement.

    Rockefeller Education Board, 1915

    The General Education Board was not interested in encouraging critical thinking. Rather, its focus was on organizing children and creating reliable, predictable, obedient citizens. As award-winning former teacher John Gatto puts it, “school was looked upon from the first part of the 20th Century as a branch of industry and a tool of governance.” The Rockefellers, along with other financial elite and their philanthropic organizations (such as the Gates, Carnegies, and Vanderbilts) have been able to mold society by funding and pushing compulsory state schooling for the masses.

    Here’s a timeline to show the radical shift in education and the influence of the financial elite.

    Pre 1840: Literacy Rates High, Schools Predominantly Private and Locally Controlled

    Up until the 1840’s, the American school system was mainly private, decentralized, and home schooling was common. Americans were well educated and literacy rates were high.

    1852: Massachusetts Passes First Mandatory Attendance Law

    1902: John D. Rockefeller Creates the General Education Board

    At the ultimate cost of $129 million, the General Education Board provided major funding for schools across the nation and was very influential in shaping the current school system.

    1905: Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching is Founded

    1906: NEA Becomes a Federally Chartered Association

    1913: Frederick T. Gates, Director of Charity for the Rockefeller Foundation, Writes “In our dream…the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hand”

    Frederick T. Gates wrote in The Country School of Tomorrow, Occasional Papers Number 1:

    “In our dream we have limitless resources, and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hand. The present educational conventions fade from our minds; and, unhampered by tradition, we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive rural folk. We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning or of science. We are not to raise up among them authors, orators, poets, or men of letters. We shall not search for embryo great artists, painters, musicians. Nor will we cherish even the humbler ambition to raise up from among them lawyers, doctors, preachers, statesmen, of whom we now have ample supply.”

    1914: National Education Association (NEA) Alarmed by the Activity of the Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations

    At an annual meeting in St. Paul Minnesota, a resolution was passed by the Normal School Section of the NEA. An excerpt stated:

    “We view with alarm the activity of the Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations — agencies not in any way responsible to the people — in their efforts to control the policies of our State educational institutions, to fashion after their conception and to standardize our courses of study, and to surround the institutions with conditions which menace true academic freedom and defeat the primary purpose of democracy as heretofore preserved inviolate in our common schools, normal schools, and universities.”

    1917: NEA Reorganizes and Moves to Washington DC

    The NEA is the largest labor union in the U.S., representing public school teachers and other school faculty and staff. It generally opposes merit pay, school vouchers, accountability reforms, and more.

    1918: Every State Requires Students to Complete Elementary School

    1932: “Eight Year Study” — Largely funded by Carnegie Corporation of New York and the General Education Board

    This laid the groundwork for education reform and the schooling system we have today.

    1946: Rockefeller Foundation grants the General Education Board $7.5 billion

    1953: Reece Committee of the US House of Representatives Reveals Agenda of Carnegie Endowment and Rockefeller Foundation on Education

    “It seems incredible that the trustees of typically American fortune-created foundations should have permitted them to be used to finance ideas and practices incompatible with the fundamental concepts of our Constitution. Yet there seems evidence that this may have occurred.”

    -Norman Dodd, Director of Research, Special Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations, 1954 [2]

    1968: Edith Roosevelt’s Article “The Foundation Machine” Indicts Carnegie Funded Textbooks

    Carnegie funded “Programmed Textbooks” were distributed to “culturally deprived areas.” Edith Roosevelt stated that “these young children are being indoctrinated with a pattern of anti-social ideas that will completely and violently alienate them from the mainstream of American middle-class values.”

    1979: US Department of Education Created

    1986: Carnegie Teaching Panel Charts New Teacher Framework & Provides $900,000 in Grants for Reforms

    2003: 14% of American Adults are Illiterate

    The National Assessment of Adult Literacy (NAAL) administered tests which revealed 14% of US residents would have extreme difficulty with reading and written comprehension. In 2003, some 30 million American adults had Below Basic prose literacy, 27 million had Below Basic document literacy, and 46 million had Below Basic quantitative literacy.

    Related Links:





    [1] Frederick T. Gates, “The Country School of Tomorrow,” Occasional Papers, no.1 (New York: General Education Board, 1913), p. 6.

    [2] http://www.scribd.com/doc/3768227/Dodd-Report-to-the-Reece-Committee-on-Foundations-1954

    THE ORIGIN OF COMPULSORY SCHOOLING “In our dream we have limitless resources, and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hand. The present educational conventions fade from our minds; and, unhampered by tradition, we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive rural folk. We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning or of science. We are not to raise up among them authors, orators, poets, or men of letters. We shall not search for embryo great artists, painters, musicians. Nor will we cherish even the humbler ambition to raise up from among them lawyers, doctors, preachers, statesmen, of whom we now have ample supply.” - Rev. Frederick T. Gates, Business Advisor to John D. Rockefeller Sr., 1913 [1] The current American school system took root around the turn of the century. In 1903, John D. Rockefeller founded the General Education Board, which provided major funding for schools across the country and was especially active in promoting the State-controlled public school movement. Rockefeller Education Board, 1915 The General Education Board was not interested in encouraging critical thinking. Rather, its focus was on organizing children and creating reliable, predictable, obedient citizens. As award-winning former teacher John Gatto puts it, “school was looked upon from the first part of the 20th Century as a branch of industry and a tool of governance.” The Rockefellers, along with other financial elite and their philanthropic organizations (such as the Gates, Carnegies, and Vanderbilts) have been able to mold society by funding and pushing compulsory state schooling for the masses. Here’s a timeline to show the radical shift in education and the influence of the financial elite. Pre 1840: Literacy Rates High, Schools Predominantly Private and Locally Controlled Up until the 1840’s, the American school system was mainly private, decentralized, and home schooling was common. Americans were well educated and literacy rates were high. 1852: Massachusetts Passes First Mandatory Attendance Law 1902: John D. Rockefeller Creates the General Education Board At the ultimate cost of $129 million, the General Education Board provided major funding for schools across the nation and was very influential in shaping the current school system. 1905: Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching is Founded 1906: NEA Becomes a Federally Chartered Association 1913: Frederick T. Gates, Director of Charity for the Rockefeller Foundation, Writes “In our dream…the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hand” Frederick T. Gates wrote in The Country School of Tomorrow, Occasional Papers Number 1: “In our dream we have limitless resources, and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hand. The present educational conventions fade from our minds; and, unhampered by tradition, we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive rural folk. We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning or of science. We are not to raise up among them authors, orators, poets, or men of letters. We shall not search for embryo great artists, painters, musicians. Nor will we cherish even the humbler ambition to raise up from among them lawyers, doctors, preachers, statesmen, of whom we now have ample supply.” 1914: National Education Association (NEA) Alarmed by the Activity of the Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations At an annual meeting in St. Paul Minnesota, a resolution was passed by the Normal School Section of the NEA. An excerpt stated: “We view with alarm the activity of the Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations — agencies not in any way responsible to the people — in their efforts to control the policies of our State educational institutions, to fashion after their conception and to standardize our courses of study, and to surround the institutions with conditions which menace true academic freedom and defeat the primary purpose of democracy as heretofore preserved inviolate in our common schools, normal schools, and universities.” 1917: NEA Reorganizes and Moves to Washington DC The NEA is the largest labor union in the U.S., representing public school teachers and other school faculty and staff. It generally opposes merit pay, school vouchers, accountability reforms, and more. 1918: Every State Requires Students to Complete Elementary School 1932: “Eight Year Study” — Largely funded by Carnegie Corporation of New York and the General Education Board This laid the groundwork for education reform and the schooling system we have today. 1946: Rockefeller Foundation grants the General Education Board $7.5 billion 1953: Reece Committee of the US House of Representatives Reveals Agenda of Carnegie Endowment and Rockefeller Foundation on Education “It seems incredible that the trustees of typically American fortune-created foundations should have permitted them to be used to finance ideas and practices incompatible with the fundamental concepts of our Constitution. Yet there seems evidence that this may have occurred.” -Norman Dodd, Director of Research, Special Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations, 1954 [2] 1968: Edith Roosevelt’s Article “The Foundation Machine” Indicts Carnegie Funded Textbooks Carnegie funded “Programmed Textbooks” were distributed to “culturally deprived areas.” Edith Roosevelt stated that “these young children are being indoctrinated with a pattern of anti-social ideas that will completely and violently alienate them from the mainstream of American middle-class values.” 1979: US Department of Education Created 1986: Carnegie Teaching Panel Charts New Teacher Framework & Provides $900,000 in Grants for Reforms 2003: 14% of American Adults are Illiterate The National Assessment of Adult Literacy (NAAL) administered tests which revealed 14% of US residents would have extreme difficulty with reading and written comprehension. In 2003, some 30 million American adults had Below Basic prose literacy, 27 million had Below Basic document literacy, and 46 million had Below Basic quantitative literacy. Related Links: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_education_in_the_United_States http://www.wealthbuildingcourse.com/devastating-effect-education-system-wealth.html http://www.schoolandstate.org/Case/case1.htm http://www.deliberatedumbingdown.com/ [1] Frederick T. Gates, “The Country School of Tomorrow,” Occasional Papers, no.1 (New York: General Education Board, 1913), p. 6. [2] http://www.scribd.com/doc/3768227/Dodd-Report-to-the-Reece-Committee-on-Foundations-1954 ORIGINAL ARTICLE: https://t1mproject.medium.com/the-origin-of-compulsory-schooling-cbef6a07777d
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