• https://thewashingtonstandard.com/understanding-participatory-propaganda-scientific-control-of-information-misguided-perceptions-of-reality/
    Understanding Participatory Propaganda: Scientific Control of Information, & Misguided Perceptions of Reality - The Washington Standard
    In my last article, I discussed participatory propaganda, which refers to the public’s active participation in spreading what propagandists call — persuasive messaging. Persuasion, as an offshoot of propaganda, is a message meant to gain compliance or induce the targeted audience to accept the persuader’s point of view. Propaganda holds an ...
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 59 Visualizações
  • The world is coming to an end.... and nobody seems to care,
    so recently I've been toying around with epoxy resin

    I was looking at some molds today.....
    And ran across this one!


    The scumbags "count you down" to the news with a spinning #Globe background!
    We see GLOBES on podcasts, on the news, in the classroom, at the zoo, and 500,000,000 other places!!!

    Sorry scumbags, your repetitive brainwashing tactics no longer work on me!
    And I'm hoping they no longer work on YOU either!

    Logic, reason, and #Evidence supports my knowledge of the #Truth of the FLAT & STATIONARY EARTH! But those things did not lead me to it!

    I prayed to the Father and asked forgiveness for my many sins,
    and asked to be "shown the truth"

    Next thing I knew, I went from mocking the flat earth guys, to being one of them!
    I was led to actual EVIDENCE, that any one of us can VERIFY, that PROVES that the earth is a FLAT PLANE!

    Sorry TEMU.......
    Your Globe Propaganda (Along with everyone else's) no longer works on us! WE KNOW THE TRUTH!
    The world is coming to an end.... and nobody seems to care, so recently I've been toying around with epoxy resin I was looking at some molds today..... And ran across this one! TELL ME THIS IS NOT PURE #PROPAGANDA! The scumbags "count you down" to the news with a spinning #Globe background! We see GLOBES on podcasts, on the news, in the classroom, at the zoo, and 500,000,000 other places!!! Sorry scumbags, your repetitive brainwashing tactics no longer work on me! And I'm hoping they no longer work on YOU either! Logic, reason, and #Evidence supports my knowledge of the #Truth of the FLAT & STATIONARY EARTH! But those things did not lead me to it! I prayed to the Father and asked forgiveness for my many sins, and asked to be "shown the truth" Next thing I knew, I went from mocking the flat earth guys, to being one of them! I was led to actual EVIDENCE, that any one of us can VERIFY, that PROVES that the earth is a FLAT PLANE! Sorry TEMU....... Your Globe Propaganda (Along with everyone else's) no longer works on us! WE KNOW THE TRUTH!
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 162 Visualizações

    Most people just don't get it!
    What most call #Mythology is actually just HISTORY!

    There are megalithic stone structures around the world, and most, if not ALL of them, are structures dedicated to #Pagan gods & have been torn down

    The #Nephilim were REAL folks!
    The bible speaks of them, as well as speaking about "mythological" gods!

    What "other gods" do you think that the Most High was talking about???
    The people were "whoring after" these "gods"

    These were all NEPHILIM
    Just like the statues of the "bird headed men" and the Centaurs etc....

    These were the reason for the great flood!
    Genetic experiments likely performed by the nephilim, corrupting human DNA

    You see.... Noah and his family were spared because he was
    "perfect in his generations," Meaning that his DNA had not been corrupted!

    The same thing is taking place right now!
    And the bible has already told us that would happen in the end times!

    Matthew 24:37-39
    37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

    38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,

    39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

    UNIVERSE INSIDE YOU - MASSIVE PRE-HISTORIC MEGA STRUCTURE THAT CANNOT BE EXPLAINED Most people just don't get it! What most call #Mythology is actually just HISTORY! There are megalithic stone structures around the world, and most, if not ALL of them, are structures dedicated to #Pagan gods & have been torn down The #Nephilim were REAL folks! The bible speaks of them, as well as speaking about "mythological" gods! What "other gods" do you think that the Most High was talking about??? The people were "whoring after" these "gods" These were all NEPHILIM Just like the statues of the "bird headed men" and the Centaurs etc.... These were the reason for the great flood! Genetic experiments likely performed by the nephilim, corrupting human DNA You see.... Noah and his family were spared because he was "perfect in his generations," Meaning that his DNA had not been corrupted! The same thing is taking place right now! And the bible has already told us that would happen in the end times! Matthew 24:37-39 37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, 39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. https://old.bitchute.com/video/qPeh6DtB8RrC/
    UNIVERSE INSIDE YOU - Massive Pre-Historic Mega Structure That CANNOT Be Explained
    Although we discussed numerous prehistoric megastructures on our channel, the ancient ruins of Baalbek in modern-day Lebanon might be the most compelling evidence of an advanced ancient civilization missing from our history books. This monumental co…
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 199 Visualizações
  • -- Paganism, Occultism Increasingly Faith that Dares to Speak Its Name
    -- Paganism, Occultism Increasingly Faith that Dares to Speak Its Name https://surgecolumns331790116.wordpress.com/2024/10/19/paganism-occultism-increasingly-faith-that-dares-to-speak-its-name/
    Paganism, Occultism Increasingly Faith that Dares to Speak Its Name
    By Linda Harvey Striker Summary: Increasingly the lure of paganism, especially as expressed in occultic practices, is finding a way into the lives of modern young people. Adults ought to be able an…
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 111 Visualizações
  • Jordan Peterson mocks Justin Trudeau's allegation of being a Russian propagandist!
    The Canadian author responded after Trudeau asserted he was being funded by RT along with American journalist Tucker Carlson.
    Jordan Peterson mocks Justin Trudeau's allegation of being a Russian propagandist! The Canadian author responded after Trudeau asserted he was being funded by RT along with American journalist Tucker Carlson. 🇨🇦 #NoMoreLiberalsAndNDP 🇨🇦 🇨🇦 #SayingTheQuietPartOutLoud 🇨🇦 🇨🇦 #resigntrudeau 🇨🇦 🇨🇦 #JustSayNoMore 🇨🇦 https://www.rebelnews.com/peterson_mocks_trudeau_s_allegation_of_being_a_russian_propagandist
    Jordan Peterson mocks Justin Trudeau's allegation of being a Russian propagandist
    Trudeau claimed Jordan Peterson and American journalist Tucker Carlson are funded by Russian state broadcaster RT while testifying at the official inquiry into foreign state meddling in Canadian democracy.
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 196 Visualizações
  • Complete and Total Medical Mismanagement
    What do you get when you mix unethical pandemic protocols with healthcare mandates, hospital incentives and public health propaganda? Kimberly Overton is one of many nurse whistleblowers who have joined the growing chorus of disillusionment and disappointment that has come from the mouths of those tasked with executing the standards decreed by the czars in authority. She shares insider information, today, to close out the broadcast.
    Complete and Total Medical Mismanagement https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/events/the-peoples-study/complete-total-medical-mismanagement-kimberly-overton/?utm_source=luminate&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=chdtv&utm_id=20241005&fbclid=IwY2xjawF7Y1VleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHTO1o8J2u4zDyX7IjJv9XWFn_8-qdFs-Z1HPjMo5YyBste3jFk8IGkN5Dw_aem_UQE5vPaOYEVklsuszZ_CvA What do you get when you mix unethical pandemic protocols with healthcare mandates, hospital incentives and public health propaganda? Kimberly Overton is one of many nurse whistleblowers who have joined the growing chorus of disillusionment and disappointment that has come from the mouths of those tasked with executing the standards decreed by the czars in authority. She shares insider information, today, to close out the broadcast.
    Complete and Total Medical Mismanagement
    What do you get when you mix unethical pandemic protocols with healthcare mandates, hospital incentives and public health propaganda? Kimberly Overton is one...
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 308 Visualizações

    It matters NOT the Holy Day (Holiday) traditionally celebrated in America...
    Because they are ALL #Pagan and "Traditions of MEN" that you were warned of in your bible!

    People will make excuses, we've ALL been indoctrinated to celebrate these days
    and they ALL have special meaning to us all in some way or another...

    But I'm all about PLEASING THE FATHER!
    And celebrating / observing these PAGAN Holy Days DON'T PLEASE HIM!

    It actually does just the opposite!
    So I'm going to refrain!

    On a funny side note....
    As a rebellious young man, many years ago now, I'd sit and think about it....

    You know... How silly it is for EVERY AMERICAN millions of people, ALL doing the SAME THING on the SAME DAY!

    It just does not seem normal to me!
    It is like humanity is a bunch of trained monkeys!

    I enjoy time with the family, eating a good meal etc....
    But we can do these things ANY TIME!

    We were brainwashed to observe the "holidays" now celebrated in America!
    And we were LIED TO and told they had Christian roots!

    It's just another in a long line of deceptions
    And I for one, want to be DIFFERENT than every cookie cutter American!

    I'd rather stay home and buck the Satanic System we all live under

    THANKSGIVING IS ANOTHER LIE - WHY I DON'T CELEBRATE THIS OR ANY FALSE HOLIDAYS. It matters NOT the Holy Day (Holiday) traditionally celebrated in America... Because they are ALL #Pagan and "Traditions of MEN" that you were warned of in your bible! People will make excuses, we've ALL been indoctrinated to celebrate these days and they ALL have special meaning to us all in some way or another... But I'm all about PLEASING THE FATHER! And celebrating / observing these PAGAN Holy Days DON'T PLEASE HIM! It actually does just the opposite! So I'm going to refrain! On a funny side note.... As a rebellious young man, many years ago now, I'd sit and think about it.... You know... How silly it is for EVERY AMERICAN millions of people, ALL doing the SAME THING on the SAME DAY! It just does not seem normal to me! It is like humanity is a bunch of trained monkeys! I enjoy time with the family, eating a good meal etc.... But we can do these things ANY TIME! We were brainwashed to observe the "holidays" now celebrated in America! And we were LIED TO and told they had Christian roots! It's just another in a long line of deceptions And I for one, want to be DIFFERENT than every cookie cutter American! I'd rather stay home and buck the Satanic System we all live under https://old.bitchute.com/video/dofZL3OPNBxs/
    WATCH THE WHOLE VIDEO! a re-upload from a few years ago. Today is the canadian thanks giving... When I learned that we are really celebrating the massacre of the north american Indians I knew that was wrong. All so called holidays of this world…
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 504 Visualizações
    1 Comentários 2 Compartilhamentos 283 Visualizações 15
  • THE LONG REVOLUTION: From Contraception & Divorce to Abortion & Genocide
    What do Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and Hillary Clinton have in common? They all passionately believed that marriage is between one man and one woman. So, what happened?

    They used to think abortion should be safe, legal, and rare, too. Again, what happened?
    These days, even the so-called “conservatives” on Fox News have embraced everything from contraception to gay “marriage.”

    What happened? The Catholic Church surrendered, leaving the world to let politicians determine what is moral and what is not. The result is what Bishop Athanasius Schneider warns is the “rise of a global new paganism.”

    In this episode of The Underground, Michael Matt asks Bishop Athanasius Schneider – a survivor of the Soviet gulag – about the lesser of two evils, the long revolution, and surviving the Globalist plot to cancel Christian morality.
    THE LONG REVOLUTION: From Contraception & Divorce to Abortion & Genocide What do Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and Hillary Clinton have in common? They all passionately believed that marriage is between one man and one woman. So, what happened? They used to think abortion should be safe, legal, and rare, too. Again, what happened? These days, even the so-called “conservatives” on Fox News have embraced everything from contraception to gay “marriage.” What happened? The Catholic Church surrendered, leaving the world to let politicians determine what is moral and what is not. The result is what Bishop Athanasius Schneider warns is the “rise of a global new paganism.” In this episode of The Underground, Michael Matt asks Bishop Athanasius Schneider – a survivor of the Soviet gulag – about the lesser of two evils, the long revolution, and surviving the Globalist plot to cancel Christian morality. https://youtu.be/MPuOwPlFMaI?si=0eDCsF4eqpPui7nB
    1 Comentários 1 Compartilhamentos 717 Visualizações
  • https://slaynews.com/news/mit-climate-scientist-global-warming-globalist-propaganda/
    MIT Climate Scientist: 'Global Warming' Is Globalist 'Propaganda' - Slay News
    A world-renowned climate scientist has warned that the official "global warming" narrative is nothing more than "propaganda" that is being peddled by power-hungry globalists.
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 199 Visualizações
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