• In its final ruling, the court decided “At this stage, we must accept Plaintiffs’ allegations that the vaccine does not prevent the spread of COVID-19 as true…
    According to America’s Frontline Doctors this is a bigger deal than one might think because “Liability protection under U.S. law is granted only to valid vaccines. The CDC and pharmaceutical companies were fully aware of this critical distinction when they changed the definition of “vaccine” in 2021 to include mRNA shots.
    In its final ruling, the court decided “At this stage, we must accept Plaintiffs’ allegations that the vaccine does not prevent the spread of COVID-19 as true… According to America’s Frontline Doctors this is a bigger deal than one might think because “Liability protection under U.S. law is granted only to valid vaccines. The CDC and pharmaceutical companies were fully aware of this critical distinction when they changed the definition of “vaccine” in 2021 to include mRNA shots. https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2024/07/the_ninth_circuit_shoots_down_covid_vaccine.html
    The Ninth Circuit shoots down COVID vaccine
    The COVID shot was put on trial in the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, and coming from California the result might surprise you. Three of four judges agree it was never a “traditional vaccine” and therefore cou...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 682 Views
  • https://bestwaterfilter.review/pure-effect-filters/ Get the nasty sludge, chemicals, pathogens and toxins out of your family’s drinking water. Use a powerful filter or you become that filter! Pure Effect filters are the number one Toxin (Radiation, Virus, Pathogen, Parasite, Pesticide, Heavy Metal, and Chemical removing water purifier for your home.) It Gets all the toxic waste water and chemical poisons Out of Your Family's Drinking Water! Pure Effect Water Filters are the #1 Filter for Removing Radiation, Fluoride, Heavy Metals, Lead, Mercury, Flushed Pharmaceuticals, Pesticides, Viruses, and Microbes. Countertop, Under Sink, Shower, and Whole House Water Filters Produce Healthy Alkaline Water. #water #filter #purifier #fluoride #radiation #uranium
    https://bestwaterfilter.review/pure-effect-filters/ Get the nasty sludge, chemicals, pathogens and toxins out of your family’s drinking water. Use a powerful filter or you become that filter! Pure Effect filters are the number one Toxin (Radiation, Virus, Pathogen, Parasite, Pesticide, Heavy Metal, and Chemical removing water purifier for your home.) It Gets all the toxic waste water and chemical poisons Out of Your Family's Drinking Water! Pure Effect Water Filters are the #1 Filter for Removing Radiation, Fluoride, Heavy Metals, Lead, Mercury, Flushed Pharmaceuticals, Pesticides, Viruses, and Microbes. Countertop, Under Sink, Shower, and Whole House Water Filters Produce Healthy Alkaline Water. #water #filter #purifier #fluoride #radiation #uranium
    Pure Effect Water Filters
    Pure Effect Water Filters Want the best overall water filter for your home, office or RV? Pure Effec
    0 Comments 0 Shares 941 Views

    Gwen Olson. (Former Pharmaceutical Industry Representative.) [She's doing the right thing saying this.] Her Book: "CONFESSIONS OF AN RX DRUG PUSHER"
    0 Comments 0 Shares 316 Views
  • (admin) Pharmaceutical Industry whistleblower Statement about their True Motivation. If You Were Under Attack Would You Know it? https://www.bitchute.com/video/gWt8Vjotb9Zo/?list=notifications&randomize=false
    (admin) Pharmaceutical Industry whistleblower Statement about their True Motivation. If You Were Under Attack Would You Know it? https://www.bitchute.com/video/gWt8Vjotb9Zo/?list=notifications&randomize=false
    BitChute is a video service that prioritizes creators and champions users' freedoms and privacy.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 401 Views
  • BBN, June 19, 2024 – RE-EDUCATION CAMPS being constructed across the country...

    Register free at https://brightu.com to watch the full Mind Control and 5th Generation Warfare stream

    - FEMA camps and government weaponization. (7:53)
    - Whistleblower's allegations of child mutilation cover-up in a Texas hospital.
    - Kansas AG sues #Pfizer over alleged fraud and #censorship collusion. (20:46)
    - Holding pharmaceutical companies accountable for vaccine injuries and deaths. (25:58)
    - Re-education camps for conservatives in the US. (30:49)
    - USDA's alleged plans to exterminate cattle and farming communities as a food sabotage operation. (43:07)
    - Mind control, fifth generation warfare, and technology manipulation. (56:33)
    - Globalist agenda to control the population through technocracy. (1:07:59)
    - Targeted individuals and mind control technology. (1:14:05)
    - Manipulation of public opinion through media narratives and censorship. (1:22:37)
    - 5G technology as a potential weapon system and the need for awareness and action to protect society. (1:38:34)
    - AI, nanotechnology, and their potential dangers. (1:43:25)
    BBN, June 19, 2024 – RE-EDUCATION CAMPS being constructed across the country... https://www.bitchute.com/video/szjYtmFY3wCo/ Register free at https://brightu.com to watch the full Mind Control and 5th Generation Warfare stream - FEMA camps and government weaponization. (7:53) - Whistleblower's allegations of child mutilation cover-up in a Texas hospital. - Kansas AG sues #Pfizer over alleged fraud and #censorship collusion. (20:46) - Holding pharmaceutical companies accountable for vaccine injuries and deaths. (25:58) - Re-education camps for conservatives in the US. (30:49) - USDA's alleged plans to exterminate cattle and farming communities as a food sabotage operation. (43:07) - Mind control, fifth generation warfare, and technology manipulation. (56:33) - Globalist agenda to control the population through technocracy. (1:07:59) - Targeted individuals and mind control technology. (1:14:05) - Manipulation of public opinion through media narratives and censorship. (1:22:37) - 5G technology as a potential weapon system and the need for awareness and action to protect society. (1:38:34) - AI, nanotechnology, and their potential dangers. (1:43:25)
    BBN, June 19, 2024 – RE-EDUCATION CAMPS being constructed across the country...
    Brighteon Broadcast News, June 19, 2024 – RE-EDUCATION CAMPS being constructed across the country to detain AMERICANS Register free at https://brightu.com to watch the full Mind Control and 5th Generation Warfare stream - FEMA camps and govern…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1665 Views
  • https://beforeitsnews.com/science-and-technology/2024/06/life-enhancing-technology-company-that-discovered-secret-to-unlocking-your-own-bodys-stem-cells-without-pharmaceuticals-or-surgeries-celebrates-20-years-has-enriched-millions-of-people-3056761.html
    Life Enhancing Technology Company That Discovered Secret To Unlocking Your Own Body’s Stem Cells Without Pharmaceuticals Or Surgeries Celebrates 20 Years & Has Enriched Millions Of People All Over The... | Science and Technology | Before It's News
    With many people struggling to make ends meet, the company I'm about to introduce you to has personally helped me greatly since I joined, and perhaps it might be a right fit for you. This year represents a major milestone for a technology company that has grown by leaps and...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 653 Views
  • A pharmaceutical watchdog is being urged to investigate after celebrity doctors discussed the Covid vaccine on primetime TV without disclosing payments of thousands of pounds from AstraZeneca.
    A pharmaceutical watchdog is being urged to investigate after celebrity doctors discussed the Covid vaccine on primetime TV without disclosing payments of thousands of pounds from AstraZeneca. https://dailysceptic.org/2024/06/09/celebrity-doctors-promoted-covid-vaccine-without-declaring-payments/
    Celebrity Doctors Promoted Covid Vaccine Without Declaring Payments – The Daily Sceptic
    An investigation is being urged after several celebrity doctors discussed the Covid vaccine on television without disclosing their payments from AstraZeneca.
    0 Comments 1 Shares 845 Views
  • When the pharmaceutical industry, with the U.S. government promising a payday windfall, assembled those mRNA COVID shots, there was scant information about the negative impacts they could have.
    They were unleashed on an unsuspecting public with the “experimental” label as both governments and corporations made them mandatory.
    Since then, multiple reports and studies have confirmed the deadly side effects they delivered to victims, up to and including fatal heart ailments.
    Now one expert assessment of those medical schemes has gone farther in its criticism: a top cancer expert from Japan is calling them “essentially murder.”
    When the pharmaceutical industry, with the U.S. government promising a payday windfall, assembled those mRNA COVID shots, there was scant information about the negative impacts they could have. They were unleashed on an unsuspecting public with the “experimental” label as both governments and corporations made them mandatory. Since then, multiple reports and studies have confirmed the deadly side effects they delivered to victims, up to and including fatal heart ailments. Now one expert assessment of those medical schemes has gone farther in its criticism: a top cancer expert from Japan is calling them “essentially murder.” https://principia-scientific.com/essentially-murder-top-cancer-expert-condemns-covid-shots/
    ‘Essentially murder’: Top cancer expert condemns COVID shots
    When the pharmaceutical industry, with the U.S. government promising a payday windfall, assembled those mRNA COVID shots, there was scant information about the negative impacts they could have.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 945 Views
  • Your Pineal Gland Will Thank You! Generate Your Body’s Natural Melatonin & Get Deep, Restful Sleep Without Chemicals Or Pharmaceuticals (Video) https://beforeitsnews.com/health/2024/05/your-pineal-gland-will-thank-you-generate-your-bodys-natural-melatonin-get-deep-restful-sleep-without-chemicals-or-pharmaceuticals-video-2-3056751.html
    Your Pineal Gland Will Thank You! Generate Your Body’s Natural Melatonin & Get Deep, Restful Sleep Without Chemicals Or Pharmaceuticals (Video) https://beforeitsnews.com/health/2024/05/your-pineal-gland-will-thank-you-generate-your-bodys-natural-melatonin-get-deep-restful-sleep-without-chemicals-or-pharmaceuticals-video-2-3056751.html
    Your Pineal Gland Will Thank You! Generate Your Body’s Natural Melatonin & Get Deep, Restful Sleep Without Chemicals Or Pharmaceuticals (Video) | Health | Before It's News
    Have you tried using synthetic melatonin, made with largely fillers, and seen no results in your sleep? I have. I’ve also discovered that our body is the best manufacturer of melatonin because that is the way our Creator, Yahweh, has designed our bodies to work. Of course, when we are...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 653 Views
  • https://t.me/davidavocadowolfe/125361
    Dr. Peter McCullough on the current bird flu scare tactics (1 min, 38 sec): “I’m concerned that this could be ‘Disease X’ that this biopharmaceutical complex has warned us about. In 2021, it was announced that there is a bird flu vaccine. Now, BARDA, the defense department unit for research, is announcing a self-amplifying messenger RNA vaccine. So, bird flu has in it the potential for a food scare that is pulling poultry and meat off the market, people becoming very fearful, and the government presenting us with a vaccine.”
    https://t.me/davidavocadowolfe/125361 Dr. Peter McCullough on the current bird flu scare tactics (1 min, 38 sec): “I’m concerned that this could be ‘Disease X’ that this biopharmaceutical complex has warned us about. In 2021, it was announced that there is a bird flu vaccine. Now, BARDA, the defense department unit for research, is announcing a self-amplifying messenger RNA vaccine. So, bird flu has in it the potential for a food scare that is pulling poultry and meat off the market, people becoming very fearful, and the government presenting us with a vaccine.”
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1002 Views 0
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