• Richard Butler - World's largest camera: 3.1 gigapixels for epic timelapse panos of the universe:


    #SkySurvey #LegacySurvey #Spacetime #LSST #GiantCamera #Camera #Optics #Photography
    Richard Butler - World's largest camera: 3.1 gigapixels for epic timelapse panos of the universe: https://www.dpreview.com/news/3829200267/world-s-largest-camera-3-1-gigapixels-for-epic-timelapse-panos-of-the-universe #SkySurvey #LegacySurvey #Spacetime #LSST #GiantCamera #Camera #Optics #Photography
    World's largest camera: 3.1 gigapixels for epic timelapse panos of the universe
    The Legacy Survey of Space and Time camera recently completed by the US Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory risks making your camera setup seem inadequate.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1090 Views
  • Anne Beade - Romania center explores world's most powerful laser:


    #Thales #ExtremeLightInfrastructure #ELI #LaserPulse #LASER #ChirpedPulseAmplification #CPA #Sapphire #Titanium #Optics #Physics
    Anne Beade - Romania center explores world's most powerful laser: https://phys.org/news/2024-03-romania-center-explores-world-powerful.html #Thales #ExtremeLightInfrastructure #ELI #LaserPulse #LASER #ChirpedPulseAmplification #CPA #Sapphire #Titanium #Optics #Physics
    Romania center explores world's most powerful laser
    "Ready? Signal sent!" In the control room of a research center in Romania, engineer Antonia Toma activates the world's most powerful laser, which promises revolutionary advances in everything from the health sector to space.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1300 Views
  • [DS] Prepping Narrative To Cancel Elections, [MO] In Focus, Optics Are Important – Ep. 3253
    he people are now revolting against the installed politicians, the people will continue to fight back, they are awake. The Fed is prepared to cut rates, in the end the market will break. The R’s want Trump to manage the economy, the D’s will be brought to the same realization. [MO] is now in focus, most likely she will be featured in many new articles building her up so she can make her entrance. The [DS] is now prepping the field to try to cancel the elections. Their cheating system is in place, but they will soon find out they have lost the majority of the country, once they confirm this they will then move to phase II of the plan, cancel the elections. Optics are important, Trump and the patriots are bringing the [DS] down this path to have secure elections.
    [DS] Prepping Narrative To Cancel Elections, [MO] In Focus, Optics Are Important – Ep. 3253 https://rumble.com/v45wrz0-ep-3253b-ds-prepping-narrative-to-cancel-elections-mo-in-focus-optics-are-i.html he people are now revolting against the installed politicians, the people will continue to fight back, they are awake. The Fed is prepared to cut rates, in the end the market will break. The R’s want Trump to manage the economy, the D’s will be brought to the same realization. [MO] is now in focus, most likely she will be featured in many new articles building her up so she can make her entrance. The [DS] is now prepping the field to try to cancel the elections. Their cheating system is in place, but they will soon find out they have lost the majority of the country, once they confirm this they will then move to phase II of the plan, cancel the elections. Optics are important, Trump and the patriots are bringing the [DS] down this path to have secure elections.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3016 Views
  • Ep 3238b – [DS] Goes All Out To Stop Trump ,Space Command Achieves Full Operational Capability
    The [DS] is now going to push everything they have at Trump, they don’t care about the optics anymore. Trump has pushed the [DS] to the breaking point, the [DS] is panicking and they will expose all of their moves. Election interference and the overthrow of the US government is now being exposed, tick tock. Space Command achieves full operational capability, the timing is everything.

    Ep 3238b – [DS] Goes All Out To Stop Trump ,Space Command Achieves Full Operational Capability https://rumble.com/v4212pn-ep-3238b-ds-goes-all-out-to-stop-trump-space-command-achieves-full-operatio.html The [DS] is now going to push everything they have at Trump, they don’t care about the optics anymore. Trump has pushed the [DS] to the breaking point, the [DS] is panicking and they will expose all of their moves. Election interference and the overthrow of the US government is now being exposed, tick tock. Space Command achieves full operational capability, the timing is everything.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1273 Views
  • University of Sydney - Superlensing without a super lens: Physicists boost microscopes beyond limits:


    #DiffractionLimit #TerahertzImaging #Superlensing #Microscopy #Optics #Physics
    University of Sydney - Superlensing without a super lens: Physicists boost microscopes beyond limits: https://phys.org/news/2023-10-superlensing-super-lens-physicists-boost.html #DiffractionLimit #TerahertzImaging #Superlensing #Microscopy #Optics #Physics
    Superlensing without a super lens: Physicists boost microscopes beyond limits
    Ever since Antonie van Leeuwenhoek discovered the world of bacteria through a microscope in the late seventeenth century, humans have tried to look deeper into the world of the infinitesimally small.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2618 Views
  • EAS Test Activated, Speaker Of The House, Optics Are Important, In Position, On Target – Ep. 3179
    he [WEF] plan is falling apart, the systems that they were setting up are now going bankrupt and or failing. The green energy push is falling apart. The economy is now in a downward spiral. Yellen is preparing for higher rates, she is loading up on cash. McHenry comes on the scene and he is pro Bitcoin and he has been going after the [CB]. The patriots are pivoting, they are showing the people how to fight, and in what better place is this happening than in congress. Trump and the patriots are now setting up the old switcheroo. They brought in McCarthy they knew he was controlled but they needed someone, later on they tricked the D’s and now they are going to put in their worst nightmare. Who will be the next speaker? EAS was tested and activated today the same time Russia tested theirs, coincidence, I think not. Everything is in position, target ready.
    EAS Test Activated, Speaker Of The House, Optics Are Important, In Position, On Target – Ep. 3179 https://rumble.com/v3n0z2h-ep-3179b-eas-test-activated-speaker-of-the-house-optics-are-important-in-po.html he [WEF] plan is falling apart, the systems that they were setting up are now going bankrupt and or failing. The green energy push is falling apart. The economy is now in a downward spiral. Yellen is preparing for higher rates, she is loading up on cash. McHenry comes on the scene and he is pro Bitcoin and he has been going after the [CB]. The patriots are pivoting, they are showing the people how to fight, and in what better place is this happening than in congress. Trump and the patriots are now setting up the old switcheroo. They brought in McCarthy they knew he was controlled but they needed someone, later on they tricked the D’s and now they are going to put in their worst nightmare. Who will be the next speaker? EAS was tested and activated today the same time Russia tested theirs, coincidence, I think not. Everything is in position, target ready.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1425 Views

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