Ruh Roh! Better call the Wambulance!
Nowhere did the song say "give me your tired, your poor, your wretched Nazis and commie refuse of your teeming shore; the low IQ memers who cannot communicate their feelings any way other than by a 2 line sentence.
Nowhere did the song say "give me your tired, your poor, your wretched Nazis and commie refuse of your teeming shore; the low IQ memers who cannot communicate their feelings any way other than by a 2 line sentence.
Ruh Roh! Better call the Wambulance!
Nowhere did the song say "give me your tired, your poor, your wretched Nazis and commie refuse of your teeming shore; the low IQ memers who cannot communicate their feelings any way other than by a 2 line sentence.