• I have noticed something lately...
    And it bothers me, so I thought I'd toss it out there!

    People say "Grace" before dinner, and they often pray....

    And what I've noticed is they always ask for things for THEMSELVES! I'm guilty of asking for discernment, guidance, strength and protection myself... But our job is to SERVE HIM! Not the other way around!

    The Most High is not there like a DJ, to take request! Really big things, I can see asking for help... But we should be asking Him to "Use my hands to do YOUR WILL" and things like this!

    He has already given us EVERYTHING! This earth, our life, and protection from the Evil ones! I guess my point is that I hate to hear people "pray" like they are at the drive-up window at McDonald's or at the mall on (Satan's) Santa's lap.

    Remember that MAN is fallen, and we have some serving to do! Most are not really "feeling" what is expected of us, and it's more than asking for a new bike and a raise at work!
    I have noticed something lately... And it bothers me, so I thought I'd toss it out there! People say "Grace" before dinner, and they often pray.... And what I've noticed is they always ask for things for THEMSELVES! I'm guilty of asking for discernment, guidance, strength and protection myself... But our job is to SERVE HIM! Not the other way around! The Most High is not there like a DJ, to take request! Really big things, I can see asking for help... But we should be asking Him to "Use my hands to do YOUR WILL" and things like this! He has already given us EVERYTHING! This earth, our life, and protection from the Evil ones! I guess my point is that I hate to hear people "pray" like they are at the drive-up window at McDonald's or at the mall on (Satan's) Santa's lap. Remember that MAN is fallen, and we have some serving to do! Most are not really "feeling" what is expected of us, and it's more than asking for a new bike and a raise at work!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 227 Views
  • https://babylonbee.com/news/source-says-kamala-was-promoted-at-mcdonalds-after-having-affair-with-mayor-mccheese
    Source Says Kamala Was Promoted At McDonald's After Having Affair With Mayor McCheese
    U.S. — After skeptics questioned Kamala Harris's claim that she once worked at McDonald's, researchers have found evidence of her employment — and rapid promotion to shift manager — after a sordid affair with Mayor McCheese.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 122 Views

    Someone is about to be singing the Venezuelan blues
    Of course, these being AMERICANS, #Police #Traitors will likely give them sh*t!

    You know... because they are showing up to do the cop's job!
    They'll likely be arrested by our Anti-American "Police Force"
    Which is a foreign military on US Soil, in violation of the constitution

    "Police" enforce POLICIES of the #Corporation of the United States!

    Which is no more your "government" than is McDonald's Corporation!

    But since they are a #Criminal corporation, who has badges and guns, Americans have allowed them to enslave the entire country!


    WHEN THE HELLS ANGELS BIKER GANG MEETS THE VENEZUELANS😏 LOOK OUT COLORADO THEY ARE ON THE WAY! Someone is about to be singing the Venezuelan blues Of course, these being AMERICANS, #Police #Traitors will likely give them sh*t! You know... because they are showing up to do the cop's job! They'll likely be arrested by our Anti-American "Police Force" Which is a foreign military on US Soil, in violation of the constitution "Police" enforce POLICIES of the #Corporation of the United States! Which is no more your "government" than is McDonald's Corporation! But since they are a #Criminal corporation, who has badges and guns, Americans have allowed them to enslave the entire country! We are an OCCUPIED COUNTRY! https://old.bitchute.com/video/MWVflhIlIBF4/
    When the hells angels biker gang meets the Venezuelans😏 Look out Colorado they are on the way!
    When the hells angels biker gang meets the Venezuelans😏 Look out Colorado they are on the way!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 444 Views
  • Weird: Kamala’s Alleged McDonald’s Job Thrown into Question https://www.infowars.com/posts/weird-kamalas-alleged-mcdonalds-job-thrown-into-question/
    Weird: Kamala’s Alleged McDonald’s Job Thrown into Question https://www.infowars.com/posts/weird-kamalas-alleged-mcdonalds-job-thrown-into-question/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 203 Views
  • I'M LOVIN' IT! Kamala Harris never told anyone she worked at McDonald's until she ran for president.

    Kamala is anything but genuine. Everything about her is fake. We are witnessing the power of propaganda on the people.

    I'M LOVIN' IT! Kamala Harris never told anyone she worked at McDonald's until she ran for president. Kamala is anything but genuine. Everything about her is fake. We are witnessing the power of propaganda on the people. https://www.rightjournalism.com/screenshots-kamala-harris-claims-she-worked-at-mcdonalds-but-her-1987-job-application-tells-a-different-story/
    Screenshots: Kamala Harris Claims She Worked at McDonald's—But Her 1987 Job Application Tells a Different Story – Right Journalism
    Did Kamala Harris ever work at McDonald’s and if so, did the job help her “put herself through college?” Those
    0 Comments 0 Shares 271 Views
  • The decline of McDonald’s: How the golden arches lost their shine
    SPOILER ALERT: It's because they went woke and people are finally waking up to the fact their food is the unhealthiest you can eat!
    The decline of McDonald’s: How the golden arches lost their shine SPOILER ALERT: It's because they went woke and people are finally waking up to the fact their food is the unhealthiest you can eat! https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/mcdonalds-sales-fast-food-chain-competition-high-street-b2597337.html?utm_source=pocket-newtab-en-us
    The decline of McDonald’s: How the golden arches lost their shine
    Last month, fast food behemoth McDonald’s announced its first fall in sales since 2020. Although the chain blamed rising prices, Kate Ng asks if the golden arches – once the go-to spot for kids’ birthday parties and post-night out debriefs – have lost something else along the way
    0 Comments 1 Shares 506 Views
  • These Fortune 500 Companies Remained Silent Over Trump Assassination Attempt, But Condemned J6

    A number of Fortune 500 companies that publicly condemned the Jan. 6 Capitol riot have remained silent following the July 13 attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump.

    An analysis conducted by The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project found that eight Fortune 500 companies issued statements condemning the January 2021 Capitol riot, but stayed silent over the July 13 attempt on Trump’s life.

    Those companies are AT&T, Boeing, Coca-Cola, Johnson & Johnson, McDonald’s, PayPal, Starbucks, and Visa. None of them responded to requests for comment from The Daily Signal.
    These Fortune 500 Companies Remained Silent Over Trump Assassination Attempt, But Condemned J6 https://www.dailysignal.com/2024/08/01/these-fortune-500-companies-remained-silent-over-trump-assassination-attempt-but-condemned-j6/ A number of Fortune 500 companies that publicly condemned the Jan. 6 Capitol riot have remained silent following the July 13 attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump. An analysis conducted by The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project found that eight Fortune 500 companies issued statements condemning the January 2021 Capitol riot, but stayed silent over the July 13 attempt on Trump’s life. Those companies are AT&T, Boeing, Coca-Cola, Johnson & Johnson, McDonald’s, PayPal, Starbucks, and Visa. None of them responded to requests for comment from The Daily Signal.
    EXCLUSIVE: These Fortune 500 Companies Stayed Silent Over Trump Assassination Attempt, But Condemned J6
    A number of Fortune 500 companies that condemned the Jan. 6 Capitol riot have remained silent on the attempted Trump assassination.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 710 Views

    "Police" are POLICY ENFORCERS of a corporation!
    They do NOT "enforce law" they enforce "Statutes and Codes" (Corporate POLICY)

    The #Truth of the matter is that #Police are #Criminals who work for a #Corporation with no more "Authority" than an employee of McDonald's!

    When they ride around breaking down people's doors it's a "Home Invasion" and is a lot more dangerous than if street criminals did a "home invasion" because Police just look for someone to harm....

    And that is due to complete and total lack of accountability!

    Operating under "Maritime Admiralty Law" Police actually have NO #Jurisdiction over MEN & WOMEN... They have jurisdiction over LEGAL FICTIONS!

    Pieces of paper!
    MEN and WOMEN have been the victims of this FRAUD for decades!

    The "Government" is claiming that YOU "CONSENT" to giving up your Inalienable human rights for the politically promised "protection" of the corporation!

    NOBODY with a brain inside of their head would do this!
    But they CLAIM that you did it!

    And if that's not what they are claiming then they are claiming that your
    "Lack of objection to their claims" gives them "Implied Consent"

    Also... If you check the box saying "I am a US Citizen" what you have done in reality is agreed to become the #Slave of this corporation and have agreed to put yourself into their "Jurisdiction" AND agreed to give up your inalienable human rights!

    This may sound pretty crazy, but it is EXACTLY what this CORPORATION uses to claim that they have authority over you, when in fact... THEY DON'T!

    It's a criminal operation from the word go!
    And many of these police KNOW IT TOO!

    Many are just as brainwashed as you are.....
    But many also know they are operating criminally and totally without Jurisdiction over you! YOU NEED TO LEARN THE LAW! And stop "consenting" to be a slave!

    ENDING NO KNOCK RAIDS IN AMERICA "Police" are POLICY ENFORCERS of a corporation! They do NOT "enforce law" they enforce "Statutes and Codes" (Corporate POLICY) The #Truth of the matter is that #Police are #Criminals who work for a #Corporation with no more "Authority" than an employee of McDonald's! When they ride around breaking down people's doors it's a "Home Invasion" and is a lot more dangerous than if street criminals did a "home invasion" because Police just look for someone to harm.... And that is due to complete and total lack of accountability! Operating under "Maritime Admiralty Law" Police actually have NO #Jurisdiction over MEN & WOMEN... They have jurisdiction over LEGAL FICTIONS! Pieces of paper! MEN and WOMEN have been the victims of this FRAUD for decades! The "Government" is claiming that YOU "CONSENT" to giving up your Inalienable human rights for the politically promised "protection" of the corporation! NOBODY with a brain inside of their head would do this! But they CLAIM that you did it! And if that's not what they are claiming then they are claiming that your "Lack of objection to their claims" gives them "Implied Consent" Also... If you check the box saying "I am a US Citizen" what you have done in reality is agreed to become the #Slave of this corporation and have agreed to put yourself into their "Jurisdiction" AND agreed to give up your inalienable human rights! This may sound pretty crazy, but it is EXACTLY what this CORPORATION uses to claim that they have authority over you, when in fact... THEY DON'T! It's a criminal operation from the word go! And many of these police KNOW IT TOO! Many are just as brainwashed as you are..... But many also know they are operating criminally and totally without Jurisdiction over you! YOU NEED TO LEARN THE LAW! And stop "consenting" to be a slave! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYCeq_X22gI
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1129 Views
  • https://rumble.com/v52k2au-mcdonalds-employee-shoots-at-unruly-customers.html
    0 Comments 0 Shares 370 Views
  • You know.... BESIDES the #Jew who actually admitted to putting human flesh into hamburger there is other compelling evidence that "fast food" corporations like McDonald's are feeding you human flesh AND other poisons!

    All one needs to do is to THINK for a moment!
    These are the VERY SAME #Corporations that control the CORPORATION you call "government." Who BTW.... is trying to force you to "Eat Ze Bugs" and the lab grown meat!

    If you are unaware of these things maybe you should gently
    pull your head from your ass, and look around! Ignorance is a CHOICE in 2024!

    You know.... BESIDES the #Jew who actually admitted to putting human flesh into hamburger there is other compelling evidence that "fast food" corporations like McDonald's are feeding you human flesh AND other poisons! All one needs to do is to THINK for a moment! These are the VERY SAME #Corporations that control the CORPORATION you call "government." Who BTW.... is trying to force you to "Eat Ze Bugs" and the lab grown meat! If you are unaware of these things maybe you should gently pull your head from your ass, and look around! Ignorance is a CHOICE in 2024! https://www.cbsnews.com/baltimore/news/human-rat-dna-found-in-burgers-scientists-say/
    Human & Rat DNA Found In Burgers, Scientists Say
    In a newly released "The Hamburger Report" report out by Clear Labs, scientist say human DNA, rat DNA and other discrepancies were found in some of the burgers they tested.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 829 Views
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