• Victoria Atkinson - The shape of light: Scientists reveal image of an individual photon for 1st time ever:


    #Birmingham #Light #Photon #Nanoparticle #Nanophotonics #Photonics #Mathematics #ParticlePhysics #Physics
    Victoria Atkinson - The shape of light: Scientists reveal image of an individual photon for 1st time ever: https://www.space.com/the-universe/the-shape-of-light-scientists-reveal-image-of-an-individual-photon-for-1st-time-ever #Birmingham #Light #Photon #Nanoparticle #Nanophotonics #Photonics #Mathematics #ParticlePhysics #Physics
    The shape of light: Scientists reveal image of an individual photon for 1st time ever
    Using a groundbreaking new technique, researchers have unveiled the first detailed image of a photon — a single particle of light — ever taken.
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 398 Views
  • https://medforth.biz/mathematics-is-the-universal-language-of-pure-logic/
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 379 Views
  • Steve Janoski - NYC high schooler creates astonishingly accurate AI algorithm for 911 callers to get help they actually need:


    #EmergencyCall #Dispatch #Categorization #ResponseTime #ResourceAllocation #Efficiency #Algorithm #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #PublicSafety #Mathematics #ComputerScience
    Steve Janoski - NYC high schooler creates astonishingly accurate AI algorithm for 911 callers to get help they actually need: https://nypost.com/2024/04/17/us-news/manhattan-high-schooler-creates-astoundingly-accurate-ai-algorithm-that-predicts-resources-needed-for-911-calls #EmergencyCall #Dispatch #Categorization #ResponseTime #ResourceAllocation #Efficiency #Algorithm #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #PublicSafety #Mathematics #ComputerScience
    NYC high schooler creates astonishingly accurate AI algorithm for 911 callers to get help they actually need
    “You need very little input from the actual caller,” Pierce Wright, age 17, said about his AI model.
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 3K Views
  • It just cannot be that FLAT for that far on a sphere folks!

    The Earth is supposedly a sphere 25,000 miles in circumference.

    Mathematics REQUIRES there be 8 inches per mile SQUARED!

    That's about 66.6 FEET every 10 linear miles of the earth's surface. PERIOD!

    You can argue until the cows come home, but this should not be possible on a sphere 25,000 miles in circumference!

    It's a mathematical certainty!
    You can go all democrat and act like you didn't get pinned down. But you did! LOL

    There's simply NO WAY you could claim a sphere could contain all this flatness. There is no way! PERIOD! And BTW....

    All water is also flat
    It just cannot be that FLAT for that far on a sphere folks! The Earth is supposedly a sphere 25,000 miles in circumference. Mathematics REQUIRES there be 8 inches per mile SQUARED! That's about 66.6 FEET every 10 linear miles of the earth's surface. PERIOD! You can argue until the cows come home, but this should not be possible on a sphere 25,000 miles in circumference! It's a mathematical certainty! You can go all democrat and act like you didn't get pinned down. But you did! LOL There's simply NO WAY you could claim a sphere could contain all this flatness. There is no way! PERIOD! And BTW.... All water is also flat
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 671 Views
  • I celebrated Pi Day with a $3.14 10-inch Super Roni Chicago Thin Crust Pizza & a 6-inch Deep Dish Cookie Sundae at Uno Pizzeria & Grill. #UnoPizzeria #SuperRoni #Pepperoni #ThinCrust #Pizza #Circle #PiDay2024 #PiDay #Pi #Mathematics #Cuisine
    I celebrated Pi Day with a $3.14 10-inch Super Roni Chicago Thin Crust Pizza & a 6-inch Deep Dish Cookie Sundae at Uno Pizzeria & Grill. #UnoPizzeria #SuperRoni #Pepperoni #ThinCrust #Pizza #Circle #PiDay2024 #PiDay #Pi #Mathematics #Cuisine
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 2K Views
  • Washington Examiner:

    The NFL will continue trying to disunite America by featuring two separate “anthems” to begin the Super Bowl. Our country has only one national anthem, which speaks for all its citizens. To suggest otherwise is anathema.

    As also happened last year, fans will be asked to stand at attention not just for “The Star-Spangled Banner” but also for “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” long known colloquially as the “black national anthem.”…

    The affront lies not in the message within the song but in the message sent by when and how the song is to be presented. By pairing it with the national anthem and expecting attendees to stand at attention, the NFL signals that “The Star-Spangled Banner” does not speak for everyone. Rather than respecting a single unifying anthem, the league presents two, one for white people and one for black people, as if the latter were not included in the meaning and grandeur of the first.

    This is part of the political Left’s radical racial agenda of national division. Identity politics define people by racial or sexual group membership while immutably characterizing each group and each person within it as either victim or victimizer. Rather than one history in which modern sensibilities demand that black people receive equal recognition, separatism posits that there must be a separate month for black history. Rather than one course of mathematics, the “woke” educrats push a separate black mathematics. The separate black anthem is a musical endorsement of the forces and agenda that are driving deep fissures into our culture and threatening our society.
    Washington Examiner: The NFL will continue trying to disunite America by featuring two separate “anthems” to begin the Super Bowl. Our country has only one national anthem, which speaks for all its citizens. To suggest otherwise is anathema. As also happened last year, fans will be asked to stand at attention not just for “The Star-Spangled Banner” but also for “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” long known colloquially as the “black national anthem.”… The affront lies not in the message within the song but in the message sent by when and how the song is to be presented. By pairing it with the national anthem and expecting attendees to stand at attention, the NFL signals that “The Star-Spangled Banner” does not speak for everyone. Rather than respecting a single unifying anthem, the league presents two, one for white people and one for black people, as if the latter were not included in the meaning and grandeur of the first. This is part of the political Left’s radical racial agenda of national division. Identity politics define people by racial or sexual group membership while immutably characterizing each group and each person within it as either victim or victimizer. Rather than one history in which modern sensibilities demand that black people receive equal recognition, separatism posits that there must be a separate month for black history. Rather than one course of mathematics, the “woke” educrats push a separate black mathematics. The separate black anthem is a musical endorsement of the forces and agenda that are driving deep fissures into our culture and threatening our society.
    0 Commenti 1 condivisioni 3K Views
  • No, the Earth has been PROVEN to be flat. Over and over again actually.

    It's an Observable, Testable, and Repeatable FACT! (Actual Science)

    What you were "taught" in Rockefeller funded "Schools" was a psy-op. Just like #NASA and every other illegitimate "government" agency.

    So your claim is that you CAN see around curves, see through the earth's "curvature," and to see objects hidden behind this "curvature?" I'll bet the magical "refraction fairy" will be your go to BS answer to this very obvious problem!

    And you'll disregard actual #Evidence proving this FACT. Like this evidence... https://odysee.com/@Godsflatearth:a/Black-Swan--Beyond-The-Horizon:d (Which burst your magical refraction fairy claim. )


    and this evidence... https://odysee.com/@HiddenTruths:c/Undeniably-a-Taboo-Conspiracy-film-oXKH4CiCWo…

    and, of course this evidence... https://youtu.be/4LI5sU_LWDU MAYBE you need to gently remove your head from your ass, and observe the world around you!

    But since in all likelihood you are either very brainwashed and or a #CIIA or #Freemason sock puppet account, you'll just continue making BS claims based purely in THEORY, as you ignore the ACTUAL #Science which PROVES the Earth is FLAT!

    Play with your balls all you want, it won't change the FACT we live on a PLANE and not a "planet"

    I have but one thing to say.... PROVE IT!

    Be the very first human being to DEMONSTRATE the
    "Earth's Curvature" (which isn't proven because it's fiction)

    BILLIONS of dollars are spent by NASA and thousands of "scientists" are on their payroll full time, having access to ALL EXISTING TECHNOLOGY, and unlimited resources....

    Yet NONE OF THEM can produce any EVIDENCE of this "curvature" which MUST EXIST for the Earth to be a "Sphere" with a circumference of 25,000 miles!

    I wonder why that is???

    And PROVE this non-existent "curvature"
    that is REQUIRED to exist for this to be a "spinning ball"

    I'll wait.....

    And BTW... For every 10 linear miles (From ANYWHERE on Earth) on the Earth or at Sea, everywhere on Earth, it is REQUIRED by mathematics for there to be 66.6 FEET of "Curvature"

    So put up or shut up!
    Demonstrate this "curvature" REQUIRED by spherical trigonometry, for the Earth to be a "ball" as you claim!

    I already KNOW that you can't prove anything that don't exist....
    But it'll be amusing to see you try!

    And you may actually WAKE UP from your delusion ion the process
    No, the Earth has been PROVEN to be flat. Over and over again actually. It's an Observable, Testable, and Repeatable FACT! (Actual Science) What you were "taught" in Rockefeller funded "Schools" was a psy-op. Just like #NASA and every other illegitimate "government" agency. So your claim is that you CAN see around curves, see through the earth's "curvature," and to see objects hidden behind this "curvature?" I'll bet the magical "refraction fairy" will be your go to BS answer to this very obvious problem! And you'll disregard actual #Evidence proving this FACT. Like this evidence... https://odysee.com/@Godsflatearth:a/Black-Swan--Beyond-The-Horizon:d (Which burst your magical refraction fairy claim. ) https://odysee.com/@ChadPrestonOfficial:9/flat-earth-black-swan-canada-taboo:6 and this evidence... https://odysee.com/@HiddenTruths:c/Undeniably-a-Taboo-Conspiracy-film-oXKH4CiCWo… and, of course this evidence... https://youtu.be/4LI5sU_LWDU MAYBE you need to gently remove your head from your ass, and observe the world around you! But since in all likelihood you are either very brainwashed and or a #CIIA or #Freemason sock puppet account, you'll just continue making BS claims based purely in THEORY, as you ignore the ACTUAL #Science which PROVES the Earth is FLAT! Play with your balls all you want, it won't change the FACT we live on a PLANE and not a "planet" I have but one thing to say.... PROVE IT! Be the very first human being to DEMONSTRATE the "Earth's Curvature" (which isn't proven because it's fiction) BILLIONS of dollars are spent by NASA and thousands of "scientists" are on their payroll full time, having access to ALL EXISTING TECHNOLOGY, and unlimited resources.... Yet NONE OF THEM can produce any EVIDENCE of this "curvature" which MUST EXIST for the Earth to be a "Sphere" with a circumference of 25,000 miles! I wonder why that is??? BE THE FIRST HUMAN TO PROVE YOUR FAITH BASED RELIGION And PROVE this non-existent "curvature" that is REQUIRED to exist for this to be a "spinning ball" I'll wait..... And BTW... For every 10 linear miles (From ANYWHERE on Earth) on the Earth or at Sea, everywhere on Earth, it is REQUIRED by mathematics for there to be 66.6 FEET of "Curvature" So put up or shut up! Demonstrate this "curvature" REQUIRED by spherical trigonometry, for the Earth to be a "ball" as you claim! I already KNOW that you can't prove anything that don't exist.... But it'll be amusing to see you try! And you may actually WAKE UP from your delusion ion the process
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 4K Views
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology - A new mathematical 'blueprint' is accelerating fusion device development:


    #DysonMap #Fusion #MagneticContainment #MaxwellEquations #Qubits #QuantumBits #QuantumComputers #ComputationalScience #Mathematics
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology - A new mathematical 'blueprint' is accelerating fusion device development: https://phys.org/news/2023-06-mathematical-blueprint-fusion-device.html #DysonMap #Fusion #MagneticContainment #MaxwellEquations #Qubits #QuantumBits #QuantumComputers #ComputationalScience #Mathematics
    A new mathematical 'blueprint' is accelerating fusion device development
    Developing commercial fusion energy requires scientists to understand sustained processes that have never before existed on Earth. But with so many unknowns, how do we make sure we're designing a device that can successfully harness fusion power?
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 4K Views

    NOBODY believed in a FLAT Earth from birth!
    We were ALL brainwashed in the same exact manner!

    Most flat earth guys were HUGE FANS OF #NASA and #Science!
    And one day they decided "I'll go look at what these Flat Earthers are saying"
    (Usually seeking to disprove their claims)

    This happens to airline pilots. Engineers, Surveyors, boat captains!
    They use REAL SCIENCE & REAL MATHEMATICS in their claims

    Then they'll think "This just cannot be!" so they do more research, perform experiments..... And at some point, sometimes YEARS LATER they'll realize...

    Then comes the #Censorship of what they are saying!
    The Hit Pieces claiming they are foolish

    And the phony images of what they believe
    NOBODY believes in a flat plane flying through space!

    Yet, when you search "Flat Earth" that is ALL YOU'LL FIND!
    Then the arguments about the moon and stars will start!

    But I thought we were discussing the SHAPE OF THE EARTH???

    There is no "Curvature" so over and over again the dissenters will argue about what's in the sky.

    I ALWAYS look at my ceiling, to determine the shape of my floor! Don't you?
    If you believe in the Globe Earth... WHAT DO YOU BASE THAT BELIEF ON?

    Brainwashing? NASA Freemason lies, or is it CGI images / cartoons you've seen?
    WHY do you think that is?

    But it's okay.... "Science" says to be sure to get your #Vaccine
    (which is NOT a vaccine)

    Have you gotten yours yet???

    EVERYTHING WRONG WITH THE GLOBE MODEL IN PHYSICS NOBODY believed in a FLAT Earth from birth! We were ALL brainwashed in the same exact manner! Most flat earth guys were HUGE FANS OF #NASA and #Science! And one day they decided "I'll go look at what these Flat Earthers are saying" (Usually seeking to disprove their claims) This happens to airline pilots. Engineers, Surveyors, boat captains! They use REAL SCIENCE & REAL MATHEMATICS in their claims Then they'll think "This just cannot be!" so they do more research, perform experiments..... And at some point, sometimes YEARS LATER they'll realize... IT'S ALL A LIE! And I CAN PROVE IT! Then comes the #Censorship of what they are saying! The Hit Pieces claiming they are foolish And the phony images of what they believe NOBODY believes in a flat plane flying through space! Yet, when you search "Flat Earth" that is ALL YOU'LL FIND! Then the arguments about the moon and stars will start! But I thought we were discussing the SHAPE OF THE EARTH??? SHOW ME THE "CURVATURE" WHICH MUST BE THERE.... OR JUST SHUT UP! There is no "Curvature" so over and over again the dissenters will argue about what's in the sky. I ALWAYS look at my ceiling, to determine the shape of my floor! Don't you? If you believe in the Globe Earth... WHAT DO YOU BASE THAT BELIEF ON? Brainwashing? NASA Freemason lies, or is it CGI images / cartoons you've seen? "SCIENCE" CANNOT DISPROVE THE FLAT EARTH...... WHY do you think that is? But it's okay.... "Science" says to be sure to get your #Vaccine (which is NOT a vaccine) Have you gotten yours yet??? https://www.bitchute.com/video/qLoAA6SnVexa/
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 717 Views
  • Educational Equity, Racist Mathematics, Lowest Common Denominator - Frosty Wooldrige
    If you want to see how a civilization succeeds or fails, it’s irretrievably tied to the educational standards maintained by its citizens. If you’ve got a lot of smart people who excel in their educational pursuits, you enjoy a very successful society. Each person will be trainable as a plumber, electrician, doctor, teacher, police officer, firefighter, and yes, even a fully capable truck driver. We need each person to be educated to his or her highest level. If you’ve got a lot of dumb people who flunk out or drop out of high schools, you inevitably face a failing society.

    The farther a society goes down the “dumb” rabbit hole, the sooner it ends up in chaos, mayhem and breakdown. You can see examples all over the world in places like India, Mexico, Africa, and South America. Nothing works because most of their citizens lack educational excellence to repair electrical outlets in buildings. Or, they cannot create sewage systems or water treatment plants. Or, they lack teachers to teach the young how to read, write and perform math.

    If you watched the national news recently, a reporter exposed how Loudon County Schools in Virginia penalized top students in math, science, physics and chemistry. They hid the scores from SAT testing in order to create “equity” for marginalized students.

    In other words, let’s reward students who lack the educational horsepower to pass math, science, English, calculus, biology, zoology, history, chemistry and other solid courses that will make them contributing members of Western societies. Instead, degrade smart kids who perform in favor of dumb kids who cannot perform…or refuse to study or have no interest in studies because they lack the brains to do the work.

    Those are the kids who scream that math is racist. Why? Simple. They cannot perform the work…so then, it becomes a racial matter. Except, math could care less about your race, color, gender or ethnic group. You can either work the equation or you can’t.

    As a former math-science teacher back in the 1970’s, that’s whe
    Educational Equity, Racist Mathematics, Lowest Common Denominator - Frosty Wooldrige https://newswithviews.com/educational-equity-racist-mathematics-lowest-common-denominator/ If you want to see how a civilization succeeds or fails, it’s irretrievably tied to the educational standards maintained by its citizens. If you’ve got a lot of smart people who excel in their educational pursuits, you enjoy a very successful society. Each person will be trainable as a plumber, electrician, doctor, teacher, police officer, firefighter, and yes, even a fully capable truck driver. We need each person to be educated to his or her highest level. If you’ve got a lot of dumb people who flunk out or drop out of high schools, you inevitably face a failing society. The farther a society goes down the “dumb” rabbit hole, the sooner it ends up in chaos, mayhem and breakdown. You can see examples all over the world in places like India, Mexico, Africa, and South America. Nothing works because most of their citizens lack educational excellence to repair electrical outlets in buildings. Or, they cannot create sewage systems or water treatment plants. Or, they lack teachers to teach the young how to read, write and perform math. If you watched the national news recently, a reporter exposed how Loudon County Schools in Virginia penalized top students in math, science, physics and chemistry. They hid the scores from SAT testing in order to create “equity” for marginalized students. In other words, let’s reward students who lack the educational horsepower to pass math, science, English, calculus, biology, zoology, history, chemistry and other solid courses that will make them contributing members of Western societies. Instead, degrade smart kids who perform in favor of dumb kids who cannot perform…or refuse to study or have no interest in studies because they lack the brains to do the work. Those are the kids who scream that math is racist. Why? Simple. They cannot perform the work…so then, it becomes a racial matter. Except, math could care less about your race, color, gender or ethnic group. You can either work the equation or you can’t. As a former math-science teacher back in the 1970’s, that’s whe
    Educational Equity, Racist Mathematics, Lowest Common Denominator
    The farther a society goes down the “dumb” rabbit hole, the sooner it ends up in chaos, mayhem and breakdown. You can see examples all over the world in places like India, Mexico, Africa, and South America. Nothing works because most of their citizens lack educational excellence to repair electrical
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 1K Views
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