In case you don't know WHY farms are under attack and being shut down...
    It's being done so that the #Parasite Class can STARVE YOU TO DEATH, along with your children and grandchildren, and anyone else you care about

    First, they tried to inject you with a toxic bio-weapon that alters your DNA and makes you STERILE so that you cannot have children

    They gave you the full details in the series Utopia2020, which can be found by searching YouTube for "Utopia2020" and look for the one by Roman Krausko
    ( It has John Cusack on the thumbnail )

    Soon, fertilizer will be outlawed by people who have ZERO LEGITIMATE AUTHORITY over anyone! These same people will steal the land of farmers, starve you, and force you to "Eat Zee bugs"

    And you'll do it apparently!
    I mean you are sitting on your duff as they try to #Murder YOU and everyone you know and love! You have not demanded their arrest, or arrested them yourself!

    You have not awakened and organized your community while exposing the #Criminal Satan worshiping cartel called "The #Corporation of the United States!

    Soon.... you'll be either DEAD or sitting in the dark starving to death...
    Too busy defending your groceries and other possessions from the hoards of inner city criminals that will turn against THEMSELVES and kill their own neighbors because the store shelves are empty and the lights are off...

    Instead of going after the GUILTY scumbags who caused all of this orchestrated PAIN and misery... THEY'LL GO AFTER EACH OTHER AND ROB, KILL, AND MAIM...

    YOU have been at war for DECADES...
    but it has only really been exposed for the past 4 years...

    What have you done to STOP the people trying to kill you or starve you to death?

    What have you done to ensure JUSTICE finds the people responsible for injecting BILLIONS with a lethal weapon that alters their DNA???

    Do we owe the DEAD nothing?
    YOU could be one of the dead.... Or your people, your son or daughter, mom or dad

    Will you continue to sit idly by and let these people continue their attacks on you without you even putting up a fight??? We have so far!


    Go ahead and jump into the coffin for them since you want to cooperate with your own death so bad! Save them the trouble of having to kill you, and just do it yourself!

    If you are going to continue doing nothing....
    It will actually save you a lot of pain and suffering... AND HUNGER!

    THE EDOMITE KIKES ARE IMPLODING AMERICA. WILL WE DO ANYTHING? In case you don't know WHY farms are under attack and being shut down... It's being done so that the #Parasite Class can STARVE YOU TO DEATH, along with your children and grandchildren, and anyone else you care about HOW LONG WILL YOU TOLERATE THESE DEMONS TRYING TO MURDER YOU? First, they tried to inject you with a toxic bio-weapon that alters your DNA and makes you STERILE so that you cannot have children They gave you the full details in the series Utopia2020, which can be found by searching YouTube for "Utopia2020" and look for the one by Roman Krausko ( It has John Cusack on the thumbnail ) Soon, fertilizer will be outlawed by people who have ZERO LEGITIMATE AUTHORITY over anyone! These same people will steal the land of farmers, starve you, and force you to "Eat Zee bugs" And you'll do it apparently! I mean you are sitting on your duff as they try to #Murder YOU and everyone you know and love! You have not demanded their arrest, or arrested them yourself! You have not awakened and organized your community while exposing the #Criminal Satan worshiping cartel called "The #Corporation of the United States! Soon.... you'll be either DEAD or sitting in the dark starving to death... Too busy defending your groceries and other possessions from the hoards of inner city criminals that will turn against THEMSELVES and kill their own neighbors because the store shelves are empty and the lights are off... Instead of going after the GUILTY scumbags who caused all of this orchestrated PAIN and misery... THEY'LL GO AFTER EACH OTHER AND ROB, KILL, AND MAIM... YOU have been at war for DECADES... but it has only really been exposed for the past 4 years... BUT WHAT HAVE YOU DONE ABOUT IT? What have you done to STOP the people trying to kill you or starve you to death? What have you done to ensure JUSTICE finds the people responsible for injecting BILLIONS with a lethal weapon that alters their DNA??? Do we owe the DEAD nothing? YOU could be one of the dead.... Or your people, your son or daughter, mom or dad Will you continue to sit idly by and let these people continue their attacks on you without you even putting up a fight??? We have so far! So I say "DEAD MEN WALKING" "We have DEAD MEN WALKING HERE" Go ahead and jump into the coffin for them since you want to cooperate with your own death so bad! Save them the trouble of having to kill you, and just do it yourself! If you are going to continue doing nothing.... It will actually save you a lot of pain and suffering... AND HUNGER! https://old.bitchute.com/video/nBmxBg26kAbv/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 473 Views
  • The Poisoned Needle
    by Eleanor McBean

    Free downloadable PDF file!

    For the past 2000 years physicians have been looking in
    the wrong direction for the cure of disease. Their worse
    than useless practice of killing germs with poison drugs
    has never—and can never—solve the problem of disease.

    During the Dark Ages, before the introduction of
    improved nutrition and sanitation, the world was intermittently visited with epidemics of smallpox.

    The cause was
    stubbornly ignored and the seeds for more disease were
    sown when vaccination was brought into popular use. This
    infusion of poison injected into the blood stream of the
    masses only served to intensify the disease in some cases,
    suppress the symptoms in others and create new and more
    serious diseases in still others.

    So, with the passing of years
    we have seen this misbegotten child of ignorance grow into
    a Frankenstein monster of immense proportions that moves
    relentlessly forward, grinding under foot the multitudes that
    throng its path.

    Through the lethal power of this poisoned needle, the
    simple zymotic (contagious) diseases of the past have been
    devolved into the horrors of the present—our terrifying and
    expanding crop of “killer diseases”. Many of these strange
    “mystery diseases” that baffle the entire medical world, are
    the sordid products of vaccine poisons that disturb the
    chemical balance of the body and interfere with normal

    All these medically-made atrocities are far worse than
    smallpox or any of the other eruptive diseases that nature
    provides as a means of expelling the accumulated poison
    waste from the abused body.

    This interference with the
    balanced economy of nature has multiplied the problems
    beyond the power of science to control.

    Our worst epidemics now are epidemics of vaccination

    The Poisoned Needle by Eleanor McBean Free downloadable PDF file! DOWNLOAD IT, READ IT, SHARE IT! For the past 2000 years physicians have been looking in the wrong direction for the cure of disease. Their worse than useless practice of killing germs with poison drugs has never—and can never—solve the problem of disease. During the Dark Ages, before the introduction of improved nutrition and sanitation, the world was intermittently visited with epidemics of smallpox. The cause was stubbornly ignored and the seeds for more disease were sown when vaccination was brought into popular use. This infusion of poison injected into the blood stream of the masses only served to intensify the disease in some cases, suppress the symptoms in others and create new and more serious diseases in still others. So, with the passing of years we have seen this misbegotten child of ignorance grow into a Frankenstein monster of immense proportions that moves relentlessly forward, grinding under foot the multitudes that throng its path. Through the lethal power of this poisoned needle, the simple zymotic (contagious) diseases of the past have been devolved into the horrors of the present—our terrifying and expanding crop of “killer diseases”. Many of these strange “mystery diseases” that baffle the entire medical world, are the sordid products of vaccine poisons that disturb the chemical balance of the body and interfere with normal functioning. All these medically-made atrocities are far worse than smallpox or any of the other eruptive diseases that nature provides as a means of expelling the accumulated poison waste from the abused body. This interference with the balanced economy of nature has multiplied the problems beyond the power of science to control. Our worst epidemics now are epidemics of vaccination https://archive.org/details/the_poisoned_needle_mcbean
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1033 Views
  • Ogle County Shootout -
    Cops Attack & Shoot Man For Not Answering His Door - To Save Him

    I used to watch Rick's videos every day.....
    And then, once the thing in Memphis happened, where a group of blue belly #Criminal scum beat Tyre Nichols to death, and Rick put out a video claiming that

    "Tyre Nichols is a "no guy" and deserved what he got"
    I kinda stopped following him

    I always agreed with Rick on just about everything, but that sh*t sent me over the edge! It appeared to me anyway.... That Rick allowed his blue line brainwashing to take over, and he made excuses for the criminals who beat that man to death!

    Those cops HAD NO LEGITIMATE REASON TO STOP Tyre Nichols to begin with! I mean, that is a pretty damn relevant point is it not?

    And then I posted a comment about it, and how I thought he needed to watch ALL of the videos before passing judgement, and he highlighted the FIRST HALF of the comment on a video, as he called me names, and never read the entire thing.

    He pissed me off, let's put it like that.
    I wasn't attacking the guy, I helped to grow his channel! I was one of his most loyal subscribers... And because he was too lazy to read my entire comment, he spouted off a bunch of sh*t on a video attacking me, simply for pointing out he was DEFENDING THE COPS THAT BEAT A RAG-DOLL TO DEATH!

    I'm saying that Tyre Nichols was a "Rag-Doll" because he was UNCONSCIOUS as those criminals yelled "Stop Resisting!!!" "Stop Resisting!!!" "Stop Resisting!!!"

    The entire time, Rick was defending them!

    And that was pretty much the last time I followed his stuff
    He was wrong, and just refused to admit it

    Wonder if he is STILL claiming that Tyre Nichols "deserved" to be beaten to death?

    I sincerely doubt it, Rick is actually a pretty decent guy, and I generally agreed with the guy on 99.9% of everything he said.

    I dunno... When he went off on an uninformed rant against ME for pointing out that he didn't have all of the facts, he lost a subscriber

    But at least he's still doing the "Earning the HATE" videos
    I just have a hard time with anyone claiming that a man "deserves" to be beaten to death, especially when there was no valid reason to even stop him!

    #Police are NOT "gods"
    And "cooperating" with scumbags attacking you without cause is NOT something that I recommend! Just like in THIS VIDEO, some group of militarized morons breaking down your door WITHOUT CAUSE (or a warrant) DESERVE to have lethal force used against them! Cops or not

    Even the criminals of SCOTUS agree with ME on this!
    Once Police act in a criminal manner they are no longer "police"
    They are just criminal breaking into your home, and you MAY lawfully shoot them
    (And you'll win in court, IF you live to see your day in court)

    But we ALL know that the thin blue line gang will execute you long before court! It's just what these brainwashed psychopaths do

    Ogle County Shootout - Cops Attack & Shoot Man For Not Answering His Door - To Save Him I used to watch Rick's videos every day..... And then, once the thing in Memphis happened, where a group of blue belly #Criminal scum beat Tyre Nichols to death, and Rick put out a video claiming that "Tyre Nichols is a "no guy" and deserved what he got" I kinda stopped following him I always agreed with Rick on just about everything, but that sh*t sent me over the edge! It appeared to me anyway.... That Rick allowed his blue line brainwashing to take over, and he made excuses for the criminals who beat that man to death! Those cops HAD NO LEGITIMATE REASON TO STOP Tyre Nichols to begin with! I mean, that is a pretty damn relevant point is it not? And then I posted a comment about it, and how I thought he needed to watch ALL of the videos before passing judgement, and he highlighted the FIRST HALF of the comment on a video, as he called me names, and never read the entire thing. He pissed me off, let's put it like that. I wasn't attacking the guy, I helped to grow his channel! I was one of his most loyal subscribers... And because he was too lazy to read my entire comment, he spouted off a bunch of sh*t on a video attacking me, simply for pointing out he was DEFENDING THE COPS THAT BEAT A RAG-DOLL TO DEATH! I'm saying that Tyre Nichols was a "Rag-Doll" because he was UNCONSCIOUS as those criminals yelled "Stop Resisting!!!" "Stop Resisting!!!" "Stop Resisting!!!" The entire time, Rick was defending them! And that was pretty much the last time I followed his stuff He was wrong, and just refused to admit it Wonder if he is STILL claiming that Tyre Nichols "deserved" to be beaten to death? I sincerely doubt it, Rick is actually a pretty decent guy, and I generally agreed with the guy on 99.9% of everything he said. I dunno... When he went off on an uninformed rant against ME for pointing out that he didn't have all of the facts, he lost a subscriber But at least he's still doing the "Earning the HATE" videos I just have a hard time with anyone claiming that a man "deserves" to be beaten to death, especially when there was no valid reason to even stop him! #Police are NOT "gods" And "cooperating" with scumbags attacking you without cause is NOT something that I recommend! Just like in THIS VIDEO, some group of militarized morons breaking down your door WITHOUT CAUSE (or a warrant) DESERVE to have lethal force used against them! Cops or not Even the criminals of SCOTUS agree with ME on this! Once Police act in a criminal manner they are no longer "police" They are just criminal breaking into your home, and you MAY lawfully shoot them (And you'll win in court, IF you live to see your day in court) But we ALL know that the thin blue line gang will execute you long before court! It's just what these brainwashed psychopaths do https://youtu.be/kKC5ifDZX4c
    0 Comments 0 Shares 957 Views
  • Government Contractor Exposes Planning of Profitable Lethal Injections https://www.infowars.com/posts/government-contractor-exposes-planning-of-profitable-lethal-injections/
    Government Contractor Exposes Planning of Profitable Lethal Injections https://www.infowars.com/posts/government-contractor-exposes-planning-of-profitable-lethal-injections/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 264 Views
  • Video: Government Contractor Exposes Planning of Profitable #Lethal #Injections https://madmaxworld.tv/watch?id=667602bdcc6c9de467fea009
    Video: Government Contractor Exposes Planning of Profitable #Lethal #Injections https://madmaxworld.tv/watch?id=667602bdcc6c9de467fea009
    Government Contractor Exposes Planning of Profitable Lethal Injections
    Dr. David Martin witnessed decades of criminal preparations years before 2020 https://gregreese.substack.com/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 255 Views
  • The NIAID is a Repeat Offender.
    Fresh off the back of Anthony Fauci and his former agency being accused of lying to lawmakers and covering up the origins of Covid-19, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) is embroiled in another scandal.
    This time, an explosive report by US congressional investigators found the NIAID tried to hide plans to conduct gain-of-function (GOF) research on a lethal strain of the monkeypox virus.
    The proposed experiments from 2015 sought to insert genes into the virus to retain a moderate fatality rate of approximately 10-15%, but also to make the virus more transmissible, giving it ‘pandemic potential.’

    The NIAID is a Repeat Offender. Fresh off the back of Anthony Fauci and his former agency being accused of lying to lawmakers and covering up the origins of Covid-19, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) is embroiled in another scandal. This time, an explosive report by US congressional investigators found the NIAID tried to hide plans to conduct gain-of-function (GOF) research on a lethal strain of the monkeypox virus. The proposed experiments from 2015 sought to insert genes into the virus to retain a moderate fatality rate of approximately 10-15%, but also to make the virus more transmissible, giving it ‘pandemic potential.’ https://brownstone.org/articles/the-niaid-is-a-repeat-offender/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 732 Views

    Sooner or later, Americans are going to have to defend themselves, using lethal force if necessary. Because the #Police are just a #Criminal gang of thugs and domestic #Terrorists!

    What else can you do?
    Let them kill you for no reason like they did this guy?

    FOR RIDING AN ATV IN HIS NEIGHBOR'S YARD! Sooner or later, Americans are going to have to defend themselves, using lethal force if necessary. Because the #Police are just a #Criminal gang of thugs and domestic #Terrorists! What else can you do? Let them kill you for no reason like they did this guy? https://www.bitchute.com/video/_rTMCA3Lwi4/
    For riding an ATV in his neighbor's yard!
    Video to submit? https://forms.gle/HmwnDQKvwvYPxe967 Blog: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/ Donate to the Institute for Justice: https://ij.org/support/give-now/thecivilrightslawyer/ For business inquiries: [email protected] Twitter: htt…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 218 Views
  • MUST WATCH AND SHARE! Video in article~!
    Learn Why Lethal Force Was Authorized In #DonaldTrump Raid At #MarALago, Roger Stone Exclusive; #FBI had authorization to use deadly force on the Mar-A-Lago raid against Donald Trump. https://www.infowars.com/posts/learn-why-lethal-force-was-authorized-in-trump-raid-at-mar-a-lago-roger-stone-exclusive/
    MUST WATCH AND SHARE! Video in article~! Learn Why Lethal Force Was Authorized In #DonaldTrump Raid At #MarALago, Roger Stone Exclusive; #FBI had authorization to use deadly force on the Mar-A-Lago raid against Donald Trump. https://www.infowars.com/posts/learn-why-lethal-force-was-authorized-in-trump-raid-at-mar-a-lago-roger-stone-exclusive/
    Learn Why Lethal Force Was Authorized In Trump Raid At Mar-A-Lago, Roger Stone Exclusive
    Trump confidant Roger Stone breaks down the latest on the Mar-A-Lago raid.
    0 Comments 2 Shares 382 Views
  • Dr. Yeadon Apparently is Supportive of Mark Sexton Assertions of mRNA Criminality

    SUMMARY: Dr. Mike Yeadon posted an email he sent to Ben Bates on his Telegram Channel supportive of the Mark Sexton assertion of mRNA criminality perpetrated on a trusting gullible public who have fallen for the mantra, “Trust the Science”. The part that interests me is his explanation of ineffectiveness & lethality. …TAKE A LOOK: https://bit.ly/3IBn2sU
    Dr. Yeadon Apparently is Supportive of Mark Sexton Assertions of mRNA Criminality SUMMARY: Dr. Mike Yeadon posted an email he sent to Ben Bates on his Telegram Channel supportive of the Mark Sexton assertion of mRNA criminality perpetrated on a trusting gullible public who have fallen for the mantra, “Trust the Science”. The part that interests me is his explanation of ineffectiveness & lethality. …TAKE A LOOK: https://bit.ly/3IBn2sU #mRNACriminality
    Dr. Yeadon Apparently is Supportive of Mark Sexton Assertions of mRNA Criminality
    John R. Houk, Blog Editor © March 13, 2024 Dr. Mike Yeadon posted an email he sent to Ben Bates on his Telegram Channel Dr Mike Yead...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 937 Views
  • Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare

    You MAY be interested in the plan to MURDER YOU & YOUR FAMILY!
    If so, you may want to read this book!

    NCJ Number 194349
    Author(s) Leonard G. Horowitz
    Date Published 2001
    Length 546 pages

    This book describes the manners in which population control programs are being conducted, and non-lethal warfare is being waged on unwitting groups of people

    Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare You MAY be interested in the plan to MURDER YOU & YOUR FAMILY! If so, you may want to read this book! NCJ Number 194349 Author(s) Leonard G. Horowitz Date Published 2001 Length 546 pages Annotation This book describes the manners in which population control programs are being conducted, and non-lethal warfare is being waged on unwitting groups of people https://archive.org/details/deathinairglobal0000horo
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1197 Views
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