• The Fourth Industrial Revolution by the scumbag extraordinaire...
    Klause "Eat ze bugs" Schwab


    The Fourth Industrial Revolution by the scumbag extraordinaire... Klause "Eat ze bugs" Schwab PLEASE DOWNLOAD AND SHARE!
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    While #Putin APPEARS to be a "sane leader"....
    It's ALL an act!

    He is just another one of Klause Schwab's #WEF flunkies!
    An ACTOR!

    'THE VAMPIRE BALL IS ENDING' - PUTIN SENDS A MESSAGE TO ALL THE PEDOPHILES AND SATANISTS While #Putin APPEARS to be a "sane leader".... It's ALL an act! He is just another one of Klause Schwab's #WEF flunkies! An ACTOR! https://www.bitchute.com/video/ioBY5TumJ10v/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1019 Views
  • Big Pharma Is Fooling You Again, and You Don't Even Know It

    I hope that EVERYONE knows that Big Pharma is definitely out to KILL them!
    It's not a "conspiracy theory" or a rumor... they really are trying to take YOU out!

    And the Corporate "United States Department of Defense" or the #DoD is right there with them, holding their hands, plotting to take you out as well!

    All you gotta do is LOOK at the whole phony "Covid19," by Klause Schwab and the DOD, along with criminals like Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and the #CDC and #WHO

    ALL of these people just tried to MURDER the entire population of the Earth!
    If it were me... I'd "proceed with extreme caution" when dealing with these folks!

    What makes you THINK that if those people would poison you with the covid19
    bio-weapon, that they would not just put the poison in EVERYTHING that they manufacture?

    Or just say BP medications, or diabetes meds etc.....
    And do it in "batches" like they did with the vax poisons

    So that nobody notices too many people dropping dead,
    after taking a particular big pharma product. I've even heard they've tainted the Novocaine at your dentist's office

    Big Pharma Is Fooling You Again, and You Don't Even Know It I hope that EVERYONE knows that Big Pharma is definitely out to KILL them! It's not a "conspiracy theory" or a rumor... they really are trying to take YOU out! And the Corporate "United States Department of Defense" or the #DoD is right there with them, holding their hands, plotting to take you out as well! All you gotta do is LOOK at the whole phony "Covid19," by Klause Schwab and the DOD, along with criminals like Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and the #CDC and #WHO ALL of these people just tried to MURDER the entire population of the Earth! If it were me... I'd "proceed with extreme caution" when dealing with these folks! What makes you THINK that if those people would poison you with the covid19 bio-weapon, that they would not just put the poison in EVERYTHING that they manufacture? Or just say BP medications, or diabetes meds etc..... And do it in "batches" like they did with the vax poisons So that nobody notices too many people dropping dead, after taking a particular big pharma product. I've even heard they've tainted the Novocaine at your dentist's office https://rumble.com/v4azgvi-big-pharma-is-fooling-you-again-and-you-dont-even-know-it.html
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3831 Views

    While I'm well aware of the Jewish #Propaganda surrounding #Hitler, up to and including labeling them #NAZIS, they were not Saints by any means!

    And if you want to know where Klause Schwab and his merry band of queer
    "New World Order" proponents got their ideas...

    Look no further than Adolph Hitler!
    I'm aware that Hitler done amazing things for Germany and it's people!
    Abolishing Jewish usury he pulled the country back from the brink of bankruptcy and slavery. Making Germany prosperous again!

    But then he took the path of #Eugenics, and trying to create a perfect race, ventured into the occult, dabbled in the dark arts, and gave himself over to the dark side. Just another tool of Satan.

    Lots of people do good things, and then commit atrocities
    Lots of people fall victim to Satan and his minions' promises of wealth and power
    Now they are pushing #Transhumanism promising the SAME THINGS!

    It's the SAME STORY over and over and over again!
    Since the Garden of Eden....

    Satan is the "god of this world" there's no doubt about it!

    When he took Jesus up to the high place and offered him the world if He would worship him... Jesus turned him down, but he NEVER SAID that these things were not his to give! A refresher for those who need it...

    Luke 4 NKJV
    5 [d]Then the devil, taking Him up on a high mountain, showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. 6 And the devil said to Him, “All this authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. 7 Therefore, if You will worship before me, all will be Yours.”

    8 And Jesus answered and said to him, [e]“Get behind Me, Satan! [f]For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.’ ”

    Satan is the god of this world AND "The Prince of the Power of the Air"
    So.... Think 5G and all of the other frequencies crossing our airwaves.....

    Those who accept the Devil's offer get granted Kingdoms, get fully corrupted, and eventually destroy themselves and their nations... If those nations are fool enough to follow them over the cliff!

    It's the same story over and over and over again!
    Satan ALWAYS promises the same 3 things!

    1.) Ye shall not surely die ( Immortality )
    2.) your eyes shall be opened ( Knowledge )
    3.) ye shall be as gods

    And mankind gets suckered by him over and over and over again!
    Sure, Hitler did do some really great things, getting rid of usury, banning freemasons.... But then he adopted his own Freemason type rituals!

    All he really did getting rid of Freemasons was to run them off and steal their ancient knowledge of witchcraft and Satan!

    So NO.... I'm not a fan of Hitler!
    He did do some wonderful things for Germany though!

    And if he could have avoided the temptations of the dark side....
    He may have well been a true hero in the eyes of history!

    Today's "New World Order" is based in the SAME EXACT PHILOSOPHY as Adolph Hitler's AND continues the work of Rome!

    At the end of the day folks....
    "All roads lead to Rome"

    YOU are being ruled over by a Satanic Roman system TODAY!
    Look around... It don't really matter where you live!

    Rome and it's Pagan idols pollute the world. Especially Washington DC
    The "Corporate Headquarters" of the criminal system of #Slavery which has been set up across our land. A #Corporation which you've been duped into believing is your government!

    They have ZERO AUTHORITY over you unless you "Consent"
    So STOP consenting! Rescind all contracts! Free yourself!
    And watch Rome fall! Their "Legal System" too!

    ALL of these things only have authority because we consent to them!
    And they have SHOWN US they are unworthy of our consent or support!

    EVERYTHING which is "Legal" is not lawful.
    Anything "Legal" goes AGAINST Yahuwah's Law!

    Let's return to obeying God's Law, and cast Satan's "Legal System" from our soil
    Because it is a system of slavery and death, good for Tyrants, bad for everyone else

    TODAY'S VATICAN PRAYERS TO LUCIFER, AND FREEMASONS/JESUITS SECRET CEREMONIES OF BABIES RAPE AND While I'm well aware of the Jewish #Propaganda surrounding #Hitler, up to and including labeling them #NAZIS, they were not Saints by any means! And if you want to know where Klause Schwab and his merry band of queer "New World Order" proponents got their ideas... Look no further than Adolph Hitler! I'm aware that Hitler done amazing things for Germany and it's people! Abolishing Jewish usury he pulled the country back from the brink of bankruptcy and slavery. Making Germany prosperous again! But then he took the path of #Eugenics, and trying to create a perfect race, ventured into the occult, dabbled in the dark arts, and gave himself over to the dark side. Just another tool of Satan. Lots of people do good things, and then commit atrocities Lots of people fall victim to Satan and his minions' promises of wealth and power Now they are pushing #Transhumanism promising the SAME THINGS! It's the SAME STORY over and over and over again! Since the Garden of Eden.... Satan is the "god of this world" there's no doubt about it! When he took Jesus up to the high place and offered him the world if He would worship him... Jesus turned him down, but he NEVER SAID that these things were not his to give! A refresher for those who need it... Luke 4 NKJV 5 [d]Then the devil, taking Him up on a high mountain, showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. 6 And the devil said to Him, “All this authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. 7 Therefore, if You will worship before me, all will be Yours.” 8 And Jesus answered and said to him, [e]“Get behind Me, Satan! [f]For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.’ ” Satan is the god of this world AND "The Prince of the Power of the Air" So.... Think 5G and all of the other frequencies crossing our airwaves..... Those who accept the Devil's offer get granted Kingdoms, get fully corrupted, and eventually destroy themselves and their nations... If those nations are fool enough to follow them over the cliff! It's the same story over and over and over again! Satan ALWAYS promises the same 3 things! 1.) Ye shall not surely die ( Immortality ) 2.) your eyes shall be opened ( Knowledge ) 3.) ye shall be as gods And mankind gets suckered by him over and over and over again! Sure, Hitler did do some really great things, getting rid of usury, banning freemasons.... But then he adopted his own Freemason type rituals! All he really did getting rid of Freemasons was to run them off and steal their ancient knowledge of witchcraft and Satan! So NO.... I'm not a fan of Hitler! He did do some wonderful things for Germany though! And if he could have avoided the temptations of the dark side.... He may have well been a true hero in the eyes of history! Today's "New World Order" is based in the SAME EXACT PHILOSOPHY as Adolph Hitler's AND continues the work of Rome! At the end of the day folks.... "All roads lead to Rome" YOU are being ruled over by a Satanic Roman system TODAY! Look around... It don't really matter where you live! Rome and it's Pagan idols pollute the world. Especially Washington DC The "Corporate Headquarters" of the criminal system of #Slavery which has been set up across our land. A #Corporation which you've been duped into believing is your government! They have ZERO AUTHORITY over you unless you "Consent" So STOP consenting! Rescind all contracts! Free yourself! And watch Rome fall! Their "Legal System" too! ALL of these things only have authority because we consent to them! And they have SHOWN US they are unworthy of our consent or support! EVERYTHING which is "Legal" is not lawful. Anything "Legal" goes AGAINST Yahuwah's Law! Let's return to obeying God's Law, and cast Satan's "Legal System" from our soil Because it is a system of slavery and death, good for Tyrants, bad for everyone else https://www.bitchute.com/video/NagnssKyNv7I/
    1 Comments 0 Shares 7248 Views

    People just don't seem to fully grasp that we are dealing with ILLEGITIMATE #Police Officers who have already violated their #Oath, and continue to do so...

    And they are acting as "ENFORCERS" for installed, ILLEGITIMATE corporate employees who have NO LEGITIMATE AUTHORITY WHATSOEVER!

    Basically... we are dealing with a foreign military enemy on US Soil in violation of the Constitution, and they are acting without ANY LEGITIMATE AUTHORITY!

    These Police are NOT representing ME, just like they are NOT representing YOU!
    And that goes double for their politician bosses!

    People who were SELECTED by corporations, and installed into our corporate "government." NONE of these people have the "Consent" of the people....

    These people represent a FOREIGN MILITARY FORCE ON US SOIL!
    They represent a CORPORATION, and don't care about YOU, or your rights at all

    They are invaders
    Hostile, violent, foreign invaders... Working on behalf of Klause Schwab and the #WEF. They damn sure are NOT working for YOU!

    YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT COPS JUST DID IN SMALL TOWN AMERICA!! People just don't seem to fully grasp that we are dealing with ILLEGITIMATE #Police Officers who have already violated their #Oath, and continue to do so... And they are acting as "ENFORCERS" for installed, ILLEGITIMATE corporate employees who have NO LEGITIMATE AUTHORITY WHATSOEVER! Basically... we are dealing with a foreign military enemy on US Soil in violation of the Constitution, and they are acting without ANY LEGITIMATE AUTHORITY! These Police are NOT representing ME, just like they are NOT representing YOU! And that goes double for their politician bosses! People who were SELECTED by corporations, and installed into our corporate "government." NONE of these people have the "Consent" of the people.... Because NOT ONE OF THEM REPRESENTS THE PEOPLE! These people represent a FOREIGN MILITARY FORCE ON US SOIL! They represent a CORPORATION, and don't care about YOU, or your rights at all They are invaders Hostile, violent, foreign invaders... Working on behalf of Klause Schwab and the #WEF. They damn sure are NOT working for YOU! https://www.bitchute.com/video/9Jv4AU36sew/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 717 Views

    Do you know what puzzles me???
    You have Klause here, the bond villain in search of his cat....
    TELLING THE WORLD that a planned shutdown of the internet looms....

    Yet BUSINESSES are rushing at breakneck speed to computerize 100% of their businesses and means of production!

    Am I missing something here?
    Either people are full blown retard OR they are COMPLICIT!

    EXPERT ADMITS THAT THE PURPOSE OF THE OUTBREAKS-PANDEMICS IS TO SCARE PARENTS INTO ACCEPTING VACCINE Do you know what puzzles me??? You have Klause here, the bond villain in search of his cat.... TELLING THE WORLD that a planned shutdown of the internet looms.... Yet BUSINESSES are rushing at breakneck speed to computerize 100% of their businesses and means of production! Am I missing something here? Either people are full blown retard OR they are COMPLICIT! https://www.bitchute.com/video/FtLeZ6GL7s3V/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 992 Views
  • Your ILLEGITIMATE "Government" is nothing but c*cksuckers and #Satan worshiping #Pedophiles!

    And your punk a** needs to be swinging beneath the old oak tree!

    So stuff that in your "government" pipe and smoke it
    (As if was Klause's shriveled up pecker)

    I'm certain #Canada feels the SAME!

    Your ILLEGITIMATE "Government" is nothing but c*cksuckers and #Satan worshiping #Pedophiles! And your punk a** needs to be swinging beneath the old oak tree! So stuff that in your "government" pipe and smoke it (As if was Klause's shriveled up pecker) I'm certain #Canada feels the SAME! https://gab.com/Diego_vizc/posts/110442689497018723
    0 Comments 0 Shares 249 Views
  • Lies, Nuttery & Craziness Everywhere in America – James Howard Kunstler - Greg Hunter

    Renowned author and journalist James Howard Kunstler (JHK) has been complaining and pointing out that the American public is told one lie after another by the Lying Legacy Media (LLM), the government and the medical community. This kind of lying, according to JHK, is pure treason by all parties, from the 600 million CV19 bioweapon/vax injections, to the crumbling banking system, to the war in Ukraine. Let’s start with the genocide of the CV19vax. JHK says, “They are pretending that they didn’t cause any damage, and they are ignoring their own assembled statistics, and they don’t want to paint a realistic picture for the American public to see what the consequences were for their vaccination program. . . . I don’t think they can suppress the reality of it that much longer. There are just too many people who know too many people who have been injured or killed by the vaccines. The basic problem is dishonesty puts you in a place of weakness, and the truth puts you in a position of strength. Eventually, if you are not being honest with yourself and the other people around you, you are going to be found out. . . . They have to keep doubling and tripling down on narratives that are manifestly untrue, and pretty soon I think people are going to be super pissed off about how all this went down.”

    With the banking crisis, JHK says the lie that everything is under control is going to be exposed too. JHK says, “When you are compelled to liquidate like Silicon Valley Bank, they are liquidating their assets below their supposed value and they become insolvent. I would imagine there is a great deal of damage waiting to express itself out there, and we haven’t seen much action in the derivatives racket so far, and that’s going to be a big deal when that happens because of the completely reckless contracts that are made. . . . It’s really a bad bet, and the people taking the bet can’t pay off the bet, and the whole thing is really a disaster waiting to happen.”

    JHK says the so-called reset is going to happen, but not the way Klause Schwab wants it to happen. All will go extremely local, and JHK says, “Social discourse will make it all much worse.”

    The lies about Ukraine and the losing war started by NATO are summed up by JHK, “In retrospect, we could see why Donald Trump would want to have a phone call with Zelensky over the Biden family activities in Ukraine. . . . The whole Ukraine portfolio is just a big bag of crap. . . . Because of those activities, there is a war against the people, and that includes a war against Donald Trump. They are trying every way possible to shove him off the playing field. . . . I think it is safe to say the U.S. government is not your friend.”

    In closing, JHK says, “This is an extremely socially and politically perverse period of history. . . .I grew up in the hippie period. . . .It was quite based compared to the baseless nuttery and lunacy that this country is involved in now. The fact that there has to be any debate about drag queen story hour for children is amazing. . . . That’s okay? Deliberately, demonstrable male imitation of a female. That’s supposed to be good for kids and not scare them? . . . There is a uniform craziness across the culture, and people are being asked to swallow increasingly absurd propositions. That’s where we are now. We are being asked to swallow absurd ideas one after another.”
    Lies, Nuttery & Craziness Everywhere in America – James Howard Kunstler - Greg Hunter https://rumble.com/v2f8e64-lies-nuttery-and-craziness-everywhere-in-america-james-howard-kunstler.html Renowned author and journalist James Howard Kunstler (JHK) has been complaining and pointing out that the American public is told one lie after another by the Lying Legacy Media (LLM), the government and the medical community. This kind of lying, according to JHK, is pure treason by all parties, from the 600 million CV19 bioweapon/vax injections, to the crumbling banking system, to the war in Ukraine. Let’s start with the genocide of the CV19vax. JHK says, “They are pretending that they didn’t cause any damage, and they are ignoring their own assembled statistics, and they don’t want to paint a realistic picture for the American public to see what the consequences were for their vaccination program. . . . I don’t think they can suppress the reality of it that much longer. There are just too many people who know too many people who have been injured or killed by the vaccines. The basic problem is dishonesty puts you in a place of weakness, and the truth puts you in a position of strength. Eventually, if you are not being honest with yourself and the other people around you, you are going to be found out. . . . They have to keep doubling and tripling down on narratives that are manifestly untrue, and pretty soon I think people are going to be super pissed off about how all this went down.” With the banking crisis, JHK says the lie that everything is under control is going to be exposed too. JHK says, “When you are compelled to liquidate like Silicon Valley Bank, they are liquidating their assets below their supposed value and they become insolvent. I would imagine there is a great deal of damage waiting to express itself out there, and we haven’t seen much action in the derivatives racket so far, and that’s going to be a big deal when that happens because of the completely reckless contracts that are made. . . . It’s really a bad bet, and the people taking the bet can’t pay off the bet, and the whole thing is really a disaster waiting to happen.” JHK says the so-called reset is going to happen, but not the way Klause Schwab wants it to happen. All will go extremely local, and JHK says, “Social discourse will make it all much worse.” The lies about Ukraine and the losing war started by NATO are summed up by JHK, “In retrospect, we could see why Donald Trump would want to have a phone call with Zelensky over the Biden family activities in Ukraine. . . . The whole Ukraine portfolio is just a big bag of crap. . . . Because of those activities, there is a war against the people, and that includes a war against Donald Trump. They are trying every way possible to shove him off the playing field. . . . I think it is safe to say the U.S. government is not your friend.” In closing, JHK says, “This is an extremely socially and politically perverse period of history. . . .I grew up in the hippie period. . . .It was quite based compared to the baseless nuttery and lunacy that this country is involved in now. The fact that there has to be any debate about drag queen story hour for children is amazing. . . . That’s okay? Deliberately, demonstrable male imitation of a female. That’s supposed to be good for kids and not scare them? . . . There is a uniform craziness across the culture, and people are being asked to swallow increasingly absurd propositions. That’s where we are now. We are being asked to swallow absurd ideas one after another.”
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1319 Views
  • Seize & Destroy: SC Judge fines SLED Chief

    You know, I rarely listen to MSM!
    But occasionally you'll find one reporter who actually does their job!

    But my point is simple... We ALL KNOW that liars and #Criminals are out there!
    But fewer people know they wear BADGES more often than not!

    I'd like to change that!
    And the "Black Robed Priests" of the #BAR Association???
    Well they are often accomplices in these #Criminal acts!

    Either through issuing WAR RANTS (warrants) without FIRST doing their due diligence, or by ignoring the #Law! In either case...
    They need to be held accountable!

    NOT "Sometimes" but ALL THE TIME!

    But on a fun side note: It looks as if #Police are helping Klause destroy Farmers!
    Isn't that nice?

    Having said that, my hat is off to the SC HONEST Judge Maite Murphy, I sincerely hope that she maintains her integrity despite being surrounded by Corruption!

    I made a mistake here. The scumbag Judge who signed the order was NOT NAMED in this report! But ever who it was, you are a pathetic excuse for a government agent responsible for signing WAR RANTS against American citizens and you should be PROSECUTED for being complicit in this crime!

    You people treat people's LIVES and Livelihoods as if they are a "game" on your twisted chess board, and for some reason, stand ABOVE THE LAWS you use to destroy lives! You are a pathetic excuse for an impartial Juror!

    And that surely has something to do with the corrupt system in place under the CULT of the BAR ASSOCIATION! But regardless, you are a pathetic excuse for a person who SHOULD have "Honor." Do you need that word translated for you?

    I feel certain, in the case of JUDGES, the definition we are using is 3 and 6!
    NONE OF THE OTHERS generally apply!

    : good name or public esteem : REPUTATION
    : a showing of usually merited respect : RECOGNITION
    pay honor to our founder
    had the honor of joining the captain for dinner
    : a person of superior standing —now used especially as a title for a holder of high office
    if Your Honor please
    : one whose worth brings respect or fame : CREDIT
    an honor to the profession
    : the center point of the upper half of an armorial escutcheon
    : an evidence or symbol of distinction: such as
    : an exalted title or rank
    : a ceremonial rite or observance
    buried with full military honors
    : an award in a contest or field of competition
    archaic : a gesture of deference : BOW
    e honors plural
    : an academic distinction conferred on a superior student
    : a course of study for superior students supplementing or replacing a regular course
    fought fiercely for her honor and her life
    —Barton Black
    : a keen sense of ethical conduct : INTEGRITY
    a man of honor
    : one's word given as a guarantee of performance
    on my honor, I will be there
    honors plural : social courtesies or civilities extended by a host
    asked her to do the honors
    : an ace, king, queen, jack, or ten especially of the trump suit in bridge
    : the scoring value of honors held in bridge —usually used in plural
    : the privilege of playing first from the tee in golf

    Seize & Destroy: SC Judge fines SLED Chief You know, I rarely listen to MSM! But occasionally you'll find one reporter who actually does their job! But my point is simple... We ALL KNOW that liars and #Criminals are out there! But fewer people know they wear BADGES more often than not! I'd like to change that! And the "Black Robed Priests" of the #BAR Association??? Well they are often accomplices in these #Criminal acts! Either through issuing WAR RANTS (warrants) without FIRST doing their due diligence, or by ignoring the #Law! In either case... They need to be held accountable! NOT "Sometimes" but ALL THE TIME! But on a fun side note: It looks as if #Police are helping Klause destroy Farmers! Isn't that nice? Having said that, my hat is off to the SC HONEST Judge Maite Murphy, I sincerely hope that she maintains her integrity despite being surrounded by Corruption! I made a mistake here. The scumbag Judge who signed the order was NOT NAMED in this report! But ever who it was, you are a pathetic excuse for a government agent responsible for signing WAR RANTS against American citizens and you should be PROSECUTED for being complicit in this crime! You people treat people's LIVES and Livelihoods as if they are a "game" on your twisted chess board, and for some reason, stand ABOVE THE LAWS you use to destroy lives! You are a pathetic excuse for an impartial Juror! And that surely has something to do with the corrupt system in place under the CULT of the BAR ASSOCIATION! But regardless, you are a pathetic excuse for a person who SHOULD have "Honor." Do you need that word translated for you? I feel certain, in the case of JUDGES, the definition we are using is 3 and 6! NONE OF THE OTHERS generally apply! 1 a : good name or public esteem : REPUTATION b : a showing of usually merited respect : RECOGNITION pay honor to our founder 2 : PRIVILEGE had the honor of joining the captain for dinner 3 : a person of superior standing —now used especially as a title for a holder of high office if Your Honor please 4 : one whose worth brings respect or fame : CREDIT an honor to the profession 5 : the center point of the upper half of an armorial escutcheon 6 : an evidence or symbol of distinction: such as a : an exalted title or rank b (1) : BADGE, DECORATION (2) : a ceremonial rite or observance buried with full military honors c : an award in a contest or field of competition d archaic : a gesture of deference : BOW e honors plural (1) : an academic distinction conferred on a superior student (2) : a course of study for superior students supplementing or replacing a regular course 7 : CHASTITY, PURITY fought fiercely for her honor and her life —Barton Black 8 a : a keen sense of ethical conduct : INTEGRITY a man of honor b : one's word given as a guarantee of performance on my honor, I will be there 9 honors plural : social courtesies or civilities extended by a host asked her to do the honors 10 a (1) : an ace, king, queen, jack, or ten especially of the trump suit in bridge (2) : the scoring value of honors held in bridge —usually used in plural b : the privilege of playing first from the tee in golf https://youtu.be/Pz44lZ8f80A
    0 Comments 0 Shares 180 Views
  • Watch Out for the WEF

    Let's NOT forget that the true enemy has been planning this for much longer than Klause!

    Ephesians 6:12
    “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

    Watch Out for the WEF Let's NOT forget that the true enemy has been planning this for much longer than Klause! Ephesians 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2023/01/watch_out_for_the_wef.html
    Watch Out for the WEF
    As long as I can remember, there have been conspiracy theories about organizations bent on
    0 Comments 0 Shares 70 Views
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