• 8 illegals armed with guns and illegal drugs caught squatting in a house across from a Chicago school.
    A child (7) was found in the basement.
    (6 have already been released without bail.)
    The illegals are already tied to other crime in Chicago, including robberies and attempted murder.
    8 illegals armed with guns and illegal drugs caught squatting in a house across from a Chicago school. A child (7) was found in the basement. (6 have already been released without bail.) The illegals are already tied to other crime in Chicago, including robberies and attempted murder.
    2 Commentarios 0 Acciones 692 Views 1
  • Prescription Drugs are the third leading cause of DEATH!

    NOT illegal drugs mind you... #Prescription big pharma drugs!
    Prescription Drugs are the third leading cause of DEATH! NOT illegal drugs mind you... #Prescription big pharma drugs!
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 482 Views 0
  • Cartels Operating in America's Forests (with John Nores) - Change Agents with Andy Stumpf

    I hear a lot of TALK about weed growers being the #Cartel in this video....

    If you #Police boys want to stop #Crime then you need to get out of the woods!
    The biggest drug dealers on earth, responsible for more deaths than all illegal drugs combined, is Big Pharma!

    And they are NOT hiding in the woods!
    They are shipping their products from state to state with Police ESCORTS!

    Pharmaceutical drugs are the THIRD LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH in America!
    And these boys are worried about people growing weed?

    NOBODY has ever forced someone to smoke weed!
    But #Vaccine manufacturers FORCE CHILDREN TO TAKE THEIR POISONS!

    And these same police, who stomp through the woods after weed growers, they WILL come to your home and ARREST YOU if your child is not in the Rockefeller funded indoctrination center!

    Of course..... If you KNOW THE LAW..... They cannot force you to get vaxxed!
    There's a paper that you must fill out to be exempted though.

    But the schools will act as if you have no choice!

    My point is a very simple one folks!

    Pfizer and Moderna and other drug pushers ARE A THREAT TO YOU & YOURS!
    And they WILL have congress pass legislation FORCING YOU to take their poison

    And the Police will PROTECT THEM instead of arresting them!
    These corporations are GUILTY OF #Genocide right now, yet NO ARRESTS!

    And instead of going after these REAL CRIMINALS * MURDERERS.....
    Police will instead go after some dudes growing weed, who have never harmed ANYONE!

    As long as you allow these CORPORATE STORMTROOPERS to operate unopposed and unrestricted in your midst.... They will CONTINUE giving aid and support to those trying to murder you!

    As they try to turn American against American using the "Drug War"
    A war against PEOPLE, not against drugs!

    You need to WAKE UP to what is going on around you!
    The REAL "DRUG CARTELS" are corporations like Pfizer.....

    And the Police are on their payroll, and they provide them with protection...
    And they ARREST all of their competition!

    The Police have ALWAYS protected the REAL CRIMINALS
    The FBI protects Pedophiles the same way!

    It's the SAME RECIPE the devil's minions ALWAYS USE!
    Bill Gates is a Eugenics Fan, just like his daddy was!
    So Bill Gates starts producing vaccines to "Help the Children"

    The SAME goes for Oprah Winfrey, Hillary Clinton, and all the other #Philanthropists in the world!

    They PRETEND to help children, so that they can sexually abuse children!
    They PRETEND to place children in foster homes, and abduct / sacrifice them

    EVERY "Philanthropist" in this world PRETENDS to help some group....
    So they can infiltrate that group, and victimize the group!

    It's just what they do!
    SEX OFFENDERS get jobs at schools, at pizza party places, at Disney etc....

    They'll be tromping through the woods somewhere, trying to imprison some guy with a green thumb who has never harmed ANYONE!

    And those police will also PROTECT THE PEDOPHILES and they'll
    PROTECT those committing Genocide with pharmaceutical drugs!

    As people DROP DEAD across the planet... These Police will ACT LIKE "Weed" is our problem, and not big pharma! Because they ARE employees of Pfizer!

    And they WILL defend their employers!
    Even if it requires EXECUTING a few innocent Americans!

    Because they are "Order Followers"
    Unable to THINK critically... and they are so busy asking if they COULD do something, they never stop to ask if they SHOULD DO SOMETHING!

    You MUST understand that Police ARE a "Standing foreign Army" on US Soil
    in direct violation of the Constitution!

    They IGNORE Genocide..... But they'll gladly bust guys growing weed!
    Time to disband the foreign military on US Soil

    Cartels Operating in America's Forests (with John Nores) - Change Agents with Andy Stumpf I hear a lot of TALK about weed growers being the #Cartel in this video.... If you #Police boys want to stop #Crime then you need to get out of the woods! The biggest drug dealers on earth, responsible for more deaths than all illegal drugs combined, is Big Pharma! And they are NOT hiding in the woods! They are shipping their products from state to state with Police ESCORTS! Pharmaceutical drugs are the THIRD LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH in America! And these boys are worried about people growing weed? NOBODY has ever forced someone to smoke weed! But #Vaccine manufacturers FORCE CHILDREN TO TAKE THEIR POISONS! And these same police, who stomp through the woods after weed growers, they WILL come to your home and ARREST YOU if your child is not in the Rockefeller funded indoctrination center! Of course..... If you KNOW THE LAW..... They cannot force you to get vaxxed! There's a paper that you must fill out to be exempted though. But the schools will act as if you have no choice! My point is a very simple one folks! "Weed Growers" are NOT A THREAT TO YOU OR YOUR CHILDREN! Pfizer and Moderna and other drug pushers ARE A THREAT TO YOU & YOURS! And they WILL have congress pass legislation FORCING YOU to take their poison And the Police will PROTECT THEM instead of arresting them! These corporations are GUILTY OF #Genocide right now, yet NO ARRESTS! And instead of going after these REAL CRIMINALS * MURDERERS..... Police will instead go after some dudes growing weed, who have never harmed ANYONE! As long as you allow these CORPORATE STORMTROOPERS to operate unopposed and unrestricted in your midst.... They will CONTINUE giving aid and support to those trying to murder you! As they try to turn American against American using the "Drug War" A war against PEOPLE, not against drugs! You need to WAKE UP to what is going on around you! The REAL "DRUG CARTELS" are corporations like Pfizer..... And the Police are on their payroll, and they provide them with protection... And they ARREST all of their competition! The Police have ALWAYS protected the REAL CRIMINALS The FBI protects Pedophiles the same way! It's the SAME RECIPE the devil's minions ALWAYS USE! Bill Gates is a Eugenics Fan, just like his daddy was! So Bill Gates starts producing vaccines to "Help the Children" The SAME goes for Oprah Winfrey, Hillary Clinton, and all the other #Philanthropists in the world! They PRETEND to help children, so that they can sexually abuse children! They PRETEND to place children in foster homes, and abduct / sacrifice them EVERY "Philanthropist" in this world PRETENDS to help some group.... So they can infiltrate that group, and victimize the group! It's just what they do! SEX OFFENDERS get jobs at schools, at pizza party places, at Disney etc.... SO THAT THEY HAVE ACCESS TO CHILDREN, SO THEY CAN RAPE THEM! AND YOUR FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD POLICE??? They'll be tromping through the woods somewhere, trying to imprison some guy with a green thumb who has never harmed ANYONE! And those police will also PROTECT THE PEDOPHILES and they'll PROTECT those committing Genocide with pharmaceutical drugs! As people DROP DEAD across the planet... These Police will ACT LIKE "Weed" is our problem, and not big pharma! Because they ARE employees of Pfizer! And they WILL defend their employers! Even if it requires EXECUTING a few innocent Americans! Because they are "Order Followers" Unable to THINK critically... and they are so busy asking if they COULD do something, they never stop to ask if they SHOULD DO SOMETHING! You MUST understand that Police ARE a "Standing foreign Army" on US Soil in direct violation of the Constitution! They IGNORE Genocide..... But they'll gladly bust guys growing weed! Time to disband the foreign military on US Soil https://youtu.be/_CHJWVNVCIc
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 5001 Views
  • As scary as this statement is considering the #Criminals with badges are constantly murdering innocent people on a daily basis, when they are not shooting people's dogs........

    This is absolutely true!
    The 3rd leading cause of death is NOT "Illegal Drugs" as so many like to peddle, NOT that I condone the use of these drugs........

    The 3rd leading cause of death in America is pharmaceutical drugs! #Pharmakeia

    So ponder THAT FACT a little while before you shout like a lunatic to execute a guy for selling weed!

    How's about take that enthusiasm down to #Walgreens or #Walmart Pharmacy? Stop being a "Useful idiot" of the #PoliceState for a while?
    As scary as this statement is considering the #Criminals with badges are constantly murdering innocent people on a daily basis, when they are not shooting people's dogs........ This is absolutely true! The 3rd leading cause of death is NOT "Illegal Drugs" as so many like to peddle, NOT that I condone the use of these drugs........ The 3rd leading cause of death in America is pharmaceutical drugs! #Pharmakeia So ponder THAT FACT a little while before you shout like a lunatic to execute a guy for selling weed! How's about take that enthusiasm down to #Walgreens or #Walmart Pharmacy? Stop being a "Useful idiot" of the #PoliceState for a while?
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 1044 Views
  • Click the GAB link at bottom for story

    Did you know that a "dope dog" is WRONG about finding drugs MORE OFTEN THAN HE'S RIGHT???

    And these dogs are used to violate people's #4thAmendment Rights EVERY DAY!

    Also..... The field "Drug Tests" that #Police use to arrest Americans for "Drug Possession" indicate a FALSE POSITIVE 70% of the time!

    No money for Johnny Cochran???
    Then YOU are screwed!



    While I DON'T endorse the use of drugs.... They also should NOT be illegal! #Prohibition has NEVER WORKED!

    Prohibition CAUSED the Mafia to become wealthy and powerful in the 1930's as the US #Government POISONED and killed over 10,000 Americans!

    Prohibition in modern times has created DRUG CARTELS and STREET GANGS who make HUGE PROFITS because of the drugs being illegal!

    These are undeniable FACTS!

    Prohibition also CAUSES OVERDOSE DEATHS!
    We have Americans dropping off like flies because they ingested ILLEGAL DRUGS LACED WITH FENTANYL!

    In countries where drugs were legalized there use stayed about the same! HOWEVER.... OVERDOSE DEATHS DROPPED TO ZERO!

    Because drug addicts were allowed to go to local hospitals and
    "Get their fix" for the day, and the drugs given WERE ALWAYS THE SAME STRENGTH AND POTENCY!!!

    These people are NOT committing suicide folks!
    They are trying to stave off the serious withdrawals that come from opioid dependence!

    Why not give them a SAFE ALTERNATIVE????

    Do you REALLY support these people overdosing over prohibition???
    I mean when they could STOP ALL OVERDOSE DEATHS TOMORROW by implementing a program like that one?

    The "War on Drugs" is a WAR ON PEOPLE!
    It has been going on for 50 years and drugs ARE on every corner in America! So what have we done besides creating a #PoliceState?

    Click the GAB link at bottom for story Did you know that a "dope dog" is WRONG about finding drugs MORE OFTEN THAN HE'S RIGHT??? And these dogs are used to violate people's #4thAmendment Rights EVERY DAY! Also..... The field "Drug Tests" that #Police use to arrest Americans for "Drug Possession" indicate a FALSE POSITIVE 70% of the time! No money for Johnny Cochran??? Then YOU are screwed! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djXVnmrlKvE&ab_channel=AdamEidinger https://norml.org/blog/2011/02/04/drug-dogs-false-alert-over-200-times-in-uc-davis-study/ While I DON'T endorse the use of drugs.... They also should NOT be illegal! #Prohibition has NEVER WORKED! Prohibition CAUSED the Mafia to become wealthy and powerful in the 1930's as the US #Government POISONED and killed over 10,000 Americans! Prohibition in modern times has created DRUG CARTELS and STREET GANGS who make HUGE PROFITS because of the drugs being illegal! These are undeniable FACTS! Prohibition also CAUSES OVERDOSE DEATHS! We have Americans dropping off like flies because they ingested ILLEGAL DRUGS LACED WITH FENTANYL! In countries where drugs were legalized there use stayed about the same! HOWEVER.... OVERDOSE DEATHS DROPPED TO ZERO! Because drug addicts were allowed to go to local hospitals and "Get their fix" for the day, and the drugs given WERE ALWAYS THE SAME STRENGTH AND POTENCY!!! These people are NOT committing suicide folks! They are trying to stave off the serious withdrawals that come from opioid dependence! They WILL USE DRUGS! Why not give them a SAFE ALTERNATIVE???? Do you REALLY support these people overdosing over prohibition??? I mean when they could STOP ALL OVERDOSE DEATHS TOMORROW by implementing a program like that one? The "War on Drugs" is a WAR ON PEOPLE! It has been going on for 50 years and drugs ARE on every corner in America! So what have we done besides creating a #PoliceState? https://gab.com/badluck_jones/posts/109763415324548693
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 906 Views
  • If you want to "Ban" something......

    Doctors and Pharmaceutical Drugs!

    NOT "Illegal drugs" mind you......
    If you want to "Ban" something...... May I suggest THE THIRD LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH IN AMERICA! Doctors and Pharmaceutical Drugs! NOT "Illegal drugs" mind you...... PHARMACEUTICAL DRUGS!
    1 Commentarios 0 Acciones 355 Views
  • Illegal drugs kill more black people than racism.
    But mysteriously illegal drugs are not an issue for the Biden administration.
    Ask Hunter.
    Illegal drugs kill more black people than racism. But mysteriously illegal drugs are not an issue for the Biden administration. Ask Hunter.
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 346 Views
  • Illegal drugs kill more black people than racism.
    But mysteriously illegal drugs are not an issue for the Biden administration.
    Ask Hunter.
    Illegal drugs kill more black people than racism. But mysteriously illegal drugs are not an issue for the Biden administration. Ask Hunter.
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 379 Views
  • https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/08/03/dems-pass-bill-to-allow-more-open-drug-use-sites-in-california/

    Legalize illegal drugs and criminalize legal guns, the democrap way...hahahaha
    https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/08/03/dems-pass-bill-to-allow-more-open-drug-use-sites-in-california/ Legalize illegal drugs and criminalize legal guns, the democrap way...hahahaha
    Dems Pass Bill to Allow More Drug Use Sites in California
    Democrats in the California State Legislature passed a bill Tuesday to allow the expansion of supposedly safe drug use sites across the state.
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 381 Views

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