There is NOTHING "good" about television! ( Tell-A-Vision )
    TV is PROGRAMMING you, and that is why they are called "programs!

    And the television is also CHANNELING some really dark, #Satanic #Propaganda right into your home! Taking over the minds of your children before they are even capable of thinking critically!

    The TV "Channels" Satanic imagery right into your home,
    as it "programs" your mind, and sets the boundaries of what you will and what you will not tolerate!

    The Satanic #Pedophiles who run #Hollywood AND the corporation we call #Government ABSOLUTELY LOVE USING TELEVISION TO "Pre-Program" you on how they want you to respond to an upcoming "crisis" THEY ARE CREATING!

    These people are literally programming your mind like an
    old TRS-80 computer!

    And even though you don't notice it consciously... Your subconscious mind is absorbing ALL OF IT!

    And when the time comes.....
    You'll respond EXACTLY like they have programmed you to respond!

    If you sit in front of the brainwashing box THEY OWN YOUR MIND!
    You don't realize it, but you are literally being #Hypnotized and while your mind is in it's receptive, altered state... They program you, infecting you with a "Brain Virus"

    And you will never even know it!
    But your entire thinking process has been HACKED!

    Remember... "Humans are hackable animals" according to them!
    And as long as you'll WILLINGLY be hypnotized and programmed like a laptop... THEY ARE 100% CORRECT!

    TV IS A WEAPON FOR MASS MIND CONTROL - ODD TV There is NOTHING "good" about television! ( Tell-A-Vision ) TV is PROGRAMMING you, and that is why they are called "programs! And the television is also CHANNELING some really dark, #Satanic #Propaganda right into your home! Taking over the minds of your children before they are even capable of thinking critically! The TV "Channels" Satanic imagery right into your home, as it "programs" your mind, and sets the boundaries of what you will and what you will not tolerate! The Satanic #Pedophiles who run #Hollywood AND the corporation we call #Government ABSOLUTELY LOVE USING TELEVISION TO "Pre-Program" you on how they want you to respond to an upcoming "crisis" THEY ARE CREATING! These people are literally programming your mind like an old TRS-80 computer! And even though you don't notice it consciously... Your subconscious mind is absorbing ALL OF IT! And when the time comes..... You'll respond EXACTLY like they have programmed you to respond! If you sit in front of the brainwashing box THEY OWN YOUR MIND! You don't realize it, but you are literally being #Hypnotized and while your mind is in it's receptive, altered state... They program you, infecting you with a "Brain Virus" And you will never even know it! But your entire thinking process has been HACKED! Remember... "Humans are hackable animals" according to them! And as long as you'll WILLINGLY be hypnotized and programmed like a laptop... THEY ARE 100% CORRECT! https://rumble.com/v4ztcen-tv-is-a-weapon-for-mass-mind-control-odd-tv.html
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 1084 Views
  • This is how you feel when speaking to the brainwashed masses!

    And you cannot be without empathy for them....
    Because not long ago, YOU were rejecting facts, logic, and #Truth like they are now!

    We all know the meanings of words like "charmed" or "hypnotized" or under a "spell." But most of us THOUGHT these were things of fiction!

    Until now.... We did not realize that people can actually exist in a trance like state, impervious to the Truth, facts, logic, and even to what their own eyes see!

    Your desire to reach them seems like an eternal uphill battle
    similar to tossing ricks into the Grand Canyon in hopes of filling it up

    But every now and then you'll awaken one of these sleepwalking sheeple... And it makes it all worthwhile!

    Then they too, can learn what it is like to try to awaken the walking dead, those going through life in trance, under some kind of spell, in a state of delusion

    And it's a good feeling!
    Speaking the TRUTH always leaves you with a good feeling!
    This is how you feel when speaking to the brainwashed masses! And you cannot be without empathy for them.... Because not long ago, YOU were rejecting facts, logic, and #Truth like they are now! We all know the meanings of words like "charmed" or "hypnotized" or under a "spell." But most of us THOUGHT these were things of fiction! Until now.... We did not realize that people can actually exist in a trance like state, impervious to the Truth, facts, logic, and even to what their own eyes see! Your desire to reach them seems like an eternal uphill battle similar to tossing ricks into the Grand Canyon in hopes of filling it up But every now and then you'll awaken one of these sleepwalking sheeple... And it makes it all worthwhile! Then they too, can learn what it is like to try to awaken the walking dead, those going through life in trance, under some kind of spell, in a state of delusion And it's a good feeling! Speaking the TRUTH always leaves you with a good feeling!
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 2101 Views
  • The Ethics & Morality of all of western civilization is based on the Holy Bible. This Jack Wang humanist has the deluded hypnotized. Stand up and take back your local government we have work to do to restore Ethics & Morality to its rightful place. https://rumble.com/v48vz33-wef-chief-advisor-noah-harari-human-rights-is-fictional-humans-dont-have-ri.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=chinlee&ep=2
    The Ethics & Morality of all of western civilization is based on the Holy Bible. This Jack Wang humanist has the deluded hypnotized. Stand up and take back your local government we have work to do to restore Ethics & Morality to its rightful place. https://rumble.com/v48vz33-wef-chief-advisor-noah-harari-human-rights-is-fictional-humans-dont-have-ri.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=chinlee&ep=2
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 977 Views


    Mathew 7:20Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

    There is NOBODY running for #CEO of the #Corporation of the United States
    (President) that is on your side! JUDGE THEM BY THEIR FRUIT!

    And operating with a selective memory is a good way to screw yourself!


    Mathew 7:
    17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

    18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

    19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

    20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

    21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

    22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

    23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

    If you cannot see it by now... then you are in a trance, charmed by witches and warlocks and hypnotized by television!

    Besides.... The entire institution you call "government" is in reality

    TRUMP LOYALISTS ARE DEAF AND BLIND; THEY CAN'T THINK! DELUSIONAL REALITY? MIND CONTROL? i HATE TELLING YOU ALL THIS... BUT HE IS RIGHT! Mathew 7:20Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. There is NOBODY running for #CEO of the #Corporation of the United States (President) that is on your side! JUDGE THEM BY THEIR FRUIT! And operating with a selective memory is a good way to screw yourself! TRUMP BROUGHT US A #GENOCIDE JAB, LOCKDOWNS, AND A STOLEN ELECTION...... It's ALL a pre-planned scam people! Mathew 7: 17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. 21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. If you cannot see it by now... then you are in a trance, charmed by witches and warlocks and hypnotized by television! Besides.... The entire institution you call "government" is in reality JUST A CORPORATION, NO DIFFERENT THAN MCDONALDS! https://www.bitchute.com/video/WuszyzOK014G/
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 2936 Views
  • FLAT EARTH is a Conspiracy FACT!

    For those of you who are STILL HYPNOTIZED by #Media and #Radio and #CorporateLogos and #Disney and #Hollywood........

    I'd just like to remind you......

    I mean if you believe that it's cool by me, you need not call me horrible names like the programmed #Slave that I know you are......

    I'd suggest that you try and PROVE your own beliefs to YOURSELF!

    Pull your heads from the a**es of politicians (Paid Actors) long enough to actually PROVE TO YOURSELF that your beliefs are based in reality!

    DO THAT...... And I'll be impressed!
    Call people names like a mindless drone..... NOT SO MUCH!

    FLAT EARTH is a Conspiracy FACT! For those of you who are STILL HYPNOTIZED by #Media and #Radio and #CorporateLogos and #Disney and #Hollywood........ I'd just like to remind you...... THE VERY SAME PEOPLE WHO TOLD YOU TO SUICIDE YOURSELF WITH HEIR INJECTIONS........ ALSO TOLD YOU THE EARTH IS A SPHERE! I mean if you believe that it's cool by me, you need not call me horrible names like the programmed #Slave that I know you are...... I'd suggest that you try and PROVE your own beliefs to YOURSELF! RESEARCH IT! Pull your heads from the a**es of politicians (Paid Actors) long enough to actually PROVE TO YOURSELF that your beliefs are based in reality! DO THAT...... And I'll be impressed! Call people names like a mindless drone..... NOT SO MUCH! https://odysee.com/@EddieAlencar:a/flat-earth-is-a-conspiracy-fact!:a
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 331 Views
  • Aristotle said that "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."
    A wide angled lens DISTORTS everything above and below the center of the lens!

    When an object is ABOVE CENTER you get "Curvature"

    When the object is BELOW CENTER it's "Concave"
    Like a bowl!

    PLEASE stop being fooled by fish-eyed lenses folks!
    If you watch the #RedBull Balloon jump you'll see two things!

    1.) As he opens the door to his capsule....
    The cabin camera shows a PERFECTLY FLAT HORIZON!

    But when he steps outside, and the "Wide Angled Lens" takes over, that perfectly FLAT HORIZON the cabin camera showed you... Becomes "Curved" due to the fish-eye lens!

    2.) On his Free Fall to Earth, you can clearly see him throwing the "Devil Horns" #Satanic Hand Sign!

    Because THAT is what Satan does!

    Hosea 4:6 - My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

    And all of the celebrities and musicians and "World Leaders" have SOLD THEIR SOUL TO SATAN for earthly wealth and power!

    ALL F WHICH is gained through DECEPTION!
    I PRAY that you will awaken!

    You have been "Charmed" or "Hypnotized" by Music and #Hollywood movies all of your life.....

    And it's left you unable to see this stuff!

    Your mind instead tells you to "Mock and Ridicule" those who are trying to TELL YOU THE #Truth!

    So maybe YOU should do some actual research before mocking and ridiculing those who are trying to

    Imagine what would have happened if #Neo had chosen to "Mock and Ridicule" #Morpheus instead of hearing him out!

    But THAT is exactly what people do every day to those who are attempting to OPEN THEIR EYES!

    These people have been BRAINWASHED into believing these people deserve mockery, so they will choose to MOCK instead of LOOKING AT THE INFORMATION BEING SHARED!

    Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance. It's like salting your food without TASTING IT FIRST!

    Pure stupidity!

    An intelligent person can examine, weigh and measure, and look into 2 different world views, without necessarily accepting either one!

    Aristotle said that "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."

    DO YOU EXAMINE THE MERITS OF A CLAIM BEFORE DISCOUNTING IT???? Or do YOU mock and Ridicule because you ASSUME that you are smarter than the person making the claim?

    I scored in the top 97 Percentile in the country when I got my degree. Did you??? BUT I also believed what you now believe! I had to PRAY FOR Yahuwah to open my eyes! And He DID!

    Sometimes.... You need to take a minute to THINK and EXAMINE THE EVIDENCE before jumping to a conclusion!

    EVERYONE should go and subscribe to ERIC DUBAY on Rumble and listen to his "Flat Earth" stuff! He has some flaky ideas on other stuff.

    Then look into "The Potters Clay" on YouTube!

    Then RESEARCH what they are telling you!

    That is all I ask!
    If you STILL choose to believe the LIES you learned in school AFTER ACTUALLY WATCHING THE MATERIAL then I'll shut up!

    And you can live the rest of your life in your Globe Earth DELUSION!

    But my HOPE is that you'll see what I'm saying is not only possible..... BUT IT'S TRUE!

    It's MY DUTY to at least TRY to awaken you to the TRUTH!
    I want NO BLOOD on my hands!

    Ezekiel 33:6 - But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.

    People say "The shape of the earth don't matter anyway, I still have to work tomorrow"

    But it DOES MATTER!
    It demonstrates that EVERY #GOVERNMENT ON EARTH LIED to their people! And therefore are ILLEGITIMATE DECEIVERS controlled by #Satan!

    James 1:5 - If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

    I ONLY SEEK to open your eyes to NEW INFORMATION that most people have never seen! THAT'S IT!

    ANSWERS to ALL OF YOUR QUESTIONS can be likely found in Eric Dubay's

    "Flat Plane Earth - 200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball by Eric Dubay" ON RUMBLE! Will you WATCH IT???

    You don't have to BELIEVE IT to watch it!!!
    MAYBE YOU will be the FIRST PERSON to actually PROVE that we live on a spinning ball!

    Aristotle said that "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." A wide angled lens DISTORTS everything above and below the center of the lens! When an object is ABOVE CENTER you get "Curvature" When the object is BELOW CENTER it's "Concave" Like a bowl! PLEASE stop being fooled by fish-eyed lenses folks! If you watch the #RedBull Balloon jump you'll see two things! 1.) As he opens the door to his capsule.... The cabin camera shows a PERFECTLY FLAT HORIZON! But when he steps outside, and the "Wide Angled Lens" takes over, that perfectly FLAT HORIZON the cabin camera showed you... Becomes "Curved" due to the fish-eye lens! 2.) On his Free Fall to Earth, you can clearly see him throwing the "Devil Horns" #Satanic Hand Sign! Because THAT is what Satan does! HE DECEIVES! Hosea 4:6 - My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. And all of the celebrities and musicians and "World Leaders" have SOLD THEIR SOUL TO SATAN for earthly wealth and power! ALL F WHICH is gained through DECEPTION! I PRAY that you will awaken! You have been "Charmed" or "Hypnotized" by Music and #Hollywood movies all of your life..... And it's left you unable to see this stuff! UNABLE TO QUESTION WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN TAUGHT! Your mind instead tells you to "Mock and Ridicule" those who are trying to TELL YOU THE #Truth! So maybe YOU should do some actual research before mocking and ridiculing those who are trying to FREE YOUR MIND! Imagine what would have happened if #Neo had chosen to "Mock and Ridicule" #Morpheus instead of hearing him out! But THAT is exactly what people do every day to those who are attempting to OPEN THEIR EYES! These people have been BRAINWASHED into believing these people deserve mockery, so they will choose to MOCK instead of LOOKING AT THE INFORMATION BEING SHARED! Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance. It's like salting your food without TASTING IT FIRST! Pure stupidity! An intelligent person can examine, weigh and measure, and look into 2 different world views, without necessarily accepting either one! Aristotle said that "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." DO YOU EXAMINE THE MERITS OF A CLAIM BEFORE DISCOUNTING IT???? Or do YOU mock and Ridicule because you ASSUME that you are smarter than the person making the claim? I scored in the top 97 Percentile in the country when I got my degree. Did you??? BUT I also believed what you now believe! I had to PRAY FOR Yahuwah to open my eyes! And He DID! Sometimes.... You need to take a minute to THINK and EXAMINE THE EVIDENCE before jumping to a conclusion! EVERYONE should go and subscribe to ERIC DUBAY on Rumble and listen to his "Flat Earth" stuff! He has some flaky ideas on other stuff. Then look into "The Potters Clay" on YouTube! WATCH THE DAMN VIDEOS INSTEAD OF MOCKING THEM! Then RESEARCH what they are telling you! That is all I ask! If you STILL choose to believe the LIES you learned in school AFTER ACTUALLY WATCHING THE MATERIAL then I'll shut up! And you can live the rest of your life in your Globe Earth DELUSION! But my HOPE is that you'll see what I'm saying is not only possible..... BUT IT'S TRUE! It's MY DUTY to at least TRY to awaken you to the TRUTH! I want NO BLOOD on my hands! Ezekiel 33:6 - But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand. People say "The shape of the earth don't matter anyway, I still have to work tomorrow" But it DOES MATTER! It demonstrates that EVERY #GOVERNMENT ON EARTH LIED to their people! And therefore are ILLEGITIMATE DECEIVERS controlled by #Satan! James 1:5 - If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. I ONLY SEEK to open your eyes to NEW INFORMATION that most people have never seen! THAT'S IT! ANSWERS to ALL OF YOUR QUESTIONS can be likely found in Eric Dubay's "Flat Plane Earth - 200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball by Eric Dubay" ON RUMBLE! Will you WATCH IT??? You don't have to BELIEVE IT to watch it!!! MAYBE YOU will be the FIRST PERSON to actually PROVE that we live on a spinning ball! NOBODY ELSE HA EVER BEEN ABLE TO!
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 1216 Views
  • Aristotle said that "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."
    A wide angled lens DISTORTS everything above and below the center of the lens!

    When an object is ABOVE CENTER you get "Curvature"

    When the object is BELOW CENTER it's "Concave"
    Like a bowl!

    PLEASE stop being fooled by fish-eyed lenses folks!
    If you watch the #RedBull Balloon jump you'll see two things!

    1.) As he opens the door to his capsule....
    The cabin camera shows a PERFECTLY FLAT HORIZON!

    But when he steps outside, and the "Wide Angled Lens" takes over, that perfectly FLAT HORIZON the cabin camera showed you... Becomes "Curved" due to the fish-eye lens!

    2.) On his Free Fall to Earth, you can clearly see him throwing the "Devil Horns" #Satanic Hand Sign!

    Because THAT is what Satan does!

    Hosea 4:6 - My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

    And all of the celebrities and musicians and "World Leaders" have SOLD THEIR SOUL TO SATAN for earthly wealth and power!

    ALL F WHICH is gained through DECEPTION!
    I PRAY that you will awaken!

    You have been "Charmed" or "Hypnotized" by Music and #Hollywood movies all of your life.....

    And it's left you unable to see this stuff!

    Your mind instead tells you to "Mock and Ridicule" those who are trying to TELL YOU THE #Truth!

    So maybe YOU should do some actual research before mocking and ridiculing those who are trying to

    Imagine what would have happened if #Neo had chosen to "Mock and Ridicule" #Morpheus instead of hearing him out!

    But THAT is exactly what people do every day to those who are attempting to OPEN THEIR EYES!

    These people have been BRAINWASHED into believing these people deserve mockery, so they will choose to MOCK instead of LOOKING AT THE INFORMATION BEING SHARED!

    Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance. It's like salting your food without TASTING IT FIRST!

    Pure stupidity!

    An intelligent person can examine, weigh and measure, and look into 2 different world views, without necessarily accepting either one!

    Aristotle said that "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."

    DO YOU EXAMINE THE MERITS OF A CLAIM BEFORE DISCOUNTING IT???? Or do YOU mock and Ridicule because you ASSUME that you are smarter than the person making the claim?

    I scored in the top 97 Percentile in the country when I got my degree. Did you??? BUT I also believed what you now believe! I had to PRAY FOR Yahuwah to open my eyes! And He DID!

    Sometimes.... You need to take a minute to THINK and EXAMINE THE EVIDENCE before jumping to a conclusion!

    EVERYONE should go and subscribe to ERIC DUBAY on Rumble and listen to his "Flat Earth" stuff! He has some flaky ideas on other stuff.

    Then look into "The Potters Clay" on YouTube!

    Then RESEARCH what they are telling you!

    That is all I ask!
    If you STILL choose to believe the LIES you learned in school AFTER ACTUALLY WATCHING THE MATERIAL then I'll shut up!

    And you can live the rest of your life in your Globe Earth DELUSION!

    But my HOPE is that you'll see what I'm saying is not only possible..... BUT IT'S TRUE!

    It's MY DUTY to at least TRY to awaken you to the TRUTH!
    I want NO BLOOD on my hands!

    Ezekiel 33:6 - But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.

    People say "The shape of the earth don't matter anyway, I still have to work tomorrow"

    But it DOES MATTER!
    It demonstrates that EVERY #GOVERNMENT ON EARTH LIED to their people! And therefore are ILLEGITIMATE DECEIVERS controlled by #Satan!

    James 1:5 - If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

    I ONLY SEEK to open your eyes to NEW INFORMATION that most people have never seen! THAT'S IT!

    ANSWERS to ALL OF YOUR QUESTIONS can be likely found in Eric Dubay's

    "Flat Plane Earth - 200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball by Eric Dubay" ON RUMBLE! Will you WATCH IT???

    You don't have to BELIEVE IT to watch it!!!
    MAYBE YOU will be the FIRST PERSON to actually PROVE that we live on a spinning ball!

    Aristotle said that "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." A wide angled lens DISTORTS everything above and below the center of the lens! When an object is ABOVE CENTER you get "Curvature" When the object is BELOW CENTER it's "Concave" Like a bowl! PLEASE stop being fooled by fish-eyed lenses folks! If you watch the #RedBull Balloon jump you'll see two things! 1.) As he opens the door to his capsule.... The cabin camera shows a PERFECTLY FLAT HORIZON! But when he steps outside, and the "Wide Angled Lens" takes over, that perfectly FLAT HORIZON the cabin camera showed you... Becomes "Curved" due to the fish-eye lens! 2.) On his Free Fall to Earth, you can clearly see him throwing the "Devil Horns" #Satanic Hand Sign! Because THAT is what Satan does! HE DECEIVES! Hosea 4:6 - My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. And all of the celebrities and musicians and "World Leaders" have SOLD THEIR SOUL TO SATAN for earthly wealth and power! ALL F WHICH is gained through DECEPTION! I PRAY that you will awaken! You have been "Charmed" or "Hypnotized" by Music and #Hollywood movies all of your life..... And it's left you unable to see this stuff! UNABLE TO QUESTION WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN TAUGHT! Your mind instead tells you to "Mock and Ridicule" those who are trying to TELL YOU THE #Truth! So maybe YOU should do some actual research before mocking and ridiculing those who are trying to FREE YOUR MIND! Imagine what would have happened if #Neo had chosen to "Mock and Ridicule" #Morpheus instead of hearing him out! But THAT is exactly what people do every day to those who are attempting to OPEN THEIR EYES! These people have been BRAINWASHED into believing these people deserve mockery, so they will choose to MOCK instead of LOOKING AT THE INFORMATION BEING SHARED! Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance. It's like salting your food without TASTING IT FIRST! Pure stupidity! An intelligent person can examine, weigh and measure, and look into 2 different world views, without necessarily accepting either one! Aristotle said that "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." DO YOU EXAMINE THE MERITS OF A CLAIM BEFORE DISCOUNTING IT???? Or do YOU mock and Ridicule because you ASSUME that you are smarter than the person making the claim? I scored in the top 97 Percentile in the country when I got my degree. Did you??? BUT I also believed what you now believe! I had to PRAY FOR Yahuwah to open my eyes! And He DID! Sometimes.... You need to take a minute to THINK and EXAMINE THE EVIDENCE before jumping to a conclusion! EVERYONE should go and subscribe to ERIC DUBAY on Rumble and listen to his "Flat Earth" stuff! He has some flaky ideas on other stuff. Then look into "The Potters Clay" on YouTube! WATCH THE DAMN VIDEOS INSTEAD OF MOCKING THEM! Then RESEARCH what they are telling you! That is all I ask! If you STILL choose to believe the LIES you learned in school AFTER ACTUALLY WATCHING THE MATERIAL then I'll shut up! And you can live the rest of your life in your Globe Earth DELUSION! But my HOPE is that you'll see what I'm saying is not only possible..... BUT IT'S TRUE! It's MY DUTY to at least TRY to awaken you to the TRUTH! I want NO BLOOD on my hands! Ezekiel 33:6 - But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand. People say "The shape of the earth don't matter anyway, I still have to work tomorrow" But it DOES MATTER! It demonstrates that EVERY #GOVERNMENT ON EARTH LIED to their people! And therefore are ILLEGITIMATE DECEIVERS controlled by #Satan! James 1:5 - If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. I ONLY SEEK to open your eyes to NEW INFORMATION that most people have never seen! THAT'S IT! ANSWERS to ALL OF YOUR QUESTIONS can be likely found in Eric Dubay's "Flat Plane Earth - 200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball by Eric Dubay" ON RUMBLE! Will you WATCH IT??? You don't have to BELIEVE IT to watch it!!! MAYBE YOU will be the FIRST PERSON to actually PROVE that we live on a spinning ball! NOBODY ELSE HA EVER BEEN ABLE TO!
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 1225 Views
  • The "Safe & Effective"™ mantra has hypnotized people, as has the suggestion that injecting yourself protects others.

    This man makes a really godd point!
    Social Media #NAZIS silence people claiming they posted "misinformation" but they fail to POINT OUT ANY MISINFORMATION IN THEIR POSTS!

    And this is because THEY CAN'T!
    There is none! So by NOT POINTING OUT THE DISINFORMATION they can silence anyone, anywhere, at any time!!!

    It is time to SHUT DOWN these #Censorship happy platforms!
    I still don't know why folks use them!

    It is time to SUE THE SH*T OUT OF THEM for censoring 100% truthful content!
    These actions destroy businesses and lives!
    And it's time we put an end to it RIGHT NOW!

    We need to DEMAND that Judges and Prosecutors and state Atty Generals recognize that DISCRIMINATING AGAINST PEOPLE for their political views is no different than because of color and it must stopped RIGHT NOW!


    I still occasionally watch videos on YouTube, but i SHOULDN'T!
    We all need to leave their sh*tty platforms!

    They are run by #Government scumbags! that alone should get you to leave!

    The "Safe & Effective"™ mantra has hypnotized people, as has the suggestion that injecting yourself protects others. This man makes a really godd point! Social Media #NAZIS silence people claiming they posted "misinformation" but they fail to POINT OUT ANY MISINFORMATION IN THEIR POSTS! And this is because THEY CAN'T! There is none! So by NOT POINTING OUT THE DISINFORMATION they can silence anyone, anywhere, at any time!!! It is time to SHUT DOWN these #Censorship happy platforms! I still don't know why folks use them! It is time to SUE THE SH*T OUT OF THEM for censoring 100% truthful content! These actions destroy businesses and lives! And it's time we put an end to it RIGHT NOW! We need to DEMAND that Judges and Prosecutors and state Atty Generals recognize that DISCRIMINATING AGAINST PEOPLE for their political views is no different than because of color and it must stopped RIGHT NOW! MAKE THEM PAY!!! I still occasionally watch videos on YouTube, but i SHOULDN'T! We all need to leave their sh*tty platforms! They are run by #Government scumbags! that alone should get you to leave! https://librti.com/view-video/the-safe-effective-mantra-has
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 193 Views
  • Hypnotized Through All The Lies - Mass Media Mind Control - The Beast System Exposed!

    Hypnotized Through All The Lies - Mass Media Mind Control - The Beast System Exposed! https://odysee.com/@shakingmyheadproductions:2/Hypnotized-Through-All-The-Lies-Mass-Media-Mind-Control-The-Beast-System-Exposed:f
    Hypnotized Through All The Lies - Mass Media Mind Control - The Beast System Exposed!
    ** If you appreciate this content and would like to help keep me going, please consider investing in this message. Every little bit helps. Thank you! Invest in SMHP / Independent Media. https://shakin...
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 156 Views
  • Elon Musk Is Summoning The Demon Reloaded

    My cousin has bought into the whole "electric car & solar panels" sales pitch! LOL of course he's still on fascbook!

    But, despite me trying to educate him some.... He "knows everything" already, so you cannot tell him nothing!

    He's an Elon Musk fan. And like I keep telling him.... I'm no fan of anyone trying to put a chip in your brain! He keeps telling me that he's never heard anything about Elon Musk and #Neuralink

    The guy builds Tesla cars and batteries.... AND CHIPS FOR PEOPLE'S BRAINS!
    That's ALL! How can you misplace one of those???

    It's really amazing to witness first hand, someone who is still hypnotized by the television, movies, fascbook etc....

    I've gotten so I cannot watch any of that stuff!
    Signs and Symbols rule the world, NOT words or laws!

    Elon Musk Is Summoning The Demon Reloaded My cousin has bought into the whole "electric car & solar panels" sales pitch! LOL of course he's still on fascbook! But, despite me trying to educate him some.... He "knows everything" already, so you cannot tell him nothing! He's an Elon Musk fan. And like I keep telling him.... I'm no fan of anyone trying to put a chip in your brain! He keeps telling me that he's never heard anything about Elon Musk and #Neuralink I mean HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE??? The guy builds Tesla cars and batteries.... AND CHIPS FOR PEOPLE'S BRAINS! That's ALL! How can you misplace one of those??? It's really amazing to witness first hand, someone who is still hypnotized by the television, movies, fascbook etc.... I've gotten so I cannot watch any of that stuff! Signs and Symbols rule the world, NOT words or laws! https://youtu.be/fyMyTRglRnk
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 235 Views
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