• The Genesis Revelation: Part 1 - The Biblical Flat Earth?
    Rob Skiba

    I think about it ALL THE TIME!
    What I think about is WHAT A MISTAKE ROB SKIBA MADE by going to the hospital during the #Covid19 #HOAX!

    Because despite covid-19 being a complete and total fabrication...
    People WERE literally being #Murdered in hospitals!

    I have a close friend that just passed away recently, and she told me that she barely escaped the hospital in her little town, near Huntsville, Texas!

    People get sick folks! It does happen!
    And the "deep state" and the Jews took advantage of this during "Covid-19"

    Despite covid-19 not existing... The #PCR was indicating people had this non-existent illness. And the TREATMENT PROTOCOLS were used to KILL THESE PEOPLE!

    Sue told me that had she not contacted her good friend, a nurse, who immediately showed up and took charge... She literally had Sue's son show up and pretend to be a lawyer! They were not going to allow her to leave the hospital!

    She escaped the Remdesivir killing fields!
    Remdesivir was the "treatment protocol" of the CDC, and was being used specifically to KILL!

    Remdesivir killed 53% of people who took it during trials!
    It killed so many people in fact, they stopped the trial!

    So Anthony Fauci said "Since it kills 53% of ALL PEOPLE WHO TAKE IT.... We will make it the mandatory treatment protocol of covid-19"

    Then they PAID THE HOSPITAL to kill you with it!
    It was an organized #Genocide Plan!

    And Rob Skiba made the mistake of going into one of these hospitals, and he never left alive! This was an operation of the Devil himself, involving all of his minions... And Rob was exposing them left and right! They had to kill him!

    I fear that knowing all he did....
    He put way too much faith into the Freemason / Jew controlled hospitals!

    EVERYONE needs to know these people
    are NOT there to help you!

    They are there to keep you sick and make money off of you

    Rob had these people's number! I just feel like he didn't quite grasp how much control that the dark forces of this world have over "Hospitals"

    Despite having left this world.... Rob is still exposing them!

    The Genesis Revelation: Part 1 - The Biblical Flat Earth? Rob Skiba I think about it ALL THE TIME! What I think about is WHAT A MISTAKE ROB SKIBA MADE by going to the hospital during the #Covid19 #HOAX! Because despite covid-19 being a complete and total fabrication... People WERE literally being #Murdered in hospitals! I have a close friend that just passed away recently, and she told me that she barely escaped the hospital in her little town, near Huntsville, Texas! People get sick folks! It does happen! And the "deep state" and the Jews took advantage of this during "Covid-19" Despite covid-19 not existing... The #PCR was indicating people had this non-existent illness. And the TREATMENT PROTOCOLS were used to KILL THESE PEOPLE! Sue told me that had she not contacted her good friend, a nurse, who immediately showed up and took charge... She literally had Sue's son show up and pretend to be a lawyer! They were not going to allow her to leave the hospital! She escaped the Remdesivir killing fields! Remdesivir was the "treatment protocol" of the CDC, and was being used specifically to KILL! Remdesivir killed 53% of people who took it during trials! It killed so many people in fact, they stopped the trial! So Anthony Fauci said "Since it kills 53% of ALL PEOPLE WHO TAKE IT.... We will make it the mandatory treatment protocol of covid-19" Then they PAID THE HOSPITAL to kill you with it! It was an organized #Genocide Plan! And Rob Skiba made the mistake of going into one of these hospitals, and he never left alive! This was an operation of the Devil himself, involving all of his minions... And Rob was exposing them left and right! They had to kill him! I fear that knowing all he did.... He put way too much faith into the Freemason / Jew controlled hospitals! EVERYONE needs to know these people are NOT there to help you! They are there to keep you sick and make money off of you Rob had these people's number! I just feel like he didn't quite grasp how much control that the dark forces of this world have over "Hospitals" Despite having left this world.... Rob is still exposing them! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHicELhlAFo&list=PLqwODG8u2OWXoGZ955NEmbWPyiZPcCPRD
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 206 Views
  • https://medforth.biz/hospitals-in-multicultural-london-pushing-non-english-speaker-patients-to-front-of-line-report/
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 89 Views
  • what happens when you expose a rogue nurse killing targets in hospitals you end up on a watch list https://old.bitchute.com/video/DJgFjWiYfgLa/ #trump #news
    what happens when you expose a rogue nurse killing targets in hospitals you end up on a watch list https://old.bitchute.com/video/DJgFjWiYfgLa/ #trump #news
    what happens when you expose a rogue nurse killing targets in hospitals you end up on a watch list
    We will divide society so that 1/3 are spies and informers that will keep the rest under observation - https://www.bitchute.com/video/fWwofFr9uQsG/ --- you don't believe in government run stalking program watch this stalker admitting is getting pa…
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 93 Views

    The very people who promise to "Protect and Serve" you, and then raise their hand to the Creator and SWEAR AN OATH TO HIM to "Protect and defend the Constitution" are the very SAME PEOPLE who rape and murder your children!

    The Devil hides in the church house!
    The CRIMINAL:S hide on the Police Force and inside the #Courts!
    The lawbreakers hide among the lawMAKERS!

    It is just how they operate folks!
    The psychopathic murdering mad scientist hides in the hospitals....
    on and on and on!

    Show me a "Philanthropist" and I'll show YOU a demonic psychopathic murderer!

    MURDERED FBI CHIEF'S LAST INTERVIEW UNCOVERED: 'D.C. ELITE ARE SATANIC PEDOPHILES' The very people who promise to "Protect and Serve" you, and then raise their hand to the Creator and SWEAR AN OATH TO HIM to "Protect and defend the Constitution" are the very SAME PEOPLE who rape and murder your children! The Devil hides in the church house! The CRIMINAL:S hide on the Police Force and inside the #Courts! The lawbreakers hide among the lawMAKERS! It is just how they operate folks! The psychopathic murdering mad scientist hides in the hospitals.... on and on and on! Show me a "Philanthropist" and I'll show YOU a demonic psychopathic murderer! https://old.bitchute.com/video/idbwE2I93etz/
    Murdered FBI Chief's Last Interview Uncovered: 'D.C. Elite Are Satanic Pedophiles'
    R.I.P. Ted Gunderson mirrored from rumble The People's Voice channel Note: I removed the annoying ads from this video.
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 463 Views
  • Local Springfield Ohio Pastor: I can confirm the stories are true
    Via: https://x.com/thisisfoster/status/1833628621254119574

    “Well, since I work in the Ohio city that is presently all over the news, I suppose a few words are in order. (When I type in the city name, Facebook seems to be blocking it.)

    For those of you not following, two local Catholic charities have contracted with the federal government to relocate "refugees." (I use quotes, because the local Haitians themselves are telling folks they were recruited for work.) This is publicly disputed, but the evidence is overwhelming. Regardless, at present, 20k Haitians now live in an Ohio town of 60k residents.

    The results are predictable, and I can confirm the stories are true.

    Traffic accidents involving Haitian drivers has skyrocketed - property damage, hit and runs, and more. One kid was killed when a driver slammed into a school bus filled with kids.

    Petty crime is out of control. Stores are locking down merchandise due to rampant theft. Driving without a license is ubiquitous.

    The schools are chaotic. The local district has had to spend north of $300k on translators. I spoke with a teacher who said there is not nearly enough room in the existing buildings.

    The real estate market is also crazy. A friend of mine in real estate said that most of the Haitian families have banks cards from somewhere with $20k ear-marked for buying homes. The market was already tight, but now the prices are soaring.

    Don't get me started on the hospitals.

    And, yes, the stories about Haitians killing and eating neighborhood cats and ducks from local parks is true.

    I know situations like this are complicated politically and culturally, but what I get most frustrated about is when people call this kind of policy compassionate.

    There is not an ounce of compassion in this situation for either the immigrants nor the citizens. The citizens are being ignored, and the immigrants are being manipulated by deep pockets somewhere.

    It benefits the politically connected elites and business class, and nobody else.” From a pastor friend in Springfield OH
    Local Springfield Ohio Pastor: I can confirm the stories are true Via: https://x.com/thisisfoster/status/1833628621254119574 “Well, since I work in the Ohio city that is presently all over the news, I suppose a few words are in order. (When I type in the city name, Facebook seems to be blocking it.) For those of you not following, two local Catholic charities have contracted with the federal government to relocate "refugees." (I use quotes, because the local Haitians themselves are telling folks they were recruited for work.) This is publicly disputed, but the evidence is overwhelming. Regardless, at present, 20k Haitians now live in an Ohio town of 60k residents. The results are predictable, and I can confirm the stories are true. Traffic accidents involving Haitian drivers has skyrocketed - property damage, hit and runs, and more. One kid was killed when a driver slammed into a school bus filled with kids. Petty crime is out of control. Stores are locking down merchandise due to rampant theft. Driving without a license is ubiquitous. The schools are chaotic. The local district has had to spend north of $300k on translators. I spoke with a teacher who said there is not nearly enough room in the existing buildings. The real estate market is also crazy. A friend of mine in real estate said that most of the Haitian families have banks cards from somewhere with $20k ear-marked for buying homes. The market was already tight, but now the prices are soaring. Don't get me started on the hospitals. And, yes, the stories about Haitians killing and eating neighborhood cats and ducks from local parks is true. I know situations like this are complicated politically and culturally, but what I get most frustrated about is when people call this kind of policy compassionate. There is not an ounce of compassion in this situation for either the immigrants nor the citizens. The citizens are being ignored, and the immigrants are being manipulated by deep pockets somewhere. It benefits the politically connected elites and business class, and nobody else.” From a pastor friend in Springfield OH
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 663 Views
  • It's a beautiful, early, Sunday morning and it puts me into my musing mode! I am suppose to make a trip next month, but with all the 'October Surprise' predictions and the general chaos and uncertainty of the world...I will probably end up canceling. Which then leads to my latest musings (if anyone knows the answer to this, please share it). Is it possible to file a class action suit against our government, for people 60+ years and are pure bloods??? It seems to me that we have lost time (at least five years) that we will never get back and even those who were very healthy five years ago...I'm sure that has slipped for all of us. Obviously, if we didn't take the killer shots, we did all we could to stay healthy, but now we are confronted with world chaos, an election, and even financial restrictions that are affecting nearly everyone and possibly only get worse. If the same conditions existed that I listed here and a person was 20's or 30's, I wouldn't care as much...so we are talking about TIME that the government has taken away....for no good reason at all!!! So far, there is plenty of talk about the vaccine injured or killed by the shots and how so many were KILLED in hospitals. They seem to have a path for losses and justice...but we don't!!! I guess we should be happy with the basic fact, that we are healthy, not financially hurt (at least not yet) and still technically able to do most everything. Every person in this country has grounds for a suit against this government...thanks for letting me rant. I suppose five years of daily bad news courtesy of our government triggered this.
    It's a beautiful, early, Sunday morning and it puts me into my musing mode! I am suppose to make a trip next month, but with all the 'October Surprise' predictions and the general chaos and uncertainty of the world...I will probably end up canceling. Which then leads to my latest musings (if anyone knows the answer to this, please share it). Is it possible to file a class action suit against our government, for people 60+ years and are pure bloods??? It seems to me that we have lost time (at least five years) that we will never get back and even those who were very healthy five years ago...I'm sure that has slipped for all of us. Obviously, if we didn't take the killer shots, we did all we could to stay healthy, but now we are confronted with world chaos, an election, and even financial restrictions that are affecting nearly everyone and possibly only get worse. If the same conditions existed that I listed here and a person was 20's or 30's, I wouldn't care as much...so we are talking about TIME that the government has taken away....for no good reason at all!!! So far, there is plenty of talk about the vaccine injured or killed by the shots and how so many were KILLED in hospitals. They seem to have a path for losses and justice...but we don't!!! I guess we should be happy with the basic fact, that we are healthy, not financially hurt (at least not yet) and still technically able to do most everything. Every person in this country has grounds for a suit against this government...thanks for letting me rant. I suppose five years of daily bad news courtesy of our government triggered this.
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 340 Views
    Hospitals are desperate for more COVID money , they had all that tax money and they like it .
    THESE PEOPLE ARE TOLD THEY CAN ONLY GET HOSPITAL CARE IF THEY REGISTER TO VOTE AND VOTE A CERTAIN WAY... Hospitals are desperate for more COVID money , they had all that tax money and they like it .
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 205 Views 0
    See related Smocking, Loosh, Frazzledrip links

    It's NOT just the Belgian "government" that contains "Satanic witch covens"
    YOUR supposed "government" consists of these same twisted and tortured souls!

    You look at the actions these people take regarding your country....
    and you tell yourself they are "stupid" or that they are "morons"

    But the truth is... THAT IS ONLY BECAUSE YOU THINK

    These people are NEVER trying to solve your problems folks!
    They CREATE your problems! These people want to destroy you in every way possible

    They want to collapse your economy, stain your soul, and take your life!
    Because they are #Evil incarnate!

    The #Police don't arrest them because the Police exist to PROTECT THEM!
    Most high ranking Police are likely also members of these organizations

    All you need to do is to look around!
    EVERY DAY you see injustice from Congress to State "government," and from state government to local government, to the POLICE and Military!

    You must learn to recognize your enemies and where they exist!
    And they exist right in your face, in every organization that is supposedly "helping" you and society at large!

    They exist EVERYWHERE that people walk around with armed guards!
    WHY do you think these people are so scared?

    Because they "voted" the wrong way???
    No... It's because they have likely murdered a child of someone near your home!
    It is because they have raped and sodomized, stolen and LIED, and continue to do so EVERY DAY through their illegitimate "governments" and #Courts!

    And once you spot them, they'll seek to murder you or lock you in a cage for the remainder of your natural life on some phony charge, using a stacked "jury" and a corrupt "Prosecutor" and "Judge" (Who are also likely members)

    The more knowledge you gain about this realm, the more you'll realize that the bible speaks the #Truth, more than you ever knew! That #Evil exists right next door to you..
    NOT "in a land far far away" like you always THOUGHT it did!

    EVERYONE involved in high level "government" and it's 3 letter agencies are involved. As are the POLICE and the #Media, the Schools and the Hospitals!

    YOU are living in Babylon, and it's about time to wake up to that FACT!

    HUMAN HUNTING PARTIES & ROYAL FAMILIES/BLOODLINES - See related Smocking, Loosh, Frazzledrip links It's NOT just the Belgian "government" that contains "Satanic witch covens" YOUR supposed "government" consists of these same twisted and tortured souls! You look at the actions these people take regarding your country.... and you tell yourself they are "stupid" or that they are "morons" But the truth is... THAT IS ONLY BECAUSE YOU THINK THEY ARE TRYING TO SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS! These people are NEVER trying to solve your problems folks! They CREATE your problems! These people want to destroy you in every way possible They want to collapse your economy, stain your soul, and take your life! Because they are #Evil incarnate! The #Police don't arrest them because the Police exist to PROTECT THEM! Most high ranking Police are likely also members of these organizations All you need to do is to look around! EVERY DAY you see injustice from Congress to State "government," and from state government to local government, to the POLICE and Military! You must learn to recognize your enemies and where they exist! And they exist right in your face, in every organization that is supposedly "helping" you and society at large! They exist EVERYWHERE that people walk around with armed guards! WHY do you think these people are so scared? Because they "voted" the wrong way??? No... It's because they have likely murdered a child of someone near your home! It is because they have raped and sodomized, stolen and LIED, and continue to do so EVERY DAY through their illegitimate "governments" and #Courts! And once you spot them, they'll seek to murder you or lock you in a cage for the remainder of your natural life on some phony charge, using a stacked "jury" and a corrupt "Prosecutor" and "Judge" (Who are also likely members) The more knowledge you gain about this realm, the more you'll realize that the bible speaks the #Truth, more than you ever knew! That #Evil exists right next door to you.. NOT "in a land far far away" like you always THOUGHT it did! EVERYONE involved in high level "government" and it's 3 letter agencies are involved. As are the POLICE and the #Media, the Schools and the Hospitals! YOU are living in Babylon, and it's about time to wake up to that FACT! https://rumble.com/v42ivrf-human-hunting-parties-and-royal-familiesbloodlines-see-related-smocking-loo.html
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 531 Views

    You don't understand....
    Hospitals were created to DECEIVE and kill

    Born of #Evil folks!
    Now they do sonograms which adversely effect a developing fetus...
    So that YOU can have a "gender reveal" party!

    In 10 years they'll "find" this is harmful too (But they knew before it started)
    Just like all the other things they've done while KNOWING it would harm your child!

    At what point will people realize that this is done purposefully?
    Are we REALLY that stupid???

    Just LOOK at their track record!
    Now ask yourself... "Do you REALLY believe that all of this death, mayhem, birth defects etc... just happened innocently???"

    Doctors told you to smoke cigarettes!
    Doctors told you to spray your children with DDT!
    Doctors told you to stop eating animal fat and use their seed oils......

    Of course NOW, kike always, they come out after killing millions, and say "ooops, we were wrong AGAIN, animal fats are much healthier than seed oils"

    Do you REALLY believe these people want you healthy?
    Or do you think that perhaps.... THEY WANT YOU DEAD???

    HOSPITAL BIRTHS You don't understand.... Hospitals were created to DECEIVE and kill Born of #Evil folks! Now they do sonograms which adversely effect a developing fetus... So that YOU can have a "gender reveal" party! In 10 years they'll "find" this is harmful too (But they knew before it started) Just like all the other things they've done while KNOWING it would harm your child! At what point will people realize that this is done purposefully? Are we REALLY that stupid??? Just LOOK at their track record! Now ask yourself... "Do you REALLY believe that all of this death, mayhem, birth defects etc... just happened innocently???" Doctors told you to smoke cigarettes! Doctors told you to spray your children with DDT! Doctors told you to stop eating animal fat and use their seed oils...... Of course NOW, kike always, they come out after killing millions, and say "ooops, we were wrong AGAIN, animal fats are much healthier than seed oils" Do you REALLY believe these people want you healthy? Or do you think that perhaps.... THEY WANT YOU DEAD??? https://old.bitchute.com/video/1ZGLT6t0O9iX/
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 558 Views
  • How people passing through the supermarket go to hospitals - our ultra-processed food
    #usa #america #food #industry #health
    How people passing through the supermarket go to hospitals - our ultra-processed food https://forex-strategy.com/2024/08/18/how-people-passing-through-the-supermarket-go-to-hospitals-our-ultra-processed-food/ #usa #america #food #industry #health
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 397 Views
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