• County Official EXPOSED Himself to Woman in a Park |
    Year-Long Coverup, but now BODYCAM Released!

    According to #Police ....
    "We can't do anything right now, it has to be a #Felony"

    Did I forget to mention that

    I've never seen Police refuse to arrest ANYONE ELSE on misdemeanor charges! NOT ONCE! I have even witnessed cops "create a phony crime" to charge someone with based solely on "we got a call"

    But that's when it's YOU people! ( The #Slaves )
    When it's "Government" apparently "There's nothing we can do"

    County Official EXPOSED Himself to Woman in a Park | Year-Long Coverup, but now BODYCAM Released! According to #Police .... "We can't do anything right now, it has to be a #Felony" Did I forget to mention that THIS WHEN THE #CRIMINAL IS IN GOVERNMENT? I've never seen Police refuse to arrest ANYONE ELSE on misdemeanor charges! NOT ONCE! I have even witnessed cops "create a phony crime" to charge someone with based solely on "we got a call" But that's when it's YOU people! ( The #Slaves ) When it's "Government" apparently "There's nothing we can do" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PV79me54fTM
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 874 مشاهدة
    A judge in Connecticut recently overturned a primary election because the evidence of fraud was overwhelming.
    The evidence included video footage of people stuffing dozens of ballots in the boxes.
    WHEN ARE THEY GOING TO START ARRESTING THESE PEOPLE FOR VOTER FRAUD A "FELONY" A judge in Connecticut recently overturned a primary election because the evidence of fraud was overwhelming. The evidence included video footage of people stuffing dozens of ballots in the boxes.
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 1522 مشاهدة 1

    Let me tell you something.... I don't care if you are New York, California, or the black robed Supreme Court (#SCOTUS) the #SecondAmendment is VERY CLEAR

    "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

    SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!!! Can you people read???
    There is NO CIRCUMSTANCES which gives #Government a right to violate those rights! EVER!

    SCOTUS has ONE JOB! That job is to ensure that Government does NOT violate the #Constitution! PERIOD!

    A "#Militia" is formed from ARMED INDIVIDUALS!

    I believe that even taking that right from #Felons is illegal!

    Now I'll say it's reasonable to take #2ndAmendment Rights away from people who HAVE USED A FIREARM IN COMMISSION OF A CRIME! But NOT just "felons"

    You can be given a felony for a crack rock, forging, driving too fast in some cases! A "Felony" means NOTHING!



    PART ONE - SCOTUS CASE: NEW YORK STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASSOCIATION INC. V. BRUEN Let me tell you something.... I don't care if you are New York, California, or the black robed Supreme Court (#SCOTUS) the #SecondAmendment is VERY CLEAR "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!!! Can you people read??? There is NO CIRCUMSTANCES which gives #Government a right to violate those rights! EVER! SCOTUS has ONE JOB! That job is to ensure that Government does NOT violate the #Constitution! PERIOD! A "#Militia" is formed from ARMED INDIVIDUALS! EVERY AMERICAN HAS THE RIGHT TO HAVE A FIREARM! PERIOD! I believe that even taking that right from #Felons is illegal! Now I'll say it's reasonable to take #2ndAmendment Rights away from people who HAVE USED A FIREARM IN COMMISSION OF A CRIME! But NOT just "felons" You can be given a felony for a crack rock, forging, driving too fast in some cases! A "Felony" means NOTHING! MOST FELONIES ARE TRUMPED UP MISDEMEANORS! SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED! https://www.bitchute.com/video/2R-IaWmTFto/
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 484 مشاهدة
  • No one ever considers the long-term preparation that occurs years and decades before these blatant abuses of power. You need to have the means to influence, control, and sabotage the economy so that people are poor and vulnerable. You need to have corrupt cops that stand by and do nothing. You need to have corrupt judges that don't do anything but rubber-stamp documents. You need to have upper-level administration that's in on it all. You need to have corrupt politicians that empower CPS to kidnap children from their families and write laws that prevent parents from protecting their children. You need to have a war on drugs and a shredding of all meaningful protections against invasion of privacy by busybody government bureaucrats and the ever-increasing invasion of privacy by school teachers (especially with _remote learning_ vis live webcam) who want to know everything that happens inside your home. You need to have codes and building inspections and property taxes and assessments and occupancy permits and "bringing things up to code" so that outside people have the means to get their way onto your property and shove their noses into your home. You need to have a War on Self-Defense so that "guns in the home" are considered a danger = because then you can't protect your children from predators. You need to turn the exercise of gun Rights into "crimes", and every infraction of unConstitutional laws into a "felony" so that you can't have ANY "weapons" to defend your family from the gang of pedophiles that have political POWER.
    No one ever considers the long-term preparation that occurs years and decades before these blatant abuses of power. You need to have the means to influence, control, and sabotage the economy so that people are poor and vulnerable. You need to have corrupt cops that stand by and do nothing. You need to have corrupt judges that don't do anything but rubber-stamp documents. You need to have upper-level administration that's in on it all. You need to have corrupt politicians that empower CPS to kidnap children from their families and write laws that prevent parents from protecting their children. You need to have a war on drugs and a shredding of all meaningful protections against invasion of privacy by busybody government bureaucrats and the ever-increasing invasion of privacy by school teachers (especially with _remote learning_ vis live webcam) who want to know everything that happens inside your home. You need to have codes and building inspections and property taxes and assessments and occupancy permits and "bringing things up to code" so that outside people have the means to get their way onto your property and shove their noses into your home. You need to have a War on Self-Defense so that "guns in the home" are considered a danger = because then you can't protect your children from predators. You need to turn the exercise of gun Rights into "crimes", and every infraction of unConstitutional laws into a "felony" so that you can't have ANY "weapons" to defend your family from the gang of pedophiles that have political POWER. CAN YOU SEE IT YET?
    According to the FBI, more than half of trafficked children in America were in the care of social services when they disappeared. That is a damning statistic for a system whose sole purpose is to keep children safe...
    How can social services lose 18,000 children - and not look for them?
    Many of the children sold as sex slaves were in the care of social services when they went missing. Aren't these agencies supposed to keep kids safe?
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 196 مشاهدة
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