• Go ahead..... Wipe your a** with the Constitution!

    Everyone else does!
    #Police do it on a daily basis after having donuts!

    Your "Inalienable right to defend yourself" which was recognized by this worthless document is a JOKE!

    Let the Police see you armed like a FREE MAN!

    You won't live another 30 seconds, and they'll likely kill everyone within your vicinity, including your dog, just for having a gun inside of your OWN home!

    They'll come to YOUR HOME and execute you for THINKING you have the right to defend yourself and your family, your home!

    So go ahead #Slave....
    Tell us all about your #2ndAmendment "rights

    We'll be seeing YOU on the news, and at the morgue!
    Because SLAVES are not allowed to own guns OR defend themselves!

    If you try, you'll be shot by your local

    And he'll get away with every time too!

    Go ahead..... Wipe your a** with the Constitution! Everyone else does! #Police do it on a daily basis after having donuts! Your "Inalienable right to defend yourself" which was recognized by this worthless document is a JOKE! Let the Police see you armed like a FREE MAN! You won't live another 30 seconds, and they'll likely kill everyone within your vicinity, including your dog, just for having a gun inside of your OWN home! They'll come to YOUR HOME and execute you for THINKING you have the right to defend yourself and your family, your home! So go ahead #Slave.... Tell us all about your #2ndAmendment "rights We'll be seeing YOU on the news, and at the morgue! Because SLAVES are not allowed to own guns OR defend themselves! If you try, you'll be shot by your local CORPORATE POLICY ENFORCER! And he'll get away with every time too!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 795 Views
  • Watch #TuckerCarlson - "AR-15 - Under Assault"
    #AR15 #Guns #GunRights #AssaultRifles #2ndAmendment

    Watch #TuckerCarlson - "AR-15 - Under Assault" #AR15 #Guns #GunRights #AssaultRifles #2ndAmendment https://www.bitchute.com/video/UaRpfmfqEr2Y/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 4514 Views

    The #2ndAmendment did NOT give me the right to defend myself!

    My Creator did. And no political #Parasite has the authority to infringe on it!

    The 2nd Amendment merely recognized MY INALIENABLE RIGHTS!

    The #Corporation of the United States can write "Statutes and Codes" until the cows come home, and I'd wipe my a** with them all!

    Because those people DO NOT HAVE DOMINION OVER ME!
    I did NOT "Consent" give them such dominion, and they don't have it!

    But you may want to remember....
    EVERY DOCUMENT you accept and sign from them, every "registration" and every "License" you obtain from them is a CONTRACT!

    Which DOES give them dominion over YOU!
    So keep that in mind!

    MAN IMMEDIATELY REGRETS MESSING WITH THE WRONG WOMAN The #2ndAmendment did NOT give me the right to defend myself! My Creator did. And no political #Parasite has the authority to infringe on it! The 2nd Amendment merely recognized MY INALIENABLE RIGHTS! The #Corporation of the United States can write "Statutes and Codes" until the cows come home, and I'd wipe my a** with them all! Because those people DO NOT HAVE DOMINION OVER ME! I did NOT "Consent" give them such dominion, and they don't have it! But you may want to remember.... EVERY DOCUMENT you accept and sign from them, every "registration" and every "License" you obtain from them is a CONTRACT! Which DOES give them dominion over YOU! So keep that in mind! https://www.bitchute.com/video/tJ3rYcBSFDw/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1106 Views
  • Just s thought here..... Call it a thought experiment

    But I want you to imagine a country with a #Corrupt #DOJ and #FBI.......

    Then I want you to imagine that BOTH of them hate your right to bare arms!

    Then picture a large database at say.... the #ATF office
    Roll this all into a tight imaginary ball (Like the globe)

    Then, if you can, imagine labeling hardcore #2ndAmendment guys #Pedophiles

    Can you see what I'm seeing?
    These people ARE THE PEDOPHILES!

    Do you REALLY believe they are going after pedophiles with this sh*t? I mean REALLY???

    EVERYONE hates pedophiles!
    But this sounds like some shady BS all of the sudden out of left field!

    You know, right after they tried to inject everyone to death!

    I guess I'm just "paranoid" in my old age!
    Just s thought here..... Call it a thought experiment But I want you to imagine a country with a #Corrupt #DOJ and #FBI....... Then I want you to imagine that BOTH of them hate your right to bare arms! Then picture a large database at say.... the #ATF office Roll this all into a tight imaginary ball (Like the globe) Then, if you can, imagine labeling hardcore #2ndAmendment guys #Pedophiles Can you see what I'm seeing? These people ARE THE PEDOPHILES! Do you REALLY believe they are going after pedophiles with this sh*t? I mean REALLY??? EVERYONE hates pedophiles! But this sounds like some shady BS all of the sudden out of left field! You know, right after they tried to inject everyone to death! I guess I'm just "paranoid" in my old age! NOT
    0 Comments 1 Shares 1648 Views
  • Monday Meltdown! Pouring Junk Silver into BEAUTIFUL Bars!!

    Weigh em, stamp em, perhaps get a coin mold with the #2ndAmendment or 3% or Praise YHWH raised in the bottom!

    Confiscate the gold stolen from us all by DECEIVERS,
    Hang them, and go to work!

    REAL MEN are able to do stuff!
    DECEIVERS ONLY KNOW HOW TO LIE! ( Like their father )

    John 8:44
    “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”

    We work for a living!

    Monday Meltdown! Pouring Junk Silver into BEAUTIFUL Bars!! Weigh em, stamp em, perhaps get a coin mold with the #2ndAmendment or 3% or Praise YHWH raised in the bottom! Confiscate the gold stolen from us all by DECEIVERS, Hang them, and go to work! REAL MEN are able to do stuff! DECEIVERS ONLY KNOW HOW TO LIE! ( Like their father ) John 8:44 “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” REAL MEN HAVE NO NEED TO LIE! We work for a living! https://youtu.be/ZeGQQ2frwKE
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1114 Views
  • "Gun for Thee but not for Me" #2ndAmendment #2A Rights. Holding them Accountable. #GunRights #GunLaw

    "Gun for Thee but not for Me" #2ndAmendment #2A Rights. Holding them Accountable. #GunRights #GunLaw https://youtu.be/Dhbv3aQyLW4
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1685 Views
  • Why yes, I'm "Pro-choice"

    #ProChoice #2A #2ndAmendment #SecondAmendment #RightToBearArms #SelfDefense #WomensRights #WomensRightsAreHumanRights #ProtectWomen #GunsPreventCrime @NRA

    #Conservative #TEAParty #TGDN #PJNet #TLOT #TCOT #CCOT
    Why yes, I'm "Pro-choice" #ProChoice #2A #2ndAmendment #SecondAmendment #RightToBearArms #SelfDefense #WomensRights #WomensRightsAreHumanRights #ProtectWomen #GunsPreventCrime @NRA #Conservative #TEAParty #TGDN #PJNet #TLOT #TCOT #CCOT
    0 Comments 1 Shares 5667 Views

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