Russell Bentley in #Ukraine gives some insight to some of what's going on and the #FakeCombat conspiracy theories regarding #Russia trying to take over all of Ukraine, though there are those being caught in the crossfire of what is really going on, which does not line up with the Western World Propaganda that is being fed to its civilization(s). The end of this video is cut off, omitting what may be graphic images, so when #SonOfEnos host warns the viewers, they don't need to be concerned about that part. CREDIT and SOURCE:
#VladimirPutin #VolodymyrZelensky #NeoNazi #Khazarian #Zelensky #Donetsk #Donbas #Kyiv #Keiv #NATO #EVIL #Globlalist #Globalism #DeepState #Cabal #KlausSchwab #Rochefeller #Rothchild #Soros #WEF #WHO #UN #NWO #NewWorldOrder #GreatReset #PrayForPeace and for BOTH Russia and Ukraine. ❤
Russell Bentley in #Ukraine gives some insight to some of what's going on and the #FakeCombat conspiracy theories regarding #Russia trying to take over all of Ukraine, though there are those being caught in the crossfire of what is really going on, which does not line up with the Western World Propaganda that is being fed to its civilization(s). The end of this video is cut off, omitting what may be graphic images, so when #SonOfEnos host warns the viewers, they don't need to be concerned about that part. CREDIT and SOURCE:
#VladimirPutin #VolodymyrZelensky #NeoNazi #Khazarian #Zelensky #Donetsk #Donbas #Kyiv #Keiv #NATO #EVIL #Globlalist #Globalism #DeepState #Cabal #KlausSchwab #Rochefeller #Rothchild #Soros #WEF #WHO #UN #NWO #NewWorldOrder #GreatReset #PrayForPeace and for BOTH Russia and Ukraine. ❤
Russell Bentley in #Ukraine gives some insight to some of what's going on and the #FakeCombat conspiracy theories regarding #Russia trying to take over all of Ukraine, though there are those being caught in the crossfire of what is really going on, which does not line up with the Western World Propaganda that is being fed to its civilization(s). The end of this video is cut off, omitting what may be graphic images, so when #SonOfEnos host warns the viewers, they don't need to be concerned about that part. CREDIT and SOURCE:
#VladimirPutin #VolodymyrZelensky #NeoNazi #Khazarian #Zelensky #Donetsk #Donbas #Kyiv #Keiv #NATO #EVIL #Globlalist #Globalism #DeepState #Cabal #KlausSchwab #Rochefeller #Rothchild #Soros #WEF #WHO #UN #NWO #NewWorldOrder #GreatReset #PrayForPeace and for BOTH Russia and Ukraine. ❤