• I was doing some research on vacuum and happened across this little gem....

    To me it's just COMMON SENSE that "Sea Level" is an ALTITUDE applicable across the entire earth!

    I mean come on folks!
    Water is ALWAYS flat and level

    Therefore "Sea-Level" is the same across the entire earth!
    If the oceans were to rise, then sea-level would change!

    It says it right here in this "Guide to vacuum measurement" that
    "The oceans across the world are the same height"

    EXCEPT it calls the earth a "Planet" when it is actually a PLANE!
    When your feet are in the water in Japan, you are at the SAME ALTITUDE as a guy whose feet are in the water in the USA!

    At least ACT LIKE you have some sense!

    Water is demonstrably FLAT and LEVEL when not manipulated, that is why they actually have a thing called a "water level"

    Yet #NASA and "Public #Education" has brainwashed you into believing that you live on a whirling, twirling, water ball, where your feet are DOWN as people's feet in Australia are pointing UP at your feet!

    I was right there with you for a while...

    Thank goodness I came to my senses and realized that we live
    in a world of Satanic LIES, and Satanic LIARS.

    And thank Him for creating our beautiful and FLAT world!

    HOW would anyone know what is "under the sun" in the heliocentric fairytale?

    There's no "up" and "down" in "space"
    These things are created by #Buoyancy, #Density, and electrostatic charge!

    "Space" is FAKE... but if it were real, there'd be no "up" or "down"

    Ecclesiastes 1:9
    “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.”

    Wake up to the TRUTH!
    I was doing some research on vacuum and happened across this little gem.... To me it's just COMMON SENSE that "Sea Level" is an ALTITUDE applicable across the entire earth! I mean come on folks! Water is ALWAYS flat and level Therefore "Sea-Level" is the same across the entire earth! If the oceans were to rise, then sea-level would change! It says it right here in this "Guide to vacuum measurement" that "The oceans across the world are the same height" EXCEPT it calls the earth a "Planet" when it is actually a PLANE! When your feet are in the water in Japan, you are at the SAME ALTITUDE as a guy whose feet are in the water in the USA! At least ACT LIKE you have some sense! Water is demonstrably FLAT and LEVEL when not manipulated, that is why they actually have a thing called a "water level" Yet #NASA and "Public #Education" has brainwashed you into believing that you live on a whirling, twirling, water ball, where your feet are DOWN as people's feet in Australia are pointing UP at your feet! That is the DUMBEST THING I'VE EVER HEARD! I was right there with you for a while... Thank goodness I came to my senses and realized that we live in a world of Satanic LIES, and Satanic LIARS. Give ALL GLORY TO THE FATHER! And thank Him for creating our beautiful and FLAT world! And remember.... THERE IS NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN! HOW would anyone know what is "under the sun" in the heliocentric fairytale? There's no "up" and "down" in "space" These things are created by #Buoyancy, #Density, and electrostatic charge! "Space" is FAKE... but if it were real, there'd be no "up" or "down" Ecclesiastes 1:9 “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.” Wake up to the TRUTH!
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 195 Visualizações

    While I'm not real big on the racial BS.....
    The information is correct

    I once read story that spoke of #Jews being thrown out of yet another country...
    And after being tossed out once again due to their purely #Evil deeds, they formulated a plan.

    That plan was to use Medicine, Law, and "Education" to take control in their next endeavor, and to make the entire world pay once they controlled these things.

    I cannot vouch for the validity of the story...
    But all one must do is to LOOK AROUND, and you can clearly see this happened

    LAW around the world has been taken over by deception and lies, where they have replaced the COMMON LAW with maritime admiralty law CLAIMING that their victims "consent" to being ruled over as "Chattel Property"

    Now... I may not be a smart man, but I know damn well that NOBODY has consented to becoming the PROPERTY of a #Corporation!

    And I also KNOW that nobody has "consented" to living their life according to that CORPORATION'S "Policies" or being put into a cage or even EXECUTED should they violate the corporation's policies!

    #Police enforce CORPORATE POLICY and not law!
    EVERYTHING that the Police do, they do under maritime admiralty law
    (The law of the SEA)

    WHY are "doctors," pharmacists, and drug companies not in prison for murder???
    Because the fraud based system of maritime admiralty law (The #BAR Association)
    protects #Criminals like themselves, that is why!

    These systems are ALL ran by evil people who do evil things!
    YOU have been brainwashed since birth to accept it!

    It is time to WAKE UP and understand that NOBODY has consented to this SCAM!
    And it's time to burn it down

    THE ILLEGAL J.3.W-DICIAL SYSTEM (2) (LANGUAGE WARNING MIRROR) While I'm not real big on the racial BS..... The information is correct I once read story that spoke of #Jews being thrown out of yet another country... And after being tossed out once again due to their purely #Evil deeds, they formulated a plan. That plan was to use Medicine, Law, and "Education" to take control in their next endeavor, and to make the entire world pay once they controlled these things. I cannot vouch for the validity of the story... But all one must do is to LOOK AROUND, and you can clearly see this happened LAW around the world has been taken over by deception and lies, where they have replaced the COMMON LAW with maritime admiralty law CLAIMING that their victims "consent" to being ruled over as "Chattel Property" Now... I may not be a smart man, but I know damn well that NOBODY has consented to becoming the PROPERTY of a #Corporation! And I also KNOW that nobody has "consented" to living their life according to that CORPORATION'S "Policies" or being put into a cage or even EXECUTED should they violate the corporation's policies! #Police enforce CORPORATE POLICY and not law! EVERYTHING that the Police do, they do under maritime admiralty law (The law of the SEA) WHY are "doctors," pharmacists, and drug companies not in prison for murder??? Because the fraud based system of maritime admiralty law (The #BAR Association) protects #Criminals like themselves, that is why! These systems are ALL ran by evil people who do evil things! YOU have been brainwashed since birth to accept it! It is time to WAKE UP and understand that NOBODY has consented to this SCAM! And it's time to burn it down https://old.bitchute.com/video/HzgWVnSR2OLU/
    THE ILLEGAL J.3.W-DICIAL SYSTEM (2) (Language Warning Mirror)
    Language Warning! Don't get offended by the language, rather, listen to the message being sent. Truth is, some people need to be offended and awakened to who our real enemy is in the Western World. The United States, Canada, England, Scotland, Ir…
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1136 Visualizações
  • How do you convince a deceived world that they have been deceived, when they have been brainwashed since birth to assume that everything you try to tell them is a
    "Conspiracy Theory?"

    How do you show BLIND MEN the light?

    How do you let DEAF MEN hear the #Truth?

    How do you tell an "educated man" that his "education" was nothing more than a Satanic deception, lies and mind tricks?

    Satan has had thousands of years to perfect his lies and deceit!

    YOU don't have that long to OPEN YOUR EYES!
    There is NOTHING about the world we live in that is based in TRUTH! Everything that you THINK you know is a well crafted LIE

    Tick Tock....

    Revelation 12

    6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.

    7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,

    8 And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.

    9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

    10 And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.

    11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

    12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.

    I give thanks to my Creator EVERY DAY for opening my eyes!

    Matthew 13:17 For verily I say unto you, that many Prophets, and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them, and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.
    How do you convince a deceived world that they have been deceived, when they have been brainwashed since birth to assume that everything you try to tell them is a "Conspiracy Theory?" How do you show BLIND MEN the light? How do you let DEAF MEN hear the #Truth? How do you tell an "educated man" that his "education" was nothing more than a Satanic deception, lies and mind tricks? Satan has had thousands of years to perfect his lies and deceit! YOU don't have that long to OPEN YOUR EYES! There is NOTHING about the world we live in that is based in TRUTH! Everything that you THINK you know is a well crafted LIE Tick Tock.... Revelation 12 6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days. 7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, 8 And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. 9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. 10 And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. 11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. 12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. I give thanks to my Creator EVERY DAY for opening my eyes! Matthew 13:17 For verily I say unto you, that many Prophets, and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them, and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1280 Visualizações
  • #Freemasons, Jews, Jesuits, "Knights of" anything (Military Orders), the Vatican, the Church of Satan etc... etc....


    Every last scumbag among them has SOLD THEIR SOUL TO #SATAN!

    They created "#Schools" and "#Universities" in order to implement MIND CONTROL on the masses of unsuspecting people around the world!

    What is the very FIRST thing you must do after joining a "Fraternity?"
    You must "Pledge an #Oath to a false Greek god" of course!
    (violating the ten commandments)

    EVERYTHING you will "learn" in these places will make you question the word of YHWH!

    EVERYTHING you will "learn" in these places is also a LIE!
    It's a very complex LIE that appears to be real.... but upon closer examination... (If you ever bother to look) ALL OF THESE THINGS ARE EASILY DISPROVED!

    Their "Science" is more of a #Pagan #Religion that does not use the scientific method! It is LIES on top of LIES on top of more LIES!

    Their boss???
    SATAN.... Who is the "Father of LIES" of course!

    If you desire an actual EDUCATION read your bible!
    And put your faith in He who NEVER LIES!

    In case you didn't notice.... these are also the SAME PEOPLE who told you that "Covid 19" was real, the Vaccine was safe and effective...
    and they helped to CENSOR THE TRUTH on the internet too!

    How does THAT make you feel?
    Do you STILL want to get that "degree?"
    #Freemasons, Jews, Jesuits, "Knights of" anything (Military Orders), the Vatican, the Church of Satan etc... etc.... THESE ARE THE PEOPLE WHO CONTROL "EDUCATION" AROUND THE WORLD! Every last scumbag among them has SOLD THEIR SOUL TO #SATAN! They created "#Schools" and "#Universities" in order to implement MIND CONTROL on the masses of unsuspecting people around the world! What is the very FIRST thing you must do after joining a "Fraternity?" You must "Pledge an #Oath to a false Greek god" of course! (violating the ten commandments) EVERYTHING you will "learn" in these places will make you question the word of YHWH! EVERYTHING you will "learn" in these places is also a LIE! It's a very complex LIE that appears to be real.... but upon closer examination... (If you ever bother to look) ALL OF THESE THINGS ARE EASILY DISPROVED! Their "Science" is more of a #Pagan #Religion that does not use the scientific method! It is LIES on top of LIES on top of more LIES! Their boss??? SATAN.... Who is the "Father of LIES" of course! If you desire an actual EDUCATION read your bible! And put your faith in He who NEVER LIES! In case you didn't notice.... these are also the SAME PEOPLE who told you that "Covid 19" was real, the Vaccine was safe and effective... and they helped to CENSOR THE TRUTH on the internet too! How does THAT make you feel? Do you STILL want to get that "degree?"
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1745 Visualizações
  • Measure A Constant Velocity?

    Next time ANYONE tries to tell you that "Flat Earthers don't understand physics"
    send them HERE! Where their #Freemason "education" will be challenged, and they may actually learn something about REAL PHYSICS!

    Measure A Constant Velocity? Next time ANYONE tries to tell you that "Flat Earthers don't understand physics" send them HERE! Where their #Freemason "education" will be challenged, and they may actually learn something about REAL PHYSICS! https://youtu.be/BPxf3HbntYc
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 728 Visualizações
  • Chilling: Dr. Jordan Peterson Forced to Undergo "Reeducation" to Retain License Because of Social Media Posts
    Chilling: Dr. Jordan Peterson Forced to Undergo "Reeducation" to Retain License Because of Social Media Posts
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 700 Visualizações
  • "In short, it is not merely that Johnny can't read, or even that Johnny can't think. Johnny doesn't know what thinking is, because thinking is so often confused with feeling in many public schools."
    -Thomas Sowell,
    "Inside American Education" (1993)
    "In short, it is not merely that Johnny can't read, or even that Johnny can't think. Johnny doesn't know what thinking is, because thinking is so often confused with feeling in many public schools." -Thomas Sowell, "Inside American Education" (1993)
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 314 Visualizações
  • This is FACT, not fiction!

    And the worst part about it???

    You try to tell people these things so they can free themselves...

    And their "Public Education" kicks in and they'll call YOU "Crazy"

    THEY are the #Slaves, yet YOU are the crazy one!
    This is FACT, not fiction! And the worst part about it??? You try to tell people these things so they can free themselves... And their "Public Education" kicks in and they'll call YOU "Crazy" THEY are the #Slaves, yet YOU are the crazy one!
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 236 Visualizações
  • As usual, @JoeKILLUMINATI is right on the money!

    "Bread and Circuses" is ALL your life has in it!
    You don't know where you live or who rules over it!

    You have no foundation to ever build upon!
    Because EVERYTHING you think you know is a LIE!

    You were brainwashed by people who FORCED YOUR PARENTS AT GUNPOINT
    ( At the end of a government gun barrel ) to send YOU into their "Re-Education" camps! The problem was that you NEVER HAD AN EDUCATION TO START WITH!

    So they did NOT "Re-educate" you.....

    They "taught you" PURE LIES AND FICTION to make you into a #Slave
    A slave who WORK FOR THEM until the day you die!

    As they sit with their feet up, making YOUR LIFE as miserable as possible!
    And just so you know... You are actually working for #Satan and his crew!

    So enjoy your #Slavery
    And be sure to continue spouting off the pure BULLSH*T you were taught in school and ACT SMART while you do it! Satan is counting on it!

    From 1800 on Satan's minion were hard at work BRAINWASHING YOU and your parents so that you could be enslaved by them, and work your entire life for their benefit and NOT YOURS, without ever OWNING ANYTHING!

    They DON'T WANT "Thinkers" they want WORKERS!
    They want #Slaves, which is EXACTLY what you are!

    They achieved what they set out to achieve! And convinced YOU that you live in a "carnival fun-house" as they did it! Completely detaching you from REALITY!
    Instead on thanking you, their SLAVE, they now want to KILL YOU!

    I haven't read it all yet, but this article taps into what I'm telling you!

    "A Nation of Workers, Not a Nation of Thinkers"

    Have you ever had the conversation that schools don’t teach you how to think?

    Have you ever been frustrated that you spend so many years in school and yet you come out with only the ability to regurgitate information?

    What if I told you that independent thought wasn’t the purpose of education in the first place?

    The decades before and after the 1900’s was the period of the Industrial Revolution. This is where many of the legendary billionaires made their fortune via the railroads, the automobile, oil, etc. The idea of the assembly line was crystallizing into reality with the birth of mass production.

    In 1902, The General Education Board was a non-governmental organization designed to support higher education and was funded primarily by John D Rockefeller. Throughout his lifetime he donated approximately $180 million.

    The board’s objectives were to promote farming, to establish public high schools in the South and to develop programs for African Americans.

    Why was so much funding put into schooling? What what his motivation? Rockefeller said ‘I don’t want a nation of thinkers. I want a nation of workers.’

    Here is a quote by Frederick T. Gates, one of the members of the General Education Board :

    “In our dream, we have limitless resources and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hand. We shall not search for embryo great artists, painters, musicians nor lawyers, doctors, preachers, politicians, statesmen, of whom we have an ample supply…The task we set before ourselves is very simple as well as a very beautiful one, to train these people as we find them to a perfectly ideal life just where they are… ”

    In many cases, independent thinking and higher ambitions were completely squashed. There is a famous story about the young Malcolm Little who would later become Malcolm X. He heard his teacher tell the white students in his class that they can be whatever they wanted to be. He was at the top of his class and was looking for encouragement on pursuing law as a career. He tells his teacher that he wants to be a lawyer and was told that his dream is unrealistic and that he should work with his hands — maybe be a carpenter.

    Many people say that the education system in America is broken. I agree that in some areas it is in terms of treating our teachers and students fairly. However, in terms of what we learn and how we experience learning, the education system is working exactly how it was supposed to. If you were trained to memorize and for quick recall, you were a great asset in a factory. You don’t need to think — you just need to do what you were told and focus on the task at hand.

    Somehow we picked up on the fact that being smart was an undesirable trait. Those who were thinkers in school were mercilessly harassed emotionally and/or physically by bullies. They were called ‘geeks’ or ’nerds’. If they weren’t harassed, they were socially excluded.

    To this day, we as a nation are still experiencing the fallout of our education system. After spending our formative years in school, people still don’t know basic facts. Anything we learn that can’t be applied to our daily lives is not retained at all. You can find dozens of ‘man on the street’ videos where an interviewer asks random people basic questions. Most people can’t answer them correctly. People don’t know how long a decade is. People think that the United States is a continent. The average American spends on average about 3–4 hours a day watching television and about 20 minutes a day reading. Now that we have Google, people don’t bother to retain anything at all.

    We may not be able to fix our educational system in our lifetime However, the most immediate solution is for us to take our education into our own hands. We don’t have to rely on our schooling. You don’t have to spend a ton of money to educate yourself in any area that you may feel you would like to brush up on.


    #Government is MIND CONTROL just like the #Etymology of the word indicates!

    GOVERNMENT is not "of the people, by the people, for the people"
    Government is of the CORPORATION, by the CORPORATION, for the CORPORATION
    YOU are a nothing more than a "free-range" SLAVE! That's a FACT!
    As usual, @JoeKILLUMINATI is right on the money! "Bread and Circuses" is ALL your life has in it! You don't know where you live or who rules over it! You have no foundation to ever build upon! Because EVERYTHING you think you know is a LIE! You were brainwashed by people who FORCED YOUR PARENTS AT GUNPOINT ( At the end of a government gun barrel ) to send YOU into their "Re-Education" camps! The problem was that you NEVER HAD AN EDUCATION TO START WITH! So they did NOT "Re-educate" you..... They BRAINWASHED YOU! They "taught you" PURE LIES AND FICTION to make you into a #Slave A slave who WORK FOR THEM until the day you die! As they sit with their feet up, making YOUR LIFE as miserable as possible! And just so you know... You are actually working for #Satan and his crew! So enjoy your #Slavery And be sure to continue spouting off the pure BULLSH*T you were taught in school and ACT SMART while you do it! Satan is counting on it! From 1800 on Satan's minion were hard at work BRAINWASHING YOU and your parents so that you could be enslaved by them, and work your entire life for their benefit and NOT YOURS, without ever OWNING ANYTHING! They DON'T WANT "Thinkers" they want WORKERS! They want #Slaves, which is EXACTLY what you are! They achieved what they set out to achieve! And convinced YOU that you live in a "carnival fun-house" as they did it! Completely detaching you from REALITY! Instead on thanking you, their SLAVE, they now want to KILL YOU! I haven't read it all yet, but this article taps into what I'm telling you! https://aninjusticemag.com/a-nation-of-workers-not-a-nation-of-thinkers-20caf6e6… "A Nation of Workers, Not a Nation of Thinkers" Have you ever had the conversation that schools don’t teach you how to think? Have you ever been frustrated that you spend so many years in school and yet you come out with only the ability to regurgitate information? What if I told you that independent thought wasn’t the purpose of education in the first place? The decades before and after the 1900’s was the period of the Industrial Revolution. This is where many of the legendary billionaires made their fortune via the railroads, the automobile, oil, etc. The idea of the assembly line was crystallizing into reality with the birth of mass production. In 1902, The General Education Board was a non-governmental organization designed to support higher education and was funded primarily by John D Rockefeller. Throughout his lifetime he donated approximately $180 million. The board’s objectives were to promote farming, to establish public high schools in the South and to develop programs for African Americans. Why was so much funding put into schooling? What what his motivation? Rockefeller said ‘I don’t want a nation of thinkers. I want a nation of workers.’ Here is a quote by Frederick T. Gates, one of the members of the General Education Board : “In our dream, we have limitless resources and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hand. We shall not search for embryo great artists, painters, musicians nor lawyers, doctors, preachers, politicians, statesmen, of whom we have an ample supply…The task we set before ourselves is very simple as well as a very beautiful one, to train these people as we find them to a perfectly ideal life just where they are… ” In many cases, independent thinking and higher ambitions were completely squashed. There is a famous story about the young Malcolm Little who would later become Malcolm X. He heard his teacher tell the white students in his class that they can be whatever they wanted to be. He was at the top of his class and was looking for encouragement on pursuing law as a career. He tells his teacher that he wants to be a lawyer and was told that his dream is unrealistic and that he should work with his hands — maybe be a carpenter. Many people say that the education system in America is broken. I agree that in some areas it is in terms of treating our teachers and students fairly. However, in terms of what we learn and how we experience learning, the education system is working exactly how it was supposed to. If you were trained to memorize and for quick recall, you were a great asset in a factory. You don’t need to think — you just need to do what you were told and focus on the task at hand. Somehow we picked up on the fact that being smart was an undesirable trait. Those who were thinkers in school were mercilessly harassed emotionally and/or physically by bullies. They were called ‘geeks’ or ’nerds’. If they weren’t harassed, they were socially excluded. To this day, we as a nation are still experiencing the fallout of our education system. After spending our formative years in school, people still don’t know basic facts. Anything we learn that can’t be applied to our daily lives is not retained at all. You can find dozens of ‘man on the street’ videos where an interviewer asks random people basic questions. Most people can’t answer them correctly. People don’t know how long a decade is. People think that the United States is a continent. The average American spends on average about 3–4 hours a day watching television and about 20 minutes a day reading. Now that we have Google, people don’t bother to retain anything at all. We may not be able to fix our educational system in our lifetime However, the most immediate solution is for us to take our education into our own hands. We don’t have to rely on our schooling. You don’t have to spend a ton of money to educate yourself in any area that you may feel you would like to brush up on. BREAK OUT OF YOUR CHAINS! BREAK OUT OF THE RIGHT VS LEFT CONTROL SYSTEM! BREAK OUT OF THE RED VS BLUE CONTROL SYSTEM! #Government is MIND CONTROL just like the #Etymology of the word indicates! GOVERNMENT is not "of the people, by the people, for the people" Government is of the CORPORATION, by the CORPORATION, for the CORPORATION YOU are a nothing more than a "free-range" SLAVE! That's a FACT!
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2296 Visualizações
  • Jim is your typical victim of #Freemasons who are mixing your brains like the #Mortar they use to lay brick and stone! When in college you are there to obtain #Degrees just like in Freemasonry!

    They get you to join Sororities and Fraternities because "Hell week" or the initiation process new members go through is actually very similar to #Satanic #Ritual #Abuse.

    You are generally physically beaten some, frightened, and forced to participate in embarrassing and de-humanizing "rituals" and ceremonies!

    Once you have undergone this Satanic Ritual Abuse, meaning that you have been belittled, dehumanized, and broken down
    (Like in the Military and Satanic Cults) then you are ready to "Pledge your #Oath" to a Greek or Roman FALSE GOD!

    The Bible tells us to NOT do these things, but while intoxicated, partying until you puke etc... Who cares about The Word of Yahuwah?

    Once you graduate, having gained so much "Theoretical Knowledge" and having your brain and worldview truly rearranged to fit the wishes of those higher up in the Satanic realm, you are given a retarded looking "Mortar Board Hat" to wear at graduation.....

    Showing the entire world that Freemasons and Satan now own your brainwashed mind! They have gotten you to completely ignore the Word of Yahuwah AND even forced you to swear an Oath to a FALSE GOD!

    ALL "False Gods" are born of Satan himself BTW......
    And for this honor you pay hundreds of thousands of dollars which you may never [pay off due to the high interest rate! Congratulations!

    You have single handedly violated the Word of Yahuwah by swearing an Oath to a Satanic False deity as you allowed demons to fill your head with nonsense that the #Cult of #Science has dreamed up in their "Theoretical" minds!

    While you were off doing this..... JOE was out getting PAID as he learned a trade that is needed EVERYWHERE! He don't have to look for, beg and grovel to get a job because JOE already has a job, in a field that is ALWAYS IN DEMAND!

    Whereas a Freemason "Degree" in gender studies say.... will do NOTHING to get you a job, and will turn your mind into soft, pliable jello, which wiggles between your ears as you walk!

    EVERYONE who meets you for the rest of your like will KNOW that you are little more than a BRAINWASHED MORON who allowed #Jews and #Evil Freemasons to form your entire worldview!

    You should be very proud! You lost your humanity as you swore an oath to Satan! What a wonderful start for your young life! As LOST as any one person can be.... At least until you start watching your "Continued Education" which #Hollywood will feed you in small doses until the day you die!

    The black mirror of the TellLIESVision will keep you lost and apart from Yahuwah and His teachings until the day you die, when Satan gets to take YOUR SOUL for all of eternity! It's just what he does!

    REPENT right now TODAY!
    Because nobody has promised you a tomorrow!
    And Yahushua ( Jesus ) has told you..... It will come as a thief in the night!

    And if you have FAILED TO REPENT then Satan OWNS YOU!
    Of course JOE needs to REPENT as well! But at least he has a JOB!

    1 Thessalonians
    1But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I should write to you. 2For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night. 3For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape. 4But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief. 5You are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness. 6Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be [a]sober. 7For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk are drunk at night. 8But let us who are of the day be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet the hope of salvation. 9For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, 10who died for us, that whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with Him.

    I don't know who needed to hear this message, but The Father put it on my heart to share this with you. And when Yahuwah talks......
    I LISTEN! And you should too!
    Jim is your typical victim of #Freemasons who are mixing your brains like the #Mortar they use to lay brick and stone! When in college you are there to obtain #Degrees just like in Freemasonry! They get you to join Sororities and Fraternities because "Hell week" or the initiation process new members go through is actually very similar to #Satanic #Ritual #Abuse. You are generally physically beaten some, frightened, and forced to participate in embarrassing and de-humanizing "rituals" and ceremonies! Once you have undergone this Satanic Ritual Abuse, meaning that you have been belittled, dehumanized, and broken down (Like in the Military and Satanic Cults) then you are ready to "Pledge your #Oath" to a Greek or Roman FALSE GOD! The Bible tells us to NOT do these things, but while intoxicated, partying until you puke etc... Who cares about The Word of Yahuwah? Once you graduate, having gained so much "Theoretical Knowledge" and having your brain and worldview truly rearranged to fit the wishes of those higher up in the Satanic realm, you are given a retarded looking "Mortar Board Hat" to wear at graduation..... Showing the entire world that Freemasons and Satan now own your brainwashed mind! They have gotten you to completely ignore the Word of Yahuwah AND even forced you to swear an Oath to a FALSE GOD! ALL "False Gods" are born of Satan himself BTW...... And for this honor you pay hundreds of thousands of dollars which you may never [pay off due to the high interest rate! Congratulations! You have single handedly violated the Word of Yahuwah by swearing an Oath to a Satanic False deity as you allowed demons to fill your head with nonsense that the #Cult of #Science has dreamed up in their "Theoretical" minds! While you were off doing this..... JOE was out getting PAID as he learned a trade that is needed EVERYWHERE! He don't have to look for, beg and grovel to get a job because JOE already has a job, in a field that is ALWAYS IN DEMAND! Whereas a Freemason "Degree" in gender studies say.... will do NOTHING to get you a job, and will turn your mind into soft, pliable jello, which wiggles between your ears as you walk! EVERYONE who meets you for the rest of your like will KNOW that you are little more than a BRAINWASHED MORON who allowed #Jews and #Evil Freemasons to form your entire worldview! You should be very proud! You lost your humanity as you swore an oath to Satan! What a wonderful start for your young life! As LOST as any one person can be.... At least until you start watching your "Continued Education" which #Hollywood will feed you in small doses until the day you die! The black mirror of the TellLIESVision will keep you lost and apart from Yahuwah and His teachings until the day you die, when Satan gets to take YOUR SOUL for all of eternity! It's just what he does! REPENT right now TODAY! Because nobody has promised you a tomorrow! And Yahushua ( Jesus ) has told you..... It will come as a thief in the night! And if you have FAILED TO REPENT then Satan OWNS YOU! Of course JOE needs to REPENT as well! But at least he has a JOB! 1 Thessalonians 1But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I should write to you. 2For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night. 3For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape. 4But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief. 5You are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness. 6Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be [a]sober. 7For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk are drunk at night. 8But let us who are of the day be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet the hope of salvation. 9For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, 10who died for us, that whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with Him. I don't know who needed to hear this message, but The Father put it on my heart to share this with you. And when Yahuwah talks...... I LISTEN! And you should too!
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