• Response To Joe Biden Saying NO EVIDENCE Of Voter Fraud In The 2020 Election During The CNN Presidential Debate With Donald Trump.
    Here’s California San Joaquin Sheriff Patrick Withrow Discoveries Regarding Voter Rolls.
    -93 people registered w/ birthdate of 1850
    -4,144 voters registered over the age of 90 (there's only 10.3k residents over 80 in that county...this number would drop off significantly at 90)
    -232 registered at local prisons
    -125 registered to a non-profit, NGO or business
    ~300 voters with no first name
    -110 potential double voters - same name, DOB, and address but different Voter ID numbers
    -Registered voter named Jesus Christ...
    Response To Joe Biden Saying NO EVIDENCE Of Voter Fraud In The 2020 Election During The CNN Presidential Debate With Donald Trump. Here’s California San Joaquin Sheriff Patrick Withrow Discoveries Regarding Voter Rolls. -93 people registered w/ birthdate of 1850 -4,144 voters registered over the age of 90 (there's only 10.3k residents over 80 in that county...this number would drop off significantly at 90) -232 registered at local prisons -125 registered to a non-profit, NGO or business ~300 voters with no first name -110 potential double voters - same name, DOB, and address but different Voter ID numbers -Registered voter named Jesus Christ...
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 102 Просмотры 0
  • “The problem isn’t just that Biden is old. The problem is he’s insane. Only a madman would not consider a nuclear holocaust/war an existential threat, saying “the ONLY existential threat to humanity is climate change.” And this insane person has the power to launch a nuclear weapon. How could we even consider it would be safe to reelect this man?”
    (2 min 41 seconds)
    For those who are new to the Internet sleuthing on nuclear weapons that has been going on for over a decade now, here are two important discoveries:
    1. The “one bomb destroys one city” myth has long ago been debunked. There is no evidence for it. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were firebombed like 100 other Japanese cities. The “one bomb / one city” is not the weapon they have and it never was.
    2. The weapon they do have is about as powerful as the detonation in the Beirut port about three years ago coupled with dangerous and deadly nuclear debris that sprays everywhere upon detonation.
    Another class of nuclear weapons are depleted uranium munitions. These munitions, when deployed, contaminate the battlefield with radioactive depleted uranium. These weapons have been used in Bosnia and Iraq.
    “The problem isn’t just that Biden is old. The problem is he’s insane. Only a madman would not consider a nuclear holocaust/war an existential threat, saying “the ONLY existential threat to humanity is climate change.” And this insane person has the power to launch a nuclear weapon. How could we even consider it would be safe to reelect this man?” (2 min 41 seconds) For those who are new to the Internet sleuthing on nuclear weapons that has been going on for over a decade now, here are two important discoveries: 1. The “one bomb destroys one city” myth has long ago been debunked. There is no evidence for it. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were firebombed like 100 other Japanese cities. The “one bomb / one city” is not the weapon they have and it never was. 2. The weapon they do have is about as powerful as the detonation in the Beirut port about three years ago coupled with dangerous and deadly nuclear debris that sprays everywhere upon detonation. Another class of nuclear weapons are depleted uranium munitions. These munitions, when deployed, contaminate the battlefield with radioactive depleted uranium. These weapons have been used in Bosnia and Iraq. https://t.me/davidavocadowolfe/132466
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 353 Просмотры 1

    To defend the #Globe you must be either really ignorant, or you got to start lying like a rug!

    I really enjoy the people who LEARNED THE SAME BS IN SCHOOL as every flat earther did... But they feel like they have this special information, that you and all flat earthers don't have!

    The difference between a flat earther and a globehead?
    Flat Earthers know BOTH MODELS, and why the #Heliocentric model CANNOT WORK

    Whereas the globers.... Well, they don't even know their own model!

    Don't get me wrong....
    I fought my awakening as well!

    But at some point I LOOKED AT THE #EVIDENCE!
    And now I'm certain... the bible AND the flat earthers are right!

    THE FINAL EXPERIMENT HAS TURNED INTO A PATHOLOGICAL PANTOMIME. To defend the #Globe you must be either really ignorant, or you got to start lying like a rug! I really enjoy the people who LEARNED THE SAME BS IN SCHOOL as every flat earther did... But they feel like they have this special information, that you and all flat earthers don't have! The difference between a flat earther and a globehead? Flat Earthers know BOTH MODELS, and why the #Heliocentric model CANNOT WORK Whereas the globers.... Well, they don't even know their own model! Don't get me wrong.... I fought my awakening as well! But at some point I LOOKED AT THE #EVIDENCE! And now I'm certain... the bible AND the flat earthers are right! https://old.bitchute.com/video/I3Z7u4TvGo3y/
    Mirrored from Level Earth Observer https://youtu.be/Y-Icw5hZDPI?si=NiqHZzw0O7ukWUcq Some of the clips used in this video are from the Qnfee channel which can be found here:https://youtube.com/@qnfee?si=Vbag853...
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 377 Просмотры
  • Unlawful Suppression of Evidence Coupled With Premeditated Perjury is a Capital Offense
    See all the accompanying information BELOW THE VIDEO on the channel.
    Unlawful Suppression of Evidence Coupled With Premeditated Perjury is a Capital Offense See all the accompanying information BELOW THE VIDEO on the channel. https://rumble.com/v4v0a0q-unlawful-suppression-of-evidence-coupled-with-premeditated-perjury-is-a-cap.html
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 251 Просмотры

    EVERYONE really should read this book!
    Larken Rose's work is something that everyone needs to be exposed to!
    The ONLY THING that Larken Rose has ever said that I disagree with is that "Flat Earthers don't understand physics"

    Actually.... YES, THEY DO!
    And better than your average glober too!

    And just for him.... Look into https://www.youtube.com/@KryptonitePhysics on YouTube,
    Where they blow the globe out of the water USING PHYSICS!

    I like Corbett, he is one helluva researcher!
    But having said that.....

    He also ticks me off!
    This video starts out with #Globe brainwashing, as does many of his videos!

    And you'll have a really hard time convincing me that Corbett, being the caliber of researcher that he is, actually believes that globe BS!

    I mean it's pretty easy for normal people, who do little research to be fooled!

    But James Corbett does a LOT of research! Same as David Whitehead does! And as far as that goes... Larken Rose is a glober!

    Yet ALL of these guys believe in the Globe deception!
    Corbett has that globe behind him on every show!

    And to be honest.... it makes it hard to trust him!
    Now I'm aware that people must ACTUALLY LOOK INTO FLAT EARTH and the #Evidence for it, to break the brainwashing....

    But I find it hard to believe that a researcher of the caliber of either of these guys, could do all of the research they do, and choose to just ignore the libraries full of information proving that the "Globe" is a LIE, the greatest #Hoax ever pulled on mankind!

    Wouldn't you agree?

    I'll be honest here.....
    You are either NOT an honest person OR you are too hardheaded and stubborn to look into something that goes against your worldview, to STILL, in 2024, believe the fairy tale of "Space" and all of NASA's BS!

    I mean folks.....
    ALL YOU GOTTA DO is to check out Rob Skiba's channel....
    Or even Eric Dubay's channel (despite him having some wayward spiritual issues)

    And get yourself some "guide posts" or places to start.... Then research the rest for yourself! FE is a big deal, with tons of evidence PROVING that whatever this earth is, it's NOT a spinning wet rock with an atmosphere in a space vacuum

    I READ THE MOST DANGEROUS SUPERSTITION (AND YOU CAN, TOO!) EVERYONE really should read this book! Larken Rose's work is something that everyone needs to be exposed to! The ONLY THING that Larken Rose has ever said that I disagree with is that "Flat Earthers don't understand physics" Actually.... YES, THEY DO! And better than your average glober too! And just for him.... Look into https://www.youtube.com/@KryptonitePhysics on YouTube, Where they blow the globe out of the water USING PHYSICS! I like Corbett, he is one helluva researcher! But having said that..... He also ticks me off! This video starts out with #Globe brainwashing, as does many of his videos! And you'll have a really hard time convincing me that Corbett, being the caliber of researcher that he is, actually believes that globe BS! I mean it's pretty easy for normal people, who do little research to be fooled! But James Corbett does a LOT of research! Same as David Whitehead does! And as far as that goes... Larken Rose is a glober! Yet ALL of these guys believe in the Globe deception! Corbett has that globe behind him on every show! And to be honest.... it makes it hard to trust him! Now I'm aware that people must ACTUALLY LOOK INTO FLAT EARTH and the #Evidence for it, to break the brainwashing.... But I find it hard to believe that a researcher of the caliber of either of these guys, could do all of the research they do, and choose to just ignore the libraries full of information proving that the "Globe" is a LIE, the greatest #Hoax ever pulled on mankind! Wouldn't you agree? I'll be honest here..... You are either NOT an honest person OR you are too hardheaded and stubborn to look into something that goes against your worldview, to STILL, in 2024, believe the fairy tale of "Space" and all of NASA's BS! I mean folks..... ALL YOU GOTTA DO is to check out Rob Skiba's channel.... Or even Eric Dubay's channel (despite him having some wayward spiritual issues) And get yourself some "guide posts" or places to start.... Then research the rest for yourself! FE is a big deal, with tons of evidence PROVING that whatever this earth is, it's NOT a spinning wet rock with an atmosphere in a space vacuum https://www.bitchute.com/video/2nTLG8Gq7U5l/
    Kryptonite Physics
    This channel looks into the world of physics, putting physics in the simplest form possible , enabling a greater understanding for all. Primarily looking at the physics of rotations. Exploring what we think is unquestionable. If something is a theory, you can guaranty it is not the only theory on that subject. A great amount of people agreeing on a theory is not validity, it doesn't make it a fact. A million people believing a lie, one person standing to say its untrue, will not be listened to. the lie becomes truth.
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 809 Просмотры
  • With the Unstinting support of the Corrupt Corporate Media, Which works to bury evidence of Biden’s troubling character rather than expose it, Biden will memory hole his long history of Dishonesty, Deceit, and Disturbing behavior to cast himself as a man of compassion and integrity. For decades Biden said his wife and daughter were killed in 1972 by a truck driver who “allegedly … drank his lunch.” Crash investigators found no evidence to support the claim, a fact Biden finally acknowledged in 2009, Biden still suggests that his son Beau lost his life in Iraq – When he died from a brain tumor six years after his brave service. These tragedies are terrible enough – What kind of man insistently lies about such matters?
    With the Unstinting support of the Corrupt Corporate Media, Which works to bury evidence of Biden’s troubling character rather than expose it, Biden will memory hole his long history of Dishonesty, Deceit, and Disturbing behavior to cast himself as a man of compassion and integrity. For decades Biden said his wife and daughter were killed in 1972 by a truck driver who “allegedly … drank his lunch.” Crash investigators found no evidence to support the claim, a fact Biden finally acknowledged in 2009, Biden still suggests that his son Beau lost his life in Iraq – When he died from a brain tumor six years after his brave service. These tragedies are terrible enough – What kind of man insistently lies about such matters? https://patriotpost.us/articles/107945-if-character-matters-biden-flunks-the-test-2024-06-26
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 592 Просмотры

  • Food For Thought: Why the Jews Are Not God's Chosen People

    I am not saying I agree with the context of this video in its' entire context, but it bears investigation. Unfortunately it does not work on all alternative social media in its' current YouTube format and it needs to be rightly divided; hence the need for it to be displayed on alternative venues such as Rumble & Bitchute.

    2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV)
    "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."

    In an age where rhetoric and emotions determine people’s beliefs, one of the most counter-cultural things you can do is to objectively look at the evidence regardless of how it makes you feel. It is also important to remember that things are often not what they seem, that history is not what you’ve been told and that the truth will always be hated by the world.

    With the advent of bloody conflict in the Middle East, many are beginning to question the paradigm they have been told by the media and their pastors. Many more have yet to begin this questioning process. Today you will learn the truth about God’s chosen people — who they are and who they aren’t — with scripture and history as your guide on an adventure through time.

    Regardless of one's political affiliation or interest in politics, Donald Trump is a name that practically the whole world knows by now. Today many Christians believe he is the answer to our political struggles, appointed by God to defeat the evil globalist Left. Yet deeper analysis reveals a striking caution: Donald Trump is a key figure in the coming New World Order, a system of false light that the bible warned about nearly 2,000 years ago.

    Food For Thought: Why the Jews Are Not God's Chosen People I am not saying I agree with the context of this video in its' entire context, but it bears investigation. Unfortunately it does not work on all alternative social media in its' current YouTube format and it needs to be rightly divided; hence the need for it to be displayed on alternative venues such as Rumble & Bitchute. 2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV) "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." In an age where rhetoric and emotions determine people’s beliefs, one of the most counter-cultural things you can do is to objectively look at the evidence regardless of how it makes you feel. It is also important to remember that things are often not what they seem, that history is not what you’ve been told and that the truth will always be hated by the world. With the advent of bloody conflict in the Middle East, many are beginning to question the paradigm they have been told by the media and their pastors. Many more have yet to begin this questioning process. Today you will learn the truth about God’s chosen people — who they are and who they aren’t — with scripture and history as your guide on an adventure through time. Regardless of one's political affiliation or interest in politics, Donald Trump is a name that practically the whole world knows by now. Today many Christians believe he is the answer to our political struggles, appointed by God to defeat the evil globalist Left. Yet deeper analysis reveals a striking caution: Donald Trump is a key figure in the coming New World Order, a system of false light that the bible warned about nearly 2,000 years ago. https://www.danceoflife.com/p/king-jehu-trump-the-light-bringer
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 856 Просмотры
  • Food for thought.
    Why the Jews Are Not God's Chosen People (2024)
    357,576 views Premiered Jan 6, 2024 The Dance of Life Podcast with Tudor Alexander
    More information BELOW THE VIDEO on the channel.
    In an age where rhetoric and emotions determine people’s beliefs, one of the most counter-cultural things you can do is to objectively look at the evidence regardless of how it makes you feel. It is also important to remember that things are often not what they seem, that history is not what you’ve been told and that the truth will always be hated by the world.
    Food for thought. Why the Jews Are Not God's Chosen People (2024) 357,576 views Premiered Jan 6, 2024 The Dance of Life Podcast with Tudor Alexander More information BELOW THE VIDEO on the channel. In an age where rhetoric and emotions determine people’s beliefs, one of the most counter-cultural things you can do is to objectively look at the evidence regardless of how it makes you feel. It is also important to remember that things are often not what they seem, that history is not what you’ve been told and that the truth will always be hated by the world. https://youtu.be/zN5lvSoICOI?si=-gnfyZ_TrfrdbT35
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 494 Просмотры
  • Jack Smith Admits to Evidence Tampering in Mar-a-Lago Raid For Stunt Photo of Classified Docs https://www.infowars.com/posts/jack-smith-admits-to-evidence-tampering-in-mar-a-lago-raid-for-stunt-photo-of-classified-docs/
    Jack Smith Admits to Evidence Tampering in Mar-a-Lago Raid For Stunt Photo of Classified Docs https://www.infowars.com/posts/jack-smith-admits-to-evidence-tampering-in-mar-a-lago-raid-for-stunt-photo-of-classified-docs/
    0 Комментарии 1 Поделились 343 Просмотры
  • There is significant evidence that response to the disinformation of EU politics always isolate with fake news of own broadcasters and newspapers.
    There is significant evidence that response to the disinformation of EU politics always isolate with fake news of own broadcasters and newspapers.
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 318 Просмотры
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