• Dems Destruct, War Cycle Heats Up, Bird Flu Coming

    The Democrats appear to be destroying themselves over the Biden/Trump debate debacle. Martin Armstrong called it early last month and said the Dems wanted Biden to do poorly in the debate with Trump so they could get rid of him in November. It’s not going to be easy to get Joe Biden off the Democrat ticket as he has already secured the nomination. Somebody had a plan to get rid of him, but not everybody was in on the plan–including Joe and Jill Biden and son Hunter. Messy does not begin to describe the problems. Cluster F*** would be a better description. You could say this is a classic example of evil hating on evil. This is unlike anything anyone has ever seen in American Politics, and remember, Joe Biden’s true job approval rating is somewhere between 6% and 7%. The Trump/Biden debate did not help him—just the opposite.

    Israel has just killed another senior Hezbollah commander in Lebanon. Meanwhile, Hezbollah has just fired a fresh 200 rockets into Israel. Is this proof that Charles Nenner’s War Cycle is “turning straight up”? There is no end in sight to the Gaza War either, although both sides are talking about a ceasefire that, so far, has not been accomplished. In Ukraine, the Russians are busy destroying Ukraine’s Airforce. It’s reported Russian drones just destroyed 5 more jets on the ground. Russia is vowing to destroy the F-16s that are supposed to be delivered to Ukraine soon. Meanwhile, PM Victor Orban of Hungary is trying to get a ceasefire deal, but will NATO and Secretary of State Tony Blinken derail it?

    Former CDC Director Robert Redfield has been predicting a “Bird Flu” virus will cause the next plandemic. There is an International Bird Flu Summit in early October in Washington D.C. Mark Crispin Miller points out the scary comparison to the CV19 conference at Johns Hopkins called Event 201 in October of 2019. That was just a few months before the CV19 plandemic in 2020. Is history repeating itself, or is evil just taking another shot at more depopulation?
    Dems Destruct, War Cycle Heats Up, Bird Flu Coming https://rumble.com/v55nj2m-dems-destruct-war-cycle-heats-up-bird-flu-coming.html The Democrats appear to be destroying themselves over the Biden/Trump debate debacle. Martin Armstrong called it early last month and said the Dems wanted Biden to do poorly in the debate with Trump so they could get rid of him in November. It’s not going to be easy to get Joe Biden off the Democrat ticket as he has already secured the nomination. Somebody had a plan to get rid of him, but not everybody was in on the plan–including Joe and Jill Biden and son Hunter. Messy does not begin to describe the problems. Cluster F*** would be a better description. You could say this is a classic example of evil hating on evil. This is unlike anything anyone has ever seen in American Politics, and remember, Joe Biden’s true job approval rating is somewhere between 6% and 7%. The Trump/Biden debate did not help him—just the opposite. Israel has just killed another senior Hezbollah commander in Lebanon. Meanwhile, Hezbollah has just fired a fresh 200 rockets into Israel. Is this proof that Charles Nenner’s War Cycle is “turning straight up”? There is no end in sight to the Gaza War either, although both sides are talking about a ceasefire that, so far, has not been accomplished. In Ukraine, the Russians are busy destroying Ukraine’s Airforce. It’s reported Russian drones just destroyed 5 more jets on the ground. Russia is vowing to destroy the F-16s that are supposed to be delivered to Ukraine soon. Meanwhile, PM Victor Orban of Hungary is trying to get a ceasefire deal, but will NATO and Secretary of State Tony Blinken derail it? Former CDC Director Robert Redfield has been predicting a “Bird Flu” virus will cause the next plandemic. There is an International Bird Flu Summit in early October in Washington D.C. Mark Crispin Miller points out the scary comparison to the CV19 conference at Johns Hopkins called Event 201 in October of 2019. That was just a few months before the CV19 plandemic in 2020. Is history repeating itself, or is evil just taking another shot at more depopulation?
    0 Comments 0 Shares 209 Views
  • Will #Congress’ Chinese Derangement Syndrome Ground #Drones? https://libertarianinstitute.org/articles/will-congress-chinese-derangement-syndrome-ground-drones/
    Will #Congress’ Chinese Derangement Syndrome Ground #Drones? https://libertarianinstitute.org/articles/will-congress-chinese-derangement-syndrome-ground-drones/
    Will Congress’ Chinese Derangement Syndrome Ground Drones?
    Those who hoped that our leaders have recovered from China Derangement Syndrome (CDS) may soon be disappointed. This is because Congress is considering including legislation targeting Chinese drone manufacturer DJI to this year’s National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). DJI is the world’s largest drone manufacturer and is estimated to control…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 158 Views
  • Drones are the “Mustard Gas” of the 21st century.
    They must be forbidden.
    This scene shows a war crime.
    This is what the American taxpayers are funding. We should vote the Warmongers out. All of them. Our society can live in peace, not barbarism.

    Drones are the “Mustard Gas” of the 21st century. They must be forbidden. This scene shows a war crime. This is what the American taxpayers are funding. We should vote the Warmongers out. All of them. Our society can live in peace, not barbarism. https://defiantamerica.com/video-from-ukraine-this-is-the-war-against-machines-we-thought-would-never-come-straight-out-of-a-terminator-movie/
    Video from Ukraine: This Is the War Against Machines We Thought Would Never Come, Straight Out of a Terminator Movie
    A viral video shows 'Ukraine's soldier heading towards an alleged Russian position.' In the clip, the soldier is seen following a drone to purportedly
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  • War With Lebanon? Over 100 Rockets, Several Suicide Drones Launched Into Israel In Alleged Hezbollah Attack https://www.infowars.com/posts/war-with-lebanon-150-rockets-several-suicide-drones-launched-into-israel-in-alleged-hezbollah-attack/
    War With Lebanon? Over 100 Rockets, Several Suicide Drones Launched Into Israel In Alleged Hezbollah Attack https://www.infowars.com/posts/war-with-lebanon-150-rockets-several-suicide-drones-launched-into-israel-in-alleged-hezbollah-attack/
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  • A US strike on Russian targets, or the US letting Kiev hit targets within Russia using American missiles and drones would be the ‘start of World War’.
    A US strike on Russian targets, or the US letting Kiev hit targets within Russia using American missiles and drones would be the ‘start of World War’. https://sputnikglobe.com/20240530/pepe-escobar-the-west-is-hell-bent-on-provoking-russia-into-hot-war--1118696941.html
    Pepe Escobar: The West is Hell-Bent on Provoking Russia Into Hot War
    Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov then came up with the appropriate metaphor to designate NATO’s ramped-up military outbursts: not only NATO is raising the degree of escalation but delving into a warlike "ecstasy".
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  • https://southfront.press/breaking-third-attack-of-nato-drones-targeted-russian-voronezh-dm-radar-in-armavir-krasnodar-region/
    BREAKING: Third Attack Of NATO Drones Targeted Russian Voronezh-DM Radar In Armavir, Krasnodar Region
    On the morning of May 29, another kamikaze UAV targeted Russian strategic Voronezh-DM radar in the city of Armavir in...
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    Erik Prince: CIA Corruption, Killer Drones, and Government Surveillance
    The Tucker Carlson Show
    •Published May 21, 2024•118 mins
    THIS IS IMPORTANT TO WATCH. IF BIDEN IS RE-ELECTED OR THE DEMOCRATS TAKE CONTROL OF CONGRESS THEN "AMERICA IS F"KED... Erik Prince: CIA Corruption, Killer Drones, and Government Surveillance The Tucker Carlson Show •Published May 21, 2024•118 mins https://tuckercarlson.com/tucker-show-erik-prince
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  • https://medforth.biz/drones-explosives-and-hate-literature-how-a-village-just-50-km-away-from-mumbai-turned-into-indias-isis-nerve-centre/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 426 Views
  • - Iran launched an estimated 300+ drones and missiles at mostly rural military targets in Israel, deliberately avoiding civilian targets. Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) releases a statement: “In response to the crime of the Zionist regime in the attack on the consular section of the Iranian embassy in Damascus, the IRGC air force hit certain targets in the territories of the Zionist regime with dozens of drones and missiles.”
    - Panic buying of food and supplies across Israel, including Tel Aviv.
    - Iran says this is the conclusion of its response to Israel’s April 1 attack on Iran’s consulate building in Damascus.
    - Iran has a right to respond to Israel’s violent April 1 attack, under UN Charter, Article 51: (source) (https://legal.un.org/repertory..../art51.shtml)“Nothin in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of collective or individual self-defense if an armed attack occurs against a member of the United Nations...”
    - Israel provoked Iran with its illegal missile strike against Iran’s consulate building in Damascus, Syria, on April 1, killing several high-ranking Iranian military leaders. This was an act of war by Israel.
    - The U.S. and UN utterly failed to condemn Israel’s illegal and highly destabilizing April 1 attack on Damascus, confirming that western nations will never hold Israel accountable to any rule of law, any conventions, treaties or UN demands. Had western nations condemned Israel, Iran says it would not have deemed its response necessary.
    - Iran launched an estimated 300+ drones and missiles at mostly rural military targets in Israel, deliberately avoiding civilian targets. Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) releases a statement: “In response to the crime of the Zionist regime in the attack on the consular section of the Iranian embassy in Damascus, the IRGC air force hit certain targets in the territories of the Zionist regime with dozens of drones and missiles.” - Panic buying of food and supplies across Israel, including Tel Aviv. - Iran says this is the conclusion of its response to Israel’s April 1 attack on Iran’s consulate building in Damascus. - Iran has a right to respond to Israel’s violent April 1 attack, under UN Charter, Article 51: (source) (https://legal.un.org/repertory..../art51.shtml)“Nothin in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of collective or individual self-defense if an armed attack occurs against a member of the United Nations...” - Israel provoked Iran with its illegal missile strike against Iran’s consulate building in Damascus, Syria, on April 1, killing several high-ranking Iranian military leaders. This was an act of war by Israel. - The U.S. and UN utterly failed to condemn Israel’s illegal and highly destabilizing April 1 attack on Damascus, confirming that western nations will never hold Israel accountable to any rule of law, any conventions, treaties or UN demands. Had western nations condemned Israel, Iran says it would not have deemed its response necessary.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1248 Views 0
  • F"Kn Biden is at fault for this. No wars when Trump was president. Get rid of Biden...
    Iran has already launched a swarm of bomber drones. Iraq has been launching also. Israel is under attack.
    F"Kn Biden is at fault for this. No wars when Trump was president. Get rid of Biden... Iran has already launched a swarm of bomber drones. Iraq has been launching also. Israel is under attack.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 333 Views
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