• https://medforth.org/ryan-routh-mochtegern-trump-attentater-bot-demjenigen-der-den-gescheiterten-attentatsversuch-zu-ende-bringen-kann-angeblich-150-000-dollar-an/
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 39 Views

    YOUR TAX DOLLARS ARE BEING USED TO ARM THE INVADERS https://old.bitchute.com/video/D0w9iwAktA7W/
    Springfield, Ohio - Your "Government" Is Trying To Kill You- Gun Stores Sell To Illegal Immigrants.
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 40 Views
  • IRS Union Endorses Kamala Harris for President… What More do You Need to Vote Against Her, America?

    In what SHOULD be a game changing endorsement — for the worst — last week the IRS employee union announced that it is endorsing Kamala Harris for president.

    If the worst dregs of the U.S. government, the ones who have targeted Christians and conservatives, the ones who constantly target middle and lower class taxpayers for audits while ignoring “the rich,” are picking Kamala, what more do you need to know to understand that Kamala is NOT the choice for average, everyday Americans?

    It turns out that the IRS union just loves Harris because of the misnamed “Inflation Reduction Act” that not only did not reduce any inflation, but also gave the IRS 80 BILLION new dollars for its budget to hire an additional 87,000 useless, dangerous, and money-wasting new employees.
    IRS Union Endorses Kamala Harris for President… What More do You Need to Vote Against Her, America? In what SHOULD be a game changing endorsement — for the worst — last week the IRS employee union announced that it is endorsing Kamala Harris for president. If the worst dregs of the U.S. government, the ones who have targeted Christians and conservatives, the ones who constantly target middle and lower class taxpayers for audits while ignoring “the rich,” are picking Kamala, what more do you need to know to understand that Kamala is NOT the choice for average, everyday Americans? It turns out that the IRS union just loves Harris because of the misnamed “Inflation Reduction Act” that not only did not reduce any inflation, but also gave the IRS 80 BILLION new dollars for its budget to hire an additional 87,000 useless, dangerous, and money-wasting new employees.
    IRS Union Endorses Kamala Harris for President... What More do You Need to Vote Against Her, America? - The Lid
    In what SHOULD be a game changing endorsement — for the worst — last week the IRS employee union announced that it is endorsing Kamala Harris for president. If the worst dregs of the U.S. government, the ones who have targeted Christians and conservatives, the ones who constantly target middle and lower class taxpayers for […]
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 107 Views
  • Massive Unrest in 2024 No Matter Who Wins – Bill Holter

    Financial writer and precious metals broker Bill Holter says the latest .5% rate cut by the Fed shows something is very wrong with the economy. There were some big reported problems a few months ago with the yen carry trade blowing up and 63 banks hiding $500 billion in losses. Now, billionaire investor Warren Buffett is selling off millions of shares in BofA stock, inflation has surged, along with business bankruptcies in America, and total household debt and federal debt has hit new all-time highs. This is just scratching the surface of the financial problems that are already here. The world is wrestling with unpayable debt everywhere. So, why the big rate cut now when the Fed says the economy is going great? Holter says, “I think there is absolute desperation. They look at the poll numbers, and they realize they are not going to be able to cheat enough to win. They certainly know behind the scenes that the entire system, including the Federal Reserve and including the Treasury, is all insolvent. So, yeah, there is absolute desperation. I was saying 10 years ago they would ultimately kick the table over because that’s the way to cover their tracks. They don’t want fingers pointed at them. So, what do you do? You nuke a city. Oh, then they can’t have an election, and their tracks get covered. . . .My odds for not having an election in November are now 65% to 70% we don’t have an election.”

    Holter says keep your eyes on the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) and the real possibility of them starting to settle trade in something other than US dollars sooner than later. This is extremely dollar negative and highly inflationary. Holter contends we are going to see a massive credit crisis, and that will “bring things to a screeching halt.” Holter explains, “Nothing will function if credit ceases. It is used in every single process everywhere for everything. So, if credit breaks, and confidence breaks and credit is not forthcoming, then nothing is forthcoming. . . . You get some sort of credit event. Then stores are going to be wiped out immediately, but they are not going to be resupplied.”

    Holter has long warned about a real-life Mad Max apocalyptic world where people scrounge for what they need to survive. Holter says, “Every day you wake up, you are only 72 hours away. I can’t tell you when this is going to happen. All I can say is the financial system in the West is untenable. From a math standpoint, this Mad Max scenario is going to happen. . . . When I first talked about Mad Max in 2017, I got an absolute rash of crap in emails and comments that said I was crazy, you are nuts, Mad Max will never happen because this is America. Now, it seems to me it’s common that people are using the term Mad Max over the last few years.”

    Holter told me he no longer gets any negative comments when he brings up the Mad Max world he sees coming.

    Holter says, “If there is an election, no matter who wins, there is going to be massive unrest. If Trump wins, there will be unrest that is paid for (by Democrats and the Deep State). And if Kamala wins, you will finally see polite conservatives, who have followed the rule of law, who are finally going to say that’s the last straw. So, I believe no matter who wins, there will be massive rioting and massive strife, and it could get to civil war. We could see that.”

    In closing, Holter says, “The country has been hollowed out in every way possible. One of the biggest hollowing outs is the country has specifically, from a government and school standpoint, turned away from God. . . . If you live in a city, you are not going to make it—end of story. . . . Once you get derivatives cascading, it’s a 72-hour event, and no markets will open anywhere. When markets don’t open, that means there is no more credit. When there is no credit, the real economy stops.”
    Massive Unrest in 2024 No Matter Who Wins – Bill Holter https://rumble.com/v5fql3p-massive-unrest-in-2024-no-matter-who-wins-bill-holter.html Financial writer and precious metals broker Bill Holter says the latest .5% rate cut by the Fed shows something is very wrong with the economy. There were some big reported problems a few months ago with the yen carry trade blowing up and 63 banks hiding $500 billion in losses. Now, billionaire investor Warren Buffett is selling off millions of shares in BofA stock, inflation has surged, along with business bankruptcies in America, and total household debt and federal debt has hit new all-time highs. This is just scratching the surface of the financial problems that are already here. The world is wrestling with unpayable debt everywhere. So, why the big rate cut now when the Fed says the economy is going great? Holter says, “I think there is absolute desperation. They look at the poll numbers, and they realize they are not going to be able to cheat enough to win. They certainly know behind the scenes that the entire system, including the Federal Reserve and including the Treasury, is all insolvent. So, yeah, there is absolute desperation. I was saying 10 years ago they would ultimately kick the table over because that’s the way to cover their tracks. They don’t want fingers pointed at them. So, what do you do? You nuke a city. Oh, then they can’t have an election, and their tracks get covered. . . .My odds for not having an election in November are now 65% to 70% we don’t have an election.” Holter says keep your eyes on the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) and the real possibility of them starting to settle trade in something other than US dollars sooner than later. This is extremely dollar negative and highly inflationary. Holter contends we are going to see a massive credit crisis, and that will “bring things to a screeching halt.” Holter explains, “Nothing will function if credit ceases. It is used in every single process everywhere for everything. So, if credit breaks, and confidence breaks and credit is not forthcoming, then nothing is forthcoming. . . . You get some sort of credit event. Then stores are going to be wiped out immediately, but they are not going to be resupplied.” Holter has long warned about a real-life Mad Max apocalyptic world where people scrounge for what they need to survive. Holter says, “Every day you wake up, you are only 72 hours away. I can’t tell you when this is going to happen. All I can say is the financial system in the West is untenable. From a math standpoint, this Mad Max scenario is going to happen. . . . When I first talked about Mad Max in 2017, I got an absolute rash of crap in emails and comments that said I was crazy, you are nuts, Mad Max will never happen because this is America. Now, it seems to me it’s common that people are using the term Mad Max over the last few years.” Holter told me he no longer gets any negative comments when he brings up the Mad Max world he sees coming. Holter says, “If there is an election, no matter who wins, there is going to be massive unrest. If Trump wins, there will be unrest that is paid for (by Democrats and the Deep State). And if Kamala wins, you will finally see polite conservatives, who have followed the rule of law, who are finally going to say that’s the last straw. So, I believe no matter who wins, there will be massive rioting and massive strife, and it could get to civil war. We could see that.” In closing, Holter says, “The country has been hollowed out in every way possible. One of the biggest hollowing outs is the country has specifically, from a government and school standpoint, turned away from God. . . . If you live in a city, you are not going to make it—end of story. . . . Once you get derivatives cascading, it’s a 72-hour event, and no markets will open anywhere. When markets don’t open, that means there is no more credit. When there is no credit, the real economy stops.”
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 224 Views
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 51 Views 1
  • So, it would take approximately 13.7 trillion stacks of 100 $100 bills to reach the surface of the Sun from Earth! 137.29 trillion dollars!
    So, it would take approximately 13.7 trillion stacks of 100 $100 bills to reach the surface of the Sun from Earth! 🌞137.29 trillion dollars! 💵💵💵
    0 Yorumlar 1 hisse senetleri 124 Views
  • Carney's investment firm wants $10B tax dollars, days after his Liberal appointment
    Carney's investment firm wants $10B tax dollars, days after his Liberal appointment 🇨🇦 #NoMoreLiberalsAndNDP 🇨🇦 🇨🇦 #SayingTheQuietPartOutLoud 🇨🇦 🇨🇦 #resigntrudeau 🇨🇦 https://open.substack.com/pub/michellerempelgarner/p/carneys-investment-firm-wants-10b
    Carney's investment firm wants $10B tax dollars, days after his Liberal appointment
    Mark Carney should be kept far away from what's left of your pension, and your wallet.
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 54 Views
  • I’m going to continue to speak the truth until children are rescued, criminals are prosecuted, and United States government no longer is putting billions of dollars to traffic children.”

    Tara Rodas, HHS Whistleblower.
    I’m going to continue to speak the truth until children are rescued, criminals are prosecuted, and United States government no longer is putting billions of dollars to traffic children.” Tara Rodas, HHS Whistleblower. https://static-assets-1.truthsocial.com/tmtg:prime-ts-assets/media_attachments/files/113/158/992/967/698/935/original/d1bdb0edea86e43a.mp4
    0 Yorumlar 1 hisse senetleri 216 Views
  • https://asiatimes.com/2024/09/bric-by-bric-de-dollarization-only-a-matter-of-time/
    BRIC by BRIC, de-dollarization only a matter of time - Asia Times
    At a campaign rally in Wisconsin, US presidential candidate Donald Trump stepped up his America First campaign earlier this month by vowing to impose 100%
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 73 Views

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