• Lucas Nolan - Google Targets Microsoft’s Enterprise Security Weaknesses, Pitches Its Services to Government:


    #CyberSafetyReviewBoard #CSRB #Google #Microsoft #SingleSource #Cracking #Vulnerabilities #EnterpriseSecurity #NetworkSecurity #InformationTechnology #ComputerScience
    Lucas Nolan - Google Targets Microsoft’s Enterprise Security Weaknesses, Pitches Its Services to Government: https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2024/05/22/google-targets-microsofts-enterprise-security-weaknesses-pitches-its-services-to-governments/ #CyberSafetyReviewBoard #CSRB #Google #Microsoft #SingleSource #Cracking #Vulnerabilities #EnterpriseSecurity #NetworkSecurity #InformationTechnology #ComputerScience
    Google Targets Microsoft’s Enterprise Security Weaknesses, Pitches Its Services to Governments
    In the wake of a damning report from the US Cyber Safety Review Board (CSRB), Google is seizing the opportunity to challenge Microsoft’s dominance in the enterprise security market by offering its services to government institutions.
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 1132 Views
  • Now On
    Cracking down on pandemic aid fraud, DOJ claws back $1.4 billion and charges 3,500 people.
    The White House STATED the Lawmakers that statute of limitations on COVID so the investigation continue their reviews of pandemic spending. https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/04/09/doj-recovers-pandemic-aid-fraud/73259347007/
    Now On Cracking down on pandemic aid fraud, DOJ claws back $1.4 billion and charges 3,500 people. The White House STATED the Lawmakers that statute of limitations on COVID so the investigation continue their reviews of pandemic spending. https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/04/09/doj-recovers-pandemic-aid-fraud/73259347007/
    Cracking down on pandemic aid fraud, DOJ claws back $1.4 billion and charges 3,500 people
    The Justice Department said 3,500 people have been charged and $1.4 billion recovered in COVID fraud, asks to extend enhanced enforcement.
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    Ice Cracking Sounds on Frozen Lake of US-Russia Relations
    All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name. To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button above to email/forward this article to your friends and colleagues. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost and share …
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    California AG’s Wife One of Only Two to Vote Against Cracking Down on Sex Trafficking - The Washington Standard
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  • And also, a man matching Comey’s description was the third man who was a suspect at the Oklahoma City Bombing in 1993, but that man was never brought in for questioning and was never seen again.
    Years later, Comey became CIA director.
    It takes YEARS for anybody to become FBI director, you don’t get in that position just off the streets. Even J. Edgar Hoover, with all of his talents, spent years developing his skill set to become America’s Top Lawman. And as a side note, he had to eradicate any evidence that he was part black passing for white because his biological father, Ivy Hoover, descended from the slave girl, was black, and his mother had an affair with that same black man. His “official” father, Dickerson Hoover, was absolutely enraged at having a bastard living in his house, got sick because he couldn’t work anymore, and Hoover found out un early adulthood who he really was.
    He was descended from a black slave woman fresh off the boat, who was sold to Christian Hoover — a plantation owner, preacher, politician. he had sex with the slave who produced a daughter. He had sex with the daughter and she produced a child. She was willed to his sons Christian “Kit” Hoover, who was also married to a white woman. Most slave owners had babies every years from both their wives and slave women and created very large families; needless to say the blacks were shamefully abused and raped and sold off.
    One of the descendants of the slave girl was Ivy Hoover, who had sex with Dickerson Hoover’s wife and produced America’s future FBI director — this is the history they never tell you on www. biography. com or in any historical book, and it ‘s not taught in our schools. Why? Because J Edgar Hoover’s family member, Millie McGhee, is black, and she found out about Hoover’s connection to her family, because Hoover was her grandfather’s second cousin. Her grandfather told her to keep it a secret because if word every got out that Hoover had black blood and had black family members, their family would be killed in the middle of the night.
    And sure enough, there were two family members on Millie McGhee’s side who were killed so Hoover could keep his origins secret, plus there was a fire in a records building that destroyed any connection on paper to his family history.
    But Millie found those records and wrote a book about it. Her family members were very angry at her writing the book about her family history including the Hoovers, not because they were ashamed of being connected to America’s first FBI director, that’s an honor in and of itself — but they were family via incest connections that started with Christian Hoover and his sons who all had sex with the slaves he had sex with, and that incest produced Ivy Hoover and J, Edgar Hoover, father and son, back in the slavery days before emancipation.
    The crazy part is J Edgar was very racially prejudiced, probably being taught that by his father who hated him for being black as well as being born an illegitimate child of adultery while his mother was married to his father. Then Hoover met a girl he wanted to marry during the First World War, but she dumped him for another man. He never recovered from that, and he became a homosexual. Fellow FBI agent Clyde Tolson was his lover for the rest of their lives.
    But the CIA, the OSS, the Mafia and other people found out about his sexual preferences. and that in and of itself made him subject to blackmail and exposure, despite his proficiency at evidence gathering on public figures that enabled him to compile a list against everyone and anyone who had sexual deviancies in their characters; and he used that for blackmail against them to solidify his position.
    Everybody in D.C. feared and hated Hoover because of what he held over their heads, like Hillary held stuff over their heads. He controlled them like the cabal controls many of our leaders today because of their sexual abominations, and if they are clean and have none, they set them up to appear to have them even though they are not guilty so they can control them and through them, they control the world.
    We all know how much he hated the Kennedys not only because these two young whippersnappers on the New Frontier told him to get cracking on lockup up the mafia members, but also because he believed Joe Kennedy, Jack and Bobby were sexually profligate, despite the fact that his sexual behaviour as a homosexual and friends with Mafiosi who handled his horseracing bets was way worse than their own; so he had no business attacking them for who they slept with behind their wives’ backs.
    He was also very racist and went after civil rights leaders liek Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jnr., Malcolm X and other black leaders who fought against racial discrimination. This is coming from a man who was genetically black himself and had black family members. But two of those black family members had to die because if anyone every found out that he had black blood he would be killed. The murders were not proven to be traced back to him. In those days in that very prohibitive racial climate, One did not become America’s Top lawman with any ethnicity other than Caucasian. And the descendants of those same murdered family members will not talk about it today out of fear, long after Hoover himself died in 1973.
    Hoover would never, ever hire a black man because of his prejudice and in spite of his keeping his family background a secret. any smart FBI agent who cottoned onto the fact that Hoover was part black because his features, although not immediately recognizable as black were recognizable to those with a trained eye. Anybody applying to the FBI was stringently background-checked to make sure there was no black blood in him. Any agents who voiced suspicions about Hoover being part black was immediately fired. Hoover did not wanted his secret known to anyone.
    He probably learned those employment discrimination tactics, IMO, from President Woodrow Wilson, who was a racist himself and set back all the progress black people had made with the help of Presidents Lincoln and Garfield who wanted equality for black in 1860s and 1880s America. Anybody applying to Washington D.C. jobs during Wilson’s terms in office had to provide a photo of himself so they employers would not hire the “wrong colour.” He segregated the military, he segregated the office jobs, he set it up so that blacks could not socially and financially progress and better themselves and were barred from moving up the ladder. Presidents Truman and Kennedy changed those things so blacks were not discriminated against anymore.
    Needless to say, the racists hated that.
    Hoover also never hired women as FBI agents because of his past hurt with a woman, one could say. He was very sexist and did not like women sexually. This was despite the fact that women like Lyudmila Pavlikovska was a trained military sniper during WW2 in Sevastopol in the Soviet Union, women fought in the Italian, French and Polish Resistance in WW2, in the Spanish Civil War, and Russian female pilots known as “Nachthexen” by the Nazis fought the Luftwaffe.
    Needless to say, the sexists hated that.
    He had gay sex parties, and one of the witnesses to that was a certain Mrs. Rosenstiel, who saw Hoover dressed up in fishnets and makeup.
    Today’s FBI has blacks, women, and every ethnicity known to man enforcing the law. Discrimination has vanished from those ranks.
    But these fine men and woman of the Federal Bureau of Investigation who do their jobs with honor and distinction have one thing in common: They have a very bad boss named Christopher Wray who not only hates President Trump, he hates America and is working with the cabal to destroy it.
    And also, a man matching Comey’s description was the third man who was a suspect at the Oklahoma City Bombing in 1993, but that man was never brought in for questioning and was never seen again. Years later, Comey became CIA director. It takes YEARS for anybody to become FBI director, you don’t get in that position just off the streets. Even J. Edgar Hoover, with all of his talents, spent years developing his skill set to become America’s Top Lawman. And as a side note, he had to eradicate any evidence that he was part black passing for white because his biological father, Ivy Hoover, descended from the slave girl, was black, and his mother had an affair with that same black man. His “official” father, Dickerson Hoover, was absolutely enraged at having a bastard living in his house, got sick because he couldn’t work anymore, and Hoover found out un early adulthood who he really was. He was descended from a black slave woman fresh off the boat, who was sold to Christian Hoover — a plantation owner, preacher, politician. he had sex with the slave who produced a daughter. He had sex with the daughter and she produced a child. She was willed to his sons Christian “Kit” Hoover, who was also married to a white woman. Most slave owners had babies every years from both their wives and slave women and created very large families; needless to say the blacks were shamefully abused and raped and sold off. One of the descendants of the slave girl was Ivy Hoover, who had sex with Dickerson Hoover’s wife and produced America’s future FBI director — this is the history they never tell you on www. biography. com or in any historical book, and it ‘s not taught in our schools. Why? Because J Edgar Hoover’s family member, Millie McGhee, is black, and she found out about Hoover’s connection to her family, because Hoover was her grandfather’s second cousin. Her grandfather told her to keep it a secret because if word every got out that Hoover had black blood and had black family members, their family would be killed in the middle of the night. And sure enough, there were two family members on Millie McGhee’s side who were killed so Hoover could keep his origins secret, plus there was a fire in a records building that destroyed any connection on paper to his family history. But Millie found those records and wrote a book about it. Her family members were very angry at her writing the book about her family history including the Hoovers, not because they were ashamed of being connected to America’s first FBI director, that’s an honor in and of itself — but they were family via incest connections that started with Christian Hoover and his sons who all had sex with the slaves he had sex with, and that incest produced Ivy Hoover and J, Edgar Hoover, father and son, back in the slavery days before emancipation. The crazy part is J Edgar was very racially prejudiced, probably being taught that by his father who hated him for being black as well as being born an illegitimate child of adultery while his mother was married to his father. Then Hoover met a girl he wanted to marry during the First World War, but she dumped him for another man. He never recovered from that, and he became a homosexual. Fellow FBI agent Clyde Tolson was his lover for the rest of their lives. But the CIA, the OSS, the Mafia and other people found out about his sexual preferences. and that in and of itself made him subject to blackmail and exposure, despite his proficiency at evidence gathering on public figures that enabled him to compile a list against everyone and anyone who had sexual deviancies in their characters; and he used that for blackmail against them to solidify his position. Everybody in D.C. feared and hated Hoover because of what he held over their heads, like Hillary held stuff over their heads. He controlled them like the cabal controls many of our leaders today because of their sexual abominations, and if they are clean and have none, they set them up to appear to have them even though they are not guilty so they can control them and through them, they control the world. We all know how much he hated the Kennedys not only because these two young whippersnappers on the New Frontier told him to get cracking on lockup up the mafia members, but also because he believed Joe Kennedy, Jack and Bobby were sexually profligate, despite the fact that his sexual behaviour as a homosexual and friends with Mafiosi who handled his horseracing bets was way worse than their own; so he had no business attacking them for who they slept with behind their wives’ backs. He was also very racist and went after civil rights leaders liek Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jnr., Malcolm X and other black leaders who fought against racial discrimination. This is coming from a man who was genetically black himself and had black family members. But two of those black family members had to die because if anyone every found out that he had black blood he would be killed. The murders were not proven to be traced back to him. In those days in that very prohibitive racial climate, One did not become America’s Top lawman with any ethnicity other than Caucasian. And the descendants of those same murdered family members will not talk about it today out of fear, long after Hoover himself died in 1973. Hoover would never, ever hire a black man because of his prejudice and in spite of his keeping his family background a secret. any smart FBI agent who cottoned onto the fact that Hoover was part black because his features, although not immediately recognizable as black were recognizable to those with a trained eye. Anybody applying to the FBI was stringently background-checked to make sure there was no black blood in him. Any agents who voiced suspicions about Hoover being part black was immediately fired. Hoover did not wanted his secret known to anyone. He probably learned those employment discrimination tactics, IMO, from President Woodrow Wilson, who was a racist himself and set back all the progress black people had made with the help of Presidents Lincoln and Garfield who wanted equality for black in 1860s and 1880s America. Anybody applying to Washington D.C. jobs during Wilson’s terms in office had to provide a photo of himself so they employers would not hire the “wrong colour.” He segregated the military, he segregated the office jobs, he set it up so that blacks could not socially and financially progress and better themselves and were barred from moving up the ladder. Presidents Truman and Kennedy changed those things so blacks were not discriminated against anymore. Needless to say, the racists hated that. Hoover also never hired women as FBI agents because of his past hurt with a woman, one could say. He was very sexist and did not like women sexually. This was despite the fact that women like Lyudmila Pavlikovska was a trained military sniper during WW2 in Sevastopol in the Soviet Union, women fought in the Italian, French and Polish Resistance in WW2, in the Spanish Civil War, and Russian female pilots known as “Nachthexen” by the Nazis fought the Luftwaffe. Needless to say, the sexists hated that. He had gay sex parties, and one of the witnesses to that was a certain Mrs. Rosenstiel, who saw Hoover dressed up in fishnets and makeup. Today’s FBI has blacks, women, and every ethnicity known to man enforcing the law. Discrimination has vanished from those ranks. But these fine men and woman of the Federal Bureau of Investigation who do their jobs with honor and distinction have one thing in common: They have a very bad boss named Christopher Wray who not only hates President Trump, he hates America and is working with the cabal to destroy it. FIGHT BACK!!
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 5623 Views
  • Berkshire Hathaway: CEI Score 0

    Berkshire Hathaway managed to score a total of zero imaginary woke points on the Corporate Equality Index. The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) investigates how woke a business has become, solely on LGBTQ+ policies, and assigns it a woke credit core (CEI). I mentioned in another post how this score has become increasingly harder to obtain, with the organization making obscene demands regarding employer-funded healthcare and practices. So is Warren Buffett secretly homophobic to receive the lowest possible CEI score? No.

    Buffett simply declined to report Berkshire Hathaway’s business to the Human Rights Campaign. The company did not suffer as a result. No one is forced to report their company’s policies to this agency, and yet nearly all Fortune 500 companies do. The HRC states it has over “1,200 participants,” meaning companies are choosing to pander to the woke agenda.

    The HRC has been cracking down on businesses for over 20 years and the requirements have become completely ridiculous. “We get surveys all the time … on all kinds of things, and we basically don’t answer them,” explained Buffett in a 2014 interview, and added it’s Berkshire’s practice not to respond to surveys. Furthermore, Buffett does not dictate policies for the companies under Berkshire.

    So yes, it really is that simple. Companies need to come together and agree to refrain from reporting to the HRC and giving any credit to this social score. The HRC, backed by Soros, has turned human rights into a culture war that is destroying companies (see: Anheuser Busch). It has taken numerous failed marketing campaigns for companies to realize that the woke agenda is bad for business. I know a gay man who said he detests “rainbow marketing” and finds it offensive. These businesses try to appease the HRC but should focus on their clients. I disagree with Buffett on many topics, but this is one case where I believe he is correct.
    Berkshire Hathaway: CEI Score 0 https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/world-news/woke/berkshire-hathaway-receives-0-cei-score/ Berkshire Hathaway managed to score a total of zero imaginary woke points on the Corporate Equality Index. The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) investigates how woke a business has become, solely on LGBTQ+ policies, and assigns it a woke credit core (CEI). I mentioned in another post how this score has become increasingly harder to obtain, with the organization making obscene demands regarding employer-funded healthcare and practices. So is Warren Buffett secretly homophobic to receive the lowest possible CEI score? No. Buffett simply declined to report Berkshire Hathaway’s business to the Human Rights Campaign. The company did not suffer as a result. No one is forced to report their company’s policies to this agency, and yet nearly all Fortune 500 companies do. The HRC states it has over “1,200 participants,” meaning companies are choosing to pander to the woke agenda. The HRC has been cracking down on businesses for over 20 years and the requirements have become completely ridiculous. “We get surveys all the time … on all kinds of things, and we basically don’t answer them,” explained Buffett in a 2014 interview, and added it’s Berkshire’s practice not to respond to surveys. Furthermore, Buffett does not dictate policies for the companies under Berkshire. So yes, it really is that simple. Companies need to come together and agree to refrain from reporting to the HRC and giving any credit to this social score. The HRC, backed by Soros, has turned human rights into a culture war that is destroying companies (see: Anheuser Busch). It has taken numerous failed marketing campaigns for companies to realize that the woke agenda is bad for business. I know a gay man who said he detests “rainbow marketing” and finds it offensive. These businesses try to appease the HRC but should focus on their clients. I disagree with Buffett on many topics, but this is one case where I believe he is correct.
    Berkshire Hathaway: CEI Score 0
    Berkshire Hathaway managed to score a total of zero imaginary woke points on the Corporate Equality Index. The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) investigates how woke a business has become, solely on LGBTQ+ policies, and assigns it a woke credit core (CEI). I mentioned in another post how this score has become increasingly harder to obtain,
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 2670 Views
  • Thursday Live Broadcast: Society Is Cracking At The Seams, But Hope Is Around The Corner – Tune In To Find Out More https://www.infowars.com/posts/thursday-live-broadcast-society-is-cracking-at-the-seams-but-hope-is-around-the-corner-tune-in-to-find-out-more/ sᴜᴘᴘᴏʀᴛ: http://MadMaxWorld.tv https://InfowarsStore.com
    Thursday Live Broadcast: Society Is Cracking At The Seams, But Hope Is Around The Corner – Tune In To Find Out More https://www.infowars.com/posts/thursday-live-broadcast-society-is-cracking-at-the-seams-but-hope-is-around-the-corner-tune-in-to-find-out-more/ sᴜᴘᴘᴏʀᴛ: http://MadMaxWorld.tv https://InfowarsStore.com
    Thursday Live Broadcast: Society Is Cracking At The Seams, But Hope Is Around The Corner – Tune In To Find Out More
    We're witnessing the historic collapse of the social contract as people are increasingly on edge
    0 Σχόλια 1 Μοιράστηκε 1312 Views
  • Absolutely!
    Hopefully you are ready!

    Because we are certainly on a collision course with reality, as we are being fed some sh*t right out of the Twilight Zone, reality is heading our way like a locomotive!

    So be ready, it's coming at us like a thief in the night

    If you've been putting off getting right with your Creator, I'd get cracking TODAY!

    And anyone else you need to make things right with too, no time like now!

    It's about showtime folks
    Absolutely! Hopefully you are ready! Because we are certainly on a collision course with reality, as we are being fed some sh*t right out of the Twilight Zone, reality is heading our way like a locomotive! So be ready, it's coming at us like a thief in the night If you've been putting off getting right with your Creator, I'd get cracking TODAY! And anyone else you need to make things right with too, no time like now! It's about showtime folks
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 1601 Views

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