"Police" are POLICY ENFORCERS of a corporation!
    They do NOT "enforce law" they enforce "Statutes and Codes" (Corporate POLICY)

    The #Truth of the matter is that #Police are #Criminals who work for a #Corporation with no more "Authority" than an employee of McDonald's!

    When they ride around breaking down people's doors it's a "Home Invasion" and is a lot more dangerous than if street criminals did a "home invasion" because Police just look for someone to harm....

    And that is due to complete and total lack of accountability!

    Operating under "Maritime Admiralty Law" Police actually have NO #Jurisdiction over MEN & WOMEN... They have jurisdiction over LEGAL FICTIONS!

    Pieces of paper!
    MEN and WOMEN have been the victims of this FRAUD for decades!

    The "Government" is claiming that YOU "CONSENT" to giving up your Inalienable human rights for the politically promised "protection" of the corporation!

    NOBODY with a brain inside of their head would do this!
    But they CLAIM that you did it!

    And if that's not what they are claiming then they are claiming that your
    "Lack of objection to their claims" gives them "Implied Consent"

    Also... If you check the box saying "I am a US Citizen" what you have done in reality is agreed to become the #Slave of this corporation and have agreed to put yourself into their "Jurisdiction" AND agreed to give up your inalienable human rights!

    This may sound pretty crazy, but it is EXACTLY what this CORPORATION uses to claim that they have authority over you, when in fact... THEY DON'T!

    It's a criminal operation from the word go!
    And many of these police KNOW IT TOO!

    Many are just as brainwashed as you are.....
    But many also know they are operating criminally and totally without Jurisdiction over you! YOU NEED TO LEARN THE LAW! And stop "consenting" to be a slave!

    ENDING NO KNOCK RAIDS IN AMERICA "Police" are POLICY ENFORCERS of a corporation! They do NOT "enforce law" they enforce "Statutes and Codes" (Corporate POLICY) The #Truth of the matter is that #Police are #Criminals who work for a #Corporation with no more "Authority" than an employee of McDonald's! When they ride around breaking down people's doors it's a "Home Invasion" and is a lot more dangerous than if street criminals did a "home invasion" because Police just look for someone to harm.... And that is due to complete and total lack of accountability! Operating under "Maritime Admiralty Law" Police actually have NO #Jurisdiction over MEN & WOMEN... They have jurisdiction over LEGAL FICTIONS! Pieces of paper! MEN and WOMEN have been the victims of this FRAUD for decades! The "Government" is claiming that YOU "CONSENT" to giving up your Inalienable human rights for the politically promised "protection" of the corporation! NOBODY with a brain inside of their head would do this! But they CLAIM that you did it! And if that's not what they are claiming then they are claiming that your "Lack of objection to their claims" gives them "Implied Consent" Also... If you check the box saying "I am a US Citizen" what you have done in reality is agreed to become the #Slave of this corporation and have agreed to put yourself into their "Jurisdiction" AND agreed to give up your inalienable human rights! This may sound pretty crazy, but it is EXACTLY what this CORPORATION uses to claim that they have authority over you, when in fact... THEY DON'T! It's a criminal operation from the word go! And many of these police KNOW IT TOO! Many are just as brainwashed as you are..... But many also know they are operating criminally and totally without Jurisdiction over you! YOU NEED TO LEARN THE LAW! And stop "consenting" to be a slave! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYCeq_X22gI
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 1065 Views

    ALL cops are MORONS and order following scumbags!
    A threat too every peace loving person in America!

    Again... I love John Bryan and what he does!
    But a 1983 civil lawsuit is NOT THE REMEDY FOR THIS!

    Now there is nothing wrong with filing a 1983 lawsuit....


    18 U.S.C. § 241 Conspiracy Against Rights and
    18 U.S.C. § 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law

    It's up to THE PEOPLE to convene a "Grand Jury" per the Constitution,
    and to PROSECUTE these criminal scumbags!

    The CORPORATION you know as "government" is never going to
    "Prosecute Themselves." And that is why THE PEOPLE must form their own grand jury and bring these charges against them!

    It's OUR REMEDY to criminals within the corporation!
    And it is high time we used it!

    I'm NOT interested in filing a 1983 civil lawsuit!
    I want these #Pirates CHARGED #CRIMINALLY like they deserve!

    We don't need to create new laws!
    We ALREADY have them on the books!


    COUNTRY SINGER WRITES SONG ABOUT ARREST BY IDIOT COP CHARGES NOW DROPPED ALL cops are MORONS and order following scumbags! A threat too every peace loving person in America! Again... I love John Bryan and what he does! But a 1983 civil lawsuit is NOT THE REMEDY FOR THIS! Now there is nothing wrong with filing a 1983 lawsuit.... But EVERY TIME #POLICE VIOLATE THE RIGHTS OF AMERICANS THEY MUST BE CHARGED #CRIMINALLY UNDER... 18 U.S.C. § 241 Conspiracy Against Rights and 18 U.S.C. § 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law WHICH IS THE CRIMINAL STATUTES APPLYING TO THE SCUMBAGS! It's up to THE PEOPLE to convene a "Grand Jury" per the Constitution, and to PROSECUTE these criminal scumbags! The CORPORATION you know as "government" is never going to "Prosecute Themselves." And that is why THE PEOPLE must form their own grand jury and bring these charges against them! It's OUR REMEDY to criminals within the corporation! And it is high time we used it! I'm NOT interested in filing a 1983 civil lawsuit! I want these #Pirates CHARGED #CRIMINALLY like they deserve! We don't need to create new laws! We ALREADY have them on the books! WE THE PEOPLE MUST ENFORCE THEM! https://old.bitchute.com/video/d1zq0C28KPk/
    Country Singer Writes Song About Arrest by Idiot Cop | Charges now Dropped
    Video to submit? https://forms.gle/HmwnDQKvwvYPxe967 Blog: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/ Donate to the Institute for Justice: https://ij.org/support/give-now/thecivilrightslawyer/ For business inquiries: [email protected] Twitter: htt…
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 812 Views
  • BREAKING: The US Supreme Court has sided with President Trump, ruling that presidents cannot be held criminally liable for official government actions, a potentially devastating blow to Jack Smith’s January 6 indictment.
    The way this Supreme Court decision is written, it will be impossible to convict a President for anything they say or tweet.
    The Supreme Court is basically saying that speaking publicly on issues is an "official act".
    BREAKING: The US Supreme Court has sided with President Trump, ruling that presidents cannot be held criminally liable for official government actions, a potentially devastating blow to Jack Smith’s January 6 indictment. The way this Supreme Court decision is written, it will be impossible to convict a President for anything they say or tweet. The Supreme Court is basically saying that speaking publicly on issues is an "official act".
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 631 Views
  • Police should be REQUIRED BY LAW to have an active insurance policy for general liability, to pay out the lawsuits and police misconduct claims!

    And those cops should also be CRIMINALLY CHARGED under federal law, Title 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 18 U.S.C. § 242 every single time they violate the rights of Americans!

    I have been telling people this for YEARS!

    I install replacement windows for a living.....
    My job REQUIRES me to purchase a ONE MILLION DOLLAR general liability insurance policy. Without it I can't work!

    I DON'T carry a gun, shoot people, taze people, bust out people's car windows, imprison people with torture cuffs, or put people into a cage while I'm at work.....

    I simply install windows, and MUST HAVE liability insurance!

    Don't you think it's beyond reasonable to ask that #Police Officers be REQUIRED BY LAW to carry a general liability insurance policy, just like I have to have, since they DO all of the things listed above!

    They DO carry a gun, they DO commit violence against other Americans, they DO put people into shackles, they DO damage the property of Americans, and they DO harm Americans on a regular basis

    Is it REALLY necessary for ME to be forced to have general liability insurance in order to "Change a window" when we have
    MEN IN BODY ARMOR WITH GUNS AND TASERS who don't have insurance?

    You see..... Police definitely DON'T WANT to be required to purchase their own insurance policy! Do you know WHY???

    I'll tell you... If these Police had their own liability insurance every time that an American citizen wins a case of police brutality or misconduct, and / or wrongful death when they kill the innocent..

    And that would make their premiums go up...

    And when it has happened several times
    (Like happens with bad cops) their policy would be CANCELLED leaving them unable to ever work as a police officer again!

    This is something that MUST HAPPEN!
    We can no longer tolerate a #Criminal gang of blue line thugs who are "Above the Law" and are NEVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE!

    And body cameras should be MANDATORY and activated throughout the shift of ALL POLICE OFFICERS!

    If they turn them off it should be an automatic 25 years in prison!

    The body cameras and dash cameras should be LIVE-STREAMED to servers controlled by CITIZEN OVERSIGHT COMMITTEES of regular Americans (Like myself and James Freeman) and to Police headquarters, after a 5 minute delay

    THE AMERICAN PEOPLE should NEVER get a redacted version of the body cameras, after all, THEY ARE THE BOSS!

    Every body camera in America should be viewable after a 5 minute delay, it should be released for ANYONE to look at it, at any time, and for any reason... and under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should it be edited whatsoever!

    STOP enabling criminal behavior by Police!
    STOP enabling criminals to walk free among us!


    Because if you should fail to do this....
    Your children and grandchildren will live as #Slaves and under #Tyranny
    Police should be REQUIRED BY LAW to have an active insurance policy for general liability, to pay out the lawsuits and police misconduct claims! And those cops should also be CRIMINALLY CHARGED under federal law, Title 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 18 U.S.C. § 242 every single time they violate the rights of Americans! I have been telling people this for YEARS! I install replacement windows for a living..... My job REQUIRES me to purchase a ONE MILLION DOLLAR general liability insurance policy. Without it I can't work! I DON'T carry a gun, shoot people, taze people, bust out people's car windows, imprison people with torture cuffs, or put people into a cage while I'm at work..... I simply install windows, and MUST HAVE liability insurance! Don't you think it's beyond reasonable to ask that #Police Officers be REQUIRED BY LAW to carry a general liability insurance policy, just like I have to have, since they DO all of the things listed above! They DO carry a gun, they DO commit violence against other Americans, they DO put people into shackles, they DO damage the property of Americans, and they DO harm Americans on a regular basis Is it REALLY necessary for ME to be forced to have general liability insurance in order to "Change a window" when we have MEN IN BODY ARMOR WITH GUNS AND TASERS who don't have insurance? You see..... Police definitely DON'T WANT to be required to purchase their own insurance policy! Do you know WHY??? I'll tell you... If these Police had their own liability insurance every time that an American citizen wins a case of police brutality or misconduct, and / or wrongful death when they kill the innocent.. THEIR INSURANCE WOULD HAVE TO PAY THE LAWSUIT! And that would make their premiums go up... And when it has happened several times (Like happens with bad cops) their policy would be CANCELLED leaving them unable to ever work as a police officer again! This is something that MUST HAPPEN! We can no longer tolerate a #Criminal gang of blue line thugs who are "Above the Law" and are NEVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE! And body cameras should be MANDATORY and activated throughout the shift of ALL POLICE OFFICERS! If they turn them off it should be an automatic 25 years in prison! The body cameras and dash cameras should be LIVE-STREAMED to servers controlled by CITIZEN OVERSIGHT COMMITTEES of regular Americans (Like myself and James Freeman) and to Police headquarters, after a 5 minute delay THE AMERICAN PEOPLE should NEVER get a redacted version of the body cameras, after all, THEY ARE THE BOSS! Every body camera in America should be viewable after a 5 minute delay, it should be released for ANYONE to look at it, at any time, and for any reason... and under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should it be edited whatsoever! STOP enabling criminal behavior by Police! STOP enabling criminals to walk free among us! DEMAND POLICE ACCOUNTABILITY WITH EVERY BREATHE YOU TAKE, RIGHT UP UNTIL THE VERY LAST ONE! Because if you should fail to do this.... Your children and grandchildren will live as #Slaves and under #Tyranny
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 2094 Views 2
  • Bad Cop Gets ARRESTED After INSANE Stop!

    A VERY RARE occurrence!
    However he was NOT charged under 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 18 U.S.C. § 242 like is REQUIRED BY LAW because let's face it, "government" is a criminal syndicate

    It's just ONE MORE AMERICAN who is #Murdered by #Police!
    It happens EVERY DAY!

    And it is actually ENCOURAGED through the failure to charge these police officers under FEDERAL STATUTES 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 18 U.S.C. § 242

    It is not good enough that these cops get fired!
    It's not good enough that these criminals are charged with some chickensh*t charge!

    They are REQUIRED BY LAW to be charged under 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 18 U.S.C. § 242
    but we have #Criminals in the Federal prosecutor's office, and they are COMPLICIT in these crimes because they are aiding and abetting the crime via failing to prosecute those who commit the crimes!

    When you fail to prosecute these crimes against the American People by a #Corporation that people think is their "government" you are actually ENCOURAGING further criminal acts!

    Police can easily see they will not be prosecuted for their crimes, so WHY NOT commit them? Police are NEVER CRIMINALLY CHARGED despite them committing criminal acts!

    Police are NEVER held personally and financially liable for their crimes either!
    TAXPAYERS end up paying for the crimes of Police!

    It's time for THE PEOPLE to start holding #Court!


    No other American can "Investigate themselves"
    and get back to you with their findings!

    No other American can have TAXPAYERS held liable for their crimes!

    And no other American gets to allow their criminal buddies to decide if they should be prosecuted for something or not!

    Police, Prosecutors, Judges, and ALL GOVERNMENT should have
    ZERO INVOLVEMENT with prosecuting a case of GOVERNMENT CRIME!

    THE PEOPLE must have 100% control over ALL CLAIMS of government misconduct!
    That is just how an "adversarial system of justice" like ours works!

    You MUST have an actual "adversary" trying to prosecute you!
    It simply does not work when YOUR BUDDIES get to decide your fate when you've violated the law!

    And that is exactly what we have in our current system!
    And that is EXACTLY why government is NEVER CHARGED and sent to prison no matter how heinous their crimes!

    Bad Cop Gets ARRESTED After INSANE Stop! A VERY RARE occurrence! However he was NOT charged under 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 18 U.S.C. § 242 like is REQUIRED BY LAW because let's face it, "government" is a criminal syndicate It's just ONE MORE AMERICAN who is #Murdered by #Police! It happens EVERY DAY! And it is actually ENCOURAGED through the failure to charge these police officers under FEDERAL STATUTES 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 18 U.S.C. § 242 It is not good enough that these cops get fired! It's not good enough that these criminals are charged with some chickensh*t charge! They are REQUIRED BY LAW to be charged under 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 18 U.S.C. § 242 but we have #Criminals in the Federal prosecutor's office, and they are COMPLICIT in these crimes because they are aiding and abetting the crime via failing to prosecute those who commit the crimes! When you fail to prosecute these crimes against the American People by a #Corporation that people think is their "government" you are actually ENCOURAGING further criminal acts! Police can easily see they will not be prosecuted for their crimes, so WHY NOT commit them? Police are NEVER CRIMINALLY CHARGED despite them committing criminal acts! Police are NEVER held personally and financially liable for their crimes either! TAXPAYERS end up paying for the crimes of Police! IN WHAT WORLD DOES THIS MAKE SENSE??? It's time for THE PEOPLE to start holding #Court! It's time that we STOP TOLERATING CRIMINALS GETTING TO "PROSECUTE THEMSELVES" AND "INVESTIGATE THEMSELVES" No other American can "Investigate themselves" and get back to you with their findings! No other American can have TAXPAYERS held liable for their crimes! And no other American gets to allow their criminal buddies to decide if they should be prosecuted for something or not! Police, Prosecutors, Judges, and ALL GOVERNMENT should have ZERO INVOLVEMENT with prosecuting a case of GOVERNMENT CRIME! THE PEOPLE must have 100% control over ALL CLAIMS of government misconduct! That is just how an "adversarial system of justice" like ours works! You MUST have an actual "adversary" trying to prosecute you! It simply does not work when YOUR BUDDIES get to decide your fate when you've violated the law! And that is exactly what we have in our current system! And that is EXACTLY why government is NEVER CHARGED and sent to prison no matter how heinous their crimes! https://youtu.be/ZLQAK_1SabM
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 1417 Views
  • Police Sergeant Goes Full Tyrant Mode And Escalates Encounter

    Until the #Criminals of the #Police department are held accountable.....
    This kind of BS will continue happening daily across America!

    And you know..... IT'S ALL GOOD UNTIL IT HAPPENS TO YOU!

    Police Officers MUST BE #Criminally Charged AND all lawsuits need to be taken from their personal assets and their pensions!

    NO MORE taxpayers paying for the criminal actions of Police!

    Police Sergeant Goes Full Tyrant Mode And Escalates Encounter Until the #Criminals of the #Police department are held accountable..... This kind of BS will continue happening daily across America! And you know..... IT'S ALL GOOD UNTIL IT HAPPENS TO YOU! Police Officers MUST BE #Criminally Charged AND all lawsuits need to be taken from their personal assets and their pensions! NO MORE taxpayers paying for the criminal actions of Police! https://youtu.be/vbxnw19nbmk
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 584 Views
  • Cops Talking Smack - Super Professional

    What you have in America is #Criminals who are involved in #OrganizedCrime, but these criminals wear costumes and have badges!

    They have criminal friends that help them commit their #Crimes!
    They have "black robed priests" of the BAR ASSOCIATION who misrepresent themselves, speak in a foreign language, and commit #Fraud to obtain convictions of INNOCENT MEN & WOMEN under a fraudulent, maritime admiralty law SCAM!

    Then you have their #Prosecutor friends. These people fail to file criminal charges against these criminals when they clearly violate their Oath, the constitution, or wrongfully imprison American MEN & WOMEN!

    These PROSECUTORS are required by LAW to file these charges, but they don't!

    Making them COMPLICIT in the crimes committed by Police!

    Failure to charge Police under 18 U.S.C. § 241 Conspiracy Against Rights and 18 U.S.C. § 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law makes these prosecutors criminally negligent and complicit in the original crimes!

    I'd call that "aiding and abetting" criminal actions by law enforcement!

    And these prosecutors should be charged under the same statute!

    Understand that ALL OF THESE PEOPLE work for the same criminal CORPORATION!

    A criminal corporation operating under a PURELY FRAUDULENT PRETEXT!

    These people are enforcing "Maritime Admiralty Law"
    (The law of the SEA) on living MEN and WOMEN who never gave their INFORMED CONSENT to being ruled over under maritime admiralty law as REQUIRED.

    ALL CLAIMS that these people have consented to live under the "Law of the SEA" are based 110% on FRAUD! It's based on fraudulent paperwork and documents and CONTRACTS that were NOT LEGALLY BINDING!


    Unfortunately for the CRIMINALS of this corporation......
    These REQUIRED ELEMENTS of a contract have NOT BEEN MET!

    You CANNOT "unknowingly enter into a binding contract" folks!

    At the heart of most professional relationships is a contract. If you’re striking a bargain, coming to an agreement, or closing a deal, a contract is what cements the obligations, rights, and duties of all parties involved. And even though contracts are infinitely varied in length, terms, and complexity, all contracts must contain these six essential elements.

    When these six elements are present, a contract evolves from a simple agreement to a binding legal document. But if you lack just one of them, a contract may not be enforceable at all. It’s helpful to have a contract lifecycle management tool or a contract drafting tool that manages all the elements for you.

    It's time to put the criminals of the CORPORATION known as the "US Government" on notice, and they ALL need to be fired, arrested, and put into their own prisons!

    Cops Talking Smack - Super Professional What you have in America is #Criminals who are involved in #OrganizedCrime, but these criminals wear costumes and have badges! They have criminal friends that help them commit their #Crimes! They have "black robed priests" of the BAR ASSOCIATION who misrepresent themselves, speak in a foreign language, and commit #Fraud to obtain convictions of INNOCENT MEN & WOMEN under a fraudulent, maritime admiralty law SCAM! Then you have their #Prosecutor friends. These people fail to file criminal charges against these criminals when they clearly violate their Oath, the constitution, or wrongfully imprison American MEN & WOMEN! These PROSECUTORS are required by LAW to file these charges, but they don't! Making them COMPLICIT in the crimes committed by Police! Failure to charge Police under 18 U.S.C. § 241 Conspiracy Against Rights and 18 U.S.C. § 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law makes these prosecutors criminally negligent and complicit in the original crimes! They are HELPING TO COVER UP A CRIME! I'd call that "aiding and abetting" criminal actions by law enforcement! And these prosecutors should be charged under the same statute! Understand that ALL OF THESE PEOPLE work for the same criminal CORPORATION! A criminal corporation operating under a PURELY FRAUDULENT PRETEXT! These people are enforcing "Maritime Admiralty Law" (The law of the SEA) on living MEN and WOMEN who never gave their INFORMED CONSENT to being ruled over under maritime admiralty law as REQUIRED. ALL CLAIMS that these people have consented to live under the "Law of the SEA" are based 110% on FRAUD! It's based on fraudulent paperwork and documents and CONTRACTS that were NOT LEGALLY BINDING! ALL CONTRACTS REQUIRE SEVERAL THINGS TO BE ENFORCEABLE! Unfortunately for the CRIMINALS of this corporation...... These REQUIRED ELEMENTS of a contract have NOT BEEN MET! You CANNOT "unknowingly enter into a binding contract" folks! At the heart of most professional relationships is a contract. If you’re striking a bargain, coming to an agreement, or closing a deal, a contract is what cements the obligations, rights, and duties of all parties involved. And even though contracts are infinitely varied in length, terms, and complexity, all contracts must contain these six essential elements. Offer Acceptance Awareness Consideration Capacity Legality When these six elements are present, a contract evolves from a simple agreement to a binding legal document. But if you lack just one of them, a contract may not be enforceable at all. It’s helpful to have a contract lifecycle management tool or a contract drafting tool that manages all the elements for you. It's time to put the criminals of the CORPORATION known as the "US Government" on notice, and they ALL need to be fired, arrested, and put into their own prisons! https://youtu.be/Ve9OiL-nyCI
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 1893 Views

    I like this guy

    Serious business....
    I'd rather deal with the Mafia than with #Police!

    At least the mafia acts with some form of honor!
    They may kill you if you do something dishonorable...
    But you knew that going in!

    The #Police are totally different!
    They will screw you over simply because they can!
    Mainly because they are NEVER held accountable for their actions!

    They are the ONLY AMERICANS (Along with politicians and Judges) who are not held personally liable if they harm another person financially or physically!

    I put in windows and I have to have a 1 MILLION DOLLAR general liability policy!
    The politicians actually do too, they are "Bonded" and you gotta go after that bond!

    But you cannot sue them and win!
    You cannot get them criminally charged when they break the law!

    The entire system we live under is illegitimate and corrupt!
    That's because it's Maritime Admiralty Law ( The law of the SEA )

    38 MINUTES OF RUSSIAN MAFIA ADVICE 2024 I like this guy Serious business.... I'd rather deal with the Mafia than with #Police! At least the mafia acts with some form of honor! They may kill you if you do something dishonorable... But you knew that going in! The #Police are totally different! They will screw you over simply because they can! Mainly because they are NEVER held accountable for their actions! They are the ONLY AMERICANS (Along with politicians and Judges) who are not held personally liable if they harm another person financially or physically! I put in windows and I have to have a 1 MILLION DOLLAR general liability policy! The politicians actually do too, they are "Bonded" and you gotta go after that bond! But you cannot sue them and win! You cannot get them criminally charged when they break the law! The entire system we live under is illegitimate and corrupt! That's because it's Maritime Admiralty Law ( The law of the SEA ) https://www.bitchute.com/video/2gIopDTEB4TA/
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 2130 Views
  • Cops Sued - Enforcing Ego Over Oath - Unlawful Arrest

    HINT FOR GOVERNMENT: If you don't mistreat your fellow man for a living... You won't have to go through life AFRAID that someone may want to damage your vehicle or bash your brains in!

    Criminals seek jobs within the corporate #government so that their Crimes will be overlooked, not prosecuted CRIMINALLY, and will be paid for by TAXPAYERS!

    It's NOT just #Police folks!
    #Pedophiles go into government "child services" & #CPS positions!
    As do human traffickers and sex slavers

    The courts are filled with #OrganizedCrime plants, as are the Police ( Like in the movie "The Departed" )

    Smugglers join the Border Patrol
    Drug dealers go into the CIA

    What better cover to "always be in the middle of these crimes" than to claim "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help"

    Every Governmental Agency that exists...
    Exists to enable & protect criminals
    from YOU and from JUSTICE!

    Cops Sued - Enforcing Ego Over Oath - Unlawful Arrest HINT FOR GOVERNMENT: If you don't mistreat your fellow man for a living... You won't have to go through life AFRAID that someone may want to damage your vehicle or bash your brains in! Criminals seek jobs within the corporate #government so that their Crimes will be overlooked, not prosecuted CRIMINALLY, and will be paid for by TAXPAYERS! It's NOT just #Police folks! #Pedophiles go into government "child services" & #CPS positions! As do human traffickers and sex slavers The courts are filled with #OrganizedCrime plants, as are the Police ( Like in the movie "The Departed" ) Smugglers join the Border Patrol Drug dealers go into the CIA What better cover to "always be in the middle of these crimes" than to claim "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help" Every Governmental Agency that exists... Exists to enable & protect criminals from YOU and from JUSTICE! https://youtu.be/sFTLLXl7kM4
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 2754 Views
  • Police KNOWINGLY violate the inalienable human rights of Americans EVERY DAY!

    They do this because there is absolutely ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY!

    At the very best, the American TAX CATTLE will be forced to pay out another HUGE LAWSUIT because of their #Criminal actions... But the Police Officer responsible for the violation will not be personally held accountable!

    So WHY WOULD THEY follow the law???
    There is absolutely no personal cost to Police for violating the rights of Americans!

    They will not have to pay the lawsuit that THEY INCURRED, and they won't be charged criminally for violating Title 18, U.S.C., Section 241 - Conspiracy Against Rights and
    Title 18, U.S.C., Section 242 - Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law because America's PROSECUTORS are criminals as well!

    It's a system DESIGNED to skirt the LAW and the CONSTITUTION!

    It is actually an incentive for Police to violate rights!

    EVERY OTHER AMERICAN is held personally responsible for their actions, whether at home or at work! Every American EXCEPT #Judges, #Politicians, and #Police, and of course those criminal PROSECUTORS, who aid the criminals by failing to charge them for their #Crimes

    It's nothing more than Organized Crime!
    And that is no exaggeration whatsoever!

    GOVERNMENT is the most organized crime in the entire world!
    Responsible for more Evil than ALL CRIMINALS COMBINED!

    GOVERNMENT is responsible for over 300 million deaths in the past 100 years alone
    I think it's a big problem! Don't you?

    Or are you one of those bootlickers, who enable this criminal behavior to continue?? Because if so, YOU are as guilty as they are!

    We need special "Citizen Oversight" of EVERY Police Department!

    Not by some government appointed group either!
    By REGULAR AMERICANS not affiliated with government in any way!

    And it's either that, or get rid of the criminals altogether
    America will NOT become a Communist hellhole.... UNLESS you continue to ignore it!
    Police KNOWINGLY violate the inalienable human rights of Americans EVERY DAY! They do this because there is absolutely ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY! At the very best, the American TAX CATTLE will be forced to pay out another HUGE LAWSUIT because of their #Criminal actions... But the Police Officer responsible for the violation will not be personally held accountable! So WHY WOULD THEY follow the law??? There is absolutely no personal cost to Police for violating the rights of Americans! They will not have to pay the lawsuit that THEY INCURRED, and they won't be charged criminally for violating Title 18, U.S.C., Section 241 - Conspiracy Against Rights and Title 18, U.S.C., Section 242 - Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law because America's PROSECUTORS are criminals as well! It's a system DESIGNED to skirt the LAW and the CONSTITUTION! Absolutely ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY! It is actually an incentive for Police to violate rights! EVERY OTHER AMERICAN is held personally responsible for their actions, whether at home or at work! Every American EXCEPT #Judges, #Politicians, and #Police, and of course those criminal PROSECUTORS, who aid the criminals by failing to charge them for their #Crimes It's nothing more than Organized Crime! And that is no exaggeration whatsoever! GOVERNMENT is the most organized crime in the entire world! Responsible for more Evil than ALL CRIMINALS COMBINED! GOVERNMENT is responsible for over 300 million deaths in the past 100 years alone I think it's a big problem! Don't you? Or are you one of those bootlickers, who enable this criminal behavior to continue?? Because if so, YOU are as guilty as they are! DEMAND POLICE / SHERIFF ACCOUNTABILITY! We need special "Citizen Oversight" of EVERY Police Department! Not by some government appointed group either! By REGULAR AMERICANS not affiliated with government in any way! And it's either that, or get rid of the criminals altogether America will NOT become a Communist hellhole.... UNLESS you continue to ignore it!
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