• Driver VS Traveler - I don't need a driver's license unless I'm doing Commerce

    By no means do I consider myself "the sharpest tool in the shed" but I do pay attention to what is going on around me

    And I'm here to tell you IT'S ALL ABOUT #JURISDICTION
    I'm no expert in these matters of law! But I do know some stuff

    First... NEVER claim that your DOB is the day your "birth certificate" was created
    NEVER give them the DOB listed for the "Legal fiction" on your birth certificate

    When the #Police approach you and ask you for your DOB and a driver's license they are attempting to get YOU to claim that your "DATE OF BIRTH" is the day your mother had you, which is, in reality, the DOB of the "Legal Fiction" and NOT YOU

    So if you rattle off the DOB of the LEGAL FICTION created by government on the day your were born, THEN YOU Are representing the "legal fiction." He has you

    On the other hand... if you are educated on the subject, you will tell him that your DOB is the SECOND DATE ON YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE, the day that your Christian name was filed with the registrar... then he has problems because you are NOT representing the "Legal Fiction" that the state created and owns!

    If you are "representing" their "legal fiction" then THEY OWN YOU!
    They can jail you, and you are in the JURISDICTION of maritime admiralty law!

    You see... In order for YOU to fall under the JURISDICTION of America's corrupt & illegitimate #Court system YOU MUST "CONSENT"

    Now consent can be obtained by the state in many ways!
    The "tacit agreement" is one of their favorites!

    If you refer to someone's tacit agreement or approval, you mean they are agreeing to something or approving it without actually saying so, often because they are unwilling to admit to doing so. [...] (Or they are being duped by government)

    B. Formation of Tacit Agreements
    10 A tacit agreement may arise from the concurrent conduct or practice of the parties concerned. It may also arise from the silence or inaction of one party in relation to the conduct of another party if such conduct calls for a response. In the latter case, a tacit agreement may take the form of acquiescence in the sense of ‘tacit recognition manifested by unilateral conduct which the other party may interpret as consent’ (Delimitation of the Maritime Boundary in the Gulf of Maine Area para. 130; Gulf of Maine Case).

    11 For conduct or practice of the parties to be relevant to the formation of a tacit agreement, it may have to be sufficiently clear and related to the subject of the agreement. Other relevant factors may include the degree of concurrence and consistency of the conduct of parties as well as its duration. The higher the degree of concurrence and consistency and the longer the continuation of such conduct, the more likely the conduct constitutes a tacit agreement. In this regard, it may be illustrative to consider what the Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization (WTO) held with respect to Art. 31 (3) (b) VCLT (‘[a]ny subsequent practice in the application of the treaty which establishes the agreement of the parties regarding its interpretation’):

    You NEED to learn the law!
    You NEED to learn how to challenge the claims made by police and the state...
    Because if you have the opportunity to challenge their claims and you don't, you have just given them a "tacit agreement." In other words, without saying a word, you have given consent! You have AGREED to whatever they are claiming

    There are just so many aspects to all of this folks
    The main things you need to be aware of is the "tacit agreement" and how to avoid placing yourself in the JURISDICTION of Maritime Admiralty Law

    YOU are a living, breathing MAN or WOMAN
    You are NOT a maritime admiralty law PRODUCT or Property of the Corporation

    At least not until you allow them get JURISDICTION over you, a living man
    You don't want to enter into ANY contracts with the state! Including getting licenses, permits etc. And you don't want to get tricked into a tacit agreement either

    If the state tries to claim JURISDICTION over you then you MUST challenge their claim! If you do not you are agreeing to it!


    The truth is that the entire Court system is one built on #Fraud. The entire thing needs to be abolished and those involved sent to prison! But until that day comes You MUST learn to protect yourself and not enter into ANY
    contracts or agreements with the state

    You CANNOT "unknowingly" enter into a contract or agreement
    But the state claims that you CAN! Through tacit agreements (your behavior)

    It's something that all of us should have been educated on, but we were purposefully NOT educated on it. Instead we were brainwashed into believing that we ARE the "legal fiction." And into believing that we DO NEED LICENSES, despite not being involved in COMMERCE

    The #UCC is maritime admiralty law, and is a set of Statutes and Codes that the EMPLOYEES OF THE CORPORATION must follow

    Driver VS Traveler - I don't need a driver's license unless I'm doing Commerce By no means do I consider myself "the sharpest tool in the shed" but I do pay attention to what is going on around me And I'm here to tell you IT'S ALL ABOUT #JURISDICTION I'm no expert in these matters of law! But I do know some stuff First... NEVER claim that your DOB is the day your "birth certificate" was created NEVER give them the DOB listed for the "Legal fiction" on your birth certificate When the #Police approach you and ask you for your DOB and a driver's license they are attempting to get YOU to claim that your "DATE OF BIRTH" is the day your mother had you, which is, in reality, the DOB of the "Legal Fiction" and NOT YOU So if you rattle off the DOB of the LEGAL FICTION created by government on the day your were born, THEN YOU Are representing the "legal fiction." He has you On the other hand... if you are educated on the subject, you will tell him that your DOB is the SECOND DATE ON YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE, the day that your Christian name was filed with the registrar... then he has problems because you are NOT representing the "Legal Fiction" that the state created and owns! If you are "representing" their "legal fiction" then THEY OWN YOU! They can jail you, and you are in the JURISDICTION of maritime admiralty law! You see... In order for YOU to fall under the JURISDICTION of America's corrupt & illegitimate #Court system YOU MUST "CONSENT" Now consent can be obtained by the state in many ways! The "tacit agreement" is one of their favorites! If you refer to someone's tacit agreement or approval, you mean they are agreeing to something or approving it without actually saying so, often because they are unwilling to admit to doing so. [...] (Or they are being duped by government) B. Formation of Tacit Agreements 10 A tacit agreement may arise from the concurrent conduct or practice of the parties concerned. It may also arise from the silence or inaction of one party in relation to the conduct of another party if such conduct calls for a response. In the latter case, a tacit agreement may take the form of acquiescence in the sense of ‘tacit recognition manifested by unilateral conduct which the other party may interpret as consent’ (Delimitation of the Maritime Boundary in the Gulf of Maine Area para. 130; Gulf of Maine Case). 11 For conduct or practice of the parties to be relevant to the formation of a tacit agreement, it may have to be sufficiently clear and related to the subject of the agreement. Other relevant factors may include the degree of concurrence and consistency of the conduct of parties as well as its duration. The higher the degree of concurrence and consistency and the longer the continuation of such conduct, the more likely the conduct constitutes a tacit agreement. In this regard, it may be illustrative to consider what the Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization (WTO) held with respect to Art. 31 (3) (b) VCLT (‘[a]ny subsequent practice in the application of the treaty which establishes the agreement of the parties regarding its interpretation’): You NEED to learn the law! You NEED to learn how to challenge the claims made by police and the state... Because if you have the opportunity to challenge their claims and you don't, you have just given them a "tacit agreement." In other words, without saying a word, you have given consent! You have AGREED to whatever they are claiming There are just so many aspects to all of this folks The main things you need to be aware of is the "tacit agreement" and how to avoid placing yourself in the JURISDICTION of Maritime Admiralty Law YOU are a living, breathing MAN or WOMAN You are NOT a maritime admiralty law PRODUCT or Property of the Corporation At least not until you allow them get JURISDICTION over you, a living man You don't want to enter into ANY contracts with the state! Including getting licenses, permits etc. And you don't want to get tricked into a tacit agreement either If the state tries to claim JURISDICTION over you then you MUST challenge their claim! If you do not you are agreeing to it! LEARN THE LAW FOLKS! The truth is that the entire Court system is one built on #Fraud. The entire thing needs to be abolished and those involved sent to prison! But until that day comes You MUST learn to protect yourself and not enter into ANY contracts or agreements with the state You CANNOT "unknowingly" enter into a contract or agreement But the state claims that you CAN! Through tacit agreements (your behavior) It's something that all of us should have been educated on, but we were purposefully NOT educated on it. Instead we were brainwashed into believing that we ARE the "legal fiction." And into believing that we DO NEED LICENSES, despite not being involved in COMMERCE The #UCC is maritime admiralty law, and is a set of Statutes and Codes that the EMPLOYEES OF THE CORPORATION must follow https://rumble.com/v28hv2e-driver-vs-traveler-i-dont-need-a-drivers-license.html?e9s=src_v1_cw&playlist_id=watch-history
    0 Comments 0 Shares 197 Views
  • This Is How You Know Your Brainwashing Is Complete

    How do you LIE using statistics?
    In this story "bulletproof backpack sales" are up 200% or 300%!
    Which means last week we sold ONE, this week we sold 2 or 3!

    See how easy it is to manipulate YOU? Lie to you using statistics?

    Okay.... I get it, people are brainwashed by #CNN and #MSNBC and even #FOX...
    But even if Satan has you by the boo-boo, and you are fearful ALL THE TIME...

    WHY would your brainwashed, pathetic zombie a** buy a "bulletproof backpack?"

    Let me play devil's advocate here for a minute....
    Let's say I'm a #CIA (or whatever government agency) false flag "shooter"....

    Do you seriously think that I'm going to shoot you in your backpack for the cameras?

    NO.... I'm sh**ting you in your face and blowing your brains all over the person behind you so that my government buddies can push for more
    "inanimate object control"

    I mean what kind of false flag "attack" would it be with no dead children?
    We at the #FBI errrrr CIA pride ourselves in both our staged false flag attacks AND
    our actual murders of civilians in the name of taking your right to self defense away!

    WHY would we include a bulletproof backpack in this feature?

    There is no such thing as a "mass shooter"
    EVERY SINGLE TIME that you hear this BS it is the #Corporation of the United States attempting to infringe on your inalienable human right to self-defense!

    And just so that you know.... ANYONE trying to take your guns away plans on doing something to you that they KNOW you would shoot them for!

    So next time you hear "inanimate object control" being pushed on television.....
    ASK YOURSELF "Why in the hell am I watching television???"

    This Is How You Know Your Brainwashing Is Complete How do you LIE using statistics? In this story "bulletproof backpack sales" are up 200% or 300%! Which means last week we sold ONE, this week we sold 2 or 3! See how easy it is to manipulate YOU? Lie to you using statistics? Okay.... I get it, people are brainwashed by #CNN and #MSNBC and even #FOX... But even if Satan has you by the boo-boo, and you are fearful ALL THE TIME... WHY would your brainwashed, pathetic zombie a** buy a "bulletproof backpack?" Let me play devil's advocate here for a minute.... Let's say I'm a #CIA (or whatever government agency) false flag "shooter".... Do you seriously think that I'm going to shoot you in your backpack for the cameras? NO.... I'm sh**ting you in your face and blowing your brains all over the person behind you so that my government buddies can push for more "inanimate object control" I mean what kind of false flag "attack" would it be with no dead children? We at the #FBI errrrr CIA pride ourselves in both our staged false flag attacks AND our actual murders of civilians in the name of taking your right to self defense away! WHY would we include a bulletproof backpack in this feature? There is no such thing as a "mass shooter" EVERY SINGLE TIME that you hear this BS it is the #Corporation of the United States attempting to infringe on your inalienable human right to self-defense! And just so that you know.... ANYONE trying to take your guns away plans on doing something to you that they KNOW you would shoot them for! So next time you hear "inanimate object control" being pushed on television..... ASK YOURSELF "Why in the hell am I watching television???" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mku9kToeSPw
    0 Comments 0 Shares 271 Views

  • We The Bosses

    Actually.... you little sissy, when you are a "Public SERVANT" you DO need to provide your name when a member of the PUBLIC ask you for it!

    That fat POS (In my last post) who claims to be "your boss" is not really your boss! THE AMERICAN PEOPLE are your BOSS!

    Check out "We The Bosses" on YouTube!
    Great name!

    And when they ask you for your name, YOU GIVE IT!

    Somehow... somewhere down the line, these people who work for the "SERVICE CORPORATION" known as the "corporation of the United States" have gotten the idea that THEY ARE THE BOSSES!

    This is 100% untrue!
    UNLESS you declare yourself a "US Citizen.....

    If you identify as a US Citizen these people ARE YOUR OWNERS (And your boss)

    Because a "citizen" is a voluntary #Slave of a corporation!

    The truth is that all "government" is a SCAM!
    A bunch of #Parasites got together and funded the brainwashing of a nation (Using the "public schools")

    These people brainwashed into believing that YOU are a "Legal Fiction" that they created the day you were born! Your all caps "name" is NOT your name!

    It is a PATENTED HIEROGLYPH owned by the corporation of the United States because THEY CREATED IT! You own what you create!

    NOW they have convinced YOU (a flesh and blood human being)
    that you are your all caps name, which they own!

    By using this name and declaring yourself a "citizen" you are automatically placed in the #Jurisdiction of Maritime Admiralty Law! And you have NO RIGHTS!

    Because on the SEA the Captain has full control to do what he likes! To you or anyone else!

    Can you not see that a CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY is all that "government" is???

    It is a criminal group of scumbags who have deceived people into surrendering their inalienable human rights, and according to them anyway... you "consented" to this!

    YOU supposedly consented to giving away your Constitutional Protections (Because the Constitution is the LAW OF THE LAND)

    YOU supposedly "consented" to giving up your rights, and then to being a SLAVE under Maritime Admiralty Law!

    I don't believe you did this, but it's what they claim!
    YOU need to take corrective ACTIONS to return permanently to COMMON LAW Jurisdiction where ALL MEN & WOMEN BELONG!

    Stop paying the FRAUDS!
    Stop minding like a child!

    And take back your inalienable human rights!

    We The Bosses Actually.... you little sissy, when you are a "Public SERVANT" you DO need to provide your name when a member of the PUBLIC ask you for it! That fat POS (In my last post) who claims to be "your boss" is not really your boss! THE AMERICAN PEOPLE are your BOSS! Check out "We The Bosses" on YouTube! Great name! And when they ask you for your name, YOU GIVE IT! Somehow... somewhere down the line, these people who work for the "SERVICE CORPORATION" known as the "corporation of the United States" have gotten the idea that THEY ARE THE BOSSES! This is 100% untrue! UNLESS you declare yourself a "US Citizen..... If you identify as a US Citizen these people ARE YOUR OWNERS (And your boss) Because a "citizen" is a voluntary #Slave of a corporation! The truth is that all "government" is a SCAM! A bunch of #Parasites got together and funded the brainwashing of a nation (Using the "public schools") These people brainwashed into believing that YOU are a "Legal Fiction" that they created the day you were born! Your all caps "name" is NOT your name! It is a PATENTED HIEROGLYPH owned by the corporation of the United States because THEY CREATED IT! You own what you create! NOW they have convinced YOU (a flesh and blood human being) that you are your all caps name, which they own! By using this name and declaring yourself a "citizen" you are automatically placed in the #Jurisdiction of Maritime Admiralty Law! And you have NO RIGHTS! Because on the SEA the Captain has full control to do what he likes! To you or anyone else! Can you not see that a CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY is all that "government" is??? It is a criminal group of scumbags who have deceived people into surrendering their inalienable human rights, and according to them anyway... you "consented" to this! YOU supposedly consented to giving away your Constitutional Protections (Because the Constitution is the LAW OF THE LAND) YOU supposedly "consented" to giving up your rights, and then to being a SLAVE under Maritime Admiralty Law! I don't believe you did this, but it's what they claim! YOU need to take corrective ACTIONS to return permanently to COMMON LAW Jurisdiction where ALL MEN & WOMEN BELONG! Stop paying the FRAUDS! Stop minding like a child! And take back your inalienable human rights! https://www.youtube.com/shorts/sDlowWSfQuU
    0 Comments 0 Shares 357 Views

    Larkin is definitely smarter than most, especially in the area of human behavior...

    Once he realizes that any "physics" that supposedly supports the #Heliocentric fairy tale, is just more #Freemason bullspit... he'll really be dangerous!

    He grasps the lies of the #Parasite Class, and the mentality of the #Slaves....
    But he has never let go of that brainwashing from the #Rockefeller funded schools that convinced him we live on a spinning ball!

    The same is true of James Corbett!
    And in 2024... That has to make you suspicious!

    ALL of the talk about politics, freemason controllers, and bankers controlling the entire world CANNOT BE COMPLETE until you have realized how #Evil they truly are...

    And how brainwashed humanity TRULY IS!
    I agree with 100% of Larkin says......

    Right up until he claims "flat earthers don't understand physics" anyway!

    Until humanity comes to the realization that they live on a flat & stationary earth, just like the Bible says we do, a FACT which every "scientist" in the world
    CANNOT REFUTE by any legitimate experiment!

    “People need to be aware that there is a range of models that could explain the observations… For instance, I can construct you a spherically symmetrical universe with Earth at its center, and you cannot disprove it based on observations… You can only exclude it on philosophical grounds… What I want to bring into the open is the fact that we are using philosophical criteria in choosing our models. A lot of cosmology tries to hide that.” - George Ellis – W. Wayt Gibbs, “Profile: George F. R. Ellis,” Scientific American, October 1995, Vol. 273, No.4, p. 55

    VICTIMS AND VICTIMIZERS Larkin is definitely smarter than most, especially in the area of human behavior... Once he realizes that any "physics" that supposedly supports the #Heliocentric fairy tale, is just more #Freemason bullspit... he'll really be dangerous! He grasps the lies of the #Parasite Class, and the mentality of the #Slaves.... But he has never let go of that brainwashing from the #Rockefeller funded schools that convinced him we live on a spinning ball! The same is true of James Corbett! And in 2024... That has to make you suspicious! ALL of the talk about politics, freemason controllers, and bankers controlling the entire world CANNOT BE COMPLETE until you have realized how #Evil they truly are... And how brainwashed humanity TRULY IS! I agree with 100% of Larkin says...... Right up until he claims "flat earthers don't understand physics" anyway! Until humanity comes to the realization that they live on a flat & stationary earth, just like the Bible says we do, a FACT which every "scientist" in the world CANNOT REFUTE by any legitimate experiment! “People need to be aware that there is a range of models that could explain the observations… For instance, I can construct you a spherically symmetrical universe with Earth at its center, and you cannot disprove it based on observations… You can only exclude it on philosophical grounds… What I want to bring into the open is the fact that we are using philosophical criteria in choosing our models. A lot of cosmology tries to hide that.” - George Ellis – W. Wayt Gibbs, “Profile: George F. R. Ellis,” Scientific American, October 1995, Vol. 273, No.4, p. 55 https://www.bitchute.com/video/edkLwmluxII/
    Victims and Victimizers
    To subscribe to "The Rose Channel," just go to: http://www.TheRoseChannel.com ( To get the NOVEL, "The Jones Plantation," go to: http://www.TheJonesPlantationBook.com ) Feel free to keep enjoying the free stuff on this channel. And if you want to …
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  • Ogle County Shootout -
    Cops Attack & Shoot Man For Not Answering His Door - To Save Him

    I used to watch Rick's videos every day.....
    And then, once the thing in Memphis happened, where a group of blue belly #Criminal scum beat Tyre Nichols to death, and Rick put out a video claiming that

    "Tyre Nichols is a "no guy" and deserved what he got"
    I kinda stopped following him

    I always agreed with Rick on just about everything, but that sh*t sent me over the edge! It appeared to me anyway.... That Rick allowed his blue line brainwashing to take over, and he made excuses for the criminals who beat that man to death!

    Those cops HAD NO LEGITIMATE REASON TO STOP Tyre Nichols to begin with! I mean, that is a pretty damn relevant point is it not?

    And then I posted a comment about it, and how I thought he needed to watch ALL of the videos before passing judgement, and he highlighted the FIRST HALF of the comment on a video, as he called me names, and never read the entire thing.

    He pissed me off, let's put it like that.
    I wasn't attacking the guy, I helped to grow his channel! I was one of his most loyal subscribers... And because he was too lazy to read my entire comment, he spouted off a bunch of sh*t on a video attacking me, simply for pointing out he was DEFENDING THE COPS THAT BEAT A RAG-DOLL TO DEATH!

    I'm saying that Tyre Nichols was a "Rag-Doll" because he was UNCONSCIOUS as those criminals yelled "Stop Resisting!!!" "Stop Resisting!!!" "Stop Resisting!!!"

    The entire time, Rick was defending them!

    And that was pretty much the last time I followed his stuff
    He was wrong, and just refused to admit it

    Wonder if he is STILL claiming that Tyre Nichols "deserved" to be beaten to death?

    I sincerely doubt it, Rick is actually a pretty decent guy, and I generally agreed with the guy on 99.9% of everything he said.

    I dunno... When he went off on an uninformed rant against ME for pointing out that he didn't have all of the facts, he lost a subscriber

    But at least he's still doing the "Earning the HATE" videos
    I just have a hard time with anyone claiming that a man "deserves" to be beaten to death, especially when there was no valid reason to even stop him!

    #Police are NOT "gods"
    And "cooperating" with scumbags attacking you without cause is NOT something that I recommend! Just like in THIS VIDEO, some group of militarized morons breaking down your door WITHOUT CAUSE (or a warrant) DESERVE to have lethal force used against them! Cops or not

    Even the criminals of SCOTUS agree with ME on this!
    Once Police act in a criminal manner they are no longer "police"
    They are just criminal breaking into your home, and you MAY lawfully shoot them
    (And you'll win in court, IF you live to see your day in court)

    But we ALL know that the thin blue line gang will execute you long before court! It's just what these brainwashed psychopaths do

    Ogle County Shootout - Cops Attack & Shoot Man For Not Answering His Door - To Save Him I used to watch Rick's videos every day..... And then, once the thing in Memphis happened, where a group of blue belly #Criminal scum beat Tyre Nichols to death, and Rick put out a video claiming that "Tyre Nichols is a "no guy" and deserved what he got" I kinda stopped following him I always agreed with Rick on just about everything, but that sh*t sent me over the edge! It appeared to me anyway.... That Rick allowed his blue line brainwashing to take over, and he made excuses for the criminals who beat that man to death! Those cops HAD NO LEGITIMATE REASON TO STOP Tyre Nichols to begin with! I mean, that is a pretty damn relevant point is it not? And then I posted a comment about it, and how I thought he needed to watch ALL of the videos before passing judgement, and he highlighted the FIRST HALF of the comment on a video, as he called me names, and never read the entire thing. He pissed me off, let's put it like that. I wasn't attacking the guy, I helped to grow his channel! I was one of his most loyal subscribers... And because he was too lazy to read my entire comment, he spouted off a bunch of sh*t on a video attacking me, simply for pointing out he was DEFENDING THE COPS THAT BEAT A RAG-DOLL TO DEATH! I'm saying that Tyre Nichols was a "Rag-Doll" because he was UNCONSCIOUS as those criminals yelled "Stop Resisting!!!" "Stop Resisting!!!" "Stop Resisting!!!" The entire time, Rick was defending them! And that was pretty much the last time I followed his stuff He was wrong, and just refused to admit it Wonder if he is STILL claiming that Tyre Nichols "deserved" to be beaten to death? I sincerely doubt it, Rick is actually a pretty decent guy, and I generally agreed with the guy on 99.9% of everything he said. I dunno... When he went off on an uninformed rant against ME for pointing out that he didn't have all of the facts, he lost a subscriber But at least he's still doing the "Earning the HATE" videos I just have a hard time with anyone claiming that a man "deserves" to be beaten to death, especially when there was no valid reason to even stop him! #Police are NOT "gods" And "cooperating" with scumbags attacking you without cause is NOT something that I recommend! Just like in THIS VIDEO, some group of militarized morons breaking down your door WITHOUT CAUSE (or a warrant) DESERVE to have lethal force used against them! Cops or not Even the criminals of SCOTUS agree with ME on this! Once Police act in a criminal manner they are no longer "police" They are just criminal breaking into your home, and you MAY lawfully shoot them (And you'll win in court, IF you live to see your day in court) But we ALL know that the thin blue line gang will execute you long before court! It's just what these brainwashed psychopaths do https://youtu.be/kKC5ifDZX4c
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1017 Views
  • Officers Conduct Huge Traffic Stop Off A 6th Grade Level Educational Mistake

    FIRSTLY.... it is a violation of your right to privacy (the 4th amendment) for #Police to just "run your tag" when you have not committed a crime, or are even SUSPECTED of committing a crime!

    So this whole matter is the result of an UNLAWFUL SEARCH by police!
    Police DO NOT have the right to just identify anyone they choose!

    If you have broken no laws then Police have ZERO AUTHORITY over you!

    And they DON'T have the right to put your identifying information into their database either!

    IN WHAT WORLD do people allow armed psychopaths to point loaded weapons at people (People who not harmed ANYONE) all day every day???

    The entire concept of Police is authoritarian
    And people who become Police are turned into criminal assassins by the state

    How ANYONE (brainwashed or not) can think that they are "the good guys" as they go around ruining the lives of their countrymen (Or ending their lives) is beyond me

    You would need to be a disturbed, un-empathetic demon to believe this is okay!
    I don't give a rat's behind about your "training"

    YOU would have to be a mental case to even CONSIDER this being okay!

    Officers Conduct Huge Traffic Stop Off A 6th Grade Level Educational Mistake FIRSTLY.... it is a violation of your right to privacy (the 4th amendment) for #Police to just "run your tag" when you have not committed a crime, or are even SUSPECTED of committing a crime! So this whole matter is the result of an UNLAWFUL SEARCH by police! Police DO NOT have the right to just identify anyone they choose! If you have broken no laws then Police have ZERO AUTHORITY over you! And they DON'T have the right to put your identifying information into their database either! IN WHAT WORLD do people allow armed psychopaths to point loaded weapons at people (People who not harmed ANYONE) all day every day??? The entire concept of Police is authoritarian And people who become Police are turned into criminal assassins by the state How ANYONE (brainwashed or not) can think that they are "the good guys" as they go around ruining the lives of their countrymen (Or ending their lives) is beyond me You would need to be a disturbed, un-empathetic demon to believe this is okay! I don't give a rat's behind about your "training" YOU would have to be a mental case to even CONSIDER this being okay! https://youtu.be/ffYj_8mVlYk
    0 Comments 0 Shares 725 Views

    This is all a FACT....
    It is NOT "theory" or a "conspiracy theory" it's a FACT!

    If you are ignorant of this fact, it makes it no less factual!
    Educate yourself on the subject and I assure you, you WILL discover it's a FACT!

    You ALREADY "Own nothing"
    You have just been brainwashed into believing that since you are allowed to "USE" something that you own it.... NOT TRUE!

    You do not even "own" your car!
    The day that you "registered" it with the #Corporation that is your "state" you actually

    THAT is what "register" means folks!
    When you "register" something, you are giving ownership of the item to ever who it is that you are "registering" it with!

    These are FACTS of #Law people!
    Just because you may not currently KNOW THE LAW changes nothing!

    When you "vote" you are declaring yourself "Incompetent" and giving
    "Power of Attorney" over YOUR ENTIRE LIFE to the CORPORATION
    of the United States! (A corporation with a Dun & Bradstreet number)

    Dun & Bradstreet registers for-profit CORPORATIONS, not "governments"
    So any CORPORATION (Like the corporation of the united states) that is listed there is an actual CORPORATION!

    And YOU thought it was your government!
    Silly American... YOU are a #Slave of a #Fascist corporation

    FASCISM UNDER THE GUISE OF DEI (DIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSION) - Juxtaposition.stories This is all a FACT.... It is NOT "theory" or a "conspiracy theory" it's a FACT! If you are ignorant of this fact, it makes it no less factual! Educate yourself on the subject and I assure you, you WILL discover it's a FACT! You ALREADY "Own nothing" You have just been brainwashed into believing that since you are allowed to "USE" something that you own it.... NOT TRUE! You do not even "own" your car! The day that you "registered" it with the #Corporation that is your "state" you actually GAVE OWNERSHIP OF THE VEHICLE TO THEM! THAT is what "register" means folks! When you "register" something, you are giving ownership of the item to ever who it is that you are "registering" it with! These are FACTS of #Law people! Just because you may not currently KNOW THE LAW changes nothing! When you "vote" you are declaring yourself "Incompetent" and giving "Power of Attorney" over YOUR ENTIRE LIFE to the CORPORATION of the United States! (A corporation with a Dun & Bradstreet number) Dun & Bradstreet registers for-profit CORPORATIONS, not "governments" So any CORPORATION (Like the corporation of the united states) that is listed there is an actual CORPORATION! And YOU thought it was your government! Silly American... YOU are a #Slave of a #Fascist corporation https://rumble.com/v52y325-fascism-under-the-guise-of-dei-diversity-equity-and-inclusion-juxtaposition.html
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  • This is the Fascistbook profile of a #Criminal POS in blue
    who unlawfully extended a traffic stop and then unlawfully ordered the occupants of a vehicle out of the vehicle AFTER THE TRAFFIC STOP WAS OVER!

    He TRIED claiming that "Pennsylvania vs Mimms" gives him this right.... HE'S WRONG!

    The entirety of our "Judicial System" is based 100% in #Fraud!
    YOU have been duped into representing a "Legal Fiction"
    created by the state!

    And when you go to court... THEY ARE NOT PROSECUTING YOU!!!
    They are prosecuting that LEGAL FICTION (Which you THINK is you, but it's NOT)

    As long as you are willing to REPRESENT a "Legal Fiction" you'll be a #Slave!

    YOU have been brainwashed since birth to represent this "Legal Fiction" or "Strawman" which is a CORPORATION....


    These entities CANNOT interact with a FREE MAN or WOMAN!
    A CORPORATION can only contract with ANOTHER CORPORATION!!!

    You see.... they CREATED and OWN the Strawman or "Legal Fiction" with your BERTH CERTIFICATE... This is NOT you!!!

    But they have convinced you that it's you.....
    And as long as you REPRESENT that "Legal Fiction" then YOU will pay for every phony CORPORATE POLICY VIOLATION they call a "Crime," that the FICTIONAL ENTITY is found guilty of!

    This is how YOU were removed from the proper #Jurisdiction of COMMON LAW
    (Which is for MEN & WOMEN) and placed under the jurisdiction of
    "Maritime Admiralty Law" where you have no rights!!!

    You have NO INALIENABLE HUMAN RIGHTS under maritime admiralty law.......

    You have NO CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTIONS under maritime admiralty law.......

    YOU need to return to the JURISDICTION of the LAND, or COMMON LAW, which is exactly where EVERY MAN & WOMAN BELONG!!!

    The #Constitution is the "Highest Law of the LAND" but YOU are not on the land!

    YOU have been defrauded into "consenting" (they claim) to being RULED like a #Slave under maritime admiralty law!

    This is the Fascistbook profile of a #Criminal POS in blue who unlawfully extended a traffic stop and then unlawfully ordered the occupants of a vehicle out of the vehicle AFTER THE TRAFFIC STOP WAS OVER! He TRIED claiming that "Pennsylvania vs Mimms" gives him this right.... HE'S WRONG! Besides... The entirety of our "Judicial System" is based 100% in #Fraud! YOU have been duped into representing a "Legal Fiction" created by the state! And when you go to court... THEY ARE NOT PROSECUTING YOU!!! They are prosecuting that LEGAL FICTION (Which you THINK is you, but it's NOT) As long as you are willing to REPRESENT a "Legal Fiction" you'll be a #Slave! YOU have been brainwashed since birth to represent this "Legal Fiction" or "Strawman" which is a CORPORATION.... JUST LIKE THE COURTS AND THE STATE AND THE "GOVERNMENT" ARE CORPORATIONS!!! These entities CANNOT interact with a FREE MAN or WOMAN! A CORPORATION can only contract with ANOTHER CORPORATION!!! You see.... they CREATED and OWN the Strawman or "Legal Fiction" with your BERTH CERTIFICATE... This is NOT you!!! But they have convinced you that it's you..... And as long as you REPRESENT that "Legal Fiction" then YOU will pay for every phony CORPORATE POLICY VIOLATION they call a "Crime," that the FICTIONAL ENTITY is found guilty of! This is how YOU were removed from the proper #Jurisdiction of COMMON LAW (Which is for MEN & WOMEN) and placed under the jurisdiction of "Maritime Admiralty Law" where you have no rights!!! You have NO INALIENABLE HUMAN RIGHTS under maritime admiralty law....... You have NO CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTIONS under maritime admiralty law....... YOU need to return to the JURISDICTION of the LAND, or COMMON LAW, which is exactly where EVERY MAN & WOMAN BELONG!!! The #Constitution is the "Highest Law of the LAND" but YOU are not on the land! YOU have been defrauded into "consenting" (they claim) to being RULED like a #Slave under maritime admiralty law! ONLY YOU CAN CORRECT YOUR STATUS AND EXIT THE JURISDICTION OF THE SEA!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 836 Views
  • Every day, in every way, YOU are being led to destruction!

    If you are "getting along" in this world, it's because this world has blinded your eyes, deafened your ears, and jaded your heart

    I'm NOT preaching, I'm speaking from EXPERIENCE!

    Less than 4 years ago I was blinded by the world!

    I believed in the fairy tales, actually thought that "government" was real, and my eyes could not discern the #Truth which was right in front of them!

    I've always been a "Believer" in the word of Yah...
    But I never realized how relevant it was in my life every day...

    One day I realized that I needed some help
    And I got on my knees and asked for forgiveness of my sins,
    and I put my full Faith and Trust in the Most High...

    The following day my eyes were opened
    And I'm not talking about my eyesight improving!

    I'm talking about becoming able to actually SEE with my eyes
    and to actually HEAR with my ears... And I suddenly realized that EVERY WORD spoken in the bible about #Satan being the "god of this world" were demonstrably true and correct

    Before that point in time I THOUGHT that I had a pretty good handle on "reality" and the world around me, boy was I wrong!

    Once your eyes are truly opened you will be able to SEE that Satan literally controls every aspect of this realm, and has deceived EVERYONE who has not been saved, and the mark of their Creator placed on them for protection!

    Freemasons, Jesuits, Jews, the Vatican, Knights of Malta, #Hollywood, the Music Industry, every "secret society" that exists
    ALL WORK FOR SATAN and help him to DECEIVE YOU!

    You have been thoroughly BRAINWASHED, and you have literally had "Spells cast upon you" by these people! I KNOW that I was!

    And I don't believe that I'd have ever opened my eyes, or even would have had the ability to discern ANY OF THESE THINGS without the Most High's help!

    Having 20'20 spiritual vision is such a blessing!
    I don't have the vocabulary to truly express how it has changed me, and changed my life.

    Luke 10:23 And he turned him unto his disciples, and said privately, Blessed are the eyes which see the things that ye see:

    24 For I tell you, that many prophets and kings have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.

    Praise the Most High!
    Put your faith and trust in Him, and EVERYTHING CHANGES
    Every day, in every way, YOU are being led to destruction! If you are "getting along" in this world, it's because this world has blinded your eyes, deafened your ears, and jaded your heart I'm NOT preaching, I'm speaking from EXPERIENCE! Less than 4 years ago I was blinded by the world! I believed in the fairy tales, actually thought that "government" was real, and my eyes could not discern the #Truth which was right in front of them! I've always been a "Believer" in the word of Yah... But I never realized how relevant it was in my life every day... One day I realized that I needed some help And I got on my knees and asked for forgiveness of my sins, and I put my full Faith and Trust in the Most High... The following day my eyes were opened And I'm not talking about my eyesight improving! I'm talking about becoming able to actually SEE with my eyes and to actually HEAR with my ears... And I suddenly realized that EVERY WORD spoken in the bible about #Satan being the "god of this world" were demonstrably true and correct Before that point in time I THOUGHT that I had a pretty good handle on "reality" and the world around me, boy was I wrong! Once your eyes are truly opened you will be able to SEE that Satan literally controls every aspect of this realm, and has deceived EVERYONE who has not been saved, and the mark of their Creator placed on them for protection! Freemasons, Jesuits, Jews, the Vatican, Knights of Malta, #Hollywood, the Music Industry, every "secret society" that exists ALL WORK FOR SATAN and help him to DECEIVE YOU! You have been thoroughly BRAINWASHED, and you have literally had "Spells cast upon you" by these people! I KNOW that I was! And I don't believe that I'd have ever opened my eyes, or even would have had the ability to discern ANY OF THESE THINGS without the Most High's help! Having 20'20 spiritual vision is such a blessing! I don't have the vocabulary to truly express how it has changed me, and changed my life. Luke 10:23 And he turned him unto his disciples, and said privately, Blessed are the eyes which see the things that ye see: 24 For I tell you, that many prophets and kings have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them. Praise the Most High! Put your faith and trust in Him, and EVERYTHING CHANGES
    0 Comments 0 Shares 979 Views
  • Democrats simply cannot see it, at all. They've been blindsided and brainwashed so completely by their fake news that everything they hear and read that's candy-coated with orange-man-bad theory, they just gobble it up like an obese child eating birthday cake for breakfast, lunch, dinner and of course, desert.
    Democrats simply cannot see it, at all. They've been blindsided and brainwashed so completely by their fake news that everything they hear and read that's candy-coated with orange-man-bad theory, they just gobble it up like an obese child eating birthday cake for breakfast, lunch, dinner and of course, desert. https://newstarget.com/2024-06-11-10-things-democrats-guilty-of-doing-accusing-trump.html
    Top 10 things Democrat politicians are GUILTY OF DOING that they’re accusing Trump of doing
    Most Democrats still think that the Democratic Party is a legitimate political party that represents American’s interests, rights ideals, but nothing is further from the truth. The Democratic Party has been taken over by terrorists who are trying their very best, right now, to destroy the Republic, most of its citizens, and annihilate the very […]
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