• Police KNOWINGLY violate the inalienable human rights of Americans EVERY DAY!

    They do this because there is absolutely ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY!

    At the very best, the American TAX CATTLE will be forced to pay out another HUGE LAWSUIT because of their #Criminal actions... But the Police Officer responsible for the violation will not be personally held accountable!

    So WHY WOULD THEY follow the law???
    There is absolutely no personal cost to Police for violating the rights of Americans!

    They will not have to pay the lawsuit that THEY INCURRED, and they won't be charged criminally for violating Title 18, U.S.C., Section 241 - Conspiracy Against Rights and
    Title 18, U.S.C., Section 242 - Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law because America's PROSECUTORS are criminals as well!

    It's a system DESIGNED to skirt the LAW and the CONSTITUTION!

    It is actually an incentive for Police to violate rights!

    EVERY OTHER AMERICAN is held personally responsible for their actions, whether at home or at work! Every American EXCEPT #Judges, #Politicians, and #Police, and of course those criminal PROSECUTORS, who aid the criminals by failing to charge them for their #Crimes

    It's nothing more than Organized Crime!
    And that is no exaggeration whatsoever!

    GOVERNMENT is the most organized crime in the entire world!
    Responsible for more Evil than ALL CRIMINALS COMBINED!

    GOVERNMENT is responsible for over 300 million deaths in the past 100 years alone
    I think it's a big problem! Don't you?

    Or are you one of those bootlickers, who enable this criminal behavior to continue?? Because if so, YOU are as guilty as they are!

    We need special "Citizen Oversight" of EVERY Police Department!

    Not by some government appointed group either!
    By REGULAR AMERICANS not affiliated with government in any way!

    And it's either that, or get rid of the criminals altogether
    America will NOT become a Communist hellhole.... UNLESS you continue to ignore it!
    Police KNOWINGLY violate the inalienable human rights of Americans EVERY DAY! They do this because there is absolutely ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY! At the very best, the American TAX CATTLE will be forced to pay out another HUGE LAWSUIT because of their #Criminal actions... But the Police Officer responsible for the violation will not be personally held accountable! So WHY WOULD THEY follow the law??? There is absolutely no personal cost to Police for violating the rights of Americans! They will not have to pay the lawsuit that THEY INCURRED, and they won't be charged criminally for violating Title 18, U.S.C., Section 241 - Conspiracy Against Rights and Title 18, U.S.C., Section 242 - Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law because America's PROSECUTORS are criminals as well! It's a system DESIGNED to skirt the LAW and the CONSTITUTION! Absolutely ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY! It is actually an incentive for Police to violate rights! EVERY OTHER AMERICAN is held personally responsible for their actions, whether at home or at work! Every American EXCEPT #Judges, #Politicians, and #Police, and of course those criminal PROSECUTORS, who aid the criminals by failing to charge them for their #Crimes It's nothing more than Organized Crime! And that is no exaggeration whatsoever! GOVERNMENT is the most organized crime in the entire world! Responsible for more Evil than ALL CRIMINALS COMBINED! GOVERNMENT is responsible for over 300 million deaths in the past 100 years alone I think it's a big problem! Don't you? Or are you one of those bootlickers, who enable this criminal behavior to continue?? Because if so, YOU are as guilty as they are! DEMAND POLICE / SHERIFF ACCOUNTABILITY! We need special "Citizen Oversight" of EVERY Police Department! Not by some government appointed group either! By REGULAR AMERICANS not affiliated with government in any way! And it's either that, or get rid of the criminals altogether America will NOT become a Communist hellhole.... UNLESS you continue to ignore it!
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 3448 Visualizações

    AUDITOR PUTS BOOTLICKER IN HIS PLACE https://www.bitchute.com/video/StUhTHl8vtw/
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 460 Visualizações
    This happens to be one of those times!

    Relating to the story I shared about 4H and #Police driving
    500 MILES for the sole purpose of seizing and killing a GOAT!
    (Using TAXPAYER MONEY to do so!)

    #Propaganda is what government and bootlickers use to mold ignorant minds! What I do, on the other hand, is EDUCATE PEOPLE on using their heads for more than a hat rack and encourage them to STOP being brain dead "order followers" and zombies controlled by the BAR Association!

    I think you may have missed the entire point of the story!
    And I'm CERTAIN that you are whining about PROFITS of a Corporation, when we are talking about

    And I feel the need to push back on your claim because it's BS!

    BOTH PARTIES of that contract had agreed to let the little girl buy the goat! Then the administrative scumbags refused to allow it!

    So the "contract" you speak of was enforced despite BOTH PARTIES of it agreeing to break the contract!

    I'm well aware of responsibility and what 4H is designed to do
    I have a half dozen nieces and nephews that participate in the corrupt, rigged BS which is 4H. Where it's local controllers rig sales and auctions in their own favor.... WELL AWARE

    But leaving ALL of that aside, when people use "The Law"
    (Which was designed to protect people and their rights)

    to force those same people to do things they don't want to do, for WHATEVER reason, that law is no longer serving it's prescribed function

    You are free to be a "to the letter of the law" bootlicker if you like. But I'm of the mind that "WE THE PEOPLE" are the #Law!

    So I really could care less what some "Black Robed Priest" of the #BAR Association thinks the law says, or what some moron scratched out on a piece of paper they declared to be a "contract"

    Because quite frankly, with the state of our pathetic #Education system and it's complete FAILURE to educate people about "The Law," I don't think there are very many Americans QUALIFIED to enter into a contract!

    There are things which MUST HOLD TRUE for both parties entering into any contract, and the average American, including most lawyers, have no idea what those prerequisites even ARE, much less have they been met!

    And BTW..... just so you know, #Corporations like 4H CANNOT contract with Free MEN and Women!

    Corporations can ONLY CONTRACT with other CORPORATIONS! So how valid is any "Contract" these people entered into anyway?

    If you'd like to learn the elements of a "Contract" and what is REQUIRED for any contract to be valid..... And my point is very simple...

    VERY FEW AMERICANS are competent to enter into a "contract" because they do not know the REQUIREMENTS of entering into a contract!

    I'd suggest that you go watch David Straight Live from Texas

    8 elements to a contract. One of the most important parts of the contract is that it has to be between like kind. A man can write a contract with a man (mankind, our species).

    A corporation has to have a contract with a corporation. A man cannot have a contract with a corporation. It is like kind with like kind.

    But you can read and download the "Elements of a Contract" right here! I'd still suggest that you watch the entire series though!

    EVERY NOW AND THEN I DETECT AN EDUCATIONAL MOMENT! This happens to be one of those times! Relating to the story I shared about 4H and #Police driving 500 MILES for the sole purpose of seizing and killing a GOAT! (Using TAXPAYER MONEY to do so!) #Propaganda is what government and bootlickers use to mold ignorant minds! What I do, on the other hand, is EDUCATE PEOPLE on using their heads for more than a hat rack and encourage them to STOP being brain dead "order followers" and zombies controlled by the BAR Association! BIG DIFFERENCE! I think you may have missed the entire point of the story! And I'm CERTAIN that you are whining about PROFITS of a Corporation, when we are talking about A LITTLE GIRL & A GOAT! And I feel the need to push back on your claim because it's BS! BOTH PARTIES of that contract had agreed to let the little girl buy the goat! Then the administrative scumbags refused to allow it! So the "contract" you speak of was enforced despite BOTH PARTIES of it agreeing to break the contract! I'm well aware of responsibility and what 4H is designed to do I have a half dozen nieces and nephews that participate in the corrupt, rigged BS which is 4H. Where it's local controllers rig sales and auctions in their own favor.... WELL AWARE But leaving ALL of that aside, when people use "The Law" (Which was designed to protect people and their rights) to force those same people to do things they don't want to do, for WHATEVER reason, that law is no longer serving it's prescribed function You are free to be a "to the letter of the law" bootlicker if you like. But I'm of the mind that "WE THE PEOPLE" are the #Law! So I really could care less what some "Black Robed Priest" of the #BAR Association thinks the law says, or what some moron scratched out on a piece of paper they declared to be a "contract" Because quite frankly, with the state of our pathetic #Education system and it's complete FAILURE to educate people about "The Law," I don't think there are very many Americans QUALIFIED to enter into a contract! There are things which MUST HOLD TRUE for both parties entering into any contract, and the average American, including most lawyers, have no idea what those prerequisites even ARE, much less have they been met! And BTW..... just so you know, #Corporations like 4H CANNOT contract with Free MEN and Women! Corporations can ONLY CONTRACT with other CORPORATIONS! So how valid is any "Contract" these people entered into anyway? If you'd like to learn the elements of a "Contract" and what is REQUIRED for any contract to be valid..... And my point is very simple... VERY FEW AMERICANS are competent to enter into a "contract" because they do not know the REQUIREMENTS of entering into a contract! I'd suggest that you go watch David Straight Live from Texas 8 elements to a contract. One of the most important parts of the contract is that it has to be between like kind. A man can write a contract with a man (mankind, our species). A corporation has to have a contract with a corporation. A man cannot have a contract with a corporation. It is like kind with like kind. But you can read and download the "Elements of a Contract" right here! I'd still suggest that you watch the entire series though! https://plasmaenergysolution.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/David-Straight-Seminars-1-and-2.pdf
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 923 Visualizações
  • "More Money for Police!" | Popular YouTuber Blames Police Critics for Tyre Nichols Incident!

    There was a time when I actually shared Tim Pool videos
    But he came across one day that was so over the edge RETARDED that I just no longer care what he has to say!

    JUST LIKE #MattWalsh who crossed over into the land of the INSANE and of the bootlicker #Tyrant mentality, when he proclaimed that "Drug Offenders should be Executed"

    He may have gotten this brain fart from Donald #Trump who has espoused the SAME INSANITY!

    I don't care WHAT YOUR OPINION IS!
    When YOU advocate for #Violence and #Murder against people who have HARMED NO OTHER PERSON then YOU have crossed into the land of the criminally INSANE!

    The highest LAW of this land is NOT the Constitution!
    The highest #Law of the land is "Cannon Law" or "Superior Law" which comes directly from the Bible!

    And the very first "Golden Rule" there is in existence is
    "Do unto others, as you'd have them do unto YOU"

    So if we are just going to go rogue, and ignore the LAW altogether and sentence people to DEATH for non-violent "rule breaking" then I'd like to advocate for the DEATH PENALTY to be imposed on MORONS who support the #Police!

    A violent mob of criminals who DOES HARM PEOPLE!
    If you support these people maybe YOU SHOULD BE PUT TO DEATH! MY RULE! How do YOU like it?

    It's every bit as "reasonable" as is putting people with addiction issues to death!
    DON'T BE A MORON all of your life please!

    Screw Tim Pool, Donald Trump, AND Matt Walsh..... They have ALL shown themselves to be full on RETARDED MORONS who wish DEATH on non-violent people! And if you support this while calling yourself a "Christian" YOU are really messed up in your head!

    "More Money for Police!" | Popular YouTuber Blames Police Critics for Tyre Nichols Incident! There was a time when I actually shared Tim Pool videos But he came across one day that was so over the edge RETARDED that I just no longer care what he has to say! JUST LIKE #MattWalsh who crossed over into the land of the INSANE and of the bootlicker #Tyrant mentality, when he proclaimed that "Drug Offenders should be Executed" He may have gotten this brain fart from Donald #Trump who has espoused the SAME INSANITY! I don't care WHAT YOUR OPINION IS! When YOU advocate for #Violence and #Murder against people who have HARMED NO OTHER PERSON then YOU have crossed into the land of the criminally INSANE! The highest LAW of this land is NOT the Constitution! The highest #Law of the land is "Cannon Law" or "Superior Law" which comes directly from the Bible! And the very first "Golden Rule" there is in existence is "Do unto others, as you'd have them do unto YOU" So if we are just going to go rogue, and ignore the LAW altogether and sentence people to DEATH for non-violent "rule breaking" then I'd like to advocate for the DEATH PENALTY to be imposed on MORONS who support the #Police! A violent mob of criminals who DOES HARM PEOPLE! If you support these people maybe YOU SHOULD BE PUT TO DEATH! MY RULE! How do YOU like it? It's every bit as "reasonable" as is putting people with addiction issues to death! DON'T BE A MORON all of your life please! Screw Tim Pool, Donald Trump, AND Matt Walsh..... They have ALL shown themselves to be full on RETARDED MORONS who wish DEATH on non-violent people! And if you support this while calling yourself a "Christian" YOU are really messed up in your head! https://youtu.be/2VU3ag0njB4
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1041 Visualizações
  • Wise Guy Decides to Test His Limits, Doesn’t End Well

    In case you were wondering WHY #Police act the way they towards people who have broken no laws or harmed ANYONE in any way, either physically or financially.....

    Well... Just look at the comments of the #Slaves in this country!

    I have a sneaking suspicion that when it's THEM who gets wronged by these badge wearing #Criminals, they'll sing a different tune entirely!

    I HAD TO COMMENT on the video after seeing the cheers from the pleebs
    And naturally.... #YouTube warned me of the their BS "community guidelines" before I could post the comment! The "AI" must have spotted the "moron" in my comment!

    They gave me the option to edit the comment or post anyway!
    Let em kick me off, YouTube sux anyway!

    Here's what I had to say to our BOOTLICKER / COPSUCKER friends

    boy, there sure a lot of BOOT LICKERS around here! ANYONE who sees this as anything other than a #Crime committed BY #Police against a guy who had done nothing wrong is a pathetic moron! Perhaps lay off the brainwashing television for a while! Keep on cheering as this sh*t happens to OTHER PEOPLE because you'll be singing a different tune when these criminals with a badge RUIN YOUR LIFE! #BackTheBlue until it happens to YOU!

    While he definitely could have handled it better..... THE GUY HAD NOT DONE ANYTHING WRONG! HE WAS RIDING A F*CKING BIKE!

    The ONLY CRIMINALS HERE were the Police!

    Wise Guy Decides to Test His Limits, Doesn’t End Well In case you were wondering WHY #Police act the way they towards people who have broken no laws or harmed ANYONE in any way, either physically or financially..... Well... Just look at the comments of the #Slaves in this country! THEY ENJOY OTHER PEOPLE BEING OPPRESSED! I have a sneaking suspicion that when it's THEM who gets wronged by these badge wearing #Criminals, they'll sing a different tune entirely! I HAD TO COMMENT on the video after seeing the cheers from the pleebs And naturally.... #YouTube warned me of the their BS "community guidelines" before I could post the comment! The "AI" must have spotted the "moron" in my comment! They gave me the option to edit the comment or post anyway! Let em kick me off, YouTube sux anyway! Here's what I had to say to our BOOTLICKER / COPSUCKER friends boy, there sure a lot of BOOT LICKERS around here! ANYONE who sees this as anything other than a #Crime committed BY #Police against a guy who had done nothing wrong is a pathetic moron! Perhaps lay off the brainwashing television for a while! Keep on cheering as this sh*t happens to OTHER PEOPLE because you'll be singing a different tune when these criminals with a badge RUIN YOUR LIFE! #BackTheBlue until it happens to YOU! While he definitely could have handled it better..... THE GUY HAD NOT DONE ANYTHING WRONG! HE WAS RIDING A F*CKING BIKE! The ONLY CRIMINALS HERE were the Police! https://youtu.be/G_5UIhrK3MY
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 399 Visualizações
  • No charges for officers seen punching, spitting at teen suspects last July

    I want EVERYONE to understand that if YOU did the EXACT SAME THING that these cops did YOU'D BE CHARGED WITH ATTEMPTED #Murder for spitting at the POS cop (If you tested positive for ANY illness FOR CERTAIN)

    YOU would then be charged with about 3 other felonies relating to the assault of a kidnapped #Victim!

    #Kidnapping and some other sh*t!

    But you see..... Like in "Animal Farm"....
    "Some Animals are MORE EQUAL than others!"

    Membership has it's privileges huh?
    I don't care if you are a copsucker or a #Bootlicker........

    And until the #Law is enforced EQUALLY & FAIRLY ON ALL PEOPLE it's NOT #Justice! It's just one group beating the hell out of another group, as the violate EVERY LAW THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO ENFORCE!

    It's a big club and YOU AIN'T IN IT!
    This is TWO-TIERED JUSTICE.....

    Meaning it's NOT JUST or Justice!
    It's just a group of armed felons enforcing their will at the barrel of a gun!

    These c*cksuckers should have their heads blown off because they are nothing more than #Terrorists who work for a foreign #Corporation!

    SCOTUS has ruled that once Police are acting UNLAWFULLY and in a CRIMINAL MANNER they can be shot, just like everyone else!

    Of course then 50 of their buddies WILL come and assassinate YOU! So it's best dealt with in #Court!

    So WAKE UP!

    #BackTheBlue until it happens to YOU!

    No charges for officers seen punching, spitting at teen suspects last July I want EVERYONE to understand that if YOU did the EXACT SAME THING that these cops did YOU'D BE CHARGED WITH ATTEMPTED #Murder for spitting at the POS cop (If you tested positive for ANY illness FOR CERTAIN) YOU would then be charged with about 3 other felonies relating to the assault of a kidnapped #Victim! #Kidnapping and some other sh*t! But you see..... Like in "Animal Farm".... "Some Animals are MORE EQUAL than others!" Membership has it's privileges huh? I don't care if you are a copsucker or a #Bootlicker........ THIS IS WRONG! And until the #Law is enforced EQUALLY & FAIRLY ON ALL PEOPLE it's NOT #Justice! It's just one group beating the hell out of another group, as the violate EVERY LAW THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO ENFORCE! It's a big club and YOU AIN'T IN IT! This is TWO-TIERED JUSTICE..... Meaning it's NOT JUST or Justice! It's just a group of armed felons enforcing their will at the barrel of a gun! These c*cksuckers should have their heads blown off because they are nothing more than #Terrorists who work for a foreign #Corporation! SCOTUS has ruled that once Police are acting UNLAWFULLY and in a CRIMINAL MANNER they can be shot, just like everyone else! Of course then 50 of their buddies WILL come and assassinate YOU! So it's best dealt with in #Court! So WAKE UP! #BackTheBlue until it happens to YOU! https://youtu.be/ADm9xwqUIgQ
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 523 Visualizações
  • Criminal Charges Against Cop - Huge Lawsuit - Update

    Another #Police hero who locks up the innocent and abuses his authority!
    The man never said he had no ID!

    The man asked WHY the cop needed to see it! THERE'S A DIFFERENCE!
    If you are not suspected of a #Crime, the passenger does not have to show ID
    Unless he encounters a lawless Tyrant!

    Come on bootlickers! EXPLAIN this one away!
    #BackTheBlue until it happens to YOU!

    People who blindly support Police are just as guilty as these corrupt cops!
    They make excuses and blindly support the #Criminal behavior in their name!

    As you chew that boot leather PLEASE SHOW ME THE "Good Cops" in this video! The ENTIRE DEPARTMENT then covered up the crime!

    The PROSECUTOR failed to uphold the law and covered up this crime, as did internal affairs! And it's PATHETIC!


    Criminal Charges Against Cop - Huge Lawsuit - Update Another #Police hero who locks up the innocent and abuses his authority! The man never said he had no ID! The man asked WHY the cop needed to see it! THERE'S A DIFFERENCE! If you are not suspected of a #Crime, the passenger does not have to show ID Unless he encounters a lawless Tyrant! Come on bootlickers! EXPLAIN this one away! #BackTheBlue until it happens to YOU! People who blindly support Police are just as guilty as these corrupt cops! They make excuses and blindly support the #Criminal behavior in their name! As you chew that boot leather PLEASE SHOW ME THE "Good Cops" in this video! The ENTIRE DEPARTMENT then covered up the crime! The PROSECUTOR failed to uphold the law and covered up this crime, as did internal affairs! And it's PATHETIC! EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM BELONG IN PRISON! https://youtu.be/nFte7dyMQW0
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 541 Visualizações

    For the bootlickers among us.... THIS IS A 25 YEAR POLICE VETERAN doing the narration!

    TEXAS VIGILANTE SHOOTS ROBBER IN THE BACK - UNCUT VIDEO - WAS IT JUSTIFIED? For the bootlickers among us.... THIS IS A 25 YEAR POLICE VETERAN doing the narration! https://www.bitchute.com/video/OIw658I4VWfr/
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 751 Visualizações
  • The "BootLicker" is the Biggest THREAT to Your Freedom!

    You see.... HALF of the country flies their #BackTheBlue flags......
    Because the boot of #Tyranny has not YET found THEIR NECKS!

    While the other half of the country is targeted by #Government goons!

    I'm telling you.... #January6th was the BEST EXAMPLE I'VE SEEN!
    The entire January 6th Crowd was the "Back the Blue" Crowd!
    When they arrived anyway!

    By the time they had left.... They had a much better understanding of the "Blue" line of Tyranny and Oppression!

    Because #Police had thrown EXPLOSIVES at peaceful people who had harmed NOBODY! They then killed several members of the peaceful group AND then played the "We are the VICTIMS" Card!

    Hey.... BACK THE BLUE until it happens to YOU!
    And then it's TOO LATE!

    The BOOTLICKERS of America (Like this one) Make me sick!
    They are no different than the NAZI snitches or the Communist informants!

    They kiss the asses of Tyrants hoping they'll be spared!
    When in fact.... They'll be the FIRST ONES SHOT!

    The "BootLicker" is the Biggest THREAT to Your Freedom! You see.... HALF of the country flies their #BackTheBlue flags...... Because the boot of #Tyranny has not YET found THEIR NECKS! While the other half of the country is targeted by #Government goons! I'm telling you.... #January6th was the BEST EXAMPLE I'VE SEEN! The entire January 6th Crowd was the "Back the Blue" Crowd! When they arrived anyway! By the time they had left.... They had a much better understanding of the "Blue" line of Tyranny and Oppression! Because #Police had thrown EXPLOSIVES at peaceful people who had harmed NOBODY! They then killed several members of the peaceful group AND then played the "We are the VICTIMS" Card! Hey.... BACK THE BLUE until it happens to YOU! And then it's TOO LATE! The BOOTLICKERS of America (Like this one) Make me sick! They are no different than the NAZI snitches or the Communist informants! They kiss the asses of Tyrants hoping they'll be spared! When in fact.... They'll be the FIRST ONES SHOT! https://rumble.com/v253kqe-the-bootlicker-is-the-biggest-threat-to-your-freedom.html
    The "BootLicker" is the Biggest THREAT to Your Freedom!
    I want you to see what is "Dangerous to our #Freedom" today! It's people JUST LIKE THIS! The #Bootlicker and pro-government type! These are the people who LOVE getting on their knees and gnawing on th
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1904 Visualizações
  • I want you to see what is "Dangerous to our #Freedom" today!

    It's people JUST LIKE THIS!
    The #Bootlicker and pro-government type!

    These are the people who LOVE getting on their knees and gnawing on that leather boot of #Government and #Tyranny!

    And it's because the #Police have not yet started abusing THEM!
    It's okay for them to abuse OTHERS!

    It reminds me a LOT of the #January6th crowd! EVERYONE in that crowd was
    and beat several of them to DEATH, and then feigned being the "victims"

    THIS is the biggest threat to YOUR FREEDOM in this country!

    So go ahead...... #BackTheBlueUntilItHappensToYou

    (I reposted this video because I clipped the end off somehow! )
    I want you to see what is "Dangerous to our #Freedom" today! It's people JUST LIKE THIS! The #Bootlicker and pro-government type! These are the people who LOVE getting on their knees and gnawing on that leather boot of #Government and #Tyranny! And it's because the #Police have not yet started abusing THEM! It's okay for them to abuse OTHERS! It reminds me a LOT of the #January6th crowd! EVERYONE in that crowd was "Back the Blue" types.... RIGHT UP UNTIL POLICE THREW EXPLOSIVES AT THEM and beat several of them to DEATH, and then feigned being the "victims" THIS is the biggest threat to YOUR FREEDOM in this country! The BOOT LICKER! So go ahead...... #BackTheBlueUntilItHappensToYou (I reposted this video because I clipped the end off somehow! )
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1687 Visualizações 1
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