• While Eric Dubay had his time for being useful.....
    He is no longer of any use to me

    If I want to listen to a Pagan POS attack the bible, I'll just turn on the television
    It's kinda like Jordan Maxwell, he has some useful knowledge, but views everything through a Pagan new age lens.

    Mixing #Truth with their LIES
    It's just how the devils roll

    You are correct that we must EXPERIENCE THINGS FOR OURSELVES. I KNOW the earth is flat, just like I KNOW that my Creator opened my eyes to that and many other things. Because I experienced it for myself!

    Can I prove this to you, a Pagan who don't believe? I sincerely doubt it. But just like FE, if you never open your mind to the possibility, you will certainly never find the #Truth!

    I'm sure that ALL of #Hollywood, thousands of years of cults, and #Freemasons who run the entire world just "believe" in a non-existent entity called #Satan too. And somehow their misguided "belief" gave them control over the world

    While Eric Dubay had his time for being useful..... He is no longer of any use to me If I want to listen to a Pagan POS attack the bible, I'll just turn on the television It's kinda like Jordan Maxwell, he has some useful knowledge, but views everything through a Pagan new age lens. Mixing #Truth with their LIES It's just how the devils roll You are correct that we must EXPERIENCE THINGS FOR OURSELVES. I KNOW the earth is flat, just like I KNOW that my Creator opened my eyes to that and many other things. Because I experienced it for myself! Can I prove this to you, a Pagan who don't believe? I sincerely doubt it. But just like FE, if you never open your mind to the possibility, you will certainly never find the #Truth! I'm sure that ALL of #Hollywood, thousands of years of cults, and #Freemasons who run the entire world just "believe" in a non-existent entity called #Satan too. And somehow their misguided "belief" gave them control over the world https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JsKYWBT-nA
    0 Comments 0 Shares 76 Views

    True enough!
    However.... You all will have to excuse me if I don't take advice from a man who don't have the common sense to keep a c*ck out of his mouth & a**!

    Call it a judgement call!
    His first attack is ALWAYS on the bible.

    And that is because what he does is an ABOMINATION in the bible!
    These people should NOT be talking on the internet and at #Davos....
    They should be in PRISON, where they belong!

    The problem we face is that #Police are just as #Criminal as these trolls are!
    AND the Police work for these psychopaths!

    Sheriffs AND Police are both CORPORATIONS!
    They are subsidiary corporations of the Corporation of the United States

    And it's time to remedy that situation!
    It is time to STOP being ruled over by a corrupt, #Evil CORPORATION!

    Let me re-phrase... No American has KNOWINGLY "consented" to this!

    You are "consenting" every time you vote OR call yourself a "US Citizen"

    YUVAL NOAH HARARI | "AN INSTITUTION THAT NEVER ADMITS MISTAKES IS A VERY DANGEROUS INSTITUTION." True enough! However.... You all will have to excuse me if I don't take advice from a man who don't have the common sense to keep a c*ck out of his mouth & a**! Call it a judgement call! His first attack is ALWAYS on the bible. And that is because what he does is an ABOMINATION in the bible! These people should NOT be talking on the internet and at #Davos.... They should be in PRISON, where they belong! The problem we face is that #Police are just as #Criminal as these trolls are! AND the Police work for these psychopaths! Sheriffs AND Police are both CORPORATIONS! They are subsidiary corporations of the Corporation of the United States And it's time to remedy that situation! It is time to STOP being ruled over by a corrupt, #Evil CORPORATION! NO AMERICAN HAS CONSENTED TO THIS! Let me re-phrase... No American has KNOWINGLY "consented" to this! You are "consenting" every time you vote OR call yourself a "US Citizen" https://old.bitchute.com/video/5NXYSMmWv3vB/
    Yuval Noah Harari | "An Institution That Never Admits Mistakes Is a Very Dangerous Institution."
    Yuval Noah Harari | "An Institution That Never Admits Mistakes Is a Very Dangerous Institution. Tenth Commandments Endorses Slavery. There Is An Endorsement of Slavery In the Ten Commandments." - 9/12/2024 PROTECT YOUR WEALTH AGAINST INFLATION & CE…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 157 Views
  • It is TIME to overthrow the men who pervert the Bible AND the Constitution!
    It is TIME to overthrow the men who pervert the Bible AND the Constitution! https://imgflip.com/i/93lssb
    0 Comments 0 Shares 103 Views
  • Threat of WWIII is NOT Fear Porn – Steve Quayle

    Renowned radio host, filmmaker, book author and archeological dig expert Steve Quayle is sounding the alarm on the increasing possibility of nuclear war between NATO and Russia. Quayle says, “The threat of nuclear war is not fear porn–it’s real.” Quayle is not alone because for the second year in a row, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists says, “A moment of historic danger: It is still 90 seconds to midnight. 2024 Doomsday Clock Statement.” Today’s escalation is caused by the fact that NATO is contemplating allowing Ukraine to fire long range missiles deep into Russia.

    Now, breaking news that the Biden Administration did give the go ahead to fire long range missiles into Russia from Ukraine.

    There is also this breaking headline from the Asian Times: “Biden, NATO effectively declaring war on Russia.”

    Quayle warns, “This is not a trial run, the Bay of Pigs or the Cuban missile crisis. This is World War III. . . .We are seeing people crazy or people demonically possessed, in my opinion, talking about launching western missiles, German, British or US missiles into Russia. The Russian Ambassador to the UN said on Friday (9/13/24), ‘If you do that, we will consider it an act of war against Russia, and all options are open to us, and none of your countries are safe.’ That’s the bottom line. All these years you warn ahead of time, and they mock you saying fear monger and fear porn. . . . Well, we are at the inception point for World War III. This will not be getting any better.”

    There have been nearly zero talks of peace in Ukraine, only requests for more weapons and more escalation with Russia. So, NATO is clearly wanting to start a world war. It’s not just Russia we will be fighting, but China, North Korea and Iran, too. Quayle says, “This is what is so pertinent about this show because, this weekend, everybody (NATO) is talking about giving President Zelensky (Ukraine) the okay to launch against Moscow, which will result in the thermal nuclear detonation of over 100 targets in the United States and another 100 targets plus in Europe. NATO Headquarters will be toast. D.C. will be toast. . . . The Bible has made this clear if God did not shorten the days for the elect, that’s the people who have accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, there would be no flesh left alive. So, as we sit here podcasting, 250 million Americans are at risk.”

    Even if nuclear war does not break out and the world gets a reprieve for a while, the financial system will not be fixed. JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon is warning of something coming that is “worse than recession.” In simple terms, Quayle says, “Dimon is warning because the banks are in deep doo-doo. Last week, you may remember billionaire Warren Buffett started dumping Bank of America stock. . . . I am told that Buffett dumped, all told, up around $50 billion in BofA stock. . . . When Buffett does some like this, people notice and they followed suit. The banking stocks are in deadly peril. I have been in the precious metals business for 35 years, and we are now watching clients being blocked for sending wire transfers. I am talking about the biggest 5 or 6 banks because they are running short on cash. . . . At some point, they will cut off all credit cards. I don’t know when that will be, but eventually, they will be stopped. This is what my sources tell me is going to happen. The ‘when’ is up to God.”
    Threat of WWIII is NOT Fear Porn – Steve Quayle https://rumble.com/v5evt5x-threat-of-wwiii-is-not-fear-porn-steve-quayle.html Renowned radio host, filmmaker, book author and archeological dig expert Steve Quayle is sounding the alarm on the increasing possibility of nuclear war between NATO and Russia. Quayle says, “The threat of nuclear war is not fear porn–it’s real.” Quayle is not alone because for the second year in a row, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists says, “A moment of historic danger: It is still 90 seconds to midnight. 2024 Doomsday Clock Statement.” Today’s escalation is caused by the fact that NATO is contemplating allowing Ukraine to fire long range missiles deep into Russia. Now, breaking news that the Biden Administration did give the go ahead to fire long range missiles into Russia from Ukraine. There is also this breaking headline from the Asian Times: “Biden, NATO effectively declaring war on Russia.” Quayle warns, “This is not a trial run, the Bay of Pigs or the Cuban missile crisis. This is World War III. . . .We are seeing people crazy or people demonically possessed, in my opinion, talking about launching western missiles, German, British or US missiles into Russia. The Russian Ambassador to the UN said on Friday (9/13/24), ‘If you do that, we will consider it an act of war against Russia, and all options are open to us, and none of your countries are safe.’ That’s the bottom line. All these years you warn ahead of time, and they mock you saying fear monger and fear porn. . . . Well, we are at the inception point for World War III. This will not be getting any better.” There have been nearly zero talks of peace in Ukraine, only requests for more weapons and more escalation with Russia. So, NATO is clearly wanting to start a world war. It’s not just Russia we will be fighting, but China, North Korea and Iran, too. Quayle says, “This is what is so pertinent about this show because, this weekend, everybody (NATO) is talking about giving President Zelensky (Ukraine) the okay to launch against Moscow, which will result in the thermal nuclear detonation of over 100 targets in the United States and another 100 targets plus in Europe. NATO Headquarters will be toast. D.C. will be toast. . . . The Bible has made this clear if God did not shorten the days for the elect, that’s the people who have accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, there would be no flesh left alive. So, as we sit here podcasting, 250 million Americans are at risk.” Even if nuclear war does not break out and the world gets a reprieve for a while, the financial system will not be fixed. JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon is warning of something coming that is “worse than recession.” In simple terms, Quayle says, “Dimon is warning because the banks are in deep doo-doo. Last week, you may remember billionaire Warren Buffett started dumping Bank of America stock. . . . I am told that Buffett dumped, all told, up around $50 billion in BofA stock. . . . When Buffett does some like this, people notice and they followed suit. The banking stocks are in deadly peril. I have been in the precious metals business for 35 years, and we are now watching clients being blocked for sending wire transfers. I am talking about the biggest 5 or 6 banks because they are running short on cash. . . . At some point, they will cut off all credit cards. I don’t know when that will be, but eventually, they will be stopped. This is what my sources tell me is going to happen. The ‘when’ is up to God.”
    0 Comments 0 Shares 434 Views
  • God doesn't call the qualified. He qualifies the called.

    That doesn't mean God is a Republican, and especially not a Democrat. When you look at the evil, ungodly actions prevalent over the past 5+ decades; perpetrated by democrats, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand which party God favors, does it? That is of course, unless you are completely devoid of critical thinking. King David committed adultery with a woman named Bathsheba who consequently became pregnant. Upon learning of Bathsheba's condition, David tried to cover his sin and eventually arranged for Bathsheba's husband, Uriah, to be killed in battle, but God still used him for His Glory.

    Saul led a violent persecution of the young Christian church in Jerusalem. (Acts 8:1-3) He goes from house to house, dragging men and women off to prison. When believers are found guilty of what is considered to be 'blasphemy', Saul calls for them to be stoned to death (see Acts 26:10). God called him and he became a believer. The conversion of Saul, also known as the conversion of Paul the Apostle, is a well-known story in the Bible that describes how Saul was transformed from a persecutor of Christians to a follower of Jesus. On the road to Damascus, Saul was suddenly blinded by a light from heaven and heard a voice say, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?" The voice identified itself as Jesus, who instructed Saul to go to Damascus and be told what to do. Saul repented and changed his name to Paul; and became one of the leading apostles of Christ.

    Then there was Peter. He denied knowing Jesus Christ. Not only once, but 3 times, trying to save his own skin. Jesus forgave him and if you know the rest of the story, you begin to understand where I'm going with this.

    Donald J. Trump is no angel. He committed many sins, just like all of humanity. But the fine line is the truth of the fact he repented and God forgave him. The problem with humans and especially "Never Trumpers" is that they still hold Trump's early life against him. They have set themselves as higher in authority than their Creator, which is blasphemy. When God forgives, he casts His memory of your sins into the "sea of forgetfulness" to be remembered no more. The King James Version (KJV) of the Bible verse that mentions the sea of forgetfulness is Micah 7:19, which says, "He will turn again, he will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities; and thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea".

    Romans 5:1 states, "Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ".

    Some say that this verse is fundamental to Christianity and that it's important to understand that one is justified by God based on the merits of Jesus Christ.

    Justification in our Creator's eyes means "Just as if I had never sinned."

    Matthew 6:14-15 reads,
    "For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:

    But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."

    ANYONE, Republican or Demoncrat who refuses to heed God's warning will not receive the gift of eternal life; but will be cast into the Lake of Fire; prepared for the devil and his angels for all eternity. If you're in this category, you need to repent. They don't serve breakfast in hell.

    God doesn't call the qualified. He qualifies the called. https://imgflip.com/i/93jt3r That doesn't mean God is a Republican, and especially not a Democrat. When you look at the evil, ungodly actions prevalent over the past 5+ decades; perpetrated by democrats, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand which party God favors, does it? That is of course, unless you are completely devoid of critical thinking. King David committed adultery with a woman named Bathsheba who consequently became pregnant. Upon learning of Bathsheba's condition, David tried to cover his sin and eventually arranged for Bathsheba's husband, Uriah, to be killed in battle, but God still used him for His Glory. Saul led a violent persecution of the young Christian church in Jerusalem. (Acts 8:1-3) He goes from house to house, dragging men and women off to prison. When believers are found guilty of what is considered to be 'blasphemy', Saul calls for them to be stoned to death (see Acts 26:10). God called him and he became a believer. The conversion of Saul, also known as the conversion of Paul the Apostle, is a well-known story in the Bible that describes how Saul was transformed from a persecutor of Christians to a follower of Jesus. On the road to Damascus, Saul was suddenly blinded by a light from heaven and heard a voice say, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?" The voice identified itself as Jesus, who instructed Saul to go to Damascus and be told what to do. Saul repented and changed his name to Paul; and became one of the leading apostles of Christ. Then there was Peter. He denied knowing Jesus Christ. Not only once, but 3 times, trying to save his own skin. Jesus forgave him and if you know the rest of the story, you begin to understand where I'm going with this. Donald J. Trump is no angel. He committed many sins, just like all of humanity. But the fine line is the truth of the fact he repented and God forgave him. The problem with humans and especially "Never Trumpers" is that they still hold Trump's early life against him. They have set themselves as higher in authority than their Creator, which is blasphemy. When God forgives, he casts His memory of your sins into the "sea of forgetfulness" to be remembered no more. The King James Version (KJV) of the Bible verse that mentions the sea of forgetfulness is Micah 7:19, which says, "He will turn again, he will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities; and thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea". Romans 5:1 states, "Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ". Some say that this verse is fundamental to Christianity and that it's important to understand that one is justified by God based on the merits of Jesus Christ. Justification in our Creator's eyes means "Just as if I had never sinned." Matthew 6:14-15 reads, "For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ANYONE, Republican or Demoncrat who refuses to heed God's warning will not receive the gift of eternal life; but will be cast into the Lake of Fire; prepared for the devil and his angels for all eternity. If you're in this category, you need to repent. They don't serve breakfast in hell.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 316 Views
  • Wow. Every time I turn around, I get placed on another list. Oh well, at least I will be remembered when I'm gone.

    Wow. Every time I turn around, I get placed on another list. Oh well, at least I will be remembered when I'm gone. https://martinmawyer.substack.com/p/us-treasury-admits-bible-purchasers
    US Treasury Admits Bible Purchasers Are Under Criminal Investigation
    Federal Surveillance Program Targets Bible Buyers and First Amendment Transactions
    0 Comments 0 Shares 113 Views
  • The Story of Gideon - He Defeated the Midianite Army with Only 300 Soldiers! | Bible Stories
    The Greatest Psyop of all time!
    The Story of Gideon - He Defeated the Midianite Army with Only 300 Soldiers! | Bible Stories The Greatest Psyop of all time!
    The Story of Gideon - He Defeated the Midianite Army with Only 300...
    The Story of Gideon - He Defeated the Midianite Army with Only 300 Soldiers! | Bible Stories 11,673 views Sep 3, 2024
    0 Comments 0 Shares 95 Views
  • The Story of Gideon - He Defeated the Midianite Army with Only 300 Soldiers! | Bible Stories
    The Greatest Psyop of all time!
    The Story of Gideon - He Defeated the Midianite Army with Only 300 Soldiers! | Bible Stories The Greatest Psyop of all time!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 163 Views
  • Why did people live for many years before the flood? And how was age counted?
    In this fascinating video, we dive deep into the question, "Why did people live a long time in the Bible?" Have you ever wondered how the age of people was counted in the Old Testament? Or how were years counted in the Old Testament? This video explores the mysteries behind why people lived for so many years in the times of the Old Testament, with lifespans far exceeding what we experience today.

    We'll look at the age of people in the Bible and discuss the reasons behind their longevity. Why did people live for many years before the flood? Could it have been something unique in the atmosphere or a divine plan from God? Join us as we explore these biblical stories and unlock answers to questions like, "Why did people live so long in the Bible?" and "How was age counted in the Old Testament?"

    Whether you're curious about Bible stories, wondering how these long lifespans relate to God's plan, or just want to deepen your knowledge of the Old Testament, this video is for you! Learn more about why people lived a long time in the Bible, and discover how it ties into the broader narrative of God's relationship with humanity.
    Why did people live for many years before the flood? And how was age counted? In this fascinating video, we dive deep into the question, "Why did people live a long time in the Bible?" Have you ever wondered how the age of people was counted in the Old Testament? Or how were years counted in the Old Testament? This video explores the mysteries behind why people lived for so many years in the times of the Old Testament, with lifespans far exceeding what we experience today. We'll look at the age of people in the Bible and discuss the reasons behind their longevity. Why did people live for many years before the flood? Could it have been something unique in the atmosphere or a divine plan from God? Join us as we explore these biblical stories and unlock answers to questions like, "Why did people live so long in the Bible?" and "How was age counted in the Old Testament?" Whether you're curious about Bible stories, wondering how these long lifespans relate to God's plan, or just want to deepen your knowledge of the Old Testament, this video is for you! Learn more about why people lived a long time in the Bible, and discover how it ties into the broader narrative of God's relationship with humanity.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 190 Views
  • Here is a collection of Flat Earth videos...

    ANYONE who has legitimate questions about WHY people just like you are becoming Flat Earthers, even after being #NASA fans for a lifetime NEEDS to view the #Evidence these people have!

    There is NOTHING that I hate more than people who ask a question about FE, and expect someone to compress YEARS OF RESEARCH into a 140 character response!

    You post videos which have the answers they seek....
    But they refuse to watch them!

    If you are truly curious as to why NASA gets LAUGHED AT on every post they make.... It's because the people they have been extorting out of BILLIONS OF DOLLARS are onto their lies!

    The best way to become a FLAT EARTHER

    There is no curvature, water does not "curve," and a vacuum cannot exist next to an atmosphere without being in a container! PERIOD!

    These are NATURAL LAWS. Proven natural laws!
    The "Globe" was created by #Luciferians in an attempt to discredit the #Bible... and I hate to tell you this, but they were wildly successful! But NOT ANYMORE!

    Once you corner someone with facts they cannot escape....

    Instead of conceding that "You are right," they will say "What difference does it make what shape the earth is? I still have to go to work tomorrow and pay my bills!

    What difference does it make???
    That EVERY "government" on Earth is a Luciferian #Fraud, lying to and manipulating it's people as it steals their money???

    That every "government" on earth is NOT actually a "government" at all, but rather a Luciferian deception, who has created an illegitimate control and #Slavery system for everyone on earth?

    ALL to disprove the word of YHWH.....

    It makes a huge difference folks!

    These people claim to have the "Consent of the governed" to rule over everyone on earth, who they claim have "consented" to give up their inalienable human rights for politically promised protection

    NOBODY has consented to becoming the PROPERTY of a #Corporation! But that is what they claim!

    The "government," #Police, and the #Courts ALL operate on "Maritime Admiralty Law" or the "Law of the SEA" or the law of Commerce (YOU being a maritime admiralty law PRODUCT)

    But we are NOT at sea folks!
    We are on the LAND where COMMON LAW has #Jurisdiction over MEN and WOMEN!

    That is how they get away with violating the CONSTITUTION, they claim that YOU ARE NOT A PARTY TO IT. Because YOU supposedly "consented" to be a maritime admiralty law PRODUCT

    A SLAVE in other words!
    Did YOU consent to this???

    Here is a collection of Flat Earth videos... ANYONE who has legitimate questions about WHY people just like you are becoming Flat Earthers, even after being #NASA fans for a lifetime NEEDS to view the #Evidence these people have! There is NOTHING that I hate more than people who ask a question about FE, and expect someone to compress YEARS OF RESEARCH into a 140 character response! You post videos which have the answers they seek.... But they refuse to watch them! If you are truly curious as to why NASA gets LAUGHED AT on every post they make.... It's because the people they have been extorting out of BILLIONS OF DOLLARS are onto their lies! The best way to become a FLAT EARTHER is to TRY PROVING THE #GLOBE! There is no curvature, water does not "curve," and a vacuum cannot exist next to an atmosphere without being in a container! PERIOD! These are NATURAL LAWS. Proven natural laws! The "Globe" was created by #Luciferians in an attempt to discredit the #Bible... and I hate to tell you this, but they were wildly successful! But NOT ANYMORE! Once you corner someone with facts they cannot escape.... Instead of conceding that "You are right," they will say "What difference does it make what shape the earth is? I still have to go to work tomorrow and pay my bills! What difference does it make??? That EVERY "government" on Earth is a Luciferian #Fraud, lying to and manipulating it's people as it steals their money??? That every "government" on earth is NOT actually a "government" at all, but rather a Luciferian deception, who has created an illegitimate control and #Slavery system for everyone on earth? ALL to disprove the word of YHWH..... It makes a huge difference folks! These people claim to have the "Consent of the governed" to rule over everyone on earth, who they claim have "consented" to give up their inalienable human rights for politically promised protection NOBODY has consented to becoming the PROPERTY of a #Corporation! But that is what they claim! The "government," #Police, and the #Courts ALL operate on "Maritime Admiralty Law" or the "Law of the SEA" or the law of Commerce (YOU being a maritime admiralty law PRODUCT) But we are NOT at sea folks! We are on the LAND where COMMON LAW has #Jurisdiction over MEN and WOMEN! That is how they get away with violating the CONSTITUTION, they claim that YOU ARE NOT A PARTY TO IT. Because YOU supposedly "consented" to be a maritime admiralty law PRODUCT A SLAVE in other words! Did YOU consent to this??? https://fevids.com/
    Home - Flat Earth Videos
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