• "This democide murdered 6 times more people than died in combat in all the foreign and internal wars of the century,"
    "This democide murdered 6 times more people than died in combat in all the foreign and internal wars of the century," https://reason.com/2014/05/15/be-antigovernment-and-proud/
    This Is the Number of Innocent People Murdered by Governments. Are You Anti-State Yet?
    Being antigovernment is the logical result of taking a close look at the state and its bloody works.
    0 Comments 1 Shares 681 Views
  • They Say They'll Remove Our Guns, Not Just Ban Them. THEY CAN DREAM.

    Tell you what #Government, once "Mass School Shootings" you keep staging surpass the 262,000,000 killed by their own governments, LET US KNOW!

    Until then STFU because you won't be taking any guns here!
    You MAY get some bullets, but NO GUNS!

    You are illegitimate corporate scum, with no LAWFUL authority over anyone!
    The "contracts" you do have over people are INVALID due to #Fraud!

    Let's start with a number: 262 million. That's the number of unarmed people the late Prof. R. J. Rummel estimated governments murdered in mass killings he termed "democide" during the 20th century. "This democide murdered 6 times more people than died in combat in all the foreign and internal wars of the century," he wrote.

    Unsurprisingly, the bloodiest body count was run up by totalitarian regimes, though authoritarians were busy stacking up the corpses, too, if in smaller piles. Democracies were also responsible for unjustifiable deaths, especially in subduing resistance in their colonial possessions (think: Belgian Congo) and in indiscriminate bombing of civilian targets during wars (think: Hiroshima), but to a far lesser degree than Communists, Nazis, and overdecorated generalissimos.

    Rummel's 1997 book, Power Kills, stated his case most strongly, but he nicely summarized the argument on his website:

    It is true that democratic freedom is an engine of national and individual wealth and prosperity. Hardly known, however, is that freedom also saves millions of lives from famine, disease, war, collective violence, and democide (genocide and mass murder). That is, the more freedom, the greater the human security and the less the violence. Conversely, the more power governments have, the more human insecurity and violence. In short: to our realization that power impoverishes we must also add that power kills.

    So, opposing accumulation of power by government—being antigovernment—may be inconvenient for some people's political plans, but it's also, literally, a life-saver. Liberal democracies seem to be the least murderous type of regime, but there's no obvious magic cutoff in terms of authority below which governments stop slaughtering people. So keeping any sort of government on a short leash is just good sense.

    But ending up in a ditch with a few thousand other innocents to keep you company isn't the only way to experience an over-powerful state. Fans of active government want the state to flex its muscles in ways that they think will benefit society, but they ignore that such activism can easily overwhelm the ability to comply.

    They Say They'll Remove Our Guns, Not Just Ban Them. THEY CAN DREAM. Tell you what #Government, once "Mass School Shootings" you keep staging surpass the 262,000,000 killed by their own governments, LET US KNOW! Until then STFU because you won't be taking any guns here! You MAY get some bullets, but NO GUNS! You are illegitimate corporate scum, with no LAWFUL authority over anyone! The "contracts" you do have over people are INVALID due to #Fraud! Let's start with a number: 262 million. That's the number of unarmed people the late Prof. R. J. Rummel estimated governments murdered in mass killings he termed "democide" during the 20th century. "This democide murdered 6 times more people than died in combat in all the foreign and internal wars of the century," he wrote. Unsurprisingly, the bloodiest body count was run up by totalitarian regimes, though authoritarians were busy stacking up the corpses, too, if in smaller piles. Democracies were also responsible for unjustifiable deaths, especially in subduing resistance in their colonial possessions (think: Belgian Congo) and in indiscriminate bombing of civilian targets during wars (think: Hiroshima), but to a far lesser degree than Communists, Nazis, and overdecorated generalissimos. Rummel's 1997 book, Power Kills, stated his case most strongly, but he nicely summarized the argument on his website: It is true that democratic freedom is an engine of national and individual wealth and prosperity. Hardly known, however, is that freedom also saves millions of lives from famine, disease, war, collective violence, and democide (genocide and mass murder). That is, the more freedom, the greater the human security and the less the violence. Conversely, the more power governments have, the more human insecurity and violence. In short: to our realization that power impoverishes we must also add that power kills. So, opposing accumulation of power by government—being antigovernment—may be inconvenient for some people's political plans, but it's also, literally, a life-saver. Liberal democracies seem to be the least murderous type of regime, but there's no obvious magic cutoff in terms of authority below which governments stop slaughtering people. So keeping any sort of government on a short leash is just good sense. But ending up in a ditch with a few thousand other innocents to keep you company isn't the only way to experience an over-powerful state. Fans of active government want the state to flex its muscles in ways that they think will benefit society, but they ignore that such activism can easily overwhelm the ability to comply. https://youtu.be/txPxV-LcZ9s
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2014 Views
  • The #SPLC seeking to stir MORE DIVISION AND #Hate!

    Okay........ so what??? Are you going to commemorate those killed by #BLM and #Antifa 6 years from now as well???

    I forgot, YOU never mentioned them at all, even the day they were killed!

    #Chinese or #CIA #Propaganda scumbags and leeches! SPLC

    Today is the sixth anniversary of the horrific massacre at "Mother Emanuel" African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina. The nine people who tragically and senselessly lost their lives must not be forgotten. We remember them and grieve for them, their families and their loved ones.

    Rev. DePayne Middleton-Doctor
    Cynthia Graham Hurd
    Susie J. Jackson
    Ethel Lee Lance
    Rev. Clementa C. Pinckney
    Tywanza Kibwe Diop Sanders
    Rev. Daniel Lee Simmons Sr.
    Rev. Sharonda Coleman-Singleton
    Myra Singleton Quarles Thompson

    These nine people, along with five others who survived, welcomed a new visitor with open arms. They couldn’t have known that he had spent months spying on the church and would open fire as the group shared a final prayer.

    They also could not have known that their murders would become a flashpoint in the nation’s ongoing struggle with racism and hate violence. Their killer embraced white supremacist propaganda and admired South Africa’s apartheid. He represented the modern face of domestic terrorism: an extremist who acts after being radicalized online.

    Online radicalization is a growing problem that affects each of our communities. The SPLC’s 2020 Year in Hate and Extremism report found that many extremists are not formal members of any organization. Instead, they use online platforms to form connections with hate and antigovernment groups or other extremists. Despite the lack of formal affiliation, these individuals still take real-world actions.

    The growing popularity of extremist spaces and content online has created new and powerful avenues for radicalization, especially for young people who are often the targets of radical-right propaganda. In partnership with American University’s Polarization and Extremism Research and Innovation Lab (PERIL), we released a guide to help parents, caregivers and educators understand how extremists exploit times of unrest and target children and young adults. You can read and share the guide for free here.

    To end hate, we must dismantle white supremacy and oppression in all its forms. We are challenging hate through our work by vigilantly monitoring more than 800 hate groups in the country and urging lawmakers to take the threat of online extremism seriously through our congressional testimony.

    We owe it to the Emanuel Nine, and to all who have lost their lives to white supremacy and racism, to continue onward.

    In solidarity,

    Your friends at the Southern Poverty Law Center

    And BTW.. YOU ARE NOT MY FRIEND and you do NOT stand with ME!
    The #SPLC seeking to stir MORE DIVISION AND #Hate! Okay........ so what??? Are you going to commemorate those killed by #BLM and #Antifa 6 years from now as well??? I forgot, YOU never mentioned them at all, even the day they were killed! #Chinese or #CIA #Propaganda scumbags and leeches! SPLC Today is the sixth anniversary of the horrific massacre at "Mother Emanuel" African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina. The nine people who tragically and senselessly lost their lives must not be forgotten. We remember them and grieve for them, their families and their loved ones. Rev. DePayne Middleton-Doctor Cynthia Graham Hurd Susie J. Jackson Ethel Lee Lance Rev. Clementa C. Pinckney Tywanza Kibwe Diop Sanders Rev. Daniel Lee Simmons Sr. Rev. Sharonda Coleman-Singleton Myra Singleton Quarles Thompson These nine people, along with five others who survived, welcomed a new visitor with open arms. They couldn’t have known that he had spent months spying on the church and would open fire as the group shared a final prayer. They also could not have known that their murders would become a flashpoint in the nation’s ongoing struggle with racism and hate violence. Their killer embraced white supremacist propaganda and admired South Africa’s apartheid. He represented the modern face of domestic terrorism: an extremist who acts after being radicalized online. Online radicalization is a growing problem that affects each of our communities. The SPLC’s 2020 Year in Hate and Extremism report found that many extremists are not formal members of any organization. Instead, they use online platforms to form connections with hate and antigovernment groups or other extremists. Despite the lack of formal affiliation, these individuals still take real-world actions. The growing popularity of extremist spaces and content online has created new and powerful avenues for radicalization, especially for young people who are often the targets of radical-right propaganda. In partnership with American University’s Polarization and Extremism Research and Innovation Lab (PERIL), we released a guide to help parents, caregivers and educators understand how extremists exploit times of unrest and target children and young adults. You can read and share the guide for free here. To end hate, we must dismantle white supremacy and oppression in all its forms. We are challenging hate through our work by vigilantly monitoring more than 800 hate groups in the country and urging lawmakers to take the threat of online extremism seriously through our congressional testimony. We owe it to the Emanuel Nine, and to all who have lost their lives to white supremacy and racism, to continue onward. In solidarity, Your friends at the Southern Poverty Law Center And BTW.. YOU ARE NOT MY FRIEND and you do NOT stand with ME!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 159 Views
  • “We expect racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists, antigovernment or anti-authority violent extremists, and other domestic violent extremists citing partisan political grievances will very likely pose the greatest domestic terrorism threats in 2021 and likely into 2022,” Jill Sanborn said.
    “We expect racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists, antigovernment or anti-authority violent extremists, and other domestic violent extremists citing partisan political grievances will very likely pose the greatest domestic terrorism threats in 2021 and likely into 2022,” Jill Sanborn said. https://www.theepochtimes.com/fbi-says-biggest-domestic-terror-threats-in-2021-are-violent-extremists-motivated-by-race-or-anti-authority-views_3719783.html
    FBI Says Biggest Domestic Terror Threats in 2021 Are Violent Extremists Motivated by Race or Anti-Authority Views
    The greatest domestic terrorism threats facing the United States in 2021 come from racially motivated or antigovernment violent extremists, ...
    2 Comments 2 Shares 349 Views
  • A beautiful scene of a church burning down to ashes. This viral video was shot yesterday (Sunday, 18 October) in Santiago, Chile. It shows the spire of the Iglesia de la Asuncion in Santiago burning and collapsing during the uprising against the rotten political class.

    Protesters took to the streets across Chile to mark the one-year anniversary of the uprising against its US-backed dictator who imposed theft measures (austerity in doublespeak) to punish and enslave the citizens of Chile.

    Pinera, whose net worth exceeds $2 billion, retaliated to the protests that began on October 18 by unleashing his gangs of licensed killers (cops) on the citizens of Chile to punish and subdue them.

    The protesters are demanding a new political system and a new constitution to replace the current one which was written in 1980 during the reign of the genocidal US-backed dictator August Pinochet, who came to power thanks to the CIA, which is a secretive unelected terrorist organization that freely topples regimes and destroy nations.

    Over 2 million Chileans participated in a referendum last year that showed 90% want a new constitution.

    It's worth noting that 1% of Chile’s population owns 33% of the nation’s wealth, making it THE MOST unequal country in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development group of nations.

    #IglesiaDeLaAsuncion #AugustPinochet #CIA #SebastianPinera #Chile #ChileProtests #ProIndependence #Austerity #Pinera #AusterityMeasures #ProIndependenceProtesters #LeaderlessUprising #AntiAuthoritarianism #AntiGovernment #TheWarOnLeadership #WarOnLeadership #Protests #MassProtests #TheGreatAwakening #Nicaragua

    A beautiful scene of a church burning down to ashes. This viral video was shot yesterday (Sunday, 18 October) in Santiago, Chile. It shows the spire of the Iglesia de la Asuncion in Santiago burning and collapsing during the uprising against the rotten political class. Protesters took to the streets across Chile to mark the one-year anniversary of the uprising against its US-backed dictator who imposed theft measures (austerity in doublespeak) to punish and enslave the citizens of Chile. Pinera, whose net worth exceeds $2 billion, retaliated to the protests that began on October 18 by unleashing his gangs of licensed killers (cops) on the citizens of Chile to punish and subdue them. The protesters are demanding a new political system and a new constitution to replace the current one which was written in 1980 during the reign of the genocidal US-backed dictator August Pinochet, who came to power thanks to the CIA, which is a secretive unelected terrorist organization that freely topples regimes and destroy nations. Over 2 million Chileans participated in a referendum last year that showed 90% want a new constitution. It's worth noting that 1% of Chile’s population owns 33% of the nation’s wealth, making it THE MOST unequal country in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development group of nations. #IglesiaDeLaAsuncion #AugustPinochet #CIA #SebastianPinera #Chile #ChileProtests #ProIndependence #Austerity #Pinera #AusterityMeasures #ProIndependenceProtesters #LeaderlessUprising #AntiAuthoritarianism #AntiGovernment #TheWarOnLeadership #WarOnLeadership #Protests #MassProtests #TheGreatAwakening #Nicaragua Sources: https://is.gd/84O2pJ https://is.gd/yklc0w https://is.gd/kLWitS https://is.gd/vGYhVi https://is.gd/ENJM16 https://is.gd/o8tNsI https://is.gd/Oe7SI3 https://is.gd/HPOOdT https://is.gd/k5n86X https://is.gd/5904DW https://is.gd/77Qqu1 https://is.gd/3VQQue https://is.gd/KZyzoy https://is.gd/QRaKbW https://is.gd/HWHkp3
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1607 Views
  • Belarus gained its independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. Since then, Alexander Lukashenko has been the FIRST AND ONLY president of Belarus. Yep, that's democracy for you. Because why call it a monarchy when you can call it democracy and rig the elections forever! Genius idea, isn't it? Unfortunately, good things don't last forever because, in this presidential election, the sheeple of Belarus finally figured out that they live under a dictatorship, not a democracy, which is why they've been protesting every day after Alexander Lukashenko rigged the elections again in his favor. Better late than never, as the proverb says.

    #AlexanderLukashenko #Belarus #SovietUnion #TheGreatAwakening #LeaderlessUprising #LeaderlessFuture #TheWarOnLeadership #WarOnLeadership #ProIndependence #ProIndependenceProtesters #AntiAuthoritarianism #AntiGovernment #Protests #MassProtest #MassProtests #PowerToThePeople #ProDemocracyProtests #LeaderlessFuture #ProIndependence

    Belarus gained its independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. Since then, Alexander Lukashenko has been the FIRST AND ONLY president of Belarus. Yep, that's democracy for you. Because why call it a monarchy when you can call it democracy and rig the elections forever! Genius idea, isn't it? Unfortunately, good things don't last forever because, in this presidential election, the sheeple of Belarus finally figured out that they live under a dictatorship, not a democracy, which is why they've been protesting every day after Alexander Lukashenko rigged the elections again in his favor. Better late than never, as the proverb says. #AlexanderLukashenko #Belarus #SovietUnion #TheGreatAwakening #LeaderlessUprising #LeaderlessFuture #TheWarOnLeadership #WarOnLeadership #ProIndependence #ProIndependenceProtesters #AntiAuthoritarianism #AntiGovernment #Protests #MassProtest #MassProtests #PowerToThePeople #ProDemocracyProtests #LeaderlessFuture #ProIndependence Sources: https://is.gd/JV16up https://is.gd/CYB4OM
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1252 Views
  • Most people have been living their lives on repeat between work and home in blissful ignorance until COVID19 came along and gave them enough free time to research life-changing topics and gain the knowledge that they would've never acquired otherwise. Now more people know what fiatmoney is, and they finally know about central banking, the Rothschilds, and Zionism. Most importantly, they now know that it's the banking class the owns and controls all nations on Earth, not governments. For the rest of us, we've known who controls the world earlier in life, not thanks to our indoctrination at school but thanks to our independent research. Schools will never teach you about money and who controls it because the entire purpose behind the education system is to produce obedient conformist workers for the benefit of the banking class. After all, it was the banking class that founded today's public schooling system. "I don't want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers." ~ John D. Rockefeller, a kingpin central banker and the creator of the General Education Board in 1903. We've been watching closely the collapse of the American/Zionist Empire with great anticipation. And it's now accelerating at a remarkable speed. The tyranny of the American/Zionist Empire far surpassed ANYTHING the Roman Empire ever achieved with a military presence and superiority that would've made Hitler himself cry in envy. But, thankfully, it's all coming to an end very soon. It is my opinion that the American/Zionist Empire will break apart from within in the next few decades into hundreds of independent and leaderless city-states that have no standing armies or politicians or bankers. And the same thing will happen to EVERY nation-state on Earth. Decision-making will no longer be in the hands of a few corrupt politicians in the capitals of this planet but in the hands of ALL citizens collectively. A similar concept exists TODAY in Switzerland where political decisions are made through national referendums by ALL citizens together, not behind closed doors by politicians. The future will be leaderless and peaceful. It will be peaceful BECAUSE it will be leaderless. The Gilded Age of the city-states is coming back, and the fascist reign of the nation-states will be over very soon.

    #AmericanEmpire #ZionistEmpire #Zion #Zionist #Zionists #RomanEmpire #NoMaster #NoMoreMasters #NoLeader #NoMoreLeaders #LeaderlessUprising #AntiAuthoritarianism #LeaderlessGovernment #AntiGovernment #Leadership #AntiLeadership #Leaderlessness #LeadershipIsTheEnemy #TheWarOnLeadership #WarOnLeadership #Globalism #AntiGlobalism #ProIndependence #ProIndependenceProtesters
    Most people have been living their lives on repeat between work and home in blissful ignorance until COVID19 came along and gave them enough free time to research life-changing topics and gain the knowledge that they would've never acquired otherwise. Now more people know what fiatmoney is, and they finally know about central banking, the Rothschilds, and Zionism. Most importantly, they now know that it's the banking class the owns and controls all nations on Earth, not governments. For the rest of us, we've known who controls the world earlier in life, not thanks to our indoctrination at school but thanks to our independent research. Schools will never teach you about money and who controls it because the entire purpose behind the education system is to produce obedient conformist workers for the benefit of the banking class. After all, it was the banking class that founded today's public schooling system. "I don't want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers." ~ John D. Rockefeller, a kingpin central banker and the creator of the General Education Board in 1903. We've been watching closely the collapse of the American/Zionist Empire with great anticipation. And it's now accelerating at a remarkable speed. The tyranny of the American/Zionist Empire far surpassed ANYTHING the Roman Empire ever achieved with a military presence and superiority that would've made Hitler himself cry in envy. But, thankfully, it's all coming to an end very soon. It is my opinion that the American/Zionist Empire will break apart from within in the next few decades into hundreds of independent and leaderless city-states that have no standing armies or politicians or bankers. And the same thing will happen to EVERY nation-state on Earth. Decision-making will no longer be in the hands of a few corrupt politicians in the capitals of this planet but in the hands of ALL citizens collectively. A similar concept exists TODAY in Switzerland where political decisions are made through national referendums by ALL citizens together, not behind closed doors by politicians. The future will be leaderless and peaceful. It will be peaceful BECAUSE it will be leaderless. The Gilded Age of the city-states is coming back, and the fascist reign of the nation-states will be over very soon. #AmericanEmpire #ZionistEmpire #Zion #Zionist #Zionists #RomanEmpire #NoMaster #NoMoreMasters #NoLeader #NoMoreLeaders #LeaderlessUprising #AntiAuthoritarianism #LeaderlessGovernment #AntiGovernment #Leadership #AntiLeadership #Leaderlessness #LeadershipIsTheEnemy #TheWarOnLeadership #WarOnLeadership #Globalism #AntiGlobalism #ProIndependence #ProIndependenceProtesters
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2687 Views
  • In 2020, find someone who shares your passion for abolishing injustice and inequality. Someone willing to lose everything to enlighten the sleeping masses and raise them up against their masters. Someone who rather set the whole world on fire and watch it burn than letting it rot with corruption and injustice. Someone eager to abolish poverty and homelessness and will never stop fighting for this cause until the last stone from the last bank falls on the last banker. Someone who can imagine a world free of masters or leaders and knows that it's the only future for humanity. Someone who knows that in a world where there are leaders, there'll always be slaves. Someone who always rather dangerous freedom than peaceful slavery. Find that someone ❤.

    #TheGreatAwakening #LeaderlessUprising #LeaderlessFuture #TheWarOnLeadership #WarOnLeadership #ProIndependence #ProIndependenceProtesters #AntiAuthoritarianism #AntiGovernment #Protests #MassProtests #MassProtests #PowerToThePeople #ProDemocracyProtests #LeaderlessFuture #ProIndependence
    In 2020, find someone who shares your passion for abolishing injustice and inequality. Someone willing to lose everything to enlighten the sleeping masses and raise them up against their masters. Someone who rather set the whole world on fire and watch it burn than letting it rot with corruption and injustice. Someone eager to abolish poverty and homelessness and will never stop fighting for this cause until the last stone from the last bank falls on the last banker. Someone who can imagine a world free of masters or leaders and knows that it's the only future for humanity. Someone who knows that in a world where there are leaders, there'll always be slaves. Someone who always rather dangerous freedom than peaceful slavery. Find that someone ❤. #TheGreatAwakening #LeaderlessUprising #LeaderlessFuture #TheWarOnLeadership #WarOnLeadership #ProIndependence #ProIndependenceProtesters #AntiAuthoritarianism #AntiGovernment #Protests #MassProtests #MassProtests #PowerToThePeople #ProDemocracyProtests #LeaderlessFuture #ProIndependence
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1180 Views
  • Since the outbreak of COVID19 in China, the leaderless protests dwindled in Hong Kong. The leaderless rebellion in Hong Kong had the potential of cascading to all regions of mainland China and finally liberate the beautiful Chinese people from the tyrannical gang that lords over them. Similar leaderless uprisings ignited from Georgia to Chile to France to Catalonia to the Netherlands to the Czech Republic to Ecuador to Bolivia to Colombia to Nicaragua to Serbia to Athens to Iraq to Iran to Syria to Lebanon to Egypt to Sudan to Algeria to Haiti. These uprisings were all fighting one common enemy: POLITICIANS and the BANKERS who puppeteer them. So what did the politicians and the banking class do to kill the uprising against them and prevent it from spreading to other countries? The banking/political class released a lab-made virus to create a crisis like 9/11 so they can set new rules like banning social gatherings and cracking down on people's movement through "contact tracing." Clever, isn't it? Governments cull the populations they lord over all the time. Tiananmen Square massacre (the Chinese Big Brother calls it "the June Fourth Incident"), took place on the night of June 3–4 in the spring of 1989 when the CCP massacred THOUSANDS of innocent students in Tiananmen Square for protesting the tyrannical government. Thousands more were kidnapped and tortured. The CCP's licensed killers (cops in doublespeak) stormed through Tiananmen Square, firing indiscriminately into a crowd of tens of thousands of young students. The savagery of the CCP's attack against its own citizens shocked both its allies and enemies. This massacre took place just 31 years ago. There's absolutely nothing that politicians everywhere are not willing to do to maintain their authority over the masses. If you ever voted for a politician, you're a true idiot.

    #TiananmenSquare #TiananmenSquareMassacre #JuneFourthIncident #TheJuneFourthIncident #CCP #Tyranny #TyrannicalGovernment #BannedInChina #Censorship #Dictatorship #Dictator #HongKongProtests #CarrieLam #ExtraditionBill #CarrieLamExtraditionBill #MassProtests #PowerToThePeople #ProDemocracyProtests #HongKongers #FreedomFighters #OneCountryTwoSystems #AntiGovernmentProtests #AntiGovernment #HongKong

    Since the outbreak of COVID19 in China, the leaderless protests dwindled in Hong Kong. The leaderless rebellion in Hong Kong had the potential of cascading to all regions of mainland China and finally liberate the beautiful Chinese people from the tyrannical gang that lords over them. Similar leaderless uprisings ignited from Georgia to Chile to France to Catalonia to the Netherlands to the Czech Republic to Ecuador to Bolivia to Colombia to Nicaragua to Serbia to Athens to Iraq to Iran to Syria to Lebanon to Egypt to Sudan to Algeria to Haiti. These uprisings were all fighting one common enemy: POLITICIANS and the BANKERS who puppeteer them. So what did the politicians and the banking class do to kill the uprising against them and prevent it from spreading to other countries? The banking/political class released a lab-made virus to create a crisis like 9/11 so they can set new rules like banning social gatherings and cracking down on people's movement through "contact tracing." Clever, isn't it? Governments cull the populations they lord over all the time. Tiananmen Square massacre (the Chinese Big Brother calls it "the June Fourth Incident"), took place on the night of June 3–4 in the spring of 1989 when the CCP massacred THOUSANDS of innocent students in Tiananmen Square for protesting the tyrannical government. Thousands more were kidnapped and tortured. The CCP's licensed killers (cops in doublespeak) stormed through Tiananmen Square, firing indiscriminately into a crowd of tens of thousands of young students. The savagery of the CCP's attack against its own citizens shocked both its allies and enemies. This massacre took place just 31 years ago. There's absolutely nothing that politicians everywhere are not willing to do to maintain their authority over the masses. If you ever voted for a politician, you're a true idiot. #TiananmenSquare #TiananmenSquareMassacre #JuneFourthIncident #TheJuneFourthIncident #CCP #Tyranny #TyrannicalGovernment #BannedInChina #Censorship #Dictatorship #Dictator #HongKongProtests #CarrieLam #ExtraditionBill #CarrieLamExtraditionBill #MassProtests #PowerToThePeople #ProDemocracyProtests #HongKongers #FreedomFighters #OneCountryTwoSystems #AntiGovernmentProtests #AntiGovernment #HongKong Sources: https://is.gd/94lEbb https://is.gd/A4qq5f https://is.gd/wFDUfC https://is.gd/Mr0hHu https://is.gd/pVP2xy https://is.gd/wFmWzK https://is.gd/rMeoKC
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1409 Views

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