• Researchers make sound waves travel in one direction only, with implications for electromagnetic wave technology
    Researchers make sound waves travel in one direction only, with implications for electromagnetic wave technology https://phys.org/news/2024-09-implications-electromagnetic-technology.html?
    Researchers make sound waves travel in one direction only, with implications for electromagnetic wave technology
    Researchers at ETH Zurich have managed to make sound waves travel only in one direction. In the future, this method could also be used in technical applications with electromagnetic waves.
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 159 Visualizações
  • https://t.me/davidavocadowolfe/137419
    The heart doesn’t pump blood, there is no “pump” in the mechanical sense. The heart acts as a vortex giving the blood life force and producing spirals of electromagnetic energy around us. (1 min, 10 sec)
    Book: The Cosmic Heart by Dr. Thomas Cowan
    https://t.me/davidavocadowolfe/137419 The heart doesn’t pump blood, there is no “pump” in the mechanical sense. The heart acts as a vortex giving the blood life force and producing spirals of electromagnetic energy around us. (1 min, 10 sec) Book: The Cosmic Heart by Dr. Thomas Cowan
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 289 Visualizações 0
  • Electro-culture is a fascinating and innovative method that uses electrical stimulation to promote plant growth. The basic idea is that by exposing plants to electric fields or currents, you can influence their growth rates, health, and yields. Electro-culture antennas, specifically, are devices designed to capture and transmit ambient electromagnetic energy to plants.

    Here’s how it works: the antennas are typically made from conductive materials and are placed around or above the plants. They can capture natural electromagnetic energy from the environment—like that from the Earth's natural electric field or from atmospheric electricity. This captured energy is then transmitted to the plants, theoretically enhancing their metabolic processes.

    Studies and experiments have suggested various benefits, including improved seed germination rates, faster growth, greater biomass yield, and enhanced resistance to pests and diseases. The underlying mechanisms may involve stimulation of cellular activities and alteration of ion transport within the plants, leading to more efficient nutrient uptake and better overall plant vigor.

    Electro-culture isn't mainstream yet, and much of the evidence supporting its effectiveness comes from small-scale experiments or anecdotal reports. However, for enthusiasts of sustainable agriculture or those looking for an edge in plant cultivation, exploring electro-culture could open up new possibilities. As with any innovative agricultural technology, it's advisable to combine it with established best practices for the best results.
    Electro-culture is a fascinating and innovative method that uses electrical stimulation to promote plant growth. The basic idea is that by exposing plants to electric fields or currents, you can influence their growth rates, health, and yields. Electro-culture antennas, specifically, are devices designed to capture and transmit ambient electromagnetic energy to plants. Here’s how it works: the antennas are typically made from conductive materials and are placed around or above the plants. They can capture natural electromagnetic energy from the environment—like that from the Earth's natural electric field or from atmospheric electricity. This captured energy is then transmitted to the plants, theoretically enhancing their metabolic processes. Studies and experiments have suggested various benefits, including improved seed germination rates, faster growth, greater biomass yield, and enhanced resistance to pests and diseases. The underlying mechanisms may involve stimulation of cellular activities and alteration of ion transport within the plants, leading to more efficient nutrient uptake and better overall plant vigor. Electro-culture isn't mainstream yet, and much of the evidence supporting its effectiveness comes from small-scale experiments or anecdotal reports. However, for enthusiasts of sustainable agriculture or those looking for an edge in plant cultivation, exploring electro-culture could open up new possibilities. As with any innovative agricultural technology, it's advisable to combine it with established best practices for the best results.
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2114 Visualizações
  • JUAN O SAVIN- The Cyber Attacks 2020 and an EMP - Meri Crouley 5 23 2024
    Juan with Meri Crouley from Singapore. Here is her channel: https://rumble.com/v4wvqc2-juan-o.-savin-on-iran-emp-kate-middleton-royals-and-who-must-watch.html
    The manipulation of the Vote and Arrest of Trump is intertwined creating distraction and diversion into the events occurring in Japan and Germany. Now the currency manipulation and a financial "electromagnetic pulse" will be what is really coming. This is a PULSE. Juan talks about Copper, Silver and Gold being the dynamic of the CONTROL. The choke point is about the energy PULSE and movement of Goods and Services. Earthquakes coming in make a "bathtub" effect.. that can destabilize everything!
    Juan talks about the conversation with comedian George Carlin about the "moose" and the unbelievable Truth. How often have they deceived us?
    2001:A Space Odyssey is the Hal Scene that Juan mentioned before. Where Hal9000 ends a mission because of a LIE.
    Sounds like what happened during the election as seen by Mike Lindall during the Cyber Symposium. Which was just today posted on X.com here. https://x.com/MontanaGeology/status/1793857742622568662
    The Prayer at the end is outstanding! And a perfect CROSS. Which we wear not to know but to remember. Narrow is the Gate.
    The Storm is here.
    JUAN O SAVIN- The Cyber Attacks 2020 and an EMP - Meri Crouley 5 23 2024 https://rumble.com/v4x469z-juan-o-savin-the-cyber-attacks-2020-and-an-emp-meri-crouley-5-23-2024.html Juan with Meri Crouley from Singapore. Here is her channel: https://rumble.com/v4wvqc2-juan-o.-savin-on-iran-emp-kate-middleton-royals-and-who-must-watch.html The manipulation of the Vote and Arrest of Trump is intertwined creating distraction and diversion into the events occurring in Japan and Germany. Now the currency manipulation and a financial "electromagnetic pulse" will be what is really coming. This is a PULSE. Juan talks about Copper, Silver and Gold being the dynamic of the CONTROL. The choke point is about the energy PULSE and movement of Goods and Services. Earthquakes coming in make a "bathtub" effect.. that can destabilize everything! Juan talks about the conversation with comedian George Carlin about the "moose" and the unbelievable Truth. How often have they deceived us? 2001:A Space Odyssey is the Hal Scene that Juan mentioned before. Where Hal9000 ends a mission because of a LIE. Sounds like what happened during the election as seen by Mike Lindall during the Cyber Symposium. Which was just today posted on X.com here. https://x.com/MontanaGeology/status/1793857742622568662 The Prayer at the end is outstanding! And a perfect CROSS. Which we wear not to know but to remember. Narrow is the Gate. The Storm is here.
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1825 Visualizações
  • Science China Press - Tauonium: The smallest and heaviest atom with pure electromagnetic interaction:


    #Tauonium #Tauon #Tau #Lepton #ElectroweakTheory #StandardModel #AtomicPhysics #ParticlePhysics #Physics
    Science China Press - Tauonium: The smallest and heaviest atom with pure electromagnetic interaction: https://phys.org/news/2024-05-tauonium-smallest-heaviest-atom-pure.html #Tauonium #Tauon #Tau #Lepton #ElectroweakTheory #StandardModel #AtomicPhysics #ParticlePhysics #Physics
    Tauonium: The smallest and heaviest atom with pure electromagnetic interaction
    The hydrogen atom was once considered the simplest atom in nature, composed of a structureless electron and a structured proton. However, as research progressed, scientists discovered a simpler type of atom, consisting of structureless electrons, muons, or tauons and their equally structureless antiparticles. These atoms are bound together solely by electromagnetic interactions, with simpler structures than hydrogen atoms, providing a new perspective on scientific problems such as quantum mechanics, fundamental symmetry, and gravity.
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1248 Visualizações
  • #Pluto, #PlanetOfChaos, #Vibration, #Frequency, #GodFrequency, #ElectromagneticPatent, #SchumannResonance, #ascension, #AscensionIsland, #WideawakeAirfield, #Tesla, #Light, #EarthsHeartbeat

    #Pluto, #PlanetOfChaos, #Vibration, #Frequency, #GodFrequency, #ElectromagneticPatent, #SchumannResonance, #ascension, #AscensionIsland, #WideawakeAirfield, #Tesla, #Light, #EarthsHeartbeat https://rumble.com/v4nq3a3-is-the-earths-vibration-rising-did-the-ancients-tell-you-google-electromagn.html
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2094 Visualizações
  • NYC Mayor Adams Reveals ‘Electromagnetic Weapon Detection Systems’ Coming To Subway Stations https://www.infowars.com/posts/nyc-mayor-adams-reveals-electromagnetic-weapon-detection-systems-coming-to-subway-stations/
    NYC Mayor Adams Reveals ‘Electromagnetic Weapon Detection Systems’ Coming To Subway Stations https://www.infowars.com/posts/nyc-mayor-adams-reveals-electromagnetic-weapon-detection-systems-coming-to-subway-stations/
    NYC Mayor Adams Reveals ‘Electromagnetic Weapon Detection Systems’ Coming To Subway Stations
    Technocratic prison planet being created for average citizens while criminals and illegals run rampant
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 606 Visualizações
  • NYC Mayor Adams Reveals ‘Electromagnetic Weapon Detection Systems’ Coming To Subway Stations

    NYC Mayor Adams Reveals ‘Electromagnetic Weapon Detection Systems’ Coming To Subway Stations https://www.infowars.com/posts/nyc-mayor-adams-reveals-electromagnetic-weapon-detection-systems-coming-to-subway-stations/
    NYC Mayor Adams Reveals ‘Electromagnetic Weapon Detection Systems’ Coming To Subway Stations
    Technocratic prison planet being created for average citizens while criminals and illegals run rampant
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 663 Visualizações
  • Karen McNulty Walsh, Peter Genzer, Brookhaven National Laboratory - Super strong magnetic fields leave imprint on nuclear matter:


    #HeavyIonCollision #ElectromagneticField #MagneticField #QuarkGluonPlasma #QGP #AtomicPhysics #Physics
    Karen McNulty Walsh, Peter Genzer, Brookhaven National Laboratory - Super strong magnetic fields leave imprint on nuclear matter: https://phys.org/news/2024-02-super-strong-magnetic-fields-imprint.html #HeavyIonCollision #ElectromagneticField #MagneticField #QuarkGluonPlasma #QGP #AtomicPhysics #Physics
    Super strong magnetic fields leave imprint on nuclear matter
    A new analysis by the STAR collaboration at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), a particle collider at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory, provides the first direct evidence of the imprint left by what may be the universe's most powerful magnetic fields on "deconfined" nuclear matter. The evidence comes from measuring the way differently charged particles separate when emerging from collisions of atomic nuclei at this DOE Office of Science user facility.
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1973 Visualizações
  • Stop Secretly Putting Deadly CV19 mRNA in Everything – Karen Kingston Greg Hunter

    Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who has warned from the very beginning the dangers of the so-called CV19 “vaccines.” Kingston repeatedly showed the dangers of the nanotechnology called mRNA. Big Pharma patents say it is, in fact, an electromagnetic device that now is secretly slated to be in all vaccines. mRNA “synthetic biology” is also already showing up in our food, water and many medicines. Big Tech will not be happy until it is in literally everything. Meanwhile, the public is waking up to the mRNA disaster with the CV19 bioweapon vax. Kingston explains, “People are waking up to the fact the Covid 19 injections contain mRNA, and mRNA has been an epic failure. It’s my understanding less than 2% of American got this last round of the boosters. . . . Although people are waking up to the fact that the Covid injections or the mRNA injections are causing disease, disabilities and death, they are not preventing anything. I think people are also waking up to the fact that mRNA is being used in all vaccines. This includes routine childhood vaccines and the annual flu vaccine. This is not being disclosed to them. Dr. Peter McCullough has said, and I said last year, no more shots—at all. . . . They made this an Emergency Use Authorization, and that means the government will not be disclosing that to them. I think any of the shots is another big danger right now – and I mean any of these shots.”

    Big Pharma has big plans to put mRNA in everything: medicine, food, water. This is something people are going to have to work at to avoid. Kingston says, “I no longer want my body or my child’s body to be exposed to non-human DNA or bio-digital technology. I am going to do everything in my power to stop being inoculated with this stuff. It’s going to require people to find local farmers. It’s going to require people to put their foot down and not get traditional medicines. They are putting this in pills. Dr. Ana Mihalcea (aka Dr. Ana) has found this in dental supplies like Novocain. Dr. Ana has found it in insulin, as well. Before the devil can destroy, he must deceive. They have this Luciferian agenda. They don’t want to suffer the wrath of God. So, they need us to agree to this inhumane criminal experimentation. If you say you don’t agree to it, then the wrath of God falls back on them. This is also a spiritual war. I think this is why I was targeted. The train has left the station, and you can’t put it back. I think this is why Xi Jinping came to California recently. He met with bankers and Big tech and said this is how we silence people in China . . . . This is basically the Executive Order (EO) Biden wrote, which I think was written by the CCP, on how to control the narrative in America. This EO will turn up the heat and make your life a living hell if you go outside that narrative. . . . That is going to go into place starting January 17, 2024.”

    Kingston contends that the synthetic biology and new mRNA creations by Big Pharma were predicted in the Bible. Kingston points out, “The same kind of chaos and tribulation the planet is going to go through is the same when God originally created all life forms. The Bible says ‘There has not been such tribulation since the days of creation that God created until now.’ It is saying another entity started creating life. Verse 20 (Mark) says . . . ‘Unless the Lord had shortened the days, no life would have been saved. So, for the sake of the elect, whom he chose, he shortened those days.’ Other than God coming down with his wrath, I don’t see how this is going to be stopped.
    Stop Secretly Putting Deadly CV19 mRNA in Everything – Karen Kingston Greg Hunter https://rumble.com/v3x5ljd-stop-putting-deadly-cv19-mrna-in-everything-karen-kingston.html Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who has warned from the very beginning the dangers of the so-called CV19 “vaccines.” Kingston repeatedly showed the dangers of the nanotechnology called mRNA. Big Pharma patents say it is, in fact, an electromagnetic device that now is secretly slated to be in all vaccines. mRNA “synthetic biology” is also already showing up in our food, water and many medicines. Big Tech will not be happy until it is in literally everything. Meanwhile, the public is waking up to the mRNA disaster with the CV19 bioweapon vax. Kingston explains, “People are waking up to the fact the Covid 19 injections contain mRNA, and mRNA has been an epic failure. It’s my understanding less than 2% of American got this last round of the boosters. . . . Although people are waking up to the fact that the Covid injections or the mRNA injections are causing disease, disabilities and death, they are not preventing anything. I think people are also waking up to the fact that mRNA is being used in all vaccines. This includes routine childhood vaccines and the annual flu vaccine. This is not being disclosed to them. Dr. Peter McCullough has said, and I said last year, no more shots—at all. . . . They made this an Emergency Use Authorization, and that means the government will not be disclosing that to them. I think any of the shots is another big danger right now – and I mean any of these shots.” Big Pharma has big plans to put mRNA in everything: medicine, food, water. This is something people are going to have to work at to avoid. Kingston says, “I no longer want my body or my child’s body to be exposed to non-human DNA or bio-digital technology. I am going to do everything in my power to stop being inoculated with this stuff. It’s going to require people to find local farmers. It’s going to require people to put their foot down and not get traditional medicines. They are putting this in pills. Dr. Ana Mihalcea (aka Dr. Ana) has found this in dental supplies like Novocain. Dr. Ana has found it in insulin, as well. Before the devil can destroy, he must deceive. They have this Luciferian agenda. They don’t want to suffer the wrath of God. So, they need us to agree to this inhumane criminal experimentation. If you say you don’t agree to it, then the wrath of God falls back on them. This is also a spiritual war. I think this is why I was targeted. The train has left the station, and you can’t put it back. I think this is why Xi Jinping came to California recently. He met with bankers and Big tech and said this is how we silence people in China . . . . This is basically the Executive Order (EO) Biden wrote, which I think was written by the CCP, on how to control the narrative in America. This EO will turn up the heat and make your life a living hell if you go outside that narrative. . . . That is going to go into place starting January 17, 2024.” Kingston contends that the synthetic biology and new mRNA creations by Big Pharma were predicted in the Bible. Kingston points out, “The same kind of chaos and tribulation the planet is going to go through is the same when God originally created all life forms. The Bible says ‘There has not been such tribulation since the days of creation that God created until now.’ It is saying another entity started creating life. Verse 20 (Mark) says . . . ‘Unless the Lord had shortened the days, no life would have been saved. So, for the sake of the elect, whom he chose, he shortened those days.’ Other than God coming down with his wrath, I don’t see how this is going to be stopped.
    0 Comentários 1 Compartilhamentos 12614 Visualizações
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