• The Mc legal person and you 34 million deceived and growing - Eternally Aware

    Eternally Aware on YouTube is a channel that EVERYONE should be subscribed to!
    If you seek to be FREE you must comprehend the FACT that the entire "Justice System" was created to ENSLAVE YOU!

    It has NOTHING to do with #Justice, and everything to do with DECEPTION & LIES!

    The more you look into "Law" the more you'll realize that #Criminals write the laws!

    And they do this for TWO REASONS!
    One... They KNOW they'll eventually be caught in their Criminal acts....

    So being in the position to "drop the ball" prosecuting THEMSELVES assures the criminals they'll never spend a single day in jail!

    Secondly.... It allows them a platform to brainwash and deceive and enslave YOU!

    A platform to LIE TO YOU, and convince YOU that you are a "legal fiction," so you'll "represent" that legal fiction in court, and they can ROB YOU and/or imprison you

    EVERY "COURT" IN AMERICA is a "Maritime Admiralty Law" Court!
    Meaning these are courts NOT for MEN & WOMEN......
    But for #Corporations and "Legal Persons"

    There's an ocean of difference between a MAN and ANY "LEGAL ENTITY"

    A legal entity has NO RIGHTS and has NO INALIENABLE RIGHTS....

    Whereas a MAN does!
    You whine and cry about the Corporation ("government") violating the constitution...

    But as long as you are representing a "legal entity" you have
    NO CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTIONS (because you are not representing a MAN)

    You need to learn how to STAND AS A MAN and stop standing as a "legal entity"

    The Mc legal person and you 34 million deceived and growing - Eternally Aware Eternally Aware on YouTube is a channel that EVERYONE should be subscribed to! If you seek to be FREE you must comprehend the FACT that the entire "Justice System" was created to ENSLAVE YOU! It has NOTHING to do with #Justice, and everything to do with DECEPTION & LIES! The more you look into "Law" the more you'll realize that #Criminals write the laws! And they do this for TWO REASONS! One... They KNOW they'll eventually be caught in their Criminal acts.... So being in the position to "drop the ball" prosecuting THEMSELVES assures the criminals they'll never spend a single day in jail! Secondly.... It allows them a platform to brainwash and deceive and enslave YOU! A platform to LIE TO YOU, and convince YOU that you are a "legal fiction," so you'll "represent" that legal fiction in court, and they can ROB YOU and/or imprison you EVERY "COURT" IN AMERICA is a "Maritime Admiralty Law" Court! Meaning these are courts NOT for MEN & WOMEN...... But for #Corporations and "Legal Persons" There's an ocean of difference between a MAN and ANY "LEGAL ENTITY" A legal entity has NO RIGHTS and has NO INALIENABLE RIGHTS.... Whereas a MAN does! You whine and cry about the Corporation ("government") violating the constitution... But as long as you are representing a "legal entity" you have NO CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTIONS (because you are not representing a MAN) You need to learn how to STAND AS A MAN and stop standing as a "legal entity" https://rumble.com/v4z72zn-the-mc-legal-person-and-you-34-million-deceived-and-growing-eternally-aware.html
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 30 Views
  • America natural rights for who?
    Men or Persons or People Natural Person yes which are man and woman

    You MUST learn how to stand under COMMON LAW
    and STAND AGAINST the #Fraud of our "Legal System" and it's "Legal Fictions"

    A "fiction" is a LIE
    It's not true... not REAL!

    Yet almost EVERY AMERICAN claims to be one of these "Legal Fictions!"

    WAKE UP and slowly remove your head from your a**!
    Then learn how to STAND as a Free MAN against the #Tyranny of the "Legal Fictions"

    America natural rights for who? Men or Persons or People Natural Person yes which are man and woman You MUST learn how to stand under COMMON LAW and STAND AGAINST the #Fraud of our "Legal System" and it's "Legal Fictions" A "fiction" is a LIE It's not true... not REAL! Yet almost EVERY AMERICAN claims to be one of these "Legal Fictions!" WAKE UP and slowly remove your head from your a**! Then learn how to STAND as a Free MAN against the #Tyranny of the "Legal Fictions" https://youtu.be/ldjA0mhoeCg
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 31 Views
  • 2 Timothy 3
    New King James Version
    Perilous Times and Perilous Men
    3 But know this, that in the last days [a]perilous times will come: 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 unloving, [b]unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! 6 For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, 7 always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 8 Now as Jannes and Jambres resisted Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, disapproved concerning the faith; 9 but they will progress no further, for their folly will be manifest to all, as theirs also was.
    2 Timothy 3 New King James Version Perilous Times and Perilous Men 3 But know this, that in the last days [a]perilous times will come: 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 unloving, [b]unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! 6 For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, 7 always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 8 Now as Jannes and Jambres resisted Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, disapproved concerning the faith; 9 but they will progress no further, for their folly will be manifest to all, as theirs also was.
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 33 Views
  • United States and the IRS two peas in a pod
    a Corporate fraud is all they can do to get to you

    brothers and sisters, YOU are free!
    You just never have been taught how to STAND in #Freedom!

    You have been brainwashed since you were a baby to believe that you ARE a "legal fiction" or a "legal person" or a "legal entity"

    ANY "LEGAL" entity is a creation of MAN!
    YOU are a creation of the Most High!

    YOU do not have to represent ANY "legal entity or fiction"
    YOU must represent yourself as a FREE MAN or WOMAN!

    The entire "Legal" system is nothing more than a #Slave system

    The entirety of the "Legal System" and their statutes and codes goes against the Most High's LAWS!

    YOU have been duped into believing that a "Legal Fiction" or "Legal Entity" is YOU!


    No MAN or COURT has any authority over a FREE MAN that has harmed nobody!

    If you have not harmed someone financially or physically
    you have not violated the law

    You MUST LEARN that you are NOT the "legal entity" the courts claim you are!

    You MUST LEARN how to not be deceived into consenting to anything....

    especially being the creation of some black robed priest!

    The #Justice System is little more than an elaborate system #Fraud and robbery!
    The bottom line is that is EXACTLY what it is!

    The "Courts" do NOT "dispense Justice"
    They dispense FRAUD!

    They dispense #Slavery and Control!
    But mostly FRAUD!

    So learn how to FREE YOURSELF from bondage and servitude!

    Hosea 4:6
    “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.”

    Operating under the "Legal System" is REJECTING GOD'S LAW!
    The term "Legal" can be defined as "Against Yah's Law"

    I love you, and Yahuwah loves you....

    So STOP rejecting His Laws and living in #Slavery under MAN'S "Legal System" which goes AGAINST the Most High's Laws!

    United States and the IRS two peas in a pod a Corporate fraud is all they can do to get to you brothers and sisters, YOU are free! You just never have been taught how to STAND in #Freedom! You have been brainwashed since you were a baby to believe that you ARE a "legal fiction" or a "legal person" or a "legal entity" ANY "LEGAL" entity is a creation of MAN! YOU are a creation of the Most High! YOU do not have to represent ANY "legal entity or fiction" YOU must represent yourself as a FREE MAN or WOMAN! The entire "Legal" system is nothing more than a #Slave system The entirety of the "Legal System" and their statutes and codes goes against the Most High's LAWS! YOU have been duped into believing that a "Legal Fiction" or "Legal Entity" is YOU! It's NOT! So STOP REPRESENTING THAT ENTITY AS IF IT IS YOU!!! No MAN or COURT has any authority over a FREE MAN that has harmed nobody! If you have not harmed someone financially or physically you have not violated the law You MUST LEARN that you are NOT the "legal entity" the courts claim you are! You MUST LEARN how to not be deceived into consenting to anything.... especially being the creation of some black robed priest! The #Justice System is little more than an elaborate system #Fraud and robbery! The bottom line is that is EXACTLY what it is! The "Courts" do NOT "dispense Justice" They dispense FRAUD! They dispense #Slavery and Control! But mostly FRAUD! So learn how to FREE YOURSELF from bondage and servitude! Hosea 4:6 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.” Operating under the "Legal System" is REJECTING GOD'S LAW! The term "Legal" can be defined as "Against Yah's Law" I love you, and Yahuwah loves you.... So STOP rejecting His Laws and living in #Slavery under MAN'S "Legal System" which goes AGAINST the Most High's Laws! https://youtu.be/3R1pmOLFAE8
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 67 Views


    JOIN THE "GAY MUSLIM PILOT'S ASSOCIATION"... EARN YOUR FIRST FREE FLYING LESSON!!!! 💩💥 https://media.gab.com/cdn-cgi/image/width=568,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/162/106/340/original/e49d804a86d835a2.png
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 89 Views
  • Ballad of the Unborn

    My shining feet will never run on early morning lawn;

    my feet were crushed before they had a chance to greet the dawn.

    My fingers now will never stretch to touch the winning tape;

    my race was done before I learned the smallest steps to take.

    My growing height will never be recorded on the wall;

    my growth was stopped when I was still unseen, and very small.

    My lips and tongue will never taste the good fruits of the earth;

    for I myself was judged to be a fruit of little worth.

    My eyes will never scan the sky for my high-flying kite;

    for when still blind, destroyed were they in the black womb of night.

    I’ll never stand upon a hill, Spring’s winds in my hair;

    aborted winds of thought closed in on Motherhood’s despair.

    I’ll never walk the shores of life or know the tides of time;

    for I was coming but unloved, and that my only crime.

    Nameless am I, a grain of sand, one of the countless dead;

    but the deed that made me ashen grey floats on seas of red.

    Fay Clayton
    Ballad of the Unborn My shining feet will never run on early morning lawn; my feet were crushed before they had a chance to greet the dawn. My fingers now will never stretch to touch the winning tape; my race was done before I learned the smallest steps to take. My growing height will never be recorded on the wall; my growth was stopped when I was still unseen, and very small. My lips and tongue will never taste the good fruits of the earth; for I myself was judged to be a fruit of little worth. My eyes will never scan the sky for my high-flying kite; for when still blind, destroyed were they in the black womb of night. I’ll never stand upon a hill, Spring’s winds in my hair; aborted winds of thought closed in on Motherhood’s despair. I’ll never walk the shores of life or know the tides of time; for I was coming but unloved, and that my only crime. Nameless am I, a grain of sand, one of the countless dead; but the deed that made me ashen grey floats on seas of red. Fay Clayton
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 200 Views
  • Invasion of the Idiots Bison Compilation: Idiots Out Wandering Around

    Why doesn’t the park office publish a list of names of the wannabe bison whisperers who wind up getting gored or tossed into the air? I say publish the names of these Idiots Out Wandering Around and let them endure the public ridicule they have earned!
    Invasion of the Idiots Bison Compilation: Idiots Out Wandering Around Why doesn’t the park office publish a list of names of the wannabe bison whisperers who wind up getting gored or tossed into the air? I say publish the names of these Idiots Out Wandering Around and let them endure the public ridicule they have earned! https://rumble.com/v4tijkw-invasion-of-the-idiots-bison-compilation-idiots-out-wandering-around.html
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 43 Views
  • The United States was the first nation to use an atomic bomb during a war, hitting the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945. Nearly a quarter of a million people were instantly killed, while countless others suffered medical consequences for generations to come. There have been countless peace agreements and pledges to learn from past mistakes, but as the next world war rapidly approaches, Western Neocons have signaled that they would be willing to implode cities and civilizations.
    The United States was the first nation to use an atomic bomb during a war, hitting the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945. Nearly a quarter of a million people were instantly killed, while countless others suffered medical consequences for generations to come. There have been countless peace agreements and pledges to learn from past mistakes, but as the next world war rapidly approaches, Western Neocons have signaled that they would be willing to implode cities and civilizations. https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/world-news/war/neocons-favor-nuclear-war/
    Neocons Favor Nuclear War
    Japan has recently condemned US neocons for speaking favorably of nuclear war. The United States was the first nation to use an atomic bomb during a war,
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 148 Views
  • Dangit! I missed it again. The Big Sandy Machine Gun Shoot on 3/23/24!
    980 views Mar 25, 2024

    The Big Sandy event takes place amidst the vast expanse of Arizona's high desert, serving as a prominent firearm gathering. It boasts an extensive quarter-mile firing range accommodating hundreds of shooters, earning its reputation as the largest machine gun shoot across the United States. Attendees have the opportunity to engage in diverse shooting activities and even rent firearms to join in the excitement.
    Dangit! I missed it again. The Big Sandy Machine Gun Shoot on 3/23/24! 980 views Mar 25, 2024 The Big Sandy event takes place amidst the vast expanse of Arizona's high desert, serving as a prominent firearm gathering. It boasts an extensive quarter-mile firing range accommodating hundreds of shooters, earning its reputation as the largest machine gun shoot across the United States. Attendees have the opportunity to engage in diverse shooting activities and even rent firearms to join in the excitement. https://youtu.be/ypTkLublllI?si=jUsDyOiYJocNn8P5
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 197 Views
  • President Donald Trump is going to areas he’s not invited to.
    He’s speaking in blue cities and the libertarian convention.
    He’s trying to earn votes—Biden isn’t.
    Biden is counting on the theft.

    President Donald Trump is going to areas he’s not invited to. He’s speaking in blue cities and the libertarian convention. He’s trying to earn votes—Biden isn’t. Biden is counting on the theft. JOE BIDEN ON ELECTION STEALING https://youtu.be/MA8a2g6tTp0?si=msY2oIUYerCuN3y3
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 94 Views
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