• “Net Zero.” That’s the plan put forth by #Globalist #Tyrants pushing the false narrative of a #ClimateChange Crisis. - #NetZero #GlobalWarmingHoax #ClimateChangeHoax - https://www.wisconsinchristiannews.com/view.php?sid=9966
    “Net Zero.” That’s the plan put forth by #Globalist #Tyrants pushing the false narrative of a #ClimateChange Crisis. - #NetZero #GlobalWarmingHoax #ClimateChangeHoax - https://www.wisconsinchristiannews.com/view.php?sid=9966
    Net Zero
    “Net Zero.” That’s the plan put forth by Globalist tyrants pushing the false narrative of a “Climate Change Crisis.” “Net Zero” is supposed to mean that by the year 2030, just six years from now, human beings will be putting “zero” so-called “greenhouse gases” into the atmosphere. Because according to the Globalist narrative, if we don’t drastically act now, human beings will destroy the world with CO2. In 2015, the Paris Agreement was adopted at the UN Climate Change Conference. It took effect on November 4, 2016. Donald Trump took us out of the Paris Agreement when he took office; Biden signed us up again on his first day. This “Agreement” is a legally binding international treaty on climate change. So, assuming it would be possible for all the nations of the earth to get to “Net Zero’ in the next six years, what will the result be? US energy secretary Jennifer Granholm recently testified before the Senate Energy Committee and dodged repeated questions on this, but basically stated “not much.” Reputable scientists agree. First, it will be impossible to reach what they call “Net Zero,” and even if we did, it would have virtually NO EFFECT on the earth’s climate. Even the UN’s Cli ...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 517 Views
  • #climatechangehoax #un

    The highway to UN climate hell. (BLOG WITH TRANSLATOR)

    La autopista al infierno climático de la ONU.


    #climatechangehoax #un πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ The highway to UN climate hell. (BLOG WITH TRANSLATOR) πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Έ La autopista al infierno climático de la ONU. https://ramrock.wordpress.com/2022/11/09/la-autopista-al-infierno-climatico-de-la-onu/
    La autopista al infierno climático de la ONU
    #CalentamientoGlobalHoax Ante el nulo interés que ha despertado la COP27, al Conferencia de la ONU sobre cambio climático, ha tenido que saltar a la palestra Antonio Guterres para declarar que el m…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 934 Views
  • #climatechangehoax #climatechange #ecologyhypocrites

    Dad's kids entertain themselves with climate change. (BLOG WITH TRANSLATOR)

    Los niños de papá se entretienen con el cambio climático.

    #climatechangehoax #climatechange #ecologyhypocrites πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Dad's kids entertain themselves with climate change. (BLOG WITH TRANSLATOR) πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Έ Los niños de papá se entretienen con el cambio climático. https://ramrock.wordpress.com/2022/11/09/los-ninos-de-papa-se-entretienen-con-el-cambio-climatico/
    Los niños de papá se entretienen con el cambio climático
    A falta de efectivos, los seudoecologistas se dedican a atraer a las cámaras de la televisión con acciones simbólicas, como arrojar tomates a cuadros famosos, como “Los girasoles” de Van Gogh en la…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1856 Views
  • #lobbylgbt #soros #climatechangehoax

    When sovereignty resides in the lobby: Is it legitimate to legislate outside parliaments? (BLOG WITH TRANSLATOR)

    Cuando la soberanía reside en el lobby: ¿Es legítimo legislar fuera de los parlamentos?

    #lobbylgbt #soros #climatechangehoax πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ When sovereignty resides in the lobby: Is it legitimate to legislate outside parliaments? (BLOG WITH TRANSLATOR) πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Έ Cuando la soberanía reside en el lobby: ¿Es legítimo legislar fuera de los parlamentos? https://ramrock.wordpress.com/2022/10/30/cuando-la-soberania-reside-en-el-lobby-es-legitimo-legislar-fuera-de-los-parlamentos/
    Cuando la soberanía reside en el lobby: ¿Es legítimo legislar fuera de los parlamentos?
    #StopLobbyLGTBIQ+ #CambioClimáticoPatraña EL LEGISLATIVO SE SOMETE A FACTORES EXTERNOS El magnate globalista George Soros y la activista climática Greta Thunberg. La Gaceta de la Iberosfera JAVIER …
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1146 Views
  • The 1971 infamous crying Indian ad is one of the first propaganda campaigns designed to mislead the audience into believing that pollution-fueled climate change is people’s fault, not corporations.

    The Italian-American actor in this propaganda piece says, "people started pollution," and that's the central lie intended by this misleading ad. The commercial, of course, fails to mention that it’s the corporations that decided to manufacture plastics on a mass scale, and it’s also the corporations that popularized single-use plastics to the public through mass media.

    Thanks to such propaganda, corporations successfully brainwashed citizens into thinking that they are responsible for picking up the trash that the corporations are creating!

    Instead of forcing these corporations to have an efficient and eco-friendly product, companies bribed (“lobbied” in doublespeak) politicians to point their fingers the other way. And so, the responsibility to maintain the environment shifted from corporations to citizens. It shifted from the person selling to the person buying.

    It’s imperative that we, as tax-paying cattle, understand this burden that large corporations and propaganda outlets wrongfully laid upon us. Take, for example, the Yellow Vests uprising in France, which ignited after the corrupt French government imposed tax hikes on fuel (gasoline and especially diesel) as part of the government’s proposed carbon tax to improve the environment. Instead of taxing the income of corporations themselves, such as the gas stations or oil companies (sellers) that are selling gasoline and diesel, the government taxed citizens (buyers) instead.

    They penalized and punished the individual buying the pollutant, not the corporations manufacturing it and selling it, which fueled the outrage of the already impoverished and overtaxed French working-class.

    #ClimateActivist #ClimateActivists #ScarcityEconomics #IndustryConcentration #Agenda21 #Agenda2030 #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #GreenNewDeal #FossilFuel #HempEthanol #SingleUsePlastics #Plastic #Plastics #PlasticPollution #Recycle #SingleUse #Pollution #PlasticFree #EndPlasticPollution #Ecofriendly #CorporationsStartedPollution #HempSeeds #HempIsTheFuture #ClimateChangeHoax #ClimateChangeScam

    The 1971 infamous crying Indian ad is one of the first propaganda campaigns designed to mislead the audience into believing that pollution-fueled climate change is people’s fault, not corporations. The Italian-American actor in this propaganda piece says, "people started pollution," and that's the central lie intended by this misleading ad. The commercial, of course, fails to mention that it’s the corporations that decided to manufacture plastics on a mass scale, and it’s also the corporations that popularized single-use plastics to the public through mass media. Thanks to such propaganda, corporations successfully brainwashed citizens into thinking that they are responsible for picking up the trash that the corporations are creating! Instead of forcing these corporations to have an efficient and eco-friendly product, companies bribed (“lobbied” in doublespeak) politicians to point their fingers the other way. And so, the responsibility to maintain the environment shifted from corporations to citizens. It shifted from the person selling to the person buying. It’s imperative that we, as tax-paying cattle, understand this burden that large corporations and propaganda outlets wrongfully laid upon us. Take, for example, the Yellow Vests uprising in France, which ignited after the corrupt French government imposed tax hikes on fuel (gasoline and especially diesel) as part of the government’s proposed carbon tax to improve the environment. Instead of taxing the income of corporations themselves, such as the gas stations or oil companies (sellers) that are selling gasoline and diesel, the government taxed citizens (buyers) instead. They penalized and punished the individual buying the pollutant, not the corporations manufacturing it and selling it, which fueled the outrage of the already impoverished and overtaxed French working-class. #ClimateActivist #ClimateActivists #ScarcityEconomics #IndustryConcentration #Agenda21 #Agenda2030 #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #GreenNewDeal #FossilFuel #HempEthanol #SingleUsePlastics #Plastic #Plastics #PlasticPollution #Recycle #SingleUse #Pollution #PlasticFree #EndPlasticPollution #Ecofriendly #CorporationsStartedPollution #HempSeeds #HempIsTheFuture #ClimateChangeHoax #ClimateChangeScam Sources: https://is.gd/ROmYfD https://is.gd/GLpdId https://is.gd/LT1Y8o https://is.gd/IhMQjD https://is.gd/DVYEGD https://is.gd/QZXjfA https://is.gd/EyTzgF https://is.gd/83Vyz7 https://is.gd/j3KFn6 https://is.gd/Nr0fuw https://is.gd/KeM3KQ https://is.gd/Gj65Gb
    0 Comments 0 Shares 6427 Views
  • Do you know that ethanol was supposed to be the fuel of all automobiles, not gasoline?

    Ethanol is an eco-friendly renewable energy source whereas gasoline is the exact opposite. Complete combustion of ethanol yields H2O and CO2 whereas gasoline yields these toxins: CO, SO2, NOx, N2o, VOCs, NH3. Also, burning ethanol produces less CO2 than the same amount of gasoline.

    So why did petroleum become the primary energy source for all automobiles? The answer, of course, is SCARCITY ECONOMICS and INDUSTRY CONCENTRATION. Anyone anywhere in the world can mass-produce hemp ethanol, but only a few countries have petroleum. In other words, petroleum can be monopolized for profit, while hemp ethanol cannot. And that's precisely why the criminal cabal of international bankers embraced petroleum and forced everyone to use it. It was the Rockefellers who decided to make petroleum the primary energy source of the planet when eco-friendly alternatives were readily available at the time, such as hemp ethanol and the electric engine.

    How did the Rockefellers force the hand of the world's economy to rely on petroleum? Being principal owners of the Federal Reserve, the Rockefellers used their infinite supply of money to subsidize petroleum and bankrupt all eco-friendly alternatives out of existence. They made petroleum so cheap compared to alternative fuels that it became economically impossible for them to compete with petroleum. Soon, eco-friendly fuels went bankrupt and the world's population was conditioned to pump gasoline into their cars as the only feasible option.

    All this pollution and unspeakable horrors from wars fought over oil can be credited to the criminal cabal of international bankers that include the Rockefellers. It's always been them. It's always been the banks behind the misery and enslavement of nations.

    And now this same terrorist group is coming out in a snake-like way saying that pollution is people's fault. They say that all this pollution is causing global warming (aka climate change) and that it's people's fault when it was the banking class who forced everyone to use petroleum products. They caused all the pollution and now they're blaming us for it.

    #ScarcityEconomics #IndustryConcentration #Agenda21 #Agenda2030 #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #GreenNewDeal #FossilFuel #HempEthanol #SingleUsePlastics #Plastic #Plastics #PlasticPollution #Recycle #SingleUse #Pollution #PlasticFree #EndPlasticPollution #Ecofriendly #CorporationsStartedPollution #Propaganda #MassPropaganda #HempSeeds #HempIsTheFuture #ClimateChangeHoax #ClimateChangeScam #PunishThemNotUs

    Do you know that ethanol was supposed to be the fuel of all automobiles, not gasoline? Ethanol is an eco-friendly renewable energy source whereas gasoline is the exact opposite. Complete combustion of ethanol yields H2O and CO2 whereas gasoline yields these toxins: CO, SO2, NOx, N2o, VOCs, NH3. Also, burning ethanol produces less CO2 than the same amount of gasoline. So why did petroleum become the primary energy source for all automobiles? The answer, of course, is SCARCITY ECONOMICS and INDUSTRY CONCENTRATION. Anyone anywhere in the world can mass-produce hemp ethanol, but only a few countries have petroleum. In other words, petroleum can be monopolized for profit, while hemp ethanol cannot. And that's precisely why the criminal cabal of international bankers embraced petroleum and forced everyone to use it. It was the Rockefellers who decided to make petroleum the primary energy source of the planet when eco-friendly alternatives were readily available at the time, such as hemp ethanol and the electric engine. How did the Rockefellers force the hand of the world's economy to rely on petroleum? Being principal owners of the Federal Reserve, the Rockefellers used their infinite supply of money to subsidize petroleum and bankrupt all eco-friendly alternatives out of existence. They made petroleum so cheap compared to alternative fuels that it became economically impossible for them to compete with petroleum. Soon, eco-friendly fuels went bankrupt and the world's population was conditioned to pump gasoline into their cars as the only feasible option. All this pollution and unspeakable horrors from wars fought over oil can be credited to the criminal cabal of international bankers that include the Rockefellers. It's always been them. It's always been the banks behind the misery and enslavement of nations. And now this same terrorist group is coming out in a snake-like way saying that pollution is people's fault. They say that all this pollution is causing global warming (aka climate change) and that it's people's fault when it was the banking class who forced everyone to use petroleum products. They caused all the pollution and now they're blaming us for it. #ScarcityEconomics #IndustryConcentration #Agenda21 #Agenda2030 #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #GreenNewDeal #FossilFuel #HempEthanol #SingleUsePlastics #Plastic #Plastics #PlasticPollution #Recycle #SingleUse #Pollution #PlasticFree #EndPlasticPollution #Ecofriendly #CorporationsStartedPollution #Propaganda #MassPropaganda #HempSeeds #HempIsTheFuture #ClimateChangeHoax #ClimateChangeScam #PunishThemNotUs Sources: https://is.gd/GLpdId https://is.gd/LT1Y8o https://is.gd/IhMQjD https://is.gd/DVYEGD https://is.gd/QZXjfA https://is.gd/EyTzgF https://is.gd/Rka1My https://is.gd/83Vyz7 https://is.gd/ROmYfD https://is.gd/j3KFn6 https://is.gd/Nr0fuw https://is.gd/KeM3KQ https://is.gd/Gj65Gb
    0 Comments 0 Shares 5777 Views

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