• Historically working in tandem with the Democrat Party, teachers’ unions are intense advocates for curriculum that does not include basic knowledge to get ahead in life. Rather than actual education, its agenda includes social justice propaganda, racial division, climate change dogma, and promotion of sexual deviancy. Democrats and their allies in the teachers’ unions are playing a long game here, banking on turning children into mindless adult followers who are easy to control and whose opinions are easy to sway. Stupid, anxious, poor people are much simpler to manage than smart, confident, affluent people. Democrats are the party of government that needs to cultivate compliant citizens for the future. What better place to start than with the young; a captive audience sitting in a schoolroom for eight hours a day, taught by ideologues who know of only one side—their side. Democrats and the teachers’ unions believe every child should internalize state-approved narratives regarding history, politics, sex, democracy, economics, nutrition, social justice, emotional health, climate change, race relations… pretty much everything. They will stop at nothing to indoctrinate children, making them weak and easy to fool. Creating, well, the perfect Democrat.
    Historically working in tandem with the Democrat Party, teachers’ unions are intense advocates for curriculum that does not include basic knowledge to get ahead in life. Rather than actual education, its agenda includes social justice propaganda, racial division, climate change dogma, and promotion of sexual deviancy. Democrats and their allies in the teachers’ unions are playing a long game here, banking on turning children into mindless adult followers who are easy to control and whose opinions are easy to sway. Stupid, anxious, poor people are much simpler to manage than smart, confident, affluent people. Democrats are the party of government that needs to cultivate compliant citizens for the future. What better place to start than with the young; a captive audience sitting in a schoolroom for eight hours a day, taught by ideologues who know of only one side—their side. Democrats and the teachers’ unions believe every child should internalize state-approved narratives regarding history, politics, sex, democracy, economics, nutrition, social justice, emotional health, climate change, race relations… pretty much everything. They will stop at nothing to indoctrinate children, making them weak and easy to fool. Creating, well, the perfect Democrat. https://amgreatness.com/2024/09/27/democrats-war-on-america-part-three-contaminating-childrens-minds-and-ruining-their-future/
    Democrat’s War on America, Part Three: Contaminating Children’s Minds and Ruining Their Future
    In parts one and two of this series, we’ve examined how Democrats and their poisoned ideology have declared war on America’s children. If anyone has any doubt as to the intention of the Progressive…
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 6 Просмотры
  • Border Patrol Union Fact Checks Harris Over 'Photo Op' After Ignoring 'Problem She Created' For 3 Years.
    Following Kamala Harris' photo-op trip to the southern US border - talking tough about border security as if she wasn't responsible for the flood of illegal immigrants into the country, the Border Patrol Union slammed the VP for having 'ignored the border problem she created for over three years.' On Friday, 'Border Czar' Kamala Harris flew down to Arizona for a photo-op at the southern US border - through which untold millions of migrants from all over the world have entered the United States illegally during the Biden-Harris administration.
    While there, she gave a ridiculous speech in which she (get this) called for tougher border security - pledging to enact various forms of immigration reform if she's elected in November, including a 5-year ban on reentry for those who enter the country illegally. After doing her best Trump impression, however, Harris then floated a path to citizenship for those who have been in the country "for years."
    As of July 21, 2024, there were 662,566 noncitizens with criminal histories on ICE's national docket, which includes those detained by ICE and on the agency's non-detained docket. Of those, 435,729 are convicted criminals, and 226,847 have pending criminal charges," wrote deputy DHS Director Patrick J. Lechleitner in response to a March letter from Gonzales demanding answers.
    In short, this couldn't have come on a worse day for Harris...
    Border Patrol Union Fact Checks Harris Over 'Photo Op' After Ignoring 'Problem She Created' For 3 Years. Following Kamala Harris' photo-op trip to the southern US border - talking tough about border security as if she wasn't responsible for the flood of illegal immigrants into the country, the Border Patrol Union slammed the VP for having 'ignored the border problem she created for over three years.' On Friday, 'Border Czar' Kamala Harris flew down to Arizona for a photo-op at the southern US border - through which untold millions of migrants from all over the world have entered the United States illegally during the Biden-Harris administration. While there, she gave a ridiculous speech in which she (get this) called for tougher border security - pledging to enact various forms of immigration reform if she's elected in November, including a 5-year ban on reentry for those who enter the country illegally. After doing her best Trump impression, however, Harris then floated a path to citizenship for those who have been in the country "for years." As of July 21, 2024, there were 662,566 noncitizens with criminal histories on ICE's national docket, which includes those detained by ICE and on the agency's non-detained docket. Of those, 435,729 are convicted criminals, and 226,847 have pending criminal charges," wrote deputy DHS Director Patrick J. Lechleitner in response to a March letter from Gonzales demanding answers. In short, this couldn't have come on a worse day for Harris... https://www.zerohedge.com/political/after-letting-600k-criminals-us-kamala-slithers-down-border-and-does-trump-impression
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 15 Просмотры
  • DoJ Sues Alabama for Voter Roll Purge against Non-citizens https://www.infowars.com/posts/doj-sues-alabama-for-voter-roll-purge-against-non-citizens
    DoJ Sues Alabama for Voter Roll Purge against Non-citizens https://www.infowars.com/posts/doj-sues-alabama-for-voter-roll-purge-against-non-citizens
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 43 Просмотры
  • This is a topic that is hard to live with. Witnessing another country kill civilians in the name of good. 17000 + children deaths 2200 under the age of two. All funded primarely by our tax dollars. Wtf man... and all of congress clapped for the man reaponsible. Red or blue it didnt matter. This is not a testament to how we feel about who we vote for. It is a teat to the conviction of its citizens and the responsibility that comes with power. If the power is in its people, than we are all reaponsible. Breeding terrorist while people argue moral ground on a foundation of dead babies and children. You know who cant have a moral opinion? The dead. Fuck these assholes with a rusty pole and deserve to be put in prisons and let them be treated how they treat many of our mentally ill and people needing meaning to their lives that has been systwmically been taken away from them. The biggest fear any nation should have is the idea that men do not crave reaonsibility and meaning and when society doesnt produce it for the entirety of its citizens, and those numbers begin to rise, so does the threat of ripping a nations moral and constitutional values from underneath the majority of its citizens leaving a lot for just a few. Power included. https://youtu.be/yC0R3mTRs-4?si=UlEA4DJS5ZHCljzR
    This is a topic that is hard to live with. Witnessing another country kill civilians in the name of good. 17000 + children deaths 2200 under the age of two. All funded primarely by our tax dollars. Wtf man... and all of congress clapped for the man reaponsible. Red or blue it didnt matter. This is not a testament to how we feel about who we vote for. It is a teat to the conviction of its citizens and the responsibility that comes with power. If the power is in its people, than we are all reaponsible. Breeding terrorist while people argue moral ground on a foundation of dead babies and children. You know who cant have a moral opinion? The dead. Fuck these assholes with a rusty pole and deserve to be put in prisons and let them be treated how they treat many of our mentally ill and people needing meaning to their lives that has been systwmically been taken away from them. The biggest fear any nation should have is the idea that men do not crave reaonsibility and meaning and when society doesnt produce it for the entirety of its citizens, and those numbers begin to rise, so does the threat of ripping a nations moral and constitutional values from underneath the majority of its citizens leaving a lot for just a few. Power included. https://youtu.be/yC0R3mTRs-4?si=UlEA4DJS5ZHCljzR
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 78 Просмотры
  • The political order now in power paradoxically consists of a combination of fragmented special interests eager to punish anyone who challenges their desires and a central government that is consolidating its power to monitor, control, and intimidate its citizens. This set of actors also includes an insatiable coterie of Big Data/Big Tech information gathering businesses that are functioning as “enablers” by amassing an inconceivable amount of data on Americans and everyone else for that matter. In some ways they have become a sort of “quasi-government” that subtly and surreptitiously operates almost invisibly but wields incredible influence.
    The political order now in power paradoxically consists of a combination of fragmented special interests eager to punish anyone who challenges their desires and a central government that is consolidating its power to monitor, control, and intimidate its citizens. This set of actors also includes an insatiable coterie of Big Data/Big Tech information gathering businesses that are functioning as “enablers” by amassing an inconceivable amount of data on Americans and everyone else for that matter. In some ways they have become a sort of “quasi-government” that subtly and surreptitiously operates almost invisibly but wields incredible influence. https://brownstone.org/articles/the-creation-of-our-permanent-record/
    The Creation of Our “Permanent Record” ⋆ Brownstone Institute
    We “think” without knowing that NSA, Department of Homeland Security, or FBI are building up our High School Permanent Record or our record.
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 256 Просмотры
  • Too Little, Too Late: Liberals Realize They’ve Wrecked The Immigration System After The Damage Is Done.
    The Liberals are trying to campaign on belatedly addressing the massive problems they created. That’s not nearly good enough.
    By Spencer Fernando, Exclusive to the National Citizens Coalition
    Too Little, Too Late: Liberals Realize They’ve Wrecked The Immigration System After The Damage Is Done. The Liberals are trying to campaign on belatedly addressing the massive problems they created. That’s not nearly good enough. By Spencer Fernando, Exclusive to the National Citizens Coalition 🇨🇦 #NoMoreLiberalsAndNDP 🇨🇦 🇨🇦 #SayingTheQuietPartOutLoud 🇨🇦 🇨🇦 #resigntrudeau 🇨🇦 🇨🇦 #JustSayNoMore 🇨🇦 https://www.nationalcitizens.ca/fernando_too_little_too_late_liberal_immigration_disaster
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 88 Просмотры
  • https://thewashingtonstandard.com/what-do-they-know-china-instructs-citizens-to-leave-israel-the-u-s-sends-troops-and-israel-imposes-a-special-situation-on-the-home-front/
    What Do They Know? China Instructs Citizens To Leave Israel, The U.S. Sends Troops, And Israel Imposes A “Special Situation On The Home Front” - The Washington Standard
    The situation in the Middle East has started to spiral completely out of control, and it appears that just about everyone is bracing for a major escalation. The Chinese are telling their citizens to leave Israel, the Biden administration is sending more troops to the region, and the Israeli government ...
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 94 Просмотры
  • The Underhanded UN Is At It Again
    If it wasn’t enough that we are being deluged with manipulative disinformation about the Democrat presidential ticket 24/7 by the mainstream media and propaganda merchants on social media, now – while we are preoccupied by a divisive presidential election, the United Nations is trying to sneak through an expansion of their “authority.”

    The subject at hand, brought to my attention through Dr. Robert Malone’s informative substack, is the UN’s “Pact for the Future.” This treaty, with 60 actions, is a giant step toward a Marxist-based globalized New World Order. Not only does it seek to expand the Security Council, but it also proposes a form of UN-administered global tax on sovereign citizens.
    The Underhanded UN Is At It Again If it wasn’t enough that we are being deluged with manipulative disinformation about the Democrat presidential ticket 24/7 by the mainstream media and propaganda merchants on social media, now – while we are preoccupied by a divisive presidential election, the United Nations is trying to sneak through an expansion of their “authority.” The subject at hand, brought to my attention through Dr. Robert Malone’s informative substack, is the UN’s “Pact for the Future.” This treaty, with 60 actions, is a giant step toward a Marxist-based globalized New World Order. Not only does it seek to expand the Security Council, but it also proposes a form of UN-administered global tax on sovereign citizens.
    The Underhanded UN Is At It Again
    If it wasn’t enough that we are being deluged with manipulative disinformation about the Democrat presidential ticket 24/7 by the mainstream media and propaganda merchants on social media, now – while we are preoccupied by a divisive presidential election, the United Nations is trying to sneak through an expansion of their “authority.”
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 217 Просмотры
  • 158 Democrats Vote Against Sending Sex Criminal Aliens Back Home, 14 GOP Vote Against Blocking Illegals from Voting

    Two measure failed in Congress this week that shows how both Democrats and Republicans voted against key measures.

    In one case, the latest funding bill failed by a vote of 220 to 202 with 14 Republicans crossing the aisle and voting with the anti-American Democrats.

    The 14 Republicans voted with Democrats after Speaker Mike Johnson had included the SAVE Act, which stiffened rules against allowing illegal aliens to vote in our elections. It would have required voters to supply proof of citizenship to register to vote. The 14 Republicans mostly said they opposed the spending bill itself, not the SAVE Act, but several said the SAVE Act was not a serious move to assure voter integrity.
    158 Democrats Vote Against Sending Sex Criminal Aliens Back Home, 14 GOP Vote Against Blocking Illegals from Voting Two measure failed in Congress this week that shows how both Democrats and Republicans voted against key measures. In one case, the latest funding bill failed by a vote of 220 to 202 with 14 Republicans crossing the aisle and voting with the anti-American Democrats. The 14 Republicans voted with Democrats after Speaker Mike Johnson had included the SAVE Act, which stiffened rules against allowing illegal aliens to vote in our elections. It would have required voters to supply proof of citizenship to register to vote. The 14 Republicans mostly said they opposed the spending bill itself, not the SAVE Act, but several said the SAVE Act was not a serious move to assure voter integrity.
    158 Democrats Vote Against Sending Sex Criminal Aliens Back Home, 14 GOP Vote Against Blocking Illegals from Voting ⋆ Conservative Firing Line
    158 Democrats voted to prevent the deportation of illegal aliens who have been convicted of sexual assault in the U.S.
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 271 Просмотры
  • 158 Democrats Vote Against Sending Sex Criminal Aliens Back Home, 14 GOP Vote Against Blocking Illegals from Voting

    Two measure failed in Congress this week that shows how both Democrats and Republicans voted against key measures.

    In one case, the latest funding bill failed by a vote of 220 to 202 with 14 Republicans crossing the aisle and voting with the anti-American Democrats.

    The 14 Republicans voted with Democrats after Speaker Mike Johnson had included the SAVE Act, which stiffened rules against allowing illegal aliens to vote in our elections. It would have required voters to supply proof of citizenship to register to vote. The 14 Republicans mostly said they opposed the spending bill itself, not the SAVE Act, but several said the SAVE Act was not a serious move to assure voter integrity.
    158 Democrats Vote Against Sending Sex Criminal Aliens Back Home, 14 GOP Vote Against Blocking Illegals from Voting Two measure failed in Congress this week that shows how both Democrats and Republicans voted against key measures. In one case, the latest funding bill failed by a vote of 220 to 202 with 14 Republicans crossing the aisle and voting with the anti-American Democrats. The 14 Republicans voted with Democrats after Speaker Mike Johnson had included the SAVE Act, which stiffened rules against allowing illegal aliens to vote in our elections. It would have required voters to supply proof of citizenship to register to vote. The 14 Republicans mostly said they opposed the spending bill itself, not the SAVE Act, but several said the SAVE Act was not a serious move to assure voter integrity.
    158 Democrats Vote Against Sending Sex Criminal Aliens Back Home, 14 GOP Vote Against Blocking Illegals from Voting ⋆ Conservative Firing Line
    158 Democrats voted to prevent the deportation of illegal aliens who have been convicted of sexual assault in the U.S.
    1 Комментарии 0 Поделились 271 Просмотры
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