• Why Does the Government Borrow Its Own Currency?
    Democrats forgot how to run government without their Marxist agenda of bribing the people to vote for them. This led to always creating deficits. Add to this the NEOCONS who have done nothing but wage wars ever since World War II to defeat Communism and have spent money lavishly on trying to conquer the world.
    Why Does the Government Borrow Its Own Currency? Democrats forgot how to run government without their Marxist agenda of bribing the people to vote for them. This led to always creating deficits. Add to this the NEOCONS who have done nothing but wage wars ever since World War II to defeat Communism and have spent money lavishly on trying to conquer the world. https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/markets-by-sector/bonds/why-does-the-government-borrow-its-own-currency/
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 429 Ansichten
  • Israel Attacks Iran, Iran Widens War, Economy Tanks - Greg Hunter

    A deadly, out-of-control war in the Middle East became a reality this week. Israel attacked Iran. Iran released a massive counter-attack on Israel. And now, Israel has attacked multiple Iranian targets, including Iran’s nuclear facilities in the center of the country. Where will it stop?

    Now, Iran is vowing to attack Israel’s nuke sites. Many have been warning for months about a conflict that could bring on World War III. Is this it? It sure looks like it.

    The markets are tanking on war news between Iran and Israel. This is at a time when interest rates are rising. The Fed talked about lowering rates three times this year. This week, they say no rate cuts are coming in 2024 because of high and persistent inflation. Of course, war is a huge driver of inflation, and we are just getting started. Gold and silver look like they have a long way to go on the upside, and stocks and bonds have a long way to go on the downside. Many people will be calling their broker and getting a busy signal–that’s if the markets are not completely shut down. Many will be caught on the wrong side of this economy because there is no fear to downside risk. The sheeple are going to be getting a huge lesson on managing risk. There is no telling where this will go, but a crashing economy is definitely on the table, if war does not kick the table completely over.
    Israel Attacks Iran, Iran Widens War, Economy Tanks - Greg Hunter https://rumble.com/v4qbx96-israel-attacks-iran-iran-widens-war-economy-tanks.html A deadly, out-of-control war in the Middle East became a reality this week. Israel attacked Iran. Iran released a massive counter-attack on Israel. And now, Israel has attacked multiple Iranian targets, including Iran’s nuclear facilities in the center of the country. Where will it stop? Now, Iran is vowing to attack Israel’s nuke sites. Many have been warning for months about a conflict that could bring on World War III. Is this it? It sure looks like it. The markets are tanking on war news between Iran and Israel. This is at a time when interest rates are rising. The Fed talked about lowering rates three times this year. This week, they say no rate cuts are coming in 2024 because of high and persistent inflation. Of course, war is a huge driver of inflation, and we are just getting started. Gold and silver look like they have a long way to go on the upside, and stocks and bonds have a long way to go on the downside. Many people will be calling their broker and getting a busy signal–that’s if the markets are not completely shut down. Many will be caught on the wrong side of this economy because there is no fear to downside risk. The sheeple are going to be getting a huge lesson on managing risk. There is no telling where this will go, but a crashing economy is definitely on the table, if war does not kick the table completely over.
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 1087 Ansichten
  • If you find yourself left behind, please remember, Jesus loves you. Do not take the mark on your right hand, or on your foreheads, or anywhere, you won't be able to buy, or sell without it, but if you do take it, you're doomed to everlasting fire. Do not reject Jesus (Yeshuah) no matter what. Even if it means you die. If you loose your life for Jesus, you will find it, & have it everlasting. There will be a fake miracle worker that will trick the Jews into thinking he's the long awaited messiah... prince of peace, because they too have rejected Jesus as being the messiah, but the false one will bring peace temporarily, but will turn on them. God is drawing armies from all nations to mount an attack on Israel for the final showdown, however, the attack will take half of the main city of Israel, many will die up to that point, then the Real King of Kings will fight them all personally. In that day, all will know the power of the Son of the Living God of Israel. Yeshuah Hamashiach (Jesus the Messiah), King of the Jews. The Living Word of the Living God of Israel made flesh for mankind. No bombs, guns, or rockets required. Israel will gaze at Him & weep. He will bear the injuries of the cross, & all will see that it is He whom they pierced, & crucified, the Holy Living King of Israel, as prophesied, & is wielding power over all of creation, heaven, & hell... life, death, & the grave. The Son of God, The Everlasting King of Israel, & Great High Priest for All Mankind before Almighty God the Father, Sinless, & spotless lamb of GOD, who lives, & was dead, yet lives for ever more. For by one man, all was lost to sin, then by One Son of Man, all was re-gained, & elevated above the heavens, never to be lost again. The great Gift of God, to mankind. Put away sin, & watch, & prey. Forgive others, & ask for forgiveness from those whom you've wronged. Give to those who ask, & do not turn them away. Many will become homeless because of confessing Jesus. Jesus said, "whatever you do to even the least of these, you have done it to Me." Be wise as serpents, but harmless as doves. Cling to Jesus no matter the deceptions, trickery, pressure, demonic doctrines, or whatever your eyes see, & wants to believe. Remembering Job 38, 39, & 40 helped me during strong deceitful demonic attacks. "If you think you can defeat Satan, you are gravely mistaken.". Recognize that you are too easy for him to deceive, destroy, & drive utterly mad in mere moments if allowed. Remember the Battle, NEVER DO IT AGAIN, if you experience it. To make him flee, Quote the word of God, which is the Sword of the Spirit of GOD, & trust in Jesus. That's it. Don't even try to argue logic with him, he'll shred you to pieces. Don't move from Jesus. Trust in Jesus. Nothing else Satan can do. Our Almighty Father is holding Lucifer back, but releases him on those who do not love the truth, causing them to no longer care about Jesus. "He that has little, shall have less, & even what he thinks he has, shall be taken away.". They will no longer care for Jesus, their only savior, & will be damned because they no longer know the messiah, to call on him. Only GOD the Father, GOD the Son, or GOD the Holy Spirit draws near to the great Dragon of old, causing him to bow in dreadful fear, & trembling. Let your eyes be liars, & God alone be true. No matter what, do NOT move from Jesus. Just TRUST in what He told you. Be it an Angel, demon, man, woman, or child that tells you anything to disolve your trust in Jesus. pray for them, & let everyone be a liar in your eyes, both spirit, & man, & let God alone be true. Test them by the Word of God. The holy spirit of God will convict your heart of unbelief in Jesus, & guide you to the door, whom is Christ Jesus. The way, the Truth, & the Life. Do not quench the Holy Spirit's convictions, He will guide you all the way. Do not reject the Spirit, & do not quench His convictions. If you feel that you have blasphemed the Holy spirit, Good, that means He's still convicting you. It's when you no longer feel, or even care to feel Him that's the issue. He will leave you. Their is no forgiveness for this. However, DO NOT GRIEVE HIM, & when you feel the convictions, Jump on them immediately, & thank God, & pray continually. The call of Jesus is, "Come out of her, my people!" Out of EVERY Nation, Tribe, & Tongue, every RELIGION, cult, Satanic order, secret society, Baphomet poison, everything... murderers, rapists, thieves, everyone. REPENT, the TIME IS NEAR! Confess with your mouth, that Jesus is Lord, & believe in your heart, that God raised Him from the dead, & you shall be saved. I say all this now, so that when this all happens, you will be strengthened in heart, knowing what's to come, & be able to stand through it all to the end. Put on the whole armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Ephesians 6:11-20 Which says,,, "11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

    12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

    13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

    14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

    15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

    16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

    17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

    18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

    19 And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel,

    20 For which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak."

    Whomever lasts to the end for Jesus shall be saved. None is so fierce as to challenge Yeshua Hamashiach (Jesus the Messiah). Not one. The Conquering Lion of the tribe of Judah. Turned the repented guilty, & wicked into innocent little children, guilty, but blameless as babies before the Father. Jesus The Christ, The Tree of Life. Where ever The Tree of Life is, is Eden. God said, "Behold, I place before you, Life, & death... Choose Life.". Adam & Eve chose Death, They swallowed the words of Lucifer by believing him. The fruit of the body is the word of the mouth. Spiritual Seed is in it. By their fruits you shall know them. Now they must eat from the Tree of Life, or they'll die in their sins, & enter everlasting flames, & torment, where nothing quenches, or cools. That place was created to torment Lucifer, but those who followed him, like the false prophet, & the beast - false messiah, will go in with him, & all those who followed them & have not repented, nor clung to Jesus for salvation, will go in next, as well as all who takes the mark, or rejects the Holy Spirit when He comes. Again, Jesus is the Way, the Truth, & The Life. No one comes to the Father, but by HIM.
    If you find yourself left behind, please remember, Jesus loves you. Do not take the mark on your right hand, or on your foreheads, or anywhere, you won't be able to buy, or sell without it, but if you do take it, you're doomed to everlasting fire. Do not reject Jesus (Yeshuah) no matter what. Even if it means you die. If you loose your life for Jesus, you will find it, & have it everlasting. There will be a fake miracle worker that will trick the Jews into thinking he's the long awaited messiah... prince of peace, because they too have rejected Jesus as being the messiah, but the false one will bring peace temporarily, but will turn on them. God is drawing armies from all nations to mount an attack on Israel for the final showdown, however, the attack will take half of the main city of Israel, many will die up to that point, then the Real King of Kings will fight them all personally. In that day, all will know the power of the Son of the Living God of Israel. Yeshuah Hamashiach (Jesus the Messiah), King of the Jews. The Living Word of the Living God of Israel made flesh for mankind. No bombs, guns, or rockets required. Israel will gaze at Him & weep. He will bear the injuries of the cross, & all will see that it is He whom they pierced, & crucified, the Holy Living King of Israel, as prophesied, & is wielding power over all of creation, heaven, & hell... life, death, & the grave. The Son of God, The Everlasting King of Israel, & Great High Priest for All Mankind before Almighty God the Father, Sinless, & spotless lamb of GOD, who lives, & was dead, yet lives for ever more. For by one man, all was lost to sin, then by One Son of Man, all was re-gained, & elevated above the heavens, never to be lost again. The great Gift of God, to mankind. Put away sin, & watch, & prey. Forgive others, & ask for forgiveness from those whom you've wronged. Give to those who ask, & do not turn them away. Many will become homeless because of confessing Jesus. Jesus said, "whatever you do to even the least of these, you have done it to Me." Be wise as serpents, but harmless as doves. Cling to Jesus no matter the deceptions, trickery, pressure, demonic doctrines, or whatever your eyes see, & wants to believe. Remembering Job 38, 39, & 40 helped me during strong deceitful demonic attacks. "If you think you can defeat Satan, you are gravely mistaken.". Recognize that you are too easy for him to deceive, destroy, & drive utterly mad in mere moments if allowed. Remember the Battle, NEVER DO IT AGAIN, if you experience it. To make him flee, Quote the word of God, which is the Sword of the Spirit of GOD, & trust in Jesus. That's it. Don't even try to argue logic with him, he'll shred you to pieces. Don't move from Jesus. Trust in Jesus. Nothing else Satan can do. Our Almighty Father is holding Lucifer back, but releases him on those who do not love the truth, causing them to no longer care about Jesus. "He that has little, shall have less, & even what he thinks he has, shall be taken away.". They will no longer care for Jesus, their only savior, & will be damned because they no longer know the messiah, to call on him. Only GOD the Father, GOD the Son, or GOD the Holy Spirit draws near to the great Dragon of old, causing him to bow in dreadful fear, & trembling. Let your eyes be liars, & God alone be true. No matter what, do NOT move from Jesus. Just TRUST in what He told you. Be it an Angel, demon, man, woman, or child that tells you anything to disolve your trust in Jesus. pray for them, & let everyone be a liar in your eyes, both spirit, & man, & let God alone be true. Test them by the Word of God. The holy spirit of God will convict your heart of unbelief in Jesus, & guide you to the door, whom is Christ Jesus. The way, the Truth, & the Life. Do not quench the Holy Spirit's convictions, He will guide you all the way. Do not reject the Spirit, & do not quench His convictions. If you feel that you have blasphemed the Holy spirit, Good, that means He's still convicting you. It's when you no longer feel, or even care to feel Him that's the issue. He will leave you. Their is no forgiveness for this. However, DO NOT GRIEVE HIM, & when you feel the convictions, Jump on them immediately, & thank God, & pray continually. The call of Jesus is, "Come out of her, my people!" Out of EVERY Nation, Tribe, & Tongue, every RELIGION, cult, Satanic order, secret society, Baphomet poison, everything... murderers, rapists, thieves, everyone. REPENT, the TIME IS NEAR! Confess with your mouth, that Jesus is Lord, & believe in your heart, that God raised Him from the dead, & you shall be saved. I say all this now, so that when this all happens, you will be strengthened in heart, knowing what's to come, & be able to stand through it all to the end. Put on the whole armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Ephesians 6:11-20 Which says,,, "11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; 15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: 18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; 19 And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel, 20 For which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak." Whomever lasts to the end for Jesus shall be saved. None is so fierce as to challenge Yeshua Hamashiach (Jesus the Messiah). Not one. The Conquering Lion of the tribe of Judah. Turned the repented guilty, & wicked into innocent little children, guilty, but blameless as babies before the Father. Jesus The Christ, The Tree of Life. Where ever The Tree of Life is, is Eden. God said, "Behold, I place before you, Life, & death... Choose Life.". Adam & Eve chose Death, They swallowed the words of Lucifer by believing him. The fruit of the body is the word of the mouth. Spiritual Seed is in it. By their fruits you shall know them. Now they must eat from the Tree of Life, or they'll die in their sins, & enter everlasting flames, & torment, where nothing quenches, or cools. That place was created to torment Lucifer, but those who followed him, like the false prophet, & the beast - false messiah, will go in with him, & all those who followed them & have not repented, nor clung to Jesus for salvation, will go in next, as well as all who takes the mark, or rejects the Holy Spirit when He comes. Again, Jesus is the Way, the Truth, & The Life. No one comes to the Father, but by HIM.
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 11487 Ansichten
    LIVE! MULTIPLE BANKS WARN OF DEPOSIT DELAYS... BONDS AND DOLLAR CRATER. Mannarino https://www.brighteon.com/310226e6-8f95-43bf-9c01-57827a1374dd
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 928 Ansichten
  • **WARNING** BUBBLE BURSTING -- Silver, Gold, Bonds, JAPAN!!
    **WARNING** BUBBLE BURSTING -- Silver, Gold, Bonds, JAPAN!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFW3UAqLoGc&list=TLPQMDExMDIwMjMv3I-RbRk-7w&index=2
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 655 Ansichten
  • Short America & Go Long BRIC Countries – Charles Nenner, Greg Hunter

    Renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner has been warning his war cycles were turning up. Nenner says, “It happens like clockwork in the second decade of a new century.” Nenner says it’s a lot like the stock market running out of gas, and he warns, “It’s like a stock market that is topping. First, the weak stocks go down. Then, the indexes are still holding up, and then the big ones go down. Now, you see for instance, Apple also came down, but first, the small stocks came down. It’s already happening, but you only see the results suddenly when the whole thing crashes. . . .Americans seem to have no worries about the war that could be coming. I don’t want people to lose sleep, but the pact is forming. It is China, Russia, North Korea and Iran. They are going against the United States that does not have a functional army anymore. . . . Who do the Americans think they are? It’s over, they can’t rule the world anymore. If they are going to fight all these countries, I don’t think it is going to end well.”

    Does Nenner see the American Empire ending? Nenner says, “I think it ended already, but we just don’t know it yet. One of the signals of end of empire is bad education, which we have. Another signal is the lifespan of people is shorter than for the people before. What do you want me to say? It does not look good, does it? Another signal is your children have it worse than the generation before. So, there is a whole list of signals, and it points to the United States is in trouble. . . . I would be short America . . . and I would go long the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India China).

    Nenner says the stock market is on its way to being “substantially lower, but not just yet.” Nenner also sees the cycles for gold, silver, bonds and real estate all going lower from here, but gold and silver will be going back up longer term. The only thing Nenner likes right now are short-term Treasury bonds. The dollar will hold up for now, but it is headed much lower in the not-so-distant future. Nenner also likes energy, but it is cycling down at the moment. Nenner says, “Inflation goes up and down” and warns, “Inflation is starting another up trend.”

    This round of inflation is probably going to be very painful for the common man.
    Short America & Go Long BRIC Countries – Charles Nenner, Greg Hunter https://rumble.com/v3lxix7-short-america-and-go-long-bric-countries-charles-nenner.html Renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner has been warning his war cycles were turning up. Nenner says, “It happens like clockwork in the second decade of a new century.” Nenner says it’s a lot like the stock market running out of gas, and he warns, “It’s like a stock market that is topping. First, the weak stocks go down. Then, the indexes are still holding up, and then the big ones go down. Now, you see for instance, Apple also came down, but first, the small stocks came down. It’s already happening, but you only see the results suddenly when the whole thing crashes. . . .Americans seem to have no worries about the war that could be coming. I don’t want people to lose sleep, but the pact is forming. It is China, Russia, North Korea and Iran. They are going against the United States that does not have a functional army anymore. . . . Who do the Americans think they are? It’s over, they can’t rule the world anymore. If they are going to fight all these countries, I don’t think it is going to end well.” Does Nenner see the American Empire ending? Nenner says, “I think it ended already, but we just don’t know it yet. One of the signals of end of empire is bad education, which we have. Another signal is the lifespan of people is shorter than for the people before. What do you want me to say? It does not look good, does it? Another signal is your children have it worse than the generation before. So, there is a whole list of signals, and it points to the United States is in trouble. . . . I would be short America . . . and I would go long the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India China). Nenner says the stock market is on its way to being “substantially lower, but not just yet.” Nenner also sees the cycles for gold, silver, bonds and real estate all going lower from here, but gold and silver will be going back up longer term. The only thing Nenner likes right now are short-term Treasury bonds. The dollar will hold up for now, but it is headed much lower in the not-so-distant future. Nenner also likes energy, but it is cycling down at the moment. Nenner says, “Inflation goes up and down” and warns, “Inflation is starting another up trend.” This round of inflation is probably going to be very painful for the common man.
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 1730 Ansichten
  • Episode 450 - Who Will Fact Check the Fact Checkers? I Will!!!

    If he could ease up on the #Globe #Propaganda a little...
    I may even watch!

    I'm to the point now that I cannot accept any information from those who call themselves "researchers" who are still peddling that Globe Propaganda in the background of their shows!

    David Knight is great, love his show....
    But don't watch much anymore because of the globe propaganda in it. The Corbett Report is the same... Love the content, can't deal with the globe.

    At this point in time you have to be one of two things....

    Either too immersed in the delusion to even CONSIDER
    the mountains of evidence that the Earth is NOT a spinning ball...

    Or you are knowingly peddling lies!

    If you are the first.... it's a sure sign of a lack of intelligence...

    Proverbs 18:13
    “He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.”

    And if you are the second...

    John 8:44
    Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

    "Fact Check" THAT

    The shape of the Earth may not seem like an important matter to you... But that is because you have not thought about what that LIE actually means!

    It is the LIE of all lies, the glue which bonds the rest of their lies together! When the #Truth is known it INSTANTLY exposes every "government" on Earth as the illegitimate, Evil #Criminals they truly are!

    It exposes the FACT that #Satan runs them all, and they are all
    conspiring against The People of the world.

    Not only to enslave and deceive them...
    Not only to sacrifice their children in planned,
    ritual sacrifices or "WARS"

    While sewing division and hatred among mankind,
    when there should be none...

    But also to damn their souls to an eternity apart from their Creator!

    It's next level #Evil, and it's time to stop ignoring it!
    It's time to stop perpetuating the LIE, and acting as if you don't know it!

    ANYONE can see the evidence for themselves...
    There is not even a debate, it's a blatant refusal to acknowledge the evidence!

    The evidence is irrefutable and as solid as a granite block
    There is no "curvature" which ends any debate!

    It's like when you ask a Democrat a question and they rattle off some nonsense that is not relevant to, nor answers your question...

    It's like spitting in your eye and telling you that you don't deserve an answer! It's the most blatantly disrespectful act one man can do to another! And I'm sick of seeing it done pertaining to this subject

    If you actually WATCH, and consider the information put out by the channels listed in the photograph below, there's NO WAY you can continue believing in the globe lie. Not if you are intellectually honest... There's NO WAY!

    The ONLY people who can possibly remain believing the lie are those who mistakenly THINK they already know the answer, having never taken the time to hear the argument! ( Proverbs 18:13 is applicable )

    Episode 450 - Who Will Fact Check the Fact Checkers? I Will!!! If he could ease up on the #Globe #Propaganda a little... I may even watch! I'm to the point now that I cannot accept any information from those who call themselves "researchers" who are still peddling that Globe Propaganda in the background of their shows! David Knight is great, love his show.... But don't watch much anymore because of the globe propaganda in it. The Corbett Report is the same... Love the content, can't deal with the globe. At this point in time you have to be one of two things.... Either too immersed in the delusion to even CONSIDER the mountains of evidence that the Earth is NOT a spinning ball... Or you are knowingly peddling lies! If you are the first.... it's a sure sign of a lack of intelligence... Proverbs 18:13 “He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.” And if you are the second... John 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. "Fact Check" THAT The shape of the Earth may not seem like an important matter to you... But that is because you have not thought about what that LIE actually means! It is the LIE of all lies, the glue which bonds the rest of their lies together! When the #Truth is known it INSTANTLY exposes every "government" on Earth as the illegitimate, Evil #Criminals they truly are! It exposes the FACT that #Satan runs them all, and they are all conspiring against The People of the world. Not only to enslave and deceive them... Not only to sacrifice their children in planned, ritual sacrifices or "WARS" While sewing division and hatred among mankind, when there should be none... But also to damn their souls to an eternity apart from their Creator! It's next level #Evil, and it's time to stop ignoring it! It's time to stop perpetuating the LIE, and acting as if you don't know it! ANYONE can see the evidence for themselves... There is not even a debate, it's a blatant refusal to acknowledge the evidence! The evidence is irrefutable and as solid as a granite block There is no "curvature" which ends any debate! It's like when you ask a Democrat a question and they rattle off some nonsense that is not relevant to, nor answers your question... It's like spitting in your eye and telling you that you don't deserve an answer! It's the most blatantly disrespectful act one man can do to another! And I'm sick of seeing it done pertaining to this subject If you actually WATCH, and consider the information put out by the channels listed in the photograph below, there's NO WAY you can continue believing in the globe lie. Not if you are intellectually honest... There's NO WAY! The ONLY people who can possibly remain believing the lie are those who mistakenly THINK they already know the answer, having never taken the time to hear the argument! ( Proverbs 18:13 is applicable ) https://www.corbettreport.com/factchecking/
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 2575 Ansichten
  • ADL Caught Illegally Spying on Millions of Americans Via Secret PlayStation Backdoor

    #Government and anyone else should be PROSECUTED for spying on Americans! This is the equivalent of wiretapping your home without a warrant!

    I KNOW there are already laws against it
    Federal Prosecutors need to be prosecuted for failing to prosecute cases such as this!

    They have a job to do. They have taken an Oath to "Faithfully execute their duties" And one of their "duties" is prosecuting people like this!

    Only a CRIMINAL in the prosecutor's office would refuse to prosecute this case! People need to file claims against their surety bonds!

    Understand that if you suffer real damages OR the official is acting in an unconstitutional manner YOU HAVE A CASE!

    Track down who their surety bond goes through, track down the official you want to file against, and SERVE THEM a letter of intent!

    #BondsForTheWin dot com can walk you through the process!
    It's time to run these people out of government!

    ADL Caught Illegally Spying on Millions of Americans Via Secret PlayStation Backdoor #Government and anyone else should be PROSECUTED for spying on Americans! This is the equivalent of wiretapping your home without a warrant! I KNOW there are already laws against it Federal Prosecutors need to be prosecuted for failing to prosecute cases such as this! They have a job to do. They have taken an Oath to "Faithfully execute their duties" And one of their "duties" is prosecuting people like this! Only a CRIMINAL in the prosecutor's office would refuse to prosecute this case! People need to file claims against their surety bonds! Understand that if you suffer real damages OR the official is acting in an unconstitutional manner YOU HAVE A CASE! Track down who their surety bond goes through, track down the official you want to file against, and SERVE THEM a letter of intent! #BondsForTheWin dot com can walk you through the process! It's time to run these people out of government! https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/adl-caught-illegally-spying-on-millions-of-americans-via-secret-playstation-backdoor/
    ADL Caught Illegally Spying on Millions of Americans Via Secret PlayStation Backdoor - The People's Voice
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) robots trained by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) have been granted backdoor access to PlayStation consoles to secretly spy on millions of Americans and report them to authorities for 'hate speech' violations.
    0 Kommentare 1 Anteile 3931 Ansichten
  • More Ukraine War, Trump Trashes CV19 Vax, Economic Mad Max - Greg Hunter
    Secretary of State Tony Blinken made a surprise visit to Ukraine to announce another US aid package, so the deadly Ukraine war can continue. Blinken promised another fresh $1 billion on the heals of the announcement that the Ukraine Army lost 66,000 soldiers in the past three months alone. Add that to the 300,000 Ukraine casualties, and it’s hard to understand why Blinken and others in the D.C. swamp constantly say this is the “most profitable investment.” My question: Is Blinken nuts or simply corrupt, cruel and demonic. Why are there no peace talks with this kind of defeat and carnage for Ukraine and NATO? Do they want nuclear war?

    Donald Trump is finally waking up to the disaster of the CV19 bioweapon/vax and is now trashing it. Trump is asking Big Pharma to address all the adverse events and calls on the vax makers release the safety data. The CV19 bioweapon/vax deaths and disabilities are increasing and there is no end in sight. Expect Donald Trump to talk about the contract he signed with Pfizer that required the vax maker to produce a safe and effective vaccine and it did neither. (Pfizer had 63% of the CV19 vax market globally.) Now, even the CDC is admitting that the vaxed are more likely to get an infection from the new CV19 variant than the unvaxed. (You cannot make this up.) With 676 million CV19 injections in America alone, this will get far worse before it gets better.

    For those of you that think the economy is getting better, or, is at least in good shape—wake up!!!! Two big BRICS nations just dumped $114 billion in U.S. debt. Interest rates are not going to be cut anytime soon because you don’t cut interest rates when your bonds are being dumped by your biggest creditors. Michael Snyder predicts “Mad Max Conditions are coming” and points to record credit card debt, record retail theft and a record amount of people living paycheck to paycheck.
    More Ukraine War, Trump Trashes CV19 Vax, Economic Mad Max - Greg Hunter https://rumble.com/v3futdw-more-ukraine-war-trump-trashes-cv19-vax-economic-mad-max.html Secretary of State Tony Blinken made a surprise visit to Ukraine to announce another US aid package, so the deadly Ukraine war can continue. Blinken promised another fresh $1 billion on the heals of the announcement that the Ukraine Army lost 66,000 soldiers in the past three months alone. Add that to the 300,000 Ukraine casualties, and it’s hard to understand why Blinken and others in the D.C. swamp constantly say this is the “most profitable investment.” My question: Is Blinken nuts or simply corrupt, cruel and demonic. Why are there no peace talks with this kind of defeat and carnage for Ukraine and NATO? Do they want nuclear war? Donald Trump is finally waking up to the disaster of the CV19 bioweapon/vax and is now trashing it. Trump is asking Big Pharma to address all the adverse events and calls on the vax makers release the safety data. The CV19 bioweapon/vax deaths and disabilities are increasing and there is no end in sight. Expect Donald Trump to talk about the contract he signed with Pfizer that required the vax maker to produce a safe and effective vaccine and it did neither. (Pfizer had 63% of the CV19 vax market globally.) Now, even the CDC is admitting that the vaxed are more likely to get an infection from the new CV19 variant than the unvaxed. (You cannot make this up.) With 676 million CV19 injections in America alone, this will get far worse before it gets better. For those of you that think the economy is getting better, or, is at least in good shape—wake up!!!! Two big BRICS nations just dumped $114 billion in U.S. debt. Interest rates are not going to be cut anytime soon because you don’t cut interest rates when your bonds are being dumped by your biggest creditors. Michael Snyder predicts “Mad Max Conditions are coming” and points to record credit card debt, record retail theft and a record amount of people living paycheck to paycheck.
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 3238 Ansichten

    Dr. Shiva quote:
    "Delayed Truth is DEADLY"

    Stew says something very TRUE in this video....
    "Our "government" consists of corporate #Criminals"

    Which is 100% true!
    Because our "government" is a #Corporation!

    I like Stew, and Dr. Shiva....
    But BOTH OF THEM want to run for CEO or
    "President" of the Corporation called the "United States"

    That is NOT how we fix this people!
    We must not seek to enter into the corporation to fight it!

    We must EXIT the corporate system completely to fight it!
    STOP "Voting" for a corporation to rule over you!

    When you "Vote" you are declaring yourself INCOMPETENT and you are giving "Power of Attorney" over your life to politicians!

    The way to defeat these criminals and the corporation is to

    STOP declaring yourself a #Slave or a "Citizen" of a corporation!

    Americans need to REVOKE THEIR CONSENT to be "governed" by a corporate entity! Which is EXACTLY what we call "government" is.... It's a CORPORATION who incorporated YOU at birth (BERTH)

    This corporation deceived your parents into signing paperwork which transformed YOU from a FREE HUMAN BEING into a
    "Legal Fiction" or a "StrawMan" that they OWN!

    It's called a "BERTH CERTIFICATE" and it was used to deceive YOU into entering an Evil, Satanic system of ADMIRALTY LAW!
    Where YOU are "chattel property"

    So politics is NOT THE ANSWER!
    Ejecting the system of ADMIRALTY LAW from the US is the answer

    Our #Courts are ADMIRALTY LAW COURTS! They deal in bonds, trusts, and act as #Banks!

    These courts have NO JURISDICTION over a MAN or a WOMAN!
    They deal in sureties, bonds, and CONTRACT LAW!

    Folks.... the answer is to RESCIND ALL CONTRACTS with this corporation! Then you are no longer in their jurisdiction!

    We don't want to "vote" for who runs the criminal corporation!
    We want to "vote" to have this corporation EJECTED from US Soil Are you following me here?

    Go watch "The Occult Art of Law" and learn how ADMIRALTY LAW has been used to hijack the WORLD!

    The entire system is based on #Fraud!
    Making ALL CONTRACTS with said system NULL AND VOID!

    But we need people to WAKE UP and force the corrupt system to recognize this FACT! And we must then tear down the system which is "Admiralty Law" that has enslaved every American!

    And we need to PROSECUTE the Judges, Magistrates, and Prosecutors and #Police who work on behalf of this fraudulent ADMIRALTY LAW SYSTEM!

    You are always asking how they pass "laws" which violate the Constitution... But they DON'T!

    They pass "Statutes and Codes" which are corporate bi-laws to be followed by EMPLOYEES of the corporation AND those who "consent" to be a SLAVE / CITIZEN of the corporation!

    YOU are currently living at SEA....
    So the Constitution or the "Law of the Land" is not applicable!

    YOU must exit the jurisdiction of THE SEA (Admiralty Law) and bring yourself back to THE LAND, where you live!

    THEN you'll live under the Constitution or "Law of the Land"

    You were put onto a FICTIONAL VESSEL (A boat) when you were born, specifically when you were deceived with the
    BERTH CERTIFICATE. You were "Berthed" to this vessel at SEA!

    It's ALL "Contract Law" / Admiralty Law folks!
    You were a FREE HUMAN BEING living on the LAND....

    But your fraudulent contract, called your "BERTH CERTIFICATE" used lies and deception to berth you to a fictional vessel at SEA!

    So NOW "The Law of the LAND" no longer applies to you!
    This is how your birthright was stolen and you were made into a SLAVE!

    You MUST exit the jurisdiction of the SEA by rescinding all contracts with the CORPORATION which owns the fictional vessel or the "Boat" they put you on using the fraud of the CONTRACT called a "Birth Certificate"

    There's a lot of good info out there on this...
    I highly recommend first watching "The Occult Art of Law" and then go and watch every video that the "Justinian Deception" ever made! And there's a guy on YouTube "EternallyAware" that I'd check out too!

    Then you can be a FREE MAN living on the LAND!

    "Statutes and Codes" of the admiralty law system will not be applicable to YOU! Because you no longer live AT SEA!

    FREE MEN & WOMEN answer only to COMMON LAW!
    Harm nobody else financially or physically and other than that....


    The Satanic #Vatican & the "Pope" preside over "The Holy See"

    Or perhaps they meant the "Holy SEA"

    TRAFFICKED CHILDREN TORTURED FOR CHEMICAL ADRENOCHROME IN THEIR BLOOD Dr. Shiva quote: "Delayed Truth is DEADLY" Stew says something very TRUE in this video.... "Our "government" consists of corporate #Criminals" Which is 100% true! Because our "government" is a #Corporation! I like Stew, and Dr. Shiva.... But BOTH OF THEM want to run for CEO or "President" of the Corporation called the "United States" That is NOT how we fix this people! We must not seek to enter into the corporation to fight it! We must EXIT the corporate system completely to fight it! STOP "Voting" for a corporation to rule over you! When you "Vote" you are declaring yourself INCOMPETENT and you are giving "Power of Attorney" over your life to politicians! To THE CORPORATION! The way to defeat these criminals and the corporation is to EXIT THE CORPORATION! STOP declaring yourself a #Slave or a "Citizen" of a corporation! Americans need to REVOKE THEIR CONSENT to be "governed" by a corporate entity! Which is EXACTLY what we call "government" is.... It's a CORPORATION who incorporated YOU at birth (BERTH) This corporation deceived your parents into signing paperwork which transformed YOU from a FREE HUMAN BEING into a "Legal Fiction" or a "StrawMan" that they OWN! It's called a "BERTH CERTIFICATE" and it was used to deceive YOU into entering an Evil, Satanic system of ADMIRALTY LAW! Where YOU are "chattel property" So politics is NOT THE ANSWER! Ejecting the system of ADMIRALTY LAW from the US is the answer Our #Courts are ADMIRALTY LAW COURTS! They deal in bonds, trusts, and act as #Banks! These courts have NO JURISDICTION over a MAN or a WOMAN! They deal in sureties, bonds, and CONTRACT LAW! Folks.... the answer is to RESCIND ALL CONTRACTS with this corporation! Then you are no longer in their jurisdiction! We don't want to "vote" for who runs the criminal corporation! We want to "vote" to have this corporation EJECTED from US Soil Are you following me here? Go watch "The Occult Art of Law" and learn how ADMIRALTY LAW has been used to hijack the WORLD! The entire system is based on #Fraud! Making ALL CONTRACTS with said system NULL AND VOID! But we need people to WAKE UP and force the corrupt system to recognize this FACT! And we must then tear down the system which is "Admiralty Law" that has enslaved every American! And we need to PROSECUTE the Judges, Magistrates, and Prosecutors and #Police who work on behalf of this fraudulent ADMIRALTY LAW SYSTEM! You are always asking how they pass "laws" which violate the Constitution... But they DON'T! They pass "Statutes and Codes" which are corporate bi-laws to be followed by EMPLOYEES of the corporation AND those who "consent" to be a SLAVE / CITIZEN of the corporation! YOU are currently living at SEA.... So the Constitution or the "Law of the Land" is not applicable! YOU must exit the jurisdiction of THE SEA (Admiralty Law) and bring yourself back to THE LAND, where you live! THEN you'll live under the Constitution or "Law of the Land" You were put onto a FICTIONAL VESSEL (A boat) when you were born, specifically when you were deceived with the BERTH CERTIFICATE. You were "Berthed" to this vessel at SEA! It's ALL "Contract Law" / Admiralty Law folks! You were a FREE HUMAN BEING living on the LAND.... But your fraudulent contract, called your "BERTH CERTIFICATE" used lies and deception to berth you to a fictional vessel at SEA! So NOW "The Law of the LAND" no longer applies to you! This is how your birthright was stolen and you were made into a SLAVE! You MUST exit the jurisdiction of the SEA by rescinding all contracts with the CORPORATION which owns the fictional vessel or the "Boat" they put you on using the fraud of the CONTRACT called a "Birth Certificate" There's a lot of good info out there on this... I highly recommend first watching "The Occult Art of Law" and then go and watch every video that the "Justinian Deception" ever made! And there's a guy on YouTube "EternallyAware" that I'd check out too! EXIT THEIR ADMIRALTY LAW SYSTEM OF FRAUD! Then you can be a FREE MAN living on the LAND! "Statutes and Codes" of the admiralty law system will not be applicable to YOU! Because you no longer live AT SEA! FREE MEN & WOMEN answer only to COMMON LAW! Harm nobody else financially or physically and other than that.... DO WHATEVER YOU WANT TO DO! YOU ARE FREE! THINK FOR A MINUTE..... The Satanic #Vatican & the "Pope" preside over "The Holy See" Or perhaps they meant the "Holy SEA" https://www.bitchute.com/video/TnuEqV78HBks/
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 2526 Ansichten

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