• I’m in the WE-THE-PEOPLE Patriot Camp:
    I Don’t Trust Govt or Medical Bureaucracy Nor the Globalist Dem-Marxist Brainwashed.

    SUMMARY: We-The-People of America who count themselves as Patriots who believe in the principles of a Founding American Heritage (yup, that includes a Christian Heritage influence), should come to realize there is a Globalist tyranny from without AND comprehend there is a treasonous tyranny agenda from within. …ARE YOU INTRIGUED? READ MORE: https://bit.ly/3u7Q8MK
    #WeThePeople #GlobalistLeft #BrainwashedAmericans #AmericanPatriots
    I’m in the WE-THE-PEOPLE Patriot Camp: I Don’t Trust Govt or Medical Bureaucracy Nor the Globalist Dem-Marxist Brainwashed. SUMMARY: We-The-People of America who count themselves as Patriots who believe in the principles of a Founding American Heritage (yup, that includes a Christian Heritage influence), should come to realize there is a Globalist tyranny from without AND comprehend there is a treasonous tyranny agenda from within. …ARE YOU INTRIGUED? READ MORE: https://bit.ly/3u7Q8MK #WeThePeople #GlobalistLeft #BrainwashedAmericans #AmericanPatriots
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 2712 Views
  • Joe Biden Sucks Sale. All Patriot Wear is 30% off at DJ's Expressive Threads djsexpressivethreads.com

    #liberalssucks#donaldtrump #americanpatriot #maga #patriots #joebidensucks
    Joe Biden Sucks Sale. All Patriot Wear is 30% off at DJ's Expressive Threads djsexpressivethreads.com #liberalssucks#donaldtrump #americanpatriot #maga #patriots #joebidensucks
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 4682 Views 0
  • Criminals with Badges

    This is a compilation of some of my favorite Patriots who are fighting the Criminals within Government! I'm certain that I left some out. But it's important that we ALL stand up to Government and their thugs!
    Check em out on YouTube


    Criminals with Badges This is a compilation of some of my favorite Patriots who are fighting the Criminals within Government! I'm certain that I left some out. But it's important that we ALL stand up to Government and their thugs! Check em out on YouTube @JamesFreeman1 @OttotheWatchdog @therealnews @LackLusterMedia @lastamericanpatriot6280 @sanjoaquinvalleytransparency1 @DeleteLawz1984 @TheCrowhouse @HerestheDeal @HighImpactFlixOfficial @AuditingAmerica @HONORYOUROATH @johneagle9149 @ensuringtransparency7463 https://rumble.com/v2ae9gy-february-21-2023.html
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 1621 Views
  • High Chance Brandon's Speech Was A Greenscreen
    Check this TikTok out while it's still up.

    This is good!
    High Chance Brandon's Speech Was A Greenscreen Check this TikTok out while it's still up. This is good! https://www.tiktok.com/@nativeamericanpatriot9.0/video/7138836911438794030?_t=8VM7v79mugo&_r=1
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 1025 Views 0
  • Rundown on the Defiant America Link-Spammer

    Not sure if link-spamming is the most accurate description of what this person engages in, but that is what I am calling it. For my definition, link-spamming is when a person posts links to websites they are affiliated with to multiple social media/aggregator websites. While most users of these social media/aggregator websites share content they found interesting and interact with other users doing the same through comments, link-spammers have little interest in interacting with the rest of the users or browsing what others post.

    If you review the activity of this person you will see that they only ever comment on their own posts. They are only on these sites to farm clicks from its users and to draw traffic towards the sites they are promoting.

    This link-spammer first came to my attention on Voat.co. There they had two accounts, u/averageguy71 and u/USAConservative

    u/averageguy71 link-spammed the domains usasupre.me (usasupreme.com) and xephula.com

    u/USAConservative link-spammed the domains defiantamerica.com, conservativeus.com, redstatenation.com, rightjournalism.com, and usasupreme.com

    Since Voat.co closed this link-spammer has been seen on the following sites:

    Talk, Poal, Scored, Reddit, Stormfront, Lucianne, Twitter, Gab, Right Only, Godlike Productions, Xephula, Minds, GETTR, One Political Plaza, and Bastyon. I believe they also had accounts on Ruqqus but I won’t include those.

    The link-spammer has some accounts named “Black Conservative Voice” claiming to be a Black Male living in Missouri. Some claiming to be a police officer. For some accounts they call themselves “Conservative Girl”. Some are claiming to be former US Army & deployed in two gulf wars. Some claiming they served four tours in Afghanistan they are a lieutenant in the 2nd Marine Division. The only truthful part of any of that is that they do live in Missouri.

    So far I have seen them banned on two websites: Poal.co and RightOnly.net – not only were their accounts disabled on Poal but all five domains that they link-spam were also banned. You can read about that here:


    As previously stated, they went by “averageguy71” and “USAConservative” on Voat. They went by “Usaconservative” and “american_sniper” on Poal. They were “DefiantAmerica” on Right Only. They go by “ProudAmerican” on Talk. For Stormfront they use “ProudAmerican1”. Their handle on Godlike Productions is “Proud American 88”. On Scored they go by “conservativeamerica”. For Reddit they use “AmericanPatriot_FLO”. “Black Conservative Voice” is used on Lucianne and “BlackConservativeVoice” on Twitter. For Gab they use “donaldtrumpispresident” and “DefiantAmerica”. On the site One Political Plaza they use “Conservative Girl”. Their MINDS accounts are “USAConservative” and “DefiantAmerica”. For GETTR they use “WinningPatriot” and “DefiantAmerica”. On Bastyon they use “DefiantAmerica”. Finally on Xephula they are “DefiantAmerica”. These are just the accounts I have been able to identify, there are probably more to be discovered.

    They use a variety of methods to try to disguise that they are a link-spammer. One is link-spammers seldom leave comments, but this person will drop a comment or two on their own posts. Sometimes replying to other users who comment on their posts. Often the same exact comment, word-for-word, can be found on different sites. But they never comment outside their own posts.

    Another way they try to obfuscate their behavior is not to link directly to their spam domains, and linking to an intermediate post. On Godlike Productions when they want to post something from their spam domains, they will will first post the link on their Twitter account, then link the tweet to GLP. On GETTR they will create a post on finaltelegraph.com that mirrors & links content from a spam domain, and then link to that Final Telegraph post.

    Occasionally this link-spammer will link to a site outside of the five domains they are associated with to try to make it appear to not be a link-spammer. Sites such as breitbart.com, foxnews.com, dailycaller.com, etc. When they post these links to GLP they post them directly and they never post those links to their Twitter or Gab accounts.

    Here are the links to their social media/aggregator site accounts. Note that some of these links require you to be a site member and logged in to view. First their old Voat accounts and ones from sites they have been banned from:






    Now to their active accounts:

















    Here are links to the five sites they are affiliated with and link-spam for:






    I also suspect that they are affiliated with and link-spam for:


    That site is link-spammed on Gab by https://gab.com/DailyConservative

    They work for/with the following companies:




    and possibly https://finaltelegraph.com

    Their self-confessed job duties and summary:

    They "create and maintain business websites", "create and maintain publishing websites", and they "grow presence on social media platforms."

    “I am currently Director of Marketing for CMG Marketing. I create and maintain our publishing websites and grow our social media platforms. My expertise is in website development, social media platforms, and Internet marketing.”

    I surmise that some of all of the domains that this person link-spams are ran by CMG Marketing Group.

    Here’s the ironic part – they don’t want link-spammers on their on own sites. On XEPHULA in their blog about verification it says:

    “Verification is an indication that we are fairly certain you are not a scammer or link spammer.”

    Source: https://xephula.com/blogs/609580/XEPHULA-Profile-Verification

    If they don’t want link-spammers on their own site, why do they think it is okay for them to link-spam on others?

    Also notable is that this person also has their house blurred out on Google Street View. What a coincidence they don’t want link-spammers on their own site and they are concerned about their own privacy.

    As far as ruining my own personal internet experience, after smartphones, link-spammers like this are next in line.

    It is all about the shekels isn’t it?


    Please stop link-spamming Mark.
    Rundown on the Defiant America Link-Spammer Not sure if link-spamming is the most accurate description of what this person engages in, but that is what I am calling it. For my definition, link-spamming is when a person posts links to websites they are affiliated with to multiple social media/aggregator websites. While most users of these social media/aggregator websites share content they found interesting and interact with other users doing the same through comments, link-spammers have little interest in interacting with the rest of the users or browsing what others post. If you review the activity of this person you will see that they only ever comment on their own posts. They are only on these sites to farm clicks from its users and to draw traffic towards the sites they are promoting. This link-spammer first came to my attention on Voat.co. There they had two accounts, u/averageguy71 and u/USAConservative u/averageguy71 link-spammed the domains usasupre.me (usasupreme.com) and xephula.com u/USAConservative link-spammed the domains defiantamerica.com, conservativeus.com, redstatenation.com, rightjournalism.com, and usasupreme.com Since Voat.co closed this link-spammer has been seen on the following sites: Talk, Poal, Scored, Reddit, Stormfront, Lucianne, Twitter, Gab, Right Only, Godlike Productions, Xephula, Minds, GETTR, One Political Plaza, and Bastyon. I believe they also had accounts on Ruqqus but I won’t include those. The link-spammer has some accounts named “Black Conservative Voice” claiming to be a Black Male living in Missouri. Some claiming to be a police officer. For some accounts they call themselves “Conservative Girl”. Some are claiming to be former US Army & deployed in two gulf wars. Some claiming they served four tours in Afghanistan they are a lieutenant in the 2nd Marine Division. The only truthful part of any of that is that they do live in Missouri. So far I have seen them banned on two websites: Poal.co and RightOnly.net – not only were their accounts disabled on Poal but all five domains that they link-spam were also banned. You can read about that here: https://poal.co/s/Reportspammers/502881 As previously stated, they went by “averageguy71” and “USAConservative” on Voat. They went by “Usaconservative” and “american_sniper” on Poal. They were “DefiantAmerica” on Right Only. They go by “ProudAmerican” on Talk. For Stormfront they use “ProudAmerican1”. Their handle on Godlike Productions is “Proud American 88”. On Scored they go by “conservativeamerica”. For Reddit they use “AmericanPatriot_FLO”. “Black Conservative Voice” is used on Lucianne and “BlackConservativeVoice” on Twitter. For Gab they use “donaldtrumpispresident” and “DefiantAmerica”. On the site One Political Plaza they use “Conservative Girl”. Their MINDS accounts are “USAConservative” and “DefiantAmerica”. For GETTR they use “WinningPatriot” and “DefiantAmerica”. On Bastyon they use “DefiantAmerica”. Finally on Xephula they are “DefiantAmerica”. These are just the accounts I have been able to identify, there are probably more to be discovered. They use a variety of methods to try to disguise that they are a link-spammer. One is link-spammers seldom leave comments, but this person will drop a comment or two on their own posts. Sometimes replying to other users who comment on their posts. Often the same exact comment, word-for-word, can be found on different sites. But they never comment outside their own posts. Another way they try to obfuscate their behavior is not to link directly to their spam domains, and linking to an intermediate post. On Godlike Productions when they want to post something from their spam domains, they will will first post the link on their Twitter account, then link the tweet to GLP. On GETTR they will create a post on finaltelegraph.com that mirrors & links content from a spam domain, and then link to that Final Telegraph post. Occasionally this link-spammer will link to a site outside of the five domains they are associated with to try to make it appear to not be a link-spammer. Sites such as breitbart.com, foxnews.com, dailycaller.com, etc. When they post these links to GLP they post them directly and they never post those links to their Twitter or Gab accounts. Here are the links to their social media/aggregator site accounts. Note that some of these links require you to be a site member and logged in to view. First their old Voat accounts and ones from sites they have been banned from: https://searchvoat.co/search.php?co=on&u=averageguy71 https://searchvoat.co/search.php?co=on&u=USAConservative https://poal.co/u/Usaconservative https://poal.co/u/american_sniper https://rightonly.net/DefiantAmerica/ Now to their active accounts: https://www.talk.lol/profile?user=ProudAmerican https://scored.co/u/conservativeamerica/ https://old.reddit.com/user/AmericanPatriot_FLO https://www.stormfront.org/forum/member.php?u=380467 https://www.godlikeproductions.com/members/226283/profile?c1=1&c2=1&disclaimer=Continue https://www.lucianne.com/members/46901/black_conservative_voice.html https://twitter.com/BlackCo58658102 https://www.onepoliticalplaza.com/user-topic-list?usernum=26089 https://gab.com/donaldtrumpispresident https://gab.com/defiantamerica https://www.minds.com/USAConservative/ https://www.minds.com/DefiantAmerica/ https://gettr.com/user/winningpatriot https://gettr.com/user/defiantamerica https://bastyon.com/defiantamerica https://xephula.com/defiantamerica Here are links to the five sites they are affiliated with and link-spam for: https://defiantamerica.com/ https://conservativeus.com/ https://redstatenation.com/ https://www.rightjournalism.com/ https://www.usasupreme.com/ I also suspect that they are affiliated with and link-spam for: https://proudamerican.site/ That site is link-spammed on Gab by https://gab.com/DailyConservative They work for/with the following companies: https://cmgmarketinggroup.com/ https://xephula.com/ https://www.elasticwebworks.com/ and possibly https://finaltelegraph.com Their self-confessed job duties and summary: They "create and maintain business websites", "create and maintain publishing websites", and they "grow presence on social media platforms." “I am currently Director of Marketing for CMG Marketing. I create and maintain our publishing websites and grow our social media platforms. My expertise is in website development, social media platforms, and Internet marketing.” I surmise that some of all of the domains that this person link-spams are ran by CMG Marketing Group. Here’s the ironic part – they don’t want link-spammers on their on own sites. On XEPHULA in their blog about verification it says: “Verification is an indication that we are fairly certain you are not a scammer or link spammer.” Source: https://xephula.com/blogs/609580/XEPHULA-Profile-Verification If they don’t want link-spammers on their own site, why do they think it is okay for them to link-spam on others? Also notable is that this person also has their house blurred out on Google Street View. What a coincidence they don’t want link-spammers on their own site and they are concerned about their own privacy. As far as ruining my own personal internet experience, after smartphones, link-spammers like this are next in line. It is all about the shekels isn’t it? https://www.givesendgo.com/xephula/donate Please stop link-spamming Mark.
    2 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 1492 Views
  • Before you get too compliant.....
    You MAY want to see their #Evil plan for YOU and your family!

    These are the people telling you
    "We are worried about your health"

    We did NOT elect these criminals to keep us healthy!
    They were put there to DEFEND OUR #Borders!
    Which they are NOT doing!

    They were put their to UPHOLD & DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION!
    Which they have wiped their ass on and thrown away!

    If you have not organized your area and spoken to your local Sheriff (Who is hopefully a member of #CSPOA)
    Then you are really not prepared for what is coming!

    Not at all!
    The operations and documents are ALL HERE!
    Perhaps you should go read them!

    And it is the END GAME right now!
    The bible has foretold this day! See "Revelations"

    Before you get too compliant..... You MAY want to see their #Evil plan for YOU and your family! These are the people telling you "We are worried about your health" We did NOT elect these criminals to keep us healthy! They were put there to DEFEND OUR #Borders! Which they are NOT doing! They were put their to UPHOLD & DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION! Which they have wiped their ass on and thrown away! If you have not organized your area and spoken to your local Sheriff (Who is hopefully a member of #CSPOA) Then you are really not prepared for what is coming! Not at all! The operations and documents are ALL HERE! Perhaps you should go read them! LOCKSTEP, END GAME....... And it is the END GAME right now! The bible has foretold this day! See "Revelations" http://www.quinnsquantumtechnologies.com/americanpatriotnewsinfohomepage/id139.html
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 645 Views
  • This went down in South Africa yesterday, SOUTH AFRICA'S HIGHEST COURT SET TO FREE THE CONTINENT FROM THE NEW WORLD ORDER & THE CENTRAL BANK https://www.trevorwinchell.com/AmericanPatriotsForum/viewtopic.php?f=110&t=5211&sid=b371b375eef0870422491b8a5f3ddb54.

    I watched it live on my phone filmed from the steps of our governments head office on a Youtube livestream via Australia. The sound was windy as it was all mobile phones but they read out the 120 page damning document proving the existence of the White Spiritual Boy and Swissindo stolen gold from Africa and issued a press release here https://griquas.com/gold.pdf and here https://griquas.com/wma.pdf.

    No doubt MSM will cover nothing of it and it's difficult to say what will happen but we cannot deny SOMETHING big is going down.

    This went down in South Africa yesterday, SOUTH AFRICA'S HIGHEST COURT SET TO FREE THE CONTINENT FROM THE NEW WORLD ORDER & THE CENTRAL BANK https://www.trevorwinchell.com/AmericanPatriotsForum/viewtopic.php?f=110&t=5211&sid=b371b375eef0870422491b8a5f3ddb54. I watched it live on my phone filmed from the steps of our governments head office on a Youtube livestream via Australia. The sound was windy as it was all mobile phones but they read out the 120 page damning document proving the existence of the White Spiritual Boy and Swissindo stolen gold from Africa and issued a press release here https://griquas.com/gold.pdf and here https://griquas.com/wma.pdf. No doubt MSM will cover nothing of it and it's difficult to say what will happen but we cannot deny SOMETHING big is going down.
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 1032 Views
  • https://www.trevorwinchell.com/AmericanPatriotsForum/viewtopic.php?f=110&t=5211&sid=b371b375eef0870422491b8a5f3ddb54
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 963 Views
  • Your $

    Have you been watching economists around the world discussing the American economy? Extremely interesting conversations, one of the things they have in common is they are unable to arrive at a logical reason why there exists no financially sound basis for what the govt is doing. Which leads us to a bright ray of hope coming our way. For as long as I can remember the economy has always been the #1 concern of voters, always, and therein is the light.

    The influence of the radical left on our govt is about to be their downfall. This govt is leading us down the path to a financial crisis, although investors may find an opportunity the rest of us will see the costs for goods and services higher than we have ever seen, it's already happening. Well that's good for govt they still get what they want, investors make $ and we pay the bills. I think most people realize this, the reason for the economy always being voters' #1 concern, back to the light.

    We have elections coming up, by that time the economy meaning us, will be struggling, it will be clear to all how high these bills are we're paying. This govt has placed itself in a situation where it will lose the House and Senate, at which point we can begin the healing. It is irrelevant to the person voting what party they are in they are voting for a standard of living (SOL) and to achieve that they need a change in govt to improve that SOL, at that point we have a united America all voting together for change.

    It's all about which party is going to raise our SOL regardless of which one you may belong to. The Democrats (which have lost their party to the radical left) have injured their own supporters, they have reduced their SOL for no logical reason and are doing other harm to America. All voter's concerns will be to keep the govt from doing further harm, it comes down to basic survival for the voter.

    So I predict the upcoming elections, like a year away, will result in a change in govt that will improve our lives, yes there is a bright light, very bright. If govt fails to give us honesty in these elections we will win with fairness and that will be the result of massive numbers of voters exercising their most valuable right, I believe this voter turnout will make history, it will clearly define what the majority of Americans want from govt. The majority will always win if they make the effort. Once they clearly feel the effects of our economy (not to mention crime, immigration, etc) I know each and every American will make that effort. This will be the most massive election in American history.

    Now for the party in control of the Peoples Houses after the elections, be attentive, you also have some amends to make, some of you have not acted in America's best interest and we know who you are. No more games, deals, no acting in your best interests. You are there to act in our best interests and the time is coming to do so. We are sick and tired with what is going on in America and we expect change, we tell you what we want, you make it happen that is how this Republic works. The time is coming for all American Patriots from all parties to make a change in govt for their own best interests.

    We have the rights, we have the tools now we just need to stand up and use them, be safe and be happy Patriots. Have you signed and shared the petition at the bottom of this writing? I have over 1300 Patriots on an email list, you’ll get writings directly instead of via social media, send an email to: [email protected]

    Frank D. Lovell
    American Patriot
    Free State of Florida
    Your $ Have you been watching economists around the world discussing the American economy? Extremely interesting conversations, one of the things they have in common is they are unable to arrive at a logical reason why there exists no financially sound basis for what the govt is doing. Which leads us to a bright ray of hope coming our way. For as long as I can remember the economy has always been the #1 concern of voters, always, and therein is the light. The influence of the radical left on our govt is about to be their downfall. This govt is leading us down the path to a financial crisis, although investors may find an opportunity the rest of us will see the costs for goods and services higher than we have ever seen, it's already happening. Well that's good for govt they still get what they want, investors make $ and we pay the bills. I think most people realize this, the reason for the economy always being voters' #1 concern, back to the light. We have elections coming up, by that time the economy meaning us, will be struggling, it will be clear to all how high these bills are we're paying. This govt has placed itself in a situation where it will lose the House and Senate, at which point we can begin the healing. It is irrelevant to the person voting what party they are in they are voting for a standard of living (SOL) and to achieve that they need a change in govt to improve that SOL, at that point we have a united America all voting together for change. It's all about which party is going to raise our SOL regardless of which one you may belong to. The Democrats (which have lost their party to the radical left) have injured their own supporters, they have reduced their SOL for no logical reason and are doing other harm to America. All voter's concerns will be to keep the govt from doing further harm, it comes down to basic survival for the voter. So I predict the upcoming elections, like a year away, will result in a change in govt that will improve our lives, yes there is a bright light, very bright. If govt fails to give us honesty in these elections we will win with fairness and that will be the result of massive numbers of voters exercising their most valuable right, I believe this voter turnout will make history, it will clearly define what the majority of Americans want from govt. The majority will always win if they make the effort. Once they clearly feel the effects of our economy (not to mention crime, immigration, etc) I know each and every American will make that effort. This will be the most massive election in American history. Now for the party in control of the Peoples Houses after the elections, be attentive, you also have some amends to make, some of you have not acted in America's best interest and we know who you are. No more games, deals, no acting in your best interests. You are there to act in our best interests and the time is coming to do so. We are sick and tired with what is going on in America and we expect change, we tell you what we want, you make it happen that is how this Republic works. The time is coming for all American Patriots from all parties to make a change in govt for their own best interests. We have the rights, we have the tools now we just need to stand up and use them, be safe and be happy Patriots. Have you signed and shared the petition at the bottom of this writing? I have over 1300 Patriots on an email list, you’ll get writings directly instead of via social media, send an email to: [email protected] https://www.change.org/SaveTheRepublic Frank D. Lovell American Patriot Free State of Florida
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 608 Views

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