• Live: Trump Mocks Kamala’s Desperate Visit to U.S. Border As Shock ICE Report Reveals Hundreds of Thousands of Criminal Illegal Aliens Set Loose into America https://www.infowars.com/posts/live-trump-mocks-kamalas-desperate-visit-to-u-s-border-as-shock-ice-report-reveals-hundreds-of-thousands-of-criminal-illegal-aliens-set-loose-into-america
    Live: Trump Mocks Kamala’s Desperate Visit to U.S. Border As Shock ICE Report Reveals Hundreds of Thousands of Criminal Illegal Aliens Set Loose into America https://www.infowars.com/posts/live-trump-mocks-kamalas-desperate-visit-to-u-s-border-as-shock-ice-report-reveals-hundreds-of-thousands-of-criminal-illegal-aliens-set-loose-into-america
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 39 Vue
  • America Tried Third-World Immigration In The 1980s And The Results Were Horrifying.
    The American Founding Fathers built our nation on a core premise that has been long forgotten and this memory lapse is causing endless grief for current generations. What premise? That the rest of the world is not the responsibility of the US. We don’t owe the world anything, we don’t need to be involved in foreign wars, we are not beholden to foreign interests and we are not obligated to foreign peoples.
    America is not a “melting pot.” It never has been a melting pot. This phrase is used by leftists and open borders activists to suggest that there is no American culture; that we are nothing more than an economic buffet for far flung tribes to feast upon.
    America is its own very separate and very distinct culture with comprehensive tradition, principles and ideals. If foreigners want to come here they have to play by our rules, learn our language, assimilate into our culture and respect our heritage or they can go back to whatever cesspool country they are running away from. It’s that simple.
    Americans should have learned this lesson well during the immigration disaster of the early 1980s under the Jimmy Carter Administration. The federal government opened the floodgates to mostly unvetted migrants from Cuba and Haiti. The event, called the Mariel Boatlift, sparked one of the worst escalations of criminal violence in our nation’s history and it led to the deaths of thousands of innocents.
    Keep in mind, the event was composed of only 150,000 migrants. Compare this to the over 500,000 Haitians imported into US communities (along with 800,000 other refugee applicants), not to mention the tens of millions of illegal aliens, mostly from South America, that have entered the country under the Biden/Harris Administration.
    America Tried Third-World Immigration In The 1980s And The Results Were Horrifying. The American Founding Fathers built our nation on a core premise that has been long forgotten and this memory lapse is causing endless grief for current generations. What premise? That the rest of the world is not the responsibility of the US. We don’t owe the world anything, we don’t need to be involved in foreign wars, we are not beholden to foreign interests and we are not obligated to foreign peoples. America is not a “melting pot.” It never has been a melting pot. This phrase is used by leftists and open borders activists to suggest that there is no American culture; that we are nothing more than an economic buffet for far flung tribes to feast upon. America is its own very separate and very distinct culture with comprehensive tradition, principles and ideals. If foreigners want to come here they have to play by our rules, learn our language, assimilate into our culture and respect our heritage or they can go back to whatever cesspool country they are running away from. It’s that simple. Americans should have learned this lesson well during the immigration disaster of the early 1980s under the Jimmy Carter Administration. The federal government opened the floodgates to mostly unvetted migrants from Cuba and Haiti. The event, called the Mariel Boatlift, sparked one of the worst escalations of criminal violence in our nation’s history and it led to the deaths of thousands of innocents. Keep in mind, the event was composed of only 150,000 migrants. Compare this to the over 500,000 Haitians imported into US communities (along with 800,000 other refugee applicants), not to mention the tens of millions of illegal aliens, mostly from South America, that have entered the country under the Biden/Harris Administration.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 121 Vue
  • https://thewashingtonstandard.com/another-reason-why-illegal-aliens-are-needed-by-the-lawless/
    Another Reason Why Illegal Aliens Are Needed By The Lawless - The Washington Standard
    When thinking about illegal aliens there is a generally understood idea that they are being brought to the U.S. for the primary purpose of voting for one particular party. But it should also be considered that these human beings are being manipulated and used to achieve other goals. The “The ...
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 119 Vue
  • 158 Democrats Vote Against Sending Sex Criminal Aliens Back Home, 14 GOP Vote Against Blocking Illegals from Voting

    Two measure failed in Congress this week that shows how both Democrats and Republicans voted against key measures.

    In one case, the latest funding bill failed by a vote of 220 to 202 with 14 Republicans crossing the aisle and voting with the anti-American Democrats.

    The 14 Republicans voted with Democrats after Speaker Mike Johnson had included the SAVE Act, which stiffened rules against allowing illegal aliens to vote in our elections. It would have required voters to supply proof of citizenship to register to vote. The 14 Republicans mostly said they opposed the spending bill itself, not the SAVE Act, but several said the SAVE Act was not a serious move to assure voter integrity.
    158 Democrats Vote Against Sending Sex Criminal Aliens Back Home, 14 GOP Vote Against Blocking Illegals from Voting Two measure failed in Congress this week that shows how both Democrats and Republicans voted against key measures. In one case, the latest funding bill failed by a vote of 220 to 202 with 14 Republicans crossing the aisle and voting with the anti-American Democrats. The 14 Republicans voted with Democrats after Speaker Mike Johnson had included the SAVE Act, which stiffened rules against allowing illegal aliens to vote in our elections. It would have required voters to supply proof of citizenship to register to vote. The 14 Republicans mostly said they opposed the spending bill itself, not the SAVE Act, but several said the SAVE Act was not a serious move to assure voter integrity.
    158 Democrats Vote Against Sending Sex Criminal Aliens Back Home, 14 GOP Vote Against Blocking Illegals from Voting ⋆ Conservative Firing Line
    158 Democrats voted to prevent the deportation of illegal aliens who have been convicted of sexual assault in the U.S.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 273 Vue
  • 158 Democrats Vote Against Sending Sex Criminal Aliens Back Home, 14 GOP Vote Against Blocking Illegals from Voting

    Two measure failed in Congress this week that shows how both Democrats and Republicans voted against key measures.

    In one case, the latest funding bill failed by a vote of 220 to 202 with 14 Republicans crossing the aisle and voting with the anti-American Democrats.

    The 14 Republicans voted with Democrats after Speaker Mike Johnson had included the SAVE Act, which stiffened rules against allowing illegal aliens to vote in our elections. It would have required voters to supply proof of citizenship to register to vote. The 14 Republicans mostly said they opposed the spending bill itself, not the SAVE Act, but several said the SAVE Act was not a serious move to assure voter integrity.
    158 Democrats Vote Against Sending Sex Criminal Aliens Back Home, 14 GOP Vote Against Blocking Illegals from Voting Two measure failed in Congress this week that shows how both Democrats and Republicans voted against key measures. In one case, the latest funding bill failed by a vote of 220 to 202 with 14 Republicans crossing the aisle and voting with the anti-American Democrats. The 14 Republicans voted with Democrats after Speaker Mike Johnson had included the SAVE Act, which stiffened rules against allowing illegal aliens to vote in our elections. It would have required voters to supply proof of citizenship to register to vote. The 14 Republicans mostly said they opposed the spending bill itself, not the SAVE Act, but several said the SAVE Act was not a serious move to assure voter integrity.
    158 Democrats Vote Against Sending Sex Criminal Aliens Back Home, 14 GOP Vote Against Blocking Illegals from Voting ⋆ Conservative Firing Line
    158 Democrats voted to prevent the deportation of illegal aliens who have been convicted of sexual assault in the U.S.
    1 Commentaires 0 Parts 273 Vue
  • Trump on Aliens
    He’s not a believer but he’s spoken to people who have told him things…
    I’m not sure how I’m supposed to feel about that. You?
    Trump on Aliens 👽 He’s not a believer but he’s spoken to people who have told him things… I’m not sure how I’m supposed to feel about that. You? 😂 https://static-assets-1.truthsocial.com/tmtg:prime-ts-assets/media_attachments/files/113/164/560/447/250/311/original/a1914dc58b216c45.mp4
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 142 Vue
  • The California Legislature passes bill to give illegal aliens unemployment benefits. (1 min, 29 sec)

    After a bill that would give illegal aliens access to home ownership in California was vetoed by Gov. Gavin Newsom, The Legislature voted to give illegal immigrants eligibility for $300 a week in unemployment benefits.

    The bill, SB 277 (Durazo), would establish an “Excluded Workers Program” that allows for 20 weeks of benefits to be provided to each enrollee. The Employment Development Department (EDD) is currently $32 billion in debt due to the fraudulent unemployment claims submitted during COVID, so this would NOT be a good idea.

    The bill was presented to Newsom on September 9th, so he has just a few more days to decide if he will implement this into California law. During COVID, he made unemployment benefits available to millions of illegals, so it would come as no surprise if he did so now.
    The California Legislature passes bill to give illegal aliens unemployment benefits. (1 min, 29 sec) After a bill that would give illegal aliens access to home ownership in California was vetoed by Gov. Gavin Newsom, The Legislature voted to give illegal immigrants eligibility for $300 a week in unemployment benefits. The bill, SB 277 (Durazo), would establish an “Excluded Workers Program” that allows for 20 weeks of benefits to be provided to each enrollee. The Employment Development Department (EDD) is currently $32 billion in debt due to the fraudulent unemployment claims submitted during COVID, so this would NOT be a good idea. The bill was presented to Newsom on September 9th, so he has just a few more days to decide if he will implement this into California law. During COVID, he made unemployment benefits available to millions of illegals, so it would come as no surprise if he did so now. https://t.me/davidavocadowolfe/140206
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 245 Vue 0
  • https://medforth.org/italiens-freisler-soros-anklager-fordert-sechs-jahre-haft-fur-salvini/
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 190 Vue

    "The first bus, sponsored by Biden-Harris’s CBP One app, arrived at the US border this week, where illegals from Central and South America will be admitted into the US. Under Mexico's new program, Secure Emerging Mobility Corridor, the bus arrived in Reynosa, Tamaulipas, Mexico — just across the border from McAllen, Texas. The program was unveiled after a meeting between Biden and the Mexican president.

    "Illegals traveling to the US in the program get free transportation, meals, and security from the Mexico/Guatemala border to ports of entry in the US. There are 1,450 daily appointments available at several of ports of entry across the border. The CBP One smartphone app allows illegal aliens to schedule an appointment in the US to claim asylum and be released into the country permanently. More than 500,000 undocumented aliens enter under the CBP-One smartphone application yearly."

    So, if those who want to protect our country's bedrock of the law applying equally to everyone want to help stop the lawlessness at the southern border - the lawlessness being facilitated by this program, I guess (and I am not advocating for, but making an observation) a knowledgeable "white hat-black hat" could drop a virus into the CBP One program to destroy it beyond repair.

    After all, 1,450 entry appointments a day equates to 529,250 entries a year—and that is on top of those who didn't use the app and the "got aways."

    Yeah, Kamala, the border is secure...NOT!


    #KamalaHarris #DebunkingKamala #Border #Illegals #Election2024
    FIRST BIDEN-HARRIS CBP ONE BUS CARRYING ILLEGAL ALIENS ARRIVES AT BORDER "The first bus, sponsored by Biden-Harris’s CBP One app, arrived at the US border this week, where illegals from Central and South America will be admitted into the US. Under Mexico's new program, Secure Emerging Mobility Corridor, the bus arrived in Reynosa, Tamaulipas, Mexico — just across the border from McAllen, Texas. The program was unveiled after a meeting between Biden and the Mexican president. "Illegals traveling to the US in the program get free transportation, meals, and security from the Mexico/Guatemala border to ports of entry in the US. There are 1,450 daily appointments available at several of ports of entry across the border. The CBP One smartphone app allows illegal aliens to schedule an appointment in the US to claim asylum and be released into the country permanently. More than 500,000 undocumented aliens enter under the CBP-One smartphone application yearly." So, if those who want to protect our country's bedrock of the law applying equally to everyone want to help stop the lawlessness at the southern border - the lawlessness being facilitated by this program, I guess (and I am not advocating for, but making an observation) a knowledgeable "white hat-black hat" could drop a virus into the CBP One program to destroy it beyond repair. After all, 1,450 entry appointments a day equates to 529,250 entries a year—and that is on top of those who didn't use the app and the "got aways." Yeah, Kamala, the border is secure...NOT! https://substack.com/profile/129788551-frank-salvato/note/c-69023653 #KamalaHarris #DebunkingKamala #Border #Illegals #Election2024
    1 Commentaires 0 Parts 537 Vue
  • If you're confused about this, there is police footage of illegal aliens (immigrants) in Ohio I think it was, who have been caught with animals like geese, ducks from city ponds and cats etc... where they kill and eat them. The dems tried to deny that in the debate, but there is actual police body cam footage of it. What a world...
    If you're confused about this, there is police footage of illegal aliens (immigrants) in Ohio I think it was, who have been caught with animals like geese, ducks from city ponds and cats etc... where they kill and eat them. The dems tried to deny that in the debate, but there is actual police body cam footage of it. What a world...
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 301 Vue
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