See related Smocking, Loosh, Frazzledrip links

    It's NOT just the Belgian "government" that contains "Satanic witch covens"
    YOUR supposed "government" consists of these same twisted and tortured souls!

    You look at the actions these people take regarding your country....
    and you tell yourself they are "stupid" or that they are "morons"

    But the truth is... THAT IS ONLY BECAUSE YOU THINK

    These people are NEVER trying to solve your problems folks!
    They CREATE your problems! These people want to destroy you in every way possible

    They want to collapse your economy, stain your soul, and take your life!
    Because they are #Evil incarnate!

    The #Police don't arrest them because the Police exist to PROTECT THEM!
    Most high ranking Police are likely also members of these organizations

    All you need to do is to look around!
    EVERY DAY you see injustice from Congress to State "government," and from state government to local government, to the POLICE and Military!

    You must learn to recognize your enemies and where they exist!
    And they exist right in your face, in every organization that is supposedly "helping" you and society at large!

    They exist EVERYWHERE that people walk around with armed guards!
    WHY do you think these people are so scared?

    Because they "voted" the wrong way???
    No... It's because they have likely murdered a child of someone near your home!
    It is because they have raped and sodomized, stolen and LIED, and continue to do so EVERY DAY through their illegitimate "governments" and #Courts!

    And once you spot them, they'll seek to murder you or lock you in a cage for the remainder of your natural life on some phony charge, using a stacked "jury" and a corrupt "Prosecutor" and "Judge" (Who are also likely members)

    The more knowledge you gain about this realm, the more you'll realize that the bible speaks the #Truth, more than you ever knew! That #Evil exists right next door to you..
    NOT "in a land far far away" like you always THOUGHT it did!

    EVERYONE involved in high level "government" and it's 3 letter agencies are involved. As are the POLICE and the #Media, the Schools and the Hospitals!

    YOU are living in Babylon, and it's about time to wake up to that FACT!

    HUMAN HUNTING PARTIES & ROYAL FAMILIES/BLOODLINES - See related Smocking, Loosh, Frazzledrip links It's NOT just the Belgian "government" that contains "Satanic witch covens" YOUR supposed "government" consists of these same twisted and tortured souls! You look at the actions these people take regarding your country.... and you tell yourself they are "stupid" or that they are "morons" But the truth is... THAT IS ONLY BECAUSE YOU THINK THEY ARE TRYING TO SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS! These people are NEVER trying to solve your problems folks! They CREATE your problems! These people want to destroy you in every way possible They want to collapse your economy, stain your soul, and take your life! Because they are #Evil incarnate! The #Police don't arrest them because the Police exist to PROTECT THEM! Most high ranking Police are likely also members of these organizations All you need to do is to look around! EVERY DAY you see injustice from Congress to State "government," and from state government to local government, to the POLICE and Military! You must learn to recognize your enemies and where they exist! And they exist right in your face, in every organization that is supposedly "helping" you and society at large! They exist EVERYWHERE that people walk around with armed guards! WHY do you think these people are so scared? Because they "voted" the wrong way??? No... It's because they have likely murdered a child of someone near your home! It is because they have raped and sodomized, stolen and LIED, and continue to do so EVERY DAY through their illegitimate "governments" and #Courts! And once you spot them, they'll seek to murder you or lock you in a cage for the remainder of your natural life on some phony charge, using a stacked "jury" and a corrupt "Prosecutor" and "Judge" (Who are also likely members) The more knowledge you gain about this realm, the more you'll realize that the bible speaks the #Truth, more than you ever knew! That #Evil exists right next door to you.. NOT "in a land far far away" like you always THOUGHT it did! EVERYONE involved in high level "government" and it's 3 letter agencies are involved. As are the POLICE and the #Media, the Schools and the Hospitals! YOU are living in Babylon, and it's about time to wake up to that FACT! https://rumble.com/v42ivrf-human-hunting-parties-and-royal-familiesbloodlines-see-related-smocking-loo.html
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 269 Visualizações
  • Why does she think that's funny? That's not funny.

    Her cackling should be banned under the codes of the Geneva Convention. It's the worst form of cruel torture!!!

    Why does she think that's funny? That's not funny. Her cackling should be banned under the codes of the Geneva Convention. It's the worst form of cruel torture!!! https://redstatenation.com/video-kamala-harris-was-asked-her-favorite-curse-word-her-response-is-excruciating/
    Video: Kamala Harris Was Asked Her Favorite Curse Word – Her Response Is Excruciating - Red State Nation
    On the same day that former President Trump claimed before a national gathering of Black journalists that Vice President Kamala Harris “was Indian all the way, and then all of a sudden she made a turn, and she became a Black person,” his running mate Sen. JD Vance accused Harris of being a “phony” who […]
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 321 Visualizações
  • https://settingbrushfires.com/v2k-electronically-tortured-man-theyve-been-attacking-me-for-35-years-im-not-the-only-one-video/
    V2K Electronically Tortured Man: They've Been Attacking Me For 35 Years & I'm Not The Only One! (Video) - Setting Brushfires
    In this episode, Craig LaForest from Australia, and Amy Holem, an audio specialist, join me to talk about the electronic harassment that Craig has been dealing with for 35 years! We’ll also hear about what ICATOR is doing to combat governments, specifically the US government from engaging in this criminal ...
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 246 Visualizações
  • https://medforth.biz/germany-muslim-guard-of-public-morals-rapes-and-tortures-viennese-woman-for-hours/
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 194 Visualizações
  • https://medforth.biz/germany-muslim-guard-of-public-morals-rapes-and-tortures-viennese-woman-for-hours/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=germany-muslim-guard-of-public-morals-rapes-and-tortures-viennese-woman-for-hours
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 220 Visualizações
  • Chille DeCastro conviction is overturned!
    (After an INNOCENT MAN who committed no crime spent 4 1/2 months in a CAGE)

    You MUST comprehend that ALL COURTS are nothing more than
    Maritime Admiralty Law deceivers controlled by CORPORATIONS!

    You have no "government"
    It's ALL just a CORPORATION operating under #Fraud

    This is #Criminal!
    What Chille did was perfectly LAWFUL!

    The kidnapping, caging, and torture of Chille?
    THAT was a #Crime!
    Chille DeCastro conviction is overturned! (After an INNOCENT MAN who committed no crime spent 4 1/2 months in a CAGE) You MUST comprehend that ALL COURTS are nothing more than Maritime Admiralty Law deceivers controlled by CORPORATIONS! You have no "government" It's ALL just a CORPORATION operating under #Fraud This is #Criminal! What Chille did was perfectly LAWFUL! The kidnapping, caging, and torture of Chille? THAT was a #Crime!
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 777 Visualizações
  • Chille DeCastro conviction is overturned!
    (After an INNOCENT MAN who committed no crime spent 4 1/2 months in a CAGE)

    You MUST comprehend that ALL COURTS are nothing more than
    Maritime Admiralty Law deceivers controlled by CORPORATIONS!

    You have no "government"
    It's ALL just a CORPORATION operating under #Fraud

    This is #Criminal!
    What Chille did was perfectly LAWFUL!

    The kidnapping, caging, and torture of Chille?
    THAT was a #Crime!
    Chille DeCastro conviction is overturned! (After an INNOCENT MAN who committed no crime spent 4 1/2 months in a CAGE) You MUST comprehend that ALL COURTS are nothing more than Maritime Admiralty Law deceivers controlled by CORPORATIONS! You have no "government" It's ALL just a CORPORATION operating under #Fraud This is #Criminal! What Chille did was perfectly LAWFUL! The kidnapping, caging, and torture of Chille? THAT was a #Crime!
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 738 Visualizações
  • https://medforth.biz/allegations-of-priests-torture-in-custody-outrage-poland/
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 379 Visualizações
  • Facebook backs terrorists, murderers, rapists, torturers.
    Facebook backs terrorists, murderers, rapists, torturers.
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 862 Visualizações
  • Police should be REQUIRED BY LAW to have an active insurance policy for general liability, to pay out the lawsuits and police misconduct claims!

    And those cops should also be CRIMINALLY CHARGED under federal law, Title 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 18 U.S.C. § 242 every single time they violate the rights of Americans!

    I have been telling people this for YEARS!

    I install replacement windows for a living.....
    My job REQUIRES me to purchase a ONE MILLION DOLLAR general liability insurance policy. Without it I can't work!

    I DON'T carry a gun, shoot people, taze people, bust out people's car windows, imprison people with torture cuffs, or put people into a cage while I'm at work.....

    I simply install windows, and MUST HAVE liability insurance!

    Don't you think it's beyond reasonable to ask that #Police Officers be REQUIRED BY LAW to carry a general liability insurance policy, just like I have to have, since they DO all of the things listed above!

    They DO carry a gun, they DO commit violence against other Americans, they DO put people into shackles, they DO damage the property of Americans, and they DO harm Americans on a regular basis

    Is it REALLY necessary for ME to be forced to have general liability insurance in order to "Change a window" when we have
    MEN IN BODY ARMOR WITH GUNS AND TASERS who don't have insurance?

    You see..... Police definitely DON'T WANT to be required to purchase their own insurance policy! Do you know WHY???

    I'll tell you... If these Police had their own liability insurance every time that an American citizen wins a case of police brutality or misconduct, and / or wrongful death when they kill the innocent..

    And that would make their premiums go up...

    And when it has happened several times
    (Like happens with bad cops) their policy would be CANCELLED leaving them unable to ever work as a police officer again!

    This is something that MUST HAPPEN!
    We can no longer tolerate a #Criminal gang of blue line thugs who are "Above the Law" and are NEVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE!

    And body cameras should be MANDATORY and activated throughout the shift of ALL POLICE OFFICERS!

    If they turn them off it should be an automatic 25 years in prison!

    The body cameras and dash cameras should be LIVE-STREAMED to servers controlled by CITIZEN OVERSIGHT COMMITTEES of regular Americans (Like myself and James Freeman) and to Police headquarters, after a 5 minute delay

    THE AMERICAN PEOPLE should NEVER get a redacted version of the body cameras, after all, THEY ARE THE BOSS!

    Every body camera in America should be viewable after a 5 minute delay, it should be released for ANYONE to look at it, at any time, and for any reason... and under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should it be edited whatsoever!

    STOP enabling criminal behavior by Police!
    STOP enabling criminals to walk free among us!


    Because if you should fail to do this....
    Your children and grandchildren will live as #Slaves and under #Tyranny
    Police should be REQUIRED BY LAW to have an active insurance policy for general liability, to pay out the lawsuits and police misconduct claims! And those cops should also be CRIMINALLY CHARGED under federal law, Title 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 18 U.S.C. § 242 every single time they violate the rights of Americans! I have been telling people this for YEARS! I install replacement windows for a living..... My job REQUIRES me to purchase a ONE MILLION DOLLAR general liability insurance policy. Without it I can't work! I DON'T carry a gun, shoot people, taze people, bust out people's car windows, imprison people with torture cuffs, or put people into a cage while I'm at work..... I simply install windows, and MUST HAVE liability insurance! Don't you think it's beyond reasonable to ask that #Police Officers be REQUIRED BY LAW to carry a general liability insurance policy, just like I have to have, since they DO all of the things listed above! They DO carry a gun, they DO commit violence against other Americans, they DO put people into shackles, they DO damage the property of Americans, and they DO harm Americans on a regular basis Is it REALLY necessary for ME to be forced to have general liability insurance in order to "Change a window" when we have MEN IN BODY ARMOR WITH GUNS AND TASERS who don't have insurance? You see..... Police definitely DON'T WANT to be required to purchase their own insurance policy! Do you know WHY??? I'll tell you... If these Police had their own liability insurance every time that an American citizen wins a case of police brutality or misconduct, and / or wrongful death when they kill the innocent.. THEIR INSURANCE WOULD HAVE TO PAY THE LAWSUIT! And that would make their premiums go up... And when it has happened several times (Like happens with bad cops) their policy would be CANCELLED leaving them unable to ever work as a police officer again! This is something that MUST HAPPEN! We can no longer tolerate a #Criminal gang of blue line thugs who are "Above the Law" and are NEVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE! And body cameras should be MANDATORY and activated throughout the shift of ALL POLICE OFFICERS! If they turn them off it should be an automatic 25 years in prison! The body cameras and dash cameras should be LIVE-STREAMED to servers controlled by CITIZEN OVERSIGHT COMMITTEES of regular Americans (Like myself and James Freeman) and to Police headquarters, after a 5 minute delay THE AMERICAN PEOPLE should NEVER get a redacted version of the body cameras, after all, THEY ARE THE BOSS! Every body camera in America should be viewable after a 5 minute delay, it should be released for ANYONE to look at it, at any time, and for any reason... and under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should it be edited whatsoever! STOP enabling criminal behavior by Police! STOP enabling criminals to walk free among us! DEMAND POLICE ACCOUNTABILITY WITH EVERY BREATHE YOU TAKE, RIGHT UP UNTIL THE VERY LAST ONE! Because if you should fail to do this.... Your children and grandchildren will live as #Slaves and under #Tyranny
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2075 Visualizações 2
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