• https://medforth.biz/uk-transgender-academic-who-downplayed-violence-against-women-revising-ethics-for-therapists/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 874 Views
  • https://medforth.biz/uk-transgender-academic-who-downplayed-violence-against-women-revising-ethics-for-therapists/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 917 Views
  • https://barenakedislam.com/2023/07/09/state-sanctioned-kidnapping-california-moves-toward-giving-therapists-unconditional-power-to-emancipate-children-as-young-as-12-from-their-parents-who-wont-allow-gender-mutilating-treatments/
    STATE SANCTIONED KIDNAPPING! California moves toward giving therapists unconditional power to ’emancipate’ children as young as 12 from their parents who won’t allow gender-mutilating treatments
    California Democrats advanced legislation to let mental health professionals remove children from their homes and place them in state custody without parental consent. The Senate Judiciary Committe…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 778 Views
  • Just started watching www.svt.se that had a 4-part series on Mission: Investigate on the LGBTQI2S+ pushing teens to change their sex via surgery and puberty blockers.
    These transidiots are skipping over therapeutic treatments of comorbidities and blankly saying the kids are born in the worn body and they need to change the body and not the mind, diagnosing and treating eating disorders, cutting, childhood abuse trauma, rape, incest, communication disorders, autism be damned.
    Fake news does not tell us this.
    Fake news does not tell us this.
    In the UK, Tavistock stopped taking in teenagers and plying them with puberty blockers after a court case where one transgender teen won her case against the transgender clinic which pushes the transition hoax that tells parents and teens to stop pubertal development via unapproved pharmaceuticals and change their sex MtF or FtM or they will die. Norway followed suit after the UK stopped pushing the blockers, and the Karolinska Institute in Sweden is under scrutiny as well.
    Fake news does not tell us this.
    20 states have banned puberty blockers, cross sex hormones and mutilation surgeries for adolescents labeled by the LGBTQI2S+ as “gender affirming care” and 491 state legislative bills have been put forward to protect kids from these atrocities against the human race reproducing itself.
    Fake news does not tell us this.
    One endocrinologist, Dr. Jimena Lopez, who has been offering “gender-affirming care” to teens in Texas for many years, now has to move to California where the laws banning child mutilation surgeries and pubertal suppression drugs are not so strict. Cities in California, Colorado, Canada and Europe are offering teens the option to transition from FtM and MtF without their parent’s knowledge or consent. This is sickening.
    Fake news does not tell us this.
    Bill SB14 at the Texas legislature passed a law prohibiting puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and sex-reassignation surgeries for teens. BRAVO!!
    This transgender delusion is a spirit that needs to be rebuked in Jesus Name. Sexual identity disorder is a mental disorder that needs to be treated with great care and professionalism to change the mind to match the body, not the “get rich quick” scheme that ruins kids’ lives at $70,000.00 a pop with lifelong disorders and infections from surgeons claiming they must change the body to match the mind or the kids will commit suicide, while ignoring the comorbidities that
    have nothing to do with normal sexual development of the human being.
    Fake news does not tell us this.
    Canada’s parliament is passing bills that not only prohibit people from speaking out against abortion, homosexuality and LGBTQI2S+ programs targeting adolescents, but they have a bill that says anybody — including parents, pastors, therapists and anybody else helping a teenagers overcoming same-sex attractions or desiring to come out of homosexuality — is committing a crime and must be jailed.
    Fake news does not tell us this.
    In Ireland, speaking out against homosexuality can land you in jail for five years, according to one commenter on another site.
    Fake news does not tell us this.
    In the UK, the British police can surveil your Twitter accounts like the NSA does in the US, and if you speak out against homosexuality or transsexuality, they can call you in for questioning if you speak out against the LGBTQI2S+ and label your comments as a hate crime when it is really the truth. If you don’t come in for questioning, they will build a case against you and put you on surveillance, including your social media.
    Fake news does not tell us this.
    Each sex-change procedure including phalloplasties, vaginoplasties, peritoneal vaginoplasties when there is a lack of genital tissue to fashion the neovagina, labioplasty revisions where injuries occur, daily dilation of the neovagina, rebuilding of urinary tract tissues using buccal tissues, scrotum tissue expanders, tissue grafts, urinary catheters for 5-7 months at a clip, and fighting frequent gangrenous infections costs thousands of dollars to the families of these troubled teens, not to mention the thousands of dollars for lifelong prescription to HRT (hormone replacement therapy) and the comorbidities that could have been treated apart from the greed for destroying their fertility, were not — because changing the sexual development of the body was more lucrative to these charlatans.
    Fake news does not tell us this.
    “Do you want a living child or a dead child?” they say. “If you don’t allow for the surgery to take place, puberty will be very dangerous,” they say. “If you don’t put your kid on these puberty blockers and cross sex hormones, your son or daughter will die,” they say. “We MUST stop the puberty from taking place,” they say. This is an outright lie, an egregious offense against the families and a dark kind of emotional blackmail to get the checks and the cash from the families that fear losing their sons or daughters to adolescence, the very essential change that transports a human being from childhood to adulthood. This is an affront to God as well as to the families and the kids. God designed our bodies to change and develop from childhood to adulthood – the bodily change indicate maturity for marriage and reproduction and enjoying the marriage bed. If puberty is so dangerous, how did the human race survive for over 6,000+ years and 3,000+ generations?
    Fake news does not tell us this.
    The Illuminati is financing and supporting this depopulation agenda by going after the kids since they lost with abortion, the scamdemic, the genocidal clotshots, the infected food with mRNA and graphene, and carcinogens and nanotech in our food, drinks, drugs, water, and now medical/dental anesthesia WHICH IS NEEDED FOR INVASIVE PRODECURES.
    Fake news does not tell us this.

    Just started watching www.svt.se that had a 4-part series on Mission: Investigate on the LGBTQI2S+ pushing teens to change their sex via surgery and puberty blockers. These transidiots are skipping over therapeutic treatments of comorbidities and blankly saying the kids are born in the worn body and they need to change the body and not the mind, diagnosing and treating eating disorders, cutting, childhood abuse trauma, rape, incest, communication disorders, autism be damned. Fake news does not tell us this. It’s happening all over the EU, not just in America. THEY ARE STERILIZING THE KIDS BY TELLING THEM GOING THROUGH PUBERTY IS DANGEROUS TO THEM!!! Fake news does not tell us this. In the UK, Tavistock stopped taking in teenagers and plying them with puberty blockers after a court case where one transgender teen won her case against the transgender clinic which pushes the transition hoax that tells parents and teens to stop pubertal development via unapproved pharmaceuticals and change their sex MtF or FtM or they will die. Norway followed suit after the UK stopped pushing the blockers, and the Karolinska Institute in Sweden is under scrutiny as well. Fake news does not tell us this. 20 states have banned puberty blockers, cross sex hormones and mutilation surgeries for adolescents labeled by the LGBTQI2S+ as “gender affirming care” and 491 state legislative bills have been put forward to protect kids from these atrocities against the human race reproducing itself. Fake news does not tell us this. One endocrinologist, Dr. Jimena Lopez, who has been offering “gender-affirming care” to teens in Texas for many years, now has to move to California where the laws banning child mutilation surgeries and pubertal suppression drugs are not so strict. Cities in California, Colorado, Canada and Europe are offering teens the option to transition from FtM and MtF without their parent’s knowledge or consent. This is sickening. Fake news does not tell us this. Bill SB14 at the Texas legislature passed a law prohibiting puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and sex-reassignation surgeries for teens. BRAVO!! This transgender delusion is a spirit that needs to be rebuked in Jesus Name. Sexual identity disorder is a mental disorder that needs to be treated with great care and professionalism to change the mind to match the body, not the “get rich quick” scheme that ruins kids’ lives at $70,000.00 a pop with lifelong disorders and infections from surgeons claiming they must change the body to match the mind or the kids will commit suicide, while ignoring the comorbidities that have nothing to do with normal sexual development of the human being. Fake news does not tell us this. Canada’s parliament is passing bills that not only prohibit people from speaking out against abortion, homosexuality and LGBTQI2S+ programs targeting adolescents, but they have a bill that says anybody — including parents, pastors, therapists and anybody else helping a teenagers overcoming same-sex attractions or desiring to come out of homosexuality — is committing a crime and must be jailed. Fake news does not tell us this. In Ireland, speaking out against homosexuality can land you in jail for five years, according to one commenter on another site. Fake news does not tell us this. In the UK, the British police can surveil your Twitter accounts like the NSA does in the US, and if you speak out against homosexuality or transsexuality, they can call you in for questioning if you speak out against the LGBTQI2S+ and label your comments as a hate crime when it is really the truth. If you don’t come in for questioning, they will build a case against you and put you on surveillance, including your social media. Fake news does not tell us this. Each sex-change procedure including phalloplasties, vaginoplasties, peritoneal vaginoplasties when there is a lack of genital tissue to fashion the neovagina, labioplasty revisions where injuries occur, daily dilation of the neovagina, rebuilding of urinary tract tissues using buccal tissues, scrotum tissue expanders, tissue grafts, urinary catheters for 5-7 months at a clip, and fighting frequent gangrenous infections costs thousands of dollars to the families of these troubled teens, not to mention the thousands of dollars for lifelong prescription to HRT (hormone replacement therapy) and the comorbidities that could have been treated apart from the greed for destroying their fertility, were not — because changing the sexual development of the body was more lucrative to these charlatans. Fake news does not tell us this. “Do you want a living child or a dead child?” they say. “If you don’t allow for the surgery to take place, puberty will be very dangerous,” they say. “If you don’t put your kid on these puberty blockers and cross sex hormones, your son or daughter will die,” they say. “We MUST stop the puberty from taking place,” they say. This is an outright lie, an egregious offense against the families and a dark kind of emotional blackmail to get the checks and the cash from the families that fear losing their sons or daughters to adolescence, the very essential change that transports a human being from childhood to adulthood. This is an affront to God as well as to the families and the kids. God designed our bodies to change and develop from childhood to adulthood – the bodily change indicate maturity for marriage and reproduction and enjoying the marriage bed. If puberty is so dangerous, how did the human race survive for over 6,000+ years and 3,000+ generations? Fake news does not tell us this. The Illuminati is financing and supporting this depopulation agenda by going after the kids since they lost with abortion, the scamdemic, the genocidal clotshots, the infected food with mRNA and graphene, and carcinogens and nanotech in our food, drinks, drugs, water, and now medical/dental anesthesia WHICH IS NEEDED FOR INVASIVE PRODECURES. Fake news does not tell us this.
    SVT Nyheter
    SVT Nyheter med senaste nytt om dagens viktigaste nyheter, live, lokala nyheter, väder, recensioner och sportens målservice.
    1 Comments 0 Shares 7889 Views
    The churches exercise discipline for sinners according to Matthew 18:15-17 and 1 Corinthians 5:1-1, 11, 13 for those who refuse to repent and stop sinning and hurting people by their sins. We all should shun people and refuse to support politicians like Paedo Joe, Headboard Harris, BO, MO, Varadkar, Albanese and Turdeau who deliberately and arrogantly shove their sexual abominations like homosexuality, transsexuality and child abuse, either physical or sexual, down our throats and demand we accept their depravity along with supporting these laws which decriminalize such heinous behaviours.
    I very strongly object to children being raised by gays and lesbians and transsexuals, because they will suffer the consequences of being exposed to this sexual atrocity and corruption, not to mention experiencing the pain of missing the opposite-sex parents in their own lives, whom the need, just because the same-sex parents want it that way. That’s destroying the children who need both a mom and a dad. I hate the behaviour and I don’t want kids exposed to it. One of my coworkers was very upset upon hearing that one of her daughter's friends is being raised by lesbians; that's just wrong, morally speaking.
    These sons and daughters are precious gifts from God; there are parents who desperately want kids but cannot conceive them even with medical help, nor adopt them because they are conjugal parents ( I say conjugal to mean married opposite-sex parents) who believe in raising children with ethics and orals, especially the Judeo-Christian morals and are being marginalized and discriminate against for having such believes -- this is happening not only in America, but in Canada, the UK and Germany and well. Social services in those countries will take your kids away if you teach them that homosexuality is wrong.
    Also, "gender-affirming care" is not healthcare; if it was healthcare, the doctors and therapists would not be rushing the therapeutic screening and forgo treatment for comorbidities, then pushing kids through the gender clinics with pubertal suppression drugs, cross-sex hormones and mutilating sex-change surgeries which there is no repair or reverse course.
    Unless we as the natural or adoptive parents or guardians affirm their kids' sexual identity disorder and tell them it's okay to be homosexual or transsexual, and agree to "gender-affirming care," which means genital mutilation with pubertal drugs, cross-sex hormones and irreparable surgeries, they will break up our families, and that is criminal and shameful. This is happening in America and Canada and now I hear it is also in Europe, as young as 12 years old. That is discriminatory, criminal and reprehensible, and that is breaking up the families, and this is what I oppose.

    HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY (BELATED) AND HAPPY FATHER’S DAY The churches exercise discipline for sinners according to Matthew 18:15-17 and 1 Corinthians 5:1-1, 11, 13 for those who refuse to repent and stop sinning and hurting people by their sins. We all should shun people and refuse to support politicians like Paedo Joe, Headboard Harris, BO, MO, Varadkar, Albanese and Turdeau who deliberately and arrogantly shove their sexual abominations like homosexuality, transsexuality and child abuse, either physical or sexual, down our throats and demand we accept their depravity along with supporting these laws which decriminalize such heinous behaviours. RESISTING EVIL MEANS NO COMPROMISE. I very strongly object to children being raised by gays and lesbians and transsexuals, because they will suffer the consequences of being exposed to this sexual atrocity and corruption, not to mention experiencing the pain of missing the opposite-sex parents in their own lives, whom the need, just because the same-sex parents want it that way. That’s destroying the children who need both a mom and a dad. I hate the behaviour and I don’t want kids exposed to it. One of my coworkers was very upset upon hearing that one of her daughter's friends is being raised by lesbians; that's just wrong, morally speaking. These sons and daughters are precious gifts from God; there are parents who desperately want kids but cannot conceive them even with medical help, nor adopt them because they are conjugal parents ( I say conjugal to mean married opposite-sex parents) who believe in raising children with ethics and orals, especially the Judeo-Christian morals and are being marginalized and discriminate against for having such believes -- this is happening not only in America, but in Canada, the UK and Germany and well. Social services in those countries will take your kids away if you teach them that homosexuality is wrong. Also, "gender-affirming care" is not healthcare; if it was healthcare, the doctors and therapists would not be rushing the therapeutic screening and forgo treatment for comorbidities, then pushing kids through the gender clinics with pubertal suppression drugs, cross-sex hormones and mutilating sex-change surgeries which there is no repair or reverse course. Unless we as the natural or adoptive parents or guardians affirm their kids' sexual identity disorder and tell them it's okay to be homosexual or transsexual, and agree to "gender-affirming care," which means genital mutilation with pubertal drugs, cross-sex hormones and irreparable surgeries, they will break up our families, and that is criminal and shameful. This is happening in America and Canada and now I hear it is also in Europe, as young as 12 years old. That is discriminatory, criminal and reprehensible, and that is breaking up the families, and this is what I oppose. RESISTING EVIL MEANS NO COMPROMISE.
    1 Comments 0 Shares 3230 Views
  • Therapists Answering Machine
    Welcome to the Psychologist Hotline.
    If you are obsessive-compulsive, please press 1 repeatedly.
    If you are co-dependent, please ask someone to press 2.
    If you have multiple personalities, please press 3, 4, 5 and 6.
    If you are paranoid-delusional, we know who you are and what you want. Just stay on the line until we can trace the call.
    If you are schizophrenic, listen carefully and a little voice will tell you which number to press. If you are manic-depressive, it doesn't matter which number you press. No one will answer.
    Therapists Answering Machine Welcome to the Psychologist Hotline. If you are obsessive-compulsive, please press 1 repeatedly. If you are co-dependent, please ask someone to press 2. If you have multiple personalities, please press 3, 4, 5 and 6. If you are paranoid-delusional, we know who you are and what you want. Just stay on the line until we can trace the call. If you are schizophrenic, listen carefully and a little voice will tell you which number to press. If you are manic-depressive, it doesn't matter which number you press. No one will answer.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 895 Views
  • Masako Ganaha
    June 2023, 6 4:05 PM
    I have translated an article published earlier this year by Walt Hier, whom I have interviewed on the Mako Naha Channel before, Japanese.
    In Europe and the United States, where ideological aggression is progressing, many people regret and exit trance as a victim.

    As a warning from experienced people, I hope that this fact will be widely known in Japan.


    From my experience: Transgender identity devalues self-worth, dehumanizes and causes
    destructionThe Daily Signal Walt Heyer / January 2023, 1

    If you want to know how transgender identity depreciates, dehumanizes, and destroys, ask a growing number of detransitioners.

    Chloe Cole says of the mastectomy she underwent when she was 15, "I literally lost my organs."

    At the age of 12, Chloe became aware that she was transgender, and the doctor who was involved in this prescribed secondary microsuppressants and testosterone. One year after the mastectomy, she realized that it was all a mistake to regret.

    Nathaniel has a similar experience from a male perspective.

    At the age of 15, Nathaniel took hormone suppressants. At the age of 18, he underwent "gender reassignment surgery." In other words, his male genitalia were irretrievably destroyed.

    When Nathaniel was 19, he sent me a message: "The results of my lower body surgery looked like Frankenstein's slap in the face, at best, so I was able to see myself objectively. I had plastic surgery turned me into an imitation of a woman, but I still knew I wasn't a woman. And I was (and still feel that way to some extent)."

    It speaks to the inhuman effects of transgender identity.

    Beginning in my late 30s, I called myself a "transgender woman" and sought out estrogen hormones to feminize the male body. In 1980, he began a full-scale "transition" in San Francisco under Dr. Paul Walker, a self-proclaimed gender expert.

    Like many gender therapists today, Walker gave me permission for hormone treatment in my first counseling. I was told I was a candidate for gender reassignment surgery, and in April 1983, I divorced my wife and headed to Trinidad, Colorado. So Dr. Stanley Bieber, who had completed 3,000 surgeries before me, performed my gender change surgery.

    My birth certificate was changed to Laura Jensen (female), a fictional gender that exists only in my mind and on paper, and Walt Heyer (male) was excluded from my legal identity.

    Until 1990, I called myself Laura Jensen, and from there I took a difficult path to return to sanity, translating from the illusion of Laura to the reality of Walt. In order to return the birth record to Walt Heyer (male) in California in the 1990s,

    I had to file a petition with the California Superior Court. To bolster my application, I contacted both Beaver and Walker to prove my claims.

    The documents signed by Beaver and Walker and filed with the High Court testified that no sex change had taken place. They described me as a man with castrated genitals and mixed appearances.

    Their documents prove that "gender change" is a scam, that "treatments" such as hormone therapy and gender reassignment surgery are ineffective for gender change, and that doctors know about it.

    More than 30 years after I decided to get my life back, what did I learn from my "trance" days? It was a painful lesson.

    Every step I took to identify as a woman was not what made me a woman, but rather cut off my worth as a man, as a father, as a husband. The gender transition has mutilated my body as a man, rejected my identity as a man, and made me inhuman.

    Believing in gender therapists and choosing the transsexual procedure has ruined, declined, and destroyed my life and appearance as Walt.

    After the effect of the trance brainwashing wears off, when we suddenly and quietly return to ourselves, reality often comes into view. The reality emerges vividly. There was no way doctors or surgeons could change my gender. It is only by appearance that they can make a man a woman and a woman a man.

    Many body processes are irreversible. Sadly, it can ruin your chances of having children. When a man chooses what is euphemistically called "lower body surgery," he loses his ability to make sperm. When a woman undergoes a hysterectomy, she no longer has a uterus to bear a child.

    In today's world of stories of de-trance, what Chloe, Nathaniel, and thousands of regret-bearers and post-trance people like myself have belatedly learned is that "trans" devalues those who pursue it. It has a harmful nature that makes you lose your humanity and destroys your life.

    For the story of de-trance in recent documentaries, see "Dysconnected: The Real Story Behind the Transgender Explosion." See The Ruin of Trance, Transgressive: The Cult of Confusion, and The Detransition Diaries: Saving our Sisters.

    Voltaire, an 18th-century writer and philosopher, successfully expresses this problem in the following words: "He who can make you believe in absurdity can cause you to commit atrocities."

    It is absurd for a man to believe that a woman can be a man, and to chop up a man and a woman to identify as transgender is a pretty serious cruelty.

    The Daily Signal offers a variety of perspectives. Nothing contained herein should be construed as representing the views of the Heritage Foundation.

    This is a reference Japanese translation, and the original English version takes precedence over the content.
    Article URL
    Masako Ganaha June 2023, 6 4:05 PM I have translated an article published earlier this year by Walt Hier, whom I have interviewed on the Mako Naha Channel before, Japanese. In Europe and the United States, where ideological aggression is progressing, many people regret and exit trance as a victim. As a warning from experienced people, I hope that this fact will be widely known in Japan. ************ From my experience: Transgender identity devalues self-worth, dehumanizes and causes destructionThe Daily Signal Walt Heyer / January 2023, 1 If you want to know how transgender identity depreciates, dehumanizes, and destroys, ask a growing number of detransitioners. Chloe Cole says of the mastectomy she underwent when she was 15, "I literally lost my organs." At the age of 12, Chloe became aware that she was transgender, and the doctor who was involved in this prescribed secondary microsuppressants and testosterone. One year after the mastectomy, she realized that it was all a mistake to regret. Nathaniel has a similar experience from a male perspective. At the age of 15, Nathaniel took hormone suppressants. At the age of 18, he underwent "gender reassignment surgery." In other words, his male genitalia were irretrievably destroyed. When Nathaniel was 19, he sent me a message: "The results of my lower body surgery looked like Frankenstein's slap in the face, at best, so I was able to see myself objectively. I had plastic surgery turned me into an imitation of a woman, but I still knew I wasn't a woman. And I was (and still feel that way to some extent)." It speaks to the inhuman effects of transgender identity. Beginning in my late 30s, I called myself a "transgender woman" and sought out estrogen hormones to feminize the male body. In 1980, he began a full-scale "transition" in San Francisco under Dr. Paul Walker, a self-proclaimed gender expert. Like many gender therapists today, Walker gave me permission for hormone treatment in my first counseling. I was told I was a candidate for gender reassignment surgery, and in April 1983, I divorced my wife and headed to Trinidad, Colorado. So Dr. Stanley Bieber, who had completed 3,000 surgeries before me, performed my gender change surgery. My birth certificate was changed to Laura Jensen (female), a fictional gender that exists only in my mind and on paper, and Walt Heyer (male) was excluded from my legal identity. Until 1990, I called myself Laura Jensen, and from there I took a difficult path to return to sanity, translating from the illusion of Laura to the reality of Walt. In order to return the birth record to Walt Heyer (male) in California in the 1990s, I had to file a petition with the California Superior Court. To bolster my application, I contacted both Beaver and Walker to prove my claims. The documents signed by Beaver and Walker and filed with the High Court testified that no sex change had taken place. They described me as a man with castrated genitals and mixed appearances. Their documents prove that "gender change" is a scam, that "treatments" such as hormone therapy and gender reassignment surgery are ineffective for gender change, and that doctors know about it. More than 30 years after I decided to get my life back, what did I learn from my "trance" days? It was a painful lesson. Every step I took to identify as a woman was not what made me a woman, but rather cut off my worth as a man, as a father, as a husband. The gender transition has mutilated my body as a man, rejected my identity as a man, and made me inhuman. Believing in gender therapists and choosing the transsexual procedure has ruined, declined, and destroyed my life and appearance as Walt. After the effect of the trance brainwashing wears off, when we suddenly and quietly return to ourselves, reality often comes into view. The reality emerges vividly. There was no way doctors or surgeons could change my gender. It is only by appearance that they can make a man a woman and a woman a man. Many body processes are irreversible. Sadly, it can ruin your chances of having children. When a man chooses what is euphemistically called "lower body surgery," he loses his ability to make sperm. When a woman undergoes a hysterectomy, she no longer has a uterus to bear a child. In today's world of stories of de-trance, what Chloe, Nathaniel, and thousands of regret-bearers and post-trance people like myself have belatedly learned is that "trans" devalues those who pursue it. It has a harmful nature that makes you lose your humanity and destroys your life. For the story of de-trance in recent documentaries, see "Dysconnected: The Real Story Behind the Transgender Explosion." See The Ruin of Trance, Transgressive: The Cult of Confusion, and The Detransition Diaries: Saving our Sisters. Voltaire, an 18th-century writer and philosopher, successfully expresses this problem in the following words: "He who can make you believe in absurdity can cause you to commit atrocities." It is absurd for a man to believe that a woman can be a man, and to chop up a man and a woman to identify as transgender is a pretty serious cruelty. The Daily Signal offers a variety of perspectives. Nothing contained herein should be construed as representing the views of the Heritage Foundation. This is a reference Japanese translation, and the original English version takes precedence over the content. Article URL https://www.dailysignal.com/2023/01/27/i-know-from-experience-transgender-identities-devalue-dehumanize-and-destroy/
    I Know: Transgender Identities Devalue, Dehumanize, and Destroy
    Believing a gender therapist and opting for gender-changing protocols destroyed my appearance and life. I began detransitioning in 1990.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3449 Views
  • Kids are not born gay or lesbian or trans or nonbinary. They are heterosexual male and female as God created them to be. This is their correct sexual orientation. They can freely choose to be gay or bi or trans or pan when they are 18. Until then, it is just a phase they will overcome.
    But more and more parents are tolerating and accepting the lie that kids are being born that way -- NOT -- and that puberty is dangerous and life threating to the child. Like it was dangerous and life threatening for the past 6000 years and we all survived just fine? These families and kids are being lied to and are drinking the hemlock of letting their kids be indoctrinated into being gay, les, bi and trans. AND FOR WHAT?
    PUBERTY IS A NATURAL NORMAL CHANGE OF LIFE. How else did the human race survive? By growing and changing INTO SEXUALLY MATURE PEOPLE ABLE TO REPRODUCE AND SHARE THEIR LOVE IN THEIR MARRIAGE BEDS WITH THE OPPOSITE SEX, which is totally natural and normal according to God's design.
    This wasn't even a thing 5-8 years ago. These lying doctors, teachers and therapists are making bank turning kids gay and transsexual, with the sex change surgeries at $70,000.00 a pop, and these deceived, apathetic parents and families, like Jazz Jenkin's family and Chloe Cole's family, are forking over the money and letting the doctors and therapists lie to the kids and the families by stuffing their kids full of puberty blockers and HRT drugs, untested and unapproved no less, according to Dr. Cretella, who rightly says this is child abuse.
    They are lied to by the doctors and surgeons telling them if they don't fix this "gender dysphoria," which is really sexual identity disorder at worst and a temporary phase at best, by transitioning their boys and girls into the opposite sex, they will commit suicide.
    Plus they are advising very dangerous and destructive top and bottom surgeries on still-growing bodies. That's criminal!
    They are asking them, "do you want a living son/daughter, or a dead son/daughter?"
    "If you don't want them dead, change their sex and accept it," they say.
    "There is no alternative because puberty is dangerous for them to go through," they say.
    "Pubertal suppression is the only way," they say.
    $$$$$ Ca-Ching!! $$$$$
    And the parents are urgently swiping the credit cards to avoid losing a son or daughter just going through a phase. Which is exactly that, a phase.
    No therapeutic expert or endocrinologist or surgeon in the past two centuries has ever said pubertal changes and adolescent growth are dangerous or life-threatening, because they themselves went through it with no harm done. They are in it for the money, plain and simple.

    Kids are not born gay or lesbian or trans or nonbinary. They are heterosexual male and female as God created them to be. This is their correct sexual orientation. They can freely choose to be gay or bi or trans or pan when they are 18. Until then, it is just a phase they will overcome. But more and more parents are tolerating and accepting the lie that kids are being born that way -- NOT -- and that puberty is dangerous and life threating to the child. Like it was dangerous and life threatening for the past 6000 years and we all survived just fine? These families and kids are being lied to and are drinking the hemlock of letting their kids be indoctrinated into being gay, les, bi and trans. AND FOR WHAT? PUBERTY IS A NATURAL NORMAL CHANGE OF LIFE. How else did the human race survive? By growing and changing INTO SEXUALLY MATURE PEOPLE ABLE TO REPRODUCE AND SHARE THEIR LOVE IN THEIR MARRIAGE BEDS WITH THE OPPOSITE SEX, which is totally natural and normal according to God's design. This wasn't even a thing 5-8 years ago. These lying doctors, teachers and therapists are making bank turning kids gay and transsexual, with the sex change surgeries at $70,000.00 a pop, and these deceived, apathetic parents and families, like Jazz Jenkin's family and Chloe Cole's family, are forking over the money and letting the doctors and therapists lie to the kids and the families by stuffing their kids full of puberty blockers and HRT drugs, untested and unapproved no less, according to Dr. Cretella, who rightly says this is child abuse. They are lied to by the doctors and surgeons telling them if they don't fix this "gender dysphoria," which is really sexual identity disorder at worst and a temporary phase at best, by transitioning their boys and girls into the opposite sex, they will commit suicide. Plus they are advising very dangerous and destructive top and bottom surgeries on still-growing bodies. That's criminal! They are asking them, "do you want a living son/daughter, or a dead son/daughter?" "If you don't want them dead, change their sex and accept it," they say. "There is no alternative because puberty is dangerous for them to go through," they say. "Pubertal suppression is the only way," they say. $$$$$ Ca-Ching!! $$$$$ And the parents are urgently swiping the credit cards to avoid losing a son or daughter just going through a phase. Which is exactly that, a phase. No therapeutic expert or endocrinologist or surgeon in the past two centuries has ever said pubertal changes and adolescent growth are dangerous or life-threatening, because they themselves went through it with no harm done. They are in it for the money, plain and simple.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1755 Views
  • https://thepostmillennial.com/state-sanctioned-kidnapping-california-bill-would-give-therapists-power-to-take-children-over-12-from-parents-without-accusation-evidence-or-trial?utm_campaign=64494
    ‘State-sanctioned kidnapping’: California bill would give therapists power to take children over 12 from parents ‘without accusation, evidence, or trial’
    The proposed bill would allow a mental health professional to place a child as young as 12 in a residential shelter facility without parental knowledge or consent and without there being any prior allegations of incest or child abuse.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 507 Views

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