• The Crisis in Accountability:

    At the core of every ill and injustice befalling society one can find at its roots a lack of #Accountability. Especially of those elected or appointed to public office. The Founding Fathers actually envisioned this problem. They enshrined in the #1stAmendment with the freedom of the press, and the right petition the government to redress grievances. They also mandated in #ArticleVI the #OathofOffice as a requirement to hold office or operate with the authority of government. This was intended to insure loyalty to the Constitution and place limits on the use of government power. All of these are failing.

    The media, where they are free to publish all that they wish have opted to be political. Holding accountable only that which does not fit their agenda and ignoring every other offense or injustice. Even inventing information not held in fact. Very little authentic ethical journalism.

    On the redress of grievances, there seems to have little interest in many quarters for justice. Citizens are treated as chattel. To be manipulated and used regardless of the promise made in the Constitution to "secure the Blessing of Liberty". How many can remember a time when those elected to public office or government and its bureaucracies were held liable with the burden of their inequities?

    The Oath to the Constitution should be the most solemn promise made by a public servant. It was designed to affirm trust in the institutions established. There are laws at every level requiring the oath. However, with possible exception of the UCMJ none of the laws proscribe what a violation of the oath entails nor any punishment for its violation. It has become a pro forma exercise holding no accountability.

    Thus we find ourselves with a government not accountable to the people.

    #TheCrisisInAccountability, #RedressGrievances, #TheMedia

    The Crisis in Accountability: At the core of every ill and injustice befalling society one can find at its roots a lack of #Accountability. Especially of those elected or appointed to public office. The Founding Fathers actually envisioned this problem. They enshrined in the #1stAmendment with the freedom of the press, and the right petition the government to redress grievances. They also mandated in #ArticleVI the #OathofOffice as a requirement to hold office or operate with the authority of government. This was intended to insure loyalty to the Constitution and place limits on the use of government power. All of these are failing. The media, where they are free to publish all that they wish have opted to be political. Holding accountable only that which does not fit their agenda and ignoring every other offense or injustice. Even inventing information not held in fact. Very little authentic ethical journalism. On the redress of grievances, there seems to have little interest in many quarters for justice. Citizens are treated as chattel. To be manipulated and used regardless of the promise made in the Constitution to "secure the Blessing of Liberty". How many can remember a time when those elected to public office or government and its bureaucracies were held liable with the burden of their inequities? The Oath to the Constitution should be the most solemn promise made by a public servant. It was designed to affirm trust in the institutions established. There are laws at every level requiring the oath. However, with possible exception of the UCMJ none of the laws proscribe what a violation of the oath entails nor any punishment for its violation. It has become a pro forma exercise holding no accountability. Thus we find ourselves with a government not accountable to the people. #TheCrisisInAccountability, #RedressGrievances, #TheMedia https://www.azquotes.com/vangogh-image-quotes/41/77/Quotation-Thomas-Paine-A-body-of-men-holding-themselves-accountable-to-nobody-ought-41-77-41.jpg
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  • The Crisis in Accountability: Chapter 2 - The Devolution of the Oath - The Great Hole Around the Constitution

    The Framers viewed the establishment of a federal government as a necessary evil. They so distrusted the idea of a centralized authority that the Bill of Rights was required to ratify the Constitution. In order to insure adherence to the Constitution they also required the Oath of Office (Article VI, Clause 3) to place accountability around those holding government power. However, what they did not envision was the devolution of personal honor and societies eventual lack of the demand for it.


    Every civilization that has ever existed has placed a high value on personal honor. It has been the basis for Commerce and Law throughout history. Legal remedies have been enshrined into law to insure the ethics of society are upheld. Congress and state legislatures have in this instance upheld the letter of the Constitution but not the spirit of it. Where they require an oath to hold a position in government they have not legislated conditions of violation or punishment for not upholding that oath. Thus we have laws that require an oath but hold no accountability to that oath.




    The oath is threaded throughout the fabric of the republic. Even those who go through the Naturalization process are required to swear allegiance to the Constitution. However, the only place where one can suffer a legal punishment is perjury under oath to tell the truth. Who has more opportunity and authority to damage the republic, the person testifying under oath or the elected/appointed officer of government? Thus the Oath of Office effectively means nothing more than a pro forma ceremony that confers authority without responsibility or accountability.

    #TheCrisisInAccountability, #DevolutionOfTheOath, #TheOathOfOffice



    The Crisis in Accountability: Chapter 2 - The Devolution of the Oath - The Great Hole Around the Constitution The Framers viewed the establishment of a federal government as a necessary evil. They so distrusted the idea of a centralized authority that the Bill of Rights was required to ratify the Constitution. In order to insure adherence to the Constitution they also required the Oath of Office (Article VI, Clause 3) to place accountability around those holding government power. However, what they did not envision was the devolution of personal honor and societies eventual lack of the demand for it. https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/article-6/clause-3/ Every civilization that has ever existed has placed a high value on personal honor. It has been the basis for Commerce and Law throughout history. Legal remedies have been enshrined into law to insure the ethics of society are upheld. Congress and state legislatures have in this instance upheld the letter of the Constitution but not the spirit of it. Where they require an oath to hold a position in government they have not legislated conditions of violation or punishment for not upholding that oath. Thus we have laws that require an oath but hold no accountability to that oath. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/5/3331 https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCODE-2011-title5/html/USCODE-2011-title5-partIII-subpartB-chap33-subchapII-sec3331.htm https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCODE-2011-title2/html/USCODE-2011-title2-chap2-sec25.htm The oath is threaded throughout the fabric of the republic. Even those who go through the Naturalization process are required to swear allegiance to the Constitution. However, the only place where one can suffer a legal punishment is perjury under oath to tell the truth. Who has more opportunity and authority to damage the republic, the person testifying under oath or the elected/appointed officer of government? Thus the Oath of Office effectively means nothing more than a pro forma ceremony that confers authority without responsibility or accountability. #TheCrisisInAccountability, #DevolutionOfTheOath, #TheOathOfOffice https://federalnewsnetwork.com/commentary/2019/10/the-oath-of-office-and-what-it-means/ https://www.uscis.gov/citizenship/learn-about-citizenship/the-naturalization-interview-and-test/naturalization-oath-of-allegiance-to-the-united-states-of-america
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 2843 Views
  • The Crisis in Accountability: C-005 Securing the Legitimacy of the Election Process

    "Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed" In this single statement lives heart and soul of this Republic. It is the basis for the authority and responsibilities invested in government at every level. What happens to society if there is not enough honor or integrity to hold on to this simple idea?

    Paper voting is fraught with as many methods of corruption as electronic voting. The only real difference is that paper voting is harder to track. No matter what method, there will always be those who seek to corrupt the vote. The question becomes how to create accountability in the voting process. No one ever considers the voter themselves and their investment into the process. They are the true customer.

    Accountability is the key. Every voter should get a secured and unalterable serialized copy of their completed ballot as a receipt. This receipt should be available at the moment of ballot submission. Get the post office out of this. If mail is used it must have a chain of custody (Insured Mail). The local clerk(elected official) should be required by law to confirm every selection made by that voter was counted as cast. Fraud or negligence should be considered one of the worst crimes for a society built on the consent of its citizens. Thus the ramifications of negligence or fraud should be devastating.

    #TheCrisisInAccountability, #TheBallotCopy, #TheBallotReceipt, #ElectionFraud, #ElectionNegligence, #PaperVoting, #ElectronicVoting, #VotingLegitimacy


    The Crisis in Accountability: C-005 Securing the Legitimacy of the Election Process "Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed" In this single statement lives heart and soul of this Republic. It is the basis for the authority and responsibilities invested in government at every level. What happens to society if there is not enough honor or integrity to hold on to this simple idea? Paper voting is fraught with as many methods of corruption as electronic voting. The only real difference is that paper voting is harder to track. No matter what method, there will always be those who seek to corrupt the vote. The question becomes how to create accountability in the voting process. No one ever considers the voter themselves and their investment into the process. They are the true customer. Accountability is the key. Every voter should get a secured and unalterable serialized copy of their completed ballot as a receipt. This receipt should be available at the moment of ballot submission. Get the post office out of this. If mail is used it must have a chain of custody (Insured Mail). The local clerk(elected official) should be required by law to confirm every selection made by that voter was counted as cast. Fraud or negligence should be considered one of the worst crimes for a society built on the consent of its citizens. Thus the ramifications of negligence or fraud should be devastating. #TheCrisisInAccountability, #TheBallotCopy, #TheBallotReceipt, #ElectionFraud, #ElectionNegligence, #PaperVoting, #ElectronicVoting, #VotingLegitimacy https://www.theepochtimes.com/georgia-poll-worker-says-she-found-pristine-batch-of-ballots-that-went-98-for-joe-biden_3584493.html https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/dominion-voting-systems-not-pci-compliant-failed-10-12-requirements/
    Georgia Poll Worker Says She Found 'Pristine' Batch of Ballots That Went '98%' for Biden
    A Georgia poll worker who said she has 20 years of experience in handling ballots and recounts said ...
    0 Reacties 1 aandelen 2529 Views
  • The Crisis in Accountability: C-002 Rethinking the Voting Process

    Everything in the modern society tends to come down to convenience. The problems plaguing society can find its paternity in the lack of accountability. Does anyone trust the vote count? How does one know if their vote counted or if it was counted as cast? With all of the political dialogue about #MailInVoting the question should be asked. Why are we even using mail in voting at all? We bank online. Why can't we #VoteOnline?

    Require everyone who wants a ballot to register on their local county/municipal website. Confirm the identity through the drivers license info and other methods (Back end check). Have the registered voter create a security profile only they will know. The voter logs in and casts their ballot. The ballot when submitted is assigned a unique serial number which only the voter knows tied to that vote and voter. The voter has a copy of their ballot and its unique identifier that allows them to track their vote via the website. The clerk should be able to confirm that the ballot counted and how it was counted

    As an additional layer of accountability and security. Make it a law that harvesting the individual voter's vote is a felony without that voters consent. Folks would also be able to do their own counting by sharing with each other their vote. Let the technology serve the citizen and force accountability. Why not make voting convenient and legitimate with the peace of mind knowing that your vote was counted as cast?

    #TheCrisisInAccountability, #AccountabilityInVoting, #RethinkingHowWeVote

    The Crisis in Accountability: C-002 Rethinking the Voting Process Everything in the modern society tends to come down to convenience. The problems plaguing society can find its paternity in the lack of accountability. Does anyone trust the vote count? How does one know if their vote counted or if it was counted as cast? With all of the political dialogue about #MailInVoting the question should be asked. Why are we even using mail in voting at all? We bank online. Why can't we #VoteOnline? Require everyone who wants a ballot to register on their local county/municipal website. Confirm the identity through the drivers license info and other methods (Back end check). Have the registered voter create a security profile only they will know. The voter logs in and casts their ballot. The ballot when submitted is assigned a unique serial number which only the voter knows tied to that vote and voter. The voter has a copy of their ballot and its unique identifier that allows them to track their vote via the website. The clerk should be able to confirm that the ballot counted and how it was counted As an additional layer of accountability and security. Make it a law that harvesting the individual voter's vote is a felony without that voters consent. Folks would also be able to do their own counting by sharing with each other their vote. Let the technology serve the citizen and force accountability. Why not make voting convenient and legitimate with the peace of mind knowing that your vote was counted as cast? #TheCrisisInAccountability, #AccountabilityInVoting, #RethinkingHowWeVote https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/elections/virginia-absentee-ballot-applications-sent-dead-people-and-wrong
    Half a million incorrect absentee ballot applications sent across Virginia, including to dead people
    “Approximately half a million applications sent to eligible voters in Virginia included incorrect information, and we are working diligently to address the issues,” says the Center for Voter Information
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  • The Crisis in Accountability: C-001 Campaign Finance - Where do the Loyalties Reside?

    " Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"

    In this single statement the modern republic was founded. Are the consenting being governed or ruled? Are elected officials loyal to their constituents or the interests of those who provide the funding for their campaigns? To whom are they really #Accountable? Do their actions reflect the actions of a person representing their constituency or something else?

    It is illegal for any campaign to receive moneys or any "thing of value" from someone who is not a citizen. Yet we allow corporations, political parties, unions, any variation of special interest to provide "things of value" to a campaign. Yet these organization cannot vote. Or are they in effect voting?


    #TheCrisisInAccountability, #CampaignFinance
    The Crisis in Accountability: C-001 Campaign Finance - Where do the Loyalties Reside? " Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed" In this single statement the modern republic was founded. Are the consenting being governed or ruled? Are elected officials loyal to their constituents or the interests of those who provide the funding for their campaigns? To whom are they really #Accountable? Do their actions reflect the actions of a person representing their constituency or something else? It is illegal for any campaign to receive moneys or any "thing of value" from someone who is not a citizen. Yet we allow corporations, political parties, unions, any variation of special interest to provide "things of value" to a campaign. Yet these organization cannot vote. Or are they in effect voting? https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/52/30121 #TheCrisisInAccountability, #CampaignFinance
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 1274 Views
  • The Crisis in Accountability: Prologue

    At the core of every ill and injustice befalling society one can find at its roots a lack of #Accountability. Especially of those elected or appointed to public office. The Founding Fathers actually envisioned this problem. They enshrined in the #1stAmendment with the freedom of the press, and the right petition the government to redress grievances. They also mandated in #ArticleVI the #OathofOffice as a requirement to hold office or operate with the authority of government. This was intended to insure loyalty to the Constitution and place limits on the use of government power. All of these are failing.

    The media where they are free to publish all that they wish. They have opted to be political. Holding only that which does not fit their agenda accountable and ignoring every other offense or injustice. Even inventing information not held in fact. Very little authentic ethical journalism. It cannot be about being informative.

    On the redress of grievances, the government seems to have little interest in many quarters for justice. Citizens are treated as chattel. To be manipulated and used regardless of the promise made in the Constitution to "secure the Blessings of Liberty". How many can remember a time when government was held with the burden of their inequities?

    The Oath to the Constitution should be the most solemn promise made by a public servant. It was designed to affirm trust in the institutions established. There are laws at every level requiring the oath. However, with possible exception of the UCMJ none of the laws proscribe what a violation of the oath entails nor any punishment for its violation. It has become a pro forma exercise holding no accountability.

    Thus we find ourselves with a government not accountable to the people.

    #TheCrisisInAccountability, #RedressGrievances, #TheMedia


    The Crisis in Accountability: Prologue At the core of every ill and injustice befalling society one can find at its roots a lack of #Accountability. Especially of those elected or appointed to public office. The Founding Fathers actually envisioned this problem. They enshrined in the #1stAmendment with the freedom of the press, and the right petition the government to redress grievances. They also mandated in #ArticleVI the #OathofOffice as a requirement to hold office or operate with the authority of government. This was intended to insure loyalty to the Constitution and place limits on the use of government power. All of these are failing. The media where they are free to publish all that they wish. They have opted to be political. Holding only that which does not fit their agenda accountable and ignoring every other offense or injustice. Even inventing information not held in fact. Very little authentic ethical journalism. It cannot be about being informative. On the redress of grievances, the government seems to have little interest in many quarters for justice. Citizens are treated as chattel. To be manipulated and used regardless of the promise made in the Constitution to "secure the Blessings of Liberty". How many can remember a time when government was held with the burden of their inequities? The Oath to the Constitution should be the most solemn promise made by a public servant. It was designed to affirm trust in the institutions established. There are laws at every level requiring the oath. However, with possible exception of the UCMJ none of the laws proscribe what a violation of the oath entails nor any punishment for its violation. It has become a pro forma exercise holding no accountability. Thus we find ourselves with a government not accountable to the people. #TheCrisisInAccountability, #RedressGrievances, #TheMedia https://www.azquotes.com/vangogh-image-quotes/41/77/Quotation-Thomas-Paine-A-body-of-men-holding-themselves-accountable-to-nobody-ought-41-77-41.jpg https://www.justice.gov/crt/deprivation-rights-under-color-law
    18 Reacties 1 aandelen 3197 Views

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