• Wow, the bags under my eyes are gone!
    Nov 2, 2023

    Let me start by telling you what I am NOT. I am not a believer. I need to have things proven to me before I believe. I do not do fitness, new age, meditation, yoga-mumbo jumbo. Apologies to those who do, I am sure you benefit greatly from it – it is just not for me.

    I am not someone who exercise. Not at all. I am by far the laziest person you will ever meet. I walk my dogs. Period. I dance salsa. Nothing else. I am not someone who cooks. All my life I have lived off of cookies, cakes, sandwiches and coffee with obscene amounts of sugar in it. I kid you not. I am rather uninterested in food as a whole. Which is why I have troubles with circulation.

    Then why would I ever be BLESSED (because I have come to realize that it is a blessing) to come across such a thing as the BodyStream Dry CO2 bath? Well, my lower back has been punishing me for at least ten years now. I have also developed problems with my lymphatic system and my blood value is far from up to par. I suffer from constant shortage of iron and my hemoglobin values have been known to be so low that at one time my doctor called me, in hysterics, to check that I was not lying passed out and dying on the bathroom floor – and then I got sent straight to the hospital to get a blood transfusion.

    This has resulted in my diet being overhauled by medical experts and my lifestyle turned completely upside down. No lactose, no gluten and absolutely no sugar for the rest of my life. It seems I have indulged enough in those pleasures. Or rather – my body has. And suddenly rearranging my way of living and my way of thinking opened my mind up to being willing to listen to a good friend of mine who is absolutely passionate about Conscious Breathing.

    This passion of hers has brought her to one of the foremost experts in Conscious Breathing in the world, Anders Olsson. He is currently developing the BodyStream which is not yet available for purchase, but he ever so graciously has allowed my friend to conduct a smaller study on subjects she thinks might benefit from its effects. And she thought of me and my chronic back pain, my lymphatic problems and my constantly icy hands – which tells the story of bad blood circulation. She asked me if I wanted to try the suit – and in my new state of mind I agreed.

     (pic of before and after belly)

    Day 1 – Slept through the whole night

    The BodyStream is a suit you put on, where then all air is sucked out and the suit is filled with carbon dioxide (CO2). Sounds futuristic? It sure looks like a space suit – so yes! Before I got into the suit I received a local massage of my lower back – my nemesis – to warm the muscles up to be even more receptive to the CO2. Then in I went. Air was sucked out, CO2 pumped in. I felt like Violet in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the little girl with the chewing gum who blows up to a giant, round blueberry. I then lay down comfortably to let the CO2 do its magic.

    A slow, warm, embracing feeling came over me. My hands tingled slightly – as if they all of a sudden were drenched in happiness. After a while I did become a bit dizzy, but that feeling passed. After 30 minutes it was time to leave the soft, warm cocoon of the BodyStream.

    Before going in I tried to fold my body over to touch the floor, to have a specific move to measure if any difference would be noticeable after using the BodyStream. A movement I have been unable to do for at least five odd years. My outstretched hands came no further than halfway down my calves. Directly after leaving the suit I tried again. I was able to bend forward all the way over until my stomach were against my thighs, and my fingers touched the floor! I do not know if I have EVER been able to do that. But in the first minute after the treatment I could.

    That night I slept without even waking up once. Normally I wake up an average of ten times a night, roughly every time I need to change position because every movement is torture. My hips and my back are very, very sore. I slept without waking up even once. Unheard of! I had tears in my eyes.

    Day 2 – Hangover

    I must admit to not actually knowing what a hang-over feels like as I have never been drunk, but I imagine it feels somewhat like I felt the day after the treatment. A constant, gnawing headache and a slight feeling of nausea all day. And yes, I even ended up vomiting. I am not ashamed to admit that I spent most of the day in bed (naturally I was free from work, so I probably would have lingered in bed anyway) under my three dogs watching Netflix. No pain in my lower back at all – but headache and nausea galore… Again, I slept through the night without waking when changing positions.

    Day 3 – The bags under my eyes were GONE!

    I ventured into the bathroom in the morning to have a shower – saw myself in the mirror and nearly fainted! The bags under my eyes were GONE! I have had dark circles and bags under my eyes since I was 13 – now all the puffiness had vanished! The darkness was still visible – but the swollen, puffy under-eye-bags were nowhere to be seen. Like winning the lottery!

    Day 4 – Where has my pain gone?

    Woke up after a painless nights sleep, took the dogs out for a long walk and half-way through, in the middle of the forest I realize I am missing the ever present low-key aching in my back that always rears its ugly head while walking the dogs, nor are my hips complaining. What?

    Day 5 – My “crocodile” skin is soft like a baby’s bottom

    I am vehemently against all things that has to do with putting lotion on. It feels sticky, oily and makes me panic to the extent that the few times I have tried to put lotion on my face or my body I have ended up washing my face or taking a shower, thus undoing the effect of the lotion. As a result of this I end up having legs that seem to have crocodile skin in the winter. Scaly, dry crocodile skin. After the BodyStream treatment however my skin feels soft and supple. Almost like a baby’s bottom.

    I cannot wait to go back for treatment number two! What wonders are yet to come? I already sleep without any pain, my back does not constantly ache and my hips are not sore to the touch. I look more awake, healthy – and dare I say – younger as the puffiness under my eyes is gone. Looking forward to what the continued therapy will bring.

    Victoria Heaps
    47, Translator, Stockholm, Sweden

    * Reduce Mental Stress
    * Slow Down Your Breathing
    * Heal Emotional Wounds
    * Open Up Your Blood Vessels
    * Increase Muscle Strength
    * More Blood To Your Brain
    * Faster Recovery
    * Open Up Your Airways

    * Better Oxygenation
    * Hypoxia Reduction
    * Increased Vasodilation
    * Increased Cerebral Blood Flow
    * Improve Lung Function
    * Improve Recovery Time
    * Stress Reduction
    * Increased CO2 Tolerance


    #carbogenetics #carbogen #carbohaler #breathing #consciousbreathing #healing #healthy #injuryrecovery #eyesightimprovement #sportsperformance #superendurance #healthimprovement #calmer #relaxation #peaceofmind #covid #covidrecovery #healfromcovid #epilepsy #epilepsia #fascia #retina #eyes #diseasesymptoms #negativethoughtsimmunity #immunetonegativethoughts #bodystream #painfree
    Wow, the bags under my eyes are gone! Nov 2, 2023 Let me start by telling you what I am NOT. I am not a believer. I need to have things proven to me before I believe. I do not do fitness, new age, meditation, yoga-mumbo jumbo. Apologies to those who do, I am sure you benefit greatly from it – it is just not for me. I am not someone who exercise. Not at all. I am by far the laziest person you will ever meet. I walk my dogs. Period. I dance salsa. Nothing else. I am not someone who cooks. All my life I have lived off of cookies, cakes, sandwiches and coffee with obscene amounts of sugar in it. I kid you not. I am rather uninterested in food as a whole. Which is why I have troubles with circulation. Then why would I ever be BLESSED (because I have come to realize that it is a blessing) to come across such a thing as the BodyStream Dry CO2 bath? Well, my lower back has been punishing me for at least ten years now. I have also developed problems with my lymphatic system and my blood value is far from up to par. I suffer from constant shortage of iron and my hemoglobin values have been known to be so low that at one time my doctor called me, in hysterics, to check that I was not lying passed out and dying on the bathroom floor – and then I got sent straight to the hospital to get a blood transfusion. This has resulted in my diet being overhauled by medical experts and my lifestyle turned completely upside down. No lactose, no gluten and absolutely no sugar for the rest of my life. It seems I have indulged enough in those pleasures. Or rather – my body has. And suddenly rearranging my way of living and my way of thinking opened my mind up to being willing to listen to a good friend of mine who is absolutely passionate about Conscious Breathing. This passion of hers has brought her to one of the foremost experts in Conscious Breathing in the world, Anders Olsson. He is currently developing the BodyStream which is not yet available for purchase, but he ever so graciously has allowed my friend to conduct a smaller study on subjects she thinks might benefit from its effects. And she thought of me and my chronic back pain, my lymphatic problems and my constantly icy hands – which tells the story of bad blood circulation. She asked me if I wanted to try the suit – and in my new state of mind I agreed. AND AM I EVER GLAD THAT I DID!!  (pic of before and after belly) Day 1 – Slept through the whole night The BodyStream is a suit you put on, where then all air is sucked out and the suit is filled with carbon dioxide (CO2). Sounds futuristic? It sure looks like a space suit – so yes! Before I got into the suit I received a local massage of my lower back – my nemesis – to warm the muscles up to be even more receptive to the CO2. Then in I went. Air was sucked out, CO2 pumped in. I felt like Violet in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the little girl with the chewing gum who blows up to a giant, round blueberry. I then lay down comfortably to let the CO2 do its magic. A slow, warm, embracing feeling came over me. My hands tingled slightly – as if they all of a sudden were drenched in happiness. After a while I did become a bit dizzy, but that feeling passed. After 30 minutes it was time to leave the soft, warm cocoon of the BodyStream. Before going in I tried to fold my body over to touch the floor, to have a specific move to measure if any difference would be noticeable after using the BodyStream. A movement I have been unable to do for at least five odd years. My outstretched hands came no further than halfway down my calves. Directly after leaving the suit I tried again. I was able to bend forward all the way over until my stomach were against my thighs, and my fingers touched the floor! I do not know if I have EVER been able to do that. But in the first minute after the treatment I could. That night I slept without even waking up once. Normally I wake up an average of ten times a night, roughly every time I need to change position because every movement is torture. My hips and my back are very, very sore. I slept without waking up even once. Unheard of! I had tears in my eyes. Day 2 – Hangover I must admit to not actually knowing what a hang-over feels like as I have never been drunk, but I imagine it feels somewhat like I felt the day after the treatment. A constant, gnawing headache and a slight feeling of nausea all day. And yes, I even ended up vomiting. I am not ashamed to admit that I spent most of the day in bed (naturally I was free from work, so I probably would have lingered in bed anyway) under my three dogs watching Netflix. No pain in my lower back at all – but headache and nausea galore… Again, I slept through the night without waking when changing positions. Day 3 – The bags under my eyes were GONE! I ventured into the bathroom in the morning to have a shower – saw myself in the mirror and nearly fainted! The bags under my eyes were GONE! I have had dark circles and bags under my eyes since I was 13 – now all the puffiness had vanished! The darkness was still visible – but the swollen, puffy under-eye-bags were nowhere to be seen. Like winning the lottery! Day 4 – Where has my pain gone? Woke up after a painless nights sleep, took the dogs out for a long walk and half-way through, in the middle of the forest I realize I am missing the ever present low-key aching in my back that always rears its ugly head while walking the dogs, nor are my hips complaining. What? Day 5 – My “crocodile” skin is soft like a baby’s bottom I am vehemently against all things that has to do with putting lotion on. It feels sticky, oily and makes me panic to the extent that the few times I have tried to put lotion on my face or my body I have ended up washing my face or taking a shower, thus undoing the effect of the lotion. As a result of this I end up having legs that seem to have crocodile skin in the winter. Scaly, dry crocodile skin. After the BodyStream treatment however my skin feels soft and supple. Almost like a baby’s bottom. I cannot wait to go back for treatment number two! What wonders are yet to come? I already sleep without any pain, my back does not constantly ache and my hips are not sore to the touch. I look more awake, healthy – and dare I say – younger as the puffiness under my eyes is gone. Looking forward to what the continued therapy will bring. Victoria Heaps 47, Translator, Stockholm, Sweden CARBOHALER BENEFITS * Reduce Mental Stress * Slow Down Your Breathing * Heal Emotional Wounds * Open Up Your Blood Vessels * Increase Muscle Strength * More Blood To Your Brain * Faster Recovery * Open Up Your Airways * Better Oxygenation * Hypoxia Reduction * Increased Vasodilation * Increased Cerebral Blood Flow * Improve Lung Function * Improve Recovery Time * Stress Reduction * Increased CO2 Tolerance 👉 https://carbogenetics.com/ref/19 👈 #carbogenetics #carbogen #carbohaler #breathing #consciousbreathing #healing #healthy #injuryrecovery #eyesightimprovement #sportsperformance #superendurance #healthimprovement #calmer #relaxation #peaceofmind #covid #covidrecovery #healfromcovid #epilepsy #epilepsia #fascia #retina #eyes #diseasesymptoms #negativethoughtsimmunity #immunetonegativethoughts #bodystream #painfree
    1 Commentaires 0 Parts 322 Vue
  • The CIA "intervened in the investigation of Hunter biden to prevent the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) from interviewing a witness," the letter, addressed to CIA Director William Burns, reads.
    Specifically, the Committees were concerned at how "the DOJ deviated from its standard processes to afford preferential treatment to Hunter Biden.
    The CIA "intervened in the investigation of Hunter biden to prevent the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) from interviewing a witness," the letter, addressed to CIA Director William Burns, reads. Specifically, the Committees were concerned at how "the DOJ deviated from its standard processes to afford preferential treatment to Hunter Biden. https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/cia-prevented-hunters-hollywood-tax-sugar-daddy-becoming-federal-witness-whistleblower
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  • https://herbalremedies.one/blood-sugar-lowering-herbal-supplement-video Eat what you want for the holidays this year and keep your glucose blood sugar levels in healthy balance. How to Lower Blood Sugar quickly and Prevent Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms Naturally. (Click above link to see the whole article.) You can lower your blood sugar and A1C naturally using natural bitter herbs and extracts help restore HbA1c natural blood sugar levels quickly. It's about keeping your glucose in a natural balance so you prevent serious complications from hyperglycemia, pre-diabetes and diabetes. You can prevent blindness, diabetic coma and amputation if you keep your blood sugar stabilized #diabetes #bloodsugar #hyperglycemia #HbA1c #diabetic
    https://herbalremedies.one/blood-sugar-lowering-herbal-supplement-video Eat what you want for the holidays this year and keep your glucose blood sugar levels in healthy balance. How to Lower Blood Sugar quickly and Prevent Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms Naturally. (Click above link to see the whole article.) You can lower your blood sugar and A1C naturally using natural bitter herbs and extracts help restore HbA1c natural blood sugar levels quickly. It's about keeping your glucose in a natural balance so you prevent serious complications from hyperglycemia, pre-diabetes and diabetes. You can prevent blindness, diabetic coma and amputation if you keep your blood sugar stabilized #diabetes #bloodsugar #hyperglycemia #HbA1c #diabetic
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 768 Vue
  • Start of the week by checking out both my websites, for everything from #Politics, #fjb, Current Events to #Bible #kjv #kingjamesbible and even #SatietyRules #carnivore #carnivorediet #lowcarb #nocarb #nocarbs #keto #ketodiet #yes2meat #meatheals #ProperHumanDiet #beef #eggs #butter #realfood #NSNG (No Sugar No Grains) #NotVegan #salt the website is https://www.jeffhertzog.net and don't forget my Internet #Radio Station Website, Radio America USA/Philly and Jersey Radio where I host sermons/shows On Demand and 2 Live Shows the Robert Scott Bell Show & the David Knight Show https://www.radioamericausa.com
    Start of the week by checking out both my websites, for everything from #Politics, #fjb, Current Events to #Bible #kjv #kingjamesbible and even #SatietyRules #carnivore #carnivorediet #lowcarb #nocarb #nocarbs #keto #ketodiet #yes2meat #meatheals #ProperHumanDiet #beef #eggs #butter #realfood #NSNG (No Sugar No Grains) #NotVegan #salt the website is https://www.jeffhertzog.net and don't forget my Internet #Radio Station Website, Radio America USA/Philly and Jersey Radio where I host sermons/shows On Demand and 2 Live Shows the Robert Scott Bell Show & the David Knight Show https://www.radioamericausa.com
    Jeff Hertzog
    Jeff Hertzog, Jeffrey Hertzog, Talk Show Host, Entertainment, jeffhertzog.net, jeffhertzog.com, jeffhertzog.org, jeffhertzog.video Low Carb, Low Carbohydrate, Zero Carb, Zero Carbohydrate, Atkins Diet, Sugar Free, Stevia, Organic, Organic Food, Non GMO, Politics, Talk Radio, Lunatic Fringe, Radio, Independent Radio, Non Liberal Radio, Non Conservative Radio, Third Party Radio, Internet Radio, Internet Radio Station, Health Freedom, old time radio conspiracy, conspiracies, talk show, personality, broadcaster, broadcasting, Jeff on the Radio, talking politics, political talk, night time radio, late night talk show host, Independent Politics, Independent Religion, Bible, King James Bible, King James Bible 1611, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua, Yeshua Messiah, Bible, King James Bible, King James Bible 1611, KJV, Authorized Version, Textus Receptus, Masoretic Text, Old Latin Vulgate, Jesus, fundamental, salvation, eternal security, independent, non denominational, non Baptist, non Pentecostal, non charismatic, non ecumenical, church, lehigh valley, allentown, pennsylvania, united states, rightly, dividing, Rightly-Dividing the Word, dispensational, 2 Timothy 2:15, Pauline, home-style Bible classes, Israel, rapture, millennium, Genesis, Romans, Body of Christ, old Adam, dispensation, gospel, tribulation, grace, Jews, Hebrews, Israelites, Non-denominational Bible study. Rightly dividing the Word, the gospel of grace,salvation, the dispensations, end times prophecy, assurance, Bible chronology, creation science, and evidence by prophesy and types, and shadows, Bible, study, Jesus, Christ, apostle, Paul, Christian, non-denominational, Israel, rapture, prayer, creation, chronology, millennium, pre-tribulation, Body of Christ, resurrection, dispensation, rightly dividing, gospel of grace, prophesy, evangelism Independent Religion, Bible, King James Bible, King James Bible 1611, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua, Yeshua Messiah, Bible, King James Bible, King James Bible 1611, KJV, Authorized Version, Textus Receptus, Masoretic Text, Old Latin Vulgate, Jesus, fundamental, salvation, eternal security, independent, non denominational, non Baptist, non Pentecostal, non charismatic, non ecumenical, church, rightly, dividing, Rightly-Dividing the Word, dispensational, 2 Timothy 2:15, Pauline, home-style Bible classes, Israel, rapture, millennium, Genesis, Romans, Body of Christ, old Adam, dispensation, gospel, tribulation, grace, Jews, Hebrews, Israelites
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 845 Vue
  • PLEASE READ WATCH AND SHARE TO EVERYONE, America's RIGHT to eat #meat is at stake! Remember, the #Globalists by force want us to eat z bugs!
    #Cattle #Ranchers Warn War On #Beef Is A War On Humanity Plus How You Can Help (Video)
    #WakeUpAmerica #SatietyRules #carnivore #carnivorediet #lowcarb #nocarb #nocarbs #keto #ketodiet #yes2meat #meatheals #ProperHumanDiet #beef #eggs #butter #realfood #NSNG (No Sugar No Grains) #NotVegan #salt
    PLEASE READ WATCH AND SHARE TO EVERYONE, America's RIGHT to eat #meat is at stake! Remember, the #Globalists by force want us to eat z bugs! #Cattle #Ranchers Warn War On #Beef Is A War On Humanity Plus How You Can Help (Video) #WakeUpAmerica #SatietyRules #carnivore #carnivorediet #lowcarb #nocarb #nocarbs #keto #ketodiet #yes2meat #meatheals #ProperHumanDiet #beef #eggs #butter #realfood #NSNG (No Sugar No Grains) #NotVegan #salt https://thewashingtonstandard.com/cattle-ranchers-warn-war-on-beef-is-a-war-on-humanity-plus-how-you-can-help-video/
    Cattle Ranchers Warn War on Beef is a War on Humanity Plus How You Can Help (Video) - The Washington Standard
    The attacks on our food supply over the past decade have begun to be recognized by a larger portion of the population. As a result, food processing plants, hatcheries, turkeys and chickens, animal feed & fertilizer stores as well as cattle have been under attack. Now, ranchers are warning the ...
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  • https://www.theepochtimes.com/epochtv/how-sugar-is-both-brain-saver-and-toxin-the-truth-about-artificial-sweeteners-5637572?utm_source=Ecasts&src_src=Ecasts&utm_campaign=ec-2024-04-27&src_cmp=ec-2024-04-27&utm_medium=email&est=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAauM5cB1Cy8Te5b8CnnNcGb1gxE1AKSwaHoNbJpg%2BYUqCaKwftK7HVw%3D%3D?utm_source=ref_share&utm_campaign=copy
    How Sugar Is Both ‘Brain Saver’ and Toxin: The Truth About Artificial Sweeteners
    When does sugar work for the brain, and when does it work against it? What’s needed for the optimal use of sugar in the body? Dr. Russell Blaylock knows wh...
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  • From my #Rumble Channel - Please Subscribe! Cary Kelly's No Cheat Fried Chicken - Very Low Carb and No Sugar Added! Follow Cary for #SatietyRules #carnivore #carnivorediet #lowcarb #nocarb #nocarbs #keto #ketodiet #yes2meat #meatheals #ProperHumanDiet #beef #eggs #butter #realfood #NSNG (No Sugar No Grains) #NotVegan #salt at his #X / #Twitter – CaryKelly11 https://rumble.com/v4sa6wq-cary-kellys-no-cheat-fried-chicken-very-low-carb-and-no-sugar-added.html
    From my #Rumble Channel - Please Subscribe! Cary Kelly's No Cheat Fried Chicken - Very Low Carb and No Sugar Added! Follow Cary for #SatietyRules #carnivore #carnivorediet #lowcarb #nocarb #nocarbs #keto #ketodiet #yes2meat #meatheals #ProperHumanDiet #beef #eggs #butter #realfood #NSNG (No Sugar No Grains) #NotVegan #salt at his #X / #Twitter – CaryKelly11 https://rumble.com/v4sa6wq-cary-kellys-no-cheat-fried-chicken-very-low-carb-and-no-sugar-added.html
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 1119 Vue
  • #SatietyRules #carnivore #carnivorediet #lowcarb #nocarb #nocarbs #keto #ketodiet #yes2meat #meatheals #ProperHumanDiet #beef #eggs #butter #realfood #NSNG (No Sugar No Grains) #NotVegan #salt

    Low-carb diets work. Why does the American @Diabetes Association push insulin instead? #ADA https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/apr/17/ada-american-diabetes-association-big-pharma
    #SatietyRules #carnivore #carnivorediet #lowcarb #nocarb #nocarbs #keto #ketodiet #yes2meat #meatheals #ProperHumanDiet #beef #eggs #butter #realfood #NSNG (No Sugar No Grains) #NotVegan #salt Low-carb diets work. Why does the American @Diabetes Association push insulin instead? #ADA https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/apr/17/ada-american-diabetes-association-big-pharma
    Low-carb diets work. Why does the American Diabetes Association push insulin instead? | Neil Barsky
    The American Diabetes Association takes millions from companies that stand to profit from our reliance on drugs. Is that affecting their guidance?
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 1202 Vue
  • How to Make and Use Candied Ginger - The Healing Super-Food Candy
    133,634 views Oct 26, 2018 #SHTF #Ginger #Gingertea

    Fresh, Plump Ginger
    Raw Sugar (or your favorite granulated sugar)
    1. Peel the Ginger.
    2. Slice Ginger across the grain into thin wafers.
    3. Place in saucepan and cover with water.
    4. Bring just to a boil, then strain off the water (into a jar for later use.)
    5. Repeat step 4 two more times (unless you love fiery hot ginger!)
    6. Place 1/2 cup of the strained off liquid back into the pan.
    7. Add about 2 cups of sugar to the liquid and stir over medium heat until dissolved.
    8. Add ginger back in and allow to simmer until liquid is thick and has thoroughly coated every piece of ginger. (about 5 minutes).
    9. Spread a layer of sugar in a lipped cookie sheet.
    10. With 2 forks, lift ginger out of syrup and lay in single layer (not touching) across the surface of the prepared sugar tray.
    11. Generously sprinkle sugar to cover the ginger completely.
    12. Allow to cool several hours or even just overnight.
    13. Dig out the wonderful pieces of candied ginger and place in airtight container for use in teas, recipes, and just snacking!
    14. Share this video and recipe with a friend!
    How to Make and Use Candied Ginger - The Healing Super-Food Candy 133,634 views Oct 26, 2018 #SHTF #Ginger #Gingertea Ingredients: Fresh, Plump Ginger Raw Sugar (or your favorite granulated sugar) Water 1. Peel the Ginger. 2. Slice Ginger across the grain into thin wafers. 3. Place in saucepan and cover with water. 4. Bring just to a boil, then strain off the water (into a jar for later use.) 5. Repeat step 4 two more times (unless you love fiery hot ginger!) 6. Place 1/2 cup of the strained off liquid back into the pan. 7. Add about 2 cups of sugar to the liquid and stir over medium heat until dissolved. 8. Add ginger back in and allow to simmer until liquid is thick and has thoroughly coated every piece of ginger. (about 5 minutes). 9. Spread a layer of sugar in a lipped cookie sheet. 10. With 2 forks, lift ginger out of syrup and lay in single layer (not touching) across the surface of the prepared sugar tray. 11. Generously sprinkle sugar to cover the ginger completely. 12. Allow to cool several hours or even just overnight. 13. Dig out the wonderful pieces of candied ginger and place in airtight container for use in teas, recipes, and just snacking! 14. Share this video and recipe with a friend! https://youtu.be/DCJU-203sVg?si=9Xk-Hi7y70tGCJAz
    1 Commentaires 0 Parts 1025 Vue
  • Here are 13 Health Benefits of Ginger.
    I just bought 2 pounds of it ready made on Amazon and this stuff is amazing. It is actually supposed to help regulate blood glucose levels in diabetes, regardless of its' sugar content. I MIGHT need to try making it myself, but I have a lack of counter space to do it with.
    Here are 13 Health Benefits of Ginger. I just bought 2 pounds of it ready made on Amazon and this stuff is amazing. It is actually supposed to help regulate blood glucose levels in diabetes, regardless of its' sugar content. I MIGHT need to try making it myself, but I have a lack of counter space to do it with. https://selfhacked.com/blog/scientifically-proven-health-benefits-of-ginger/
    13 Health Benefits of Ginger + Side Effects - SelfHacked
    Ginger is a culinary and medicinal spice that may reduce nausea in pregnancy. Learn about the science behind its many purported benefits.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 788 Vue
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