• H*mas Open Fire on Gazan Youngsters for Stealing
    Of course the Jews will be blamed!!!
    H*mas Open Fire on Gazan Youngsters for Stealing Of course the Jews will be blamed!!!
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 55 Views 1
  • Manufacturing “Enemies” to Steal #Freedom – Part 1 (Video) - The #DeepState has been manufacturing real and imagined enemies for generations to justify escalating attacks on #liberty, prosperity, and humanity https://thenewamerican.com/video/manufacturing-enemies-to-steal-freedom-part-1/
    Manufacturing “Enemies” to Steal #Freedom – Part 1 (Video) - The #DeepState has been manufacturing real and imagined enemies for generations to justify escalating attacks on #liberty, prosperity, and humanity https://thenewamerican.com/video/manufacturing-enemies-to-steal-freedom-part-1/
    Manufacturing "Enemies" to Steal Freedom - Part 1
    The Deep State has been manufacturing real and imagined enemies for generations to justify escalating attacks on liberty, prosperity, and humanity, warns The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. This pattern is becoming more and more obvious. In part 1 of this series, Alex focuses on ...
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 84 Views
  • Under Biden the Government has become desperate for funding, seeking out money from their own citizens through taxation. Not only have they raised taxes for every bracket, but the IRS managed to squeeze more money out of Americans through audits for fiscal year 2023 than any year on record.
    These funds are mere chump change as we send out far more than this to Ukraine on a regular basis. The people do not vote on how their taxes are frivolously spent, but they are responsible for the government’s spending. Biden claimed he would target the hated “rich” but reports have found that the majority of those targeted were the Middle Class. Biden has done everything in his power to kill the Economy. The IRS hates the Middle Class because they believe those workers are stealing from Uncle Sam.
    Under Biden the Government has become desperate for funding, seeking out money from their own citizens through taxation. Not only have they raised taxes for every bracket, but the IRS managed to squeeze more money out of Americans through audits for fiscal year 2023 than any year on record. These funds are mere chump change as we send out far more than this to Ukraine on a regular basis. The people do not vote on how their taxes are frivolously spent, but they are responsible for the government’s spending. Biden claimed he would target the hated “rich” but reports have found that the majority of those targeted were the Middle Class. Biden has done everything in his power to kill the Economy. The IRS hates the Middle Class because they believe those workers are stealing from Uncle Sam. https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/world-news/taxes/us-taxpayers-hit-with-record-penalties-in-fy23/
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 570 Views
  • Biden says illegal border crossers will be vetted, and they are not vetted. He says bad guys will be deported, but they are not deported. He puts ankle monitors on some, and that does nothing to prevent killers from killing Americans.The real safeguard is to simply not let these people in. Whatever it takes, they should not be allowed in to steal our money, rape our women, and kill our children.
    But of course, that's not what's happening. Now Americans are starting to pay for this, Becoming victims in their own Country.That's what Joe Biden has brought to the U.S. by importing the worst of the worst. These kinds of crimes didn't happen with this frequency and this nightmarish barbarism before Joe Biden opened the border.
    Biden says illegal border crossers will be vetted, and they are not vetted. He says bad guys will be deported, but they are not deported. He puts ankle monitors on some, and that does nothing to prevent killers from killing Americans.The real safeguard is to simply not let these people in. Whatever it takes, they should not be allowed in to steal our money, rape our women, and kill our children. But of course, that's not what's happening. Now Americans are starting to pay for this, Becoming victims in their own Country.That's what Joe Biden has brought to the U.S. by importing the worst of the worst. These kinds of crimes didn't happen with this frequency and this nightmarish barbarism before Joe Biden opened the border. https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2024/06/import_the_caracas_slums_become_the_caracas_slums_thanks_joe_biden.html
    Import the Caracas slums, become the Caracas slums: thanks, Joe Biden
    Based on the narrative of the left, we're not supposed to notice anything new or negative about the unvetted foreigners rolling through on Joe Biden's open border plan. Nothing to see here, move along. There are those who give the flawe...
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 482 Views
  • STOP THE STEAL IN 2024...
    STOP THE STEAL IN 2024...
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 62 Views 1
  • Olmos Park Open Carry - Tazered and Arrested Full Video

    There's a group of criminals in America that believe ONLY THEY MAY BE ARMED and everyone else must be disarmed

    This group of #Criminals are the POLICY ENFORCERS
    of the #Corporation of the United States

    And they are hands down,
    the most #Violent criminals we have in America!

    EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK they are threatening to harm,
    or harming their countrymen

    And when they are doing that, they are stealing the property of Americans through "Civil Asset Forfeiture" where they CLAIM your property was obtained through "criminal activity"

    The CLAIM alone gets your property stolen by these criminal thugs, who wear body armor, carry multiple firearms and tasers... but they are always "Scared"
    (so they claim)

    Let me give you blue belly scumbags some free advice.....
    "If you don't go around harming your fellow Americans on a daily basis, and violating their inalienable human rights, and stealing their property... you wouldn't be scared of them!

    I'd be scared too if I treated my fellow man the way you do!
    You are "fearful" because you KNOW deep down, that YOU are the #Criminal

    It's YOU who commits crimes against your fellow man every day!
    It's YOU who ruins the lives of millions of Americans and destroys their families
    It's YOU responsible for children growing up without parents

    It's YOU who Americans "FEAR"
    I've never met ANY AMERICAN that was "scared of criminals"
    I meet Americans EVERY DAY that are scared Police will cage them or steal their money, their assets, or even their lives!

    It's the POLICE who unlawfully kidnap children from their parents based solely on the word of some "Child Protective Services" scumbag who DOES NOT HAVE the required COURT ORDER!

    It's YOU!
    It's always YOU!
    The criminals in blue

    Olmos Park Open Carry - Tazered and Arrested Full Video There's a group of criminals in America that believe ONLY THEY MAY BE ARMED and everyone else must be disarmed This group of #Criminals are the POLICY ENFORCERS of the #Corporation of the United States And they are hands down, the most #Violent criminals we have in America! EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK they are threatening to harm, or harming their countrymen And when they are doing that, they are stealing the property of Americans through "Civil Asset Forfeiture" where they CLAIM your property was obtained through "criminal activity" BUT THEY CANNOT PROVE IT! The CLAIM alone gets your property stolen by these criminal thugs, who wear body armor, carry multiple firearms and tasers... but they are always "Scared" (so they claim) Let me give you blue belly scumbags some free advice..... "If you don't go around harming your fellow Americans on a daily basis, and violating their inalienable human rights, and stealing their property... you wouldn't be scared of them! I'd be scared too if I treated my fellow man the way you do! You are "fearful" because you KNOW deep down, that YOU are the #Criminal It's YOU who commits crimes against your fellow man every day! It's YOU who ruins the lives of millions of Americans and destroys their families It's YOU responsible for children growing up without parents It's YOU who Americans "FEAR" I've never met ANY AMERICAN that was "scared of criminals" I meet Americans EVERY DAY that are scared Police will cage them or steal their money, their assets, or even their lives! It's the POLICE who unlawfully kidnap children from their parents based solely on the word of some "Child Protective Services" scumbag who DOES NOT HAVE the required COURT ORDER! It's YOU! It's always YOU! The criminals in blue https://youtu.be/GrDAPPiu1QE
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 673 Views
  • FLASHBACK: Dr. Robert Epstein Now Recording Data That Google Is Using to Brainwash the Public & Steal Elections https://www.infowars.com/posts/rigged-election-alert-dr-robert-epstein-now-recording-data-that-google-is-using-to-brainwash-the-public-steal-elections/
    FLASHBACK: Dr. Robert Epstein Now Recording Data That Google Is Using to Brainwash the Public & Steal Elections https://www.infowars.com/posts/rigged-election-alert-dr-robert-epstein-now-recording-data-that-google-is-using-to-brainwash-the-public-steal-elections/
    0 Commenti 1 condivisioni 344 Views

    Mike does it RIGHT!
    If you are not subscribed to #KultNews then you are missing some seriously good videos of a man educating his community and the #Cult of "government"

    There is a percentage of the American People that are JUST AS BAD AS #POLICE!!!
    You see... these are the Karen's, the snitches, the weasels who believe that Police exist solely to kiss their a** (Which isn't 100% wrong BTW)

    These people believe that if they don't like what you are doing, legal or not, that the Police should be called on you, so you can possibly get shot or unlawfully caged....

    These people are WORSE THAN the Police!
    At least the Police get PAID to be anti-American a**holes!
    These people do it for FREE!

    Like this pathetic twit, in this video!
    So what dipstick, you work for a #Criminal organization known as a #Bank, that steals real world assets from people using fictional "money" they don't even have!

    Just like they BUY real world assets with their worthless monopoly money, that they print as much of as they want.

    It only has value because YOU AGREE that it does!
    But in reality it's worthless!

    It's part of a system that made YOU into a #Slave who can barely survive!

    WHEN you get too much of it, they print more, so that YOURS IS WORTH LESS!

    See how that works?

    UTAH MAN LOSES HIS MIND OVER A CAMERA - First Amendment Audit Mike does it RIGHT! If you are not subscribed to #KultNews then you are missing some seriously good videos of a man educating his community and the #Cult of "government" There is a percentage of the American People that are JUST AS BAD AS #POLICE!!! You see... these are the Karen's, the snitches, the weasels who believe that Police exist solely to kiss their a** (Which isn't 100% wrong BTW) These people believe that if they don't like what you are doing, legal or not, that the Police should be called on you, so you can possibly get shot or unlawfully caged.... BECAUSE OF THEIR SENSITIVE FEELINGS! These people are WORSE THAN the Police! At least the Police get PAID to be anti-American a**holes! These people do it for FREE! Like this pathetic twit, in this video! So what dipstick, you work for a #Criminal organization known as a #Bank, that steals real world assets from people using fictional "money" they don't even have! Just like they BUY real world assets with their worthless monopoly money, that they print as much of as they want. It only has value because YOU AGREE that it does! But in reality it's worthless! It's part of a system that made YOU into a #Slave who can barely survive! WHEN you get too much of it, they print more, so that YOURS IS WORTH LESS! See how that works? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLvw8LJQ3VQ
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 572 Views
  • The Swiss “peace” kabuki came and went – and the winner was Vladimir Putin. He didn’t even have to show up.
    Putin once again had to remind the deaf, dumb and blind of the obvious:
    “Calls to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia, which has the largest arsenal of nuclear weapons, demonstrate the extreme adventurism of Western Neocon Warmongers & Their Puppet Politicians. They either do not understand the scale of the threat they themselves create, or they are simply obsessed with the belief in their own immunity and their own exclusivity. Both can turn into a tragedy”.
    They remain deaf, dumb and blind.
    The Swiss “peace” kabuki came and went – and the winner was Vladimir Putin. He didn’t even have to show up. Putin once again had to remind the deaf, dumb and blind of the obvious: “Calls to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia, which has the largest arsenal of nuclear weapons, demonstrate the extreme adventurism of Western Neocon Warmongers & Their Puppet Politicians. They either do not understand the scale of the threat they themselves create, or they are simply obsessed with the belief in their own immunity and their own exclusivity. Both can turn into a tragedy”. They remain deaf, dumb and blind. https://strategic-culture.su/news/2024/06/18/hegemon-orders-europe-bet-on-war-and-steal-russia-money/
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 526 Views

    I really like Sheriff Richard Mack!
    I believe that HE is a good man, trying to do the right thing!

    I've pushed for EVERYONE to join the #CSPOA too!

    But I have to tell you folks....
    The #Sheriffs in this country are NOT on your side!

    Unlike sheriff Mack, something like 3100 sheriffs (Out of 3150 total) signed a letter OPPOSING dismantling the #Criminal practice of "Civil Asset Forfeiture"

    Civil Asset Forfeiture is nothing more than government THEFT OF PROPERTY from American citizens who have NOT been convicted of ANY CRIME!

    They just had the bad luck of running across some POS Road Pirate who wanted to STEAL THEIR MONEY so that he could get an "ataboy,"

    No "due process whatsoever!!!
    Just THEFT pure and simple!

    I do NOT think we could find a decent sheriff if wee tried these days!
    They are ALL crooks in the pockets of corporations!
    And they want to DISARM AMERICANS in violation of the Constitution too!

    There is NOTHING more repugnant to the constitution than a modern criminal sheriff
    So what??? He was "Elected" in a RIGGED ELECTION!

    He is still a worthless tool of Tyranny!
    After telling people to "Elect a good Sheriff" to protect them from criminal Federal Government scum for years.... I've realized the county SHERIFFS are no better!

    They are just criminals, like all the other illegitimate "government" criminals
    Mack may be okay... BUT HE IS RETIRED!

    And sheriffs today do not give a rat's a** about your inalienable human rights!
    They are your ENEMY, seeking to put you into a cage and steal your property

    THE LAST PEACEFUL WAY TO RESCUE AMERICA FROM HER DEATH BED! RICHARD MACK I really like Sheriff Richard Mack! I believe that HE is a good man, trying to do the right thing! I've pushed for EVERYONE to join the #CSPOA too! But I have to tell you folks.... The #Sheriffs in this country are NOT on your side! Unlike sheriff Mack, something like 3100 sheriffs (Out of 3150 total) signed a letter OPPOSING dismantling the #Criminal practice of "Civil Asset Forfeiture" Civil Asset Forfeiture is nothing more than government THEFT OF PROPERTY from American citizens who have NOT been convicted of ANY CRIME! They just had the bad luck of running across some POS Road Pirate who wanted to STEAL THEIR MONEY so that he could get an "ataboy," BASED SOLELY ON AN ACCUSATION! No "due process whatsoever!!! Just THEFT pure and simple! I do NOT think we could find a decent sheriff if wee tried these days! They are ALL crooks in the pockets of corporations! And they want to DISARM AMERICANS in violation of the Constitution too! There is NOTHING more repugnant to the constitution than a modern criminal sheriff So what??? He was "Elected" in a RIGGED ELECTION! He is still a worthless tool of Tyranny! After telling people to "Elect a good Sheriff" to protect them from criminal Federal Government scum for years.... I've realized the county SHERIFFS are no better! They are just criminals, like all the other illegitimate "government" criminals Mack may be okay... BUT HE IS RETIRED! And sheriffs today do not give a rat's a** about your inalienable human rights! They are your ENEMY, seeking to put you into a cage and steal your property https://rumble.com/v4zeu2x-the-last-peaceful-way-to-rescue-america-from-her-death-bed-richard-mack.html?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=TheCommonSenseShow
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 667 Views
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