• https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2268395/Adil-Rashid-Paedophile-claimed-Muslim-upbringing-meant-didnt-know-illegal-sex-girl-13.html
    Muslim abuser who 'didn't know' that sex with a girl of 13 was illegal is spared jail
    Adil Rashid (pictured) admitted travelling to Nottingham in July last year and having sex with the teenager who can't be named for legal reasons.
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 220 Visualizações
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbrNXvVmcns
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 240 Visualizações
  • Sacred Geometry - Exploring its Archetypal Language and Origins
    Sacred Geometry - Exploring its Archetypal Language and Origins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g55OvdV5KxY&list=TLPQMjExMTIwMjPQ2KGGpbRsiA&index=8
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 377 Visualizações

    The Truth About Muhammad | Robert Spencer | #SangamTalks
    IMHO: "ISLAM" IS THE RELIGION/DEATH-CULT" OF SATANIC/EVIL, PSYCHOPATHIC, MURDERING, PEDOPHILE SCUM"... 🔥👿🌈💩💥🪓 The Truth About Muhammad | Robert Spencer | #SangamTalks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiVFGmCKEAA&list=TLPQMjExMTIwMjPQ2KGGpbRsiA&index=5
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2681 Visualizações
  • The Full Explanation of Tesla's 369 (OH MY GOD!!)
    The Full Explanation of Tesla's 369 (OH MY GOD!!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uez9gbySO2E&list=TLPQMjExMTIwMjPQ2KGGpbRsiA&index=2
    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 438 Visualizações
  • https://youtu.be/hDECGSIpbRI?si=8L0nNbVKJS0eEZCE
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 278 Visualizações
  • Destroy America for One World Government – Alex Newman
    Award-winning journalist Alex Newman, author of the popular book “Deep State,” contends everything you are seeing from open borders to pushing the transgender ideology to war is all part of the push to destroy America and Christians for a One World Government hell on earth.

    Newman says the riots in France are all part of the Deep State globalist game plan. Newman explains, “France has exploded in violence. They burned down historical sites. They have been looting, shooting fireworks at the police, and it’s been absolutely out of control. . . . There is a reason why the globalists have been pushing mass migration. . . . What I prove in the book, and it’s more and more obvious, this has every thing to do with undermining the nation state, undermining cohesive societies and really breaking up Christianity. . . .This is very deliberate. It is calculated. What happens is people look around them and say, wow, I don’t share the same language, the came culture, the same religion, the same ideas, the same upbringing. We can’t even talk to each other. What’s the purpose of having the arbitrary line on a map that we call France or Sweden or Germany? Why not have a big European super state and then later a one world system. So, that’s what they are doing. The evidence is overwhelming. The globalists love what’s happening in France–destruction, polarization, shaking the grounds of society. You see churches burning, and this is very deliberate. By the way, the U.S. State Department was involved in training the agitators who have made this mess in France.”

    Newman says that is also the plan in America. For proof, look at the wide open Southern border. Newman says, “Never in human history has a society imported a bunch of foreigners and then taught those foreigners that the country that they just moved to was oppressive and evil. That is exactly what a lot of these European governments are doing, and that’s exactly what the U.S. government is doing. They have the border wide open. . . . They have dissolved the border on purpose. There have been at least 6 million illegal immigrants who have crossed the border since Biden has been in office.”

    The UN is behind this one world government rule, and Newman points out, “The UN says we have to get rid of borders and nation states and first create regional governments and then a world government. That’s what this is all about. It’s very, very clear, and anybody who thinks America is going to be immune to this has not been paying attention. Again, the Southern border is wide open, and there are no signs that is going to change anytime soon. . . . Americans are so sick of this that a lot of Americans would be fine if the whole thing just collapsed. That is a very dangerous situation to be in. We have to recognize that we are dealing with criminals who have infiltrated our institutions that are the problem. It is that our institutions have been hijacked and weaponized. The perfect example is the persecution of the whistleblower and all of the protection given all of the cronies connected to the Bidens and the Clintons.”

    In closing, Newman says, “Most of the problems we face today would go away if we could, once again, enforce the U.S. Constitution. . . . it may look bleak, but we know God wins in the end.”

    Newman also takes a deep dive on the number one tool of the Deep State, and that is brainwashing your children under the guise of education.
    Destroy America for One World Government – Alex Newman https://rumble.com/v2zgw90-destroy-america-for-one-world-government-alex-newman.html Award-winning journalist Alex Newman, author of the popular book “Deep State,” contends everything you are seeing from open borders to pushing the transgender ideology to war is all part of the push to destroy America and Christians for a One World Government hell on earth. Newman says the riots in France are all part of the Deep State globalist game plan. Newman explains, “France has exploded in violence. They burned down historical sites. They have been looting, shooting fireworks at the police, and it’s been absolutely out of control. . . . There is a reason why the globalists have been pushing mass migration. . . . What I prove in the book, and it’s more and more obvious, this has every thing to do with undermining the nation state, undermining cohesive societies and really breaking up Christianity. . . .This is very deliberate. It is calculated. What happens is people look around them and say, wow, I don’t share the same language, the came culture, the same religion, the same ideas, the same upbringing. We can’t even talk to each other. What’s the purpose of having the arbitrary line on a map that we call France or Sweden or Germany? Why not have a big European super state and then later a one world system. So, that’s what they are doing. The evidence is overwhelming. The globalists love what’s happening in France–destruction, polarization, shaking the grounds of society. You see churches burning, and this is very deliberate. By the way, the U.S. State Department was involved in training the agitators who have made this mess in France.” Newman says that is also the plan in America. For proof, look at the wide open Southern border. Newman says, “Never in human history has a society imported a bunch of foreigners and then taught those foreigners that the country that they just moved to was oppressive and evil. That is exactly what a lot of these European governments are doing, and that’s exactly what the U.S. government is doing. They have the border wide open. . . . They have dissolved the border on purpose. There have been at least 6 million illegal immigrants who have crossed the border since Biden has been in office.” The UN is behind this one world government rule, and Newman points out, “The UN says we have to get rid of borders and nation states and first create regional governments and then a world government. That’s what this is all about. It’s very, very clear, and anybody who thinks America is going to be immune to this has not been paying attention. Again, the Southern border is wide open, and there are no signs that is going to change anytime soon. . . . Americans are so sick of this that a lot of Americans would be fine if the whole thing just collapsed. That is a very dangerous situation to be in. We have to recognize that we are dealing with criminals who have infiltrated our institutions that are the problem. It is that our institutions have been hijacked and weaponized. The perfect example is the persecution of the whistleblower and all of the protection given all of the cronies connected to the Bidens and the Clintons.” In closing, Newman says, “Most of the problems we face today would go away if we could, once again, enforce the U.S. Constitution. . . . it may look bleak, but we know God wins in the end.” Newman also takes a deep dive on the number one tool of the Deep State, and that is brainwashing your children under the guise of education.
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2782 Visualizações
  • https://mindbodyspirit.one/online-breathwork-course
    Ready to try breathwork? Join our transformative online course and unlock the power of conscious breathing and connection.

    BreathWork is an immersive, four-month online course where we dedicate ourselves to inner development and breathwork practices, all in the context of a supportive community. By joining us, you’ll discover a natural remedy for stress and anxiety, transmute blocked emotional energy, and experience deep healing on a felt level.

    As a participant, you’ll receive:

    Live, weekly teachings that will immerse you in breathwork and its benefits, including methods for generating well-being, compassion, and self-trust; moving through difficult emotions; and fueling deep growth
    Weekly “take-home” practices to guide your exploration, and reflection prompts to bring your experiences fully to life
    Prerecorded practices available 24/7 in the Digital Library, yours to download and enjoy as often as you’d like
    Live “office hours” with host Jennifer Patterson, where she will answer relevant questions and clarify your learning experience
    A community of like-minded people anchoring and grounding you in your healing process
    The practices taught in BreathWork allow you to stay in control of your experience and participate very directly in self-care, enhancing your self-sufficiency and agency. This course is a wonderful opportunity to build greater choice into your life in a way that’s non-prescriptive and profoundly empowering. We hope you’ll join us.

    #breathwork #breathing #deepbreathing #breathe #grief
    https://mindbodyspirit.one/online-breathwork-course Ready to try breathwork? Join our transformative online course and unlock the power of conscious breathing and connection. BreathWork is an immersive, four-month online course where we dedicate ourselves to inner development and breathwork practices, all in the context of a supportive community. By joining us, you’ll discover a natural remedy for stress and anxiety, transmute blocked emotional energy, and experience deep healing on a felt level. As a participant, you’ll receive: Live, weekly teachings that will immerse you in breathwork and its benefits, including methods for generating well-being, compassion, and self-trust; moving through difficult emotions; and fueling deep growth Weekly “take-home” practices to guide your exploration, and reflection prompts to bring your experiences fully to life Prerecorded practices available 24/7 in the Digital Library, yours to download and enjoy as often as you’d like Live “office hours” with host Jennifer Patterson, where she will answer relevant questions and clarify your learning experience A community of like-minded people anchoring and grounding you in your healing process The practices taught in BreathWork allow you to stay in control of your experience and participate very directly in self-care, enhancing your self-sufficiency and agency. This course is a wonderful opportunity to build greater choice into your life in a way that’s non-prescriptive and profoundly empowering. We hope you’ll join us. #breathwork #breathing #deepbreathing #breathe #grief
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2249 Visualizações

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