We celebrate, protect, defend and support marriage between one man and one woman, not two men and not two women, nor polygamy, nor polyamory.
    (Genesis 2:18-25; Matthew 19:4-6; 1 Corinthians 7:2; Hebrews 13:4; Song of Solomon; Malachi 2:16, Deuteronomy 17:17)

    We support childbearing and adoption by conjugal married parents, not gay, lesbian or transsexual parents, nor adoption by gay, lesbian or transsexual parents. (Genesis 5:32; 4:1-2, 25; 9:1; 9;7; 17:20; 28:3; 35:11; 48:4; Leviticus 26:9; 2 Samuel 9:6-7; John 19:26-27)

    We the People oppose and righteously judge the sins of homosexuality, lesbianism, transsexuality and pansexuality. (Romans 1:20-32; Leviticus 18:22, 20:13; Genesis Chap. 18-19; Judges 19:22-28; 1 Corinthians 9-10; 1 Timothy 9-11; Jude 1:7)

    We the People oppose and righteously judge the sins of zoophilia. (Leviticus 11:44b; 18:23)

    We are not TERFs (trans-exclusionary radical females) or cissexual or cisgender women and men; we are heterosexual women and men based on binary sex and biology. (Genesis 1:27)

    We are not homophobic or transphobic, meaning we do not fear sexual deviants because they are only sinful human beings.
    Sex is binary, not gender-fluid. (Matthew 19:4)

    There are only two sexes, male and female only, as God created humans and animals. (Genesis 1:22)

    There are only two sexes for all mating animals; they are not gay or lesbian, nor gender-fluid. (Genesis 8:17)

    Women are women and men are men. (Genesis 1:27; 5:2; Mark 10:6)

    Transwomen (MtF) are not women and transmen (FtM) are not men. (Leviticus 20:13)

    We the People do not celebrate, support, protect, or defend sexual identity disorder, gender dysphoria, gay marriage, gay adoption, gay parenting, transsexual marriage and parenting. (Leviticus 18:22)

    We do not tolerate l.g.b.t.q.i.+ indoctrination of students from K-12 from anyone. (Matthew 18:6)

    Puberty and sexual development is not a life-threatening disease to be medicated, sterilized or surgically butchered.
    (Genesis 48:4)

    Fertility is not a life-ruining disease to be medicated, sterilized or surgically butchered.
    (Leviticus 26:9)

    We do not accept or tolerate paedophilia, or incest, or child sex trafficking, adult sex trafficking or labor trafficking, or rape, or abduction*, or child pornography. (Mark 9:42; Leviticus 18:6-18; Deuteronomy 22:25-26, 30; 1 Timothy 1:10*; Deuteronomy 24:7*; Exodus 21:16*; Genesis 14:10-16*)
    We do not accept or tolerate recruiting children into drag performances or gay strip bars or tranny twerk hour at church and libraries and schools. (Luke 17:2)

    WE SAY NO!!!

    WE THE PEOPLE OPPOSE SEXUALLY DEVIANT GROOMING OF OUR CHILDREN FOR TRAFFICKING PURPOSES BY SECRET SOCIETIES, THE ILLUMINATI, SATANIC PAEDOPHILES, THE L.G.B.T.Q.I.+, GLSEN, GLAAD, NAMBLA AND SECRET PAEDOPHILIA GROUPS IN THE US, THE UK, CANADA, NZ AND AUSTRALIA. We celebrate, protect, defend and support marriage between one man and one woman, not two men and not two women, nor polygamy, nor polyamory. (Genesis 2:18-25; Matthew 19:4-6; 1 Corinthians 7:2; Hebrews 13:4; Song of Solomon; Malachi 2:16, Deuteronomy 17:17) We support childbearing and adoption by conjugal married parents, not gay, lesbian or transsexual parents, nor adoption by gay, lesbian or transsexual parents. (Genesis 5:32; 4:1-2, 25; 9:1; 9;7; 17:20; 28:3; 35:11; 48:4; Leviticus 26:9; 2 Samuel 9:6-7; John 19:26-27) We the People oppose and righteously judge the sins of homosexuality, lesbianism, transsexuality and pansexuality. (Romans 1:20-32; Leviticus 18:22, 20:13; Genesis Chap. 18-19; Judges 19:22-28; 1 Corinthians 9-10; 1 Timothy 9-11; Jude 1:7) We the People oppose and righteously judge the sins of zoophilia. (Leviticus 11:44b; 18:23) We are not TERFs (trans-exclusionary radical females) or cissexual or cisgender women and men; we are heterosexual women and men based on binary sex and biology. (Genesis 1:27) We are not homophobic or transphobic, meaning we do not fear sexual deviants because they are only sinful human beings. Sex is binary, not gender-fluid. (Matthew 19:4) There are only two sexes, male and female only, as God created humans and animals. (Genesis 1:22) There are only two sexes for all mating animals; they are not gay or lesbian, nor gender-fluid. (Genesis 8:17) Women are women and men are men. (Genesis 1:27; 5:2; Mark 10:6) Transwomen (MtF) are not women and transmen (FtM) are not men. (Leviticus 20:13) We the People do not celebrate, support, protect, or defend sexual identity disorder, gender dysphoria, gay marriage, gay adoption, gay parenting, transsexual marriage and parenting. (Leviticus 18:22) We do not tolerate l.g.b.t.q.i.+ indoctrination of students from K-12 from anyone. (Matthew 18:6) Puberty and sexual development is not a life-threatening disease to be medicated, sterilized or surgically butchered. (Genesis 48:4) Fertility is not a life-ruining disease to be medicated, sterilized or surgically butchered. (Leviticus 26:9) We do not accept or tolerate paedophilia, or incest, or child sex trafficking, adult sex trafficking or labor trafficking, or rape, or abduction*, or child pornography. (Mark 9:42; Leviticus 18:6-18; Deuteronomy 22:25-26, 30; 1 Timothy 1:10*; Deuteronomy 24:7*; Exodus 21:16*; Genesis 14:10-16*) We do not accept or tolerate recruiting children into drag performances or gay strip bars or tranny twerk hour at church and libraries and schools. (Luke 17:2) WE SAY NO!!!
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 7309 Visualizações
  • Are All Democrats Unofficial Members?
    Are All Democrats Unofficial Members? https://www.nambla.org/
    Current Features · NAMBLA
    Current Features · NAMBLA
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 310 Visualizações
  • The founder of LGBTQ also started NAMBLA- the boy lover association The LGBTQ agenda is simply a front for society to accept pedophilia. We must protect our children from this filth!
    The founder of LGBTQ also started NAMBLA- the boy lover association🏳️‍🌈 The LGBTQ agenda is simply a front for society to accept pedophilia. We must protect our children from this filth!
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 324 Visualizações
  • Boston magazine printed a long, “intellectual” history of the North American Man/Boy Love Association in its May 2001 issue. NAMBLA is the organization which practices and promotes sex between men and boys. The magazine wrote about a documentary video that NAMBLA started but didn’t finish. The author of the article said, “It was a rare chance to show the world that they [the lovers of boys] weren’t nearly as despicable as people made them out to be.” NAMBLA has been sued by the parents of Jeffrey Curley, the 10-year-old who was murdered in Newton in 1997 by two homosexuals who had NAMBLA materials in their possession at the time. But Boston magazine continues to be a cheerleader for men like Reardon, who molest boys.
    SOURCE: Massnews.com
    Boston magazine printed a long, “intellectual” history of the North American Man/Boy Love Association in its May 2001 issue. NAMBLA is the organization which practices and promotes sex between men and boys. The magazine wrote about a documentary video that NAMBLA started but didn’t finish. The author of the article said, “It was a rare chance to show the world that they [the lovers of boys] weren’t nearly as despicable as people made them out to be.” NAMBLA has been sued by the parents of Jeffrey Curley, the 10-year-old who was murdered in Newton in 1997 by two homosexuals who had NAMBLA materials in their possession at the time. But Boston magazine continues to be a cheerleader for men like Reardon, who molest boys. SOURCE: Massnews.com
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 353 Visualizações
  • George Soros, is pouring millions into NAMBLA. North American Man-Boy Association that is advocating for the legalization of pedophilia. Their identifying banner statement is “sex before 8 or it is too late”.
    George Soros, is pouring millions into NAMBLA. North American Man-Boy Association that is advocating for the legalization of pedophilia. Their identifying banner statement is “sex before 8 or it is too late”.
    1 Comentários 1 Compartilhamentos 914 Visualizações
  • Just have to Vent here and it ended up being another Facebook Frames, this one on pedophilia as there are So many connectors!

    Got this uploaded to Bitchute, which is a platform I am grateful for as when Schiff and other entities went after me and got reports removed, Bitchute IS censor free, but this allows allows the shills and fans of pedos to proliferate.

    Do you suppose I should let the commenter Angelica know that Asia Argento came out of Italy and what all was on her Instagram, you remember. . .her boyfriend was Anthony Bourdain killed under mysterious circumstances with same red cloth signaling as Kate Spade's death (linked with Hillary's dealings in Haiti) and others? See evidence with source links in Comments of Original Post!

    If you flip through the Facebook Frames photos you will see some of the photos I archived from her instagram before it was scrubbed.

    Of course as you would expect, these pedophile agenda sympathizers have a great deal of camaraderie as you can see in the photos below.

    Not saying all of these commenters are such, just odd that a woman would think it's okay to pedo creep on children and not advocate instead for the protection of children.

    Sure sounds like victim blaming to me and here these are generally the very same people who stood up for the #MeToo movement. . .well, that is fine, Now What about the Children? How much MORE protection should They receive as they are far more easily manipulated as their brains are not even fully developed.

    Honestly seems like a No Brainer. ..but due to all of the attempts at Hollywood and the entertainment industry to "normalize" and desensitize people to a pedophile agenda.

    Just as PIE the Pedophile Information Network tried to do where their creator spoke on 60 minutes Australia about negotiating s** with a 4 Year Old CHILD!

    And NAMBLA when you say what Each Letter of this acronym stands for. . .North America Man Boy Love should be an Obvious Instantaneous feeling of Revolt. ..yet people Still put their children in harms way because they think it's Cool and Trendy to be a part of the "low brow" culture and agenda in defiance of those who Stand Up for the Side of Good in protection of their children and others!

    This is why I keep trying to tell people, Nothing is enough for them. They literally want to have Zero Boundaries. Notice these progressives are Always about breaking down boundaries and barriers whether physical or involving people. Interesting as they are Always about compromising the Safety of those they actually Want to Enslave!

    Interesting as that was Exactly how a mainstream source worded it about Lita Grey. .."child s** slave to Chaplin!"

    It appears they were Correct after delving into even more of his history.

    Remember when the White Hats told us #SymbolismWillBeTheirDownfall? How about the fact that many of them openly worship Lucifer? He is the false light as anons know. Remember it was Alice Bailey back in the day with her connection to the UN and Kortona, CA right there in the Hollywood area who infiltrated the churches under the name Lucifer Trust Before it became Lucis Trust. All verified for those who seek. #YouHaveMoreThanYouKnow

    What do you think they are signaling in all of these photos? What are they communicating and do you think it is Universal? A code perhaps?

    #CharlieChaplin, #Pedophiles, #NAMBLA, #PIE, #PedophileInformationExhcange, #HeartProgress, #LitaGrey, #childSexslaves, #Pedogate, #PedophileNormalization, #AsiaArgento, #AnthonyBourdain, #EyesWideShut

    Too many photos from the Frames thread to add here, to see them all and connectors please go to Original Post here thanks!
    Just have to Vent here and it ended up being another Facebook Frames, this one on pedophilia as there are So many connectors! Got this uploaded to Bitchute, which is a platform I am grateful for as when Schiff and other entities went after me and got reports removed, Bitchute IS censor free, but this allows allows the shills and fans of pedos to proliferate. Do you suppose I should let the commenter Angelica know that Asia Argento came out of Italy and what all was on her Instagram, you remember. . .her boyfriend was Anthony Bourdain killed under mysterious circumstances with same red cloth signaling as Kate Spade's death (linked with Hillary's dealings in Haiti) and others? See evidence with source links in Comments of Original Post! If you flip through the Facebook Frames photos you will see some of the photos I archived from her instagram before it was scrubbed. Of course as you would expect, these pedophile agenda sympathizers have a great deal of camaraderie as you can see in the photos below. Not saying all of these commenters are such, just odd that a woman would think it's okay to pedo creep on children and not advocate instead for the protection of children. Sure sounds like victim blaming to me and here these are generally the very same people who stood up for the #MeToo movement. . .well, that is fine, Now What about the Children? How much MORE protection should They receive as they are far more easily manipulated as their brains are not even fully developed. Honestly seems like a No Brainer. ..but due to all of the attempts at Hollywood and the entertainment industry to "normalize" and desensitize people to a pedophile agenda. Just as PIE the Pedophile Information Network tried to do where their creator spoke on 60 minutes Australia about negotiating s** with a 4 Year Old CHILD! And NAMBLA when you say what Each Letter of this acronym stands for. . .North America Man Boy Love should be an Obvious Instantaneous feeling of Revolt. ..yet people Still put their children in harms way because they think it's Cool and Trendy to be a part of the "low brow" culture and agenda in defiance of those who Stand Up for the Side of Good in protection of their children and others! This is why I keep trying to tell people, Nothing is enough for them. They literally want to have Zero Boundaries. Notice these progressives are Always about breaking down boundaries and barriers whether physical or involving people. Interesting as they are Always about compromising the Safety of those they actually Want to Enslave! Interesting as that was Exactly how a mainstream source worded it about Lita Grey. .."child s** slave to Chaplin!" It appears they were Correct after delving into even more of his history. Remember when the White Hats told us #SymbolismWillBeTheirDownfall? How about the fact that many of them openly worship Lucifer? He is the false light as anons know. Remember it was Alice Bailey back in the day with her connection to the UN and Kortona, CA right there in the Hollywood area who infiltrated the churches under the name Lucifer Trust Before it became Lucis Trust. All verified for those who seek. #YouHaveMoreThanYouKnow What do you think they are signaling in all of these photos? What are they communicating and do you think it is Universal? A code perhaps? #CharlieChaplin, #Pedophiles, #NAMBLA, #PIE, #PedophileInformationExhcange, #HeartProgress, #LitaGrey, #childSexslaves, #Pedogate, #PedophileNormalization, #AsiaArgento, #AnthonyBourdain, #EyesWideShut Too many photos from the Frames thread to add here, to see them all and connectors please go to Original Post here thanks! https://www.facebook.com/melissa.mcgarity.14/posts/10220043285286946

    Just have to Vent here and it ended up being another Facebook Frames, this one on pedophilia as there are So many...

    Posted by Melissa McGarity on Thursday, February 20, 2020
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 3546 Visualizações

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