    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 330 Views
  • Episode 317 - HELDORE’S TRIGGER - Clyde Lewis Ground Zero
    The prophetic words from Dr. Heldore's Ouija board session appears to be coming to light once again as it pointed out that the presidential candidates would falter physically and show signs of duress. Additionally, Heldore stated that a triggering implosion and nuclear attack would occur in the Middle East as radiation spikes are evident after the tremendous Beirut explosion. It is becoming apparent the synchromysticism is very real but what does it mean for the future? Tonight On Ground Zero Clyde discusses 'HELDORE’S TRIGGER'.
    Episode 317 - HELDORE’S TRIGGER - Clyde Lewis Ground Zero https://www.spreaker.com/user/aftermathfm/gz08062020-99981aaf23?mc_cid=37498ca1f2&mc_eid=5c932d9c99 The prophetic words from Dr. Heldore's Ouija board session appears to be coming to light once again as it pointed out that the presidential candidates would falter physically and show signs of duress. Additionally, Heldore stated that a triggering implosion and nuclear attack would occur in the Middle East as radiation spikes are evident after the tremendous Beirut explosion. It is becoming apparent the synchromysticism is very real but what does it mean for the future? Tonight On Ground Zero Clyde discusses 'HELDORE’S TRIGGER'.
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 1345 Views

    I'm NOT a "Holocaust denier!"
    I'm fully aware that people who call themselves #Jews have been responsible for a #Holocaust against of all of humanity for MILLENNIA!

    The WW2 #Propaganda about 6 million Jews being killed was created long before the war even began! Like EVERYTHING ELSE that crosses the lips of these serpents, it was a LIE!

    The Jews have been thrown out of over 109 countries because they are #Evil and #Corrupt, and responsible for the subversion of EVERY COUNTRY that is dumb enough to allow them in!

    Is it "ALL Jews?"
    Of course not, but these days it's the vast majority of them!
    (Actually, these are people CLAIMING to be Jews, and are NOT)
    But for all intentional purposes, they CLAIM TO BE JEWS!

    Revelation 3:9
    9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

    It is the #Zionist scum who founded #Freemasonry and practice ancient Talmudic Black magic and mysticism (#Satan worshipers)


    The #ADL and #AIPAC and the #SPLC and THOUSANDS OF OTHERS steer the conversation..... ANYONE who speaks the #Truth about these Evil scumbags gets arrested, censored, killed, and attacked as an "Anti-Semite"


    And f*ck anyone who don't like it!
    Especially Israel and these Mystery Religion demons!

    SERPENTS OF MANKIND | WITH JEWS WE LOSE I'm NOT a "Holocaust denier!" I'm fully aware that people who call themselves #Jews have been responsible for a #Holocaust against of all of humanity for MILLENNIA! The WW2 #Propaganda about 6 million Jews being killed was created long before the war even began! Like EVERYTHING ELSE that crosses the lips of these serpents, it was a LIE! The Jews have been thrown out of over 109 countries because they are #Evil and #Corrupt, and responsible for the subversion of EVERY COUNTRY that is dumb enough to allow them in! Is it "ALL Jews?" Of course not, but these days it's the vast majority of them! (Actually, these are people CLAIMING to be Jews, and are NOT) But for all intentional purposes, they CLAIM TO BE JEWS! Revelation 3:9 9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. It is the #Zionist scum who founded #Freemasonry and practice ancient Talmudic Black magic and mysticism (#Satan worshipers) TO LEARN WHO RULES OVER YOU, SIMPLY FIND OUT WHO YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO CRITICIZE! (Hint: The Jews) The #ADL and #AIPAC and the #SPLC and THOUSANDS OF OTHERS steer the conversation..... ANYONE who speaks the #Truth about these Evil scumbags gets arrested, censored, killed, and attacked as an "Anti-Semite" If TELLING THE TRUTH ABOUT ISRAEL & JEWS IS "ANTI-SEMITIC" THEN SIGN ME UP, I GUESS I'M AN ANTI-SEMITE! And f*ck anyone who don't like it! Especially Israel and these Mystery Religion demons! https://www.bitchute.com/video/6dHT7ayeG991/
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 870 Views
  • All you must do is LOOK!
    The Talmudic Jews practice Babylonian Mysticism
    In case you didn't know.... That is #Satanic!

    You KNOW they are in control because world leaders are REQUIRED to show their submission to them!

    The #Illuminati practices the SAME Satan worshiping doctrines as do the Talmudic Jews!

    If you want to know who rules the world all you need do is LOOK!
    LOOK at whose butt you have to kiss to become President of the US!

    EVERY PRESIDENT America has ever had kissed their butts!
    Except 2 I believe..... (I'm not sure about this, but I believe only 2)

    1) John F Kennedy, who was assassinated
    2) Richard Nixon who ended up resigning the Presidency

    But when Nixon got in trouble.... He headed to Israel!

    According to Denis Brian’s 2012 “The Elected and the Chosen: Why American Presidents Have Supported Jews and Israel,” Nixon’s two-day visit was a “vain attempt to rescue his presidency, endangered by the Watergate scandal, his efforts to cover it up, and a growing demand among his political enemies to impeach him.”

    I'm just pointing out FACTS as I see them here!
    I don't "Hate" anyone, including the Jews!

    The Jews of today, for the most part, are NOT "God's People"
    "God's People" have been replaced by the Talmudic Jews who practice Babylonian Mysticism (Witchcraft & Devil worship)

    They own the worlds BANKS, own the #Media, #Hollywood, the #Porn industry and the #FederalReserve. And they have control over EVERY LEADER ON EARTH!

    There is only 1 thing for certain here...... And that is the fact their intentions are NOT GOOD!

    Having said that.... NOT ALL JEWS are a part of this misguided group!
    And those who are not a part of this #Evil group often SPEAK OUT against them!

    You have to KNOW YOUR ENEMY!
    All you must do is LOOK! The Talmudic Jews practice Babylonian Mysticism In case you didn't know.... That is #Satanic! You KNOW they are in control because world leaders are REQUIRED to show their submission to them! The #Illuminati practices the SAME Satan worshiping doctrines as do the Talmudic Jews! If you want to know who rules the world all you need do is LOOK! LOOK at whose butt you have to kiss to become President of the US! EVERY PRESIDENT America has ever had kissed their butts! Except 2 I believe..... (I'm not sure about this, but I believe only 2) 1) John F Kennedy, who was assassinated 2) Richard Nixon who ended up resigning the Presidency But when Nixon got in trouble.... He headed to Israel! According to Denis Brian’s 2012 “The Elected and the Chosen: Why American Presidents Have Supported Jews and Israel,” Nixon’s two-day visit was a “vain attempt to rescue his presidency, endangered by the Watergate scandal, his efforts to cover it up, and a growing demand among his political enemies to impeach him.” I'm just pointing out FACTS as I see them here! I don't "Hate" anyone, including the Jews! The Jews of today, for the most part, are NOT "God's People" "God's People" have been replaced by the Talmudic Jews who practice Babylonian Mysticism (Witchcraft & Devil worship) They own the worlds BANKS, own the #Media, #Hollywood, the #Porn industry and the #FederalReserve. And they have control over EVERY LEADER ON EARTH! There is only 1 thing for certain here...... And that is the fact their intentions are NOT GOOD! Having said that.... NOT ALL JEWS are a part of this misguided group! And those who are not a part of this #Evil group often SPEAK OUT against them! You have to KNOW YOUR ENEMY!
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 342 Views
  • I hate to admit it....
    But he's absolutely correct!

    Controlled Opposition is the name of the game folks!

    To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize!

    Those CLAIMING to be Jews are those you cannot criticize.....

    They are in control over the World Banking System, the #CDC, the #Media, the #ADL, and the #SPLC!

    Sometimes the TRUTH is staring you in the face!
    The bible calls these people "The Synagogue of #Satan"

    Because what they practice is ancient Babylonian Mysticism!
    Black Magic and devil worship!
    Eugenics and other EVILS

    This is NOT what the original Jews practiced!
    These are IMPOSTERS sent by the devil himself!
    And BTW they are NOT "Elites" they are #Parasites

    They survive by STEALING the fruits of YOUR LABOR!

    And it's NOT "anti-Semitic" to point out their crimes and evil deeds! WAKE UP to what is REALLY going on!

    I hate to admit it.... But he's absolutely correct! Controlled Opposition is the name of the game folks! To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize! Those CLAIMING to be Jews are those you cannot criticize..... SO WHAT'S THAT TELL YOU? They are in control over the World Banking System, the #CDC, the #Media, the #ADL, and the #SPLC! Sometimes the TRUTH is staring you in the face! The bible calls these people "The Synagogue of #Satan" Because what they practice is ancient Babylonian Mysticism! Black Magic and devil worship! Eugenics and other EVILS This is NOT what the original Jews practiced! These are IMPOSTERS sent by the devil himself! And BTW they are NOT "Elites" they are #Parasites They survive by STEALING the fruits of YOUR LABOR! And it's NOT "anti-Semitic" to point out their crimes and evil deeds! WAKE UP to what is REALLY going on! https://www.bitchute.com/video/L5wppKerGNmX/
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 259 Views
  • Until you realize that #Government and #Hollywood serve the SAME PURPOSE you just won't get it!

    Government, Just like #Media and Hollywood, uses props and actors, photographers & cameramen TO SELL YOU A FICTIONAL STORY!

    A BULLSH*T, make-believe, fictional story...
    That story will generally turn YOU against one or more of your neighbors!

    Black against white, red against brown, gay vs straight, trans vs gay, rich vs poor, East vs West, Ukraine vs Russia, vaxxed vs unvaxxed etc.....

    It's ALL A SCAM run by the BANKERS!
    Yes, the "Synagogue of Satan" is whom I am referring to here!

    The Rothschild Bankers and all of the people that call themselves "Jews"
    but ARE NOT! They tell you that they are Jews, but they practice #Mysticism and worship #Satan!

    They own all of the BANKS and all of Hollywood.
    They own the ALL of the MEDIA! Newspapers, Magazines, Television etc....
    They produce ALL OF THE PORNOGRAPHY!

    Did you know that #Freemasons practice THE EXACT SAME RELIGION as these people who CLAIM to be Jewish??? (Satan worship and Mysticism)

    In the bible they were referred to as the "Synagogue of Satan"
    Revelation 3:9 speaks of them!

    9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

    Pay special attention to the part that says:
    "Which say they are Jews, AND ARE NOT, but DO LIE"

    It's the very SAME people that I'm speaking of!
    The #Illuminati is another term for them.

    John 8:
    44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

    45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

    BELIEVE ME when I say that GOVERNMENT is not worthy of your trust!
    Believe NOTHING that government tells you!

    Give government NO FUNDING!

    Government was BORN OF EVIL!
    It remains EVIL

    And it's time to "Put Evil from among you"

    I CANNOT any longer "live with" government!
    And that includes ALL of it's corrupt agencies!
    Until you realize that #Government and #Hollywood serve the SAME PURPOSE you just won't get it! Government, Just like #Media and Hollywood, uses props and actors, photographers & cameramen TO SELL YOU A FICTIONAL STORY! A BULLSH*T, make-believe, fictional story... That story will generally turn YOU against one or more of your neighbors! Black against white, red against brown, gay vs straight, trans vs gay, rich vs poor, East vs West, Ukraine vs Russia, vaxxed vs unvaxxed etc..... It's ALL A SCAM run by the BANKERS! Yes, the "Synagogue of Satan" is whom I am referring to here! The Rothschild Bankers and all of the people that call themselves "Jews" but ARE NOT! They tell you that they are Jews, but they practice #Mysticism and worship #Satan! They own all of the BANKS and all of Hollywood. They own the ALL of the MEDIA! Newspapers, Magazines, Television etc.... They produce ALL OF THE PORNOGRAPHY! They own ALL OF THE MUSIC INDUSTRY! They RUN GOVERNMENTS! They PRINT THE MONEY! Did you know that #Freemasons practice THE EXACT SAME RELIGION as these people who CLAIM to be Jewish??? (Satan worship and Mysticism) In the bible they were referred to as the "Synagogue of Satan" Revelation 3:9 speaks of them! 9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. Pay special attention to the part that says: "Which say they are Jews, AND ARE NOT, but DO LIE" It's the very SAME people that I'm speaking of! The #Illuminati is another term for them. ALL THEY DO IS LIE! John 8: 44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. 45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not. BELIEVE ME when I say that GOVERNMENT is not worthy of your trust! Believe NOTHING that government tells you! Give government NO FUNDING! DO NOT CONSENT TO BEING "Governed" Government was BORN OF EVIL! It remains EVIL And it's time to "Put Evil from among you" I can LIVE WITH RACISTS! I can LIVE WITH PEOPLE DIFFERENT THAN ME! I CANNOT any longer "live with" government! And that includes ALL of it's corrupt agencies!
    1 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 269 Views
  • The Rothschilds and other scumbag criminal bankers are top of the visible food chain.

    If you actually research it some, you'll find that #Freemasons and these Evil "Mystic Jews" are practicing the exact same beliefs, and it's said they are one in the same!

    Look into Albert Pike's writings, Freemasonry, and then look into it's ties with these mystic Jews! God DON"T LIKE MYSTICISM!!!

    So the high profile "Jews" you see everywhere in leadership roles and government are NOT really legitimate "Jews"

    They usurped Judaism and use it to hide behind as they do EVIL!
    Anyone who points out their Evil are IMMEDIATELY labeled an

    These people control organizations like the #ADL and have their fingers in every #Government pie in the world!

    If I'm an "Anti-Semite" for telling the #Truth then SO BE IT!
    Now I wasn't there and DON"T KNOW OR CARE if Voltaire made this quote!!!

    It's TRUTH is obvious and plain to see!
    Well the #Jews naturally!

    But I have Jewish friends that do NOT go along with any of this!

    They don't "Hate the Goyim" ( YOU ) the way these mystic Jews do!

    These are the inverse of true Jewish people! Satan's gang of thugs

    Their focus now is ERADICATING THE WHITE MAN!
    It's a FACT look it up!

    They want to rid the earth of white people....

    ALL ARRANGED BY THE "Synagogue of Satan" the Mystic, devil worshiping FAKE Jews (Like Zuckerberg, Wallnesky (CDC), the #Zionist POS #Biden etc....

    It's NOT "Anti-Semitism" to tell the TRUTH about Evil scum! Sorry! If you think it is you may be a MORON!

    I don't HATE anyone! Well... EXCEPT THOSE TRYING TO MURDER ME! Like the Cabal of Evil Jews / Freemasons who worship Satan / Lucifer (SAME THING)


    Then go and look into the #Evil "St. John's Divine" Church and it's columns, a Freemasonic church (Admitted)

    This Freemasonic ABOMINATION is actually considered a "Church"

    People attend services there! Some very strange ones too!


    The Rothschilds and other scumbag criminal bankers are top of the visible food chain. If you actually research it some, you'll find that #Freemasons and these Evil "Mystic Jews" are practicing the exact same beliefs, and it's said they are one in the same! Look into Albert Pike's writings, Freemasonry, and then look into it's ties with these mystic Jews! God DON"T LIKE MYSTICISM!!! So the high profile "Jews" you see everywhere in leadership roles and government are NOT really legitimate "Jews" They usurped Judaism and use it to hide behind as they do EVIL! Anyone who points out their Evil are IMMEDIATELY labeled an "Anti-Semite." These people control organizations like the #ADL and have their fingers in every #Government pie in the world! If I'm an "Anti-Semite" for telling the #Truth then SO BE IT! Now I wasn't there and DON"T KNOW OR CARE if Voltaire made this quote!!! It's TRUTH is obvious and plain to see! WHO IS IT THAT YOU CANNOT CRITICIZE??? Well the #Jews naturally! But I have Jewish friends that do NOT go along with any of this! They don't "Hate the Goyim" ( YOU ) the way these mystic Jews do! These are the inverse of true Jewish people! Satan's gang of thugs Their focus now is ERADICATING THE WHITE MAN! It's a FACT look it up! They want to rid the earth of white people.... thus the FLOOD OF OUR COUNTRIES WITH ILLEGALS... ALL ARRANGED BY THE "Synagogue of Satan" the Mystic, devil worshiping FAKE Jews (Like Zuckerberg, Wallnesky (CDC), the #Zionist POS #Biden etc.... It's NOT "Anti-Semitism" to tell the TRUTH about Evil scum! Sorry! If you think it is you may be a MORON! I don't HATE anyone! Well... EXCEPT THOSE TRYING TO MURDER ME! Like the Cabal of Evil Jews / Freemasons who worship Satan / Lucifer (SAME THING) The FALSE LIGHT! Then go and look into the #Evil "St. John's Divine" Church and it's columns, a Freemasonic church (Admitted) This Freemasonic ABOMINATION is actually considered a "Church" People attend services there! Some very strange ones too! https://vigilantcitizen.com/sinistersites/sinister-sites-st-john-the-divine-cath… https://vigilantcitizen.com/sinistersites/sinister-sites-st-john-the-divine-cathedral/
    1 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 312 Views
  • A STIGMA REBRAND: Destruction Of Freedom Via Scienceless Dictatorship

    Godless people will worship ANYTHING!
    These days those godless people worship MAN'S #SCIENCE
    It goes back to the Garden of Eden folks... "Seeking Knowledge" remember?

    Some worship false religions set up by #Satan as a deception

    I'd like to point something out to you here. Have YOU ever noticed that #Satan and his minions DO NOT ATTACK Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, or the FALSE Jews who believe and practice mysticism?

    Ever wonder WHY THAT IS???
    It's because these are ALL "Created Religions" who are meant to steer people AWAY FROM GOD, so they can be permitted. They are NEVER ATTACKED!

    And that is because the Devil has ALREADY DECEIVED THEM!
    No further action needed!

    But #Christianity is ATTACKED NONSTOP
    It's because the Devil is REAL and his HATRED OF TRUTH leads him to attack the #Truth! And folks, The Bible is the TRUTH! Yahuwah (God) is the TRUTH

    And Satan and his minions HATE THE TRUTH! They HATE salvation!
    They WANT to drag you to Hell with them!

    NOT ME!!! Because thank The Father above, I have ALWAYS BEEN A LOVER OF TRUTH! And He KNOWS THIS! And I would assume THAT IS WHY He called to me to straighten out from my own #Evil ways and come HOME!

    If you don't believe there is a "Strong Delusion" being sent to those who are NOT SAVED then I have a story just for YOU!

    I KNOW there is a "strong delusion" because I was a living in it!
    Right up until the day that I hit my knees and asked to be forgiven for my sins!
    And I went further and asked to be shown "the truth"

    That last part right there.... I had NO IDEA what I was asking for!
    The bible tells us in John 14:14 “If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.”

    Well folks HE MEANS IT
    I asked, He done it, and I was literally dizzy for a week as I learned the TRUTH about things that I THOUGHT I already knew the truth about

    Don't EVER think that the Bible is just a book
    It is The Word of Yahuwah (God) and it is the TRUTH
    It's the ONLY TRUTH you can count on in this world

    I don't NEED to have blind "Faith" anymore!
    The Father SHOWED ME His power!

    Seek Him out and let him SHOW YOU TOO!

    Isaiah 55:6
    Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near

    Hebrews 11:6
    But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him

    Deuteronomy 4:29
    But if from thence thou shalt seek the LORD thy God, thou shalt find him, if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul

    Psalms 105:4
    Seek the LORD, and his strength: seek his face evermore

    1 Chronicles 16:11
    Seek the LORD and his strength, seek his face continually

    A STIGMA REBRAND: Destruction Of Freedom Via Scienceless Dictatorship Godless people will worship ANYTHING! These days those godless people worship MAN'S #SCIENCE It goes back to the Garden of Eden folks... "Seeking Knowledge" remember? Some worship false religions set up by #Satan as a deception I'd like to point something out to you here. Have YOU ever noticed that #Satan and his minions DO NOT ATTACK Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, or the FALSE Jews who believe and practice mysticism? Ever wonder WHY THAT IS??? It's because these are ALL "Created Religions" who are meant to steer people AWAY FROM GOD, so they can be permitted. They are NEVER ATTACKED! And that is because the Devil has ALREADY DECEIVED THEM! No further action needed! But #Christianity is ATTACKED NONSTOP It's because the Devil is REAL and his HATRED OF TRUTH leads him to attack the #Truth! And folks, The Bible is the TRUTH! Yahuwah (God) is the TRUTH And Satan and his minions HATE THE TRUTH! They HATE salvation! They WANT to drag you to Hell with them! NOT ME!!! Because thank The Father above, I have ALWAYS BEEN A LOVER OF TRUTH! And He KNOWS THIS! And I would assume THAT IS WHY He called to me to straighten out from my own #Evil ways and come HOME! If you don't believe there is a "Strong Delusion" being sent to those who are NOT SAVED then I have a story just for YOU! I KNOW there is a "strong delusion" because I was a living in it! Right up until the day that I hit my knees and asked to be forgiven for my sins! And I went further and asked to be shown "the truth" That last part right there.... I had NO IDEA what I was asking for! The bible tells us in John 14:14 “If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.” Well folks HE MEANS IT I asked, He done it, and I was literally dizzy for a week as I learned the TRUTH about things that I THOUGHT I already knew the truth about Don't EVER think that the Bible is just a book It is The Word of Yahuwah (God) and it is the TRUTH It's the ONLY TRUTH you can count on in this world I don't NEED to have blind "Faith" anymore! The Father SHOWED ME His power! Seek Him out and let him SHOW YOU TOO! Isaiah 55:6 Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him Deuteronomy 4:29 But if from thence thou shalt seek the LORD thy God, thou shalt find him, if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul Psalms 105:4 Seek the LORD, and his strength: seek his face evermore 1 Chronicles 16:11 Seek the LORD and his strength, seek his face continually https://odysee.com/@TimTruth:b/stigma-rebrand-6-24-22:a
    A STIGMA REBRAND: Destruction Of Freedom Via Scienceless Dictatorship
    Want more videos? Join the leading researchers on https://GroupDiscover.com to find the best videos from across the censorship-resistant internet platforms like Odysee, Rumble, LBRY, Bitchute & Brigh...
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 382 Views
  • I just saw this #Satanic nonsense posted on Minds!

    You see.... #Satan is the "Dark Prince" of #Evil.......
    But according to the new age blasphemous BS....
    YOU can become a "god"

    You know... Team up with #Lucifer "The Light Bearer" that you see every time you watch #Paramount Pictures OR look at the statue of "Libertus" or look at the "eternal flame" of the #Olympics..... Or that of #Moloch!

    YOU are NOT a god!

    And this #Pagan BS will destroy you!
    I'd like to know EXACTLY where we can locate this passage at!!!

    This is #Mysticism which CAUSED the fall of the Jews!

    And TRUST ME.... I'm no biblical scholar.......
    But this is NOT IN THERE!!!
    I just saw this #Satanic nonsense posted on Minds! DON'T BE DECEIVED!!! You see.... #Satan is the "Dark Prince" of #Evil....... But according to the new age blasphemous BS.... YOU can become a "god" You know... Team up with #Lucifer "The Light Bearer" that you see every time you watch #Paramount Pictures OR look at the statue of "Libertus" or look at the "eternal flame" of the #Olympics..... Or that of #Moloch! DON'T BE STUPID!!! YOU are NOT a god! And this #Pagan BS will destroy you! I'd like to know EXACTLY where we can locate this passage at!!! This is #Mysticism which CAUSED the fall of the Jews! READ YOUR BIBLE so that people CANNOT LIE TO YOU ABOUT WHAT IT SAYS!!! And TRUST ME.... I'm no biblical scholar....... But this is NOT IN THERE!!!
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 356 Views
  • Venus and Sirius - both traditionally signified by the 5-pointed star symbol, or pentagram.


    “Symbols are very important. If you don’t think so, put a swastika on your arm, walk into a synagogue, and see the kind of response you get. Symbols elicit and bring out emotional responses in people. Even more importantly, symbols have their own spiritual presence. They tell you things.” -Jordan Maxwell, Ancient Symbols and Hidden Meanings Lecture
    Occultists believe that symbols are given a supernatural power at their creation. It is also believed that this power increases to whatever degree the non-initiated remain ignorant of the sign's true meaning. According to the book Magic Symbols by Fredrick Goodman, an occultic symbol is defined as, "...an image which hides an inner meaning. This meaning is usually cunningly hidden behind a form..."---- How Satan Turned America Against God; by Dr. William P. Grady

    “Some of the techniques that they use in this psychic dictatorship are words, symbols, colors, rhythms, light, movement, and mudras (which mean hand-positions, gestures) which have been used for aeons as means of spiritualization, used by cults, infused with mysticism, are now being used on us for quite an opposite agenda: to drag us down into the pits of our own miasma, our own hells.” -Michael Tsarion, “The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in the Media” Lecture at Conspiracy Con 2003A symbol veils or hides a secret and is that which veils certain mysterious forces. These energies when released can have a potent effect. - Foster Bailey, The Spirit of Freemasonry

    Venus and Sirius - both traditionally signified by the 5-pointed star symbol, or pentagram. SO THAT'S WHY STARS ARE EVERYWHERE! ON OUR FLAGS, ON OUR SPORTS TEAMS, AND EVEN ON OUR DRIVER'S LICENSES! “Symbols are very important. If you don’t think so, put a swastika on your arm, walk into a synagogue, and see the kind of response you get. Symbols elicit and bring out emotional responses in people. Even more importantly, symbols have their own spiritual presence. They tell you things.” -Jordan Maxwell, Ancient Symbols and Hidden Meanings Lecture Occultists believe that symbols are given a supernatural power at their creation. It is also believed that this power increases to whatever degree the non-initiated remain ignorant of the sign's true meaning. According to the book Magic Symbols by Fredrick Goodman, an occultic symbol is defined as, "...an image which hides an inner meaning. This meaning is usually cunningly hidden behind a form..."---- How Satan Turned America Against God; by Dr. William P. Grady “Some of the techniques that they use in this psychic dictatorship are words, symbols, colors, rhythms, light, movement, and mudras (which mean hand-positions, gestures) which have been used for aeons as means of spiritualization, used by cults, infused with mysticism, are now being used on us for quite an opposite agenda: to drag us down into the pits of our own miasma, our own hells.” -Michael Tsarion, “The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in the Media” Lecture at Conspiracy Con 2003A symbol veils or hides a secret and is that which veils certain mysterious forces. These energies when released can have a potent effect. - Foster Bailey, The Spirit of Freemasonry http://whale.to/b/symbology_q.html
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 1132 Views
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