• (admin) Pharmaceutical Industry whistleblower Statement about their True Motivation. If You Were Under Attack Would You Know it? https://www.bitchute.com/video/gWt8Vjotb9Zo/?list=notifications&randomize=false
    (admin) Pharmaceutical Industry whistleblower Statement about their True Motivation. If You Were Under Attack Would You Know it? https://www.bitchute.com/video/gWt8Vjotb9Zo/?list=notifications&randomize=false
    BitChute is a video service that prioritizes creators and champions users' freedoms and privacy.
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  • As the lies surrounding the covid-19 scandal continue to be exposed, more people across academia, medicine, government, science and the legal system continue to question the history and the motivations of Big Pharma and the federal government. If widespread medical and scientific malfeasance can be swept under the rug today, what other criminal conspiracies have taken place, with government agencies getting away with fraud and mass murder?
    As the lies surrounding the covid-19 scandal continue to be exposed, more people across academia, medicine, government, science and the legal system continue to question the history and the motivations of Big Pharma and the federal government. If widespread medical and scientific malfeasance can be swept under the rug today, what other criminal conspiracies have taken place, with government agencies getting away with fraud and mass murder? https://newstarget.com/2024-06-21-fda-front-organization-allows-vaccine-manufacturers-pillage.html
    The FDA is a front organization that has allowed vaccine manufacturers to pillage the world for decades
    The majority of Americans once trusted their government to tell them the truth about vaccines. However, after the covid-19 scandal of lies, fraud and abuse, more people are questioning the entire vaccine evaluation and regulatory process. What if the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was originally setup as a front group for the pharmaceutical industry, […]
    0 Comments 0 Shares 834 Views
  • The aim of NATO is to either force a regime change in Russia or destroy the nation in a war. The motivation for these aims can rise from three sources, which can intertwine. So, the endgame for NATO the aggressor can be to:
    1. Gain control of vast Russian mineral resources,
    2. Destroy the Eurasian alliance (and keep it that way), and/or
    3. Ignite a world war, for the global elite to gain widespread control over societies.
    The aim of NATO is to either force a regime change in Russia or destroy the nation in a war. The motivation for these aims can rise from three sources, which can intertwine. So, the endgame for NATO the aggressor can be to: 1. Gain control of vast Russian mineral resources, 2. Destroy the Eurasian alliance (and keep it that way), and/or 3. Ignite a world war, for the global elite to gain widespread control over societies. https://mtmalinen.substack.com/p/the-endgame-part-ii
    The Endgame, Part II
    How the conflict in Ukraine ends (Free)
    0 Comments 0 Shares 572 Views
  • POUTINE - Son Engagement - Ses Motivations https://www.bitchute.com/video/EVnKLkZiH3Uw/
    POUTINE - Son Engagement - Ses Motivations https://www.bitchute.com/video/EVnKLkZiH3Uw/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 412 Views
  • Incentives drive behavior. Since they (blue governors) expect illegals to vote Dem, they have a strong motivation to import voters.
    Incentives drive behavior. Since they (blue governors) expect illegals to vote Dem, they have a strong motivation to import voters.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 717 Views
  • #islamophobia_is_not_real
    Austria: Muslim migrant tears down statue, steals wooden cross from church, cops rule out religious motivation
    #islamophobia_is_not_real Austria: Muslim migrant tears down statue, steals wooden cross from church, cops rule out religious motivation https://www.jihadwatch.org/2023/11/austria-muslim-migrant-tears-down-statue-steals-wooden-cross-from-church-cops-rule-out-religious-motivation
    Austria: Muslim migrant tears down statue, steals wooden cross from church, cops rule out religious motivation
    What, then, was the motive? Islam considers representational art to be idolatry or a gateway to it, and claims that Jesus was not crucified (Qur'an 4:157). That's likely this chap's motive. On what basis was it ruled out? Do Vienna cops even know that Islam teaches such things? Almost certainly not. "29-year-old stole cross from...
    1 Comments 0 Shares 849 Views
  • https://www.christianpost.com/news/nashville-school-shooters-manifesto-leaked-motivation-revealed.html
    Nashville school shooter’s manifesto leaked; trans-identified killer's motivation revealed
    The trans-identified shooter who killed six people, including three children, at Nashville s Covenant School sought to kill cr ckers with white privileges, according to leaked pages of her manifesto ...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 955 Views

  • God's Word For Today
    Daily Devotional
    What’s Your Cause?
    Read Jeremiah 51:1–64

    Everyone needs a cause, a reason to get up in the morning, something worth fighting or even dying for. Some people spend their lives protecting animals or fighting against those who harm the environment. Their motivation varies, as does their dedication. Some abandon a cause rather quickly, but God does not.

    This is what the Lord says to Jerusalem: “I will be your lawyer and plead your case, and I will avenge you” (Jeremiah 51:36).

    The children of Israel had a cause, but many of them didn’t even know it. It wasn’t a cause they necessarily chose, but they were a part of it, regardless. God chose the Jewish people as His nation, a people set apart. Through God’s goodness toward them, others would see the loving-kindness of God. That was the plan, but the people lost interest in the one true God and began copying their neighbors by serving idols. So God used Babylon as an instrument of punishment to refocus them. When serving the one true and holy God became their cause, God promised to defend and avenge them.

    Thought for Today: Are you as passionate for God as others are for their causes?

    Quicklook: Jeremiah 51:36–44
    God's Word For Today Daily Devotional What’s Your Cause? Read Jeremiah 51:1–64 Everyone needs a cause, a reason to get up in the morning, something worth fighting or even dying for. Some people spend their lives protecting animals or fighting against those who harm the environment. Their motivation varies, as does their dedication. Some abandon a cause rather quickly, but God does not. This is what the Lord says to Jerusalem: “I will be your lawyer and plead your case, and I will avenge you” (Jeremiah 51:36). The children of Israel had a cause, but many of them didn’t even know it. It wasn’t a cause they necessarily chose, but they were a part of it, regardless. God chose the Jewish people as His nation, a people set apart. Through God’s goodness toward them, others would see the loving-kindness of God. That was the plan, but the people lost interest in the one true God and began copying their neighbors by serving idols. So God used Babylon as an instrument of punishment to refocus them. When serving the one true and holy God became their cause, God promised to defend and avenge them. Thought for Today: Are you as passionate for God as others are for their causes? Quicklook: Jeremiah 51:36–44
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1922 Views
  • Only time will tell what really happened on the beloved island of Maui. Do technologies exist that could be responsible for these fatal fires? Yes, they do. Are there people heartless enough to orchestrate such an unthinkable act of mass murder? Unfortunately, there are. Man-made catastrophes – which often present similar signs as these tragic fires – occur more often than any of us would like to believe.

    To better understand the dark motivation to destroy American properties, see this clip from The Great Awakening.

    Mikki Willis
    Father / Filmmaker

    Only time will tell what really happened on the beloved island of Maui. Do technologies exist that could be responsible for these fatal fires? Yes, they do. Are there people heartless enough to orchestrate such an unthinkable act of mass murder? Unfortunately, there are. Man-made catastrophes – which often present similar signs as these tragic fires – occur more often than any of us would like to believe. To better understand the dark motivation to destroy American properties, see this clip from The Great Awakening. Mikki Willis Father / Filmmaker
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1344 Views 0

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