• If it's true that Spartans threw defective babies off a cliff, perhaps it was nature's way of thinning the herd. There are a lot of dumb motherf*ckers walking around who shouldn't be breathing.

    Someone once told me that these sheeple are soulless sacks of meat that nature intentionally spit them into existence to be used and abused for the benefit of those who have souls. Perhaps there's some merit to this theory. After all, who in the right mind and soul would prostitute their bodies so cheaply to a terrorist organization like the military, all while believing that they're doing the right thing because they lack the mental capacity to understand reality? It's very likely that sheeple are not human.

    Don't blame too much the politicians and the bankers who puppeteer them. It's the order-following sheeple that you should be blaming and hating, not the ruling class.

    It's the brainless sheeple who are fighting you online when you're posting the truth. It's the mindless sheeple who are reporting your posts and your account so the social media tyrants can ban you permanently from speaking out. It's the shameless sheeple who are shouting at you in the supermarket for not wearing the face diaper. It's brainwashed idiots on the streets who are telling you to keep 6 feet away from them. It's the obedient sheeple who continue to vote for the same scumbag politicians every 4 years to make sure you live in oppression and misery.

    It's the sheeple who are doing all that. It's the sheeple who are making your life a nightmare. It's always been the sheeple behind your misery.

    These brainwashed idiots are the enablers of the New World Order. It's them you should be fighting!

    There wouldn't have been a World War 1 or 2 if there weren't brainwashed sheeple in uniform fighting in these wars. There wouldn't have been ANY war AT ALL if not for the brainless idiots in uniform. It's the little hands at the bottom of the chain of command which enable all this nightmare. It's the idiots in uniform who pull the trigger. It's the brainwashed pigs who push a button and drop a bomb on the homes of innocent families. It's essentially their fault.

    Without the puppets, the puppeteers have no game to play.

    I blame them. I blame all the dumb-ass motherfu*kers who wear a face diaper and walk in public. I blame the brainwashed idiots who obey without question. Their ignorance is no excuse. Their stupidity is no excuse. Their shamelessness is no excuse. Their fear is no excuse. Their circumstances are no excuse.

    Thanks to the brainless shameless sheeple, the agenda behind the COVID19 scamdemic is coming to fruition.

    Our real fight is with the order-following sheeple, not the ruling banking class.

    #Sheeple #NoSheepleAllowed #ThisIsSparta #HangEmHigh #DemocraticTyranny #DivideAndConquer #PresidentsAreSelectedNotElected #TheLesserOfTwoEvils #TheLesserOfTwoEvilsIsAlsoEvil #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2020 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #DeleteTheElite #Gerrymandering #Lobbying #LegalBribery
    If it's true that Spartans threw defective babies off a cliff, perhaps it was nature's way of thinning the herd. There are a lot of dumb motherf*ckers walking around who shouldn't be breathing. Someone once told me that these sheeple are soulless sacks of meat that nature intentionally spit them into existence to be used and abused for the benefit of those who have souls. Perhaps there's some merit to this theory. After all, who in the right mind and soul would prostitute their bodies so cheaply to a terrorist organization like the military, all while believing that they're doing the right thing because they lack the mental capacity to understand reality? It's very likely that sheeple are not human. Don't blame too much the politicians and the bankers who puppeteer them. It's the order-following sheeple that you should be blaming and hating, not the ruling class. It's the brainless sheeple who are fighting you online when you're posting the truth. It's the mindless sheeple who are reporting your posts and your account so the social media tyrants can ban you permanently from speaking out. It's the shameless sheeple who are shouting at you in the supermarket for not wearing the face diaper. It's brainwashed idiots on the streets who are telling you to keep 6 feet away from them. It's the obedient sheeple who continue to vote for the same scumbag politicians every 4 years to make sure you live in oppression and misery. It's the sheeple who are doing all that. It's the sheeple who are making your life a nightmare. It's always been the sheeple behind your misery. These brainwashed idiots are the enablers of the New World Order. It's them you should be fighting! There wouldn't have been a World War 1 or 2 if there weren't brainwashed sheeple in uniform fighting in these wars. There wouldn't have been ANY war AT ALL if not for the brainless idiots in uniform. It's the little hands at the bottom of the chain of command which enable all this nightmare. It's the idiots in uniform who pull the trigger. It's the brainwashed pigs who push a button and drop a bomb on the homes of innocent families. It's essentially their fault. Without the puppets, the puppeteers have no game to play. I blame them. I blame all the dumb-ass motherfu*kers who wear a face diaper and walk in public. I blame the brainwashed idiots who obey without question. Their ignorance is no excuse. Their stupidity is no excuse. Their shamelessness is no excuse. Their fear is no excuse. Their circumstances are no excuse. Thanks to the brainless shameless sheeple, the agenda behind the COVID19 scamdemic is coming to fruition. Our real fight is with the order-following sheeple, not the ruling banking class. #Sheeple #NoSheepleAllowed #ThisIsSparta #HangEmHigh #DemocraticTyranny #DivideAndConquer #PresidentsAreSelectedNotElected #TheLesserOfTwoEvils #TheLesserOfTwoEvilsIsAlsoEvil #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2020 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #DeleteTheElite #Gerrymandering #Lobbying #LegalBribery
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 2344 Views
  • Who do you think started WWI and WWII and killed over a hundred MILLION people? It's the goddamn politicians!

    Who do you think started the Vietnam War? It's the goddamn politicians!

    Who do you think started the Afghanistan war and the Iraq war and the Libya war and the Syrian war? It's the goddamn politicians!

    Who's behind every standing army? It's the goddamn politicians!

    Who's behind every war? It's the goddamn politicians!

    Who's behind every false flag? It's the goddamn politicians!

    Who legalized murder for executioners, cops, and soldiers? It's the goddamn politicians!

    Who criminalized cancer-healing plants like cannabis so Big Pharma can profit from people's misery by selling long-term drugs that are guaranteed to have side-effects that will cripple them in hundreds of ways? It's the goddamn politicians!

    Who criminalized hemp, which can be refined into various commercial items, including paper, textiles, clothing, biodegradable plastics, paint, insulation, biofuel, food, and animal feed? It's the goddamn politicians!

    Who legalized and normalized the theft of people's hard-earned income through taxation for the benefit of an unelected ruling class of banking elites? It's the goddamn politicians!

    It has always been the politicians behind your misery and enslavement. And these politicians are puppeteered by a secretive criminal cabal of international bankers that 99% of the masses don't even know they exist!

    And now you little pathetic sheeple come along and pretend that these same politicians care about your health and safety? What the hell are you? A brainless clown?

    Democrats, Republicans, Congresspeople, Senators, Governors, and Presidents are ALL the grand criminals.

    They are the real disease.

    They all deserve to hang.

    #HangEmHigh #DemocraticTyranny #DivideAndConquer #PresidentsAreSelectedNotElected #TheLesserOfTwoEvils #TheLesserOfTwoEvilsIsAlsoEvil #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2020 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #DeleteTheElite #Gerrymandering #Lobbying #LegalBribery
    Who do you think started WWI and WWII and killed over a hundred MILLION people? It's the goddamn politicians! Who do you think started the Vietnam War? It's the goddamn politicians! Who do you think started the Afghanistan war and the Iraq war and the Libya war and the Syrian war? It's the goddamn politicians! Who's behind every standing army? It's the goddamn politicians! Who's behind every war? It's the goddamn politicians! Who's behind every false flag? It's the goddamn politicians! Who legalized murder for executioners, cops, and soldiers? It's the goddamn politicians! Who criminalized cancer-healing plants like cannabis so Big Pharma can profit from people's misery by selling long-term drugs that are guaranteed to have side-effects that will cripple them in hundreds of ways? It's the goddamn politicians! Who criminalized hemp, which can be refined into various commercial items, including paper, textiles, clothing, biodegradable plastics, paint, insulation, biofuel, food, and animal feed? It's the goddamn politicians! Who legalized and normalized the theft of people's hard-earned income through taxation for the benefit of an unelected ruling class of banking elites? It's the goddamn politicians! It has always been the politicians behind your misery and enslavement. And these politicians are puppeteered by a secretive criminal cabal of international bankers that 99% of the masses don't even know they exist! And now you little pathetic sheeple come along and pretend that these same politicians care about your health and safety? What the hell are you? A brainless clown? Democrats, Republicans, Congresspeople, Senators, Governors, and Presidents are ALL the grand criminals. They are the real disease. They all deserve to hang. #HangEmHigh #DemocraticTyranny #DivideAndConquer #PresidentsAreSelectedNotElected #TheLesserOfTwoEvils #TheLesserOfTwoEvilsIsAlsoEvil #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2020 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #DeleteTheElite #Gerrymandering #Lobbying #LegalBribery
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 1988 Views
  • Once the wood is given a blade, the wood no longer works for the benefit of the forest but for its destruction. Likewise, once a man is given power over other men, he's no longer in the service of the people.

    No man or woman should be given power over others. Power is always dangerous. It attracts the worst and corrupts the best.

    No form of central government is legitimate. The more power a central government has, the less power is given to the people over their own communities and their own lives and even their own bodies. Though today's so-called leaders use democratic sounding titles such as Chairman, Premier, General Secretary, Chancellor, Prime Minister, the Dear Leader, or El Presidente, they ALL rule as tyrants.

    The majority of the founding fathers of the United States HATED big governments because they saw the dangers of concentrating power into the hands of fewer people. Living under the British dictatorship's heavy hand taught them that big government is tyrannical in nature. Thomas Jefferson said it best: "When the people fear the government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty."

    Athens is the birthplace of Western democracy, but Athenian democracy was a true democracy, unlike the fake versions that exist today. Athens was a city-state, and its democracy flourished because Greeks believed cities to be the perfect size for governing. Cities allow for strong social bonds and the ability for everyone within a city-state to comprehend the extent of their government that otherwise is impossible for vast nation-states.

    Aristotle stated that no higher form of social union is possible than that of the city-state. He defined democracy as the “rule by the many" where decision-making is in the hands of the many, not the few. Centralization of power and authority in the hands of the few is tyranny by definition, and that's precisely the tyrannical predicament we have today in America and other nation-states around the world. But the sheeple are finally waking up in mass.

    2019 was the year of leaderless mass protests when more people marched in protests than any other year in history. It was a year rocked by a global awakening in the consciousness of citizens as leaderless uprisings ignited from Georgia to Chile to France to Hong Kong to Catalonia to the Netherlands to the Czech Republic to Ecuador to Bolivia to Colombia to Nicaragua to Serbia to Athens to Iraq to Iran to Syria to Lebanon to Egypt to Sudan to Algeria to Haiti. These uprisings were all fighting one common enemy: politicians and the banking class that puppeteers them. So what did the politicians and the banking class do to kill the uprising against them and prevent it from spreading to the United States? They faked a pandemic to create a crisis like 9/11 so they can set new rules like banning social gatherings and cracking down on people's movement through "contact tracing." Clever, isn't it? That's what you get with big governments.

    Centralization of power and authority is tyranny and, therefore, the only solution to this tyranny is the decentralization of power and authority. We're talking about a decentralized form of government where decision-making is no longer in the hands of a few corrupt politicians in the capitals of this planet but in the hands of ALL citizens collectively within fully independent and sovereign city-states. A similar concept exists TODAY in Switzerland, where political decisions are made through national referendums by ALL citizens together, not behind closed doors by politicians.

    World peace can NEVER be achieved through a One World Government. The opposite is true, actually. World peace is only possible by abolishing ALL nation-states in favor of democratic city-states where decision-making is in the hands of ALL the residents of the city, not politicians.

    #ThomasJefferson #WorldPeace #Athens #Switzerland #AthenianDemocracy #Democracy #RuleByTheMany #Aristotle #DemocraticTyranny #DivideAndConquer #PresidentsAreSelectedNotElected #TheLesserOfTwoEvils #TheLesserOfTwoEvilsIsAlsoEvil #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2020 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #DeleteTheElite #Gerrymandering #Lobbying #LegalBribery #USPresidentialElections #AmericanVoters #AmericanVoter

    Once the wood is given a blade, the wood no longer works for the benefit of the forest but for its destruction. Likewise, once a man is given power over other men, he's no longer in the service of the people. No man or woman should be given power over others. Power is always dangerous. It attracts the worst and corrupts the best. No form of central government is legitimate. The more power a central government has, the less power is given to the people over their own communities and their own lives and even their own bodies. Though today's so-called leaders use democratic sounding titles such as Chairman, Premier, General Secretary, Chancellor, Prime Minister, the Dear Leader, or El Presidente, they ALL rule as tyrants. The majority of the founding fathers of the United States HATED big governments because they saw the dangers of concentrating power into the hands of fewer people. Living under the British dictatorship's heavy hand taught them that big government is tyrannical in nature. Thomas Jefferson said it best: "When the people fear the government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." Athens is the birthplace of Western democracy, but Athenian democracy was a true democracy, unlike the fake versions that exist today. Athens was a city-state, and its democracy flourished because Greeks believed cities to be the perfect size for governing. Cities allow for strong social bonds and the ability for everyone within a city-state to comprehend the extent of their government that otherwise is impossible for vast nation-states. Aristotle stated that no higher form of social union is possible than that of the city-state. He defined democracy as the “rule by the many" where decision-making is in the hands of the many, not the few. Centralization of power and authority in the hands of the few is tyranny by definition, and that's precisely the tyrannical predicament we have today in America and other nation-states around the world. But the sheeple are finally waking up in mass. 2019 was the year of leaderless mass protests when more people marched in protests than any other year in history. It was a year rocked by a global awakening in the consciousness of citizens as leaderless uprisings ignited from Georgia to Chile to France to Hong Kong to Catalonia to the Netherlands to the Czech Republic to Ecuador to Bolivia to Colombia to Nicaragua to Serbia to Athens to Iraq to Iran to Syria to Lebanon to Egypt to Sudan to Algeria to Haiti. These uprisings were all fighting one common enemy: politicians and the banking class that puppeteers them. So what did the politicians and the banking class do to kill the uprising against them and prevent it from spreading to the United States? They faked a pandemic to create a crisis like 9/11 so they can set new rules like banning social gatherings and cracking down on people's movement through "contact tracing." Clever, isn't it? That's what you get with big governments. Centralization of power and authority is tyranny and, therefore, the only solution to this tyranny is the decentralization of power and authority. We're talking about a decentralized form of government where decision-making is no longer in the hands of a few corrupt politicians in the capitals of this planet but in the hands of ALL citizens collectively within fully independent and sovereign city-states. A similar concept exists TODAY in Switzerland, where political decisions are made through national referendums by ALL citizens together, not behind closed doors by politicians. World peace can NEVER be achieved through a One World Government. The opposite is true, actually. World peace is only possible by abolishing ALL nation-states in favor of democratic city-states where decision-making is in the hands of ALL the residents of the city, not politicians. #ThomasJefferson #WorldPeace #Athens #Switzerland #AthenianDemocracy #Democracy #RuleByTheMany #Aristotle #DemocraticTyranny #DivideAndConquer #PresidentsAreSelectedNotElected #TheLesserOfTwoEvils #TheLesserOfTwoEvilsIsAlsoEvil #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2020 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #DeleteTheElite #Gerrymandering #Lobbying #LegalBribery #USPresidentialElections #AmericanVoters #AmericanVoter Sources: https://is.gd/5Z6kev https://is.gd/HYrtWK https://is.gd/EPV20o https://is.gd/JBtnvF https://is.gd/JEiBb3
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 3660 Views
  • So the thugs and terrorists that the American sheeple call "politicans" gathered together to issue what they called "Covid Relief Bill" that includes more free money for the Jews of Israel (of course), more bribery money for the politicians of foreign nations that'll NEVER reach their citizens, and an anti-online-streaming law that authorizes their pigs (cops in doublespeak) to kidnap you (arrest you) and force you into a rape cage (prison) for 10 f*ckin years!

    And what will the sheeple do about it? They'll line up in a few months to elect more thugs and criminals to lord over them, of course! What else would you expect the sheeple to do? We're talking about pathetic lifeless soulless animals who just follow orders and bend over on command.

    Even a donkey eventually understands what's right for him, but NEVER expect an order-following sheeple to figure out anything for their own good. They're hopeless. They've been completely and irreversibly brainwashed thanks to the years they spent in indoctrination centers (schools) and countless hours of exposure to corporate media's powerful propaganda machinery. Please don't waste a single moment of your time trying to talk some sense into the few cubic centimeters of brain cells inside their thick heads.

    The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results, but the brainless shameless sheeple to continue to vote for the bank-owned politicians expecting different results.

    It does NOT matter if Clinton or Bush or Obama or Trump or Mickey Mouse is sitting at the White House, you idiots! America is a corporate oligarchy. It's the corporations that control this country, not the politicians. The politicians are just put there by the banking class to give the dumbed-down voters the illusion of choice.

    The system cannot be fixed by the system. THE SYSTEM IS THE PROBLEM.

    Please stop watching TV and grow a brain. Please research what central banks and fiatmoney are and discover the truth about money. Because it's the banks who control the world and puppeteer all governments and corporations. Revolt against the puppeteers, not the puppets.

    If you want the red pill, just research what the Federal Reserve is because once you figure it out, everything else becomes clear.

    Watch these videos:

    #CovidReliefBill #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2020 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #DeleteTheElite #Gerrymandering #Lobbying #LegalBribery #COVID1984 #TheFourthIndustrialRevolution #Scamdemic #Scamdemic2020 #COVID19Scamdemic #BuildBackBetter #TheGreatReset #IWillNotTakeTheVaccine #OperationWarpSpeed #StateOfEmergency #COVID19FalseFlag #NoJabNoPay #Luciferase #Lockstep #Lockstep2010 #AmericanMedicalMafia #MedicalMafia #MedicalTyranny #HelpLimitTheSpread #IDoNotConsent #GMOvaccines #FlattenTheCurve #DontBeAKaren #DoYourPartStayApart #StayingHomeSavesLives #PutAMaskOn #PutOnAMask #MaskUp #WeAreInThisTogether #WeAreNotInThisTogether #FaceDiaper #FaceMuzzle #N95Masks #N95Mask #MaskOfShame #MasksAreForPussies #NoMaskNoService #NoVaccineNoService #COVIDIOTS #ThisIsForYourSafety #ItsForYourSafety #ItsForYourOwnSafety #ForYourSafety #BeSafe #StaySafe #OrderOutOfChaos #ProblemReactionSolution #ShockDoctrine #TheShockDoctrine #Pandemic #PlannedPandemic #Plandemic #ID2020 #TrustTheHealthExperts #TrustTheExperts #HealthPolitician #HealthPoliticians #MedicalMartialLaw #MedicalMartialLaw2020 #Event201 #NWO #UNICEF #CEPI #Gavi #GlobalFinancingFacility #TheGlobalFund #TheCenterForGlobalDevelopment #GatesFoundation #NewWorldOrder #OneWorldGovernment #OWG #HouseArrest #HouseArrestForEveryone #COVID19 #COVID #Coronavirus #COVID19Lockdown #PopulationControl #FamilyPlanning #CrowdControl #MassFear #DividedWeFall #SelfIsolation #NewNorm #NewNormal #Transhumanism #GeneticallyModifiedHumans #TheyNeverNeededYourConsent #GMOhuman #GMOhumans
    So the thugs and terrorists that the American sheeple call "politicans" gathered together to issue what they called "Covid Relief Bill" that includes more free money for the Jews of Israel (of course), more bribery money for the politicians of foreign nations that'll NEVER reach their citizens, and an anti-online-streaming law that authorizes their pigs (cops in doublespeak) to kidnap you (arrest you) and force you into a rape cage (prison) for 10 f*ckin years! And what will the sheeple do about it? They'll line up in a few months to elect more thugs and criminals to lord over them, of course! What else would you expect the sheeple to do? We're talking about pathetic lifeless soulless animals who just follow orders and bend over on command. Even a donkey eventually understands what's right for him, but NEVER expect an order-following sheeple to figure out anything for their own good. They're hopeless. They've been completely and irreversibly brainwashed thanks to the years they spent in indoctrination centers (schools) and countless hours of exposure to corporate media's powerful propaganda machinery. Please don't waste a single moment of your time trying to talk some sense into the few cubic centimeters of brain cells inside their thick heads. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results, but the brainless shameless sheeple to continue to vote for the bank-owned politicians expecting different results. It does NOT matter if Clinton or Bush or Obama or Trump or Mickey Mouse is sitting at the White House, you idiots! America is a corporate oligarchy. It's the corporations that control this country, not the politicians. The politicians are just put there by the banking class to give the dumbed-down voters the illusion of choice. The system cannot be fixed by the system. THE SYSTEM IS THE PROBLEM. Please stop watching TV and grow a brain. Please research what central banks and fiatmoney are and discover the truth about money. Because it's the banks who control the world and puppeteer all governments and corporations. Revolt against the puppeteers, not the puppets. If you want the red pill, just research what the Federal Reserve is because once you figure it out, everything else becomes clear. 👉Watch these videos: https://is.gd/YVFRJp https://is.gd/Ymi7O7 https://is.gd/Fa0VTx https://is.gd/PD5KnU https://is.gd/Hyeyg5 https://is.gd/GupFnA https://is.gd/1lZZCs https://is.gd/bxEc4r https://is.gd/8nbHsD #CovidReliefBill #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2020 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #DeleteTheElite #Gerrymandering #Lobbying #LegalBribery #COVID1984 #TheFourthIndustrialRevolution #Scamdemic #Scamdemic2020 #COVID19Scamdemic #BuildBackBetter #TheGreatReset #IWillNotTakeTheVaccine #OperationWarpSpeed #StateOfEmergency #COVID19FalseFlag #NoJabNoPay #Luciferase #Lockstep #Lockstep2010 #AmericanMedicalMafia #MedicalMafia #MedicalTyranny #HelpLimitTheSpread #IDoNotConsent #GMOvaccines #FlattenTheCurve #DontBeAKaren #DoYourPartStayApart #StayingHomeSavesLives #PutAMaskOn #PutOnAMask #MaskUp #WeAreInThisTogether #WeAreNotInThisTogether #FaceDiaper #FaceMuzzle #N95Masks #N95Mask #MaskOfShame #MasksAreForPussies #NoMaskNoService #NoVaccineNoService #COVIDIOTS #ThisIsForYourSafety #ItsForYourSafety #ItsForYourOwnSafety #ForYourSafety #BeSafe #StaySafe #OrderOutOfChaos #ProblemReactionSolution #ShockDoctrine #TheShockDoctrine #Pandemic #PlannedPandemic #Plandemic #ID2020 #TrustTheHealthExperts #TrustTheExperts #HealthPolitician #HealthPoliticians #MedicalMartialLaw #MedicalMartialLaw2020 #Event201 #NWO #UNICEF #CEPI #Gavi #GlobalFinancingFacility #TheGlobalFund #TheCenterForGlobalDevelopment #GatesFoundation #NewWorldOrder #OneWorldGovernment #OWG #HouseArrest #HouseArrestForEveryone #COVID19 #COVID #Coronavirus #COVID19Lockdown #PopulationControl #FamilyPlanning #CrowdControl #MassFear #DividedWeFall #SelfIsolation #NewNorm #NewNormal #Transhumanism #GeneticallyModifiedHumans #TheyNeverNeededYourConsent #GMOhuman #GMOhumans
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 802 Views
  • The Swiss will vote tomorrow (Sunday, 27, September) on a law that would eradicate wolf populations in Switzerland to protect farmland. And if you're living in any other country, you're probably wondering how is it possible that citizens are allowed to be involved in decision-making on a national level because you're used to a few politicians deciding the fate of a nation. Well, that's because Switzerland is the ONLY true democracy in the world today.

    You see, democracy is when decision-making is in the hands of the people collectively, NOT when it's in the hands of a few politicians REGARDLESS if they were elected or not. That's how democracy used to be when it was first founded in Athens.

    In Switzerland, politicians cannot sit behind closed doors and decide to mandate masks in public spaces and inside businesses because they spoke to health experts and decided among themselves that it's best for the better good. They can't do that. Citizens must vote and decide for themselves if it's the best option for them, otherwise, no politician can impose any law claiming he/she knows what's best for everyone else.

    There's no man or woman on Earth that can really know what's best for themselves, and for someone to come out and say that they know what's best for an entire nation of millions of people is incredibly naive and stupid. Even more naive and stupid are those who believe these charlatans.

    Thanks to being a true democracy, face diapers are not yet compulsory in shops or supermarkets or public spaces in Switzerland. But in shitty countries like the United States and Australia, politicians can decide whatever the f*ck they want. They can declare a state of emergency overnight and give the middle finger to all citizens by taking ALL their civil rights away if they feel like it. And it doesn't matter if there's a real state of emergency or not for as long as the politicians "feel" that there's one.

    Switzerland is a real democracy. America is a fascist police state. Australia is not even a country but a colony to the tyrannical family of Britain. And if you're one of those brainwashed idiots who will vote in this year's presidential elections in the U.S. to elect the next puppet in chief, I really hope you grow a brain one day.

    #SwissDemocracy #Switzerland #TrueDemocracy #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2020 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #DeleteTheElite #Gerrymandering #Lobbying #LegalBribery #USPresidentialElections #AmericanVoters #AmericanVoter

    The Swiss will vote tomorrow (Sunday, 27, September) on a law that would eradicate wolf populations in Switzerland to protect farmland. And if you're living in any other country, you're probably wondering how is it possible that citizens are allowed to be involved in decision-making on a national level because you're used to a few politicians deciding the fate of a nation. Well, that's because Switzerland is the ONLY true democracy in the world today. You see, democracy is when decision-making is in the hands of the people collectively, NOT when it's in the hands of a few politicians REGARDLESS if they were elected or not. That's how democracy used to be when it was first founded in Athens. In Switzerland, politicians cannot sit behind closed doors and decide to mandate masks in public spaces and inside businesses because they spoke to health experts and decided among themselves that it's best for the better good. They can't do that. Citizens must vote and decide for themselves if it's the best option for them, otherwise, no politician can impose any law claiming he/she knows what's best for everyone else. There's no man or woman on Earth that can really know what's best for themselves, and for someone to come out and say that they know what's best for an entire nation of millions of people is incredibly naive and stupid. Even more naive and stupid are those who believe these charlatans. Thanks to being a true democracy, face diapers are not yet compulsory in shops or supermarkets or public spaces in Switzerland. But in shitty countries like the United States and Australia, politicians can decide whatever the f*ck they want. They can declare a state of emergency overnight and give the middle finger to all citizens by taking ALL their civil rights away if they feel like it. And it doesn't matter if there's a real state of emergency or not for as long as the politicians "feel" that there's one. Switzerland is a real democracy. America is a fascist police state. Australia is not even a country but a colony to the tyrannical family of Britain. And if you're one of those brainwashed idiots who will vote in this year's presidential elections in the U.S. to elect the next puppet in chief, I really hope you grow a brain one day. 🙏 #SwissDemocracy #Switzerland #TrueDemocracy #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2020 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #DeleteTheElite #Gerrymandering #Lobbying #LegalBribery #USPresidentialElections #AmericanVoters #AmericanVoter Sources: https://is.gd/RnO4RT https://is.gd/zZoG94 https://is.gd/y3rLQi
    1 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 1697 Views
  • I'm actually looking forward to the presidential elections this year to see how many brainwashed idiots will vote this time.

    In the last election, only 57% of eligible voters did vote and 43% didn't. This means that 57% of the population are brainwashed idiots who don't know that the elections are rigged and that it's the banks who own the United States.

    “It doesn't matter how many people vote, only who counts the votes.” ― Joseph Stalin. And when it comes to who counts the votes and who controls the voting machines, the brainwashed American voters are absolutely clueless.

    The scandal of the fraudulent vote-counting in Iowa's Black Hawk County last year was yet another evidence of how America's voting system is deeply rigged. And this is one of the many reasons that 43% of eligible voters did not vote in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections and why 96% of Americans lost their confidence in Congress.

    This video (https://youtu.be/rUDiue1mCDI), for example, from a couple of years ago shows an electronic voting machine in Mississippi switching a voter's selection from the Democratic party candidate to the Republican party candidate automatically. The WindowsXP voting machine was doing the switching on the front-end, but if it did it on the back-end, the clueless voter would've never known.

    America's electronic voting machines mostly run on Bill Gates' Windows XP! And who's Bill Gates? You know, the billionaire madman who hates humanity so much that he fantasizes about culling its total population by 15% through his DNA-editing GMO vaccines. He's the same guy who's genetically modifying mosquitoes and releasing them in the wild to kill off natural mosquitos and replace them with genetically modified ones. He's also the same guy who wants to block out the sun because he believes it would cool down the Earth and prevent global warming! He's the same guy who used the neonatal tetanus vaccine as a trojan horse to carry out a well-coordinated forceful population control mass sterilization exercise in Kenya in 2014 using an antigen that causes miscarriages in a vaccine that was administered to 2.3 million girls and women. This same exact guy runs America's elections on his private software!

    America's voting machines are purchased from multiple PRIVATE COMPANIES, including firms with strong ties to the Republican Party, like Diebold and Election Systems & Software. These commercial machines have a “black box,” which leaves local election officials in the dark and require a maintenance person from the manufacturer when needed.

    Think about this for a moment. Bill Gates controls the operating system of the goddamn United States' elections! What stops him from adding a few lines of code to his operating system to hack these machines? And what prevents these private corporations from setting up backdoors on their products?

    What makes things even worse is the fact that Zion (aka Israel) is involved with Microsoft's ElectionGuard, which Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella says, "it will modernize all of the election infrastructures everywhere in the world.”

    Ultimately, for as long as political bribery (lobbying in doublespeak) is considered "freespeech," voting is meaningless. You can keep voting as hard as you can but ultimately the politicians you voted for will go ahead and do whatever their lobbyists want them to do.

    Only a buffoon votes for a politician in such a rigged system, especially in the presence of Gerrymandering laws, which makes it virtually impossible for an independent to win in elections outside the two-party duopoly.

    In 2020, vote for nobody. The system MUST be brought down because the system cannot be fixed by the system. THE SYSTEM IS THE PROBLEM. You can't simply rage against the system by voting for the system in a system designed by the system.

    Don't vote, revolt. Every vote hurts.

    Revolution is the only solution.

    #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2020 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #DeleteTheElite #Gerrymandering #Lobbying #LegalBribery #QuentinRBufogle #HillaryClinton #DonaldTrump #USPresidentialElections #AmericanVoters #AmericanVoter #WindowsXP #Microsoft #ElectionGuard #SatyaNadella

    I'm actually looking forward to the presidential elections this year to see how many brainwashed idiots will vote this time. In the last election, only 57% of eligible voters did vote and 43% didn't. This means that 57% of the population are brainwashed idiots who don't know that the elections are rigged and that it's the banks who own the United States. “It doesn't matter how many people vote, only who counts the votes.” ― Joseph Stalin. And when it comes to who counts the votes and who controls the voting machines, the brainwashed American voters are absolutely clueless. The scandal of the fraudulent vote-counting in Iowa's Black Hawk County last year was yet another evidence of how America's voting system is deeply rigged. And this is one of the many reasons that 43% of eligible voters did not vote in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections and why 96% of Americans lost their confidence in Congress. This video (https://youtu.be/rUDiue1mCDI), for example, from a couple of years ago shows an electronic voting machine in Mississippi switching a voter's selection from the Democratic party candidate to the Republican party candidate automatically. The WindowsXP voting machine was doing the switching on the front-end, but if it did it on the back-end, the clueless voter would've never known. America's electronic voting machines mostly run on Bill Gates' Windows XP! And who's Bill Gates? You know, the billionaire madman who hates humanity so much that he fantasizes about culling its total population by 15% through his DNA-editing GMO vaccines. He's the same guy who's genetically modifying mosquitoes and releasing them in the wild to kill off natural mosquitos and replace them with genetically modified ones. He's also the same guy who wants to block out the sun because he believes it would cool down the Earth and prevent global warming! He's the same guy who used the neonatal tetanus vaccine as a trojan horse to carry out a well-coordinated forceful population control mass sterilization exercise in Kenya in 2014 using an antigen that causes miscarriages in a vaccine that was administered to 2.3 million girls and women. This same exact guy runs America's elections on his private software! America's voting machines are purchased from multiple PRIVATE COMPANIES, including firms with strong ties to the Republican Party, like Diebold and Election Systems & Software. These commercial machines have a “black box,” which leaves local election officials in the dark and require a maintenance person from the manufacturer when needed. Think about this for a moment. Bill Gates controls the operating system of the goddamn United States' elections! What stops him from adding a few lines of code to his operating system to hack these machines? And what prevents these private corporations from setting up backdoors on their products? What makes things even worse is the fact that Zion (aka Israel) is involved with Microsoft's ElectionGuard, which Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella says, "it will modernize all of the election infrastructures everywhere in the world.” Ultimately, for as long as political bribery (lobbying in doublespeak) is considered "freespeech," voting is meaningless. You can keep voting as hard as you can but ultimately the politicians you voted for will go ahead and do whatever their lobbyists want them to do. Only a buffoon votes for a politician in such a rigged system, especially in the presence of Gerrymandering laws, which makes it virtually impossible for an independent to win in elections outside the two-party duopoly. In 2020, vote for nobody. The system MUST be brought down because the system cannot be fixed by the system. THE SYSTEM IS THE PROBLEM. You can't simply rage against the system by voting for the system in a system designed by the system. Don't vote, revolt. Every vote hurts. Revolution is the only solution. #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2020 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #DeleteTheElite #Gerrymandering #Lobbying #LegalBribery #QuentinRBufogle #HillaryClinton #DonaldTrump #USPresidentialElections #AmericanVoters #AmericanVoter #WindowsXP #Microsoft #ElectionGuard #SatyaNadella Sources: https://is.gd/Jk3Gvl https://is.gd/B5ofLB https://is.gd/G8yY7G https://is.gd/u4Mjju https://is.gd/UMo2v1 https://is.gd/Uxy2hu https://is.gd/ZLq0Dn https://is.gd/EIzdnW https://is.gd/nQrb5f https://is.gd/8373pk
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 2744 Views
  • Imagine torturing hundreds of people to death and standing in a court of law to plea guilty. Imagine telling the judge that the crimes you committed happened in the past and you're "more interested in looking forward than looking backwards." What would you expect the judge's verdict to be? Would he give you a high-five for your spirit of moving forward and clear you of any guilt?

    Well, that's what Barack Obama is expecting. He openly confessed on national television that he tortured and killed people, but no lawsuit has been filed against him. That tells you something, right? It tells you that politicians are above the law.

    How many people did Obama murder? How many lives did he destroy around the globe? How many families did he break apart? How many communities did he impoverish and enslave? Not a dozen, not hundreds, not even thousands, but MILLIONS of lives have been destroyed by monsters like Obama and Bush and Clinton.

    Obama spied on 193 countries, maintained a kill list, expanded drone strikes, destroyed Libya, Syria, and Yemen, propped up dictatorships, and locked up more journalists and whistle-blowers than ALL his predecessors COMBINED.

    He oversaw 10x more global airstrikes during his presidency than under his predecessor (George W. Bush) and dropped more bombs in his first year than Bush carried out during his entire presidency!

    In 2016 alone, Obama's administration dropped at least 26,171 bombs, which means that every day the US military blasted citizens overseas with 72 bombs. That’s three bombs every hour, 24 hours a day!

    And after 8 long years of murdering and burglarizing innocent populations around the world, this monster now enjoys all the wealth it brought him while living in an $11.75 million home on 29 acres of land on Martha’s Vineyard island.

    Lately, America's politicians have been regurgitating the phrase "no one is above the law," which should insult your intelligence. Politicians are above the law. The banking class is above the law. Even the brainless cops are above the law.

    Look at Jeffrey Epstein, for example, who was running a pedophilia ring in the open for decades in New York under the protection of the NYPD, the FBI, the CIA, the judges, and the political class.

    Will we ever witness the public hanging of George W Bush and Barack Obama like the Nazi soldiers in the Nuremberg trials after WW2. Why not? Why the double-standard? They're war criminals!

    Will we ever see justice? Yes, but not while idiots continue to endorse this rotten system through their votes. These brainwashed idiots who continue to vote in every election must be educated. It's their hands that are enabling mass murderers like Obama and Bush to continue the forever war of the military-industrial complex.

    These brainless shameless voters MUST be educated immediately. Everybody and anybody who voted for this monster must be held accountable. The blood of the innocent citizens around the world bombed by Obama's drones is on the hands of everyone who voted for this war criminal.

    In 2020, vote for nobody. The system MUST be brought down because the system cannot be fixed by the system. THE SYSTEM IS THE PROBLEM. You can't simply rage against the system by voting for the system in a system designed by the system.

    Don't vote, revolt. Every vote hurts.

    Revolution is the only solution.

    #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2020 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #DeleteTheElite #Gerrymandering #Lobbying #LegalBribery #QuentinRBufogle #HillaryClinton #BarackObama #USPresidentialElections #AmericanVoters #AmericanVoter

    Imagine torturing hundreds of people to death and standing in a court of law to plea guilty. Imagine telling the judge that the crimes you committed happened in the past and you're "more interested in looking forward than looking backwards." What would you expect the judge's verdict to be? Would he give you a high-five for your spirit of moving forward and clear you of any guilt? Well, that's what Barack Obama is expecting. He openly confessed on national television that he tortured and killed people, but no lawsuit has been filed against him. That tells you something, right? It tells you that politicians are above the law. How many people did Obama murder? How many lives did he destroy around the globe? How many families did he break apart? How many communities did he impoverish and enslave? Not a dozen, not hundreds, not even thousands, but MILLIONS of lives have been destroyed by monsters like Obama and Bush and Clinton. Obama spied on 193 countries, maintained a kill list, expanded drone strikes, destroyed Libya, Syria, and Yemen, propped up dictatorships, and locked up more journalists and whistle-blowers than ALL his predecessors COMBINED. He oversaw 10x more global airstrikes during his presidency than under his predecessor (George W. Bush) and dropped more bombs in his first year than Bush carried out during his entire presidency! In 2016 alone, Obama's administration dropped at least 26,171 bombs, which means that every day the US military blasted citizens overseas with 72 bombs. That’s three bombs every hour, 24 hours a day! And after 8 long years of murdering and burglarizing innocent populations around the world, this monster now enjoys all the wealth it brought him while living in an $11.75 million home on 29 acres of land on Martha’s Vineyard island. Lately, America's politicians have been regurgitating the phrase "no one is above the law," which should insult your intelligence. Politicians are above the law. The banking class is above the law. Even the brainless cops are above the law. Look at Jeffrey Epstein, for example, who was running a pedophilia ring in the open for decades in New York under the protection of the NYPD, the FBI, the CIA, the judges, and the political class. Will we ever witness the public hanging of George W Bush and Barack Obama like the Nazi soldiers in the Nuremberg trials after WW2. Why not? Why the double-standard? They're war criminals! Will we ever see justice? Yes, but not while idiots continue to endorse this rotten system through their votes. These brainwashed idiots who continue to vote in every election must be educated. It's their hands that are enabling mass murderers like Obama and Bush to continue the forever war of the military-industrial complex. These brainless shameless voters MUST be educated immediately. Everybody and anybody who voted for this monster must be held accountable. The blood of the innocent citizens around the world bombed by Obama's drones is on the hands of everyone who voted for this war criminal. In 2020, vote for nobody. The system MUST be brought down because the system cannot be fixed by the system. THE SYSTEM IS THE PROBLEM. You can't simply rage against the system by voting for the system in a system designed by the system. Don't vote, revolt. Every vote hurts. Revolution is the only solution. #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2020 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #DeleteTheElite #Gerrymandering #Lobbying #LegalBribery #QuentinRBufogle #HillaryClinton #BarackObama #USPresidentialElections #AmericanVoters #AmericanVoter Sources: https://is.gd/cpwcQL https://is.gd/zOaMxP https://is.gd/1w2Sgq
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 2075 Views
  • Once the wood is given a blade, the wood no longer works for the benefit of the forest, but for its destruction. Likewise, once a man is given power over other men, he no longer works for the benefit of the people.

    No man or woman should be given power over others. Power is always dangerous. It attracts the worst and corrupts the best.

    No form of central government is legitimate. The more power a central government has, the less power is given to the people over their own communities or even over their own bodies. Though today's so-called leaders use democratic sounding titles such as Chairman, Premier, General Secretary, Chancellor, Prime Minister, the Dear Leader, or El Presidente, they ALL rule as tyrants.

    The majority of the founding fathers of the United States HATED big governments because they saw the dangers of concentrating power into the hands of fewer people. Living under the British dictatorship's heavy hand taught them that big government is tyrannical in nature. Thomas Jefferson said it best: "When the people fear the government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty."

    Athens is the birthplace of Western democracy, but Athenian democracy was a true democracy, unlike the fake versions that exist today. Athens was a city-state, and its democracy flourished because Greeks believed cities to be the perfect size for governing. Cities allow for strong social bonds and the ability for everyone within a city-state to comprehend the extent of their government that otherwise is impossible for vast nation-states. Aristotle stated that no higher form of social union is possible than that of the city-state. He defined democracy as the “rule by the many" where decision-making is in the hands of the many, not the few. Centralization of power and authority in the hands of the few is tyranny by definition, and that's precisely the dystopian predicament we have today in America and other nation-states around the world. But the sheeple are finally waking up in mass.

    Last year was the year of leaderless mass protests when more people marched in protests than any other year in history. It was a year rocked by a global awakening in the consciousness of citizens as leaderless uprisings ignited from Georgia to Chile to France to Hong Kong to Catalonia to the Netherlands to the Czech Republic to Ecuador to Bolivia to Colombia to Nicaragua to Serbia to Athens to Iraq to Iran to Syria to Lebanon to Egypt to Sudan to Algeria to Haiti. These uprisings were all fighting one common enemy: politicians and the banking class that puppeteers them. So what did the politicians and the banking class do to kill the uprising against them and prevent it from spreading to the United States? They faked a pandemic to create a crisis like 9/11 so they can set new rules like banning social gatherings and cracking down on people's movement through "contact tracing." Clever, isn't it? That's what you get with big governments.

    Centralization of power and authority is tyranny and, therefore, the only solution to this tyranny is the decentralization of power and authority. It's a decentralized form of government where decision-making is no longer in the hands of a few corrupt politicians in the capitals of this planet but in the hands of ALL citizens collectively. A similar concept exists TODAY in Switzerland where political decisions are made through national referendums by ALL citizens together, not behind closed doors by politicians.

    World peace can NEVER be achieved through a One World Government. The opposite is true actually. World peace is only possible by abolishing ALL nation-states in favor of democratic city-states where decision-making is in the hands of ALL the residents of the city, not politicians.

    #WorldPeace #Athens #Switzerland #AthenianDemocracy #Democracy #Aristotle #DemocraticTyranny #DivideAndConquer #PresidentsAreSelectedNotElected #TheLesserOfTwoEvils #TheLesserOfTwoEvilsIsAlsoEvil #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2020 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #DeleteTheElite #Gerrymandering #Lobbying #LegalBribery #USPresidentialElections #AmericanVoters #AmericanVoter

    Once the wood is given a blade, the wood no longer works for the benefit of the forest, but for its destruction. Likewise, once a man is given power over other men, he no longer works for the benefit of the people. No man or woman should be given power over others. Power is always dangerous. It attracts the worst and corrupts the best. No form of central government is legitimate. The more power a central government has, the less power is given to the people over their own communities or even over their own bodies. Though today's so-called leaders use democratic sounding titles such as Chairman, Premier, General Secretary, Chancellor, Prime Minister, the Dear Leader, or El Presidente, they ALL rule as tyrants. The majority of the founding fathers of the United States HATED big governments because they saw the dangers of concentrating power into the hands of fewer people. Living under the British dictatorship's heavy hand taught them that big government is tyrannical in nature. Thomas Jefferson said it best: "When the people fear the government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." Athens is the birthplace of Western democracy, but Athenian democracy was a true democracy, unlike the fake versions that exist today. Athens was a city-state, and its democracy flourished because Greeks believed cities to be the perfect size for governing. Cities allow for strong social bonds and the ability for everyone within a city-state to comprehend the extent of their government that otherwise is impossible for vast nation-states. Aristotle stated that no higher form of social union is possible than that of the city-state. He defined democracy as the “rule by the many" where decision-making is in the hands of the many, not the few. Centralization of power and authority in the hands of the few is tyranny by definition, and that's precisely the dystopian predicament we have today in America and other nation-states around the world. But the sheeple are finally waking up in mass. Last year was the year of leaderless mass protests when more people marched in protests than any other year in history. It was a year rocked by a global awakening in the consciousness of citizens as leaderless uprisings ignited from Georgia to Chile to France to Hong Kong to Catalonia to the Netherlands to the Czech Republic to Ecuador to Bolivia to Colombia to Nicaragua to Serbia to Athens to Iraq to Iran to Syria to Lebanon to Egypt to Sudan to Algeria to Haiti. These uprisings were all fighting one common enemy: politicians and the banking class that puppeteers them. So what did the politicians and the banking class do to kill the uprising against them and prevent it from spreading to the United States? They faked a pandemic to create a crisis like 9/11 so they can set new rules like banning social gatherings and cracking down on people's movement through "contact tracing." Clever, isn't it? That's what you get with big governments. Centralization of power and authority is tyranny and, therefore, the only solution to this tyranny is the decentralization of power and authority. It's a decentralized form of government where decision-making is no longer in the hands of a few corrupt politicians in the capitals of this planet but in the hands of ALL citizens collectively. A similar concept exists TODAY in Switzerland where political decisions are made through national referendums by ALL citizens together, not behind closed doors by politicians. World peace can NEVER be achieved through a One World Government. The opposite is true actually. World peace is only possible by abolishing ALL nation-states in favor of democratic city-states where decision-making is in the hands of ALL the residents of the city, not politicians. #WorldPeace #Athens #Switzerland #AthenianDemocracy #Democracy #Aristotle #DemocraticTyranny #DivideAndConquer #PresidentsAreSelectedNotElected #TheLesserOfTwoEvils #TheLesserOfTwoEvilsIsAlsoEvil #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2020 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #DeleteTheElite #Gerrymandering #Lobbying #LegalBribery #USPresidentialElections #AmericanVoters #AmericanVoter Sources: https://is.gd/5Z6kev https://is.gd/HYrtWK https://is.gd/EPV20o https://is.gd/JBtnvF https://is.gd/JEiBb3
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 2269 Views
  • At a time of kingdoms and peasants, decision-making was always consolidated in the hands of a few masters, and it was always exercised in a top-down structure. Did it change today? Nope, it's still exactly the same. So what did change? Today's peasants (taxpaying working class) are given the illusion of choice. They are NEVER involved in decision-making and can NEVER nominate their master, of course, because the nomination is done by the ruling class through their unlimited supply of money, rigged elections, and their almost-total control of corporate media. The peasants only get to pick between the "lesser of two evils" that the ruling class nicely makes available to them. But the lesser of two evils is ALSO EVIL, which means that the mindless shameless sheeple who vote for politicians end up deliberately voting for an evil figure to run their lives. Don't forget that Hilter came from a democracy, and he was elected the chancellor of Germany.

    Athens is the birthplace of Western democracy, but Athenian democracy was a true democracy, unlike the fake versions that exist today. Athens was a city-state, and its democracy flourished because Greeks believed cities to be the perfect size for governing. Cities allow for strong social bonds and the ability for everyone within a city-state to comprehend the extent of their government that otherwise is impossible for vast nation-states. Aristotle stated that no higher form of social union is possible than that of the city-state. He defined democracy as the “rule by the many" where decision-making is in the hands of the many, not the few. Centralization of power and authority in the hands of the few is tyranny by definition, and that's precisely the dystopian predicament we have today in America and other nation-states around the world. But the sheeple are finally waking up in mass.

    Last year was the year of leaderless mass protests when more people marched in protests than any other year in history. It was a year rocked by a global awakening in the consciousness of citizens as leaderless uprisings ignited from Georgia to Chile to France to Hong Kong to Catalonia to the Netherlands to the Czech Republic to Ecuador to Bolivia to Colombia to Nicaragua to Serbia to Athens to Iraq to Iran to Syria to Lebanon to Egypt to Sudan to Algeria to Haiti. These uprisings were all fighting one common enemy: politicians and the banking class that puppeteers them. So what did the politicians and the banking class do to kill the uprising against them and prevent it from spreading to the United States? They faked a pandemic to create a crisis like 9/11 so they can set new rules like banning social gatherings and cracking down on people's movement through "contact tracing." Clever, isn't it?

    Centralization of power and authority is tyranny and, therefore, the only solution to this tyranny is the decentralization of power and authority. It's a decentralized form of government where decision-making is no longer in the hands of a few corrupt politicians in the capitals of this planet but in the hands of ALL citizens collectively. A similar concept exists TODAY in Switzerland where political decisions are made through national referendums by ALL citizens together, not behind closed doors by politicians.

    Have you accepted the new abnormal, or will you fight to abolish the fascist nation-states in favor of the democratic city-states where decision-making is in the hands of ALL the residents of the city?

    #Athens #Switzerland #AthenianDemocracy #Democracy #Aristotle #DemocraticTyranny #DivideAndConquer #PresidentsAreSelectedNotElected #TheLesserOfTwoEvils #TheLesserOfTwoEvilsIsAlsoEvil #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2020 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #DeleteTheElite #Gerrymandering #Lobbying #LegalBribery #USPresidentialElections #AmericanVoters #AmericanVoter

    At a time of kingdoms and peasants, decision-making was always consolidated in the hands of a few masters, and it was always exercised in a top-down structure. Did it change today? Nope, it's still exactly the same. So what did change? Today's peasants (taxpaying working class) are given the illusion of choice. They are NEVER involved in decision-making and can NEVER nominate their master, of course, because the nomination is done by the ruling class through their unlimited supply of money, rigged elections, and their almost-total control of corporate media. The peasants only get to pick between the "lesser of two evils" that the ruling class nicely makes available to them. But the lesser of two evils is ALSO EVIL, which means that the mindless shameless sheeple who vote for politicians end up deliberately voting for an evil figure to run their lives. Don't forget that Hilter came from a democracy, and he was elected the chancellor of Germany. Athens is the birthplace of Western democracy, but Athenian democracy was a true democracy, unlike the fake versions that exist today. Athens was a city-state, and its democracy flourished because Greeks believed cities to be the perfect size for governing. Cities allow for strong social bonds and the ability for everyone within a city-state to comprehend the extent of their government that otherwise is impossible for vast nation-states. Aristotle stated that no higher form of social union is possible than that of the city-state. He defined democracy as the “rule by the many" where decision-making is in the hands of the many, not the few. Centralization of power and authority in the hands of the few is tyranny by definition, and that's precisely the dystopian predicament we have today in America and other nation-states around the world. But the sheeple are finally waking up in mass. Last year was the year of leaderless mass protests when more people marched in protests than any other year in history. It was a year rocked by a global awakening in the consciousness of citizens as leaderless uprisings ignited from Georgia to Chile to France to Hong Kong to Catalonia to the Netherlands to the Czech Republic to Ecuador to Bolivia to Colombia to Nicaragua to Serbia to Athens to Iraq to Iran to Syria to Lebanon to Egypt to Sudan to Algeria to Haiti. These uprisings were all fighting one common enemy: politicians and the banking class that puppeteers them. So what did the politicians and the banking class do to kill the uprising against them and prevent it from spreading to the United States? They faked a pandemic to create a crisis like 9/11 so they can set new rules like banning social gatherings and cracking down on people's movement through "contact tracing." Clever, isn't it? Centralization of power and authority is tyranny and, therefore, the only solution to this tyranny is the decentralization of power and authority. It's a decentralized form of government where decision-making is no longer in the hands of a few corrupt politicians in the capitals of this planet but in the hands of ALL citizens collectively. A similar concept exists TODAY in Switzerland where political decisions are made through national referendums by ALL citizens together, not behind closed doors by politicians. Have you accepted the new abnormal, or will you fight to abolish the fascist nation-states in favor of the democratic city-states where decision-making is in the hands of ALL the residents of the city? #Athens #Switzerland #AthenianDemocracy #Democracy #Aristotle #DemocraticTyranny #DivideAndConquer #PresidentsAreSelectedNotElected #TheLesserOfTwoEvils #TheLesserOfTwoEvilsIsAlsoEvil #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2020 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #DeleteTheElite #Gerrymandering #Lobbying #LegalBribery #USPresidentialElections #AmericanVoters #AmericanVoter Sources: https://is.gd/EPV20o https://is.gd/JBtnvF https://is.gd/G8yY7G https://is.gd/8373pk https://is.gd/JEiBb3 https://is.gd/NHn4X6 https://is.gd/Jk3Gvl https://is.gd/B5ofLB https://is.gd/u4Mjju https://is.gd/UMo2v1 https://is.gd/Uxy2hu https://is.gd/ZLq0Dn https://is.gd/nQrb5f
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 2229 Views
  • A billionaire, a worker, and an immigrant are sitting at a table with 100 cookies. The billionaire immediately takes 99 cookies and says to the worker: watch out, that immigrant is going to take your cookie! Instead of questioning the billionaire's unreasonable share of the cookies, all the worker can now think about is the immigrant who wants to take his only cookie. This short story describes the "divide and conquer" tactic used by the ruling class against the citizens they rule. Every ruling class knows very well that in order to rule in peace, they MUST turn citizens against each other and keep them distracted that way so they'll never discover the larger scam at play behind the scenes. It's one of the oldest tricks in the business of government. The ruling classes of the world have been employing it for thousands of years, and the brainless shameless sheeple never figure it out. Even a dog can't be fooled more than once but a sheep-like human being can be fooled forever. For example, every four years a guy in a suit magically appears on TV and promises sunshine and rainbows to the sheeple who will vote for him. And once the sheep elect the guy on the TV, they get nothing but a middle finger up their asses. And the movie repeats every four years because the sheep-like voters have a short attention span. Meanwhile, the guy on the TV tells the sheep-like masses that they didn't get what they asked for because it's the fault of some bearded men in caves who want to steal their liberties or some silly shit like that. Please don't be a sheep-like human being and stop believing EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING the government tells you. It's time to wake up and grow a brain!

    #DivideAndConquer #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2020 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #DeleteTheElite #Gerrymandering #Lobbying #LegalBribery #USPresidentialElections #AmericanVoters #AmericanVoter
    A billionaire, a worker, and an immigrant are sitting at a table with 100 cookies. The billionaire immediately takes 99 cookies and says to the worker: watch out, that immigrant is going to take your cookie! Instead of questioning the billionaire's unreasonable share of the cookies, all the worker can now think about is the immigrant who wants to take his only cookie. This short story describes the "divide and conquer" tactic used by the ruling class against the citizens they rule. Every ruling class knows very well that in order to rule in peace, they MUST turn citizens against each other and keep them distracted that way so they'll never discover the larger scam at play behind the scenes. It's one of the oldest tricks in the business of government. The ruling classes of the world have been employing it for thousands of years, and the brainless shameless sheeple never figure it out. Even a dog can't be fooled more than once but a sheep-like human being can be fooled forever. For example, every four years a guy in a suit magically appears on TV and promises sunshine and rainbows to the sheeple who will vote for him. And once the sheep elect the guy on the TV, they get nothing but a middle finger up their asses. And the movie repeats every four years because the sheep-like voters have a short attention span. Meanwhile, the guy on the TV tells the sheep-like masses that they didn't get what they asked for because it's the fault of some bearded men in caves who want to steal their liberties or some silly shit like that. Please don't be a sheep-like human being and stop believing EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING the government tells you. It's time to wake up and grow a brain! #DivideAndConquer #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2020 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #DeleteTheElite #Gerrymandering #Lobbying #LegalBribery #USPresidentialElections #AmericanVoters #AmericanVoter
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