So the thugs and terrorists that the American sheeple call "politicans" gathered together to issue what they called "Covid Relief Bill" that includes more free money for the Jews of Israel (of course), more bribery money for the politicians of foreign nations that'll NEVER reach their citizens, and an anti-online-streaming law that authorizes their pigs (cops in doublespeak) to kidnap you (arrest you) and force you into a rape cage (prison) for 10 f*ckin years!
And what will the sheeple do about it? They'll line up in a few months to elect more thugs and criminals to lord over them, of course! What else would you expect the sheeple to do? We're talking about pathetic lifeless soulless animals who just follow orders and bend over on command.
Even a donkey eventually understands what's right for him, but NEVER expect an order-following sheeple to figure out anything for their own good. They're hopeless. They've been completely and irreversibly brainwashed thanks to the years they spent in indoctrination centers (schools) and countless hours of exposure to corporate media's powerful propaganda machinery. Please don't waste a single moment of your time trying to talk some sense into the few cubic centimeters of brain cells inside their thick heads.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results, but the brainless shameless sheeple to continue to vote for the bank-owned politicians expecting different results.
It does NOT matter if Clinton or Bush or Obama or Trump or Mickey Mouse is sitting at the White House, you idiots! America is a corporate oligarchy. It's the corporations that control this country, not the politicians. The politicians are just put there by the banking class to give the dumbed-down voters the illusion of choice.
The system cannot be fixed by the system. THE SYSTEM IS THE PROBLEM.
Please stop watching TV and grow a brain. Please research what central banks and fiatmoney are and discover the truth about money. Because it's the banks who control the world and puppeteer all governments and corporations. Revolt against the puppeteers, not the puppets.
If you want the red pill, just research what the Federal Reserve is because once you figure it out, everything else becomes clear.
Watch these videos:
#CovidReliefBill #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2020 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #DeleteTheElite #Gerrymandering #Lobbying #LegalBribery #COVID1984 #TheFourthIndustrialRevolution #Scamdemic #Scamdemic2020 #COVID19Scamdemic #BuildBackBetter #TheGreatReset #IWillNotTakeTheVaccine #OperationWarpSpeed #StateOfEmergency #COVID19FalseFlag #NoJabNoPay #Luciferase #Lockstep #Lockstep2010 #AmericanMedicalMafia #MedicalMafia #MedicalTyranny #HelpLimitTheSpread #IDoNotConsent #GMOvaccines #FlattenTheCurve #DontBeAKaren #DoYourPartStayApart #StayingHomeSavesLives #PutAMaskOn #PutOnAMask #MaskUp #WeAreInThisTogether #WeAreNotInThisTogether #FaceDiaper #FaceMuzzle #N95Masks #N95Mask #MaskOfShame #MasksAreForPussies #NoMaskNoService #NoVaccineNoService #COVIDIOTS #ThisIsForYourSafety #ItsForYourSafety #ItsForYourOwnSafety #ForYourSafety #BeSafe #StaySafe #OrderOutOfChaos #ProblemReactionSolution #ShockDoctrine #TheShockDoctrine #Pandemic #PlannedPandemic #Plandemic #ID2020 #TrustTheHealthExperts #TrustTheExperts #HealthPolitician #HealthPoliticians #MedicalMartialLaw #MedicalMartialLaw2020 #Event201 #NWO #UNICEF #CEPI #Gavi #GlobalFinancingFacility #TheGlobalFund #TheCenterForGlobalDevelopment #GatesFoundation #NewWorldOrder #OneWorldGovernment #OWG #HouseArrest #HouseArrestForEveryone #COVID19 #COVID #Coronavirus #COVID19Lockdown #PopulationControl #FamilyPlanning #CrowdControl #MassFear #DividedWeFall #SelfIsolation #NewNorm #NewNormal #Transhumanism #GeneticallyModifiedHumans #TheyNeverNeededYourConsent #GMOhuman #GMOhumans
So the thugs and terrorists that the American sheeple call "politicans" gathered together to issue what they called "Covid Relief Bill" that includes more free money for the Jews of Israel (of course), more bribery money for the politicians of foreign nations that'll NEVER reach their citizens, and an anti-online-streaming law that authorizes their pigs (cops in doublespeak) to kidnap you (arrest you) and force you into a rape cage (prison) for 10 f*ckin years!
And what will the sheeple do about it? They'll line up in a few months to elect more thugs and criminals to lord over them, of course! What else would you expect the sheeple to do? We're talking about pathetic lifeless soulless animals who just follow orders and bend over on command.
Even a donkey eventually understands what's right for him, but NEVER expect an order-following sheeple to figure out anything for their own good. They're hopeless. They've been completely and irreversibly brainwashed thanks to the years they spent in indoctrination centers (schools) and countless hours of exposure to corporate media's powerful propaganda machinery. Please don't waste a single moment of your time trying to talk some sense into the few cubic centimeters of brain cells inside their thick heads.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results, but the brainless shameless sheeple to continue to vote for the bank-owned politicians expecting different results.
It does NOT matter if Clinton or Bush or Obama or Trump or Mickey Mouse is sitting at the White House, you idiots! America is a corporate oligarchy. It's the corporations that control this country, not the politicians. The politicians are just put there by the banking class to give the dumbed-down voters the illusion of choice.
The system cannot be fixed by the system. THE SYSTEM IS THE PROBLEM.
Please stop watching TV and grow a brain. Please research what central banks and fiatmoney are and discover the truth about money. Because it's the banks who control the world and puppeteer all governments and corporations. Revolt against the puppeteers, not the puppets.
If you want the red pill, just research what the Federal Reserve is because once you figure it out, everything else becomes clear.
👉Watch these videos:
#CovidReliefBill #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2020 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #DeleteTheElite #Gerrymandering #Lobbying #LegalBribery #COVID1984 #TheFourthIndustrialRevolution #Scamdemic #Scamdemic2020 #COVID19Scamdemic #BuildBackBetter #TheGreatReset #IWillNotTakeTheVaccine #OperationWarpSpeed #StateOfEmergency #COVID19FalseFlag #NoJabNoPay #Luciferase #Lockstep #Lockstep2010 #AmericanMedicalMafia #MedicalMafia #MedicalTyranny #HelpLimitTheSpread #IDoNotConsent #GMOvaccines #FlattenTheCurve #DontBeAKaren #DoYourPartStayApart #StayingHomeSavesLives #PutAMaskOn #PutOnAMask #MaskUp #WeAreInThisTogether #WeAreNotInThisTogether #FaceDiaper #FaceMuzzle #N95Masks #N95Mask #MaskOfShame #MasksAreForPussies #NoMaskNoService #NoVaccineNoService #COVIDIOTS #ThisIsForYourSafety #ItsForYourSafety #ItsForYourOwnSafety #ForYourSafety #BeSafe #StaySafe #OrderOutOfChaos #ProblemReactionSolution #ShockDoctrine #TheShockDoctrine #Pandemic #PlannedPandemic #Plandemic #ID2020 #TrustTheHealthExperts #TrustTheExperts #HealthPolitician #HealthPoliticians #MedicalMartialLaw #MedicalMartialLaw2020 #Event201 #NWO #UNICEF #CEPI #Gavi #GlobalFinancingFacility #TheGlobalFund #TheCenterForGlobalDevelopment #GatesFoundation #NewWorldOrder #OneWorldGovernment #OWG #HouseArrest #HouseArrestForEveryone #COVID19 #COVID #Coronavirus #COVID19Lockdown #PopulationControl #FamilyPlanning #CrowdControl #MassFear #DividedWeFall #SelfIsolation #NewNorm #NewNormal #Transhumanism #GeneticallyModifiedHumans #TheyNeverNeededYourConsent #GMOhuman #GMOhumans