• Nicolás Maduro is afraid of Elon Musk
    Elon Musk: I’m coming for you Maduro!

    I will carry you to Gitmo on a donkey 🫏

    Maduro gives direct orders to his security forces, instructing them to keep Elon Musk out at all costs. The donkey dictator is delusional enough to think that Elon is going to personally show up and give him a thrashing.

    He is afraid. How are these goons going to stop space lasers?
    Nicolás Maduro is afraid of Elon Musk Elon Musk: I’m coming for you Maduro! 🚀💣 I will carry you to Gitmo on a donkey 🫏 Maduro gives direct orders to his security forces, instructing them to keep Elon Musk out at all costs. The donkey dictator is delusional enough to think that Elon is going to personally show up and give him a thrashing. He is afraid. How are these goons going to stop space lasers? https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1818845968890019936
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 543 Views 0
  • Clare Sansom - Probing neptunium's atomic structure with laser spectroscopy:


    #Neptunium237 #Neptunium #Isotope #ActinideMetal #LaserSpectroscopy #Spectroscopy #IonizationPotential #Ionization #RadioactiveWaste #AtomicPhysics #Physics
    Clare Sansom - Probing neptunium's atomic structure with laser spectroscopy: https://phys.org/news/2024-05-probing-neptunium-atomic-laser-spectroscopy.html #Neptunium237 #Neptunium #Isotope #ActinideMetal #LaserSpectroscopy #Spectroscopy #IonizationPotential #Ionization #RadioactiveWaste #AtomicPhysics #Physics
    Probing neptunium's atomic structure with laser spectroscopy
    A new technique developed by researchers in Germany can measure ionization states of this element more precisely than before, with implications for its detection and remediation in radioactive waste.
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 1321 Views
  • I like Larkin.... but this kind of makes him seem insincere to me! I have NEVER disagreed with the man before! And was about to say he sounds like a FLAT EARTHER!

    Then he dropped the BS bomb! I'll debate him, Eric Dubay will debate him! And just like he says, can I answer every question anyone can come up with? NO!
    But I CAN prove the earth is not a globe!

    I left this comment for him.......
    It's hard for me to believe that as logical as the man is, and as observant as he is....
    that he'd say this UNLESS he was paid to say it!

    I just cannot see anyone doing any actual RESEARCH into the subject, and coming away believing the BS we were taught as children!

    Boy.... I'd LOVE to school you up on the demonstrably FLAT and STATIONARY earth! I'd be happy to publicly answer ANY of your questions, and demonstrate MY PROOF that the heliocentric THEORY is just an unproven THEORY! Just like the whole heliocentric LIE! It's a demonstrable FACT there is no "Earth Curvature" which is REQUIRED for the earth to be a sphere! We see too far! Photos have been taken across hundreds of miles, of things that SHOULD BE hundreds of miles below the earth's supposed "curve." I can PROVE the Earth is not a sphere! that is simple! THOUSANDS of Experiments have been performed using lasers that prove the "curve" is just fiction! ANY TIME BROTHER! If you are really seeking the #Truth..... I'd be happy to give you more than you can handle! I've agreed with every statement you've ever made up until the "Flat Earth" thing. And that's because, just like you, I believed in the globe lie. I loved NASA! I scored in the top 97th percentile in science! And 4 years ago, I'd have told you flat earthers are crazy! But then one day I wanted to SHUT UP THE FLAT EARTH CROWD! So I set out to "Prove the Globe." Boy, was that a mistake! I'm capable of answering any question you have! On some stuff my answer may be "I don't know what it is.... But I CAN demonstrate what it is NOT! Like the Earth... I can PROVE that it's not a sphere, easily as a matter of fact! I've never seen a flat earther that "changes the subject" and avoids answering questions like you mention though... that is always the GLOBE EARTHERS! Who get angry and pout and whine. ANY TIME! If you actually seek the TRUTH..... then you SHOULD BE RESEARCHING FLAT EARTH! Not at "The Flat Earth Society" either! That is a disinfo site! Go to Eric Dubay, better yet watch some Rob Skiba at "Testing the Globe" dot com! John Thor, or DITRH! Do we know everything about the earth? NO, we don't. But just like you said.... we do KNOW with 100% certainty, that it is NOT A GLOBE!

    Then there's another guy, who claims "I don't have time to debate flat earthers, but he claims to be a christian! What is funny, is there is no "Debate."
    I can PROVE the earth does not have the required curvature for it to be a sphere 25,000 miles in circumference! No debating to it!

    So I responded like this.....

    I have no time to debate Globe earthers! But you are WRONG! The earth is demonstrable NOT a globe! I like how you mention the bible! I'm a bible guy too! Have you ever read THE VERY FIRST PAGE??? You know... the Creation account, where the Father created the FIRMAMENT above, which separates the waters ABOVE from the waters BELOW???? It's in the first 8 verses man! 1In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

    2And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

    3And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

    4And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

    5And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

    6And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.

    7And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.

    8And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

    9And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.

    10And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.

    Hmmmmmmmm pretty hard to claim that the earth is a space ball, flying through a vacuum as it spins..... WHEN THERE IS WATER ABOVE US!

    He claims to be a "Christian" but apparently has never
    read the FIRST PAGE of the bible!

    This looks BAD on his resume of TRUTH!

    I like Larkin.... but this kind of makes him seem insincere to me! I have NEVER disagreed with the man before! And was about to say he sounds like a FLAT EARTHER! Then he dropped the BS bomb! I'll debate him, Eric Dubay will debate him! And just like he says, can I answer every question anyone can come up with? NO! But I CAN prove the earth is not a globe! I left this comment for him....... It's hard for me to believe that as logical as the man is, and as observant as he is.... that he'd say this UNLESS he was paid to say it! I just cannot see anyone doing any actual RESEARCH into the subject, and coming away believing the BS we were taught as children! Boy.... I'd LOVE to school you up on the demonstrably FLAT and STATIONARY earth! I'd be happy to publicly answer ANY of your questions, and demonstrate MY PROOF that the heliocentric THEORY is just an unproven THEORY! Just like the whole heliocentric LIE! It's a demonstrable FACT there is no "Earth Curvature" which is REQUIRED for the earth to be a sphere! We see too far! Photos have been taken across hundreds of miles, of things that SHOULD BE hundreds of miles below the earth's supposed "curve." I can PROVE the Earth is not a sphere! that is simple! THOUSANDS of Experiments have been performed using lasers that prove the "curve" is just fiction! ANY TIME BROTHER! If you are really seeking the #Truth..... I'd be happy to give you more than you can handle! I've agreed with every statement you've ever made up until the "Flat Earth" thing. And that's because, just like you, I believed in the globe lie. I loved NASA! I scored in the top 97th percentile in science! And 4 years ago, I'd have told you flat earthers are crazy! But then one day I wanted to SHUT UP THE FLAT EARTH CROWD! So I set out to "Prove the Globe." Boy, was that a mistake! I'm capable of answering any question you have! On some stuff my answer may be "I don't know what it is.... But I CAN demonstrate what it is NOT! Like the Earth... I can PROVE that it's not a sphere, easily as a matter of fact! I've never seen a flat earther that "changes the subject" and avoids answering questions like you mention though... that is always the GLOBE EARTHERS! Who get angry and pout and whine. ANY TIME! If you actually seek the TRUTH..... then you SHOULD BE RESEARCHING FLAT EARTH! Not at "The Flat Earth Society" either! That is a disinfo site! Go to Eric Dubay, better yet watch some Rob Skiba at "Testing the Globe" dot com! John Thor, or DITRH! Do we know everything about the earth? NO, we don't. But just like you said.... we do KNOW with 100% certainty, that it is NOT A GLOBE! Then there's another guy, who claims "I don't have time to debate flat earthers, but he claims to be a christian! What is funny, is there is no "Debate." I can PROVE the earth does not have the required curvature for it to be a sphere 25,000 miles in circumference! No debating to it! So I responded like this..... I have no time to debate Globe earthers! But you are WRONG! The earth is demonstrable NOT a globe! I like how you mention the bible! I'm a bible guy too! Have you ever read THE VERY FIRST PAGE??? You know... the Creation account, where the Father created the FIRMAMENT above, which separates the waters ABOVE from the waters BELOW???? It's in the first 8 verses man! 1In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. 3And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. 4And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. 5And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. 6And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. 7And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. 8And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day. 9And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. 10And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good. Hmmmmmmmm pretty hard to claim that the earth is a space ball, flying through a vacuum as it spins..... WHEN THERE IS WATER ABOVE US! He claims to be a "Christian" but apparently has never read the FIRST PAGE of the bible! This looks BAD on his resume of TRUTH! https://www.bitchute.com/video/eROptnz2HFI/
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 2239 Views
  • Green lasers sighted in the region where the Texas fires began. (3 seconds)

    Green lasers sighted in the region where the Texas fires began. (3 seconds) Interesting
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 550 Views 1
  • Exclusive: Secrets of Russia Space-Based Nuclear Lasers Exposed

    Are the Globalists Planning a Nuclear Laser / EMP False Flag To Escalate a War With Russia

    »»» #SUPPORTINFOWARS: Get a signed copy of 'The Great Awakening' while you still can! https://www.infowarsstore.com/the-great-awakening-autographed-alex-jones

    Exclusive: Secrets of Russia Space-Based Nuclear Lasers Exposed Are the Globalists Planning a Nuclear Laser / EMP False Flag To Escalate a War With Russia »»» #SUPPORTINFOWARS: Get a signed copy of 'The Great Awakening' while you still can! https://www.infowarsstore.com/the-great-awakening-autographed-alex-jones ╰☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆╮
    1 Yorumlar 1 hisse senetleri 1445 Views 0
  • https://asiatimes.com/2023/12/us-aims-to-power-up-drones-with-lasers/
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 688 Views

    DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THE LASERS! YOU DO NOW!! https://www.bitchute.com/video/rQzmnufjxtFR/?list=subscriptions
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 684 Views
  • Nobody wants to know the #Truth!
    Everyone wants to continue believing the fairytales they were taught as a child, and are incapable of questioning their legitimacy

    The very FIRST thing you saw when you walked into the school was a Globe sitting on your teacher's desk!

    The very FIRST "assignment" your teacher gave you was learning the "planets" and their order in the "Solar System"

    You even likely had a spinning solar system mobile over your baby crib before you could even crawl!

    Every day we are barraged with #Globe #Propaganda!
    Corporate logos of a globe or globe like image, like AT&T!

    Then we have the opening of EVERY Hollywood movie, where we are shown an image of a spinning globe, as the movie starts

    In the background of news broadcasts and podcasts there is almost always an image of a globe earth, some spinning, some not!

    Disney was programming children's minds with "Space" and space travel cartoons long before #NASA claimed to go to space!

    On the BBC News they even do a countdown to the news, with a spinning globe-like image in the background, almost like a hypnotist!

    It would seem to me that if the earth were a spinning sphere 25,000 miles in circumference that it would be quite easy to

    It is a FACT shown in Spherical trigonometry that a sphere 25,000 miles in circumference is REQUIRED to have a demonstrable "Curvature" of 8 inches per mile SQUARED!

    Now 8 inches don't sound like much....
    At one mile that is 8 inches (or .666 FEET) of "curvature"
    At 3 miles that is 6 FEET of "curvature" required
    At 10 miles spherical trigonometry dictates 66.69 FEET of curve
    At 100 miles 6668.41 FEET ( about 1 1/4 MILES) is REQUIRED!

    Have you noticed a pattern with these numbers?
    And this curvature MUST BE everywhere on the surface of the earth! ALL WATER and ALL LAND must have this curvature!

    It is a REQUIRED FACT!
    And for some reason.... NOBODY has ever seen this "curvature" much less proven that it exist!

    We have transits, theodolites, and lasers... ALL highly accurate instruments which can be used to demonstrate "curvature"

    But for some reason NOBODY has ever been able to demonstrate that this "curvature" exist! WHY BOTHER arguing about what is in the heavens?

    We cannot even demonstrate the FIRST CLAIM of heliocentrism, which is the earth is a sphere! Because NOBODY has ever demonstrated any curvature to the earth!

    EVERYONE is too mired in technical details, mind bending equations, and fables created by Freemason liars, to ever ask the simplest of questions! Which is "WHERE IS THE CURVATURE?"

    Science REQUIRES "Observable, Testable, and Repeatable" to be called "Science." The heliocentric model fails this test!

    NONE of the heliocentric model can be PROVEN!
    It's ALL "Theory"

    "Space" does not exist!
    "Planets" are wondering stars!
    "Stars" are lights in the sky put there by the Creator!

    People claim that "For 2,000 years we've known the earth is a sphere" but that's NOT TRUE!

    They were teaching the earth was FLAT around 1900!
    Right up until Rockefeller started funding Education, and started brainwashing every American with Satanic nonsense!

    You believe the earth is a sphere? FINE!

    Then SHOW ME which parts of the Amazon River is running UPHILL and which part is running downhill! DO THAT and I'll hear the rest of your argument!

    OR demonstrate the 66.69 FEET of curvature REQUIRED for every 10 linear miles of the Earth's surface! (Including the water)

    DO THAT and I'll be impressed!
    Because YOU will be the very FIRST PERSON in history to do so!

    Psalms 19:1
    The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.”
    Nobody wants to know the #Truth! Everyone wants to continue believing the fairytales they were taught as a child, and are incapable of questioning their legitimacy The very FIRST thing you saw when you walked into the school was a Globe sitting on your teacher's desk! The very FIRST "assignment" your teacher gave you was learning the "planets" and their order in the "Solar System" You even likely had a spinning solar system mobile over your baby crib before you could even crawl! Every day we are barraged with #Globe #Propaganda! Corporate logos of a globe or globe like image, like AT&T! Then we have the opening of EVERY Hollywood movie, where we are shown an image of a spinning globe, as the movie starts In the background of news broadcasts and podcasts there is almost always an image of a globe earth, some spinning, some not! Disney was programming children's minds with "Space" and space travel cartoons long before #NASA claimed to go to space! On the BBC News they even do a countdown to the news, with a spinning globe-like image in the background, almost like a hypnotist! It would seem to me that if the earth were a spinning sphere 25,000 miles in circumference that it would be quite easy to SHOW ME THE "CURVATURE" REQUIRED BY THIS CLAIM! It is a FACT shown in Spherical trigonometry that a sphere 25,000 miles in circumference is REQUIRED to have a demonstrable "Curvature" of 8 inches per mile SQUARED! Now 8 inches don't sound like much.... At one mile that is 8 inches (or .666 FEET) of "curvature" At 3 miles that is 6 FEET of "curvature" required At 10 miles spherical trigonometry dictates 66.69 FEET of curve At 100 miles 6668.41 FEET ( about 1 1/4 MILES) is REQUIRED! Have you noticed a pattern with these numbers? And this curvature MUST BE everywhere on the surface of the earth! ALL WATER and ALL LAND must have this curvature! It is a REQUIRED FACT! And for some reason.... NOBODY has ever seen this "curvature" much less proven that it exist! We have transits, theodolites, and lasers... ALL highly accurate instruments which can be used to demonstrate "curvature" But for some reason NOBODY has ever been able to demonstrate that this "curvature" exist! WHY BOTHER arguing about what is in the heavens? We cannot even demonstrate the FIRST CLAIM of heliocentrism, which is the earth is a sphere! Because NOBODY has ever demonstrated any curvature to the earth! EVERYONE is too mired in technical details, mind bending equations, and fables created by Freemason liars, to ever ask the simplest of questions! Which is "WHERE IS THE CURVATURE?" Science REQUIRES "Observable, Testable, and Repeatable" to be called "Science." The heliocentric model fails this test! NONE of the heliocentric model can be PROVEN! It's ALL "Theory" "Space" does not exist! "Planets" are wondering stars! "Stars" are lights in the sky put there by the Creator! People claim that "For 2,000 years we've known the earth is a sphere" but that's NOT TRUE! They were teaching the earth was FLAT around 1900! Right up until Rockefeller started funding Education, and started brainwashing every American with Satanic nonsense! You believe the earth is a sphere? FINE! SHOW ME THE 1854.65 MILES (9792563.30 feet) OF CURVATURE REQUIRED FROM ONE END TO THE OTHER OF THE 4,000 MILE LONG AMAZON RIVER! Then SHOW ME which parts of the Amazon River is running UPHILL and which part is running downhill! DO THAT and I'll hear the rest of your argument! OR demonstrate the 66.69 FEET of curvature REQUIRED for every 10 linear miles of the Earth's surface! (Including the water) DO THAT and I'll be impressed! Because YOU will be the very FIRST PERSON in history to do so! Psalms 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.”
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 6446 Views 0
  • Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron - Using air to deflect lasers:


    #InfraredLaser #LASER #SoundWaves #AcoustoOpticModulation #Modulation #Diffraction #Deflection #Photonics #Physics
    Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron - Using air to deflect lasers: https://phys.org/news/2023-10-air-deflect-lasers.html #InfraredLaser #LASER #SoundWaves #AcoustoOpticModulation #Modulation #Diffraction #Deflection #Photonics #Physics
    Using air to deflect lasers
    Using a novel method, beams of laser light can be deflected using air alone. An invisible grating made only of air is not only immune to damage from the laser light, but it also preserves the original quality of the beam, reports an interdisciplinary research team in the journal Nature Photonics. The researchers have applied for a patent for their method.
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 3228 Views
  • Yes, The Army DOES Have New Supercharged Lasers Weapons!
    Yes, The Army DOES Have New Supercharged Lasers Weapons! https://youtu.be/cXn2t-x2d7E?si=mweq17ew1A8SBz9g
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 453 Views
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