• Bradfordstan, what a shithole.

    Intense Display of Enrichment in Diverse Britain.
    Bradfordstan, what a shithole. Intense Display of Enrichment in Diverse Britain. https://youtu.be/3bYG6ivZeD8?si=FngYsJ2Us5oxkTkx
    0 Comments 0 Shares 136 Views
  • Victory: #Oklahoma Supreme Court Vacates Protective Order Against Street #Preacher Who Criticized #Gay Marriage, Denounced #Drag Show https://www.rutherford.org/publications_resources/on_the_front_lines/victory_oklahoma_supreme_court_vacates_protective_order_against_street_preacher_who_criticized_gay_marriage_denounced_drag_show
    Victory: #Oklahoma Supreme Court Vacates Protective Order Against Street #Preacher Who Criticized #Gay Marriage, Denounced #Drag Show https://www.rutherford.org/publications_resources/on_the_front_lines/victory_oklahoma_supreme_court_vacates_protective_order_against_street_preacher_who_criticized_gay_marriage_denounced_drag_show
    Victory: Court Vacates Protective Order Against Street Preacher Who Criticized Gay Marriage, Denounced Drag Show
    In a 5-4 ruling, the Oklahoma Supreme Court has vacated a five-year protective order against street preacher Rich Penkoski, who used social media to express his moral concerns about a church that endorsed gay marriage and to expose a public drag queen performance in front of children.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 220 Views
  • Please Consider Donating to My Work & Websites, I am #disabled & #handicapped, not only it keeps #freeSpeech and Independent Media going, a small portion supplements my Social Security Disability, without help and support, can not operate on an empty gas can!! I would like to get Radio America USA back up, America can not afford to lose anymore platforms!

    2 ways you can #donate!

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    You can donate via #GiveSendGo https://www.givesendgo.com/jeffhertzog_radioamericausa
    Please Consider Donating to My Work & Websites, I am #disabled & #handicapped, not only it keeps #freeSpeech and Independent Media going, a small portion supplements my Social Security Disability, without help and support, can not operate on an empty gas can!! I would like to get Radio America USA back up, America can not afford to lose anymore platforms! 2 ways you can #donate! #PayPal on my website! #money #finances You can use PayPal on my website: https://www.jeffhertzog.net – on the top row hit the donate button and a new browser will open scroll down to the donate section! Also: You can donate via #GiveSendGo https://www.givesendgo.com/jeffhertzog_radioamericausa
    Jeff Hertzog
    Jeff Hertzog, Jeffrey Hertzog, Talk Show Host, Entertainment, jeffhertzog.net, jeffhertzog.com, jeffhertzog.org, jeffhertzog.video Low Carb, Low Carbohydrate, Zero Carb, Zero Carbohydrate, Atkins Diet, Sugar Free, Stevia, Organic, Organic Food, Non GMO, Politics, Talk Radio, Lunatic Fringe, Radio, Independent Radio, Non Liberal Radio, Non Conservative Radio, Third Party Radio, Internet Radio, Internet Radio Station, Health Freedom, old time radio conspiracy, conspiracies, talk show, personality, broadcaster, broadcasting, Jeff on the Radio, talking politics, political talk, night time radio, late night talk show host, Independent Politics, Independent Religion, Bible, King James Bible, King James Bible 1611, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua, Yeshua Messiah, Bible, King James Bible, King James Bible 1611, KJV, Authorized Version, Textus Receptus, Masoretic Text, Old Latin Vulgate, Jesus, fundamental, salvation, eternal security, independent, non denominational, non Baptist, non Pentecostal, non charismatic, non ecumenical, church, lehigh valley, allentown, pennsylvania, united states, rightly, dividing, Rightly-Dividing the Word, dispensational, 2 Timothy 2:15, Pauline, home-style Bible classes, Israel, rapture, millennium, Genesis, Romans, Body of Christ, old Adam, dispensation, gospel, tribulation, grace, Jews, Hebrews, Israelites, Non-denominational Bible study. Rightly dividing the Word, the gospel of grace,salvation, the dispensations, end times prophecy, assurance, Bible chronology, creation science, and evidence by prophesy and types, and shadows, Bible, study, Jesus, Christ, apostle, Paul, Christian, non-denominational, Israel, rapture, prayer, creation, chronology, millennium, pre-tribulation, Body of Christ, resurrection, dispensation, rightly dividing, gospel of grace, prophesy, evangelism Independent Religion, Bible, King James Bible, King James Bible 1611, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua, Yeshua Messiah, Bible, King James Bible, King James Bible 1611, KJV, Authorized Version, Textus Receptus, Masoretic Text, Old Latin Vulgate, Jesus, fundamental, salvation, eternal security, independent, non denominational, non Baptist, non Pentecostal, non charismatic, non ecumenical, church, rightly, dividing, Rightly-Dividing the Word, dispensational, 2 Timothy 2:15, Pauline, home-style Bible classes, Israel, rapture, millennium, Genesis, Romans, Body of Christ, old Adam, dispensation, gospel, tribulation, grace, Jews, Hebrews, Israelites
    0 Comments 0 Shares 557 Views
  • Ex-FBI Undercover Asset Risks All To Prove Jan. 6 Was A ‘Fedsurrection’

    WASHINGTON – For the last three and a half years, the FBI and federal prosecutors, in tandem with federal judges, have refused to disclose information regarding the extent to which the U.S. government deployed undercover informants in the crowd at the “Save America” rally in Washington, D.C. on Jan. 6, 2021.

    Likewise, during the Proud Boys trial, Judge Timothy Kelly held a sealed hearing to avoid disclosing to the public the number of confidential human sources the government had embedded in that group in the weeks and months leading up to the Capitol riot.

    The most notorious suspected government plant of Jan. 6, James Ray Epps, provides a classic example of the special treatment the government would afford to a confidential human source, or CHS. Epps was caught on camera on the streets of D.C. breaking the law – laws imposed or enforced only on Jan. 6, 2021, against demonstrators, for the first time in American history. Nevertheless, he was given only probation, and won’t see a day in a jail or prison.

    Epps appears to be either a very sloppy lawbreaker, or a very sloppy undercover agent with the federal government.
    More >> https://conservativefiringline.com/ex-fbi-undercover-asset-risks-all-to-prove-jan-6-was-a-fedsurrection/
    Ex-FBI Undercover Asset Risks All To Prove Jan. 6 Was A ‘Fedsurrection’ WASHINGTON – For the last three and a half years, the FBI and federal prosecutors, in tandem with federal judges, have refused to disclose information regarding the extent to which the U.S. government deployed undercover informants in the crowd at the “Save America” rally in Washington, D.C. on Jan. 6, 2021. Likewise, during the Proud Boys trial, Judge Timothy Kelly held a sealed hearing to avoid disclosing to the public the number of confidential human sources the government had embedded in that group in the weeks and months leading up to the Capitol riot. The most notorious suspected government plant of Jan. 6, James Ray Epps, provides a classic example of the special treatment the government would afford to a confidential human source, or CHS. Epps was caught on camera on the streets of D.C. breaking the law – laws imposed or enforced only on Jan. 6, 2021, against demonstrators, for the first time in American history. Nevertheless, he was given only probation, and won’t see a day in a jail or prison. Epps appears to be either a very sloppy lawbreaker, or a very sloppy undercover agent with the federal government. More >> https://conservativefiringline.com/ex-fbi-undercover-asset-risks-all-to-prove-jan-6-was-a-fedsurrection/
    Ex-FBI Undercover Asset Risks All To Prove Jan. 6 Was A ‘Fedsurrection’ ⋆ Conservative Firing Line
    a former FBI confidential human source says the FBI ran an operation involving hundreds of undercover informants on Jan. 6 to entrap and incriminate Trump supporters.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 621 Views
  • Kansas AG Pfizer Lawsuit Will Stop CV19 Bioweapon Vax Industry – Karen Kingston

    In a stunning new CV19 vax lawsuit filed this week by Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach, there is new hope to finally bring down the CV19 bioweapon vax industry. AG Kobach filed a lawsuit against Pfizer, the biggest maker of the CV19 so-called “vaccine” with more than 60% of the market globally. Kobach is alleging “unlawful misrepresentation” of the efficacy of the injections and “censoring public discussion” of the disastrous effects of the injections. On top of that, it is reported by Kobach that four other states are going to join the Kansas AG’s lawsuit. This is big, and biotech analyst Karen Kingston, who has warned from the beginning of the murderous and disabling effects of the CV19 injections, explains why, “I am overjoyed to share this. Again, AG Kobach is suing Pfizer for ‘fraud and unconscionable acts.’ Ten counts have been brought against Pfizer, including conspiring with Health and Human Services (HHS), the (legacy) media, social media, other agencies and even the lobbying group ‘Bio.’ Even bigger than that, Kobach announced four other states will be joining this lawsuit and potentially even more. . .”

    Why were other vax makers not sued? Kingston said, “It was because of the contract Pfizer had. They were not under the supervision of the U.S. government and did not participate with the Warp Speed program. Under that program, the U.S. government controlled the products that were being manufactured. . . . What it comes down to is because of the contract that Pfizer signed with the U.S. government, and it looks like Trump had his fingerprints all over it, the art of the deal, Trump broke Pfizer’s liability shield that the contract would be a weapon, so that state prosecutors and Americans could sue Pfizer if they did anything wrong. They tried to defraud us, and they harmed and manipulated us.”

    Just in Kansas alone, Pfizer could be liable for hundreds of millions of dollars in damages for killing and harming people. Kingston goes on to say, “In all of these counts that are being brought by Kansas and the four additional states, the 10th count is the most important because so much for saying the Covid-19 injections are not safe and effective and they do cause harm, disease, disability, infertility, Myocarditis, Pericarditis and death. It is no longer a conspiracy theory. It is a fact with count number 10, it is a civil conspiracy.”

    Many groups are alleged to have conspired to keep information about the dangers of these CV19 injections from the public. Some of the groups are the US government’s Health and Human Services (HHS), Stanford University and ‘BIO’ (Biotechnology Innovation Organization), the world’s largest bio lobbying group. Kingston adds, “BIO was the group that worked behind the scenes to shut down the BIOSECURE Act on behalf of China. . . . Even though these other groups are named as co-conspirators in this lawsuit, they are not going after those co-conspirators. You let Pfizer bring them in and explain what happened.” Kingston adds all co-conspirators can be sued for their role in hiding the truth about the CV19 injections from the public at a later time.

    Kingston also points out, “When the BIOSECURE Act was brought up earlier this year, all the CEOs of Pfizer, GSK, AstraZeneca, they all flew to China and said you’ve got our backs, right? You are going to protect us, right? . . . . I think these Attorneys General are starting to wake up and say, wait a second, this mRNA technology from our U.S. pharma companies was actually used as a weapon against the American people. If they don’t stop it, there will be no future for our country. There will be no posterity. I think they are realizing that, but I also think they want to avoid World War III.”

    In closing, Kingston says the Pfizer data proves, “If you get the injection, you get the (CV19) infection. It is the exact opposite of what we would call a vaccine. On top of that, they (Pfizer) knew about all the disease, disability, infertility and death that it would cause. . . . Their actual labeling is criminal. . . .Forcing the CV19 vaccine was about breaking American values and breaking our belief that individuals have human rights. That’s what it was about. . . . This is also about editing human beings, and not just human beings, but all biological lifeforms. The synthetic bio industry wants to do this to the world, and they want the laws to go away. They think they are the good guys.”
    Kansas AG Pfizer Lawsuit Will Stop CV19 Bioweapon Vax Industry – Karen Kingston https://rumble.com/v52f0dg-kansas-ag-pfizer-lawsuit-will-stop-cv19-bioweapon-vax-industry-karen-kingst.html In a stunning new CV19 vax lawsuit filed this week by Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach, there is new hope to finally bring down the CV19 bioweapon vax industry. AG Kobach filed a lawsuit against Pfizer, the biggest maker of the CV19 so-called “vaccine” with more than 60% of the market globally. Kobach is alleging “unlawful misrepresentation” of the efficacy of the injections and “censoring public discussion” of the disastrous effects of the injections. On top of that, it is reported by Kobach that four other states are going to join the Kansas AG’s lawsuit. This is big, and biotech analyst Karen Kingston, who has warned from the beginning of the murderous and disabling effects of the CV19 injections, explains why, “I am overjoyed to share this. Again, AG Kobach is suing Pfizer for ‘fraud and unconscionable acts.’ Ten counts have been brought against Pfizer, including conspiring with Health and Human Services (HHS), the (legacy) media, social media, other agencies and even the lobbying group ‘Bio.’ Even bigger than that, Kobach announced four other states will be joining this lawsuit and potentially even more. . .” Why were other vax makers not sued? Kingston said, “It was because of the contract Pfizer had. They were not under the supervision of the U.S. government and did not participate with the Warp Speed program. Under that program, the U.S. government controlled the products that were being manufactured. . . . What it comes down to is because of the contract that Pfizer signed with the U.S. government, and it looks like Trump had his fingerprints all over it, the art of the deal, Trump broke Pfizer’s liability shield that the contract would be a weapon, so that state prosecutors and Americans could sue Pfizer if they did anything wrong. They tried to defraud us, and they harmed and manipulated us.” Just in Kansas alone, Pfizer could be liable for hundreds of millions of dollars in damages for killing and harming people. Kingston goes on to say, “In all of these counts that are being brought by Kansas and the four additional states, the 10th count is the most important because so much for saying the Covid-19 injections are not safe and effective and they do cause harm, disease, disability, infertility, Myocarditis, Pericarditis and death. It is no longer a conspiracy theory. It is a fact with count number 10, it is a civil conspiracy.” Many groups are alleged to have conspired to keep information about the dangers of these CV19 injections from the public. Some of the groups are the US government’s Health and Human Services (HHS), Stanford University and ‘BIO’ (Biotechnology Innovation Organization), the world’s largest bio lobbying group. Kingston adds, “BIO was the group that worked behind the scenes to shut down the BIOSECURE Act on behalf of China. . . . Even though these other groups are named as co-conspirators in this lawsuit, they are not going after those co-conspirators. You let Pfizer bring them in and explain what happened.” Kingston adds all co-conspirators can be sued for their role in hiding the truth about the CV19 injections from the public at a later time. Kingston also points out, “When the BIOSECURE Act was brought up earlier this year, all the CEOs of Pfizer, GSK, AstraZeneca, they all flew to China and said you’ve got our backs, right? You are going to protect us, right? . . . . I think these Attorneys General are starting to wake up and say, wait a second, this mRNA technology from our U.S. pharma companies was actually used as a weapon against the American people. If they don’t stop it, there will be no future for our country. There will be no posterity. I think they are realizing that, but I also think they want to avoid World War III.” In closing, Kingston says the Pfizer data proves, “If you get the injection, you get the (CV19) infection. It is the exact opposite of what we would call a vaccine. On top of that, they (Pfizer) knew about all the disease, disability, infertility and death that it would cause. . . . Their actual labeling is criminal. . . .Forcing the CV19 vaccine was about breaking American values and breaking our belief that individuals have human rights. That’s what it was about. . . . This is also about editing human beings, and not just human beings, but all biological lifeforms. The synthetic bio industry wants to do this to the world, and they want the laws to go away. They think they are the good guys.”
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1178 Views
  • Video
    Bryan Denlinger - #sermon #scripture #scriptures #bible #biblestudy #kjv #kingjamesbible #bibleclass #kjv1611 #faith #religion #Christian - 10 Years Of War With #Russia? - #Matthew 24:6 'And ye shall hear of #wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.'
    #America is trying to pick yet another fight, while not being able to afford a new war. This country also has no more industrial base to actually build a giant military that could take on Russia, and the other #BRICS nations. So what is the answer? #God is going to send a "sword" to judge this nation, and a lot of people are going to die as a result. https://youtu.be/LXK-NT0k3Bc?si=xwePwEqHtO3XK1UP
    Video Bryan Denlinger - #sermon #scripture #scriptures #bible #biblestudy #kjv #kingjamesbible #bibleclass #kjv1611 #faith #religion #Christian - 10 Years Of War With #Russia? - #Matthew 24:6 'And ye shall hear of #wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.' #America is trying to pick yet another fight, while not being able to afford a new war. This country also has no more industrial base to actually build a giant military that could take on Russia, and the other #BRICS nations. So what is the answer? #God is going to send a "sword" to judge this nation, and a lot of people are going to die as a result. https://youtu.be/LXK-NT0k3Bc?si=xwePwEqHtO3XK1UP
    0 Comments 0 Shares 473 Views
  • The insane US government has been screwing the citizens beyond anyone's imagination. Unbelievable how we have been financially raped.

    The insane US government has been screwing the citizens beyond anyone's imagination. Unbelievable how we have been financially raped. https://www.hemprefinery.com/henry-fords-first-model-t-was-made-of-hemp-and-built-to-run-on-hemp-gasoline/
    Henry Ford's first Model-T was made of hemp and built to run on hemp gasoline - Hemp Refinery
    Henry Ford’s first Model-T was built to run on hemp gasoline and the CAR ITSELF WAS CONSTRUCTED FROM HEMP! On his large estate, Ford was photographed among his hemp fields....
    0 Comments 0 Shares 382 Views
  • https://townhall.com/columnists/jeff-bradford/2024/06/15/if-we-want-to-end-abortion-we-need-stronger-fathers-n2640237
    0 Comments 0 Shares 143 Views
  • The BIG Lie!!
    “MAGA Republicans’ plan would increase inflation by repealing the Affordable Care Act, side with Big Oil to raise utility bills, let Big Banks rip off Americans, and blow up the debt by slashing taxes for billionaires. My plan puts working families first.” —Joe Biden
    The BIG Lie!! “MAGA Republicans’ plan would increase inflation by repealing the Affordable Care Act, side with Big Oil to raise utility bills, let Big Banks rip off Americans, and blow up the debt by slashing taxes for billionaires. My plan puts working families first.” —Joe Biden
    0 Comments 0 Shares 495 Views

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