• This is what happens when you have dangerously low testosterone levels.

    These emasculated males sicken me. They're repulsive.

    Gender-confused dirtbags like these are being promoted nonstop by corporate media because once you reduce the masses into a population of pussies, they'll never revolt.

    Please do me a favor and check your testosterone levels from time to time. Here are things you should do to avoid becoming a b1tch:

    1. NEVER watch TV programming. Completely unplug the satellite cable from your TV and only use it to stream content.
    2. NEVER watch competitive sports like basketball and American football. These circuses are designed to emasculate the masses because they highlight men who are physically superior to the vast majority of the males' population on the planet.
    3. GO THE GYM every fckin day if you can.
    4. WALK at least 1 hour nonstop every day. Walking burns fat while running just makes you want to eat more junk food.
    5. EAT AT HOME. Restaurant food is just overpriced shit. True health is in locally sourced produce that's cooked at home.

    #EmasculatedMen #EmasculatedMales #EmasculatedMan #EmasculatingMen #EmasculatedMale #Emasculation #Eugenics #GenderConfused #Hollywood #Propaganda #NBA #Basketball #BasketballPlayers #Football #FootballPlayers #FootballPlayer #BasketballPlayer #CompetitiveSports


    This is what happens when you have dangerously low testosterone levels. These emasculated males sicken me. They're repulsive. Gender-confused dirtbags like these are being promoted nonstop by corporate media because once you reduce the masses into a population of pussies, they'll never revolt. Please do me a favor and check your testosterone levels from time to time. Here are things you should do to avoid becoming a b1tch: 1. NEVER watch TV programming. Completely unplug the satellite cable from your TV and only use it to stream content. 2. NEVER watch competitive sports like basketball and American football. These circuses are designed to emasculate the masses because they highlight men who are physically superior to the vast majority of the males' population on the planet. 3. GO THE GYM every fckin day if you can. 4. WALK at least 1 hour nonstop every day. Walking burns fat while running just makes you want to eat more junk food. 5. EAT AT HOME. Restaurant food is just overpriced shit. True health is in locally sourced produce that's cooked at home. #EmasculatedMen #EmasculatedMales #EmasculatedMan #EmasculatingMen #EmasculatedMale #Emasculation #Eugenics #GenderConfused #Hollywood #Propaganda #NBA #Basketball #BasketballPlayers #Football #FootballPlayers #FootballPlayer #BasketballPlayer #CompetitiveSports Sources: https://is.gd/XIVWzN https://is.gd/R8TlUo https://is.gd/iLPbrw https://is.gd/NBoYrx https://is.gd/T83CnM https://is.gd/T1YtVL https://is.gd/vw3hKc https://is.gd/1hqiDD https://is.gd/KdS9EN https://is.gd/1X145I
    1 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 3907 Views
  • Watch this British politician suggest imposing a curfew for men after 6 pm under the guise of keeping women safe, lol!

    This isn't a joke. It's an actual debate that's taking place right now at the British parliament, and they're using the recent murder of a woman as a scapegoat.

    Have you seen any stupider proposal in your life than this one?

    What's next? How about we chop off all mens' balls to prevent rape? That should take care of the problem, right? I mean, if you're an idiot, yeah, sure, it should make perfect sense to you in the few cubic centimeters of brain cells inside your thick head.

    This asinine proposal to impose a curfew on one sex to protect the other sex is part of the same agenda that aims to emasculate men. It's been going on for centuries. Every time you watch a movie, you're being exposed to it. Why do you think Hollywood loves employing steroids-infested freaks like Dwayne Johnson, Dave Bautista, and Chris Hemsworth? And why do you think we have basketball and American football? It's all part of the same agenda to emasculate men.

    Keep bombarding males with images and content that showcases men who are bigger and stronger and taller than the vast majority of the population, and you'll eventually get a population of emasculate males.

    Keep showing females as wise or confident in Hollywood movies while showing males as insecure or stupid, and you'll eventually get a population of emasculate males.

    Keep looting the authority of the family unit so husbands can't discipline their own wives and parents can't discipline their own children, and you'll eventually get a population of emasculate males.

    It's all one agenda because once you reduce the masses into a population of pu$$ies, they'll never revolt.

    #Curfew #CurfewForMen #EmasculatedMen #EmasculatedMan #EmasculatingMen #Emasculation #Eugenics #Hollywood #Propaganda #NBA #Basketball #BasketballPlayers #Football #FootballPlayers #FootballPlayer #BasketballPlayer #CompetitiveSports

    Watch this British politician suggest imposing a curfew for men after 6 pm under the guise of keeping women safe, lol! This isn't a joke. It's an actual debate that's taking place right now at the British parliament, and they're using the recent murder of a woman as a scapegoat. Have you seen any stupider proposal in your life than this one? What's next? How about we chop off all mens' balls to prevent rape? That should take care of the problem, right? I mean, if you're an idiot, yeah, sure, it should make perfect sense to you in the few cubic centimeters of brain cells inside your thick head. This asinine proposal to impose a curfew on one sex to protect the other sex is part of the same agenda that aims to emasculate men. It's been going on for centuries. Every time you watch a movie, you're being exposed to it. Why do you think Hollywood loves employing steroids-infested freaks like Dwayne Johnson, Dave Bautista, and Chris Hemsworth? And why do you think we have basketball and American football? It's all part of the same agenda to emasculate men. Keep bombarding males with images and content that showcases men who are bigger and stronger and taller than the vast majority of the population, and you'll eventually get a population of emasculate males. Keep showing females as wise or confident in Hollywood movies while showing males as insecure or stupid, and you'll eventually get a population of emasculate males. Keep looting the authority of the family unit so husbands can't discipline their own wives and parents can't discipline their own children, and you'll eventually get a population of emasculate males. It's all one agenda because once you reduce the masses into a population of pu$$ies, they'll never revolt. #Curfew #CurfewForMen #EmasculatedMen #EmasculatedMan #EmasculatingMen #Emasculation #Eugenics #Hollywood #Propaganda #NBA #Basketball #BasketballPlayers #Football #FootballPlayers #FootballPlayer #BasketballPlayer #CompetitiveSports Sources: https://is.gd/T83CnM https://is.gd/T1YtVL https://is.gd/1hqiDD https://is.gd/KdS9EN https://is.gd/1X145I
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 3202 Views
  • "Let them furnish the means by which they suffer" is one of the darling creeds of the banking and political class that rules every country on Earth.

    For example, the tax cattle are systematically robbed at gunpoint through income taxes, sales taxes, and property taxes, and the vast share of that money goes to the pockets of the banking and political oppressors.

    The banking class can at any time use their money printing press (aka the central bank) to fund any social program like the military and the police but instead, they force the tax cattle to pick up the bill. Because the money that the tax cattle could've used for the betterment of their lives can now be used to oppress them through the iron fist of the police state. The tax cattle furnish the means by which they suffer.

    And now as we're in the midst of another false flag and a planned crisis like 9/11, the banking/political class is mandating small businesses to shut down and workers to stay at home due to the pandemic that was created by governments and corporations. But instead of using their money printing press to manufacture money out of thin air (like they always do to subside the stock market) to support the tax cattle financially until they're allowed to work, the banking/political class decided to use tax money instead to give them just a few hundred dollars per month that's barely enough to cover food expenses. The banking/political class created the problem, and now they're making the tax cattle pay for it. Because the tax cattle MUST furnish the means by which they suffer.

    Furthermore, the banking/political class is mandating everyone WORLDWIDE to get COVID19 injections before they're allowed to travel or go back to work and school. And who's paying for that vaccine? The tax cattle, of course! The tax cattle ALWAYS furnish the means by which they suffer.

    The tax cattle also pay for their systemic emasculation. Competitive sports like basketball and football are designed to emasculate the audience by having them sheer for tall muscular men who are physically better than them in every way. And who pays for that? The emasculated tax cattle, of course. Many sports stadiums in America are financed by the obedient tax-paying cattle. And to add insult to injury, the emasculated men will have to pay for tickets to enter these mass emasculation stadiums after they're built using tax money.

    The tax cattle furnish the means by which they suffer.

    #IncomeTax #IncomeTaxes #NoIncomeTax #NoIncomeTaxes #ZeroIncomeTax #Rothschilds #Rockefeller #Morgans #WallStreet #MoneyPrintingPress #BankstersParadise #Banksters #StateBank #CentralBank #PoliticsIsFake #DebtIsSlavery #TaxationIsTheft #EndTheFed #EndTheDebt #EndAllDebt #ForgiveUsOurDebts #ModerndaySlavery #TaxCattle #Scam #Sham #NFL #NFLstadium #NFLstadiums #Taxpayer #TaxpayerMoney #Taxes #Tax #IncomeTax #PrivateFunds #PublicDollars #NewStadium #SportScam #SportsStadium #SportsStadiums #SportStadium #SportStadiums #EmasculatedMen #EmasculatedMan #EmasculatingMen #Emasculation #Eugenics #Hollywood #Propaganda #NBA #Basketball #BasketballPlayers #Football #FootballPlayers #FootballPlayer #BasketballPlayer #CompetitiveSports #Fitness #Sports

    "Let them furnish the means by which they suffer" is one of the darling creeds of the banking and political class that rules every country on Earth. For example, the tax cattle are systematically robbed at gunpoint through income taxes, sales taxes, and property taxes, and the vast share of that money goes to the pockets of the banking and political oppressors. The banking class can at any time use their money printing press (aka the central bank) to fund any social program like the military and the police but instead, they force the tax cattle to pick up the bill. Because the money that the tax cattle could've used for the betterment of their lives can now be used to oppress them through the iron fist of the police state. The tax cattle furnish the means by which they suffer. And now as we're in the midst of another false flag and a planned crisis like 9/11, the banking/political class is mandating small businesses to shut down and workers to stay at home due to the pandemic that was created by governments and corporations. But instead of using their money printing press to manufacture money out of thin air (like they always do to subside the stock market) to support the tax cattle financially until they're allowed to work, the banking/political class decided to use tax money instead to give them just a few hundred dollars per month that's barely enough to cover food expenses. The banking/political class created the problem, and now they're making the tax cattle pay for it. Because the tax cattle MUST furnish the means by which they suffer. Furthermore, the banking/political class is mandating everyone WORLDWIDE to get COVID19 injections before they're allowed to travel or go back to work and school. And who's paying for that vaccine? The tax cattle, of course! The tax cattle ALWAYS furnish the means by which they suffer. The tax cattle also pay for their systemic emasculation. Competitive sports like basketball and football are designed to emasculate the audience by having them sheer for tall muscular men who are physically better than them in every way. And who pays for that? The emasculated tax cattle, of course. Many sports stadiums in America are financed by the obedient tax-paying cattle. And to add insult to injury, the emasculated men will have to pay for tickets to enter these mass emasculation stadiums after they're built using tax money. The tax cattle furnish the means by which they suffer. #IncomeTax #IncomeTaxes #NoIncomeTax #NoIncomeTaxes #ZeroIncomeTax #Rothschilds #Rockefeller #Morgans #WallStreet #MoneyPrintingPress #BankstersParadise #Banksters #StateBank #CentralBank #PoliticsIsFake #DebtIsSlavery #TaxationIsTheft #EndTheFed #EndTheDebt #EndAllDebt #ForgiveUsOurDebts #ModerndaySlavery #TaxCattle #Scam #Sham #NFL #NFLstadium #NFLstadiums #Taxpayer #TaxpayerMoney #Taxes #Tax #IncomeTax #PrivateFunds #PublicDollars #NewStadium #SportScam #SportsStadium #SportsStadiums #SportStadium #SportStadiums #EmasculatedMen #EmasculatedMan #EmasculatingMen #Emasculation #Eugenics #Hollywood #Propaganda #NBA #Basketball #BasketballPlayers #Football #FootballPlayers #FootballPlayer #BasketballPlayer #CompetitiveSports #Fitness #Sports Sources: https://is.gd/nxsaop https://is.gd/xHxLnh https://is.gd/F9f2BY https://is.gd/nBnEcq https://is.gd/Uk00qE https://is.gd/gS3ckZ
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 8633 Views
  • We are facing a pandemic of emasculated men. It's not by accident, but by design.

    For decades, the powerful propaganda machinery of the American military-industrial complex has been relentlessly employing its infinite resources into shows and programs designed to emasculate men.

    The vast majority of Hollywood movies ALWAYS portray women as wise and confident on one hand and men as foolish and unconfident on the other. Pay attention to this next time you passively watch a Hollywood movie. It's true 99% of the time.

    Today's emasculated men are haunted by the tall muscular gods they see in the movies and competitive sports. Football players, for example, are worshiped like gods in America. Emasculated men want to be like them. Women fantasize about having sex with them. And kids grow up dreaming about becoming them.

    But basketball and football players belong to a category of being tall and muscular. And this category of men is a rare commodity. The average height of men in America is 5 feet 8 inches. That means half of the men's population in the United States are under 5'8 feet. Just around 14% of men in the United States are 6 feet and above.

    But the average height of basketball players in the NBA is 6 feet 6 inches which represents just a tiny fraction of the population of men in the whole country. This means that the extreme majority of men in America can never hope to play basketball or football professionally but instead end up sitting on a couch eating junk food while cheering for men who are better than them physically in every way. And if that's not emasculating, I don't know what is!

    These emasculated males who cheer for the tall muscular men in movies and competitive sports are truly pathetic. They're not real men. They're not even worthy of sacrificing. They're biological trash.

    #EmasculatedMen #EmasculatedMan #EmasculatingMen #Emasculation #Eugenics #Hollywood #Propaganda #NBA #Basketball #BasketballPlayers #Football #FootballPlayers #FootballPlayer #BasketballPlayer

    We are facing a pandemic of emasculated men. It's not by accident, but by design. For decades, the powerful propaganda machinery of the American military-industrial complex has been relentlessly employing its infinite resources into shows and programs designed to emasculate men. The vast majority of Hollywood movies ALWAYS portray women as wise and confident on one hand and men as foolish and unconfident on the other. Pay attention to this next time you passively watch a Hollywood movie. It's true 99% of the time. Today's emasculated men are haunted by the tall muscular gods they see in the movies and competitive sports. Football players, for example, are worshiped like gods in America. Emasculated men want to be like them. Women fantasize about having sex with them. And kids grow up dreaming about becoming them. But basketball and football players belong to a category of being tall and muscular. And this category of men is a rare commodity. The average height of men in America is 5 feet 8 inches. That means half of the men's population in the United States are under 5'8 feet. Just around 14% of men in the United States are 6 feet and above. But the average height of basketball players in the NBA is 6 feet 6 inches which represents just a tiny fraction of the population of men in the whole country. This means that the extreme majority of men in America can never hope to play basketball or football professionally but instead end up sitting on a couch eating junk food while cheering for men who are better than them physically in every way. And if that's not emasculating, I don't know what is! These emasculated males who cheer for the tall muscular men in movies and competitive sports are truly pathetic. They're not real men. They're not even worthy of sacrificing. They're biological trash. #EmasculatedMen #EmasculatedMan #EmasculatingMen #Emasculation #Eugenics #Hollywood #Propaganda #NBA #Basketball #BasketballPlayers #Football #FootballPlayers #FootballPlayer #BasketballPlayer Sources: https://is.gd/KdS9EN https://is.gd/1X145I
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 2548 Views

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