• As usual, the right is being stampeded by the left, saying that the anti-Trump rhetoric is responsible for the assassination attempts, implying that the left's speech should somehow be criminalized. Of course, any new criminalization of speech will be redirected to us, but we never seem to learn. Stop criminalizing speech. Let them speak.
    Read Bandenburg v Ohio to learn what is actually illegal speech.
    As usual, the right is being stampeded by the left, saying that the anti-Trump rhetoric is responsible for the assassination attempts, implying that the left's speech should somehow be criminalized. Of course, any new criminalization of speech will be redirected to us, but we never seem to learn. Stop criminalizing speech. Let them speak. Read Bandenburg v Ohio to learn what is actually illegal speech.
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 199 Views
  • Ron Durbin Triangle Productions Investigates and Busts Government

    You must comprehend that the illegitimate #Corporation we call "government"
    is actually nothing more than #OrganizedCrime, which charges you
    "protection money" which you must pay.... Or go to a cage!

    These are actually #Criminals who pretend to be the "good guys"
    I don't blame ALL of them.... They've been brainwashed to accept this criminal behavior as "normal" and seem to think this organized robbery is somehow

    You see.... these people criminalize your inalienable human rights....
    And they they then "sell you a permission slip" to exercise your rights again!

    It's just like criminalizing FISHING & HUNTING to feed your family!
    But for around $60 EACH you can buy these inalienable human rights back!

    These people do the same thing with your inalienable human right to TRAVEL unmolested. These criminals threaten you with force, violence, and being locked in a cage, UNLESS you first PAY THEM to recover your inalienable human rights which they have unlawfully criminalized!

    Every last employee of this CORPORATION is guilty of some form of human rights violation against the people! ALL of them belong in prison for their violent, coercive, unlawful threats made against your rights as a human being!

    This is why they are so secretive, and seek to prohibit cameras in the places they are committing these crimes! Americans need to let their balls drop and put an end to this extortion and Roadside #Piracy

    These people are literally PIRATES ,unlawfully operating their
    "Maritime Admiralty Law"courts on the LAND of the United States!

    Admiralty Law is the LAW OF THE SEA!
    These deceivers committed #Fraud and a whole lot of deception, to deceive you into believing their criminal operation is actually "Legal"

    But it's NOT!
    The CONSTITUTION is the "Law of the Land" (As is COMMON LAW)

    The corrupt gang of organized Crime thugs are fraudulently claiming to have a "Contract" with you despite the FACT any contract is NULL & VOID if entered into based on FRAUD!

    Ron Durbin Triangle Productions Investigates and Busts Government You must comprehend that the illegitimate #Corporation we call "government" is actually nothing more than #OrganizedCrime, which charges you "protection money" which you must pay.... Or go to a cage! These are actually #Criminals who pretend to be the "good guys" I don't blame ALL of them.... They've been brainwashed to accept this criminal behavior as "normal" and seem to think this organized robbery is somehow "justified" You see.... these people criminalize your inalienable human rights.... And they they then "sell you a permission slip" to exercise your rights again! It's just like criminalizing FISHING & HUNTING to feed your family! But for around $60 EACH you can buy these inalienable human rights back! These people do the same thing with your inalienable human right to TRAVEL unmolested. These criminals threaten you with force, violence, and being locked in a cage, UNLESS you first PAY THEM to recover your inalienable human rights which they have unlawfully criminalized! Every last employee of this CORPORATION is guilty of some form of human rights violation against the people! ALL of them belong in prison for their violent, coercive, unlawful threats made against your rights as a human being! And THEY KNOW IT! This is why they are so secretive, and seek to prohibit cameras in the places they are committing these crimes! Americans need to let their balls drop and put an end to this extortion and Roadside #Piracy These people are literally PIRATES ,unlawfully operating their "Maritime Admiralty Law"courts on the LAND of the United States! Admiralty Law is the LAW OF THE SEA! These deceivers committed #Fraud and a whole lot of deception, to deceive you into believing their criminal operation is actually "Legal" But it's NOT! The CONSTITUTION is the "Law of the Land" (As is COMMON LAW) The corrupt gang of organized Crime thugs are fraudulently claiming to have a "Contract" with you despite the FACT any contract is NULL & VOID if entered into based on FRAUD! https://youtu.be/FnvHe4sO-dg
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 2615 Views
  • German approve the partial legalization of cannabis in the country
    On February 23rd, 2024, German approve the partial legalization of cannabis in the country. The voting breakdown and the parties involved. If Germany passes in the parliament the cannabis bill, it would join the growing ranks of European countries 407 parliamentarians voted in favor of the legislation put forward by the ruling.

    On February 23rd, 2024, the German Bundestag took a significant step by approving the partial legalization of cannabis in the country. Here’s a breakdown of the voting and the parties involved:

    407 parliamentarians voted in favor of the legislation, which was put forward by the ruling coalition. This coalition comprises the following parties:

    Social Democratic Party (SPD): is a center-left party.

    Free Democratic Party (FDP): A business-focused liberal party.

    Greens: An environmentalist party.

    226 lawmakers rejected the bill, while four MPs abstained from voting.

    The new law aims to facilitate the responsible use of cannabis by allowing limited legal possession and cultivation of the drug, subject to numerous rules and restrictions. However, opinions in Germany remain divided, with approximately 47% of respondents expressing some level of support for the legislation, while 42% are somewhat or completely against it.

    If Germany successfully passes this cannabis bill in parliament, it will join other European countries that have either legalized or decriminalized cannabis usage. For instance:

    The Netherlands is well-known for its cannabis-tolerant approach, with coffee shops allowing possession of up to 5 grams of cannabis (though cultivation, sale, and possession remain illegal).

    Malta has relatively tolerant laws, permitting adults to carry up to 7 grams of cannabis and grow up to four plants at home.

    Luxembourg allows public possession of cannabis and cultivation of up to four plants.

    Portugal treats cannabis consumption and small amounts as an administrative offense.

    Spain permits private consumption of up to 100 grams but prohibits public use.

    Several EU countries allow medical use of marijuana and related products.
    German approve the partial legalization of cannabis in the country On February 23rd, 2024, German approve the partial legalization of cannabis in the country. The voting breakdown and the parties involved. If Germany passes in the parliament the cannabis bill, it would join the growing ranks of European countries 407 parliamentarians voted in favor of the legislation put forward by the ruling. On February 23rd, 2024, the German Bundestag took a significant step by approving the partial legalization of cannabis in the country. Here’s a breakdown of the voting and the parties involved: 407 parliamentarians voted in favor of the legislation, which was put forward by the ruling coalition. This coalition comprises the following parties: Social Democratic Party (SPD): is a center-left party. Free Democratic Party (FDP): A business-focused liberal party. Greens: An environmentalist party. 226 lawmakers rejected the bill, while four MPs abstained from voting. The new law aims to facilitate the responsible use of cannabis by allowing limited legal possession and cultivation of the drug, subject to numerous rules and restrictions. However, opinions in Germany remain divided, with approximately 47% of respondents expressing some level of support for the legislation, while 42% are somewhat or completely against it. If Germany successfully passes this cannabis bill in parliament, it will join other European countries that have either legalized or decriminalized cannabis usage. For instance: The Netherlands is well-known for its cannabis-tolerant approach, with coffee shops allowing possession of up to 5 grams of cannabis (though cultivation, sale, and possession remain illegal). Malta has relatively tolerant laws, permitting adults to carry up to 7 grams of cannabis and grow up to four plants at home. Luxembourg allows public possession of cannabis and cultivation of up to four plants. Portugal treats cannabis consumption and small amounts as an administrative offense. Spain permits private consumption of up to 100 grams but prohibits public use. Several EU countries allow medical use of marijuana and related products.
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 2966 Views
  • "DeCriminalizing" drugs has nothing to do with overdose deaths!
    What does cause overdose deaths is #Fentanyl being put into counterfeit pills, heroin, and all kinds of other stuff!

    Fentanyl is NOT made by "Cartels" it is manufactured by #Governments and #China and Big Pharma!

    It is a drug used in #Hospitals!
    Fentanyl is being poured onto our streets!

    And scumbags are using it for all kinds of stuff!

    WHAT caused this???
    GOVERNMENT threatening doctor's licenses for writing prescription pain killers when half the country was addicted to them!

    And then the dope dealers (Likely FBI or CIA) are counterfeiting those pills using Fentanyl! People and kids take the ills and die!

    Drugs have been "DeCriminalized" in MANY COUNTRIES!
    Those countries ALSO provided those addicted to opiates a FREE DOSE given at a Hospital every day, to prevent them from going into withdrawals....

    In those countries overdose deaths went to near ZERO!
    Drug abuse did not decrease, but it did not increase either!

    This is #Propaganda to get your dumb ass to support the REAL Criminals.... Police!

    "DeCriminalizing" drugs has nothing to do with overdose deaths! What does cause overdose deaths is #Fentanyl being put into counterfeit pills, heroin, and all kinds of other stuff! Fentanyl is NOT made by "Cartels" it is manufactured by #Governments and #China and Big Pharma! It is a drug used in #Hospitals! Fentanyl is being poured onto our streets! And scumbags are using it for all kinds of stuff! WHAT caused this??? GOVERNMENT threatening doctor's licenses for writing prescription pain killers when half the country was addicted to them! And then the dope dealers (Likely FBI or CIA) are counterfeiting those pills using Fentanyl! People and kids take the ills and die! Drugs have been "DeCriminalized" in MANY COUNTRIES! Those countries ALSO provided those addicted to opiates a FREE DOSE given at a Hospital every day, to prevent them from going into withdrawals.... In those countries overdose deaths went to near ZERO! Drug abuse did not decrease, but it did not increase either! This is #Propaganda to get your dumb ass to support the REAL Criminals.... Police! https://www.newsnationnow.com/on-balance-with-leland-vittert/portland-safety-commissioner-asks-residents-not-to-call-911/
    Portland safety commissioner asks residents not to call 911
    “We need to recenter families and entrepreneurs and those who build organizations in our policy discussions,” Gonzalez said.
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 4476 Views
  • Hey, remember the gays and lesbians and transgenders are the ones who kept pushing for special rights for their sexual preferences for all these years, they are also the ones who pushed and shoved the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality from the treatable disorders list under duress in 1973, so the new textbooks now teach that homosexualty is not a deviant disorder, and homosexuality is no longer a sickness of the mind in their view.

    This is what opened the doors to decriminalizing sodomy and other orthosexual deviancies, and this is the lie they are brainwashing the world with.

    They fought like hell to get sodomy decriminalized in Lawrence v. Texas (2003) which overturned Bowers v. Hartwick (1986)

    They fought tooth and nail to get gay marriage legalized under the Windsor (2014) and Obergefell (2015) cases by the .S.C.O.T.U.S..

    They were complaining that our favorite TV shows, movies and even the kid cartoons aren't "gay enough", so they insisted on having more major characters by lesbian or gay or transsexual in the storylines. They can't even leave the freaking kids programming alone, like Arthur (that was taken off the air because of the gay marriage episode) and Disney (same-sex relationship portrayals), World's Strictest Parents (two episodes had same-sex couples straightening out troubled kids and they are parents to boot, as if mom-and-dad couples are not good enough for the kids) and the married straights had to be cheating on each other, or dysfunctional or even abusive, while the gay couples are far superior in taste and dignity and morality (I mean, really, gay Mormon couples?).

    They are fighting and attacking and cursing people out for "misgendering" them because they won't use their "proper pronouns"; "they/them" for nonbinary, "cis," "cissexual" or "cisgender" for straight people who identify by their birth sex and not their feelings, "he/him" for men, she/her" for women, "my baby is not a boy or a girl and he/she/they will tell us when they get older," "no sex assignation on the birth certificate, that's discrimination," "I'm not the mother, I'm the father" says the preggo, "I'm not the father, I'm the mother" says the sperm donor, and "my genitals do not define who I am," There are only two genders, men have penises and women have vaginas. That's it. Period.

    Trans women are not women. Trans men are not men. Only women can get pregnant and give birth, and only men scan inseminate and get erections. Trans women are not mothers and trans fathers are not fathers. Mothers are female and fathers are male. Sorry not sorry. Transsexual women do not get periods and transsexual men do not get erections unless they get a pump implant for coitus.

    Trans women have to keep their neo-vaginas dilated daily with a dildo or the open surgical wound will seal up, but they don't tell you that part.

    Puberty blockers not only are untested and unapproved by the FDA for kids, they stunt a teenager's growth and development, sterilize a girl's or boy's future fertility so they can never have kids, but they don't tell you that part.

    One of the puberty blockers used is Lupron which is given to sex offenders as part of their treatment, but they don't tell you that part.

    Gays and lesbians and transsexuals are 18x more likely to sexually molest a child, but they don't want you to know that.

    And now they are hijacking the words “husbands” and “wives” for themselves in same-sex marriage, and telling the straight man-woman married couples to not use “husband” and “wife” anymore, because the gays and transgenders are the real hubbies and wifeys now.

    Not fair.

    Hey, remember the gays and lesbians and transgenders are the ones who kept pushing for special rights for their sexual preferences for all these years, they are also the ones who pushed and shoved the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality from the treatable disorders list under duress in 1973, so the new textbooks now teach that homosexualty is not a deviant disorder, and homosexuality is no longer a sickness of the mind in their view. This is what opened the doors to decriminalizing sodomy and other orthosexual deviancies, and this is the lie they are brainwashing the world with. They fought like hell to get sodomy decriminalized in Lawrence v. Texas (2003) which overturned Bowers v. Hartwick (1986) They fought tooth and nail to get gay marriage legalized under the Windsor (2014) and Obergefell (2015) cases by the .S.C.O.T.U.S.. They were complaining that our favorite TV shows, movies and even the kid cartoons aren't "gay enough", so they insisted on having more major characters by lesbian or gay or transsexual in the storylines. They can't even leave the freaking kids programming alone, like Arthur (that was taken off the air because of the gay marriage episode) and Disney (same-sex relationship portrayals), World's Strictest Parents (two episodes had same-sex couples straightening out troubled kids and they are parents to boot, as if mom-and-dad couples are not good enough for the kids) and the married straights had to be cheating on each other, or dysfunctional or even abusive, while the gay couples are far superior in taste and dignity and morality (I mean, really, gay Mormon couples?). They are fighting and attacking and cursing people out for "misgendering" them because they won't use their "proper pronouns"; "they/them" for nonbinary, "cis," "cissexual" or "cisgender" for straight people who identify by their birth sex and not their feelings, "he/him" for men, she/her" for women, "my baby is not a boy or a girl and he/she/they will tell us when they get older," "no sex assignation on the birth certificate, that's discrimination," "I'm not the mother, I'm the father" says the preggo, "I'm not the father, I'm the mother" says the sperm donor, and "my genitals do not define who I am," There are only two genders, men have penises and women have vaginas. That's it. Period. Trans women are not women. Trans men are not men. Only women can get pregnant and give birth, and only men scan inseminate and get erections. Trans women are not mothers and trans fathers are not fathers. Mothers are female and fathers are male. Sorry not sorry. Transsexual women do not get periods and transsexual men do not get erections unless they get a pump implant for coitus. Trans women have to keep their neo-vaginas dilated daily with a dildo or the open surgical wound will seal up, but they don't tell you that part. Puberty blockers not only are untested and unapproved by the FDA for kids, they stunt a teenager's growth and development, sterilize a girl's or boy's future fertility so they can never have kids, but they don't tell you that part. One of the puberty blockers used is Lupron which is given to sex offenders as part of their treatment, but they don't tell you that part. Gays and lesbians and transsexuals are 18x more likely to sexually molest a child, but they don't want you to know that. And now they are hijacking the words “husbands” and “wives” for themselves in same-sex marriage, and telling the straight man-woman married couples to not use “husband” and “wife” anymore, because the gays and transgenders are the real hubbies and wifeys now. Not fair. LET'S TAKE CONJUGAL MARRIAGE BACK!! LET'S TAKE CONJUGAL MARRIED FAMILIES BACK!!
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 3037 Views
  • UN report calls for decriminalization of all sexual activity, including between adults and children
    UN report calls for decriminalization of all sexual activity, including between adults and children https://www.liveaction.org/news/un-report-calls-sexual-activity-decriminalized/
    UN report calls for decriminalization of all sexual activity, including between adults and children
    The report calls for sex between adults and minors to be decriminalized, so long as the minors "consent" -- which experts should know minors cannot do.
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 878 Views
  • Police Union Executive Charged with Running Fentanyl Operation out of Office

    #Government imports ALL DRUGS!
    Morons like Matt Walsh and #Trump want the "Death Penalty" for regular Americans caught with drugs....

    Which naturally they got directly from Government!
    It's nothing new folks! Government planes bring the drugs in....

    Then they are distributed (By Government) in large quantities around the country to regular Americans (non government drug dealers) and that way they already KNOW who has the drugs, because they sold them to the people!

    Then the "War on Drugs" begins, the #DEA and #FBI can swoop in and lock people away for decades, confiscate the drugs THEY SOLD THEM, and that way they can sell a portion of those drugs AGAIN and entrap another regular American!

    Have you never watched "Kill the Messenger" where the #CIA was exposed by a reporter for doing this way back in the 1980's???

    They were doing EXACTLY what I described above, like they still do! Now Trump and Matt Walsh say "Hang those guys who got entrapped"

    But for some reason nobody wants to HANG the government scumbellies who trafficked the drugs into the country AS TAXPAYERS PAYED THEM BILLIONS TO "Keep drugs off the streets." Double Dipping for dollars 101 folks!

    See how that works? It's really no different than the FBI staging events like January the 6th, organizing it, planning it, funding it, and carrying it out...

    But THEY don't get charged for orchestrating the entire thing & making it possible, regular Americans do! It's called entrapment folks, and it's what your government does! THE REAL #Criminals within government NEVER go to jail

    ONLY YOU WILL! A very safe and effective criminal enterprise for a CORPORATION like the US Government and all of their subsidiaries!

    And since these same people are heavily invested in the private Prisons across America, they actually get to profit from the incarceration of their victims too!

    Technically "Triple Dipping" I suppose!

    And YOUR COMPLIANCE keeps the wheels turning on their criminal organizations! Your insistence that "Locking up" and / or EXECUTING drug dealers makes it all possible for them!

    It makes the PRICES of drugs skyrocket, maximizing profits, as the SAFETY of those drugs go down because they can be ANYTHING! Further depopulation of our youth is one of their goals after all!

    Whereas if those drugs were LEGAL, you could buy them at Walgreens where at least they'd be USP certified to actually be what you think you are buying!

    And you know... We could use the BILLION OF DOLLARS paid to the DEA and every #Police force across America to turn this into a police state in search of drugs (Which they themselves are supplying) for #Education!

    We could put those BILLIONS of wasted dollars used to oppress you and pay criminals, to actually EDUCATE OUR CHILDREN ABOUT THE DANGERS OF DRUG USE

    Instead, we glorify it in Hollywood, teach kids "There's a pill for everything" and leave them to fend for themselves, as we add a sense of "Taboo" to drug use by criminalizing it, kids THINK they are "Getting away with something" as they destroy their lives! EVERYTHING is better when it's illegal

    And before I hear about how how the whole damn world would collapse if we made drugs legal, I'd like to add a couple of pesky FACTS before I go!

    1) You can ALREADY buy drugs ANYWHERE in America, on ANY street corner! So whoever wants drugs, has ZERO PROBLEM getting drugs!

    2) In countries where drugs were de-criminalized and CONTROLLED like alcohol drug use stayed about the same BUT overdose deaths went to near ZERO!
    Let me repeat that, OVERDOSE DEATHS WENT TO NEAR ZERO!

    3) Instead of TAXPAYERS being fleeced by the drug dealers to supposedly "Fight the Drug War" as they are bringing in the drugs.... TAXPAYERS actually get a windfall from the new TAXABLE MARKET while saving the BILLIONS wasted on Law Enforcement who sells the drugs anyway!

    So instead of PAYING BILLIONS the state COLLECTS BILLIONS which can then be used for EDUCATION of our children about the dangers of drugs!

    People who want to use drugs WILL USE DRUGS! Prohibition has NEVER WORKED for anything except creating organized crime!

    At least then drug users would NOT be dropping dead after getting fentanyl laced drugs, instead they'd be getting EXACTLY what they thought they were getting!

    According to provisional data published by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics, an estimated 105,752 people died of drug overdoses in the 12-month period ending October 2021. Fentanyl and other synthetic opioids accounted for the majority of these deaths, with fentanyl being an incredibly potent opiate that can be lethal even in very small quantities

    That's 289 drug overdoses a DAY folks!
    Versus NEAR ZERO where drugs are de-criminalized!

    Or would you choose to keep funding the criminals as people DIE? HELPING THEM depopulate America!

    Police Union Executive Charged with Running Fentanyl Operation out of Office #Government imports ALL DRUGS! Morons like Matt Walsh and #Trump want the "Death Penalty" for regular Americans caught with drugs.... Which naturally they got directly from Government! It's nothing new folks! Government planes bring the drugs in.... Then they are distributed (By Government) in large quantities around the country to regular Americans (non government drug dealers) and that way they already KNOW who has the drugs, because they sold them to the people! Then the "War on Drugs" begins, the #DEA and #FBI can swoop in and lock people away for decades, confiscate the drugs THEY SOLD THEM, and that way they can sell a portion of those drugs AGAIN and entrap another regular American! Have you never watched "Kill the Messenger" where the #CIA was exposed by a reporter for doing this way back in the 1980's??? They were doing EXACTLY what I described above, like they still do! Now Trump and Matt Walsh say "Hang those guys who got entrapped" But for some reason nobody wants to HANG the government scumbellies who trafficked the drugs into the country AS TAXPAYERS PAYED THEM BILLIONS TO "Keep drugs off the streets." Double Dipping for dollars 101 folks! See how that works? It's really no different than the FBI staging events like January the 6th, organizing it, planning it, funding it, and carrying it out... But THEY don't get charged for orchestrating the entire thing & making it possible, regular Americans do! It's called entrapment folks, and it's what your government does! THE REAL #Criminals within government NEVER go to jail ONLY YOU WILL! A very safe and effective criminal enterprise for a CORPORATION like the US Government and all of their subsidiaries! And since these same people are heavily invested in the private Prisons across America, they actually get to profit from the incarceration of their victims too! Technically "Triple Dipping" I suppose! SUCKERS! And YOUR COMPLIANCE keeps the wheels turning on their criminal organizations! Your insistence that "Locking up" and / or EXECUTING drug dealers makes it all possible for them! It makes the PRICES of drugs skyrocket, maximizing profits, as the SAFETY of those drugs go down because they can be ANYTHING! Further depopulation of our youth is one of their goals after all! Whereas if those drugs were LEGAL, you could buy them at Walgreens where at least they'd be USP certified to actually be what you think you are buying! And you know... We could use the BILLION OF DOLLARS paid to the DEA and every #Police force across America to turn this into a police state in search of drugs (Which they themselves are supplying) for #Education! We could put those BILLIONS of wasted dollars used to oppress you and pay criminals, to actually EDUCATE OUR CHILDREN ABOUT THE DANGERS OF DRUG USE Instead, we glorify it in Hollywood, teach kids "There's a pill for everything" and leave them to fend for themselves, as we add a sense of "Taboo" to drug use by criminalizing it, kids THINK they are "Getting away with something" as they destroy their lives! EVERYTHING is better when it's illegal And before I hear about how how the whole damn world would collapse if we made drugs legal, I'd like to add a couple of pesky FACTS before I go! 1) You can ALREADY buy drugs ANYWHERE in America, on ANY street corner! So whoever wants drugs, has ZERO PROBLEM getting drugs! 2) In countries where drugs were de-criminalized and CONTROLLED like alcohol drug use stayed about the same BUT overdose deaths went to near ZERO! Let me repeat that, OVERDOSE DEATHS WENT TO NEAR ZERO! 3) Instead of TAXPAYERS being fleeced by the drug dealers to supposedly "Fight the Drug War" as they are bringing in the drugs.... TAXPAYERS actually get a windfall from the new TAXABLE MARKET while saving the BILLIONS wasted on Law Enforcement who sells the drugs anyway! So instead of PAYING BILLIONS the state COLLECTS BILLIONS which can then be used for EDUCATION of our children about the dangers of drugs! People who want to use drugs WILL USE DRUGS! Prohibition has NEVER WORKED for anything except creating organized crime! At least then drug users would NOT be dropping dead after getting fentanyl laced drugs, instead they'd be getting EXACTLY what they thought they were getting! According to provisional data published by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics, an estimated 105,752 people died of drug overdoses in the 12-month period ending October 2021. Fentanyl and other synthetic opioids accounted for the majority of these deaths, with fentanyl being an incredibly potent opiate that can be lethal even in very small quantities That's 289 drug overdoses a DAY folks! Versus NEAR ZERO where drugs are de-criminalized! Or would you choose to keep funding the criminals as people DIE? HELPING THEM depopulate America! https://youtu.be/IbJYQQ5ObM0
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 1655 Views
  • This Youtuber's Sad Attempt To Debunk My Argument

    While I sometimes enjoy Matt Walsh, because he points out the obvious that people are apparently too afraid to say.....

    THIS VIDEO got a down vote and I unsubscribed from his channel, I'm just no longer interested in what he has to say!

    He and #Trump both seem to think that "Drug Offenders" should be put to death

    Never mind the FACT that even the most prolific DRUG DEALER never coerced ANYONE TO USE DRUGS!

    Those people CHOSE FOR THEMSELVES TO BUY AND USE DRUGS! It was a consensual transaction.... One party WANTED TO BUY DRUGS.... Which CREATED THE NEED for the other party!

    EVERYONE got exactly what they wanted, nobody was harmed or coerced....
    and f&ck you and Trump Matt Walsh! YOU became dumber than Chelsea Handler TODAY!

    Personally, I don't condone the use of drugs!
    But in countries where drugs were de-criminalized

    As America has HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE per week dying of fentanyl overdoses BECAUSE OF #PROHIBITION!

    If those people (Drug addicts) could go to the local hospital and get their daily "Fix" they'd get the SAME DRUG EVERY DAY..... Not poison laced phony drugs!

    Matt Walsh is the kind of guy who cheered when the US Government poisoned 10,000 people during the days of prohibition, by adding POISON to alcohol containing products! THAT IS CALLED #EVIL D*ckhead!

    You are puShing for the MURDER of people who have harmed NOBODY financially or physically! ANYONE who waS harmed, HARMED THEMSELVES!

    YOU ARE AN IDIOT! And so is ANYONE who agrees with you!

    This Youtuber's Sad Attempt To Debunk My Argument While I sometimes enjoy Matt Walsh, because he points out the obvious that people are apparently too afraid to say..... THIS VIDEO got a down vote and I unsubscribed from his channel, I'm just no longer interested in what he has to say! He and #Trump both seem to think that "Drug Offenders" should be put to death Never mind the FACT that even the most prolific DRUG DEALER never coerced ANYONE TO USE DRUGS! Those people CHOSE FOR THEMSELVES TO BUY AND USE DRUGS! It was a consensual transaction.... One party WANTED TO BUY DRUGS.... Which CREATED THE NEED for the other party! EVERYONE got exactly what they wanted, nobody was harmed or coerced.... and f&ck you and Trump Matt Walsh! YOU became dumber than Chelsea Handler TODAY! Personally, I don't condone the use of drugs! But in countries where drugs were de-criminalized OVERDOSE DEATHS WENT TO NEAR ZERO! As America has HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE per week dying of fentanyl overdoses BECAUSE OF #PROHIBITION! If those people (Drug addicts) could go to the local hospital and get their daily "Fix" they'd get the SAME DRUG EVERY DAY..... Not poison laced phony drugs! Matt Walsh is the kind of guy who cheered when the US Government poisoned 10,000 people during the days of prohibition, by adding POISON to alcohol containing products! THAT IS CALLED #EVIL D*ckhead! You are puShing for the MURDER of people who have harmed NOBODY financially or physically! ANYONE who waS harmed, HARMED THEMSELVES! YOU ARE AN IDIOT! And so is ANYONE who agrees with you! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hv3Ot22Oik&ab_channel=MattWalsh
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 1062 Views

    You CANNOT locate a #Police Officer who actually KNOWS THE #Constitution which he/she is sworn to protect!

    This is truly PATHETIC!
    Americans have been so dumbed down, so under-educated, and so filled with the Indoctrination which implies you have no rights... Instilled in children in Government indoctrination centers financed by the Federal Government, The Rothschilds and Carnegies!

    It is truly PATHETIC to see the state of our government!
    And to be honest, we should have ABOLISHED GOVERNMENT the day they VIOLATED THE CONSTITUTION and sold out America to the Federal Reserve!

    But it's NEVER TOO LATE to right a wrong folks!
    We CAN abolish them now! We simply need to get EVERY AMERICAN onboard!

    Of course.... YEARS AGO the Federal Government #Criminalized attempting to abolish the corrupt government! Imagine that.... A #Corrupt Government which criminalizes ABOLISHING A CORRUPT GOVERNMENT!!!

    YOU'D THINK THIS WASN'T RECORDED IN AMERICA! You CANNOT locate a #Police Officer who actually KNOWS THE #Constitution which he/she is sworn to protect! This is truly PATHETIC! Americans have been so dumbed down, so under-educated, and so filled with the Indoctrination which implies you have no rights... Instilled in children in Government indoctrination centers financed by the Federal Government, The Rothschilds and Carnegies! It is truly PATHETIC to see the state of our government! And to be honest, we should have ABOLISHED GOVERNMENT the day they VIOLATED THE CONSTITUTION and sold out America to the Federal Reserve! But it's NEVER TOO LATE to right a wrong folks! We CAN abolish them now! We simply need to get EVERY AMERICAN onboard! Of course.... YEARS AGO the Federal Government #Criminalized attempting to abolish the corrupt government! Imagine that.... A #Corrupt Government which criminalizes ABOLISHING A CORRUPT GOVERNMENT!!! https://www.bitchute.com/video/_UFYFaEfdGA/
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 407 Views
  • California Decriminalized Jaywalking Because ‘People of Color’ Are Ticketed Most https://uafreport.com/daniel/california-decriminalized-certain-crime-because-people-of-color-are-ticketed-most/
    California Decriminalized Jaywalking Because ‘People of Color’ Are Ticketed Most https://uafreport.com/daniel/california-decriminalized-certain-crime-because-people-of-color-are-ticketed-most/
    California Decriminalized Jaywalking Because ‘People of Color’ Are Ticketed Most
    California has gone and done it again. Good ol' California Governor Gavin Newsom has signed a new bill into law that is just as ridiculous as every other law in the state. Beginning on January 1 of next year, jaywalking will be decriminalized because it is unjust to "people of color&qu ...
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 484 Views

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