Truly pathetic!

    THE CORIOLIS EFFECT IS THE BEST THE GLOBERS HAVE ON OUR FLAT EARTH! Truly pathetic! https://www.bitchute.com/video/aulyY602TPc/
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 167 Ansichten
  • Foucault Pendulum and Coriolis.

    It is AMAZING to me what people call "#Science"

    The very same people who have no argument whatsoever when it comes to actual "observable, repeatable, and testable" ACTUAL SCIENCE will attack you with ad hominem attacks and call YOU the dumb one for pointing out the lack of PROOF for what they believe to be "Science"

    I LOVE science!
    But that is science which is "observable, testable, and repeatable"
    NOT the pseudoscience that #NASA and Rockefeller funded brainwashing centers want us to believe.

    ALL of what they call science is more of a RELIGION!
    You must take it ALL on #Faith, because there is NO PROOF!

    Gravity is still, to this day, an UNPROVEN THEORY
    One that has never been "observable, testable, or repeatable"

    Einstein himself admitted that the "motion of the earth cannot be proven using any optical instrument" (Or any other method)

    Astronomers also ADMIT that the #Geocentric model of Earth predicts the motions of the heavens as well as the reverse engineered #Heliocentric THEORY does!

    Folks, the Earth is Level (with hills and valleys) and immovable.
    Just like the bible tells you it is!

    The stars and wandering stars (what they call planets) are just LIGHTS IN THE SKY which all revolve around #Polaris, which sits in the center.

    The "Georgia Guidestones" were recently blown up because of the Flat-Earth TRUTH coming out! It was erected as a "Satanic 10 Commandments" which pushed for depopulation back in 1980

    If you research the Pagan monument you'll find there was a hole drilled through one of the giant granite monoliths which ALWAYS POINTED TO POLARIS. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you could see Polaris through the tiny hole!

    Folks.... This is IMPOSSIBLE on a ball spinning 1038 mph, travelling 66,600 mph around the sun, as the sun supposedly traverses around the center of the milky way galaxy at
    220 Kilometers PER SECOND!

    ALL of these supposed motions.... at breakneck speeds, and we are supposed to believe that Polaris has not moved even a single degree since 1980???

    Get the f*ck out of here!
    You've been tricked. Lied to... DECEIVED!

    I love you all, and want you to know the #Truth!
    So don't listen to me, research and verify these things for yourself!

    START on page number ONE in your Bible!

    And see if you believe all of this nonsense now that you are an adult with critical thinking skills!

    They told you all of these lies while you were a child who did not ask enough questions OR have the critical thinking skills needed to deal with such a complex subject!

    Here are some guys and gals who can help you locate the TRUTH!
    PLEASE go and find it for yourself! Don't believe me or anyone else!
    Find the truth for YOURSELF!

    Psalms 19:1
    The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.”

    Foucault Pendulum and Coriolis. It is AMAZING to me what people call "#Science" The very same people who have no argument whatsoever when it comes to actual "observable, repeatable, and testable" ACTUAL SCIENCE will attack you with ad hominem attacks and call YOU the dumb one for pointing out the lack of PROOF for what they believe to be "Science" I LOVE science! But that is science which is "observable, testable, and repeatable" NOT the pseudoscience that #NASA and Rockefeller funded brainwashing centers want us to believe. ALL of what they call science is more of a RELIGION! You must take it ALL on #Faith, because there is NO PROOF! Gravity is still, to this day, an UNPROVEN THEORY One that has never been "observable, testable, or repeatable" Einstein himself admitted that the "motion of the earth cannot be proven using any optical instrument" (Or any other method) Astronomers also ADMIT that the #Geocentric model of Earth predicts the motions of the heavens as well as the reverse engineered #Heliocentric THEORY does! Folks, the Earth is Level (with hills and valleys) and immovable. Just like the bible tells you it is! The stars and wandering stars (what they call planets) are just LIGHTS IN THE SKY which all revolve around #Polaris, which sits in the center. The "Georgia Guidestones" were recently blown up because of the Flat-Earth TRUTH coming out! It was erected as a "Satanic 10 Commandments" which pushed for depopulation back in 1980 If you research the Pagan monument you'll find there was a hole drilled through one of the giant granite monoliths which ALWAYS POINTED TO POLARIS. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you could see Polaris through the tiny hole! Folks.... This is IMPOSSIBLE on a ball spinning 1038 mph, travelling 66,600 mph around the sun, as the sun supposedly traverses around the center of the milky way galaxy at 220 Kilometers PER SECOND! ALL of these supposed motions.... at breakneck speeds, and we are supposed to believe that Polaris has not moved even a single degree since 1980??? Get the f*ck out of here! You've been tricked. Lied to... DECEIVED! I love you all, and want you to know the #Truth! So don't listen to me, research and verify these things for yourself! START on page number ONE in your Bible! And see if you believe all of this nonsense now that you are an adult with critical thinking skills! They told you all of these lies while you were a child who did not ask enough questions OR have the critical thinking skills needed to deal with such a complex subject! Here are some guys and gals who can help you locate the TRUTH! PLEASE go and find it for yourself! Don't believe me or anyone else! Find the truth for YOURSELF! Psalms 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.” https://youtu.be/sBeQ_XpXWdw
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 5287 Ansichten
  • To the indoctrinated individuals incapable of independent thought, you have been blinded by bias and there’s no proof for reality that you can see. For those of you who are intellectually honest and willing to question your beliefs I give you these ten points to consider.

    1. The natural physics of a large body of water are to be level and need a container. This alone debunks the lie that the earth is a globe. Engineers and cartographers proved that large bodies of waters do not and can not display convexity on their surfaces with seven experiments with extremely precise measurements in the documentary Convex Earth.

    2. An airplane flies straight and level for thousands of miles at hundreds of miles per hour and never adjusts its nose downward to maintain a certain altitude to account for earths alleged curvature or alleged rotation. Commercial and military pilots have proven the earth is flat and stationary by their real world applications in the documentary Flatten The Curve by Vikka Draziv.

    3. There are literally thousands of examples of seeing things above the horizon at far distances that would be impossible to see if the earth were a sphere with a 3,959 mile radius. The Taboo Conspiracy Channel has dozens of experiments with measurements proving this. The creator of that channel has a juris doctorate and two master degrees. Accusations that flat earthers are stupid is ignorant and arrogant.

    4. There is not one real photo of the entire earth and all images showing the earth as a globe are cgi composites. NASA never went to the moon and there is no space station. The Iss is at best a high altitude aircraft 10-15 miles away. NASA is referred to by some in the CIA as Not A Space Agency. They lie about almost everything.

    5. Satellites don’t exist except on balloons. You think China would need a spy satellite on a balloon if satellites in space existed? If satellites were real we would see them transit between us and the moon almost every night. We never do.

    6. Eclipses run on a 19 year cycle and were predicted accurately thousands of years ago by ancient cultures who knew the earth is flat and stationary. The sun and moon are about the same size and altitude. The earth is far larger than both of them. The earth is not a planet, it is not in space. It is not casting a shadow on the moon. A selenelion eclipse is when both sun and moon can still be seen above the horizon proving it is not earths shadow on the moon.

    7. A civilization before us built amazing structures everywhere across the surface of earth and many of them align perfectly with the sun and moon during the solstices and equinoxes. And they still align perfectly today. These huge structures were built with perfect symmetry, sacred geometry and cymatic patterns by people who knew the earth is flat and stationary. They didn’t believe the earth is flat, they knew it was, as do flat earthers today.

    8. The entire heliocentric hypothesis is based on the unproven theories of dark matter and dark energy. These two unproven theories make up 96% of the model which is why Neil degrasse Tyson says he and mainstream scientists are 96% stupid about the universe. The globe is not a working model it has the 3 body problem which is unsolvable.

    9. The Coriolis force is a farce. It is a lie. If it were true a helicopter could hover for 12 hours and land on the other side of the magic space ball earth. A sniper doesn’t account for earths alleged rotation for a bullet which is in the air for a few seconds and a professional golfer doesn’t account for earths alleged rotation for a golf ball which is in the air for much longer than a bullet. The Foucault pendulum has to be pushed to start and often stops and has to be restarted. If Coriolis were true then all pendulums would move but all across the earth they hang motionless in perfect stillness.

    10. The earth is an enclosed electric topographical stationary plane. All true science confirms it. The globe is a delusion based on assumptions with massive contradictions inconsistencies and impossibilities. All alleged science for the globe is actually pseudoscience which is nothing more than claims without evidence. The earth being flat and stationary is not a claim, it is an observation which has been measured and can be repeated by almost anyone. The globe is a claim without evidence. If the earth is a globe you would be able to prove it with observable measurable repeatable results. It has never been done because it can’t be done. Welcome to flat earth.

    Keith Cameron Smith (I'm reposting and adding Rob Skiba)
    PS For more information, search for these channels directly on YouTube.... nothing but misinformation will come up with generic searches anymore... then you have to click on videos after you’re on their channel to see all they have. YouTube only shows a few on their main page.
    Taboo Conspiracy.
    Flat Earth Sun Moon Zodiac
    Vikka Draziv
    Hibeller Productions.
    Eric Dubay
    Flat Out Truth
    Flat Earth Banjo USA Japan
    Founded Earth Brothers
    Rob Skiba
    He may be gone, but his truth lives on.
    To the indoctrinated individuals incapable of independent thought, you have been blinded by bias and there’s no proof for reality that you can see. For those of you who are intellectually honest and willing to question your beliefs I give you these ten points to consider. 1. The natural physics of a large body of water are to be level and need a container. This alone debunks the lie that the earth is a globe. Engineers and cartographers proved that large bodies of waters do not and can not display convexity on their surfaces with seven experiments with extremely precise measurements in the documentary Convex Earth. 2. An airplane flies straight and level for thousands of miles at hundreds of miles per hour and never adjusts its nose downward to maintain a certain altitude to account for earths alleged curvature or alleged rotation. Commercial and military pilots have proven the earth is flat and stationary by their real world applications in the documentary Flatten The Curve by Vikka Draziv. 3. There are literally thousands of examples of seeing things above the horizon at far distances that would be impossible to see if the earth were a sphere with a 3,959 mile radius. The Taboo Conspiracy Channel has dozens of experiments with measurements proving this. The creator of that channel has a juris doctorate and two master degrees. Accusations that flat earthers are stupid is ignorant and arrogant. 4. There is not one real photo of the entire earth and all images showing the earth as a globe are cgi composites. NASA never went to the moon and there is no space station. The Iss is at best a high altitude aircraft 10-15 miles away. NASA is referred to by some in the CIA as Not A Space Agency. They lie about almost everything. 5. Satellites don’t exist except on balloons. You think China would need a spy satellite on a balloon if satellites in space existed? If satellites were real we would see them transit between us and the moon almost every night. We never do. 6. Eclipses run on a 19 year cycle and were predicted accurately thousands of years ago by ancient cultures who knew the earth is flat and stationary. The sun and moon are about the same size and altitude. The earth is far larger than both of them. The earth is not a planet, it is not in space. It is not casting a shadow on the moon. A selenelion eclipse is when both sun and moon can still be seen above the horizon proving it is not earths shadow on the moon. 7. A civilization before us built amazing structures everywhere across the surface of earth and many of them align perfectly with the sun and moon during the solstices and equinoxes. And they still align perfectly today. These huge structures were built with perfect symmetry, sacred geometry and cymatic patterns by people who knew the earth is flat and stationary. They didn’t believe the earth is flat, they knew it was, as do flat earthers today. 8. The entire heliocentric hypothesis is based on the unproven theories of dark matter and dark energy. These two unproven theories make up 96% of the model which is why Neil degrasse Tyson says he and mainstream scientists are 96% stupid about the universe. The globe is not a working model it has the 3 body problem which is unsolvable. 9. The Coriolis force is a farce. It is a lie. If it were true a helicopter could hover for 12 hours and land on the other side of the magic space ball earth. A sniper doesn’t account for earths alleged rotation for a bullet which is in the air for a few seconds and a professional golfer doesn’t account for earths alleged rotation for a golf ball which is in the air for much longer than a bullet. The Foucault pendulum has to be pushed to start and often stops and has to be restarted. If Coriolis were true then all pendulums would move but all across the earth they hang motionless in perfect stillness. 10. The earth is an enclosed electric topographical stationary plane. All true science confirms it. The globe is a delusion based on assumptions with massive contradictions inconsistencies and impossibilities. All alleged science for the globe is actually pseudoscience which is nothing more than claims without evidence. The earth being flat and stationary is not a claim, it is an observation which has been measured and can be repeated by almost anyone. The globe is a claim without evidence. If the earth is a globe you would be able to prove it with observable measurable repeatable results. It has never been done because it can’t be done. Welcome to flat earth. Sincerely, Keith Cameron Smith (I'm reposting and adding Rob Skiba) PS For more information, search for these channels directly on YouTube.... nothing but misinformation will come up with generic searches anymore... then you have to click on videos after you’re on their channel to see all they have. YouTube only shows a few on their main page. Taboo Conspiracy. Flat Earth Sun Moon Zodiac Vikka Draziv Globebusters ODDtv Hibeller Productions. Eric Dubay Flat Out Truth Flat Earth Banjo USA Japan Founded Earth Brothers DITRH Rob Skiba He may be gone, but his truth lives on.
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 4533 Ansichten
  • To the indoctrinated individuals incapable of independent thought, you have been blinded by bias and there’s no proof for reality that you can see. For those of you who are intellectually honest and willing to question your beliefs I give you these ten points to consider.

    1. The natural physics of a large body of water are to be level and need a container. This alone debunks the lie that the earth is a globe. Engineers and cartographers proved that large bodies of waters do not and can not display convexity on their surfaces with seven experiments with extremely precise measurements in the documentary Convex Earth.

    2. An airplane flies straight and level for thousands of miles at hundreds of miles per hour and never adjusts its nose downward to maintain a certain altitude to account for earths alleged curvature or alleged rotation. Commercial and military pilots have proven the earth is flat and stationary by their real world applications in the documentary Flatten The Curve by Vikka Draziv.

    3. There are literally thousands of examples of seeing things above the horizon at far distances that would be impossible to see if the earth were a sphere with a 3,959 mile radius. The Taboo Conspiracy Channel has dozens of experiments with measurements proving this. The creator of that channel has a juris doctorate and two master degrees. Accusations that flat earthers are stupid is ignorant and arrogant.

    4. There is not one real photo of the entire earth and all images showing the earth as a globe are cgi composites. NASA never went to the moon and there is no space station. The Iss is at best a high altitude aircraft 10-15 miles away. NASA is referred to by some in the CIA as Not A Space Agency. They lie about almost everything.

    5. Satellites don’t exist except on balloons. You think China would need a spy satellite on a balloon if satellites in space existed? If satellites were real we would see them transit between us and the moon almost every night. We never do.

    6. Eclipses run on a 19 year cycle and were predicted accurately thousands of years ago by ancient cultures who knew the earth is flat and stationary. The sun and moon are about the same size and altitude. The earth is far larger than both of them. The earth is not a planet, it is not in space. It is not casting a shadow on the moon. A selenelion eclipse is when both sun and moon can still be seen above the horizon proving it is not earths shadow on the moon.

    7. A civilization before us built amazing structures everywhere across the surface of earth and many of them align perfectly with the sun and moon during the solstices and equinoxes. And they still align perfectly today. These huge structures were built with perfect symmetry, sacred geometry and cymatic patterns by people who knew the earth is flat and stationary. They didn’t believe the earth is flat, they knew it was, as do flat earthers today.

    8. The entire heliocentric hypothesis is based on the unproven theories of dark matter and dark energy. These two unproven theories make up 96% of the model which is why Neil degrasse Tyson says he and mainstream scientists are 96% stupid about the universe. The globe is not a working model it has the 3 body problem which is unsolvable.

    9. The Coriolis force is a farce. It is a lie. If it were true a helicopter could hover for 12 hours and land on the other side of the magic space ball earth. A sniper doesn’t account for earths alleged rotation for a bullet which is in the air for a few seconds and a professional golfer doesn’t account for earths alleged rotation for a golf ball which is in the air for much longer than a bullet. The Foucault pendulum has to be pushed to start and often stops and has to be restarted. If Coriolis were true then all pendulums would move but all across the earth they hang motionless in perfect stillness.

    10. The earth is an enclosed electric topographical stationary plane. All true science confirms it. The globe is a delusion based on assumptions with massive contradictions inconsistencies and impossibilities. All alleged science for the globe is actually pseudoscience which is nothing more than claims without evidence. The earth being flat and stationary is not a claim, it is an observation which has been measured and can be repeated by almost anyone. The globe is a claim without evidence. If the earth is a globe you would be able to prove it with observable measurable repeatable results. It has never been done because it can’t be done. Welcome to flat earth.

    Keith Cameron Smith

    PS For more information, search for these channels directly on YouTube or ODYSEE nothing but misinformation will come up with generic searches anymore... then you have to click on videos after you’re on their channel to see all they have.

    Taboo Conspiracy.
    Flat Earth Sun Moon Zodiac
    Vikka Draziv
    Hibeller Productions.
    Eric Dubay
    Flat Out Truth
    Flat Earth Banjo USA Japan
    Founded Earth Brothers
    To the indoctrinated individuals incapable of independent thought, you have been blinded by bias and there’s no proof for reality that you can see. For those of you who are intellectually honest and willing to question your beliefs I give you these ten points to consider. 1. The natural physics of a large body of water are to be level and need a container. This alone debunks the lie that the earth is a globe. Engineers and cartographers proved that large bodies of waters do not and can not display convexity on their surfaces with seven experiments with extremely precise measurements in the documentary Convex Earth. 2. An airplane flies straight and level for thousands of miles at hundreds of miles per hour and never adjusts its nose downward to maintain a certain altitude to account for earths alleged curvature or alleged rotation. Commercial and military pilots have proven the earth is flat and stationary by their real world applications in the documentary Flatten The Curve by Vikka Draziv. 3. There are literally thousands of examples of seeing things above the horizon at far distances that would be impossible to see if the earth were a sphere with a 3,959 mile radius. The Taboo Conspiracy Channel has dozens of experiments with measurements proving this. The creator of that channel has a juris doctorate and two master degrees. Accusations that flat earthers are stupid is ignorant and arrogant. 4. There is not one real photo of the entire earth and all images showing the earth as a globe are cgi composites. NASA never went to the moon and there is no space station. The Iss is at best a high altitude aircraft 10-15 miles away. NASA is referred to by some in the CIA as Not A Space Agency. They lie about almost everything. 5. Satellites don’t exist except on balloons. You think China would need a spy satellite on a balloon if satellites in space existed? If satellites were real we would see them transit between us and the moon almost every night. We never do. 6. Eclipses run on a 19 year cycle and were predicted accurately thousands of years ago by ancient cultures who knew the earth is flat and stationary. The sun and moon are about the same size and altitude. The earth is far larger than both of them. The earth is not a planet, it is not in space. It is not casting a shadow on the moon. A selenelion eclipse is when both sun and moon can still be seen above the horizon proving it is not earths shadow on the moon. 7. A civilization before us built amazing structures everywhere across the surface of earth and many of them align perfectly with the sun and moon during the solstices and equinoxes. And they still align perfectly today. These huge structures were built with perfect symmetry, sacred geometry and cymatic patterns by people who knew the earth is flat and stationary. They didn’t believe the earth is flat, they knew it was, as do flat earthers today. 8. The entire heliocentric hypothesis is based on the unproven theories of dark matter and dark energy. These two unproven theories make up 96% of the model which is why Neil degrasse Tyson says he and mainstream scientists are 96% stupid about the universe. The globe is not a working model it has the 3 body problem which is unsolvable. 9. The Coriolis force is a farce. It is a lie. If it were true a helicopter could hover for 12 hours and land on the other side of the magic space ball earth. A sniper doesn’t account for earths alleged rotation for a bullet which is in the air for a few seconds and a professional golfer doesn’t account for earths alleged rotation for a golf ball which is in the air for much longer than a bullet. The Foucault pendulum has to be pushed to start and often stops and has to be restarted. If Coriolis were true then all pendulums would move but all across the earth they hang motionless in perfect stillness. 10. The earth is an enclosed electric topographical stationary plane. All true science confirms it. The globe is a delusion based on assumptions with massive contradictions inconsistencies and impossibilities. All alleged science for the globe is actually pseudoscience which is nothing more than claims without evidence. The earth being flat and stationary is not a claim, it is an observation which has been measured and can be repeated by almost anyone. The globe is a claim without evidence. If the earth is a globe you would be able to prove it with observable measurable repeatable results. It has never been done because it can’t be done. Welcome to flat earth. Sincerely, Keith Cameron Smith PS For more information, search for these channels directly on YouTube or ODYSEE nothing but misinformation will come up with generic searches anymore... then you have to click on videos after you’re on their channel to see all they have. Taboo Conspiracy. Flat Earth Sun Moon Zodiac Vikka Draziv Globebusters ODDtv Hibeller Productions. Eric Dubay Flat Out Truth Flat Earth Banjo USA Japan Founded Earth Brothers DITRH
    1 Kommentare 0 Anteile 2376 Ansichten
  • Coriolis equator water trick EXPOSED

    Hucus Pocus, Magicians keep YOUR BRAIN out of focus!

    Coriolis equator water trick EXPOSED Hucus Pocus, Magicians keep YOUR BRAIN out of focus! SUCKERS! https://odysee.com/@Godsflatearth:a/Y2Mate.is---Coriolis-equator-water-trick-EXPOSED-i6I21gadHCU-480p-1657459985411:d
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 474 Ansichten
  • Carolina Avendano - Newly Discovered HFR Waves Promise to Unveil Mysteries of Our Host Star:


    #HighFrequencyRetrograde #HFR #HFRWaves #CoriolisForces #Coriolis #GlobalOscillationNetwork #GONG #HelioseismicMagneticImager #HMI #SolarPhysics #SolarDynamics #Helioseismology #Astronomy
    Carolina Avendano - Newly Discovered HFR Waves Promise to Unveil Mysteries of Our Host Star: https://www.visiontimes.com/2022/08/01/hfr-waves.html #HighFrequencyRetrograde #HFR #HFRWaves #CoriolisForces #Coriolis #GlobalOscillationNetwork #GONG #HelioseismicMagneticImager #HMI #SolarPhysics #SolarDynamics #Helioseismology #Astronomy
    Newly Discovered HFR Waves Promise to Unveil Mysteries of Our Host Star - Vision Times
    Previously-unseen HFR waves manifest as fast-moving swirling patterns on the sun’s surface. Traveling three times faster than other waves detected on the star, they are likely to provide insight into the sun's interior and solar dynamics.
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 2691 Ansichten

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