Carolina Avendano - Newly Discovered HFR Waves Promise to Unveil Mysteries of Our Host Star:

#HighFrequencyRetrograde #HFR #HFRWaves #CoriolisForces #Coriolis #GlobalOscillationNetwork #GONG #HelioseismicMagneticImager #HMI #SolarPhysics #SolarDynamics #Helioseismology #Astronomy
Carolina Avendano - Newly Discovered HFR Waves Promise to Unveil Mysteries of Our Host Star: #HighFrequencyRetrograde #HFR #HFRWaves #CoriolisForces #Coriolis #GlobalOscillationNetwork #GONG #HelioseismicMagneticImager #HMI #SolarPhysics #SolarDynamics #Helioseismology #Astronomy
Newly Discovered HFR Waves Promise to Unveil Mysteries of Our Host Star - Vision Times
Previously-unseen HFR waves manifest as fast-moving swirling patterns on the sun’s surface. Traveling three times faster than other waves detected on the star, they are likely to provide insight into the sun's interior and solar dynamics.
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