• Detailed Analysis: Why Arabs Lose Wars?
    This video based by article is a personal account of U.S. Army Colonel Norvell DeAtkine's experience in dealing with Arab militaries for over 40 years.

    This video provides an in-depth analysis of the performance of Arabic-speaking armies in the modern era, examining their struggles and challenges across various historical conflicts. It begins by exploring how Egyptian regular forces faced difficulties against Yemeni irregulars in the 1960s, a period marked by intense military strategy shifts in the Middle East. Similarly, Syrians managed to assert control in Lebanon during the mid-1970s, but only through the use of overwhelming weaponry and numbers, rather than tactical brilliance.

    One of the most notable examples of ineffectiveness came from the Iraqis during the 1980s when they were pitted against an Iranian military deeply affected by revolutionary turmoil. Despite the disarray in Iran, the Iraqis failed to secure a decisive victory and could not win a three-decade-long war against the Kurds. The Arab military performance on both sides of the 1990 Kuwait war was similarly underwhelming, highlighting the mediocre combat history of the region's forces, especially when compared to the more formidable Allied Forces and Axis Powers of World War II.

    This video seeks to uncover why this unimpressive record persists, delving into a myriad of factors—economic, ideological, and technical—that have historically hampered Arab armies. Yet, perhaps the most critical factor is cultural, encompassing certain societal attributes that inhibit these forces from producing an effective military presence on the battlefield. The insights you will hear are grounded in the personal experiences of Norville B. De Atkin, who spent nearly three decades in the Middle East as a U.S. military attaché and security assistance officer. Through his lens, we gain an understanding of how military tactics are developed and implemented—or, as often is the case, how they fall short—due to deeply ingrained cultural practices.

    It's a well-established truth in military history that an army fights as it is trained. Atkin's firsthand observations of Arab military training reveal much about how these forces approach modern warfare and why they frequently struggle to meet the demands of strategic warfare. Despite nearly 25 years passing since his initial assessments, it appears that little has changed in the effectiveness of these armies, especially when compared to other global forces.

    The video also critiques the problematic nature of incorporating culture into strategic assessments. Historically, this approach has led to wild distortions, as seen with the U.S. Army in the 1930s, which misjudged the Japanese national character, leading to incorrect assumptions about their technological capabilities. Hitler's underestimation of the United States as a "mongrel society" similarly backfired, showing the dangers of relying too heavily on cultural stereotypes in warfare. These examples underscore the risk of making assumptions about military abilities based on cultural attributes, which often leads to overconfidence or, conversely, underestimation of an adversary's capabilities.

    The video also touches on the evolution of military subculture over time, noting how past performances can lead to erroneous conclusions about future conflicts. The dismal French performance in the 1870 Franco-Prussian War misled the German high command into overestimating the French Army's capabilities during World War I. Conversely, Israeli generals underestimated the Egyptian Army in 1973, based on their lackluster performance in the 1967 war. Such examples illustrate how combat history can be a double-edged sword, influencing strategic decisions in both positive and negative ways.

    Furthermore, the video explores how cultural factors—such as the highly centralized command structures in Arab militaries—stifle initiative and flexibility. This rigid hierarchy often leads to a lack of combined arms operations, where cooperation between different military branches, such as naval battles and air warfare, is critical for success.

    In Western forces like the U.S. military, NCOs play a vital role in bridging the gap between officers and enlisted soldiers, fostering a sense of unit cohesion and military innovation. However, in many Arabic-speaking armies, NCOs are either absent or non-functional, leading to a breakdown in discipline and effectiveness, particularly in the stress of combat. This lack of a professional NCO corps further exacerbates the challenges these armies face in executing military tactics and maintaining military history.
    Detailed Analysis: Why Arabs Lose Wars? This video based by article is a personal account of U.S. Army Colonel Norvell DeAtkine's experience in dealing with Arab militaries for over 40 years. This video provides an in-depth analysis of the performance of Arabic-speaking armies in the modern era, examining their struggles and challenges across various historical conflicts. It begins by exploring how Egyptian regular forces faced difficulties against Yemeni irregulars in the 1960s, a period marked by intense military strategy shifts in the Middle East. Similarly, Syrians managed to assert control in Lebanon during the mid-1970s, but only through the use of overwhelming weaponry and numbers, rather than tactical brilliance. One of the most notable examples of ineffectiveness came from the Iraqis during the 1980s when they were pitted against an Iranian military deeply affected by revolutionary turmoil. Despite the disarray in Iran, the Iraqis failed to secure a decisive victory and could not win a three-decade-long war against the Kurds. The Arab military performance on both sides of the 1990 Kuwait war was similarly underwhelming, highlighting the mediocre combat history of the region's forces, especially when compared to the more formidable Allied Forces and Axis Powers of World War II. This video seeks to uncover why this unimpressive record persists, delving into a myriad of factors—economic, ideological, and technical—that have historically hampered Arab armies. Yet, perhaps the most critical factor is cultural, encompassing certain societal attributes that inhibit these forces from producing an effective military presence on the battlefield. The insights you will hear are grounded in the personal experiences of Norville B. De Atkin, who spent nearly three decades in the Middle East as a U.S. military attaché and security assistance officer. Through his lens, we gain an understanding of how military tactics are developed and implemented—or, as often is the case, how they fall short—due to deeply ingrained cultural practices. It's a well-established truth in military history that an army fights as it is trained. Atkin's firsthand observations of Arab military training reveal much about how these forces approach modern warfare and why they frequently struggle to meet the demands of strategic warfare. Despite nearly 25 years passing since his initial assessments, it appears that little has changed in the effectiveness of these armies, especially when compared to other global forces. The video also critiques the problematic nature of incorporating culture into strategic assessments. Historically, this approach has led to wild distortions, as seen with the U.S. Army in the 1930s, which misjudged the Japanese national character, leading to incorrect assumptions about their technological capabilities. Hitler's underestimation of the United States as a "mongrel society" similarly backfired, showing the dangers of relying too heavily on cultural stereotypes in warfare. These examples underscore the risk of making assumptions about military abilities based on cultural attributes, which often leads to overconfidence or, conversely, underestimation of an adversary's capabilities. The video also touches on the evolution of military subculture over time, noting how past performances can lead to erroneous conclusions about future conflicts. The dismal French performance in the 1870 Franco-Prussian War misled the German high command into overestimating the French Army's capabilities during World War I. Conversely, Israeli generals underestimated the Egyptian Army in 1973, based on their lackluster performance in the 1967 war. Such examples illustrate how combat history can be a double-edged sword, influencing strategic decisions in both positive and negative ways. Furthermore, the video explores how cultural factors—such as the highly centralized command structures in Arab militaries—stifle initiative and flexibility. This rigid hierarchy often leads to a lack of combined arms operations, where cooperation between different military branches, such as naval battles and air warfare, is critical for success. In Western forces like the U.S. military, NCOs play a vital role in bridging the gap between officers and enlisted soldiers, fostering a sense of unit cohesion and military innovation. However, in many Arabic-speaking armies, NCOs are either absent or non-functional, leading to a breakdown in discipline and effectiveness, particularly in the stress of combat. This lack of a professional NCO corps further exacerbates the challenges these armies face in executing military tactics and maintaining military history.
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 730 Просмотры
  • They Say They'll Remove Our Guns, Not Just Ban Them. THEY CAN DREAM.

    Tell you what #Government, once "Mass School Shootings" you keep staging surpass the 262,000,000 killed by their own governments, LET US KNOW!

    Until then STFU because you won't be taking any guns here!
    You MAY get some bullets, but NO GUNS!

    You are illegitimate corporate scum, with no LAWFUL authority over anyone!
    The "contracts" you do have over people are INVALID due to #Fraud!

    Let's start with a number: 262 million. That's the number of unarmed people the late Prof. R. J. Rummel estimated governments murdered in mass killings he termed "democide" during the 20th century. "This democide murdered 6 times more people than died in combat in all the foreign and internal wars of the century," he wrote.

    Unsurprisingly, the bloodiest body count was run up by totalitarian regimes, though authoritarians were busy stacking up the corpses, too, if in smaller piles. Democracies were also responsible for unjustifiable deaths, especially in subduing resistance in their colonial possessions (think: Belgian Congo) and in indiscriminate bombing of civilian targets during wars (think: Hiroshima), but to a far lesser degree than Communists, Nazis, and overdecorated generalissimos.

    Rummel's 1997 book, Power Kills, stated his case most strongly, but he nicely summarized the argument on his website:

    It is true that democratic freedom is an engine of national and individual wealth and prosperity. Hardly known, however, is that freedom also saves millions of lives from famine, disease, war, collective violence, and democide (genocide and mass murder). That is, the more freedom, the greater the human security and the less the violence. Conversely, the more power governments have, the more human insecurity and violence. In short: to our realization that power impoverishes we must also add that power kills.

    So, opposing accumulation of power by government—being antigovernment—may be inconvenient for some people's political plans, but it's also, literally, a life-saver. Liberal democracies seem to be the least murderous type of regime, but there's no obvious magic cutoff in terms of authority below which governments stop slaughtering people. So keeping any sort of government on a short leash is just good sense.

    But ending up in a ditch with a few thousand other innocents to keep you company isn't the only way to experience an over-powerful state. Fans of active government want the state to flex its muscles in ways that they think will benefit society, but they ignore that such activism can easily overwhelm the ability to comply.

    They Say They'll Remove Our Guns, Not Just Ban Them. THEY CAN DREAM. Tell you what #Government, once "Mass School Shootings" you keep staging surpass the 262,000,000 killed by their own governments, LET US KNOW! Until then STFU because you won't be taking any guns here! You MAY get some bullets, but NO GUNS! You are illegitimate corporate scum, with no LAWFUL authority over anyone! The "contracts" you do have over people are INVALID due to #Fraud! Let's start with a number: 262 million. That's the number of unarmed people the late Prof. R. J. Rummel estimated governments murdered in mass killings he termed "democide" during the 20th century. "This democide murdered 6 times more people than died in combat in all the foreign and internal wars of the century," he wrote. Unsurprisingly, the bloodiest body count was run up by totalitarian regimes, though authoritarians were busy stacking up the corpses, too, if in smaller piles. Democracies were also responsible for unjustifiable deaths, especially in subduing resistance in their colonial possessions (think: Belgian Congo) and in indiscriminate bombing of civilian targets during wars (think: Hiroshima), but to a far lesser degree than Communists, Nazis, and overdecorated generalissimos. Rummel's 1997 book, Power Kills, stated his case most strongly, but he nicely summarized the argument on his website: It is true that democratic freedom is an engine of national and individual wealth and prosperity. Hardly known, however, is that freedom also saves millions of lives from famine, disease, war, collective violence, and democide (genocide and mass murder). That is, the more freedom, the greater the human security and the less the violence. Conversely, the more power governments have, the more human insecurity and violence. In short: to our realization that power impoverishes we must also add that power kills. So, opposing accumulation of power by government—being antigovernment—may be inconvenient for some people's political plans, but it's also, literally, a life-saver. Liberal democracies seem to be the least murderous type of regime, but there's no obvious magic cutoff in terms of authority below which governments stop slaughtering people. So keeping any sort of government on a short leash is just good sense. But ending up in a ditch with a few thousand other innocents to keep you company isn't the only way to experience an over-powerful state. Fans of active government want the state to flex its muscles in ways that they think will benefit society, but they ignore that such activism can easily overwhelm the ability to comply. https://youtu.be/txPxV-LcZ9s
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 1984 Просмотры
    The Sea of Galilee, Israel’s largest freshwater lake, has supported commercial fishing for over two thousand years. Conversely, the Dead Sea has such a high salt concentration that no fish can live in its waters.

    Why the difference between the two? The Sea of Galilee takes in water from the Jordan River and also flows back into the Jordan. On the other hand, the Dead Sea receives water from the Jordan but has no outlet. It takes, but it doesn’t give back.

    “When you are harvesting your crops and forget to bring in a bundle of grain from your field, don’t go back to get it. Leave it for the foreigners, orphans, and widows. Then the Lord your God will bless you in all you do” (Deuteronomy 24:19).

    God instructed His people to extend His goodness to those lacking basic needs. In other words, they were not only to be “takers” of His blessings but “givers” as well. As God’s people live a generous lifestyle, He promises to bless everything they do, which enables them to give even more.

    Challenge for Today: What has God given you that you can give others?

    Quicklook: Deuteronomy 24:19–22
    GOD'S WORD FOR TODAY DAILY DEVOTIONAL BLESSED FOR GENEROSITY READ DEUTERONOMY 22:1 THROUGH 24:22 The Sea of Galilee, Israel’s largest freshwater lake, has supported commercial fishing for over two thousand years. Conversely, the Dead Sea has such a high salt concentration that no fish can live in its waters. Why the difference between the two? The Sea of Galilee takes in water from the Jordan River and also flows back into the Jordan. On the other hand, the Dead Sea receives water from the Jordan but has no outlet. It takes, but it doesn’t give back. “When you are harvesting your crops and forget to bring in a bundle of grain from your field, don’t go back to get it. Leave it for the foreigners, orphans, and widows. Then the Lord your God will bless you in all you do” (Deuteronomy 24:19). God instructed His people to extend His goodness to those lacking basic needs. In other words, they were not only to be “takers” of His blessings but “givers” as well. As God’s people live a generous lifestyle, He promises to bless everything they do, which enables them to give even more. Challenge for Today: What has God given you that you can give others? Quicklook: Deuteronomy 24:19–22
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 608 Просмотры
  • White People Who Say They Hate White People

    If YOU happen to be a self-hating, brainwashed, PATHETIC #White loser who claims that you "#Hate White People" then YOU ARE TRULY A PATHETIC PUNK!

    I mean hating yourself is as bad as "Loving Yourself too much" which is commonly known as #Satanism! YES, worship of the self IS SATANIC!
    No different than eating babies and drinking their blood, it's SATANIC!

    #Satan ALWAYS tells you these 3 LIES! It started in the garden folks!
    1.) Did Yahuwah REALLY say? Surely you will NOT die.
    2.) You will become as "gods"
    3.) You will live forever

    Anyway, if you are SELF-HATING WHITE #Propagandist of Satan then K*LL YOURSELF if you feel so guilty! But we ALL KNOW that you won't do that!

    Your Satanic "mission" is to get OTHER WHITE PEOPLE to become self-hating Satanic scumbags! And I'm certain that underneath it all YOU are a #Racist POS who truly does HATE BLACK / BROWN PEOPLE!

    Otherwise.... WHAT IS IT that you feel so guilty about?
    I DON'T feel guilty, and I'm WHITE!

    I DON'T feel guilty because I have NEVER owned a #Slave, my Father never owned a Slave, and his Father before him never owned a Slave! So WHY would I feel guilty?

    There were actually FAR MORE WHITE SLAVES THAN THERE WERE BLACK SLAVES in the historical record! But as a self hating white punk you choose to ignore this little FACT don't you? Because TRUTH has nothing whatsoever to do with the BS you are spewing!

    If you are a White person and you feel "Guilty" about slavery or being white..... My question to you is WHY would you feel guilty???

    Do you secretly HATE black and Brown People?
    Have you ever owned a SLAVE? Or do you just secretly want to?

    And if you are black and hate White people then YOU ARE JUST A RACIST!

    ANYONE, no matter their color, who HATES PEOPLE based on their Race alone, then YOU ARE A RACIST!

    And PLEASE STOP blaming all of your personal shortcomings on "White People" and claiming that #Police "target black people" and espousing that PATHETIC "Victim Mentality" that EVERYTHING is someone else's fault!

    The Police are AUTHORITARIAN scumbags who treat EVERYONE, regardless of color badly! They violate EVERYONE'S RIGHTS! They especially target POOR PEOPLE because they cannot afford lawyers! But "Color" has NOTHING to do with it!

    At least ADMIT that you are a Racist POS, and STOP trying to make the claim that because YOU ARE A WHITE RACIST "THEN ALL WHITE PEOPLE MUST BE TOO"

    If you have this aversion to "Whiteness" as so many POC's do..... You guessed it.... YOU ARE A RACIST POS TOO!

    If I got on television claiming that "Blackness" or "Brownness" is bad, and that ALL Black / Brown People are inherently "Bad, Immoral, Hate filled, Racists scum"
    Then you'd jump right up and decry RACIST! (Correctly I might add!)

    Because painting an entire Race of People as "Evil, Immoral, Racists, or whatever" IS THE VERY DEFINITION OF RACISM!

    And to be honest with you, it's kind of PATHETIC!
    If you are so shallow and incompetent in your thinking that you believe this kind of BS then I say that YOU ARE A PATHETIC HUMAN BEING!

    There are scumbags in every color of the rainbow, just as there are good and decent people in all those same colors! I truly feel sorry for people who cannot use their mind enough to realize this obvious FACT!

    You have ZERO discernment, and are clearly NOT capable of rational thought!
    You see a color as an indicator of character, two things with absolutely NOTHING in common! And you are clearly NOT even worth speaking to, because you are too dumb to even converse with!

    And evolution is a fairy tale, just like "Space" is

    I have some advice for you if you think this way....
    It is better to remain SILENT and be thought a fool, than it is to open your mouth and REMOVE ALL DOUBT!

    White People Who Say They Hate White People If YOU happen to be a self-hating, brainwashed, PATHETIC #White loser who claims that you "#Hate White People" then YOU ARE TRULY A PATHETIC PUNK! I mean hating yourself is as bad as "Loving Yourself too much" which is commonly known as #Satanism! YES, worship of the self IS SATANIC! No different than eating babies and drinking their blood, it's SATANIC! #Satan ALWAYS tells you these 3 LIES! It started in the garden folks! 1.) Did Yahuwah REALLY say? Surely you will NOT die. 2.) You will become as "gods" 3.) You will live forever Anyway, if you are SELF-HATING WHITE #Propagandist of Satan then K*LL YOURSELF if you feel so guilty! But we ALL KNOW that you won't do that! Your Satanic "mission" is to get OTHER WHITE PEOPLE to become self-hating Satanic scumbags! And I'm certain that underneath it all YOU are a #Racist POS who truly does HATE BLACK / BROWN PEOPLE! Otherwise.... WHAT IS IT that you feel so guilty about? I DON'T feel guilty, and I'm WHITE! I DON'T feel guilty because I have NEVER owned a #Slave, my Father never owned a Slave, and his Father before him never owned a Slave! So WHY would I feel guilty? There were actually FAR MORE WHITE SLAVES THAN THERE WERE BLACK SLAVES in the historical record! But as a self hating white punk you choose to ignore this little FACT don't you? Because TRUTH has nothing whatsoever to do with the BS you are spewing! If you are a White person and you feel "Guilty" about slavery or being white..... My question to you is WHY would you feel guilty??? Do you secretly HATE black and Brown People? Have you ever owned a SLAVE? Or do you just secretly want to? And if you are black and hate White people then YOU ARE JUST A RACIST! ANYONE, no matter their color, who HATES PEOPLE based on their Race alone, then YOU ARE A RACIST! And PLEASE STOP blaming all of your personal shortcomings on "White People" and claiming that #Police "target black people" and espousing that PATHETIC "Victim Mentality" that EVERYTHING is someone else's fault! The Police are AUTHORITARIAN scumbags who treat EVERYONE, regardless of color badly! They violate EVERYONE'S RIGHTS! They especially target POOR PEOPLE because they cannot afford lawyers! But "Color" has NOTHING to do with it! At least ADMIT that you are a Racist POS, and STOP trying to make the claim that because YOU ARE A WHITE RACIST "THEN ALL WHITE PEOPLE MUST BE TOO" If you have this aversion to "Whiteness" as so many POC's do..... You guessed it.... YOU ARE A RACIST POS TOO! If I got on television claiming that "Blackness" or "Brownness" is bad, and that ALL Black / Brown People are inherently "Bad, Immoral, Hate filled, Racists scum" Then you'd jump right up and decry RACIST! (Correctly I might add!) Because painting an entire Race of People as "Evil, Immoral, Racists, or whatever" IS THE VERY DEFINITION OF RACISM! And to be honest with you, it's kind of PATHETIC! If you are so shallow and incompetent in your thinking that you believe this kind of BS then I say that YOU ARE A PATHETIC HUMAN BEING! There are scumbags in every color of the rainbow, just as there are good and decent people in all those same colors! I truly feel sorry for people who cannot use their mind enough to realize this obvious FACT! You have ZERO discernment, and are clearly NOT capable of rational thought! You see a color as an indicator of character, two things with absolutely NOTHING in common! And you are clearly NOT even worth speaking to, because you are too dumb to even converse with! You are the BEST ARGUMENT FOR EVOLUTION THAT EXIST! And evolution is a fairy tale, just like "Space" is I have some advice for you if you think this way.... It is better to remain SILENT and be thought a fool, than it is to open your mouth and REMOVE ALL DOUBT! https://youtu.be/NKCTuCN86Bs
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 349 Просмотры
  • Anyways, from what I can tell, it seems that the Russians are gaining ground, albeit at a great cost in the Donbass. Conversely, the conservatives in America appear to be in full rout. Expect the Donbass to become Russian by the end of summer and the 2nd Amendment to be well and truly infringed upon by the time that midterms come around in America.
    Anyways, from what I can tell, it seems that the Russians are gaining ground, albeit at a great cost in the Donbass. Conversely, the conservatives in America appear to be in full rout. Expect the Donbass to become Russian by the end of summer and the 2nd Amendment to be well and truly infringed upon by the time that midterms come around in America. https://roloslavskiy.substack.com/p/how-about-that-war-though?s=r
    How About That War, Though?
    So there’s a battle raging for Severodonetsk right now. Hopefully it’s going well. Ever since the offensive in Donbass started, things have slowed down to a slog. The Russians have advanced some 25-50 km along the frontlines of Donbass in total. That’s not really the kind of slam dunk play that gets the fans in the stands to stand up and cheer. As a result, people have moved on to talking about other hot button topics.
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 214 Просмотры
  • started to note yesterday with my 'Macron a hee' statement commentary , that the poor girl's stated and supposed shoes ,THEY are USING were this 9 or 10 yr. old little girl's Mens Size 10 - 12 high top shoes that looked rather pristine to have been on the girl, as the only identifier of who she was (Forensic Scientist would disagree), and anyone familiar with the coarse, porous weave canvas of Converse shoes would know - they would be great for absorbing the blood of their owner who , i think was shot in or near the face twice, absorbing and staining this coarse material well. They'd be very hard to clean with all that carnage blood of the day and would never clean up with bleach etc. to look brand new !
    started to note yesterday with my 'Macron a hee' statement commentary , that the poor girl's stated and supposed shoes ,THEY are USING were this 9 or 10 yr. old little girl's Mens Size 10 - 12 high top shoes that looked rather pristine to have been on the girl, as the only identifier of who she was (Forensic Scientist would disagree), and anyone familiar with the coarse, porous weave canvas of Converse shoes would know - they would be great for absorbing the blood of their owner who , i think was shot in or near the face twice, absorbing and staining this coarse material well. They'd be very hard to clean with all that carnage blood of the day and would never clean up with bleach etc. to look brand new !
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 252 Просмотры
  • Macronahee represents hollywood , that’s why THEY got him to read his script , and very moving Converse plug, from a like-minded and agendaed District of Columbia White House. He claimed he learned the importance of gun safety when young shooting his bb gun. Maybe he needs more of a refresher on the Supreme importance of the 2nd Amendment, in keeping the same arms , as much as possible , as the potential tyranneers in the military and law enforcers hands, too many times also abused by them, now ‘in charge’ ; in both these special status localities And around the Nation. -- Look this asinine crime by a troubled teen , who probably enjoyed all the killing and military combat gaming, too many people between 35 and 8 years of age bury themselves in - for far too MANY hours of indoctrination and UNREALITY each week - which is experienced every week in very near reality input into their SENSES And Minds. This ; Desensitizing them to real Reality ,and UN-empathy/respect for Human and other LIFE mindset created in this "play" is one of the REAL dangerous problems in today’s younger people's lives. These killings were acts from a confused, overlooked, censored, ostricized , by family and Society , young impoverished teen who needed attention and friendship/guidance and who under illusion and wrong thinking developed this mentality , in his “Isolation”, flipped out from his local environment , situations and striations, etc. , got a gun and did something crazy and unthinkable for most people - PERIOD. A rare and illogical occurrence - and to most - act of insanity and crying out without being heard. Until on that day , at that time , he and other people died from his present derangement from Reality – PERIOD - NOT from gun availability , and not from Constitutional Rights OUR Forefathers laid in place wisely and UNINFRINGEABLY in the Constitution;s 2nd Amendment. And also from the mal-training, thinking and excusing of Law Enforcement’s ‘Agendaed’ and ‘personalized’ shunning of their duty and JOB - to Serve and Protect the Public, displayed to often now in these INACTIONS, Instead of brainwash and following false rationalization of illogical but planned dogma/take over strategy which has been PLACED for specific outcomes by PLANNERS and Controllers and unrecognized even by the ones being trained and brainwashed occupied in these protective employments.
    Macronahee represents hollywood , that’s why THEY got him to read his script , and very moving Converse plug, from a like-minded and agendaed District of Columbia White House. He claimed he learned the importance of gun safety when young shooting his bb gun. Maybe he needs more of a refresher on the Supreme importance of the 2nd Amendment, in keeping the same arms , as much as possible , as the potential tyranneers in the military and law enforcers hands, too many times also abused by them, now ‘in charge’ ; in both these special status localities And around the Nation. -- Look this asinine crime by a troubled teen , who probably enjoyed all the killing and military combat gaming, too many people between 35 and 8 years of age bury themselves in - for far too MANY hours of indoctrination and UNREALITY each week - which is experienced every week in very near reality input into their SENSES And Minds. This ; Desensitizing them to real Reality ,and UN-empathy/respect for Human and other LIFE mindset created in this "play" is one of the REAL dangerous problems in today’s younger people's lives. These killings were acts from a confused, overlooked, censored, ostricized , by family and Society , young impoverished teen who needed attention and friendship/guidance and who under illusion and wrong thinking developed this mentality , in his “Isolation”, flipped out from his local environment , situations and striations, etc. , got a gun and did something crazy and unthinkable for most people - PERIOD. A rare and illogical occurrence - and to most - act of insanity and crying out without being heard. Until on that day , at that time , he and other people died from his present derangement from Reality – PERIOD - NOT from gun availability , and not from Constitutional Rights OUR Forefathers laid in place wisely and UNINFRINGEABLY in the Constitution;s 2nd Amendment. And also from the mal-training, thinking and excusing of Law Enforcement’s ‘Agendaed’ and ‘personalized’ shunning of their duty and JOB - to Serve and Protect the Public, displayed to often now in these INACTIONS, Instead of brainwash and following false rationalization of illogical but planned dogma/take over strategy which has been PLACED for specific outcomes by PLANNERS and Controllers and unrecognized even by the ones being trained and brainwashed occupied in these protective employments.
    1 Комментарии 0 Поделились 347 Просмотры

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